• 3 months ago
IHSG ditutup menguat 0,16% ke 7.306,35 sesi I Senin (22/7).Indeks sektoral dengan kenaikan terbesar sektor energi +1,24% dengan ADRO +2,90%. Saham ADRO + 10% dalam sepekan terakhir di tengah aksi beli sejumlah investor besar salah satunya Blackrock Inc. Tidak hanya ADRO, ITMG +2,54% INDY +2,84%, DOID +4,44% dan GEMS +15,93%. Sektor transportasi +0,95% dengan GIAA +9,56%. Sektor properti +0,45% dengan CTRA 2,45%, BSBK +15,28%. Sementara sektor kesehatan -0,68% dengan SIDO -2,68%.


00:00Thank you for those who have joined us and those who are still joining us at IDX Second Season Closing for this time.
00:06And in this segment, we will review how the trade is going, especially in the beginning of the week.
00:11The share price index again touched above the level of 7,300.
00:15And we remind you again, you can still participate on WhatsApp Interactive at 0812.8788.3723
00:24as shown on your television screen later.
00:26And right now, we are connected via Zoom with Mr. Edo Ardiansyah,
00:30an equity analyst at PT Philips Securities Indonesia.
00:33We will talk to him right away.
00:34Good evening, Mr. Edo. How are you, sir?
00:37Yes, hello. Good evening, Mas. I'm very well today.
00:42Thank you, Mr. Edo, for taking the time on IDX Channel.
00:45Today, the stock price of Semkabungan has rebounded again.
00:49It was pushed at the end of last week's trading, leaving a level of 7,300.
00:55Today, it has rebounded to 7,325 for the time being.
00:59And in terms of year-to-date, it looks like Semkabungan's index has rebounded again.
01:05In terms of year-to-date, it has rebounded to 0.72%.
01:09What is your analysis of the rebound at the beginning of this week, Mr. Edo?
01:15Here, we can see that the movement trend of our ESG has started to show
01:22a rebound trend again after having a correction.
01:26And if we see that the movement has passed the psychological area at level 7,300.
01:33And if we see that the movement potential of our ESG
01:37may still have the potential to continue the bullish trend.
01:41Because here we see that the movement of our ESG is pushed from the volume level
01:46which has increased higher than the previous trading.
01:49Then followed by the stochastic indicator
01:52which shows that the movement has started to show the trend of the formation of the golden cross area
01:59in the overbought area.
02:00And if we see that in terms of the signal,
02:03in terms of the MSCD signal and the histogram,
02:09we can see that the movement is also moving in the positive area.
02:14So, the movement of our ESG for the next correction,
02:19we think that the ESG movement potential is still increasing
02:22up to the resistance level at level 7,350 up to level 7,400.
02:27Like that.
02:29Okay. How do you see the strengthening that happened today?
02:34Is it true that the position of 7,300 has been confirmed?
02:37Or technically,
02:40the range of the support still has a chance below the level of 7,300?
02:46Okay. Here we see that the signal potential has been confirmed.
02:50It can be seen from the movement that has managed to break through the level 7,300 area earlier.
02:55And if we see that the movement trend still has the potential to show the bullish area,
03:00so we estimate that the movement of our ESG will still have the potential to strengthen.
03:09Although, if we look at the movement of our ESG,
03:12there are many sentiments, both globally and domestically,
03:18but we are still optimistic about our ESG movement.
03:22According to the report, Q2 has been released.
03:27Moreover, we see that this week,
03:31we will release the Big Bang report, which is one of our movement supporters today.
03:39Okay. Mr. Edo, from the sectoral movement rotation,
03:44the energy sector seems to still lead the strengthening and the same conditions
03:48happened on Friday, especially in the first trading session last week.
03:51Samsung, the coal mining today experienced a significant increase, sir.
03:56Meanwhile, the price of the commodity is still stable at around Rp130,000.
04:02From the minimum issue side, how do you see the strengthening that has happened
04:06for Samsung Coal Mining in the last two trading days?
04:09Is this also related to the optimism of the release of work,
04:13or the expectation of the recovery of work in the second semester in 2024?
04:18Yes. Okay. Here, if we look at it,
04:21we can see that the stock movements in the energy community sector,
04:26namely coal, are indeed moving to strengthen,
04:29and this is in line with the movement of the increase in the coal community,
04:33which seems to have started to move to strengthen again.
04:36And if we see that the sentiment of the stock markets in the coal sector
04:41happens in line with the rising community.
04:44And if we look at it, it seems that the brokers or investors are quite optimistic
04:50because they see that in addition to the sentiment of the commodity that has begun to improve its movement,
04:56it is also pushed by this Q2 season,
05:00which is one of the supporters of the movement of the stock market in the energy sector.
05:04So if we see that it looks like the brokers are starting to return to the stock market in this energy sector,
05:12considering where the stock market will also increase the financial momentum in this sector.
05:17Okay, we will try to review from the technical side, sir.
05:20I want to go to the first stock first, there is Golden Energy Mines Tbk,
05:26or codenamed GEMS.
05:28Today, it rose by 19.76% to 10,150.
05:35What is your analysis for GEMS, Mr. Edo?
05:39Okay, if we look at it technically, we can see that the GEMS movement potential has risen quite high.
05:45It can be seen that this movement is supported by the BMEA volume,
05:49which has plummeted compared to the previous price,
05:52and this volume movement that has risen quite high is supported by the financial performance of GEMS stock
05:59which is above market expectations,
06:02thus making this stock movement move up high.
06:07And if we see that the movement has shown a pattern of the Golden Cross formation,
06:13it can be seen from the stochastic indicator pattern that has successfully formed the Golden Cross pattern
06:18followed by the MACD indicator,
06:21which is the MACD signal that also moves up in the form of an uptrend pattern.
06:24And the histogram has also moved quite high to the positive area,
06:28so if we look at it, the GEMS movement has indeed moved up,
06:33and if in the short term, it is likely to reach the level of 10,100,
06:39and if in the long term, it is likely to reach the level of 10,300.
06:43What is the analysis and recommendation like, sir?
06:46Well, for the recommendation, we see that it can be speculated.
06:51We look at the position, because if we look at the position,
06:54the volume is still quite high, so it will still have the potential to move up again.
06:59If the movement touches the level of 10,100,
07:02then it is likely to continue to strengthen until it reaches 10,200 to 10,300.
07:09Okay. Is it prone to profit-taking, sir?
07:12We see that if it touches the level of 10,100,
07:19it will still have the potential to move up,
07:21but if it fails to reach 10,100,
07:24then it is likely to move to the next level first, like that.
07:29Okay, from GEMS, we move to Adaro, sir.
07:31The analysis and strengthening has also happened in the last few days for Adaro.
07:37Even in a week, Adaro has experienced an increase of 17.28%, sir.
07:44What is your analysis for Adaro?
07:46Okay, for Adaro, here we see that in a short time,
07:49it still has the potential to continue the trend bullish.
07:51Looking at the movement in the last 4 trading days,
07:54it is moving, strengthening, in terms of accumulation.
07:58It is better to note the strengthening area,
08:01where the movement has passed the first point of resistance.
08:05Here, we see that the first point of resistance has reached the level of 3,100,
08:10and if we see that the next movement potential,
08:13Adaro can reach the level of 3,300.
08:17So, it can be practiced for the movement trend,
08:20because if we look at it in a short-term,
08:22Adaro will still have the potential to move, strengthening.
08:25According to the sentiments of the community of Batubara,
08:29which is still quite optimistic, moving up,
08:31has experienced a correction,
08:33because there is a weakness in the level of demand.
08:37And if we look at the community of Batubara,
08:39which has started again, there is an increase in demand from several countries.
08:44This creates a sentiment towards Samsung in the energy sector,
08:48which still has the potential to continue its strengthening trend.
08:51Okay, the recommendation for Adaro, sir.
08:54At what level, maybe?
08:55Okay, for the buy area,
08:57for the buy area, maybe your parents can be observed,
09:01at the level of 3,100,
09:03because this is a fairly good buy level,
09:07which can be considered.
09:08And if this movement succeeds,
09:11it will have the potential to lead the trend to the area of resistance,
09:15reaching the level of 3,300.
09:18Today's closing at 3,190,
09:21experiencing a strength of 2.90%.
09:24Edo, coincidentally, there is an incoming question on our interactive WhatsApp, sir.
09:27I will try to read this.
09:29Mr. Inder from Bali is asking,
09:32which one is more interesting, ITMG or UNTR?
09:36Which one is more recommended?
09:37Especially if we look at it from a technical point of view.
09:39Let's go to ITMG first, sir.
09:41Please, sir.
09:42Okay, for ITMG.
09:44We see here, the price of ITMG has reached the level of 27,000.
09:49So, for example, your parents
09:53see this ITMG movement trend,
09:55if we look at it, the movement has risen quite high.
09:57So maybe you should look at the backlight and see first,
09:59for the ITMG movement.
10:01Because if we see that the trend has reached its highest level,
10:05and there is potential, it will move the correction first,
10:09considering the movement,
10:11in a stochastic indicator,
10:13has reached the overbought area.
10:15And if we see that there is already a reasonable point,
10:19so potentially it will experience a correction.
10:22So maybe it's better for ITMG,
10:25it can be WITNC first,
10:27because if we look at the movement in the medium term,
10:30even in the long term,
10:32it will probably move the correction first,
10:34to the level of 27,000 to 26,500.
10:40Okay, for UNTR, Mr. Edo, just briefly, sir.
10:42Let's go straight to technical.
10:4325,300 strengthens at 2.64%.
10:46Your analysis, and at the same time,
10:48which one is more interesting, UNTR or ITMG, Mr. Edo?
10:51Okay, for UNTR,
10:53we can see that the potential of this movement
10:56is already forming an uptrend.
10:59And if we look at the movement,
11:01it is still in the area of the bullion event,
11:04so we can see the potential of the movement of UNTR.
11:08For the short term,
11:10it will probably continue to rise,
11:12until it will enter the financial report.
11:16Because if we see that,
11:18and at this time,
11:19UNTR will release its financial report in Q2,
11:24and if we see that on Thursday,
11:26on July 25,
11:28that UNTR will release its report,
11:30when later the release is above market expectations,
11:33by noting the opinion report,
11:37which can be above the projections of the analysts,
11:40then the possibility of the movement of UNTR
11:42will still have the potential,
11:43it could lead to the bullion trend,
11:46like that.
11:47And if we see,
11:48for the movement between UNTR and ITMG,
11:52we see that the movement is still quite okay,
11:56it can be looked at UNTR,
11:58where the movement still has the potential
12:01to continue to the bullion area trend.
12:03Okay, ITMG and UNTR,
12:05at the same time, answered the question
12:07of Mr. Inder Bukhsani,
12:09did not mention where the location is.
12:12And again, the decision to invest
12:14is in the hands of IDF Channel.
