• 3 months ago
IHSG melaju 0,48% ke level 7.335,353 sesi I Jumat (12/7). IDX-Property +2,56% dengan BSDE +4,55%, PWON 6,50%, PTPP +6,70%, WIKA+8,2%. IDX-Infra +1,23% dengan TLKM +2,26%. IDX-Finance +1,21% dengan BBNI +3,70%, BBRI +2,48% dan BBTN +5,02%. IDX-Techno -0,26% dengan BUKA -1,74%, GOTO masih stagnan di Rp50.


00:00Thank you for those who are still joining us and in this segment we will review how the trade is going all day and we remind you again
00:07You can still participate on WhatsApp Interactive at 0812-8788-3723 as shown on your television screen later
00:16And now we have been in touch through Zoom with Mr. Robin Haryadi, Senior Branch Manager at JUC Securitas Solo
00:22We will go straight to Mr. Robin, good afternoon, how are you, sir?
00:26Good afternoon, Mr. Haryadi
00:29Thank you, Mr. Robin, for taking the time and it's also amazing, sir, for the Samkabungan family index movement
00:35From the chart I held on June 19, the Samkabungan family index is still moving at level 6,700, sir
00:43Today it looks quite strong at level 7,300
00:48Technically, how do you see the Samkabungan family index movement pattern, especially in the midst of the strengthening that has taken place?
00:56Yes, it's actually amazing, the last time we were together it was still going down, I'm talking about 7,000
01:05Well, now it's past the level, it's up to 7,300
01:09The pattern is actually about to form a double bottom pattern, it's really good technically
01:16And this is indeed something that, if it's technical, it goes down fast, it goes up fast too
01:22This is at the points where the all-time high ISK will be tested, yes, the all-time high ISK is at 74,53
01:32Even though it's still far, it has to pass 73,70 first, then we can test the ATH
01:41But for the short term, sir, in the future, where will the direction be for ISK?
01:46In the future, maybe if the correction is at 72,74, sir, so it supports 72,74 to 73,70 first
01:55Still moving in the sideways range first, usually at this point it will be sideways first
02:02Okay, but if from the support side, which can be said to be still safe when the health correction happens first for the Samkabungan family index?
02:11Yes, around 72,75
02:1472,75, sir?
02:16Yes, it's still a pullback, if it reaches 71,32, it means a correction, yes
02:26So, in my opinion, it will be a pullback around 72,75, sideways first, for later
02:33The direction is the decline of the Bunga tribe, so it should be okay for the stock market
02:40Okay, this is still in projection, still in expectation, sir
02:46Is it related to some of the data that came out, it is more convincing for investors
02:51The Bunga tribe or FED will be cut this year, there are even three times, and later there will be followed by the Indonesian Bunga tribe
02:59Yes, and usually maybe the Indonesian Bunga tribe is ahead, so it's usually ahead, it's really good later
03:08And even yesterday Jerome Powell, the president of the FED said,
03:14Actually, we are ready, so we don't have to wait for inflation like forever
03:19So it means, it's about time, it won't be long, so that's why the gold commodity goes up, the dollar immediately weakens
03:28Right, you don't have to wait for 2%, Mr. Robin
03:31Okay, some sectors that are quite sensitive to the movement of the Bunga tribe, there are banks, then there are also properties
03:39Today, there is quite a significant strengthening, sir, except for this technology, Goto is still stagnant at 50
03:45I want to go to the property first, Mr. Robin, how do you see the strengthening in the property sector throughout today's trade?
03:56As for the stock price, the properties have undergone quite a deep correction in valuation, I tried to check it one by one,
04:03it's still below one, sir, then from the work side, it seems that there is also a recovery from the marketing sales
04:12or also from the position of the investors and the income of each emitter
04:17Do you see this as a stepping stone for the property sector to rise again, or is this just the beginning?
04:25Then there is still the potential for further corrections for the property sector, what is your analysis?
04:32Okay, for the property itself, it's actually very interesting, because if the Bunga tribe is strong enough, the Bunga KPR will automatically go down
04:42Then usually people buy property after the election, so maybe the moment of truth is in October
04:51Before that, it will definitely move first, after the new president is appointed, people are usually firm
05:00Usually the property will be strong, but at the moment, I think it's okay for the term to be low first
05:08I think the direction of the Bunga tribe will go down, that's good for the property, which in terms of sales,
05:15amazingly, it's actually not too much, with the high Bunga tribe, but imagine if the Bunga tribe is lowered,
05:22the APR will definitely boost even more
05:26Okay, we will try to review from the technical side, sir, some properties that have experienced a significant increase today, Mr. Robin
05:34I want to go to Pewang first, sir, the position today is strong at 5%,
05:40it is at level 420 and earlier it was 430, the short and medium-term direction for P1?
05:48P1, there is Next Resistant at 438, so there is support at 414, today it rises quite a bit, 5%
06:00So if you want to buy on pullback, it's around 414, but if tomorrow you don't have to break high today, 430
06:10but just 426 is already brave, this position is technically a strong break resistance
06:20Okay, is it supported from the volume side, sir?
06:23Volume yes, the volume is extraordinary, around 79 billion
06:31Okay, from P1, try to move to CTRA, sir, today it is also quite fast for CTRA
06:41Yes, CTRA, CTRA, yes, it's normal, yes, if the stock or the newly rising sector is so high, there must be someone taking profit,
06:50that's why there is always a rejection in terms of candles, that's normal, yes, there is support at 12.55,
06:58so if you want to buy on pullback, it's safer, it's good at 12.55, there is resistance at 13.35, so it's still very interesting,
07:08if you want to steal the stock, tomorrow if you pass 12.80, it's okay, this is also an extraordinary volume
07:16Okay, buy on break, no sir, 12.80 when CTRA
07:19Yes, buy on break 12.80, today the transaction is 94 million
07:24Okay, 12.70 strengthens at 3.25% intraday, today the bearer for CTRA was at 13.10, while buy on break was at 12.80
07:35When it penetrated at 12.80, what was the next resistance for CTRA?
07:41Okay, it's pretty good, 13.35
07:44For the position of CTRA, which today also strengthened significantly, I want to go to PANI next, sir, PANI,
07:52Pantai Indah Kapuk 2 TBK, today also strengthened significantly, it was 5,600 earlier
08:00PANI, even though it was a stock pick, it was already a break, so actually buy on break was 5,500, but it was already a break
08:10In my opinion, any price above 5,500 is okay, it's really good, the next resistance is 5,675, 5,825
08:22It penetrates, not penetrates, there is corporate action, private investment, 6,000, usually it is brought there
08:30Okay, today's closing at 5,575, strengthens at 5.19%
08:35Still from the property sector, Mr. Robin Samsaham from BUMN Karya, it seems that today it still continues to strengthen
08:43From the BUMN side, they have confirmed that they will get it, then from the contract side, it seems to be a delay, but the hope from the market players
08:52there will be improvements in the future, as well as a portion to pay off their debts, especially in the form of obligations
09:01How do you see the development of BUMN Karya stocks so far, in this case excepted from Waskita, sir?
09:10Yes, actually I really like PTPP, Nical Fundamental, but the news yesterday said it was going to be joined by Waskita, so it was suspended
09:25Overall, the increase in BUMN Karya, yesterday it went up, then it was suspended, it went up, then it was suspended
09:32This time it is quite sustained, of course we hope that on August 17, there will be an independence ceremony
09:44At the National Bank, the investors will be very confident that BUMN Karya can complete a rather heavy task
09:55And in my opinion, even with the new government, I think the development will still continue, so the investors are optimistic there
10:08Okay, from the three BUMN Karya stocks, you are better at PTPP, we will try to review from the technical side, the reasons and also the supporters for PTPP
10:20PTPP is already an uptrend, it has passed several resistance, and this is the closest resistance at 434
10:30If so, it can be directed to 500, the support point is at 384, so the swing is quite good
10:43I think 520-575 is very good if it is consistent
10:49Okay, it was pushed to 278, Mr. Robin, and then tried to experience an increase, the position is now at 400, has it changed the trend?
10:58At least from a short term for PTPP
11:00Yes, it has come out of the downtrend, although if you look at the biggest increase, it is WIKA
11:08But in this way, I prefer to play in PTPP because it can be analyzed in quotes, the movement can be seen equally
11:21Okay, PTPP is closed at level 416, strengthening at 7.22%
11:26Review and recommendation from Samsung Property and also Construction
11:30And again, the decision to invest is still in the hands of the Idea Channel
11:38Thank you for watching
