I Took a Drunk Hostess Girl to My Place to Take Care of Her, and Now She Won’t Leave

  • 3 months ago
I Took a Drunk Hostess Girl to My Place to Take Care of Her, and Now She Won’t Leave
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00hello I'm Yamato Ogawa I'm a third-year university student I started working
00:06part-time at the convenience store when I entered university when you work at
00:10the same place for a while you start to recognize the regulars
00:14hey there it's getting chilly today yeah it suddenly got cold recently make sure
00:21you don't catch a cold don't worry I've never caught a cold before
00:26she's Emma Miura she's 22 years old it seems she works at a hostess bar nearby
00:32and often comes before and after her shifts she's friendly and before I knew
00:38it we'd started chatting casually just make sure you're doing your best at work
00:43without overexerting yourself all right thanks one day hello Emma what's up you
00:56seem a bit wobbly today they said if I empty a bottle they'll request me so
01:05could it be I gave it my best shot oh hey can I crash at your place I'll give
01:20you lots of special services nobody's asking for those kind of services
01:27geez you wake up alcohol don't say I stink it's not nice especially to a
01:36pretty innocent girl like me an innocent girl wouldn't be so forward so let me
01:44stay let me stay please ah you're so persistent anyway what do you mean by
01:53services huh this please don't show off your skin so recklessly aren't you
02:01supposed to be an innocent girl come on it's fine I'm not really losing anything
02:08anyway don't you say that anyway it's not okay please go back to your own home
02:15I mean what kind of person just crashes at a guy's place
02:21never you can't just sleep here I don't even know where you live I can't just
02:36leave her here I guess I have no choice but to take her home and the next
02:43morning I deeply apologize for causing you trouble I understand that drinking
02:50is part of your job but don't drink to the point of being unable to handle
02:54yourself I'm utterly speechless if you're sorry that's fine but for now
03:01please make sure to go back home properly I have to go to university so
03:05I'm off also please put the key in the mailbox okay well then I'm off have a
03:13good one ah I'm exhausted one of my co-workers
03:18suddenly called in sick today thanks to that my shift dragged on and it got late
03:23at night hmm I'm back you're late you know I've been waiting make dinner make
03:33dinner no way you're drinking again this is stuff I bought myself that doesn't
03:40mean you can drink however you want we don't need that kind of gasoline anyway
03:50why are you still here it's been three days already when are you planning to
03:55leave don't try to dodge the question geez don't get so mad of course I'm
04:04gonna be mad you're not just staying you're fully
04:08intending to live here aren't you your stuff is increasing but this place is
04:13more comfortable than my own house plus it's closer to work Emma didn't you say
04:19your own house was close to work too hmm don't try to evade the question don't be
04:26so angry I was actually looking for a place to live because I was being
04:31pressured to move out so this was perfect young man and woman shouldn't
04:36live under the same roof are you going to do something right won't do anything
04:42okay well then it's fine I'll find a place to live and move out in a month so
04:48please take care of me until then take responsibility for picking me up master
04:54fine I understand I'll take responsibility and so we started living
05:01together albeit in a somewhat forced manner I'm back are you hungry want a
05:10bath or maybe me did you make dinner not me huh I'm hungry don't just ignore me
05:22so about dinner didn't you say you can't cook I can but only with ready-made
05:29stuff I guess my hope was in vain well I'll appreciate the thought for now is
05:36it good hmm hats off to the company for their
05:40effort huh I thought I could eat homemade food for once Yamato you can
05:47cook yourself you know sometimes I just want someone else to cook for me I see
05:54then I'll make dinner tomorrow too with ready-made stuff yep instead of relying
06:02on corporations why don't you put in some effort maybe if I feel like it huh
06:11on another day you must be tired so I'll give you a massage it's okay really I
06:19feel bad just being a freeloader that's why can I make you feel good I'm pretty
06:26talented when it comes to giving massages if you put it that way
06:31Wow you've got some serious massage skills see isn't it amazing
06:39incredible I feel like my body's melting do you like feeling good I do it feels
06:46great shall I do something even better for you huh something even better
06:56something beyond this that's totally mind-blowing I'm good thanks I was just
07:06joking you're cute and you blush please don't tease me seriously on another day
07:15I'll wash your back just go home but this is my home that's not what I meant
07:25it's okay I'll show you everything if it's you seriously cut it out already
07:34I'm a man you're a woman it's not right to be together oh are you embarrassed
07:42don't worry I won't laugh at whatever you've got shut up since Emma started
07:50staying over my dual life of just going back and forth between University and
07:56work and became lively and colorful albeit too noisy at times one day in the
08:05morning today she's coming home later than usual did something happen maybe I
08:13should try contacting her are you okay did something happen are you drunk where
08:28are you in front of the station huh please don't move if she's in front of
08:37the station she must be around here ah there she is huh she's a wait who's that
08:45with Emma is that person trying to get closer to Emma hey you don't get close
08:51to Emma no what was that all about come on let's go home honestly I told you not
09:06to drink too much why are you so drunk today I'm just a hired worker you know
09:14well I'll give you that but anyway this is the third time I've gotten this from
09:21you huh it's the second time you made that mistake is that so Emma why do you
09:31do this job I didn't go to school you see I grew up in a single-parent
09:38household we were poor and during high school I worked non-stop right after
09:44graduation I entered this industry in this world it's all about skill even
09:51without education like me I can aim to be the top so that's why I'm here I'm
09:58scared of not having money without it people can turn into demons people need
10:04the basics of life to be human in order for people to be people money is
10:11necessary so I work to earn it Emma just kidding sorry for saying weird things
10:20it seems like I'm still a bit drunk so let me rest for a bit good night Yamato
10:30Emma always smiles but she must have gone through a lot I wish I could help
10:37Emma a few days later when I come home thinking about that stuff I'm back
10:43welcome back Yamato hey I tried making dinner is it ready made no it's not is
10:54this homemade what's the occasion instead of relying on the efforts of
11:00corporations I tried putting in some effort of my own you've always taken
11:04care of me and it's also a thank you for the other day when you came to pick me
11:10up at the station Emma come on try it is it good it's really delicious shall I
11:20make it again for you if you want to leave it to me this as began living with
11:28Emma the overly lively days flew by in the blink of an eye before I knew it the
11:33deadline for the end of our life together as Emma had mentioned was
11:37approaching at first I thought being alone would be better but now things
11:43were different I had started to be drawn to Emma from the bottom of my heart I
11:48wish to be with her even longer have you found a new place to live yeah I found a
11:55pretty good place so I'll be moving out next week I see thank you for everything
12:04so far don't mention it why was it just one month with your personality it seems
12:12like you'd want to stay forever you what do you well never mind hmm you know if I
12:23stayed longer I might not be able to leave not be able to leave huh what are
12:32you asking that because you're lonely well yeah I am oh I see you feel lonely
12:46without me huh how interesting you feel lonely without me huh hmm um Emma what
13:00why are you asking me things in blushing stop it's embarrassing for me too no but
13:08I didn't expect you to feel lonely haha oh dear no good my face is so hot right
13:19anyway how about we have a little party as a farewell celebration oh that sounds
13:27nice let's do it then I'll leave early that day so wait for me got it I'll make
13:33some delicious food and wait for you on the awaited day she said she'd come home early
13:39today could it be she drank too much again she's not responding to messages either well
13:47I'll go to her club for now huh she's already gone she said she had something important
13:54to do with you today although even without that Emma would have left early anyway what
14:00do you mean lately there's been a troublesome customer bothering her it seems like he was
14:05stalking her what I had no idea about any of this they even managed to track down her address so
14:13she was afraid to go home could it be the real reason she was at my place but recently the
14:20stalker hasn't been seen so she said it's okay for now so today I believe she said she accidentally
14:27set her home address as the delivery address for a gift she bought for you she seemed excited to
14:33go pick it up um by any chance do you know what the stalker looks like I think there was a photo
14:41in her phone it's this guy the one from that time could it be Emma is she being threatened by him
14:48excuse me there's something I need to know why are you here I've been waiting for you forever
14:56why are you ignoring me living with another man without even considering me is unacceptable
15:02you'll realize you belong to me so you don't need this luggage anymore right because you were
15:12planning to give that gift to someone else other than me now Emma there's nothing tying you down
15:21anymore come to me stay away from Emma what why are you here I got the address from the staff
15:33after explaining the situation stop interfering this girl is terrible you know I spent so much
15:43money on her but she didn't listen to me at all she's just a woman who sees men as nothing but
15:51money Emma is not like that besides hostess bars are places where adults pay to have fun if you
15:59spend too much without restraint that's your own fault justice will always prevail Emma how you
16:18alright thank you for saving me but why would you go this far I I fell in love with you Emma living
16:30together I started to like you I love you too Yamato so much you're always there to save me
16:43my prince this is the fourth time you've saved me huh what is the third you might not remember
16:53but you've helped me before Yamato before when I was just starting out as a hostess I drank a lot
17:02of alcohol even though I wasn't used to it I ended up feeling sick and collapsed in the park and
17:09that's when you came along you happened to pass by and were so kind to me you ended up carrying
17:17me all the way home on your back since then I've been interested in you Yamato but I never thought
17:25I'd see you again until I saw you at the convenience store from then on I wanted to become friends with
17:32you so I kept going to the convenience store oh so the girl from back then was you Emma you look
17:42totally different back then my makeup was different and my hair color and style were different too so
17:50it's natural that you didn't recognize me and then well when you saved me the second time I thought
17:58it was a chance so I decided to stay with you especially since there was that stalker I see
18:07but we can't stay together forever can we so I set a deadline for myself one month if you didn't
18:18like me by then I was ready to give up especially with the stalker and everything I was going to
18:24move out so today I was planning to confess and give you the present but the present it got thrown
18:34away and I'm going to get a new one it doesn't have to be new I want that present are you sure
18:42the box is a bit dented it's okay I want the one you originally chose can I open it yes this is a
18:57wallet your wallet looked pretty worn out so thank you I'll treasure it Emma I'll say it again I love
19:10you Emma I love you so much please be my girlfriend yes and thus Emma and I became a
19:19couple the stalker was arrested safely after that Emma officially moved into my house and we continued
19:28living together and with this opportunity Emma quit her job as a hostess she got a job at the
19:35convenience store way I worked and time passed by congratulations on your graduation a job Yamato
19:42thank you Emma um there's something I want to tell you Emma what is it Emma please continue to be with
19:55me forever is that will you marry me it's about time yeah I've been waiting for forever is that so
20:10from now on no matter what happens don't leave me Yamato of course
