Role of Intellect in Spiritual Progress

  • 3 months ago
How is the intellect helpful in attaining spiritual progress? After attaining Self Realization what helps to attain further progress on the spiritual path?
00:00We need the intellect to understand Aptavani, but the intellect gets in the way of liberation.
00:06How to find the balance?
00:08For study, intellect will help, but for our realization of our soul, it is beyond intellect.
00:17So worldly things we can finish by intellect, worldly problem, worldly solution, we will
00:24finish by intellect.
00:26But for our realization and progress in spiritual path, it is beyond intellect.
00:31So heart will help and awareness of pure soul will help.
00:35Make real effort in progress in spiritual path by awareness of pure soul, practicing
00:41five agnas, it is beyond intellect.
00:45Intellects help only for worldly solution, worldly problem, any problem arise, we can
00:50solve by intellect.
00:52That is helping for worldly problems.
00:56Intellect doesn't help for spirituality.
00:59It is beyond intellect.
01:01So that will, here you will get that knowledge, so inner awareness will start, awareness of
01:09pure soul, enlightened pure soul will give you further how to progress in spiritual path.
01:16Automatically that will come.
