Пожарникарот Сем - Роденденот на Сем (на македонски)

  • 2 months ago
Роденденот на Сем

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00:30Fantastic, Joe, he will like it very much.
00:42It looks like Jupiter is real. How does it work, dad?
00:46I just press the regulator and it goes faster.
00:50Oh no, it's happening!
01:00He can't see it as a gift from the pre-dinner birthday party.
01:03We will pour it out of the inflatable.
01:18Hello, everyone.
01:25I'm very excited that it's your birthday, Sam.
01:29Well, I'm very excited that it's my birthday, Joe.
01:37I'm also very excited that Dillie is making a big cake.
01:47Well, that's great.
01:50I think I'll go back to the station.
01:57Dad, how can you make it?
02:00Come on, you like it.
02:05Let's go and have some tea.
02:10Now hold this around the girl's eye.
02:13Okay, dad.
02:15At least the cake is not ready yet.
02:18There is no better way than to play with it.
02:24Please, maybe we should be careful.
02:34Do you need help, sir?
02:36No, Sam. It's your birthday.
02:39You have to sit down and rest.
02:42I'll try it.
02:44Okay, sir.
02:59Are you sure you don't need help, sir?
03:02No, Sam. Just relax.
03:05I'll try it, sir.
03:07I'll try it.
03:10What do you think, James?
03:13I think it's not fair.
03:15Why did you ask me to fix it,
03:17not when you wanted to play with it?
03:20Because you're great at fixing things.
03:40This is good.
03:42I told you you're great at fixing things.
03:46I'll try it.
03:52Great, James.
03:54It really moves well.
03:57Maybe it moves well,
03:59but I can't lock it.
04:05The regulator is jammed.
04:08Oh, no!
04:09If we don't give it back to Uncle Sam,
04:11he won't get his birthday present.
04:13Hurry, Hannah!
04:14Follow that truck!
04:40What is it, Elvis?
04:41Do you think I should go help Captain Steel?
04:48Are you sure it's okay, sir?
04:50Yes, yes. Thank you, Sam.
04:53It's okay.
04:54Just relax.
05:02It's supposedly okay.
05:10Be careful, James!
05:11I'm trying to be careful!
05:18Oh, Sam is going to like the cake.
05:24Let me help you, Jupiter.
05:36Oh, no!
05:38The cake is stuck!
05:49I'll catch it!
05:50You can't catch anything, Norman!
05:53If I don't catch it,
05:54you can take my best helicopter cap.
05:58I caught it!
05:59I caught it!
06:00I caught it!
06:01I caught it!
06:03I need to catch it, too!
06:14I usually do this kind of work.
06:16Oh, no!
06:18Throw the rubber band!
06:20I'm going to run!
06:21You can't, Norman!
06:23Dad said it's an island in Ponte Vende.
06:25I'm going to call Uncle Sam.
06:33Delice Price is sailing on the sea with Hannah and James
06:35and a huge birthday cake.
06:40Delice is sailing on the sea with Hannah and James
06:42and a huge birthday cake.
06:47Benny, come with me to the ocean center for diving.
06:50Elvis, help Captain Steele.
06:53One for all!
07:24You take Delice, and I'll take James and Hannah.
07:33Okay, Sam.
07:38The bottom of the cake is wet!
07:41Leave the cake, Delice.
07:42It's tiring.
07:51I'll go first, James.
07:52I'm a very good swimmer.
07:54Are you sure, Hannah?
07:55I'm sure.
08:05Where's Hannah?
08:14I've got him, Jupiter!
08:28He's flying through the streets,
08:30and that's right next to the pier.
08:32And he's so fast!
08:35It's really not a shame that we caught him
08:37by the hand, Uncle Sam.
08:39And that we caused such a big accident.
08:42It's important that you don't forget
08:44that running can be dangerous,
08:46especially when you're close to the water.
08:49On behalf of all of you in Ponte Pende,
08:52I would like to give my brother Sam
08:55a truly special gift.
08:59Not only to congratulate him on his birthday,
09:02but also to thank him
09:05for always being our special hero.
09:11This should be Jupiter.
09:13Sorry, he's a little crooked.
09:16He can't be more perfect.
09:19Thank you all.
09:21To Sam!
09:22To Sam!
09:23To Sam!
09:24To Sam!
09:25To Sam!
