Home And Away 1st August 2024 (1/3)
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00:13Know what's in and I won't be a part of this so take it
00:22What are you doing here you're standing right next to the guy that we're about to charge with murdering a police officer
00:26So what happens now you're gonna charge me not yet
00:30I saw Irene last time she was drinking and it's ugly. Maybe I'm not the right person to talk to her
00:36I know how much you care about her and I kind of know what she's going to try
00:41I didn't know you were drinking again. Yep. I know my limits and you know what? It's kind of nice to
00:46Have a drink socially with your mates now and then is that a problem? No, no, no just surprise
00:53That's all really because it's as plain as the nose on your face that your wife sent you here to check on me
00:59Yeah, I have this under control. You're the one with the problem
01:09Hey, how was the surf you're looking good out there good, but I had to come in for these
01:18Are you keen on another gig soon last night was fun. Yeah, it was I
01:24Think I know what is it? It's going to be a day and I love Theo, but can he take me in?
01:31It's just he's keen to see the band. That's it
01:33Sure. I just miss it being us to me. Well, she's two of us now
01:40You've got all afternoon to do whatever you want. I could think of a few things
01:46Hey, have you seen Molly
01:48I'm no not anywhere. Yeah. Well, that is just great
01:52I just have to cover his lesson and if he doesn't turn up soon, I'm gonna be running the next one, too
01:59All right, I'll go after Irene's and tell her it was my idea no, I don't think it's gonna make a difference
02:05But what she said before she basically admitted to using alcohol to cope right? Yeah
02:11Sounds that way
02:14Hey back since when since last night mate, where have you been? Oh, I went to a gig last night
02:20So I crashed on Remy's couch. Mm-hmm. I should just go to the diner chicken. Well, I'm gonna come with you
02:25Uh, no, but you stay here. I'm sure you do have a lot to catch up on
02:29Love you. Don't worry. Everything is under control at the garage
02:34Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that
02:43Didn't think you were coming back to work to me
02:46Well, I can't get any peace at home. So where else would I go? Are you sure you're okay?
02:50I can make you a nice cup of tea. Well for Pete's sake Marilyn tea doesn't solve the world's problems
02:59Yeah, yeah, how's jet Lindsay they're terrific and they both send their love I'll tell you all about
03:06Did you miss me hey, yeah, now you go couldn't be better
03:11So did you get to any more meetings?
03:14Now don't get your knickers in a twist. All right, I am fine. So they're working there. Absolutely
03:20Look out go Irene. I'm just here to apologize about Justin. We weren't spying
03:28We were but it's because I'm worried about you. I don't need your judgment
03:33I'm not judging you. I'm your friend. Really you could have fooled me. You know what? I don't need this. I'm gonna salt
03:46Okay, what's going on
03:53It's not like Molly to just disappear I'm getting worried try calling him Thank You captain obvious
04:00Yes, I have tried that there's also not replying to my texts. I'm gonna head home get rid of my board and change
04:06Catch back here. Sure
04:10All right, let me show you a coffee
04:13Not right now. I'm too busy with the shop. Maybe we could grab a drink later
04:18Actually, if you're gonna be out we might use
04:20Finally, bro. Nice for you to show up
04:23Got your messages. Where have you been? I
04:26Had some stuff on Molly your students had no idea where you were
04:30What'd you tell him that you were sick?
04:33Thanks, dude. You couldn't answer one of my ten calls. I was busy. Okay, and I'm here now
04:47Hey, mate, hey
04:49How's the young black gun looking forward to his first day at work tomorrow, I think so
04:53He's he's taking a day to himself before he starts
04:55Well, it looks like those lessons in responsibility are getting through to him
04:59Yeah, well, I made sure he knew the job was a hand up not a handout good idea. I hope it goes
05:03Well, cheers, mate
05:06They pay for lessons with you Molly not me. Yeah, I get it
05:11You're really not gonna tell me where you were
05:13I'm the boss. I don't have to tell you anything. Oh my goodness. I shouldn't have to make excuses
05:18For you, there are bigger things going on than the shop, right?
05:25It's the Riverboys, isn't it?
05:28Are they hassling you again?
05:31Don't you have work to do I suppose you want me to take the next lesson, dude
05:42While I was away I got a call from a customer at the garage about what you
05:48know work you did
05:51And some pretty interesting things to say I've been doing everything, right?
05:57I was just joking. I was joking man. All right, they said you did a great job
06:01Man, I'm good on you. I'm really proud of you for taking care of the business while all the way
06:06You know, you had me there for a second. Yes it
06:10Anything else I missed out on?
06:11No, not really except for the whole Bronte thing. Oh, yeah later filled me and that sounds like it was pretty fun
06:18Any news on Lyric?
06:19No, I've been busy at the garage. Mm-hmm. Everyone's been busy with their own jobs, actually
06:24Really? Yeah, Curbs is working for Marley, Eden's at Salt and Remy is doing session work again. Oh
06:30And he and Bree are back together
06:34That's great. Yeah, it's great. What's wrong with that?
06:37Nothing, I like Bree just it was nice hanging out just me and Remy again, and now they're all couple-y again
06:43Don't worry about it. I'm back now. All right, we'll keep this a chick-free zone. Yeah, even Leah just no
06:50I'll hang on to her for a bit. You wanna go for a drink? Yeah, your shout, sir. Absolutely
06:58Nice. Oh mate you're back. Yeah, I wanted to keep it a bit of a surprise, you know, yeah
07:03John, later. Oh
07:06Did I just get brushed off by John? Looks like it. That's rough. Aha. Theo tells me you and Bree are back together
07:13Good news travels fast. Knew you would eventually
07:16Hundred percent. Yeah, things are good. How'd you manage that? Wouldn't you like to know? Please? Hey
07:21Why don't we get out of here? Yeah
07:23Hey boys
07:44So, this is how the AA meetings are going
07:59I reckon we'll have the place to ourselves tonight. How do you know? Everyone's out
08:04That's what you said last time and then um Theo crashed our date
08:08Yes, I'm sorry, but I'm very sure that he'll be spending time with Justin now that he's back
08:14Yeah, he had a lot to say about our relationship, didn't he? He's happy that we're back together
08:20Yeah, but I mean this is what I was afraid of. Suddenly everybody has an opinion about us
08:26Well, I mean, they're only saying good things
08:29Yeah, but it's still gossip
08:33I'm sure they're not saying much. I mean, we're not that interesting
08:37Yeah, I guess
08:40What do you feel like doing today? Can we go grab a coffee?
08:44You want to grab the coffees?
08:47Okay, yeah
08:49Meet you back at my place. Yep
08:56You slow down so we can talk about this. For God's sake John, it's bad enough having Leah on the back without you badgering me as well
09:02You were feeling really positive about this AA meeting when I left and I come back and you're drinking what?
09:08I'll tell you what happened. All right, I went to that meeting
09:11I've looked around the room and I made a decision obviously the wrong one
09:15I realized I am nothing like those people there
09:19I can trust myself to go into a bar and have a drink like a normal person and look at me
09:25Fit as a mallee ball. Sorry to disappoint. There is nothing to see here
09:30Maybe you could find another meeting shove your mate and set up more important things to do
09:42Hey, I'm gonna see you around this morning you're good I
09:46Did something stupid
09:48How stupid?
09:51Looked in that bag
09:54What was in it just like you predicted
09:58Nothing good
10:00If Irene says she has it under control she could say that all she loves it's not how addiction was
10:06I know that but I think we need to support her and not push her away. How do we support someone who's in complete denial?
10:14What can I get you how to fight wise things let's suppose one of these is for Bri and that's a safe bit
10:21We saw you having a moment the other day. Yeah
10:25Hmm it's safe to say that you two are back together. I
10:30Guess congratulations in order then. Thank you. I'll get your coffee
10:53For God's sake John just hear me out
10:56I've told you I don't need your help and I certainly don't need those flippin meetings when you told me you were gonna go to
11:04I thought you had turned a corner. Can't you see I have done that I have taken charge of my life
11:10I'm in control and I'm loving it. If you'd only told me what was going on. I would have come home
11:16For the umpteenth time. I don't need your help. I am fine Irene
11:22You're an alcoholic
11:23You see this is exactly why I didn't answer your calls because I knew you would have this attitude
11:30You have an addiction no, I don't that this is different can't you see I am NOT
11:37Drinking in secret. I'm not hiding it because I'm ashamed. It's all out in the open
11:42What's that got to do with anything? I am in control
11:46I am perfectly capable of having a social drink with my mates. It is normal
11:52It's not your normal. You've been down this road before
11:56You know what I should have a dinner party tonight
12:00What that way I can show you and everyone else that I am fine to have a little drink with them
12:06Socially now go I've got lots to do come back at 7 o'clock
12:15Well, at least you didn't get arrested, you know, I guess
12:21Hi, I
12:24Just called Eden to see if she wanted to hang out tonight, so she told me about what happened before
12:34Look I know you two had something going on that I didn't really understand. It's over now. I
12:40Hope that means everything can get back to normal here
12:46And thanks for covering for me today, oh, yeah, no worries
12:59Okay, I'm an idiot
13:04Never should have called Dean. I shouldn't have been in that fight
13:08Doesn't matter now
13:09It's question for murder. Hey, it's in the past
13:12Those guys are going away for good. Okay
13:15It's time to move on. Yeah
13:21Don't even recognize myself anymore
13:34Maybe I can make us a fee. What's the game?
13:38Might give it a miss
13:41Hey Marley
13:43Everybody makes mistakes. Hey
13:45Some worse than others or beating yourself up so I'm gonna help
13:51Seriously man
13:53When my marriage broke down I
13:56Felt like a failure. I
13:58Don't know what to do
14:00If it wasn't for my father back home. I I want to go through it
14:06So, what'd you reckon I should head back to Manor a point
14:10Might be time for a visit
14:13Yeah, maybe getting my feet back on country will help sounds like a plan
14:25Did you both get Irene's invite yeah, what's that about? Hey, hey I go on to I
14:31Think it's nice. You know, it's gonna go home and get ready
14:35Hang on our alcoholic friend is throwing a dinner party to prove. She's not an alcoholic and everyone is fine in there
14:41No, not fine. Okay, at least she's not angry with his email, but that still doesn't explain why we're turning up at her place tonight
14:48Never gonna know unless we go
15:08Perfect timing. Thank you
15:13These for you I told you not to bring anything. I'll never arrive empty-handed
15:18Thank you for having us, thank you so much sweet
15:23It's been a while since we got together like this, yeah, it has maybe we need to start a tradition
15:31Well, that would be fun. No, let's just get through this one first
15:36Irene no, I'm sorry. If you felt like I was checking up on you before my I didn't want to step on your toes
15:42Honestly love water under the bridge. Hey, thanks
15:46Right, I think it's time we started having some fun don't you thank you
15:54Cheers cheers why drink alone when you've got friends I
16:09Now do you believe me yes, everybody does seem to be doing this
16:15So, uh, is this the part where I get to say I told you so don't push it in. I
16:23Have a confession
16:25What is it?
16:28You may have also been right
16:31Can I get that in writing? No, oh
16:34But seriously, it is nice that everybody's happy for us. Yeah, it is
16:39You know, what else is nice?
16:45I'm ordering pizza. Do you guys want in?
16:48Actually, we thought we'd be alone tonight
16:51Sorry, it's okay. I'm just gonna have something to eat and crash super early
16:57Who's hungry I got pizza Liam Justin went out so I thought we could all hang
17:03I did right there, but I will be having a few of that
17:07Do you want to get out my place isn't exactly where it's you man boy
17:17Well Ruth having a lovely time on the cruise, I'm sure riders enjoying having her on board
17:23Yes, he is and she's getting the VIP trip
17:28As well as a tan
17:29John you you haven't touched your drink. No, I'm good. Thanks
17:34Well, how about I get you something a lemonade or a ginger beer no, no, you've done enough already I'll get it
18:04I can see Bree's point of view
18:09To find what you're looking for. Oh, yeah, I was um, John I
18:14Know exactly what you're looking for
18:18So, how about you go and sit down dinner won't be long
18:33There's an old man
18:37And I carry the
18:42Reckon that's everything
18:44You off?
18:45Yeah, hey, and um, can you let me Kenzie know that I'll be back soon?
18:50How long ago for?
18:52Not sure depends how long I can handle mom and a lander yelling at me
18:57And so your family what happened?
19:00Reckon I should
19:01And I had started they know about the fight
19:04But there's a whole lot that they don't know about and I reckon it's about time. I own up to it all
19:10Brave man
19:13Yeah, okay
19:15Thank you. I'm superior. He's 17. He's probably out enjoying himself. Yeah, that's what I'm worried about
19:22Allison you should go
19:24all right, well, I'll see you soon and
19:29Good luck
19:39Yo Perry, it's me again, just let me know you're okay. Yeah
19:50Here we go
19:53Well for God's sake John, let me get you a fresh glass. No, I'm good. I'm good. Thanks
19:59Well, I thought we were here to have some fun. Yeah, we're gonna have fun without drinking me too. Well, I am having a top-up
20:10While I'm at it, I would like to say a few words I
20:17Just want to let you know that it means a lot to me to have my dearest friends
20:22Supporting my choices. I know it's a bit hard to get your head around it
20:27But please know that I am very grateful and with that in mind, I would like to propose a toast
20:35to honesty and live in your truth
20:39To honesty
20:41To honesty
20:43To honesty. No, I'm out. I can't be a part of this
20:47Part of what but you want to talk about honesty what part of any of this is honest?
20:52You're lying to everybody and yourself and I can't in all good conscience be an enabler
21:11Came good
21:12Thank you. So you excited for your first big day of work? Yeah, I just thought I'd grab a beer first
21:19You are underage. I was underage. It's his first day on the job. Why are you serving him drinks? Today's his birthday
21:27Happy birthday, mate. Feel free to try it on see outfits. Maybe later. Okay. Yeah
21:36Not quite what I was expecting