Akhiri Penguatan Sejak Akhir Juni, IHSG Masuk ke Zona Merah

  • 2 months ago
IHSG sesi I Senin (8/7) turun 0,07% ke level 7.248,00. IDX-Energy -0,42% Dengan AKRA -4,79%, IDX-Finance -0,30% dengan BMRI -1,56%, BBRI -0,83% dan IDX-Basic -0,02% dengan BRPT -6,15% dan MBMA -3,17%. Sektor properti +1,47% dengan BUMN karya kompak melejit dengan WIKA +26,24%, PTPP +13,86% ADHI +13,61%.


00:00Thank you for joining us, and in this segment, we will review how the business has been going throughout the day.
00:07And we remind you again, you can still participate on WhatsApp Interactive at 0812-8788-3723, as shown on your television screen later.
00:18And now we are connected via Zoom with Mr. Danica Augustasari, Financial Educator at Sukor Sekuritas.
00:26We will go straight to him, Mr. Danica, good afternoon, how are you?
00:29Good afternoon, Mr. Dave, how are you?
00:31Thank you, Mr. Danica, for your time on IDX Channel.
00:35Mr. Danica, we are quite used to the fact that in the last few transactions, Indekaraga Samkabungan is more dominant moving to the green zone,
00:43even trying to get closer to the level of 7,300.
00:46But earlier this week, Indekaraga Samkabungan is more dominant moving to the red zone, but the level of 7,200 can still be maintained.
00:56What is your analysis of the weakness that has occurred throughout the recent days?
01:01Okay, in my opinion, the weakness for today is normal, because from June 20th yesterday, it has been a rally until Friday yesterday.
01:13So it's normal if there is a profit-taking action.
01:20For the future, IHSG seems to be moving more towards bearish for the short term.
01:28Because in the 30-minute time frame, there is already a pattern of head and shoulders, which means there is a reversal.
01:42Tomorrow, it will test its support at the level of 7,200.
01:48If it can break down from that, it can reach the level of 7,151.
01:56For IHSG, today it also formed a pattern of bearish engulfing, which shows a high probability of correction tomorrow.
02:12Okay, from your point of view, Mr. Danica, does Indekaraga Samkabungan have its own path, sir?
02:17When from several global companies, Asia, on average, most of them respond positively.
02:24The Fed's opportunity to cut the bond this year, considering some US economic indicators are slowing down.
02:31Although this weekend is still waiting for the Jirem Powell decree or also inflation data from the US.
02:38Actually, whether it's in line or not, it's in line.
02:45Because the market expectations have been seen, it has been reflected, it has been priced in since the end of June yesterday.
02:53So now the foreign inflow is getting bigger.
03:04Especially because after MSCI yesterday, IHSG's score was overweight.
03:09A lot of foreign companies came out, so the selling pressure was quite big.
03:12And now it's back again, after the data came out, there is a high probability that the Fed in September,
03:26based on the ME Fed Watch, it is already 69% will support the flower breed.
03:31So foreign companies have started to come in again, and now it's just profit-taking after rising.
03:40Okay, there was an opportunity earlier to 71.50 for Indekaraga Samkabungan,
03:44will try to rise again to 73.00.
03:47The analysis, Mr. Danika, as well as the release of the results of the banking in the second quarter of 2024.
03:55Yes, that's right.
03:57This is just a healthy correction.
04:01And for banking too, for example, BMRI Bank, then BBRI has started, yesterday it was already very cheap,
04:11the price has been discounted, foreign companies have also started to have a lot of inflow.
04:16So the first thing that will come up is usually banking.
04:18And BMRI in particular, it looks like it's going to form a double bottom, so it's going to be a reversal.
04:25So because banking is already starting to rise, it's starting to rise, the anticipation is rising,
04:32the IHSG is also likely to be lifted as well.
04:38To 7.300, hopefully.
04:40Okay, we want to go to banking first, Mr. Danika, there is BMRI, sir,
04:44today the correction is quite deep at 3.11%,
04:47the contribution to Indekaraga Samkabungan is quite large, 6.225.
04:52Coincidentally, there is also a question that came in on our interactive WhatsApp,
04:55I will try to check Mr. Victor from Malang, asking if BMRI has a price of 6.300, can it still be held?
05:04We go to technical first, for the deep correction that happened today,
05:07it is still a normal correction for BMRI and a rebound to enter the marriage.
05:14It's normal, sir.
05:15It is already in resistance, yesterday I tried to break out, but it didn't work,
05:23and today the volume is not that big for the candle bearish,
05:30so there is still a possibility for it to rise again,
05:33especially if it returns to level 6.100, it can be bought as a buy on retracement,
05:40it already wants to form a double bottom with the neckline at level 6.350,
05:45so it can be held.
05:49According to my recommendation, there is also BMRI,
05:55if it can break through 6.350, it can buy more,
05:59with the first target at the resistance above it at 6.675,
06:04then if it can break out from there, it can reach level 7.000, like that.
06:09So, Mr. Victor, in Malang, 6.300, can it be held or is it recommended to be averaged down
06:14when it touches 6.100 in the marriage?
06:18It can be averaged down, but we can see first if it breaks out at 6.100,
06:25if it doesn't break out, it can be held,
06:28later it can be leveled down again for the averaging down.
06:31Okay, if it doesn't do the averaging down,
06:34it doesn't matter with some of the targets you mentioned earlier, up to 6.600?
06:40Okay. Analysis for BMRI, which today became the focus of the Samkabungan family,
06:44and at the same time answered the question of Mr. Victor in Malang, East Java,
06:50for BMRI, and again, the investment decision is still in the hands of the shareholders of IDX Channel.
06:55In addition to the Big Cap Banking, Mr. Danica,
06:58today, some stocks in the steel goods sector also became a burden for the Samkabungan family.
07:05Mr. BRPT was able to weaken above 9%,
07:08even though in the closing of the second session, the strength was more limited,
07:12but still quite deep, above 8% at 1,120.
07:15And coincidentally, there are also some questions coming in, asking Mr. BRPT, Mr. Danica.
07:20The first is from Adhika from Brebes.
07:23Thank you for joining us.
07:25Mr. BRPT, is it possible to buy at the current level?
07:28Can you explain the analysis?
07:30Today, the correction is quite deep.
07:32Then, Mr. BRPT was also asked by Mr. Wimur,
07:37the support and resistance for BRPT in the middle of a deep correction.
07:42Please, Mr. Danica, for BRPT.
07:44Okay, for BRPT, today it just broke down support at level 1,160 earlier.
07:49This has passed to the next support at level 1,060.
07:54If, for example, it reaches that level,
07:57it can be averaged down.
08:03But if it can break through that level, 1,060, be careful.
08:09Later, it can be supported again below level 950.
08:14For now, it seems like this is just a correction,
08:17not a reversal.
08:20Yesterday, there was also an overbought,
08:26but it seems like this is just a correction
08:29because the volume when it drops is not too big,
08:33so it can be positive later.
08:36Okay, for BRPT, the coverage today at 1,120 was recommended to buy
08:41when it touched 1,060.
08:44Still in a healthy correction in the middle,
08:47BRPT today correction above 8%.
08:49Okay, apart from the stocks that have become a burden
08:52for the household stocks, Mr. Danica,
08:55what is quite interesting is the stock of BUMN Karya.
08:57There is ADI, PTPP, then there is also WIKA.
09:01Today, the increase is quite significant, sir.
09:04Not just today, in the last few weeks,
09:07this stock increase has been very significant.
09:10In terms of sentiment, they are trying to cut debts,
09:14restructuring is still being done.
09:16Then there are also several records of contract achievements.
09:19Some have risen, then some have fallen.
09:21How do you see the strengthening of Samsung, BUMN Karya
09:24throughout today's business?
09:26Is this condition only a sector rotation
09:28or has it been supported from the technical side?
09:33If it's technical, technically,
09:36BUMN Karya is still a downtrend.
09:39It's still a downtrend, but WIKA is already very low,
09:43so maybe there is an expectation of a reversal.
09:46But now there is still no reversal, actually.
09:48This is still a secondary movement,
09:50a correction from the downtrend to the top.
09:54This can be influenced by the sentiment of Mr. Jokowi
10:00who said yesterday that he will start working at IKN
10:06at the end of July.
10:08So there is an expectation from the market
10:11that there will be an acceleration of development at IKN.
10:14So hopefully the sentiment can be a catalyst reversal
10:21for BUMN Karya.
10:24For WIKA, today it is strong at 34.75%.
10:27Is it supported from the volume side?
10:29Is it not prone to profit taking for WIKA?
10:32WIKA seems to still be able to rise.
10:37The volume is still not that big, actually.
10:41Although compared to the increase at the beginning of the reversal
10:47on July 1st yesterday,
10:49it can still rise to around level 230-ish.
10:52Around 230-ish to level 250, maybe.
10:57For WIKA.
10:58For PTPP.
10:59In short, Mr. Danica.
11:01For PTPP,
11:03PTPP has met its resistance at level 400.
11:09If it can stay above that,
11:11maybe it can rise again to level 460-ish, sir.
11:17Lastly, for ADI?
11:19For ADI, it's still the same as WIKA.
11:24It can still rise to level 282-ish.
11:30We'll see if it can break through or not.
11:32If it breaks through, maybe it can reach level 306-ish.
11:36Analysis from several BUMN Karya stocks
11:38that today continue to bear fruit
11:40amid the weakening of Indekarga.
