Пожарникарот Сем - Лисица во бегство (на македонски)

  • 2 months ago
Пожарникарот Сем - Лисица во бегство

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00:00🎵Požarní Karoc 🎵
00:28🎵Požarní Karoc Sam 🎵
00:31The Fox in the Runaway
00:33Okay, I'm going, dear.
00:35And please, don't open the cafe with the fox.
00:38I know it looks like a baby,
00:40but don't forget that it's a wild animal.
00:42Oh, he understands that he has no mother.
00:45Oh, this must be Sam.
00:51Are you ready, Lizzie?
00:53The Kutriot radar looks like a new one.
00:55Don't worry, Sam.
00:57I'll get it in order as soon as possible.
01:05Hello, Hannah.
01:06I just found a fantastic view.
01:09Would you like to come to the beach
01:11to see it from a distance?
01:13Sure, Norman.
01:15But my mother has a fox.
01:17Oh, a fox.
01:19Oh, I know everything about foxes.
01:22I'm, I'm like a whisperer for foxes.
01:26Where is it?
01:27Come to me.
01:34Here it is.
01:35Hello, little fox.
01:37Do you know that some foxes are the same as the Kutriot radar?
01:41Mom says that they are wild animals.
01:43Not this one.
01:45Look at it.
01:46Well, it really looks like a fox.
01:49Who knows what it eats?
01:51It eats bones, just like the Kutriot radar.
01:53I'll find someone.
01:56Now you'll get dinner.
02:02Please, don't let this happen.
02:06It's happening!
02:08I found a bone.
02:09Where is the fox?
02:10He opened the cage and ran away.
02:12Stupid move.
02:14He said it's like a house.
02:16You don't have to listen to me.
02:19Oh, no.
02:20If we don't get the fox back into the cage
02:22before mom gets home,
02:24we'll be in big trouble.
02:29Okay, Kutriot radar.
02:31I'll only listen to you from the bottom of my heart, radar.
02:33Be nice and calm.
02:35Sam, what's wrong with the radar?
02:38Lizzie is watching it, Elvis.
02:41We're trying to calm it down.
02:43Oh, okay.
02:45Come on, radar.
02:47Be calm.
02:48You can do it, Kutriot.
02:51Maybe, Elvis, you should calm down.
02:55I'll watch it in my ears.
02:57You'll watch it in your ears
02:59in the big, brave house?
03:01Sit still.
03:02You can do it, you can do it.
03:06Elvis, do you want to help me
03:08with watching the radar?
03:10Of course I'll help you, Sam.
03:12I'll do everything to help the radar.
03:14Then can you wait outside
03:16until Lizzie watches it?
03:20Okay, Sam.
03:22Penny, are you sure you can do it without me?
03:25We can do it, Elvis.
03:29Come here, Lizzie, Lizzie.
03:35What if we don't find her, Norman?
03:37How are we going to get her back?
03:40I'll scare her with the can and the spoon.
03:42Like this, like this.
03:44Norman, stop it.
03:46You'll scare her even more this way.
03:48Oh, look!
03:50There she is!
03:52There she is!
03:53Oh, no!
03:54She ran away again!
03:55What do you mean?
03:56Where is she going?
03:57Are you sure she's going home?
04:00To the ridge,
04:01where I can find Mom.
04:03But the ridge is a kilometer away
04:05and we need the whole eternity to get there.
04:10Maybe she's not there.
04:16Hello, Hannah.
04:17Hello, Norman.
04:18At least the fox hurt me, Trevor.
04:21And we really need to get to the ridge.
04:24To the ridge?
04:25Oh, I don't know, Hannah.
04:27That's not part of the route.
04:29Oh, please, Trevor.
04:32You'll be a real hero.
04:34Just like Firefighter Sam.
04:39Hero, huh?
04:42How did he do that?
04:44It was incredible.
04:46Just look where the fox is.
04:52Let's see what form you're in now.
04:54Oh, I hope the radar is good.
04:57Come on, little one.
04:58You can do this.
05:18Great radar.
05:23At least the fox hurt me, Hannah.
05:25I really need to go back.
05:28Please, Trevor.
05:30If she finds me, Mom will be really mad.
05:33And if you go,
05:34we won't be able to go back.
05:36You'll be a real hero
05:38if you help us, Trevor.
05:42Is something bothering you, Norman?
05:45No, me.
05:46Look up there.
05:48I see something red.
05:50It's moving.
05:51It's a fox.
05:52I'm going to catch it.
05:54No, Norman.
05:55The tree is too high.
05:57I'm going to climb it.
05:59I'm the main pioneer.
06:01Don't forget that.
06:05Where did it go?
06:08I'm a piece of meat.
06:11Hang on, Trevor.
06:13Now a little to the left.
06:15That's it.
06:16Catch it.
06:18This is not a fox.
06:21It's flying.
06:25Are you okay, Trevor?
06:28I think so.
06:36It's time to call the firefighter.
06:44I can proudly announce
06:46that the radar is 100% healthy and happy.
06:51I'm really worried, Lizzie.
06:53Why hasn't the radar been deployed lately?
06:56I have no idea.
06:58Well done, Kutre.
06:59You deserve a chocolate cake.
07:02No, Elvis.
07:03The fox can break the chocolate.
07:06Do you give him a lot of chocolate cakes?
07:12Maybe a few.
07:14The mystery is solved.
07:21Trevor Evans, you are overworked.
07:26Trevor Evans, you are overworked.
07:31Penny, you and I are going to the souvenir shop.
07:33Elvis, get him out of the helicopter.
07:36Yes, sir.
07:37I'm coming.
07:40Go, fatso.
07:41I'm coming with you.
07:55Hold on, Trevor.
07:57Call the firefighter.
08:03I'm watching him, kid.
08:07Oh, no.
08:10Oh, no.
08:14Hold on.
08:23You need to be very careful, Trevor.
08:26You could get hurt.
08:28I'm fine.
08:29I don't think I'll ever climb that tree again.
08:32I'm sorry.
08:33Why are you climbing that tree, Trevor?
08:36We just had to find the fox.
08:38The fox?
08:40I'm sorry, Mom.
08:42I forgot to tell you that the fox is a wildlife.
08:45Because it looked like a house to me,
08:47and I opened the cafe to avoid it.
08:50Do you mean this fox?
08:52Yes, yes.
08:54I and Norman promised to find it,
08:56but we couldn't find it.
08:58Oh, it's back?
08:59You found it yourself, Pato.
09:01It looks like it knows when it's time to eat.
09:05It looks happier than all of us.
09:07Does this mean that I'm not to blame for anything?
09:11Wait a minute.
09:13You said that a fox is the same as a house.
09:19Or maybe I was thinking of another animal.
