Jadi Kontributor Terbesar, Saham BBRI dan BMRI Melesat

  • 3 months ago
IHSG melonjak 1,30% ke 7.058,62 di penutupan sesi I Jumat (28/6), Sektor transportasi dan logistik +1,87% dengan HELI +9,71%. Sektor keuangan melejit 1,28% dengan kontributor terbesar BBRI +3,59%, BMRI +3,33%, ARTO +9,55%. Sektor barang baku melambung 1,08% dengan INCO +5,50% dan ANTM +2,44%. Infrastruktur TLKM +2,31% dan BREN +1,28%.


00:00Thank you for joining us.
00:03In this segment, we will review how the trading process is going on today.
00:07And we remind you again that you can still participate in the interactive WhatsApp
00:11on 08.12.8788.7723
00:15as shown on your television screen later.
00:18And now we are connected via Zoom with Mr. William Bibowo,
00:22Technical Analyst, PT Kanaka Hita Solvera.
00:25We will go straight to Mr. William. Good afternoon. How are you, sir?
00:29I'm fine, thank you.
00:31Thank you, Mr. William, for taking the time to be on IDX Channel.
00:35It looks like good news is also coming from Samkapungan.
00:38Today is the weekend,
00:40in the middle of waiting for the release of the US inflation data.
00:43Because of the time difference, the release will be later tonight.
00:46The effect will only have an impact on trading in the coming weekend.
00:49From a technical point of view, what is your analysis?
00:51Significant strengthening that occurred during today's trading?
00:55Yes, technically speaking, the strengthening of the IASG is quite significant.
01:03And it is likely that the strengthening of the IASG price will continue
01:08until at least next week.
01:11And I think for the next few days,
01:15the IASG price can still make the higher high and higher low rise again.
01:21Where is the next support and resistance, Mr. William?
01:25The nearest support is at IDR 6,915,
01:32and the nearest resistance is at IDR 7,160.
01:39With the significant strengthening of the Samkapungan IASG
01:42in the last few times, from IDR 6,800,
01:46even intraday, it even reached IDR 6,700,
01:49Mr. William, today it is trying to approach the level of IDR 7,100.
01:53Has there been a change in pattern? No, sir.
01:55In the middle of the strengthening that occurred in the last few times,
01:58from the rise of the Samkapungan index price,
02:02has the downtrend been broken or has there been a signal for the uptrend again for the IASG?
02:11Yes, for the IASG signal for the uptrend again,
02:15I think the potential is getting bigger.
02:17Even though it is not yet confirmed that the price will continue to uptrend,
02:23according to us, for the confirmation of the continuation of the uptrend,
02:28it can only be solid enough if the IASG has succeeded in closing above the resistance that I mentioned earlier,
02:35above IDR 7,160 in the daily time frame.
02:39Okay, good.
02:40The release of PCI inflation data will be announced on Friday night at Indonesia Marat.
02:45How big is the impact?
02:47Especially in the middle of projection from a number of sectors,
02:51will it hit again for PCI inflation?
02:55Mr. William.
02:57Yes, I think the impact on our company is quite big.
03:01The impact is quite significant,
03:03due to quite a lot of investors and other market players are waiting for the data.
03:14It is also related to the movement of the IASG throughout today's trade.
03:18The Big Cap Bank is once again a supporter for the IASG by experiencing significant strength.
03:24With the main contributor, there is BBRI and also BMRI, which each rose above 3 percent, Mr. William.
03:32And coincidentally, there is also a question on our WhatsApp interactive.
03:35Good afternoon.
03:38Today, the Big Bank shares are rising between banks.
03:41Which one is more suitable to be accumulated or which one is more recommended?
03:46There is Mr. Victor from Malang.
03:48Your analysis, Mr. William, but we will try to review it first.
03:53Your analysis on the strength of several Big Cap banks in the last few days, sir.
03:59Yes, good.
04:00For now, Big Cap banks such as BBRI, BMRI, and BPCA, I think,
04:09are quite solid enough to at least continue the short-term uptrend.
04:18If we analyze, the BBRI shares are quite interesting to be accumulated.
04:24In addition, the BPCA shares are also solid in terms of price strength in the last 2-3 days.
04:32For BMRI, I think it has begun to show very short-term uptrends.
04:42So, I think these three Big Cap banks are quite interesting to look at.
04:48Okay, let's go to BBRI first, sir.
04:50We will try to review it from a technical point of view.
04:52Today's closing is 4620, with a strength of 3.59%.
04:57What is interesting from a technical point of view, especially the support, resistance, and recommendations for BBRI?
05:03Yes, for BBRI, I think technically it is interesting to look at.
05:10Then this is due to the fact that the price has managed to close above the nearest resistance.
05:16Even there is a gap up, so the closing above the level of 4600 is quite significant.
05:24For the nearest support, I think it is in the area of 4350,
05:29with the nearest resistance at around 4800 and the next resistance in the area of 5050.
05:36Okay, it's still quite wide, the range will be chased for BBRI.
05:40From BBRI, we move to BMRI.
05:42Mr. William, today it is also quite significant,
05:47even though in the last few minutes, this is the second closing session,
05:50the strength is more limited for BMRI.
05:52What is your analysis?
05:54Yes, for BMRI, I think the closing of the market today,
05:59maybe there is a profit-taking action,
06:02and this is still reasonable considering the price,
06:05for the last three days, it has formed higher highs and higher lows candlestick-wise.
06:10For now, BMRI, the nearest support is at level 5825,
06:18with the nearest resistance at 6350 and the next resistance at 6600.
06:27Okay, today's closing at 6150, the strength is at 2.50%.
06:32The strength is more limited, because it was at 6250,
06:37the profit-taking action happened, but the correction is still reasonable and still recommended.
06:42From BMRI, we move to BBNI.
06:45Mr. William, today it is also strong at 1.75%,
06:50at 4660, it was at 4740, the strength is also more limited.
06:55What is your analysis for the second closing session?
06:58Yes, technically, it has begun to show signs of at least a short-term uptrend.
07:05The price is likely to test the nearest resistance next week at 4780,
07:12with the next resistance at 4970.
07:16The current support is at level 4420 for the nearest support.
07:21Okay, what is the last BBC?
07:24Yes, for the current BBCA, it has also shown a short-term uptrend.
07:33The nearest support is at level 9450,
07:40with the nearest resistance at 10100,
07:45and the next resistance at 10250.
07:50Okay, from the four options, from the four backup banks,
07:54I mean, which one is more recommended, sir?
07:57To answer the question of Mr. Victor from Malang earlier,
07:59which one is more suitable for accumulation?
08:04I think right now, BBRI and BBCA, in our opinion, are quite interesting to be accumulated.
08:14Okay, and again, the investment decision is still in the hands of the investors of IDA channel.
08:18How do you see the projection of the next BBC?
08:21Release it in the second quarter,
08:24then there is an opportunity for the Suku Bunga bankruptcy in the fourth quarter, maybe, Mr. William?
08:30Yes, for the release of the operation, of course, this is also one of the expected incentives.
08:36I think the expectations for the operation of the BBC bank here should be quite good,
08:45and whether there is a bankruptcy plan for the Suku Bunga,
08:49maybe this can also be a positive sentiment for the increase of the operation,
08:57because maybe it can also help the increase of the operation.
09:01Outside of the BBC bank, the infrastructure sector is also a supporter today.
09:05Among them, there is Telkom, sir, where Telkom today is stronger than 3%,
09:10and coincidentally, there are also questions on our interactive WhatsApp.
09:14Mr. Henry from Jakarta.
09:16Has Telkom been recommended to enter the next strengthening space?
09:21Support for Telkom with significant strengthening today?
09:26Yes, for Telkom, at least the short-term uptrend has already begun.
09:34The closest support I think is around 2,900 to 2,950.
09:41Then for the closest resistance, it is around 3,310 to 3,420, sir.
09:51In the short term, where will it go? Is it prone to profit taking? No, sir.
09:56I think there will be a natural correction, profit taking for a while,
10:01because for at least 5-6 days, the price consistently strengthened significantly.
10:10Before that, on the 24th of January, it was still around 2,900.
10:15The current position is already at 3,130.
10:18Even the intraday was up to 3,140.
10:22What is the level of uniqueness for Telkom, sir?
10:25For Telkom, I think in the area of 2,970 to the area of 3,020-3,030 is quite interesting, sir.
10:37Okay, so you are waiting for a correction from the strengthening that happened today, sir?
10:42I think so.
10:44Okay, the analysis for Telkom today also became a supporter of Indekarga Samkabungan,
10:49and at the same time answered the question from Mr. Hendry from Jakarta for Telkom.
10:55And again, the decision to invest is still in the hands of the IDA Channel.
11:00In the middle of Telkom, which today also became a supporter,
11:04the position of other big cap stocks, there is a strong brand, sir, at 2.81%.
11:09In 2075, the capitalization brand, including one of the largest in the Indonesian FIB,
11:16how do you see the position of the brand and its contribution to Indekarga Samkabungan
11:20throughout today's trading?
11:22Earlier, it was suppressed to 9,600, and today it is again traded above 10,000.
11:29Mr. William.
11:31Yes, for the brand, I think the contribution for now is quite large.
11:36And also, it has been consistent for the price increase, at least since June 20th.
11:48At the moment, I think the price of the brand can still continue to strengthen,
11:53the psychological resistance is around 11,000, with the closest support in the area of 8,300.
12:00Okay, the closing today in 2075 is strong at 2.81%.
12:04Do you see a little difference, not from the brand, technically, Mr. William?
12:09When in the previous trade, the brand rose significantly, then the correction was quite deep.
12:14But in the last few weeks, the movement has been more smooth, sir.
12:19The increase is also not too significant, the correction is also not too deep.
12:23How do you see the technical position?
12:26Technically, this is also a pretty interesting price increase.
12:32So it's still not broken for the mid-range uptrend,
12:37and it can still continue to strengthen the price.
12:41There is no sign of a solid correction at the moment for the brand.
12:45Okay, good. Analysis for the brand, and again, the decision of the investment is still in the hands of the shareholder, IDX Channel.
