Percy and the signal

  • 2 months ago
Thomas & Friends is owned & copyright of HIT Entertainment Limited, Jam Filled Entertainment & Australian Broadcasting Company & I own nothing. No money has or will ever be made from this video.


00:00Percy works in the yard at the big station.
00:12He loves playing jokes, but they can get him into trouble.
00:20One morning he was very cheeky indeed.
00:25Beep! Beep! Hurry up, Gordon, the train's ready.
00:28Gordon thought he was late.
00:30Ha! Ha! Ha! laughed Percy and showed him a train of dirty coal trucks.
00:37Gordon thought how to pay Percy out.
00:42Next it was James' turn.
00:44Stay in the shed today, James. The Fat Controller will come and see you.
00:49Ah! thought James. The Fat Controller knows I'm a fine engine.
00:54He wants me to pull a special train.
00:58James' driver and fireman could not make him move.
01:01The other engines grumbled dreadfully.
01:04They had to do James' work as well as their own.
01:13At last the inspector arrived.
01:15Show a wheel, James. You can't stay here all day.
01:19The Fat Controller told me to stay here. He sent a message this morning.
01:23He did not. How could he? He's away for a week.
01:27Oh! said James.
01:29Oh! Where's Percy?
01:36Percy had wisely disappeared.
01:40When the Fat Controller came back, he did see James and Percy too.
01:47Both engines wished he hadn't.
01:53One morning Percy was careless.
02:03I say, you engines, I'm to take some trucks to Thomas' Junction.
02:08The Fat Controller chose me especially.
02:11He must know I'm a really useful engine.
02:14More likely he wants you out the way, grunted James.
02:18Gordon looked across to James. They were making a plan.
02:22James and I were just speaking about signals at the Junction.
02:26We can't be too careful about signals.
02:29But then I needn't say that to a really useful engine like you, Percy.
02:34Percy felt flattered.
02:36We had spoken of backing signals, put in James.
02:40They need extra special care, you know.
02:42Would you like me to explain?
02:44No, thank you, James, said Percy. I know all about signals.
02:48Percy was a little worried.
02:50I wonder what backing signals are, he thought.
02:56Never mind, I'll manage.
02:58He puffed crossly to his trucks and felt better.
03:05He came to a signal.
03:07Bother! It's at danger!
03:10The signal moved to show line clear.
03:13Its arm moved up instead of down.
03:16Percy had never seen that sort of signal before.
03:19Down means go and up means stop.
03:22So upper still must mean go back.
03:25I know, it's one of those backing signals.
03:28Come on, Percy, said his driver. Off we go.
03:32Stop! You're going the wrong way.
03:35But it's a backing signal, Percy protested and told him about Gordon and James.
03:41The driver laughed and explained.
03:44Oh dear, said Percy, let's start quickly before they see us.
03:49He was too late. Gordon saw everything.
04:03That night, the big engines talked about signals.
04:15They thought the subject was funny.
04:18Percy thought they were being very silly.