A Cute Girl Came To My Home For A Homestay

  • 2 months ago
A Cute Girl Came To My Home For A Homestay
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00I am Shota. I go to high school, grade 10.
00:04I hate these ordinary days, so I sometimes escape to the imaginary world.
00:09What if a super cute girl transfers to my school?
00:14Maybe she will fall in love with me?
00:17It's so fun to think about something that will never happen.
00:25Excuse me? Who are…
00:28Hello! It's nice to meet you.
00:31I am Laura. I'm going to stay here to do the homestay. Nice to meet you.
00:38Oh, God! A cute girl with blonde hair! My parents haven't told me anything.
00:46My parents are very interested in overseas and often travel abroad.
00:52Goodbye, Shota!
00:54Please stay at home!
00:57And when my parents come back home?
01:01We want to host students from other countries. Like a homestay! What do you think?
01:08Sounds excellent, dad!
01:10Because he has asked me thousands of times, my mind is all set.
01:16Well, do you wanna come in?
01:18Thank you!
01:20I'm Shota. You're so brave to come to do a homestay.
01:24Hi, I'm Laura.
01:27It's because the one I respect said,
01:30If you want to discard a boring life, go into the unknown.
01:35Oh, I see.
01:37Is it real? A cute blonde girl shows up?
01:42I think my parents are back soon.
01:47I don't know what to talk about.
01:49They are… late.
01:51She is so nervous.
01:54It makes sense that she is nervous. She is in a foreign country.
01:59Wait, I have something in my room.
02:02Please wait for a minute. I'll be back.
02:05Oh, okay.
02:07I run to my room.
02:09I am an otaku, and my mother calls my room trash box.
02:15I think playing cards are in the closet.
02:18I can't let Laura see this.
02:22Laura can be relaxed while playing cards.
02:29Wait, Laura!
02:31Holy! It is amazing!
02:34Wait, what?
02:37A cute blonde girl is literally in front of my eyes?
02:41I don't know what to do, and I just froze.
02:44Are you otaku, Shota-san?
02:47Why have you been hiding it?
02:50Cause we only met a few minutes ago.
02:53Do you like anime?
02:55I love them.
02:57I came to Japan to be a serious otaku.
03:00I can't believe the master is so close to me.
03:04I… I got it.
03:07Let's watch Amoe anime.
03:09I've heard a professional, serious otaku is good.
03:12I've heard a professional, serious otaku watches Amoe anime 30 hours a day.
03:18Oh gosh! You are freaking too close!
03:22Laura isn't nervous anymore.
03:24She is super excited.
03:27Oh my gosh!
03:29This is the Japanese Amoe!
03:32I can't control my excitement!
03:35Hey, drooling!
03:37Calm down, okay?
03:39Once she realized that I am an otaku,
03:42she started to like me, I guess.
03:45We were kinda tired of watching anime,
03:48so we started playing a horror game.
03:50What the heck? No way!
03:53She smells too good for me to focus on the game.
03:58I wish this could last forever.
04:01It's gonna be so fun!
04:04We've got closer, both physically and mentally.
04:08And that night…
04:10We are home!
04:12I'm sorry for being late!
04:15Hi, please let me know first if you want to host somebody.
04:22You guys decided to host Laura, didn't you?
04:25Who is she? I've never heard about any homestay.
04:30Wait, what?
04:32Laura's host family wasn't us.
04:34Her teacher sent Laura to a wrong place.
04:37Laura is going to go to a house where she was supposed to go.
04:42Okay then.
04:44Don't be sad.
04:46It's not like we will never see each other.
04:49There are so many ways to contact.
04:52See you then.
04:57This is what it should be.
05:00The extraordinary days are back.
05:02The extraordinary days are back to normal.
05:06The ordinary day is the word I hate the most.
05:10It seems to be finally over.
05:13Thanks to Laura.
05:15I am so sad.
05:18It's because the one I respect said,
05:21If you want to discard a boring life, go into the unknown.
05:26I remembered what Laura said.
05:30Why don't you stay here?
05:35There is a lot of anime and games here.
05:38You can get whatever you want.
05:40I'll help you to become a serious otaku.
05:43So, please be together with me in this house.
05:47Wait, what?
05:49Did I say something wrong?
05:54Can you stop grabbing my hand?
05:58Oh, shoot!
06:01I'm literally about to fall in love with you.
06:05I am so sorry.
06:08It's a grateful offer for me, too, but...
06:12My family is okay with it.
06:15Of course, we'll welcome you.
06:18I was planning to host students anyway.
06:25Shota and Laura must sleep in separate rooms.
06:29Oh my gosh, mom! Of course!
06:33In this way,
06:34Laura is going to stay in my house.
06:38Next morning.
06:40I was too excited to sleep
06:43due to the extraordinary days once more.
06:48I'm so sleepy.
06:50If you want to discard a boring life,
06:52go into the unknown!
06:56This anime is for kids.
06:59The person Laura respects the most is...
07:03Was Laura impressed by a quote from Anime for Kids?
07:07Probably we can get along together.
07:10Shota, what are you doing?
07:12You haven't changed yet?
07:14Holy shoot!
07:15She is freaking cute!
07:17Hurry up!
07:18Or you'll be late for school!
07:20I know!
07:21Let's get ready!
07:23I am so lucky to be an otaku.
07:27We will go to school together every day.
07:30I can't believe such extraordinary days come true.
07:34It's like a dream!
07:37If you have any problems, talk to me.
07:41I got it.
07:42Can we go home together after school?
07:45Of course!
07:46Why not?
07:48But you can do whatever you want once you make friends.
07:53Don't worry.
07:54You'll make me a serious otaku
07:56and we'll be together in your house.
08:00Laura remembers what I said.
08:03That means...
08:05Well, I don't care at this point.
08:08What kind of anime I should watch after school?
08:11What kind of anime I should watch after school?
08:14What do you think, Shota?
08:17What I wanted to say back then was
08:19I'll help you to become a serious otaku.
08:22So please, let's be serious otakus together in this house.
08:27I was so panicked because I wanted Laura to stay here.
08:32But I'll keep this as a secret for now.
08:41To be continued...
