Two Moon Junction

  • 2 days ago
1988 ‧ Romance/Erotic ‧ 1h 44m

A young Southern débutante temporarily abandons her posh lifestyle and upcoming, semi-arranged marriage to have a lustful and erotic fling with a rugged drifter who works at a local carnival.

Zalman King
Zalman King, Macgregor Douglas
Sherilyn Fenn, Richard Tyson, Louise Fletcher
00:00:00The tradition of our sisterhood at Phi Gamma Kappa goes back to the days when cotton was
00:00:12And just as it has been for generation after generation, the friendships you have so lovingly
00:00:18cultivated and nourished here will remain amongst the most treasured possessions of
00:00:25your lives.
00:00:29Through times of happiness and times of sadness, good fortune and tribulation, you will always
00:00:38remember this time together.
00:00:45You are at a crossroads, a junction in your lives.
00:00:49May the road you travel speed you toward your dreams and goals with no sudden curves or
00:00:57detours to divert you from your path.
00:01:00For those of you who are graduating, this is your farewell ball.
00:01:09Congratulations, girl!
00:01:11And God bless you!
00:01:14Now, ladies and gentlemen, I have the pleasure of presenting the queen of the Phi Gamma Kappa
00:01:32Spring Ball, Miss April DeLongpre.
00:01:42And the fiancé, Mr. Chad Douglas Fairchild.
00:01:51President of our brother fraternity, Alpha Lambda Cod.
00:01:56The next time we all will be dancing together will be at their wedding.
00:02:26Thank you.
00:02:56This is a dream come true for me, baby.
00:02:59From the moment I first laid my eyes on you when we were freshmen, I knew that one day
00:03:04you'd be my wife.
00:03:09And this is just the beginning.
00:03:12I've got it all planned out.
00:03:16What I want is to make you happy.
00:03:20What I want is to give you everything your little heart desires.
00:03:24What I want, Chad, is to run away to a tropical island somewhere and live in a grass hut.
00:03:29And eat coconuts for the rest of our life?
00:03:31Coconuts and mangoes and papayas.
00:03:34Don't do this to me, baby. You're driving me nuts.
00:03:37That's the idea, Chad.
00:03:57Come on! We've got a present for you!
00:04:00Oh, my God!
00:04:03Your hair!
00:04:06It's beautiful. Hello, darling.
00:04:09Come on.
00:04:12Your hair looks great!
00:04:15It's outrageous!
00:04:18What are you girls up to?
00:04:21You just have to have this on your wedding night.
00:04:24We can't wait!
00:04:27Fredericks of Hollywood?
00:04:30What did my little sister think I am?
00:04:33Good Lord, look out!
00:04:36Good Lord, look out!
00:04:57Get off my sister!
00:05:06Get off my sister!
00:05:22That's a hell of a shot, son.
00:05:25You know, if your daddy and I weren't so keen on you becoming a lawyer,
00:05:28I swear I'd sponsor you on a pro tour.
00:05:31Well, Senator, I like things to work. I like them nice and neat.
00:05:34As long as you're gonna hook a shot, son, you're gonna get stuck in the rough.
00:05:37And that's gonna give you character.
00:05:40And I mean that with all best intentions.
00:06:34I love you.
00:06:37I love you.
00:06:40I love you.
00:06:43I love you.
00:06:46I love you.
00:06:49I love you.
00:06:52I love you.
00:06:55I love you.
00:06:58I love you.
00:07:01I love you.
00:07:31I love you.
00:08:01I love you.
00:08:31I love you.
00:09:01I love you.
00:09:31I love you.
00:09:34I love you.
00:09:37I love you.
00:09:57I love you.
00:10:00Come on, take a little walk with the honey and tell me who do you love?
00:10:06Who do you love?
00:10:10Who do you love?
00:10:14Yeah, who do you love?
00:10:26Please, girls, we really should go home.
00:10:28Just one more time. It's so much fun.
00:10:30I'll get him off for you, miss.
00:10:32I used to be a goddamned elephant tamer.
00:10:35Kyle, leave him be. Move out of the way.
00:10:37This one's on the house.
00:10:48How about you, princess? Do you want to take a spin?
00:10:51I'm not a princess.
00:10:53I knew a real one once.
00:10:55She was from the Sudan. Her daddy was king for a day.
00:10:58You better do what he says, ma'am.
00:11:01Because if you don't, he's just going to hold your kin full hostage till you do.
00:11:05I'd really rather not.
00:11:07Come on, April. One more time. It's so fun. You'll love it.
00:11:10April? I've known a May and a June, but never an April.
00:11:15I wish I could say something to persuade you to get on that ride, ma'am.
00:11:18Wipe the seat off for the princess, Kyle. That'll make her feel better.
00:11:22It's not for him and for me.
00:11:24My blood pressure's high, my heart's weak, my days are numbered.
00:11:28There's only so much for a man my age can take.
00:11:31Come on, girls. We're going home now.
00:11:34Could you please let them out?
00:11:36Cut a loose, Speed.
00:11:38You tried hard, but you can't win them all.
00:11:45Round one goes to the princess.
00:11:53He must like you girls. He usually doesn't back down so easy.
00:12:06Is there a Mr. Longtray in the crowd?
00:12:14Darlene, I'm talking to you. I found this on the ground.
00:12:19Thank you.
00:12:21How do I know who you are, princess?
00:12:24How do I know you're the real April DeLong, friend?
00:12:28And who's this good-looking devil, April?
00:12:31Is he your husband? Not yet. Two more weeks.
00:12:35Choo-choo. What kind of name is that?
00:12:38His real name's Chad. Choo-choo.
00:12:45What kind of name is that?
00:12:47His real name's Chad. Choo-choo.
00:12:50May I have my wallet back, please?
00:12:52Anything you say.
00:12:59Hey, Choo-choo.
00:13:01I'm gonna wish you the best.
00:13:16Now, you say hello to your mommy and daddy for me.
00:13:20Tell your daddy I'm looking forward to having a special dance with him at the wedding.
00:13:25Come on. Let's go for a ride. Get in a motel room or something.
00:13:29What do you say?
00:13:31We're gonna have the whole rest of our lives to be together.
00:13:35You drive me crazy. You do.
00:13:39I'm never sure about you. I never know what you want.
00:13:45Won't be long now, Choo-choo.
00:14:15Mrs. Chad Douglas Fairchild.
00:14:17I'm ready for the wedding.
00:14:20Oh, Chad, you drive me crazy.
00:14:26Mrs. Chad Douglas Fairchild.
00:14:28I'm ready for the wedding.
00:14:30Oh, Chad, you drive me crazy.
00:14:50Does your momma know where you are?
00:14:54Can you go out here and identify yourself?
00:14:56Yeah, my name's Carrie.
00:14:57I'm coming, I'm coming.
00:14:58How well do you know her?
00:14:59Oh, we went to school together since kindergarten.
00:15:01Well, what's she got on her mind?
00:15:04Why are you following me?
00:15:06What's your girlfriend like?
00:15:07How's it doing?
00:15:08Want to come with me?
00:15:10Which one of you girls want to come with me?
00:15:14You better use it while you got it,
00:15:16because it ain't gonna last forever.
00:15:19Smiley, Buck, you cheap sons of bitches.
00:15:23One of these days, this whole carnival's gonna come down around you
00:15:26if you don't start putting some money back into it.
00:15:29You gotta spend money to make money.
00:15:32Now, fuck your pay.
00:15:33That's good, Smiley.
00:15:35Fuck you covers just about everything.
00:15:37I pay for that beer.
00:15:39Don't be so goddamn stingy, Buck.
00:15:41What goes around comes around.
00:15:43The more you give, the more you get.
00:15:45Cups half full, half empty, reality's home,
00:15:48and how you perceive it.
00:15:49Isn't that right, pal?
00:15:50Everything you say is right, Barry.
00:15:52If you ain't the most beautiful old bastard I ever seen,
00:15:55I don't know who is.
00:15:57I love you, Barry.
00:15:59You got it all, kid.
00:16:01You're an angel, you're a saint, you're a cowboy,
00:16:03you're an Indian, you're the devil sent here
00:16:05to keep us all honest with ourselves.
00:16:07You ain't on the island.
00:16:09He's in.
00:16:11Definitely in.
00:16:14Yeah, you talk too much.
00:16:17I'm coming.
00:16:19I'm coming.
00:16:21I know you love me.
00:16:23I love you, too.
00:16:25Yeah, yeah.
00:16:27If you didn't bite everybody,
00:16:29I wouldn't have to keep you cooped up in here all the time.
00:16:33Man, you're so fucking tough.
00:16:39good-looking and so tough.
00:17:10You remember me?
00:17:14The man who returned your wallet?
00:17:22Aren't you gonna talk to me?
00:17:28You know, the first thing I thought about when I saw you,
00:17:32I really did think that, you know...
00:17:36Hope's a better word for it.
00:17:38That you were out here looking for me.
00:17:41Are you?
00:17:44I couldn't sleep.
00:17:47I know you've got a lot of things on your mind right now.
00:17:51With the wedding, coming up, everything.
00:18:06I can understand that.
00:18:16I'll be saying good night.
00:18:23Good night.
00:18:28Good night.
00:18:36Good night.
00:18:59There's go, young'uns.
00:19:03You sure you don't want to come along with us, darling?
00:19:07I hate leaving you here all alone.
00:19:09Oh, I'd rather not, Dad. It's just the weekend.
00:19:11Besides, I have so much to do yet before the wedding.
00:19:14You take it easy, honey.
00:19:16I will. Maybe I'll take a swim at the club.
00:19:18That's a good idea.
00:19:22If Jesse calls, make sure to give him our number at the lake.
00:19:26Don't you worry, honey. Have a good time.
00:19:31Bye, April.
00:19:52We'll be going now, Miss April.
00:19:54Thanks, Jimmy.
00:19:56Looking forward to a big day.
00:19:58A special for your bouquet.
00:20:00You're lovely, Jimmy. You make sure and take some home for yourself.
00:20:04Thank you, Miss April. Bye.
00:20:28Dog barks.
00:20:58Dog growls.
00:21:16I want you to get out of my house.
00:21:20Do you hear me?
00:21:22Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry.
00:21:24I didn't mean to inconvenience you.
00:21:26I needed a nice hot shower.
00:21:28This sure is nice smelling soap.
00:21:30I'm warning you.
00:21:32No wonder women smell so good.
00:21:34What is it? Essence of lilac?
00:21:36I want you to leave this house immediately or I'm gonna call the police.
00:21:39No, ma'am. I don't think you will.
00:21:41Our chance meeting last night clued me in to you.
00:21:44Is this extra drying my hair or something?
00:21:46I don't care about your hair. Just get your dog and go.
00:21:49How can I do that when it says right here on the bottle,
00:21:53Your hair will be unmanaged.
00:21:56If you got any ideas about going near that phone,
00:21:59I might just take it upon myself to walk out in front of all of you.
00:22:02Naked. Bare-ass naked.
00:22:05You wouldn't want that, would you?
00:22:23It's a beautiful day, isn't it?
00:22:33You had your chance.
00:22:35But you didn't run away, did you?
00:22:37No, I didn't.
00:22:39I didn't run away.
00:22:41I didn't run away.
00:22:43I didn't run away.
00:22:45I didn't run away.
00:22:47I didn't run away.
00:22:49I didn't run away.
00:22:51No, I didn't.
00:22:53And you didn't call the police either?
00:22:59No, I didn't.
00:23:02Why not?
00:23:04Do you suppose?
00:23:07I hope you don't mind, but I helped myself to a bottle of champagne.
00:23:12I usually try not to drink during the day,
00:23:15but this being a special occasion, I figured I'd...
00:23:22You frighten me.
00:23:24I understand.
00:23:27I'm sorry I had to come into your house like this,
00:23:30but since I'm only gonna be in town a day or so,
00:23:33that doesn't give us much time.
00:23:37And I knew you wouldn't mind.
00:23:44Let's go over there.
00:23:46Sit on the couch.
00:23:48And get to know one another.
00:23:53You're the cockiest son of a bitch I've ever met in my life.
00:23:56I'm not, really.
00:23:58I just like to hear myself talk.
00:24:01And I like beautiful things.
00:24:04A woman like you comes along only once in a lifetime.
00:24:10I swear.
00:24:13When I'm with you,
00:24:16when I leave,
00:24:22I'd like you to give me a bottle of your perfume.
00:24:27As I'm driving from town to town,
00:24:30put a little on my hand.
00:24:36Right there.
00:24:40I'll bring it up to my nose,
00:24:42and every time I smell it, I'll remember you
00:24:44and how beautiful you are.
00:24:51And a mole on your shoulder.
00:24:57Looks like a little kiss.
00:25:02God help me if you don't have beautiful skin.
00:25:06You smell so good.
00:25:09I can't keep my hands off of you.
00:25:11I was gonna come and just have a shower
00:25:13or a nice hot cup of coffee, but...
00:25:17you excite me so much, I can't help myself.
00:25:23Nothing like this has ever happened to me before.
00:25:27Nothing like this has ever happened to me before.
00:25:50Oh, boy.
00:25:53There it is.
00:25:57I went to a store in the Mojave in California.
00:26:01The man there taught me how to use one of these.
00:26:04I thought for sure I was gonna buy one.
00:26:07He told me he shot a video of his wife
00:26:11playing with herself.
00:26:13Can you imagine that?
00:26:15A total stranger telling me something like that?
00:26:29There you are on TV.
00:26:37How about a little smile?
00:26:42You don't feel like smiling?
00:26:46I can understand that.
00:26:50But, April,
00:26:52I didn't just show up here by mistake.
00:26:55You invited me.
00:26:58You might not know it, but you did.
00:27:03It's all right there in your eyes.
00:27:22It's all right.
00:27:52I'm sorry.
00:28:22I'm sorry.
00:28:52April, it's me, baby.
00:29:16I just spoke to the real estate agent in Tuscaloosa.
00:29:20The condo's ours.
00:29:24But I'm gonna stay up here a few more days,
00:29:26lock things down, make sure everything's perfect
00:29:28when we get here, okay?
00:29:30I love you, baby.
00:29:32Big kiss.
00:30:16April, honey.
00:30:19Let me look at you.
00:30:22You're gonna be the prettiest bride made
00:30:24since your grandma walked down that staircase
00:30:27on her daddy's arms.
00:30:30We got that photograph of you
00:30:32and that handsome beau of yours
00:30:34just dancing away at the sorority ball.
00:30:37Wait a minute. Belle.
00:30:39Belle, got a surprise for you.
00:30:41Look who come to visit.
00:30:43Well, I can see.
00:30:46April, honey.
00:30:48How wonderful of you to come out all this way
00:30:50just to see us.
00:30:54Are those flowers for me?
00:30:56Do I smell freesias?
00:30:58My favorite.
00:31:00We'll stop and pick some fresh on the way over.
00:31:02How thoughtful of you.
00:31:04I watched you drive in.
00:31:06I see your daddy bought you a new car for graduation.
00:31:09It's for graduation and the wedding, Belle.
00:31:11Chad's parents bought him one, too,
00:31:13only his is red.
00:31:15I can still see that Lincoln convertible
00:31:18that Belle's daddy bought for her graduation.
00:31:21It was white,
00:31:23and it had the softest tan leather upholstery
00:31:27you ever laid your eyes on.
00:31:33you turned out to be a beautiful young woman.
00:31:37Belle and I are so proud of you.
00:31:40Thank you.
00:31:45Well, come here and tell me, child.
00:31:48Have you tamed Chad yet?
00:31:50And don't you do it, either.
00:31:53Just keep him wild as long as you can.
00:31:56You're incorrigible, Grandma.
00:31:58Well, now, don't you grandma me, April.
00:32:01You know very well what I'm talking about, too.
00:32:04I've been watching you at parties
00:32:07and with boys ever since you were a little girl,
00:32:10and I might say you come by it naturally.
00:32:15I know I seem so sure of myself.
00:32:25I get this feeling inside, Belle,
00:32:30and I'm so scared.
00:32:32I really find that hard to believe, April.
00:32:37Oh, when I was your age,
00:32:39I was expecting a baby.
00:32:42That was the year my father died,
00:32:44and everything fell on my shoulders.
00:32:47And your grandfather, rest his soul,
00:32:51he wasn't much help to me,
00:32:54but he was the most handsome and virile man in the county,
00:32:59and every woman that set her eyes on him wanted him.
00:33:04So I disciplined myself
00:33:07to play the cards that life dealt me.
00:33:10You never had second thoughts?
00:33:14Oh, April, second thoughts are a luxury.
00:33:17I've never afforded myself, and neither should you.
00:33:23It's just everything's moving so fast.
00:33:31I feel that I haven't had enough time...
00:33:37for me.
00:33:40Delilah, if my mama or anyone else calls,
00:33:43could you tell them I'm here, please,
00:33:45but that I'm out taking a walk or something?
00:33:47I just don't feel like going home just yet.
00:33:54I don't know if your father told you,
00:33:57but I'm arranging for you to have this house after I'm gone.
00:34:01This house and the property from here to Two Moon Junction.
00:34:09I don't know what to say.
00:34:12Well, there'll be a trust
00:34:15to take care of the taxes and general maintenance,
00:34:19and all I need you to do
00:34:22is to make sure that when your time comes,
00:34:25you see that it stays in the family.
00:34:28Can you do that for me, April?
00:34:31Of course.
00:34:33And I also want to say how proud I am
00:34:37that you've chosen to wear my wedding dress.
00:34:46You deserve it, honey.
00:34:50You deserve it.
00:35:07You deserve it.
00:35:29Earl, it's Belle.
00:35:31Belle! How are you, sugar?
00:35:34I'd like you to do a little something for me.
00:35:37No problem.
00:35:39I'll keep an eye on her.
00:35:42Remember, save me a dance at that wedding.
00:36:51Excuse me.
00:36:53You welcome, wagon?
00:36:56I'm looking for the other man.
00:36:59What other man? Look, I'm the only man.
00:37:02If one left, the rest of them are gone.
00:37:05I find me a good woman, I'm gone, too.
00:37:08The other man, Perry, do you know where he is?
00:37:11Oh, yeah.
00:37:13Do you know he got run over by a train and lost both his legs?
00:37:17He died this morning.
00:37:23Pick up the club.
00:38:16Got any liquor in your purse?
00:38:21Well, you got some money.
00:38:24Go get me some.
00:38:27Go with her.
00:38:30We're... missing Bert.
00:38:33Go on.
00:38:35Don't pay any attention to him. He's just drunk.
00:38:42Maybe she's right.
00:38:45Maybe I should come back when you're feeling better.
00:38:57Get me some bourbon.
00:39:02Fucking ass.
00:39:11What the hell am I doing here?
00:39:14Well, he does have a certain charm about him when he's not like this.
00:39:19What are you gonna do, you know?
00:39:22Let's just go get the son of a bitch.
00:39:25Come on. Keep me company.
00:39:28Go on, Tom. Get in the back.
00:39:31Get back, Tom.
00:39:33You ever been on one of these before?
00:39:36It's a little bumpy.
00:39:49I swear to God, I can't stand them when they get drunk.
00:39:53And believe me, I have learned that you never want to mess with them when they get that way.
00:39:57You just got to ride it out until it passes.
00:40:00Besides, with most of them, they ain't drunk. They're dull as hell.
00:40:03I'm glad you came along, though, because you started driving me crazy.
00:40:06You got a cigarette? Because I left mine in my purse back there.
00:40:09I don't smoke.
00:40:11Fucking dickhead!
00:40:13God, I wish I had that kind of discipline.
00:40:15God, I wish I had that kind of discipline.
00:40:17You know, I tried to quit once, and I thought,
00:40:19What the fuck? I'm gonna die sooner or later anyway, you know?
00:40:22Hey, what'd you say your name was? Is your name April?
00:40:24Yes! I knew it. I knew it.
00:40:26You're the one that's about to be married, right?
00:40:28Perry told me all about you the first time we met.
00:40:30I'm Patty Jean. Hang on.
00:40:40Did that son of a bitch make you take an AIDS test before he fucked you?
00:40:45I didn't think so.
00:40:47He said it wasn't because he was afraid of dying.
00:40:49He just didn't want to be spreading the disease indiscriminately on down the line.
00:40:52Personally, if you ask me,
00:40:54I think he just didn't want to die having people think he was gay.
00:40:57He's pretty enough to give that impression.
00:41:00Oh, kind of humiliated me.
00:41:02You want to really talk about humiliating?
00:41:04I know this girl who flies with Savannah,
00:41:06and she told me that when people die on airplanes,
00:41:09what they do is they lock them in the fucking bathroom until they land.
00:41:13Now, I ask you, if that ain't the ultimate humiliation, what is?
00:41:17Ending up your life on a toilet seat, 35,000 feet in the air.
00:41:20You know? Shit!
00:41:23Hang on.
00:41:34We're here.
00:41:43Shit. Hey!
00:41:45What kind of liquor did he say he wanted?
00:41:47Bourbon. Bourbon. Right.
00:41:49Okay. Hey, you got a bathroom?
00:41:51God, I'm gonna pee my fucking pants.
00:41:53You got to get the liquor. I got to go to the bathroom, Dad.
00:42:14Now you know my secret.
00:42:16I put a little rouge on it.
00:42:18Makes it easier to see through my blouse.
00:42:21It's a real 60s thing to do, but I think it's cute.
00:42:24Boys would just howl when I wore pink and gore sweaters in junior high.
00:42:27I love him gore. You ever put yours in the refrigerator?
00:42:30No. Makes it real fuzzy.
00:42:35I bet you got gray tits. I can tell.
00:42:38But you shouldn't cover them up or be ashamed of them.
00:42:42And your hair would look a hell of a lot sexier if you'd wet it and slick it back.
00:42:45I mean, I should know. I'm a hairdresser. I know what the fuck I'm talking about.
00:42:48If I do one, I do 30 makeovers a week.
00:42:51And that top would look so much better if you weren't wearing a bra.
00:42:54Wanna let me try it on?
00:42:58I'll shut the door.
00:43:03Come on. Let me try it on.
00:43:07That's nice.
00:43:09Wanna try on mine?
00:43:11Come on. I designed it myself.
00:43:13It'll look so cute on you. You've got the perfect figure for it.
00:43:18Oh, come on. Don't be shy.
00:43:20Just put it on and say goodbye to Princess.
00:43:26Look, I know it would look good on you,
00:43:28and I'm not gonna take no for an answer.
00:43:31Come on. Perry will love it.
00:43:33Come on.
00:43:48Looks good, doesn't it?
00:43:51Let's see.
00:44:00It's at moments like this I can see why guys like women so much.
00:44:10I'll take the last one, you see.
00:44:12In this damn bull moose.
00:44:14Workin' around in the underground.
00:44:16Workin' around.
00:44:26Oh, holy shit!
00:44:34Damn it! I can't see!
00:44:36Where the hell are you?
00:44:38I can't see anything!
00:44:41Hurry! Somebody get Perry!
00:44:45Oh, my God!
00:44:59Go! Go!
00:45:09Get him!
00:45:27Get in your car! Get in your car!
00:45:30Get in your car!
00:45:36You all right? You all right?
00:45:38Get in your car!
00:45:40See that cheap son of a bitch?
00:45:42Those kids could have been killed!
00:45:44People put their lives in your hands!
00:45:46You got a responsibility to them!
00:45:48Fuck you!
00:45:49Fuck you! Everything is fuck you!
00:45:51Everything boils down to fucking money!
00:45:54Money! You want money? Here!
00:45:56Take it! Here! Take it all!
00:45:59Stay back!
00:46:05What you got there, Bob?
00:46:08Is that a gun?
00:46:14Bob's is in trouble!
00:46:19Go get him, Perry!
00:46:21Take the whole French foreign legion
00:46:23and knife the bargeboats and battleships!
00:46:25Hurry! You take my Perry!
00:46:28I gotta tell you something.
00:46:30He got me so hot the first time.
00:46:32I thought I was gonna go through the ceiling.
00:46:34He was even better than my second husband,
00:46:36and he was from Pittsburgh.
00:46:52Holy shit!
00:46:55Hang on!
00:46:58Hang on!
00:47:34It's the last time you took a bath, moron!
00:47:50Stand back!
00:47:54Stand back!
00:48:09Get up!
00:48:11Leave him alone!
00:48:13I'm gonna...
00:48:20Get your fucking dog
00:48:22and your fucking girls
00:48:24and get out of here!
00:49:41You want some?
00:49:49Come on.
00:50:07The lady's got a secret.
00:50:09Don't you?
00:50:13I ain't got no secret.
00:50:16I ain't got nothing except a bike,
00:50:19a truck,
00:50:21a post office box in Clearwater, Florida.
00:51:05So what color's your living room?
00:51:09But it's not my house. It's my parents'.
00:51:11Is your bedroom white, too?
00:51:13It's beige and floral print.
00:51:15My whole place is wood panel.
00:51:17I never lived anything else but.
00:51:19Except when I lived in Vegas.
00:51:21I was married to this guy in the Air Force.
00:51:23And they put us up in this place that was gray.
00:51:26A prefab with a balcony.
00:51:29You wanna dance?
00:51:32Come on. We're here. Let's have fun.
00:51:34This is my favorite song.
00:51:36And you're gonna dance with me.
00:51:40Come on.
00:52:10Come on.
00:52:43It is nice.
00:52:45In a trance.
00:52:47It is nice.
00:52:49In a trance.
00:52:53Go to him.
00:52:57Ask him to take you for a ride on his bike.
00:53:01Nothing but the sound of the engine
00:53:04and the clouds in the sky.
00:53:11Don't worry about me.
00:53:14I'm taking a bus out of here in the morning.
00:53:17I don't know where I'm going.
00:53:20But I can't wait to get there.
00:53:40I can't wait to get there.
00:54:10I can't wait to get there.
00:54:40I can't wait to get there.
00:55:10I can't wait to get there.
00:55:40I can't wait to get there.
00:55:43I can't wait to get there.
00:56:10I can't wait to get there.
00:56:40I can't wait to get there.
00:56:43I can't wait to get there.
00:56:46I can't wait to get there.
00:57:11Delilah, it's me, April.
00:57:13April, honey?
00:57:15or anyone else call for me?
00:57:17Why, no one.
00:57:19OK, well, if they do, could you just tell them
00:57:21that I'm on my way home?
00:57:22Of course.
00:57:46Ay, perdone.
00:57:47Regresamos más tarde.
00:57:49No, no, no, no, it's OK.
00:57:51You can stay.
00:57:55Where are you from?
00:57:57Puerto Rico.
00:58:00Is that his sister?
00:58:02No, no.
00:58:09Es amiga.
00:58:10Ah, amiga.
00:58:15Can you ask your friend why she's not wearing any underwear?
00:58:31She said that she washed them last night
00:58:33and they're not dry enough to wear this morning.
00:58:36She only got one pair?
00:58:41You son of a bitch.
00:58:43The bed's barely even cold.
00:58:44You're already trying to get someone else into it?
00:58:46Oh, what the hell.
00:58:47If you're as long as the room's paid for,
00:58:49I might as well give my money's worth.
00:58:53You hollow, manipulative piece of shit.
00:58:56Everything you are is between your legs.
00:58:58Well, then, why don't you come over here
00:59:01and give me a kiss good morning?
00:59:09I'm trying to go home.
00:59:10I don't know what the hell I'm doing here.
00:59:12It's called lust, baby.
00:59:15Yeah, there's no mistake in it.
00:59:17What's happened to April is she's come face to face with her libido.
00:59:22Fuck you. I don't have to take this shit.
00:59:29I bet you didn't think I knew what that word meant, but I do.
00:59:33Unchecked desire.
00:59:35Who the fuck do you think you are?
00:59:37You come to my house and take me?
00:59:38This is not your house, sweetheart.
00:59:40It's your mommy and daddy's house, and you invited me.
00:59:43I don't recall giving you my address and phone number.
00:59:45You came here because you wanted to come.
00:59:47You can believe anything you want.
00:59:49You're so far gone, there's no hope.
00:59:51You're psychotic. You know what that means?
00:59:54Fundamental mental derangement.
00:59:56You are beyond social redemption.
00:59:58It's better than being hysterical.
01:00:00You lose, mister. You're all alone.
01:00:02You don't care about anybody, and nobody gives a shit about you.
01:00:06That's right, baby. I'm the phantom of the night.
01:00:20You already said that.
01:00:25Oh, you better be careful what you say,
01:00:27or people around here might think we like each other.
01:00:30You can rot in hell for all I care.
01:00:34I'm sorry for the disturbance, folks,
01:00:37but you got to admit, that's one special wacko chick.
01:00:57I'm going to buy you breakfast, asshole.
01:01:01You know, I have a grandmother
01:01:05that I'm sure was about the hottest thing on the planet.
01:01:09There was a time, every Saturday night,
01:01:13and they'd dress up in tuxedos and gowns,
01:01:16and I was the only girl in the house.
01:01:19I was the only girl in the house.
01:01:21I was the only girl in the house.
01:01:24I was the only girl in the house.
01:01:27And they'd dress up in tuxedos and gowns,
01:01:29and I'd go down to our pavilion at Tumor Junction
01:01:32and dance all night long.
01:01:34Tumor Junction?
01:01:36That's my favorite place in all the world.
01:01:40My great-great-granddaddy was a pirate, you know.
01:01:48Yeah, he and Lafitte and a bunch of the others
01:01:51got very pissed off at the slave traders
01:01:53and started raiding their ships
01:01:55and setting all the slaves free in South America.
01:01:58My grandmother says it was because
01:02:00they had this dream of America being
01:02:02the last bastion of freedom.
01:02:05But then they realized the problem was bigger than they were
01:02:08and they really couldn't do anything about it,
01:02:10so they settled down the land and started raising cotton.
01:02:13And put the slaves to work on the plantation.
01:02:18My grandmother says he did it
01:02:20because he finally came to understand
01:02:22there would never be heaven on earth.
01:02:24For as long as the earth turns,
01:02:26there's always going to be corruption.
01:02:28Nothing was ever going to be perfect.
01:02:30What you mean to say is that there was more money in cotton
01:02:33than in being a hero?
01:02:37Something like that.
01:02:39You're gonna make a hell of a lawyer, sweetheart.
01:02:42I expect to live a double life.
01:02:44Maybe even a triple one if I get lucky.
01:02:49Yeah, I thought you were just another tight-ass princess.
01:02:56You look like a princess.
01:02:58You talk like a princess.
01:03:00And you definitely have a tight ass.
01:04:04don't ever take a Southern woman for granted.
01:04:50Excuse me, son.
01:04:52Is that your rig parked over there at Malcolm's place?
01:05:13Well, there they be, son.
01:05:16Jonah and Jonah Jr.
01:05:19This old, they can't remember who's pappy and who's son.
01:05:25They're weird and full of superstition.
01:05:28Burying a dead animal on their land
01:05:30won't cause the cows to give bloody milk.
01:05:32It'll bring on a swarm of locusts.
01:05:36Jonah! Jonah Jr.
01:05:39I told this boy here if he'd dig up his animal,
01:05:42I might be able to sway you to drop the charges against him.
01:05:45You see, it was dark,
01:05:47and he wanted a nice place to put his animal to rest.
01:05:51He didn't know he was trespassing an animal.
01:05:54He saw it.
01:05:57Do yourself a favor, son.
01:06:18I love my dog.
01:06:53The song they're singing goes way back.
01:06:55It's a kind of prayer.
01:07:03So, where'd you say you hail from, son?
01:07:11Anywhere near Cambridge, Massachusetts?
01:07:14No, sir.
01:07:16My grandson's growing up there this fall
01:07:18to Harvard Law School.
01:07:20Wish him luck.
01:07:22We're talking about $32,000 a year tuition room and board.
01:07:27But it ain't gonna cost me a penny, no siree,
01:07:29because, thank the Lord,
01:07:31we got people around here
01:07:33who recognize and support outstanding achievement.
01:07:41You know who Little Richard is, don't you?
01:07:46I remember he used to ride around here
01:07:49and his dad liked to always raise him Billy-Hale.
01:07:53Got so bad, finally the judge had to throw his black ass
01:07:56out of the county and told him never to come back.
01:08:05What I'm trying to say, son,
01:08:08is that not much goes on in this county
01:08:12that I don't know about.
01:08:50Did you get your manicure?
01:08:58You look absolutely beautiful.
01:09:05Janie, you have done a wonderful job on the dresses.
01:09:08Thank you so much.
01:09:10They look great.
01:09:14Now, you know what?
01:09:18You know, Alice in Wonderland's always been my favorite story.
01:09:23I always dreamed of having a storybook wedding,
01:09:26and now I am.
01:09:32Shoes and the hats.
01:09:35It's wonderful.
01:09:38Wow. Pretty exciting, isn't it?
01:09:44I just love these dresses.
01:09:47They make us all look so good.
01:09:50Makes your tits look bigger this way.
01:09:52If you don't mind, April, honey,
01:09:54I'm planning on using these kind of dresses for my wedding.
01:09:57If I ever get married, which I probably won't,
01:10:00but if I do, these will look great on me.
01:10:04You're welcome to it, sugar pie.
01:10:06I won't be needing it after tomorrow.
01:10:08Besides, next time I get married,
01:10:10I'm going to run off to Las Vegas to do it in a hot tub.
01:10:13April, you bite your tongue.
01:10:16Carolie, honey, could you give us a moment alone, please?
01:10:20This is going to be a wonderful wedding.
01:10:22I can't wait.
01:10:24Honey, there's so little time,
01:10:28and I thought,
01:10:30Well, I thought since you and Chad are still going to school,
01:10:34I figured you're not counting on having a family right away,
01:10:37so I took the liberty of putting together
01:10:41this little care package for you.
01:10:48I don't know. There's a lot of things here.
01:10:51There's so much, and I don't know what you would use,
01:10:54but what do you think?
01:10:57Honey, I don't know what you know.
01:11:02We never really talked.
01:11:08Oh, April, I'm happy.
01:11:14Sorry, Mrs. DeLong, but April, you have to see this.
01:11:17Come with me. Come on.
01:11:21Help me!
01:11:29You are so beautiful
01:11:35You are so beautiful
01:11:41You are so beautiful
01:11:47You are so beautiful
01:11:52Can't you see?
01:11:54April, you're a dream, you're a...
01:11:58You're everything I wanted!
01:12:04He's one gorgeous, hunk of a man.
01:12:17Thank you.
01:12:36Isn't he the one at the carnival?
01:12:38You know, the one that found your wallet?
01:12:41So far, April.
01:12:48I don't recall.
01:13:04Oh, shit.
01:13:10Thank you.
01:13:14What's going on here?
01:13:16I have no idea.
01:13:17Afternoon, Beth.
01:13:25Hi, Grandma.
01:13:26Oh, you beautiful girls.
01:13:28You're getting more beautiful every time I see you.
01:13:31Aren't they turning into lovely young ladies, Delilah?
01:13:34Oh, yes, they are. They certainly are.
01:13:36Is that any way for the future Mrs. Chad Douglas Fairchild
01:13:40to be dressed the day before her wedding?
01:13:42I've been having fittings all day, Belle.
01:13:45Oh, you poor thing.
01:13:47What is that monstrosity?
01:13:50It's a tent, Belle.
01:13:52Well, I can see that.
01:13:54Whatever does your mother have in mind?
01:13:57It's for the buffet.
01:13:59It looks more like a circus to me.
01:14:03Girls, would you please take these cold drinks
01:14:06out to those poor hard-working boys out there?
01:14:09Aren't you beautiful?
01:14:11Thank you, Belle.
01:14:12Oh, thank you, dear.
01:14:13What about me?
01:14:15That goes without saying, Delilah.
01:14:18It's him. I told you it was him.
01:14:20It is him. It is him.
01:14:22He said we were the cutest girl he's seen all month.
01:14:24Come on.
01:14:25Isn't it gorgeous?
01:14:28You know, it used to be that I knew the Christian name
01:14:30of every day worker in the county.
01:14:33Nowadays, you just open the yellow pages
01:14:36and dial a number and you take your chances with the riffraff.
01:14:40You know, Delilah and I are contemplating
01:14:42carrying pistols in our pocketbooks.
01:14:44Ain't that the truth?
01:14:47Not only is that tent an eyesore,
01:14:50it's a potential hazard.
01:14:52Young man?
01:14:55Young man?
01:14:58Young man, can't you do something about those guy lines?
01:15:01Somebody's bound to trip on that and break their neck.
01:15:06I think this will solve your problem.
01:15:10Come on.
01:15:20Oh, and by the way, that's a beautiful outfit you're wearing.
01:15:25The finest of imported silk pongee,
01:15:27the likes of which I haven't seen
01:15:29since Mademoiselle ran that layout
01:15:31on Princess Di's trousseau.
01:15:34You're pushing your luck, aren't you, young man?
01:15:38I'm just trying to earn a living, ma'am.
01:15:41Minimum wage, $3.35 an hour.
01:15:45It's not much, but I can make it work.
01:15:49You know, there's a line...
01:15:51Of course there is. That's what holds up the tent.
01:15:54Well, that's not the line I'm referring to.
01:15:56The line I'm talking about
01:15:58is the line between good manners and bad manners.
01:16:01Order and chaos.
01:16:03It's that line.
01:16:05You're talking about the state line, Princess.
01:16:07I've already seen it.
01:16:25They're placed settings for the 36th of April, darling.
01:16:29Taken from the court of King George
01:16:32and handed down from eldest daughter to eldest daughter
01:16:36every other generation
01:16:38from the time our forefathers decided
01:16:41to legitimize themselves
01:16:44and join a civilized society.
01:16:47Well, since that time,
01:16:49the DeLongpre family can claim
01:16:51three governors,
01:16:53two United States senators,
01:16:56three electives of the House of Representatives,
01:16:59a Supreme Court justice,
01:17:02and an ambassador to Chile.
01:17:07And at our table, we've had the likes of
01:17:10General Patton,
01:17:12President Woodrow Wilson,
01:17:15Jimmy Carter, Lyndon Johnson,
01:17:18the actress Tallulah Bankhead
01:17:21and Truman Capote
01:17:23and that film star, Grace Kelly,
01:17:25before she married her prince,
01:17:27and Betty Ford after her rehabilitation.
01:17:31Come election time,
01:17:33where do our Yankee brothers come according but here?
01:17:36But where the South goes,
01:17:39so goes the presidency.
01:17:41And why is that?
01:17:43Because we here in the South
01:17:45take care of our own.
01:17:47Always have.
01:17:49Always will.
01:17:57Always will.
01:19:26Perry, please come out. I don't have much time.
01:19:29I said to myself, if she comes here
01:19:31and she's wearing high-heeled shoes,
01:19:33then she's come because she wanted to come.
01:19:37There's almost $5,000 here.
01:19:40Please take it and go away.
01:19:42I saw your fiancée today.
01:19:44I love that song you were singing.
01:19:46He showed good taste there.
01:19:48I bet you his friends are giving him
01:19:50one of those stag parties tonight.
01:19:52Say if I'm right.
01:19:54I'm leaving now.
01:19:55If you don't want the money, give it to charity.
01:19:57Keep your money.
01:20:05How come you aren't wearing any panties, April, darling?
01:20:08What kind of a way is that
01:20:10to come see somebody you don't want to see?
01:20:12I know. Don't tell me.
01:20:14You washed them out before you went to bed,
01:20:16and they're not dry yet.
01:20:21You know, you're a real son of a bitch.
01:20:25At first, you excited me.
01:20:29Now you repulse me.
01:20:31You've got no mystery.
01:20:33Everything you are...
01:20:35Is between my legs.
01:20:38It's crazy.
01:20:46I've run a million miles,
01:20:49and who should I fall in love with?
01:20:54The very girl I was running away from.
01:21:01I'm sorry.
01:21:03The very girl I was running away from.
01:21:07You're lying.
01:21:09You lie about everything.
01:21:14Do I?
01:21:34Come here.
01:21:37I want to show you something.
01:21:41Come here.
01:21:44I want to show you something.
01:21:47I want to show you something.
01:22:07To the merging of two great southern families.
01:22:11Good luck to you, Chad. May God bless you.
01:22:17To the merging of two great southern families.
01:22:28His name's Max.
01:22:37I was going to call him Tom, too,
01:22:39but I figured he needed his own identity.
01:22:44It's beautiful.
01:22:46I was thinking about giving you one for your wedding present,
01:22:49but then I figured it'd be kind of hard for you to explain.
01:23:10My cousins and I used to come here all the time when we were kids.
01:23:14It was our place.
01:23:21We did everything together.
01:23:25In the summertime, we used to sneak around at night
01:23:28and watch our parents making love.
01:23:30Then we'd come in here, strip down, touch each other all over.
01:23:38And one night after a party,
01:23:41they both got crazy drunk,
01:23:44took their father's Lincoln Continental
01:23:46and crashed it into a telephone pole.
01:23:53Timothy, the one who was driving, lived.
01:23:58But Charles died.
01:24:03Two months later, Timmy put a gun to his head
01:24:06and shot himself out of despair.
01:24:11You remind me of them.
01:24:42I used to play this game with my cousins and I.
01:24:48They'd play and fool me.
01:24:51I'd try to guess which one of them I was with.
01:25:11I love you.
01:25:41I love you.
01:25:54I'm not your cousins.
01:25:59What cousins?
01:26:11What do you want?
01:26:41I'm not your cousins.
01:27:11I'm not your cousins.
01:27:41Oh, no!
01:28:41Oh, no!
01:29:11Oh, no!
01:29:41Oh, no!
01:30:11When's the wedding?
01:30:42I'll wait around.
01:30:47Till then.
01:30:51See what happens.
01:31:12BELL TOLLS
01:31:37Everybody, they're here! Come on, they're here!
01:31:40Come on, they're here!
01:32:10Come on, big fella. Looks like she's not coming.
01:32:41Come on.
01:32:54Come on, kiddo. We're on.
01:33:01Darling, is something wrong?
01:33:04No, not at all.
01:33:07What's the matter?
01:33:10I need a minute.
01:33:17Sugar, are you all right?
01:33:22Bella, I think you should go back and see what's happening.
01:33:25Good God.
01:33:35Come on.
01:33:54Oh, darling, you look so beautiful.
01:33:57We're so proud of you.
01:34:00Bell, I don't know if I can do this.
01:34:04But we love you.
01:34:07And we only want what's best for you.
01:34:29What's going on?
01:34:33You may be about to get some character.
01:34:36Don't tell me she's got a cold.
01:34:41If you all just hold on a minute,
01:34:44the bride's got a wrinkle in her dress or something.
01:34:47Now, don't anybody go away.
01:34:50I won't let you throw your life away on a passing fancy.
01:34:54Passion fades.
01:34:57Believe me, I know.
01:35:00What are you talking about?
01:35:03I was afraid this would happen.
01:35:06He will never interfere with your life again.
01:35:13Bell, what did you do?
01:35:19He asked me for money.
01:35:22I gave it to him.
01:35:25That's not true.
01:35:28He would never take money.
01:35:31Everyone has his price.
01:35:34Not him.
01:35:37April, my beautiful, courageous child,
01:35:41have I ever lied to you?
01:36:28I love you.
01:36:31I love you too.
01:36:58I love you too.
01:37:01I love you too.
01:37:26Do it!
01:37:29Do it!
01:37:34Do it!
01:37:58♪ To live, won't you even try ♪
01:38:02♪ Baby, I'm in hell ♪
01:38:10♪ I love the pain of the church-ose man ♪
01:38:15♪ I'll never be the same, baby ♪
01:38:20♪ Lovers are liars, daddy, lovers are liars... ♪