Home And Away 25th July 2024 (2/3)
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00:07Blocked my dad that means you stuck with me. You're welcome to stay at my place as long as you need
00:11He's lucky you have his back unlike his father
00:14You're lucky enough to be a parent you owe it to your kid to give it your all listen
00:18I've been thinking about what you were saying about parenting if you're worried about me supporting Perry. No, no, okay, okay?
00:25Hey, yes, yeah, wait Papa Papa. What's up? You okay?
00:32Still think it's a good idea for you to go to an a a meeting
00:35I will go but not a word to anyone she's just a little stressed, and she's gone to have a quick waffle
00:42retail therapy I
00:44Think you know what I know. Why is it such a big deal that Bree and Ruby are back together?
00:47Yes, I knew it. This is true. Yeah
00:51Bree what is going on?
00:52Well, how can I celebrate something that I didn't want to happen you have any second thoughts about us is that what's going on because
00:57I need to know if you're having regrets
01:08Telling me you don't care you catch nothing. I didn't catch nothing just nothing worth keeping
01:14It seems like such a waste of time to me no offense
01:18That's the trouble with kids today. I got no patience. I don't know how to be still
01:24So right stillness I gotta go see Xander actually
01:29Wait just I'm fine. I just need some fresh air sit down for a second come on. You're all right, love
01:35Hi, just a bit embarrassed. That's all happened. I think she fainted we should call an ambulance
01:40No, no, don't do that. Okay. Do you want to walk me through how you're feeling?
01:44I just a wave of nausea and it's really not that big of a deal
01:51You know what I think she's gonna be fine take it from here
01:55You sure I mean you're better to be safe than sorry a hundred percent
02:07I don't know what happened. Have you eaten tonight? Yes
02:12Okay, maybe not enough. Yeah, I'm gonna get you something fine. I don't want to talk about it anymore
02:20Okay, we talk about the fact that you clearly haven't told Tanya yet
02:23I was going to mmm you don't think fainting to get out of it's a little bit dramatic
02:30Are you okay? Yeah, I'm okay
02:33Not that you've been around to notice. Hey Xander's needed me. I'm sorry. I need you to and I hate lying to Tanya
02:40It's driving me crazy. He deserves to know it's a really big thing to tell someone
02:45I mean you do need to find the right time. Yeah, it's more than that
02:49He wants to be a dad so badly and the second that I tell him I'm pregnant with his child
02:54Oh, man, you're gonna feel like you've no choice. What happens if you still need time to decide
03:00Whether you're keeping it, of course, I'm gonna support you. Your secret is safe with me. Thanks
03:07You're really not gonna talk about this. Well, I would just rather talk about what we're gonna do tonight
03:10I'm not making plans till we finish our conversation, but it's finished. I mean, I have nothing more to say. It's not finished
03:16Oh good. You're both here. These are my apology beers
03:19I know you told me to keep a secret and I really did try but Kirby worked it out
03:23I seriously this is not a good time. Actually, it's perfect
03:26Why don't you guys enjoy the beers and I will talk to you later. No, you didn't answer my question. I
03:31Will talk to you later. Hey, we're not done here. Yes, we are
03:36See you there
03:39What was that all about
03:56Hey, you heard from my Harper, yeah, she text me so she's feeling better. Oh, that's good news
04:03She looked a bit green around the gills earlier
04:05Hey mate, hi, mr. Stewart. Hey period
04:09You know, there's a bin out the back if you want to get rid of that stuff. Actually, this is all my stuff
04:15Oh, all right. Um, look I'll tell you later
04:20What's this about
04:22Okay, don't get mad
04:25But I lied to you about going to see my parole officer
04:28Okay, I
04:31Went to see dad
04:33Period you need to stay away from him. Don't worry. That won't be a problem anymore
04:39What does that mean? Okay, I'm fine
04:43But when I told him about you and had kind of moved in he said don't bother coming back
04:49He actually said that yeah, and so I grabbed the rest of my stuff and I bailed
04:54It's still cool to stay with you, yeah, of course
05:03I've set everything for tomorrow. Is there anything else you want me to do?
05:09You okay worrying about Irene, of course, I am she's still not answering her phone and John is obviously covering for her
05:16Yeah, hey
05:18Irene, how are you?
05:20Are you feeling better?
05:22John said she was stressed Oh love since when have you listened to John?
05:26I say you're not upset about the article that's in the paper. Not at all
05:31I behaved very badly during the interview. So I can hardly complain. Can I
05:38So it didn't bother you at all
05:40No, in fact, I feel like I've turned the corner
05:46How about I shot the three of us at dinner tonight, and I'll explain everything
06:07Sorry, I'm late. I know you're good. Yes, just had like a thing with Harper. Uh-oh. Is she all right? She will be
06:16What is this
06:18You've totally outdone yourself. You're so supposed to be resting
06:22I will have you know, I have been medically cleared to go back to my normal routine tomorrow
06:27So it's what's more restful than spending time with my girl
06:32To us
06:38Hey Marie, hello. Hey, I don't mind me. I'll just be in my bedroom
06:43You're good
06:45Not really. No
06:48What happened?
06:49I had a fight with Remy. Oh
06:51It's so hard with exes, isn't it? Well, that's just the thing
06:56We're not exes anymore. We're back together. You guys should know that because everybody else does
07:02Let me get you a wine
07:06Hey, good day
07:08Could I please order three glasses of your house? Why sure thing?
07:13Great. Are you expecting someone else? No, no, just the three of us
07:19One for Leah one for mass and one for moi. Oh
07:24Not Irene. Are you sure what happened to turning the corner? This is it love
07:34Hmm Oh
07:38Come on don't give me those faces. Let's go grab a table
07:54We live together, how did I not know this was going on?
07:56We got pretty good at the sneaky around and it was actually a lot of fun until weirdly it wasn't
08:02Yeah, so, um, when did it stop? No, how did it stop? Why did it stop? That's breathe. I have many questions
08:12Well, it
08:15Started off to Stevie died
08:17Remy was a mess and
08:20Seeing him like that. It just made me want to be near him and
08:25Comfort him. I totally get it. It was like exactly the same as Andrew and I it was
08:32Yeah, we only got back together after the accident
08:37it was like seeing him like that and
08:41That feeling of losing him
08:44Made me feel like I had no choice. I just had to put aside my differences and be there
08:51Anyway you and Remy what is the problem now?
08:55It's a pretty simple question. I just don't understand why she can't answer you're gonna have to ask Brie not me. I
09:03Mean everything was going really well until whatever this is
09:09Yep, if I could have shut down Kirby, I would have and it's not your fault
09:14Had to get out at some point and to be honest this whole sneaking around thing was getting pretty dumb
09:17Why'd you keep going along with this Brie wanted it? And what do you want for her to be happy?
09:27What do you mean by right talk about history repeating itself
09:35At the end of the day as long as I'm in control
09:38Why shouldn't I be able to join in the fun because you have a history with alcohol. Come on, Leah
09:44I'm trying to show you that this is okay
09:49Everyone has been at me to stop beating myself up about what happened with Bronte you included. What's that got to do with it?
09:57When I took a long hard look at myself, I realized I was no stranger to shame
10:03I've been holding on to it
10:06Well, I reckon it's time to stop punishing myself and and get on with things
10:12Staying sober is not a punishment. I've I know that I know that but I am really happy about
10:19All of this and I'd be very appreciative if my friends were supportive of me, too
10:27Well, it sounds like you've given it a lot of thought I mean I have miss thank you
10:37Having said that who's for another round my shout not for me. Thanks suit yourself
11:03Ready to catch it and go
11:08Keep it up
11:10Look go look good. Good work mate getting better, but I don't get a drink. Oh
11:17I'm glad you asked to do this great way to feel back in control after everything with your dad
11:24So, why don't you tell me you're gonna see him
11:26Didn't think you'd let me
11:29Now you're always talking about how people can come back from their mistakes, right?
11:33Sure, but some mistakes are hard to come back than others
11:38Mum would have wanted me to give him a second chance
11:42Big look
11:45Promise you it's only upwards from now on. Okay
11:54I'd have a stretch. I'll be back in a sec. Yep
12:01Hey feeling
12:02Better thanks. Good good. I was worried about you. No, no need. I'm fine. I'm glad. Hey, there's something I need to talk to you about
12:12As of last night, I think I've become Perry's permanent guardian, what do you mean?
12:20So back at work this summer, yep
12:26It's your first shift no excited, huh
12:30Well, do you think that if I came by I could get a cheeky free dinner depends how busy we are
12:39I'm joking. Obviously, I will pay I
12:44Should come see you or you want to see me or you feel like you have to
12:52Morning guys, I
12:55Am off
12:58But hey guys, thank you so much for last night both of you
13:03Anytime and I promise not to make a habit of crashing your date nights
13:07Wish me luck. Good luck
13:13Okay, so what were you saying
13:16Last night you said you had no choice but to be there for me after the accident
13:20Yeah, no choice
13:23So that if my accident didn't happen
13:25You wouldn't be here that's not how I meant it. Well, then please Dana, how did you mean?
13:39I'm sorry about what happened with your dad. It's okay. Is it really?
13:45Last time that happened. I end up sleeping in a park now. I've got a bed and food
13:53Which you smash by the way, you want anything else maybe another drink or is that cool? Of course, what would be?
14:00Same as before I'll get this one. No, no, I insist. No, I'll get it. Are you two a thing?
14:14You can't embarrass me like that just knock it off. I'm sorry. I'm sorry
14:19Can't help what I'm saying, so we're just mates if you say so
14:29That's fireworks by the way, you're a meaner say
14:38You're not actually listening to me
14:40No, I heard you loud and clear last night when you went on and on about how nice it was looking after me
14:45Okay, what is wrong with that if your feelings aren't real?
14:48What are you talking about? They're not real last night. You said that you only wanted to be with me after I got hurt
14:54Were they not your words? Yes
14:57But it's because that is what made me realize what is important
15:00So you were great that if it wasn't for the accident, you wouldn't be here right now
15:05Everything was going really good between us. I just don't understand. Just just answer the question I have
15:11Maybe we're wasting our time
15:14That's actually what you think I don't think we should be together for the wrong reasons, okay Wow
15:21Stay here and have this argument fun
15:27Here we go
15:31Lovely hey, you're right
15:33Why would I know why didn't come home last night? Oh, that's on me. I needed a mate and theater in the short straw, right?
15:41But thank you for the coffees catch around
15:51Morning hey, it's for you. Thanks for meeting with me. Yeah
16:01Listen about last night. Yeah, I could have done without you walking out on me. That is something that we can both agree on
16:09Was up thinking about this all of last night, yeah me too
16:14But I know where I went wrong where you went wrong
16:19This past few weeks. I've found old habits of doing whatever I could to make you happy because I love you so much
16:27But the truth is I want the whole world to know about us
16:31If that's not what you want, then this is done. No, Remy. I
16:35Wanted to stay private because we were working and I was scared to change that and I'm still scared
16:43Right. Where does that leave us?
16:47All I know is that I want a future with you
16:53Good because I want some
17:11My goodness, I didn't know that was back on again. I did right
17:19So what are we gonna do about Irene Oh
17:23darling, I
17:24Know you're worried. I understand but it's really hard to be critical when she seems so happy
17:30She's happier than she's been for such a long time. Let's see how long that lasts
17:35He's saying that I only got back with him because I felt sorry for him, well, that's not true
17:40No, I know but try telling him that
17:44Hey girlies, get your tushies out here immediately
17:57Are we celebrating something no love I just thought it'd be nice to do something different this morning
18:03Now what are you girlies gasp agon about oh just that I fall for the stupidest men
18:09Sounds to me like you need
18:13Mosa yes, I do
18:15I'm okay. Thanks. I'll drink hers
18:18When we moved in you told me this was a dry house. Ah, yes
18:22But that was to make sure there was no riffraff coming in. Oh, so we've passed the test
18:26Yeah, I think you can be trusted now down. Yeah. Cheers to that. Cheers
18:38Now straight up though, you need to lay off that harvest I think
18:42Why does it annoy you so much I mean, it's okay, I'll leave it alone good
18:48Cuz we need to talk about what's next for you. Oh, I was thinking maybe I could join this session. Oh, it's that space
18:54That'd be cool
18:55That's not what I meant. What about school?
18:59What about it, well, you haven't done your HSC, what are your plans I hated school
19:05I'm not going back. Okay, so you're getting a job then. Well
19:10Do we have to figure this out now? Wait, don't you want to make something of yourself?
19:15What's the point?
19:22I just I don't know how Xander could even think that
19:25I mean, it's like the relationship is not exactly perfect before I don't think I'd be going back if it was not for genuine feelings
19:32Well, the heart wants what the heart wants. Hmm, but it's like he's reading into every little thing I say
19:39And I say a lot of things
19:42Right, I'm that the truth and I shouldn't have to be expected to keep track of it all. Mm-hmm
19:49You know what he's his own worst enemy, mm-hm it was bad enough when Bronte was trying to break the two of your part
19:56Now he is doing exactly the same thing. Yes. Yes. That's that's exactly it
20:05Where are you going? I'm gonna go tell Xander that he's being an idiot
20:09Mm-hmm, where are you going? I'm gonna go tell Xander that he's being an idiot
20:54Mangrove River why what's going on?
20:59Dingo gave me a bag to look after. No, I won't be a part of this. Just relax sit tight
21:04I thought it'd be safer with him than in a dumpster somewhere