
  • 2 months ago


00:30無盡烈烈烹烹故事寫著 無盡代價
00:40你個倦頭照著留歸家 一生未來仍是煙霧
00:50愛在抱緊我 緣分沒談還解
02:16我患有病 放我出來
02:25我患病 放我出來
02:39只有我 shooting
02:46I don't want to die! Let me go! I'm blind!
02:52Let me go!
02:56Let me go!
03:01I'm blind!
03:04Let me go!
03:07I'm blind! Save me!
03:11Save me!
03:14Save me!
03:17Save me!
03:43Save me!
03:49Oh, Di-Chin! You're here!
03:54Dad, your health is not good.
03:57It's so dark here and you're still sitting here.
04:00It's not only bad for your eyes, but also bad for your spirit.
04:04But when you're alive, you have to leave it for the next life.
04:08It's a pity that you don't have much time left in this life.
04:14If you were lost, you would be a sinner.
04:19Dad, don't blame yourself like that.
04:22I have a good news.
04:24The Queen has given birth to a son.
04:26The Emperor has decided to grant a son to the world.
04:28The soldiers have told you.
04:30But a son is for other prisoners.
04:33As for your sin, I know that it's a sin of death.
04:39Normally, you can only be imprisoned for 7 days.
04:457 days!
04:48The smell of death is worse than death.
04:53Dad, I can't die.
04:55I will find a way to save you.
04:58Forget it!
05:04Tông Âp has sacrificed his arm for you.
05:08He was imprisoned.
05:12I don't want you to suffer because of me anymore.
05:16As long as I can save you, I'm not afraid of any sacrifice.
05:20It's a pity that your sacrifice is useless.
05:25Dad, have you met Su Quỳnh?
05:28Yes, I have.
05:32But he was arrested by the enemy.
05:38People don't fight with the Emperor.
05:41If they keep fighting like this,
05:43I will be very worried.
05:49What's wrong with you?
05:50I have some medicine for you.
05:52Let me get it for you.
05:54No need!
05:56I won't take it.
05:58So what if you are cured?
06:01After 7 days,
06:03you will die.
06:08It's snowing!
06:09Dad, it's snowing!
06:13The snow is melting.
06:15It means there is a good news.
06:17Dad, you will be saved this time.
06:22Don't worry about me.
06:25I know
06:27you and Tông Ấp are very filial.
06:31I will die without regret.
06:35Dad, don't say that.
06:37I won't let you die.
06:41Human power is limitless.
06:43The world is endless.
06:48I saw the snow fall again.
06:51I remember the last time the snow fell
06:54was a year ago.
06:57Because of many things,
07:00I made you stay in prison.
07:09A year ago.
07:24A year ago.
07:54A year ago.
08:17There is a smell outside.
08:19What are you doing here?
08:21I saw you go out for a long time.
08:23It's snowing.
08:24I'm afraid something happened to you.
08:26You ran away.
08:27I will catch you next time.
08:28You are so cold.
08:32The Emperor's Book of Rites says
08:34the air is foul,
08:36and the evil spirit will be there.
08:39Don't sit here and feel the wind.
08:40Go home.
08:41Tông Ấp, don't talk to me like that.
08:43I'm not good at medicine.
08:45Today, I have to catch the robber
08:48to cure you.
08:50Actually, this weapon is not effective.
08:56I said it was good.
08:58Those weapons are not effective.
09:00Địa Vinh.
09:01It's late.
09:02Let's go home.
09:03Besides, I've been here for a long time.
09:05If you don't see me,
09:06it will be hot again.
09:07If you want to go home, go home alone.
09:09I have to catch that weapon to go home.
09:11I can't leave you alone.
09:14There she is.
09:15Let's go home.
09:18Over there.
09:21Địa Vinh
09:42I caught it.
09:43I'll cook it for you.
09:44Put it in here.
09:48What's wrong?
09:49I'm sorry.
09:51I can't go anymore.
09:54Don't say anymore.
09:55They're coming.
09:58Someone is injured.
09:59You go first.
10:00Let's go.
10:01Come on.
10:03Are you okay?
10:04Are you okay?
10:05Miss Duong.
10:06Please save us.
10:07We are not bad people.
10:08We are being chased by the enemy.
10:11Please save us.
10:12Save us.
10:14Please save us.
10:19Địa Vinh
10:22Địa Vinh
10:48Are you okay?
10:52It doesn't make sense.
10:54Master often uses this medicine to hold the pain.
10:58I've used a lot.
10:59Why don't I feel any better?
11:01So what should we do?
11:03Địa Vinh
11:04If you can't cure it,
11:05you have to ask Master to help you.
11:07I can't.
11:08If my father knows, he will blame me.
11:14Địa Vinh
11:15Go out and get more medicine.
11:16Hurry up.
11:25It's better to save people.
11:37Actually, Master has already cured you of this disease.
11:40You don't have to use medicine to hold the pain.
11:42Why don't you remember anything?
11:45I don't understand, Master.
11:47Hurry up and get Hoàng Hồn to come in.
11:56Thank you for saving my life.
11:58Please accept us.
12:00No, no, no.
12:01Stand up, stand up.
12:04This is our duty.
12:06Sit down.
12:08Saving people is my father's joy.
12:10You two have to be grateful.
12:12That's right.
12:13Why did you get hurt?
12:14Who did this?
12:16Actually, we are normal peasants.
12:18We couldn't find our relatives when we came here.
12:22Unfortunately, we met Sơn Tạc.
12:24So we got hit by Sơn Tạc.
12:26This place is always very peaceful.
12:28Why is Sơn Tạc here?
12:30You told me earlier that you were hunted by the enemy.
12:33I think this girl's behavior
12:36is not like normal people.
12:38It's not like peasants.
12:44About this country,
12:46I don't want to hide my gratitude anymore.
12:50I am her cousin.
12:52We grew up together.
12:54We have the same mind.
12:56But my status is low,
12:58so I have no intention to get married.
13:00Until my father asked me to go somewhere else,
13:03I refused.
13:05So I ran away from him.
13:07Now my father values honor,
13:09so he let people hunt us.
13:13So you don't want to keep Gia Quy.
13:16Let's run away together.
13:18If your wound is not serious,
13:21you can leave.
13:24she is not well.
13:26If we chase her away now,
13:27she will be upset.
13:29This is what Gia Quy wants.
13:32She doesn't like people who don't have good luck,
13:35who disobey their parents.
13:37Let's go.
13:42If so,
13:44we won't stay here anymore.
13:46I will repay your kindness tomorrow.
13:49Gia Quy.
13:51Miss Lu.
13:53Miss Lu.
13:57Please help me.
14:07why did you leave?
14:09Gia Quy is not well yet.
14:11This is a medicine.
14:13She gave it to you.
14:15Go straight and you will see a temple.
14:17Stop there.
14:19I will find you later.
14:21Thank you.
14:23Take care.
14:31Di Vinh.
14:37Both of them are not bad people.
14:39How dare you talk to me like that?
14:41You brought a stranger home.
14:43I am the same.
14:45I can't do anything.
14:47I am confused with you.
14:49I know my fault.
14:52it has nothing to do with me.
14:54It's all my fault.
14:55I saw it was snowing,
14:56so I ran outside.
14:58I didn't see you for a long time,
14:59so I went to look for you.
15:02it's not Di Vinh's fault.
15:03It's my fault.
15:05even though we are not a rich family,
15:08but Gia Quy is sick.
15:11You are a girl,
15:12so you should keep a good appearance
15:14and don't go out.
15:17You go out all the time,
15:19what system do you have?
15:24I know my fault.
15:27you two clean the house.
15:29If you don't finish,
15:30you can't rest.
15:32I know.
15:36Di Vinh,
15:37take a rest.
15:38I have ginger water for you.
15:40Today, you sit on the mountain,
15:41so windy.
15:42Drink ginger water to cool down.
15:45Master, you are so kind to me.
15:48You are so kind to me every day.
15:49Aren't you angry with me?
15:51No, I am not.
15:53Since I was a child,
15:54I have a mother and a father.
15:56Luckily, I have a master to take care of me.
15:58I don't want to be alone.
16:00I don't want to be alone.
16:02I don't want to be alone.
16:04Luckily, I have a master to take care of me.
16:06Actually, I am your super brother,
16:08so I have to take care of you.
16:10So you say I am like your big brother?
16:13Just my big brother.
16:15if there is nothing else.
16:18That's right.
16:20Di Vinh,
16:21actually, I go to the snow mountain
16:22not for fun,
16:23but to catch the French soldiers
16:25to cure you.
16:27Why don't you explain it clearly?
16:29I don't like people to mention my illness.
16:31Every time I mention it,
16:32you don't feel happy.
16:34I don't want to make you sad.
16:37That's right.
16:40But I really don't understand.
16:42Master Tai's medical skills are so good,
16:44why can't he cure his illness?
16:47I think actually
16:48you don't want to cure your illness.
16:50For many years,
16:51you have been crying.
16:53It seems that you are not happy.
16:54It seems that you have a lot of thoughts.
16:56Every time you mention your mother,
16:58you get angry again.
17:03Do you hear me?
17:05I am a soldier.
17:07I can't be happy.
17:27last night we were here.
17:31last night we cleaned up everything.
17:34Where did you go?
17:38I saw that the sky was getting cold,
17:40so I went to the market with Master Quynh
17:42to buy some dried eel to cook.
17:45That's right, Master.
17:47So you can go alone.
17:49I told you
17:50not to go around.
17:54What are you holding in your hand?
17:57I don't have it.
17:58I don't have anything.
18:02you must have taken the dried eel
18:03for that man and woman to eat, right?
18:07although they are at fault,
18:09but because they love each other so much,
18:10they left the house like that.
18:14is decided by parents
18:16and is not allowed to be loyal to each other.
18:19In my life,
18:20I hate this person the most.
18:24they are very pitiful.
18:25They don't have any money
18:27and no one to take care of them.
18:34Are you the servant of the house?
18:36It's you.
18:37The owner of this house invites you to pick him up.
18:40Who are you?
18:41Who is the owner of this house?
18:42Why do we have to pick him up?
18:44Don't blame us if we don't recognize you.
18:46Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
18:49Let's go outside.
18:58Why don't you kneel down?
19:00Why do we have to kneel down?
19:02Don't blame us if we don't recognize you.
19:06a dead man can't be forgiven.
19:09You have been living in our house since the beginning,
19:13yet you force us to kneel down.
19:15I'd rather die than surrender.
19:17Shut up.
19:23I mean,
19:24how have you been?
19:26I haven't seen you for a long time.
19:29You look pale today.
19:31I wonder what happened to you.
19:33Why don't you kneel down when you see me?
19:40I'm here to see you.
19:41I'm here to see you.
19:46Stand up.
19:47I'm here to see you.
19:48I'm here to see you.
19:49I'm here to see you.
19:50Who are you?
19:51Who are you?
19:52Stand up.
19:53Yes, sir.
19:54Hey, hey, don't do that.
19:56Hey, hey, don't do that.
19:57Even if you're a bad man,
19:58you don't have the right to kill my lover.
20:01Attention, please.
20:03In the past, you were stubborn, self-abandoned,
20:06and suffered a lot.
20:09I didn't expect that your daughter
20:11would be like you today.
20:13It seems that
20:15you have to discipline your daughter strictly.
20:19What are you doing?
20:20I don't see anything.
20:23Attention, please.
20:25Where are those two men and women?
20:27Tell me.
20:32Don't pretend anymore.
20:34Someone saw them
20:36going into your cell.
20:38You didn't hand them over.
20:41Do you want to fight against the four kings?
20:45The four kings
20:47have the right to rule the world.
20:50I'm just a commoner.
20:53I don't dare to fight against the four kings.
20:56I've met those two men and women.
20:59But because I'm a doctor,
21:02I only treat them.
21:04They left last night.
21:07That's right.
21:08As a father,
21:09you have to love your daughter,
21:11not someone else.
21:12My daughter is simple.
21:14She doesn't know the rules of the court.
21:16I hope you will forgive her.
21:18But my daughter
21:20still knows how to love people.
21:22She knows how to be normal.
21:24She knows how to be filial.
21:26So she will never do anything
21:28against her parents.
21:33If you have studied her carefully,
21:36you will understand
21:38If you have studied her carefully,
21:42I think you can
21:44return to Phu already.
21:48I suggest
21:50you don't do it.
21:53You must know the consequences
21:55of fighting against the four kings.
21:57Let's go.
22:07This name Duong Cha is so arrogant.
22:10Dad, so he is the father of Miss Lu?
22:13No, his name is Lu Phi.
22:16He is the most powerful man in the court.
22:19He has been hiding for a long time.
22:22What if he finds out where Miss Lu is?
22:24That's not good.
22:25I have to tell her.
22:26Are you not bored yet?
22:29Dad, you treat people
22:31because you want to save people.
22:33Can you not save them this time?
22:35Dad, I beg you.
22:37Go save them.
22:38That's right, master.
22:39Master, master.
22:40Let me go with them.
22:41Master, master.
22:42I beg you.
22:44Thank you, dad.
22:45Hey, hey, hey.
22:47Let Xuan Huynh go with you.
22:49Yes, master.
22:50One more thing.
22:52I'm sure they will follow you.
22:55You have to be careful.
22:57Master, don't worry.
22:58We will be careful.
22:59Let's go.
23:05My father is here.
23:06That's right.
23:07He told you to follow us
23:08but you ignored him.
23:10I don't think Duong Cha will forgive us.
23:13Let's apologize to him.
23:15I don't want to involve you two anymore.
23:17No way.
23:18You two run away.
23:19His wound is not healed yet.
23:21Don't worry.
23:22One more thing.
23:23As long as they pass the backyard,
23:24we will be safe.
23:25But the road to the backyard is so far away.
23:27I'm not sure if we can make it.
23:54they are here.
23:55Come here.
23:57Be careful.
23:58Be careful.
24:05if we cross this bridge,
24:06we won't be in your father's room anymore.
24:09Da Ta and Hai Di will kill us.
24:11We don't know what to do to Da Ta and Hai Di.
24:13Hai Di is in the backyard.
24:14That's right.
24:15Let's cross the bridge.
24:43Are you going to run away?
24:48I'm to blame for all the mistakes.
24:50Please forgive us.
24:52Please give us a way to live.
24:54Shut up.
24:56What right do you have to call me father?
24:58You two have brought shame to our family.
25:01Where are you?
25:04please don't.
25:05It has nothing to do with me.
25:07Master deliberately seduced me.
25:09Please don't kill her.
25:11If you kill Master,
25:12don't kill Master.
25:13Don't torture her.
25:14You are so ungrateful.
25:16You seduced my daughter.
25:18You deserve to die.
25:20Master is still alive.
25:21I can't argue with you.
25:23I want to kill you.
25:24Please forgive me.
25:29please don't.
25:30How can you kill your own daughter?
25:32It's not fair.
25:33The whole family has four sons.
25:34It's not my turn to be rich.
25:36I'm just being reasonable.
25:37I don't eat meat.
25:38As a daughter,
25:39I have to be filial to my parents.
25:40But if I'm guilty,
25:41my parents have to take care of me
25:42so that I can eat well.
25:44Why did you seduce my father?
25:45You are exaggerating.
25:46Shut up.
25:48Do you dare to ruin my life?
25:49Where are you from?
25:50Take him away.
25:56Protect Master.
26:02Protect Master.
26:30The fire is too strong.
26:43I'm so sorry.
26:44Please forgive me.
26:45I'll pay you back later.
26:53Catch them.
27:02how dare you ruin my life?
27:03I didn't do anything.
27:04It's the law.
27:05The law is the law.
27:08please forgive me.
27:15this time,
27:16I'm guilty.
27:17I deserve to die.
27:18I'm the master of the country.
27:20I'm respected by the people.
27:22If this gets out,
27:23I'm afraid it will ruin my reputation.
27:26Do you dare to threaten me?
27:28No, I don't.
27:30I don't think I want this to get out.
27:33My daughter has left me.
27:35Even if I kill her,
27:36she won't benefit from it.
27:38I beg you to help me.
27:41I won't let this happen to my daughter.
27:44If you don't,
27:45I'll kill you.
27:52What are you waiting for?
27:54Hurry up.
27:55Hurry up.
27:57the people are coming.
27:58Please wait a moment.
28:02Hurry up.
28:03I have an idea.
28:04Hurry up.
28:05Remember your promise.
28:07Hurry up.
28:08If I hear any bad words,
28:11I won't forgive you.
28:14Hurry up.
28:50Are you still worried about Tây Dương?
28:53They have left.
28:54Why are you still worried?
28:57You don't understand.
29:01You haven't seen Tây Dương for a long time, have you?
29:05I live here.
29:07I don't want to see him.
29:09I don't want to see him.
29:11I don't want to see him.
29:12I've only known him for two years,
29:14that's why—
29:18He created war in those years,
29:22so he has a high status in Tây Dương.
29:25But when he got the throne,
29:29he killed all the daughters of Ngài's family members.
29:34Back then,
29:36I was a governor,
29:38because I don't want to kill anyone.
29:41Hopefully, we can break this cruel rule.
29:45Unexpectedly, we have touched the ocean.
29:48So he was exiled and left us.
29:51After that, he was exiled and became a prisoner.
29:54This life is not going to be a prosperous one.
29:58This ocean is really hateful.
30:00So it is.
30:01That's why Master Gai was so sad,
30:03so he was sick.
30:04So we have to be careful with him.
30:06That's right.
30:08You two don't know how dangerous the situation is.
30:11The people of the ocean are not only cruel and cruel,
30:15but also hostile.
30:17Once someone touches you,
30:20you will not be at peace.
30:23This time,
30:25he thinks that we are deliberately against him.
30:29Sooner or later, he will come to us to take revenge.
30:34you should go find your daughter.
30:36Think of a way.
30:38Even if she has made a hundred mistakes,
30:40she is still our daughter.
30:44Thuy Anh has been very filial lately.
30:47It's because of me.
30:49It's because of me that I forced her to go somewhere else.
30:51She didn't think it through, so she left home.
30:56What do you know?
30:58Now that side is getting bigger and bigger.
31:00If you get close to them,
31:01the four of you will be like a tiger craving for wings.
31:03Even the emperor has to look at my face.
31:06is it because of power
31:09that you give up your daughter's happiness?
31:12It's not good to waste that side.
31:15I am her father.
31:16I have to think about her future.
31:19But now my plan has been ruined by her daughter.
31:24Hien's mother is a bad daughter.
31:26She didn't teach her properly.
31:28The daughter is like that,
31:29the son is also like that.
31:31Why do you care about Thanh Nhi?
31:33Thanh Nhi?
31:35Thanh Nhi is more decent.
31:37She just eats and sits all day.
31:38She only knows how to drink and play music.
31:42Since the four princes came here,
31:43she hasn't visited the four princes.
31:45What kind of system is this?
31:48Duke Kong Kong is here.
31:50Greetings, Master.
31:53Duke Kong Kong,
31:55Duke Kong Kong came to visit the capital.
31:57Is there anything wrong with the court?
31:59I am just a servant of the emperor.
32:01I brought gifts to the court
32:03to make a gift for the emperor.
32:06The emperor values this matter very much.
32:09Please handle it carefully,
32:10don't make any mistakes.
32:13I am honored to be here.
32:16The four princes have made arrangements.
32:18Please rest assured, Your Majesty.
32:20With the help of the princes,
32:22the emperor is very at ease.
32:24I will report to the emperor.
32:33The King's Avatar 2
32:38This script was written by me.
32:41I brought it to the four provinces.
32:44I asked the four provinces to bring it to you.
32:47I have highly evaluated your daughter.
32:51I have praised her to the court.
32:54She is gentle and virtuous.
32:56She is well-mannered and loyal.
32:58She is a good daughter
33:01to show her virtue.
33:03Do you want me to raise her?
33:06That's right.
33:07Is there anything else?
33:09There is one more thing.
33:11I asked the court
33:13to allow the daughter of the emperor
33:15to marry the emperor.
33:33The King's Avatar 3
33:37The King's Avatar is obviously taking revenge on us.
33:39He didn't force his daughter to marry him.
33:41Then he asked to adopt Mui as his daughter.
33:43It's really evil.
33:45This is called a double-kill.
33:47The more Mui sees this script,
33:49the angrier she is.
33:50Let me see.
33:51Don't push.
33:54Don't push.
33:55If you don't kill her,
33:57the King's Avatar will be in trouble.
33:59Dad, I really don't want to go.
34:01I want to stay with you
34:02and take care of you forever.
34:05let me take you away from here.
34:08This has been announced to the court.
34:10If we leave like this,
34:11it will affect Mui's father.
34:14my wife is going out for a while.
34:16Don't go around alone.
34:18Dad, where are you going?
35:01The King's Avatar
35:13I am Thuan Vu-Yi.
35:15I am here to see the King.
35:17Thuan Vu-Yi?
35:19You have long claimed to be famous.
35:21I thought you had a lot of energy.
35:23Why did you come to apologize to me today?
35:25I am Thuan Vu-Yi.
35:27Thao-Van knows how to imitate.
35:29Please give me more time to work.
35:31I hope you will have more money
35:33to forgive me.
35:35I know your purpose.
35:37You just want to
35:39cover up for the King.
35:41My daughter is loved by you
35:43and raised by you.
35:45I am extremely grateful.
35:47But my daughter is not talented
35:49and does not understand etiquette.
35:51I am afraid that
35:53it will hurt you.
35:55If you have to go to Hung-Lo to get married,
35:57I am afraid
35:59that it will ruin your reputation.
36:01I beg you,
36:03the King.
36:05Please give me more time.
36:09Why did you say that?
36:11Actually, your daughter is
36:13very smart and talented.
36:15That's why the King
36:17accepted her as his daughter
36:19and asked her to come to Hung-Lo to get married.
36:24you will be the leader
36:26of Hung-Lo.
36:28Until then,
36:30your status will be very precious.
36:32In the end,
36:34you have to thank the King.
36:36You don't need to say more
36:38sarcastic words.
36:40Let's get straight to the point.
36:42Thao-Van has imitated
36:44the King.
36:48if I do it, I will suffer.
36:50My head is here.
36:52If you want to kill me,
36:54just kill me.
36:56But I beg you,
36:58please spare my daughter.
37:02Kill you?
37:04In your eyes, you are just a dog.
37:06If I want to kill you,
37:08I can easily do it with my bare hands.
37:12you have been doing business for a long time.
37:14I asked the King
37:16to allow you to go to Hung-Lo to get married.
37:18For you,
37:20I will give you a son
37:22and a daughter.
37:28You are so cruel.
37:30You broke my heart.
37:34You made me lose my daughter.
37:36That's why I feel so sad.
37:38You have been so mean to me for a long time.
37:40I will pay you back.
37:44I will make you lose your daughter.
37:50You are so arrogant.
37:52How dare you do this to me?
37:54It's just a sin.
37:56Go back and tell the King
37:58to keep a distance from you for 3 days.
38:003 days later,
38:02I will come to get you.
38:22be careful not to catch a cold.
38:24It's so cold outside.
38:26What are you doing here?
38:28You haven't been back for a long time.
38:30I was worried about you,
38:32so I came to see you.
38:36It's because my daughter is not well
38:38that I have to worry about you.
38:46it's late. Where are you going?
38:48It's late. Where are you going?
38:50Don't worry,
38:52I have my way.
39:183 days later
39:203 days later
39:48the King has made his decision.
39:52is it true that Duong Nguyen Linh is here to help us?
39:56he promised me
39:58that he would go with the King
40:00and that you have given birth to him
40:02and that you will be his witness
40:04and that you will be his son.
40:06But Duong Nguyen Linh is usually very timid.
40:08How dare he go against the King?
40:10Half a year ago,
40:12he was seriously ill
40:14and I cured him.
40:16He is my son
40:18so I have to repay you.
40:22Don't say anymore.
40:24I have arranged everything.
40:26You two go to Giang Nam
40:28to find Duong.
40:32do we really have to go far?
40:34Leave Trung Tho
40:36to avoid Duong coming
40:38and asking for a lot of trouble.
40:40This is the money.
40:42Keep it carefully.
40:46not to get involved in other people's business.
40:48I know, master.
40:50De Vinh,
40:52this is the first time you go far.
40:54You have to be careful.
40:58it's windy and snowy.
41:00Remember to wear a coat
41:02so you won't catch a cold.
41:04Dad, don't worry.
41:06It's just a temporary break.
41:08I have grown up now.
41:10I know how to take care of myself.
41:13We have lived together
41:15for so many years.
41:17I just temporarily leave you.
41:19But in my heart...
41:21Dad, let's leave together.
41:23No need.
41:25You two don't worry.
41:27I'm fine.
41:29I will try to go to Giang Nam early
41:31to say goodbye to you two.
41:33But now it's still early.
41:35You two go to Thanh Mau.
41:39we will leave now.
41:41Let's go.
41:47come to see me soon.
41:49Take care of yourself.
42:13I'm leaving.
42:38Let's go.
42:40No, Mr. Quynh.
42:42Did you notice
42:44when we left,
42:46Dad's eyes looked strange.
42:48He wanted to cry
42:50and wanted to say goodbye to us.
42:52Something must have happened.
42:54We have to go back.
43:12this is the letter
43:14Master wrote for us.
43:20Dad, don't.
43:22Dad, don't.
43:24Dad, don't.
43:26Dad, don't.
43:28Dad, don't.
43:32why did you do that?
43:34Why did you do that?
43:36Dad, don't.
43:38Why did you come back?
43:40Why didn't you stop me from dying?
43:44I didn't want to leave.
43:46I just wanted to sacrifice for you.
43:50why did you leave us?
43:54I had no way to deal with it.
43:56To achieve the goal,
43:58I had to do everything I could.
44:00How could I be strong enough to fight against him?
44:02I'm such a coward.
44:04I told you to leave.
44:08if I get involved in this,
44:10you will die because of me.
44:12Then you will be ungrateful.
44:16we have to live together.
44:18We can't be apart.
44:26I know you are a filial son.
44:28Stand up.
44:32If I don't die,
44:34I won't forgive you.
44:36If I have to leave you to die,
44:38I will be heartbroken.
44:55Oh no,
44:57Te Duong's people are coming.
44:59Dad, let's leave together.
45:01Let's leave together.
45:03Te Duong's people are so strong.
45:05We can't run away.
45:07What should we do, master?
45:09They are coming.
45:13What should we do, master?
45:19As long as the devil is gone,
45:21Te Duong will be safe.