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00:30無盡跌跌碰碰故事寫著 無盡代價
00:40了倦嘆朝著留歸家 一生未來仍是眼望
00:50愛在抱緊我 緣分沒談還解
01:11承受挫敗嘗盡玩快 還是要回家
02:10No one would have thought that my mother was such an evil woman.
02:19But if she were a real mother, would you accept her?
02:27I don't know the answer myself.
02:29The next day
02:38Hey, what's going on over there? Let's take a look!
02:41What's going on? Let's take a look!
02:43Hurry up!
02:47Oh my god! What's going on?
02:50I don't know!
02:51What's going on?
02:52Let's take a look!
02:54As you can see, this ghost was found in France.
02:58It turns out that these nobles are selling dog meat.
03:01It's not true!
03:02That's right! That's why we've been in trouble lately.
03:05It must be the nobles' fault.
03:07That's right!
03:08Don't say that!
03:09That's right!
03:10Don't say that!
03:11Shut up!
03:12Old nobleman, this time I've found out your bad side.
03:16Lu Thanh De, you just want to achieve your goal.
03:19But because of this, I have to come to the palace to punish you.
03:22This time, the evidence is clear.
03:24It makes the people angry.
03:26Even if it's a false accusation, they won't believe it.
03:29That's right!
03:30That's right!
03:31Everyone has seen it.
03:32That's right!
03:33These nobles are not my subordinates.
03:36Lu Thanh De, I don't care what game you play.
03:40No matter what, I won't leave France.
03:43Everyone, listen to me.
03:45Now we have the evidence to keep our family peaceful.
03:49What do you think we should do?
03:51Burn it!
03:52Burn it!
03:53Burn it!
03:54Not only that.
03:55I think this old nobleman is a monster.
03:57We have to use fresh dog's blood to get rid of him.
04:00That's right!
04:01Burn it!
04:02Burn it!
04:03Burn it!
04:04Do it!
04:06You shouldn't treat the nobles like that.
04:09Oh my god, it's you again.
04:11You must have been wronged.
04:13Hit him harder!
04:15Hit him harder!
04:16Don't hit him!
04:17Don't hit him!
04:18Don't hit him!
04:19Don't hit him!
04:20Lu Thanh De, do you love me?
04:22Phuoc Linh is your son.
04:24Don't hit him!
04:26Oh my god, if he's my son,
04:28then Lai Phan To is my grandson.
04:30Quang Anh Bo Tat is my grandson.
04:32Hit him!
04:33Hit him harder!
04:35He's my son.
04:36Don't hit him!
04:37Don't hit him!
04:38Don't hit him!
04:39Don't hit him!
04:40Don't hit him!
04:41Stop it!
04:42Stop it!
04:44You've used dog's blood to burn the statue.
04:47I don't think this group of lovers will be able to hold on.
04:52Old man, have you thought carefully?
04:55Do you still dare to fight against Lu Thanh De?
04:57Alright, I'll give you three more days to think.
05:00If you still don't cooperate,
05:02next time I won't burn the statue, but you.
05:05And you, do you admit that you are my son?
05:08I will definitely get rid of you.
05:10Let's go!
05:11Let's go!
05:12Let's go!
05:17Let's go!
05:32You're so ungrateful.
05:34You can't even protect your mother's coffin.
05:37Lu Thanh De, I won't forgive you.
05:43Thuy Thuy, don't be mad.
05:45I've had enough.
05:46I have to kill her to avenge my mother.
05:48Thuy Thuy, don't be like this.
05:50She's your mother.
05:51You should be on her side.
05:52No, I don't want to kill her.
05:54Killing someone is the worst crime.
05:56I don't care.
05:57Killing her is the worst crime.
05:59Thuy Thuy, don't be like this.
06:00Don't stop me.
06:02Don't stop me.
06:06I didn't mean to.
06:08It's okay.
06:10Promise me.
06:11Don't go.
06:16Don't go.
06:41I know you're hurt.
06:43But you've been kneeling here all day.
06:45Go home first.
06:49It's cold here.
06:51You'll get sick.
06:53Your mother will be heartbroken if she finds out.
06:56She won't rest in peace even if she dies.
06:59If she finds out,
07:01she'll blame me.
07:03Don't think like that.
07:04It's not your fault.
07:06I know.
07:08She won't rest in peace
07:10even if she dies.
07:12I want to avenge my mother.
07:28Lu Gia,
07:29I was lucky to have you two help me last time.
07:32If it weren't for the King, I wouldn't dare to report to the King.
07:34That's right, Lu Gia.
07:35Here, here, here.
07:36Please have a drink.
07:39Your method is so great.
07:42Although I'm the King,
07:44I admire you so much.
07:47Here, here, here.
07:48You're the King.
07:49Please have a drink.
07:53Lu Gia, you're so good at talking.
07:55You talk so well.
07:56I can't compare to you.
07:58With Lu Gia,
08:00who wouldn't want to see you?
08:02Of course, of course.
08:03Why do I have to ask Lu Gia to cover for me?
08:05You have to ask Lu Gia to cover for you.
08:06Come on, Lu Gia.
08:07Please have a drink.
08:13What are you doing out there?
08:17Who told you to be so noisy?
08:24What are you doing?
08:27I know your mother died in a cruel way.
08:29This is the evidence for my mother.
08:32I hope this can reduce your mother's hatred
08:36and can atone for my mother.
08:38Is it worth it?
08:40Stand up first.
08:42I've made up my mind.
08:44I will kneel in front of a part of the court
08:46outside the city
08:47and pray for her soul to rest in peace.
08:51So you're trying to atone for your mother.
08:53You're such a coward.
08:54It's rare to see such a coward.
08:57Who would want to do such a thing?
09:00Your mother's crime
09:01must be punished.
09:03Even if you kneel and hit her,
09:05she won't know.
09:06She won't be moved.
09:07I don't want her to be moved.
09:09I'm just doing my job.
09:11Let me fulfill this wish.
09:21So you're trying to atone for your mother.
09:23That's right.
09:25I wonder who your mother is
09:26to have such a filial son.
09:30If he's a man,
09:32I think he wants to be loved by everyone.
09:35Stop talking nonsense.
09:36You're talking about his mother.
09:39Filial son?
09:40I have a gift for you.
09:44You're such a bad person.
09:45You're such a bad person.
09:47You're just like your father.
09:49Don't be so dramatic.
09:51Even your mother can accept that.
09:53You're such a bad person.
09:55I'm still here.
09:56Thuy Thuy.
10:06Master Luu?
10:07That's right, Master Luu.
10:09That girl in purple.
10:11Do you know her?
10:12Her name is Thuy Thuy.
10:14What's the matter, Lua?
10:18She's just like my late wife.
10:22Master Luu.
10:23I've been wanting to marry a wife for years.
10:27I wonder if you...
10:28Stop it, Lua.
10:30I've just got the throne.
10:31I'm sure I'll get what I want.
10:34I'm not a beggar.
10:36That's good.
10:40Thuy Thuy
10:50You're suffering for her,
10:53if she were still human.
10:55She would be miserable.
10:57But she's not human.
11:00I didn't get anything back from what she did.
11:04I just want her to be human again,
11:07I'm not suffering anymore.
11:10This is just your self-righteousness.
11:12You can't even pay back 10 times of what she did.
11:15No matter what, she's still my biological mother.
11:17She gave birth to me 10 months ago.
11:20I'm her child.
11:21I have to do my part to take care of her.
11:26It's not wrong.
11:27I have to go see her.
11:31Useless! Useless!
11:34I'm so angry!
11:37I don't know what to say.
11:40You have to take care of your health.
11:42Don't be so angry.
11:43If she doesn't know, she can teach you.
11:45It's okay.
11:48How many people do you want to harm?
11:51You again?
11:54She admitted that she's your biological daughter.
11:56Now she's here.
11:58She admitted that she's your biological mother.
12:01Don't waste your effort.
12:03Even if she's my father,
12:04I don't respect her.
12:06Did you hear that?
12:08I'm not going home.
12:09I know you don't believe me.
12:11But this is the truth.
12:12I'm your biological son.
12:15It sounds interesting.
12:18You said you're my son.
12:19Do you have any evidence?
12:21In the past, she left me in the river.
12:23She left a piece of jade.
12:25That piece of jade looks like the jade you're wearing.
12:29Do you remember?
12:30This time I'm here.
12:31It's not that you want to recognize me.
12:33It's just that I believe you're my biological mother.
12:35You told me not to do bad things.
12:39Is it true that she's your daughter?
12:42You said you're my son, didn't you?
12:45Give it to me.
12:46Give me the piece of jade.
12:50I'm carrying it.
12:54You're such a liar.
12:57I warn you.
12:58You're such a liar.
13:00I warn you.
13:01If you do bad things again,
13:03you won't rest in peace.
13:04Go home.
13:06I'm not lying.
13:07Go home.
13:08Go home.
13:09Go home.
13:10Do you hear me?
13:11Go home.
13:12Go home.
13:13Do you hear me?
13:26Are you awake?
13:27You've been in a coma for more than half a day.
13:34You don't need to feel strange.
13:36Now I understand everything.
13:37You're really my mother.
13:39You're my son.
13:49Is it that piece of jade?
13:52When you were drunk,
13:54I saw the stain behind your back.
13:56It looked exactly like my son.
14:00I found the stamp on your body.
14:03When I went to the store to get the piece of jade back,
14:06I knew
14:07everything you said was true.
14:12Mu Liem.
14:14Actually, without these evidences,
14:16I can feel that
14:17you're really my son.
14:20Because of you,
14:21I knelt on the street and apologized to you.
14:23I gave up my dignity
14:25to get that piece of jade for you.
14:28In this world,
14:29only my own son is willing to do that.
14:32Mu Liem.
14:33I'm sorry.
14:36Mu Liem.
14:37Don't mention the past.
14:40I thought
14:41I would never see you again.
14:44But I didn't expect that piece of jade to fall down.
14:46Do you know why?
14:48It's because of the stain.
14:51It's true that God
14:53let me and my son go to jail.
14:56It's not God's will.
14:57It's karma.
14:59Jades are like a pile of wood.
15:01It's like a person who doesn't stop doing bad things.
15:04Day by day,
15:05until he can't do it anymore,
15:07that pile will be broken.
15:09It's like people who do too many bad things
15:12will be punished.
15:13They will be punished.
15:17Mu Liem.
15:18Now I understand.
15:20You did too many bad things in the past.
15:23I promise I will do more good things
15:25to make up for it.
15:32You two recognized each other?
15:33That's right.
15:34She is really my mother.
15:36Mu Liem.
15:37Even if she recognizes you,
15:38maybe she just wants to take advantage of you
15:40to take over the throne.
15:42I believe she is sincere this time.
15:44She also said she would change.
15:47Master Nhat Tam.
15:48Miss Thuy.
15:49Lu Thanh De.
15:50You have ruined everything.
15:51Isn't it enough?
15:52What else do you want to do?
15:56I told you that she would change.
15:58Please don't misunderstand.
16:00I know I was wrong.
16:02That's why I came here today
16:03to apologize to Master Nhat Tam.
16:05I also brought people here
16:06to fix the Buddha statue.
16:08As for those Buddhist statues,
16:10I will give them to someone else.
16:12They will be brought here in a few days.
16:14I told you that my mother
16:15had renovated the Buddha statue.
16:20Master Nhat Tam.
16:21I know I was wrong.
16:23I hope you can forgive me.
16:25I promise I will never
16:26break the law again.
16:28The owner of the Buddha statue
16:29can renovate the Buddha statue
16:30and become a wife.
16:31It's really a happy thing.
16:33Thanks to my son, Mu Liem,
16:34I was able to wake up.
16:36If you want to change,
16:38it's true that the Buddha statue is overgrown.
16:39You can't change it.
16:41If you want to change,
16:42it's true that the Buddha statue is overgrown.
16:44You can't change it.
16:46Miss Thuy,
16:47I know that your mother's death
16:49was caused by my interception.
16:51I really regret it.
16:53But I can't do anything for you.
16:56I feel very uncomfortable.
16:59How about this?
17:00I will make a few big Buddha statues for her.
17:03The statue will be grand
17:04so she can rest in peace.
17:06Shut up.
17:07I don't need this.
17:08Don't act like a good person.
17:09You killed my mother.
17:11I will never forgive you.
17:13Thuy, Thuy.
17:14Everyone makes mistakes.
17:16But if you know how to correct your mistakes,
17:18please forgive my mother.
17:21She is your mother.
17:22Why are you defending her?
17:24How can she die in peace?
17:27Today, your mother and son
17:28have a good relationship with your mother.
17:31Why do you treat her like that?
17:36Thuy, Thuy.
17:38Moc Lien,
17:40don't force her.
17:41Let her rest in peace.
17:59Look at your son.
18:00His mouth is full of food.
18:03You eat first.
18:04Quang, let your mother eat first.
18:07Let's go home.
18:08I will make your favorite cake for you.
18:22without you taking care of me,
18:23I would be very sad.
18:27I also want to be with you.
18:31In this life,
18:33no one cares about me.
18:37Moc Lien also left me.
18:41He has recognized that woman as his mother.
18:46So what?
18:48I can't go with him anymore.
19:04Thuy, Thuy.
19:07Do you still want to see me?
19:11Thuy, Thuy.
19:12Don't be like that.
19:13I'm very sad.
19:15A poor man like you
19:17doesn't have a heart.
19:19Don't be like that.
19:21I'm sad because of my mother.
19:23Who would have thought that when I came,
19:25I would see you here.
19:26Don't you have a place to stay?
19:27Don't worry.
19:28You don't have the right to insult my mother.
19:30I won't forgive you.
19:31Go home.
19:33I know, I know.
19:34I know, I know.
19:35I'm sorry to your parents.
19:38but I really want to make it up to you.
19:41Thuy, Thuy.
19:42I'm your father.
19:43I have a responsibility to take care of your happiness.
19:47Thuy, Thuy.
19:48Look at me.
19:49A girl who wanders on the street
19:51is very dangerous.
19:53Or so,
19:54can you move in with me temporarily?
19:57You don't need to pretend to be good.
19:59Since the day you became my mother,
20:01I have recognized you.
20:02You are peaceful and open-minded.
20:03You must have a purpose.
20:06Go home.
20:07I don't want to see you.
20:08Don't come in front of my mother's grave.
20:10Don't let my mother's soul
20:12hurt more.
20:15I came to see you
20:16to make you happy for the rest of your life.
20:18Do you know?
20:19The head of the four cities of Loja likes you.
20:21I want to marry you.
20:24be good and follow me.
20:26Then you can live a peaceful life.
20:29You are so shameless.
20:30You even sold your children.
20:31You are not even equal to a beast.
20:34In the end,
20:35your father is also your father.
20:36Marriage is decided by parents.
20:37There is no objection.
20:39Do you have my father's beauty?
20:40Don't you?
20:42If you don't want to drink wine,
20:43but want to drink wine,
20:44don't blame your father for being impolite.
20:46Today, whether you accept it or not,
20:47you have to follow your father.
20:54You two force your father.
20:58Sighing all day,
20:59I'm so tired.
21:01Do you feel better?
21:03The poor people receive my rice,
21:04they must be very happy.
21:06As long as you are happy,
21:07I can say anything.
21:08I said I would distribute rice to help the market,
21:10you accepted it.
21:11I donated my body to distribute rice,
21:13I donated money,
21:14I said I would donate milk,
21:15you also accepted it.
21:17You are happy now.
21:19Doing a lot of good deeds
21:20is also a blessing for me.
21:22I do it because I want to be good for you.
21:26why do you have to be a king?
21:28Is it better to be with me?
21:31Since I was a child,
21:32I was entrusted with the Buddha's door.
21:34Although I am a disciple of the Buddha,
21:36I have been meditating on the Buddha for a long time.
21:39You haven't lost your hair yet,
21:40why are you so stubborn?
21:43Oh well,
21:44I respect your will.
21:46But like this,
21:47you keep staying in France like this,
21:49it's hard for me to meet you.
21:51Or do this,
21:52after France is repaired,
21:54you move here to live with me.
21:57I also want to take care of you regularly,
22:00but you are doing business like this,
22:03I can't stay here.
22:05Oh my god,
22:06what's wrong with opening a green tower?
22:08Mục Liên,
22:09there are many things that can't be seen from the outside.
22:11Opening a green tower,
22:12opening a row of tables also has its advantages.
22:14The ladies in my temple
22:16are all sincere.
22:19You don't believe me?
22:20Then I'll take you to see.
22:22You can't do that.
22:23He only knows how to give
22:25ginseng and bird's nest for me to nourish.
22:28That's great.
22:30You see,
22:31when they are happy,
22:32if they don't let them stay here,
22:34they will be even more miserable.
22:37You don't believe me?
22:38Ms. Hong,
22:39come here.
22:42What's the matter?
22:43I want to ask you,
22:44before you moved to Quang Duc Tower,
22:46where did you live?
22:47In the countryside.
22:49It was really hard at that time.
22:51Every year,
22:52there was no fire,
22:53no food,
22:54no face.
22:55Are you happy now?
22:57Of course I am.
22:59Count it.
23:018, 8, 8.
23:04Oh my god.
23:07You're so bad.
23:08Do you think they are happy?
23:11What about the losers?
23:13Hey, Uncle Ngoc.
23:15I bet this one.
23:16Uncle Ngoc,
23:17you don't seem to be lucky today.
23:19Don't play anymore.
23:20Take a rest.
23:21It's not a big deal.
23:22It's just a game.
23:23It's for fun.
23:24People will be happier.
23:26How old are you,
23:27but you still come here to play chess?
23:29I'm in my early 20s.
23:30It's just a game,
23:31to kill time,
23:33to have some fun.
23:48I see.
23:49There are a lot of things
23:50that are not as dark as you think.
23:53That's enough.
23:54I know you don't like me
23:55to deal with these things.
23:56I'll take it easy later.
23:58But we've been following you for years.
24:01We can't just take it easy.
24:03We have to wait for a long time.
24:20Thuy Thuy.
24:21Why did you leave Thuy Thuy to your father?
24:24Oh my God.
24:25I didn't expect you to be so shameless.
24:27You even hurt your own daughter.
24:29Are you human?
24:30Sister, I...
24:31Oh my God.
24:32You're still talking.
24:33Luckily, I caught you today.
24:36I'm telling you.
24:37From now on,
24:38don't come to Quang Duc Lau anymore.
24:40Quang Duc Lau doesn't welcome
24:41a lowlife like you.
24:43Go home.
24:44Go home.
24:45Go home.
24:46Go home.
24:47Go home.
24:50Thuy Thuy.
24:51Thuy Thuy.
24:52How are you?
24:53Thuy Thuy.
24:57A tiger doesn't eat its cub.
25:00But in this world,
25:01there is such an ungrateful father.
25:05Luckily, I met you.
25:07Otherwise, I don't know what would happen.
25:10It's fine now.
25:11I'm here with you.
25:13Where have you been these days?
25:15I'm so worried about you.
25:18Do you really miss me that much?
25:20Of course.
25:21I promised your mother
25:22that I would take care of you.
25:25Because you promised my mother,
25:27you took care of me?
25:28Of course.
25:34Aren't you happy?
25:40I've thought about it.
25:43I don't have family here.
25:46I decided to go back to my hometown.
25:49I think that's right.
25:51It's not convenient for you
25:53to stay in France forever.
25:55But you haven't fully recovered yet.
25:57When will you get better?
26:01Thank you for your concern.
26:03I know how to take care of myself.
26:05I only take care of you
26:07to support my team.
26:08Your mother has always been a schemer
26:11and a villain.
26:12She doesn't take care of herself
26:14because of her son.
26:15I only know how to take care of myself
26:17when I'm far away from her.
26:19She is also my mother.
26:21I shouldn't doubt her.
26:24I'm afraid that
26:25I will change my view of her tomorrow.
26:30You are so useless.
26:32You say you can do a little bit
26:33but you can't finish it.
26:34You are too kind, sister.
26:36I did what you told me to do
26:38to earn money.
26:39I did what you told me to do
26:41to earn money.
26:42But she didn't listen to me.
26:44I did what I should do
26:45to earn money.
26:46I was going to give it back to you.
26:48But I met you and Moc Lien there.
26:50I'm so unlucky.
26:52If I hadn't said that,
26:54Moc Lien would have doubted me.
26:57I can't catch that girl this time.
26:59The next time I want to catch her,
27:00it will be more difficult.
27:02I don't know what to do with Loja.
27:05You will have a chance tomorrow.
27:07Loja's 1,000 silver dollars.
27:09I have to get it.
27:11Be strong.
27:13Yes, yes, yes.
27:16don't blame me for many things.
27:18Actually, I did many things for Moc Lien.
27:20Is it worth it?
27:22What are you doing?
27:23Do you want to ruin our mother's love?
27:25I tell you,
27:26don't be angry.
27:27He is my son.
27:29He is running in my blood.
27:31More blood than before.
27:32Tomorrow, I will give him all my savings.
27:34I put all my hope in him.
27:39why don't you go to Linh Dinh's party?
27:44Ladies and gentlemen,
27:46What's up?
27:47Dear friends and guests,
27:48I am Quang Duc Lau's best friend.
27:50Thank you for coming here today.
27:53I am very happy today.
27:55On this occasion,
27:56I would like to introduce my son to you.
27:58He is Linh Dinh,
27:59the son of Quang Duc Lau.
28:01He is the son of Quang Duc Lau.
28:03He is the son of Quang Duc Lau.
28:05I would like to introduce my son to you.
28:11I want the whole world to know
28:13that I have a good son.
28:18I also have a little conscience in the world.
28:20Thanks to you.
28:22Later, the blue and silver towers under my hand
28:25will be handed over to my son.
28:28I hope you will sympathize with me.
28:33Why didn't you tell me before?
28:35You said you would take care of my business.
28:38I will do it slowly.
28:40If I don't hand it over to you,
28:41how can I hand it over to others?
28:43Don't say anymore.
28:44Come down here.
28:45Let me introduce you to my friends.
28:47Mr. Truong Lao Gia
28:48Mrs. Chu Lu
28:49Your son is really handsome.
28:51How about this?
28:52Let's get married with my daughter.
28:54Oh my God.
28:55Mr. Truong Lao Gia is really smart.
28:57It's not a joke.
28:58It's true.
28:59Don't tease him.
29:00Lua Gia
29:01Lua Gia
29:02Lua Gia
29:03Why are you so late?
29:04It's true that I'm a little late.
29:05But it's better than not coming.
29:07That's right.
29:08Is this your son?
29:11Oh my God.
29:13The two of you are standing next to each other.
29:14It's like two sisters.
29:16Moc Lien
29:17This is Lua Gia.
29:18He is very strict.
29:20Say hello to Lua Gia.
29:21Say hello.
29:23Say hello.
29:24Lua Gia
29:25You don't have to be so far away.
29:27You are my niece anyway.
29:29Come here.
29:30Drink with me.
29:33I don't drink.
29:35Don't you look at me like that?
29:37Come here.
29:39Lua Gia
29:40My son is very good.
29:42He doesn't know how to drink.
29:43I'll drink for him.
29:45Is that okay?
29:47Very straightforward
29:48Everyone drinks together.
29:49Everyone drinks together.
29:50Drink a glass.
29:51Drink a glass.
29:52Drink a glass.
29:53Drink it all.
29:54Drink another glass.
29:59Drink another glass.
30:06Lua Gia
30:07Please wake up.
30:18Do you dare to run away?
30:20If you run away again, you won't let go of the cat.
30:22But let go of that knife.
30:24You curse me.
30:25You are ungrateful.
30:26Forgive me.
30:27I don't want to be a prostitute.
30:29You sold yourself to me.
30:30Of course, you have to listen to me.
30:32You don't want to receive guests.
30:34It means wasting rice.
30:35Where are you?
30:36Take him to the barn.
30:38Take off his clothes.
30:39Leave him hungry for 3 days and 3 nights.
30:40See if he still dares to argue.
30:43Forgive me.
30:47Hurry up.
30:50I saw it all.
30:51One more glass.
30:52Actually, I still curse you.
30:54You forced people to sell themselves.
30:56Even though it was a trick.
30:58I really didn't expect your mother to treat such cruel women like that.
31:02They also have my skin.
31:04They will be very sad when they see it.
31:06One glass.
31:07I have my own suffering.
31:08Listen to me first.
31:09Come in.
31:10Come in.
31:11Hurry up.
31:13Oh my god.
31:14You slept in the barn again.
31:16He said he didn't have money to pay.
31:17Oh my god.
31:19Don't hit me anymore.
31:20I sold my daughter to you.
31:23Can I pay you back?
31:25Do you think it's okay?
31:26You owe a lot of money to your husband.
31:27It's not enough to sell your daughter.
31:29Oh my god.
31:30Shut up.
31:32One glass.
31:33One glass.
31:34One glass.
31:38My mother is so cruel.
31:40I was too naive.
31:42I thought I could feel her.
31:44Make her able to change.
31:47Actually, you know that.
31:49People say that Son's father is easy to drive away.
31:51He is hard to come back.
31:52That's good.
31:53At least you know her real face.
31:55Don't be fooled by her.
31:58I can't let my mother continue to make mistakes.
32:00The Buddha said
32:02If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?
32:04She is my mother.
32:06I must find a way to make her a good person.
32:09Your intention is good.
32:11But wanting to do it is not an easy thing.
32:13I don't know how many people have been harmed during that time.
32:18But there is still no way.
32:20I want her to change completely.
32:22Unless she goes to hell to find a way to live.
32:24It depends on whether she is determined or not.
32:36Come in.
32:42One glass.
32:44I'm sorry, mom.
32:46I've been through a lot.
32:48You left without saying a word to me.
32:50I know you think so.
32:52Actually, I just want to be good to you.
32:54I hope that even if I die later,
32:56you will be warm and full.
32:59I heard that you are not well.
33:01Did you go to the doctor?
33:03It's nothing.
33:04Maybe because I drank too much.
33:06I will be fine after taking medicine and resting for a while.
33:08Then take a rest.
33:10Don't go out these days.
33:12I won't go out.
33:13I have a lot of work to do.
33:14How can I be peaceful if I don't go out?
33:16Let me take care of you.
33:20If you want to train me,
33:24I have thought about it.
33:26You should listen to me.
33:30You are so understanding.
33:32Then I will rest assured for a few days.
33:34I will cook for you.
33:41Put it here.
33:43Put it here.
33:45Put it here.
33:47Hurry up.
33:49Hurry up.
33:51Why didn't I see you today?
33:53My mom is not well today.
33:55She told me to be careful.
33:57Let me take you to the library.
33:59It's okay.
34:00Is it more expensive to go to the market?
34:02Do I get a discount?
34:03It's okay.
34:05There is nothing to lose in the market.
34:07Why do they come here?
34:09They think they are lucky.
34:11I see.
34:13Are you sure you can get a discount?
34:15No problem.
34:17There is a game in the library.
34:19You can eat as much as you want.
34:21I see.
34:23Do you want to win in front of her?
34:25Give it to me.
35:13I don't believe it.
35:15Give it to me.
35:17Give it to me.
35:19Give it to me.
35:21Give it to me.
35:23You don't have to call him anymore.
35:25This is the third time.
35:27Why didn't you tell me earlier?
35:29The cool students were cheated.
35:31Is it true?
35:33It's true.
35:35You will lose money.
35:37You cheated me.
35:39No matter how lucky you are, you will lose money.
35:41Let's go.
35:43Don't come here again.
35:45Give it to me.
35:47Don't come here again.
35:49Give it to me.
35:51Boss, I can't talk to her.
35:53I will bear all the consequences.
35:55Thuy, it's a good idea.
35:57Next, let's go to Duc Lau.
36:09What happened?
36:23Muc Lien.
36:25Don't burn it.
36:29Let me burn all their papers.
36:31It's a good deed for you.
36:33Muc Lien.
36:35You were cheated.
36:37If you burn all the papers,
36:39Duc Lau will be closed.
36:43You promised me to burn all the papers.
36:45Did you break your promise?
36:47Oh my god.
36:51Don't save those papers.
36:53You have to save yourself.
36:55If you have evidence,
36:57I will leave here.
36:59I won't stay here with you anymore.
37:01You are bullying me.
37:03You are so ungrateful.
37:05You are...
37:07Muc Lien.
37:09I promised you.
37:11But I can't...
37:13You can't burn all the papers.
37:15When will you burn all the papers?
37:17It will take a year.
37:213 days.
37:233 days?
37:27You and Duc Lau.
37:29Which one will you choose?
37:31What did I do wrong?
37:33Why is he always against me?
37:35I'm so angry.
37:37You don't have to be angry.
37:39He is still young.
37:41He will learn.
37:45All the girls in Duc Lau.
37:47They all like you.
37:49But this boy is different.
37:51He has lived in Buddhism since he was a child.
37:53He doesn't listen to me.
37:57He is so honest.
37:59Who taught him
38:01to be like that?
38:03I heard someone in Song Bat said
38:05that Thuy Thuy
38:07went to Song Bat with him.
38:11I'm sure this bastard insulted Muc Lien.
38:13He wants revenge.
38:15I won't forgive him.
38:19But how can you tell me that?
38:21I'm so ungrateful to this boy.
38:23I can't scold him.
38:25I can't lie to him.
38:27I thought I would be happy when I got him back.
38:29But I'm so angry.
38:33You don't have to be so angry.
38:35Muc Lien is still young.
38:37He is still young.
38:39He doesn't even know how to drink.
38:41He doesn't know how to enjoy the life.
38:43He doesn't know how to enjoy the life.
38:45You are right.
38:47But he always talks about Buddhism.
38:49He always talks about Buddhism.
38:51He is like the King.
38:59He is like the King.
39:09What are you doing here?
39:11You don't have to be afraid of me.
39:13I'm here to tell you
39:15that you insulted Muc Lien
39:17and fought with his mother.
39:19Now you two are enemies.
39:21Maybe because you were so angry
39:23that Muc Lien fainted.
39:25Now he hasn't woken up
39:27but he keeps calling your name.
39:29His mother is afraid that he won't get over it.
39:31That's why she told you to meet him for the last time.
39:35Are you going to deceive me?
39:37It doesn't matter if you believe it or not.
39:39I've told you everything.
39:41If anything happens in the future,
39:43don't regret it.
39:59Muc Lien.
40:01Are you still mad at me?
40:05I know you want to be good to me.
40:07From now on, you can say whatever you want.
40:11Are you going to throw away all the salt for cooking?
40:17This is a portrait of Quang Anh.
40:21I was so upset
40:23so I drew a portrait of Quang Anh.
40:25I was going to draw a portrait of Quang Anh
40:27to cheer up.
40:29But I don't know why
40:31when I draw it,
40:33it looks like you.
40:35How dare you
40:37look like Quang Anh?
40:39Quang Anh is a god.
40:41As long as you do good deeds,
40:43in my heart,
40:45you are a god of Quang Anh.
40:47Okay. I know.
40:51Have a cup of tea.
40:53Thank you, mom.
41:03Why is it so hot?
41:07My whole body is burning.
41:11My throat is dry.
41:13Your throat is dry?
41:15Drink some water.
41:17Drink it.
41:19Thank you, mom.
41:23What is this water?
41:25Why is it so hot?
41:27This is not water.
41:29This is the rose wine
41:31that I have been waiting for 20 years.
41:35Obviously, you know I don't eat meat
41:37and I don't drink wine.
41:39The wine is the most important thing
41:41in a man's heart.
41:43If you don't taste it,
41:45how can you know how good it is?
41:49This wine goes well with flowers.
41:51The stronger the medicine,
41:53the hotter the body.
41:57My son.
41:59I just want to be good to you.
42:01This time, I have to break the rule
42:03so you can be a normal person again.
42:05Don't be a king anymore.
42:20The wine is here.
42:22Moc Lien is inside.
42:24Hurry up and visit him.
42:45Moc Lien, how do you feel?
42:48Thuy Thuy.
42:50You're here.
42:56Do you feel very hot?
42:58Let me take off your shirt.
43:02Actually, you are so stupid.
43:04Why do you have to be a king?
43:06As a human being, you have to be happy
43:08in order not to waste this chance.
43:18What are you doing?
43:20I'm sorry.
43:22Hey, where are you going?
43:28Thuy Thuy.
43:32Thuy Thuy.
43:37Thuy Thuy.
43:39What's going on?
43:41Thuy Thuy.
43:43Thuy Thuy.
43:45What's going on?
43:47Don't touch me.
43:49Thuy Thuy, what's wrong with you?
43:51Let me go.
43:55Thuy Thuy.
43:57Thuy Thuy.
43:59Thuy Thuy.
44:03Thuy Thuy.
44:05Thuy Thuy.
44:07You're badly injured.
44:09Thuy Thuy.
44:11Thuy Thuy.
44:15Thuy Thuy.
44:17What's wrong with you?
44:21Thuy Thuy.
44:26I don't want to see him.
44:45I don't want to see him.
44:47Thuy Thuy.
44:49Thuy Thuy.
44:51Thuy Thuy.
44:53Thuy Thuy.
44:55Thuy Thuy.
44:57Thuy Thuy.
44:59Thuy Thuy.
45:01Thuy Thuy.
45:03Thuy Thuy.
45:05Thuy Thuy.
45:07Thuy Thuy.
45:09Thuy Thuy.
45:11Thuy Thuy.
45:13Thuy Thuy.
45:15Thuy Thuy.
45:17Thuy Thuy.
45:19Thuy Thuy.
45:21Thuy Thuy.
45:23Thuy Thuy.
45:25Thuy Thuy.
45:27Thuy Thuy.
45:29Thuy Thuy.
45:31Thuy Thuy.
45:33Thuy Thuy.
45:35Thuy Thuy.
45:37Thuy Thuy.
45:39Thuy Thuy.
45:41Thuy Thuy.
45:43Thuy Thuy.
45:45Thuy Thuy.
45:47Thuy Thuy.
45:49Thuy Thuy.
45:51Thuy Thuy.
45:53Thuy Thuy.
45:55Thuy Thuy.
45:57Thuy Thuy.
45:59Thuy Thuy.
46:01Thuy Thuy.
46:03Thuy Thuy.
46:05Thuy Thuy.
46:07Thuy Thuy.