Sueños de libertad - 107

  • 2 months ago
Sueños de libertad - 107
00:00How would you feel if you brought the disease here?
00:09If Julia falls sick or worthy?
00:12It's okay.
00:14I'm not going to bring my mother, don't worry.
00:15But I'm going to look for another solution.
00:16I swear.
00:17I've seen them in the office before.
00:19And I would swear they were about to kiss.
00:20Is it possible that you are misinterpreting a situation that is not?
00:21I hope so.
00:22Are you really never going to forgive me?
00:31I doubt it.
00:33And what do you want?
00:35For us to live under the same roof like this?
00:37Sadly, yes.
00:38We are married and we cannot leave each one on our side.
00:39Well, you are wrong.
00:40Because if this is what there is, this afternoon I will pack my bags and move in comfortably.
00:43I'm not moving from here.
00:46Look, I'll talk to your mother.
00:48Let's go.
00:49Look, I'll talk to your husband, I promise.
00:53But please don't go.
00:58Thank you.
01:00That child has to be above all.
01:02Especially if what is interposed has so much to lose.
01:06Begoña would come out scalded and you will be guilty of it.
01:20Dreams of freedom, live another way.
01:25Wings to fly, wherever the soul wants.
01:30Dreams of freedom, the heart does not wait.
01:34It is asking for another chance.
01:38Dreams of freedom, although the past hurts.
01:43Start again, love whoever I want.
01:46Scream my truth, live without fear and without looking back.
02:09Dreams of freedom.
02:34Hello, my love.
02:36Have you ordered yet? No.
02:38Hurry up, please, I'm a little late.
02:41Always in a hurry.
02:43Well, today we have the rice with chicken and the complete cooking.
02:46What chicken and rice? I feel very heavy in the afternoon.
02:49Add a little vinegar, give me the gases, the cooked.
02:54Tassio. Tassio.
02:56Is Gaspa waiting? What do you want to eat?
02:58I don't care, I'm the same as Carla.
03:00Well, rice with chicken too. I'm surprised you don't want cooked.
03:03You are good to eat, huh?
03:05Good to eat, he says.
03:07The chickpeas and the rice.
03:09Well, what's that coming?
03:11Have you always loved Gaspa's cooking?
03:14Carmen, I'm not saying I don't like it.
03:16Neither do I.
03:18Good to eat is what they eat at the queen's house.
03:20Have you seen how these people live?
03:23It seems a lie to me that, having the same blood, we have such a different life.
03:33Look, Mateo, look how beautiful.
03:35When I was little, I always went to the field with my father to pick wild flowers.
03:40I liked it a lot and my mother also loved it when we took her to the bouquet.
03:43We took acinto, margarita, we mixed everything and put it.
03:48All mixed.
03:50That was the grace.
03:52My mother loved them, but there came a time when she found out they were weeds and forced us to throw all the flowers.
03:57What do you say? But how can weeds be flowers?
03:59Because in my town, weeds are called everything that grows where no one wants it to grow.
04:03And what?
04:05Because the flowers always grow in the middle of the roads that are badly paved and those things.
04:08So, they are called weeds.
04:10Come on, your mother cared more about where they grew up than their beauty, right?
04:14That's how my mother is.
04:16The truth is that you don't stop surprising me.
04:21Yes, for everything you know about flowers.
04:25In my house, for example, they were bought at a florist, but we didn't know much about them.
04:31Well, at least you would know that they had to have long stems.
04:34Of course, man.
04:38Well, to see if later I can pick a few more flowers and take them to my father for the table.
04:42Of course.
04:46Ah! Ah! Something bit me!
04:48Ah! A viper! A viper bit me! A viper bit me!
04:53Claudia, a viper bit me!
04:55Mateo, what are you saying?
04:57Calm down, what's wrong?
04:59Call the hospital, Dr. Borrell.
05:01Mateo, calm down, please.
05:03I can't feel my arm.
05:07Mateo! Mateo!
05:09Mateo! Mateo!
05:11Mateo, for God's sake, it's a snake bite!
05:14You really scared me!
05:16It hurts!
05:19Here you are, the rice with chicken and the chicken with rice.
05:22Thank you, dad.
05:24Thank you very much.
05:26That's why it's so hard to cover our expenses.
05:29We can't even save money.
05:31Have you really noticed that, Néo?
05:32I don't understand you. You were the first to defend Mr. Damián.
05:36Yeah, but after talking to you, I saw him.
05:39Do you know what he's going to do this afternoon?
05:43He's going to make new shirts for the tailor shop.
05:45And he gave them to me. I'm his son.
05:47I only have two shirts, one for work and one for Sundays.
05:50Do you think I don't care?
05:53I also feel small.
05:55When a client enters the store and spends everything I earn in a month.
05:59But the client is not your mother.
06:02You know what?
06:04I give thanks because we both have a job.
06:06And an honorable job that allows us to live well.
06:10And wouldn't you like to have a little more?
06:13Well, yes.
06:15But it will come.
06:18When we start making numbers at home, I think of us.
06:23And I feel a crazy desire to continue working with more income.
06:27For us, for our family, for our future.
06:33Doesn't that make you happy?
06:35Well, of course.
06:37That's what you have to think about.
06:39And not the people who are born with everything as a gift.
06:42Because you know what I'm telling you, my love?
06:45That many times, those people have the most important thing.
06:53And we have plenty of that.
06:58You're right.
07:01Well, let's eat.
07:03Otherwise, this delicacy will get cold.
07:11Let's see.
07:15Don't move, huh?
07:16What are you doing?
07:17No, no, no.
07:18Yes, it's just a little bit of water.
07:19Come on, man.
07:23A little bit of water so you can pass it.
07:25Oh, it's so hot.
07:27Come on, I'm going to add a little bit of garlic.
07:30No, no, no, no garlic.
07:31Garlic is antiseptic.
07:32The garlic is spicy, isn't it?
07:36That's it.
07:38You have to calm down, huh?
07:48Do you promise me that nothing is going to happen to me?
07:50All you have to do is calm down.
07:52I'm not going to know what to do with you.
07:54Come on, get up.
07:58Here, drink some water.
08:06Yes, better.
08:09Come on, man.
08:11Tell me.
08:13How did you know how to act like that?
08:16Because when I was a girl, one day I went with my father to Proserpina.
08:20And we were having a great time until a squirrel bit me.
08:24Yes, there are a lot of squirrels in that reservoir.
08:27And then, as I started to cry and cry and cry,
08:29my father had to make a natural remedy to cure me.
08:32And since then, he told me a lot of remedies he made with calendula,
08:36with lavender, for when I went out to play with the animals.
08:41But come on, this is not the first snake I see.
08:44Come on, this is a terrible ridicule, isn't it?
08:47A little bit, yes.
08:51Do you promise you won't tell anyone?
08:53No, I'm not going to tell anyone.
08:55But come on, I'm not going to forget that in my life, Mateo.
08:57Come on.
09:03You're so bad, huh?
09:06It's been great, Mateo.
09:09Come on, help me pick it up.
09:11I want to pick my father's flowers before I go, right?
09:13That's it.
09:14In honor of your father, huh?
09:15Because, come on, if it wasn't for what he taught you,
09:18I would probably still be scared.
09:22Come on, girl, what else do you have to say?
09:25You're going to wear long socks, aren't you?
09:27I'm not saying that, why?
09:28Let's see if you're going to get a nail in your ankle.
09:30Hey, you're done with that, aren't you?
09:33Stop it, Mateo.
09:34What do you mean you're not from Madrid?
09:36Well, yes, I'm from Madrid.
09:42I have a proposal to make to you.
09:44But first you have to know that what I'm going to propose
09:46may mean an increase in expenses in the medium term,
09:50although I think that in the long term it may mean a revolution for Perfumerías de la Reina.
09:54Get to the point, Marta.
09:57Over the past few years, we've been growing and developing the company,
10:01but the truth is that I think we've hit rock bottom.
10:04What do you mean?
10:05That we should be more ambitious and expand the market.
10:09And that's where your proposal is going, I suppose.
10:12It's an idea that Luis brought to us,
10:14with the idea of expanding the laboratory to open up to the international market.
10:18More specifically, to the French market.
10:22I think that before expanding the laboratory or increasing production,
10:25we should first make that idea feasible.
10:28Basically, find a door to get out of.
10:31And I think I've found that door.
10:33Well, don't keep us waiting any longer and surprise us, come on.
10:38Does the name ring a bell? Patricia Lambert.
10:42No, not to me.
10:44But I suppose she's the woman in the photo.
10:47She's Spanish, and she's the wife of an important French businessman.
10:51In addition to being influential in high society in Paris and in the business world.
10:56Yes, I know Mr. Lambert.
10:59I've noticed that I've helped other Spanish businessmen before to enter the French market.
11:05I think I understand where you're going, but we have no relationship with this good lady.
11:08Oh, you're wrong. I've contacted her.
11:14Yes, well, I got ahead of myself.
11:17Has she bothered you?
11:19I thought you'd be excited to see that I follow your example.
11:24The most important thing is that she has conveyed her interest in putting us in contact with the Mogot warehouses.
11:31It would be a perfect place for our products.
11:34She's also interested in getting us an advantageous deal.
11:38And the most important thing is that she's also interested in visiting our factory, so I've promised to arrange a visit for her.
11:47Taking advantage of the fact that her husband is in Madrid for meetings, she will come to visit Toledo tomorrow.
11:52So I've taken the license to book a suite for her at the Toledo Ambassador Hotel and invite her to dinner at home.
12:01What do you think?
12:03Daughter, I can't do anything but congratulate you on your initiative.
12:08Yes, you had a very good idea, and you've managed it very well.
12:19You've given us a good surprise.
12:22You were so quiet, sister.
12:25I was waiting to have him tied up before telling you anything.
12:27I see.
12:29I can't deny that it's an interesting idea, especially because for now it's only going to cost us a night at the hotel and a meal at home.
12:38Well, now the important thing is that we all go together so that Mrs. Lambert gets the best impression of the factory and of our products.
12:45That's what it's about.
12:47You've done an excellent job, Marta.
12:50Now, what we have to do is, as they say in Taurian terms, finish the job.
12:55Finish the job.
12:57And I think Luis wanted to show us a new perfume in the lab.
13:02That's right.
13:04Come with me, please.
13:12Wow, wow.
13:14So now you're dedicating yourself to copying the style of Jesus of the Queen.
13:20Going ahead without entrusting anyone to you.
13:23Very good. Learning the worst of the best.
13:27Aren't you coming?
13:29Yes, yes, but go ahead. I have to make a call. I'll be right there.
13:32I'm coming.
13:51Rodolfo, good afternoon. I'm Jesus de la Reina.
13:55No, I have nothing to tell you. I'm calling to ask you a favor.
13:59I need you to look for all the information you can about a Mrs. Patricia Lambert.
14:07From Paris.
14:09Listen to me. I need all the juicy information. Do you understand me?
14:15Well, get it there and maybe you'll have a good exclusive for Spain today.
14:20I'll be waiting.
14:22A hug.
14:28Thank you.
14:34But there really is no way for her to move my mother.
14:40Yes, yes, yes, I understand.
14:43Okay. Thank you anyway for your time.
14:49Another negative?
14:51Begoña, what have they told you?
14:52You've heard it, Luz.
14:53How many sanatoriums have we already called?
14:55Well, to all those in the province of Toledo and Madrid.
14:57But no one wants to admit my mother because they are afraid that she is infected with the Asian flu.
15:01I don't know who to go to.
15:02I don't know what to recommend to you.
15:05I've already given you the number of all I know.
15:08I'm dying of anguish to think that my mother is in the hills and can be infected.
15:12Don't worry, Begoña. Think it's not just any sanatorium.
15:15They will want to take care of her reputation and do everything possible to prevent infections.
15:18Well, that's what we suppose.
15:19But I need to be sure that my mother is out of danger.
15:21And I'm not going to have it until I get her out of there.
15:23Don't worry about me.
15:25Come here, Anna.
15:33Mother of God, Luz.
15:35I don't know how to thank you for everything you do for me.
15:39You don't have to thank me anymore, woman.
15:41For me you are already like a sister.
15:44I know you are.
15:45You don't stop exposing yourself because of me.
15:48The other day you said it again with Jesus.
15:50When I was in the cabin with Andrés.
15:54By the way, I didn't want to ask you.
15:57I imagine that if you didn't want to tell me anything, it's because it didn't go well.
16:03We witnessed it, you and me.
16:05A man and a woman.
16:08We witnessed it, you and me.
16:10A man and a woman.
16:16In love.
16:18Who can barely resist temptation.
16:37In love.
16:42Well, it didn't go wrong.
16:45Or yes, I don't know.
16:48I don't know, what is clear is that...
16:51For me, that cabin has completely changed the meaning.
16:57I don't understand you, Begoña.
16:59Well, that...
17:01For me, before it was the place where I was about to die.
17:04And now it's the place where...
17:07Where what? What are you telling me?
17:16Andrés and I couldn't explain what we felt for each other.
17:22You mean that...
17:24We made love.
17:29That's what I call overcoming a trauma.
17:34I'm sorry, I...
17:35I didn't think it through.
17:37You've left me in pieces.
17:39Don't worry, it's normal that you don't expect it.
17:41I didn't expect it either.
17:45Do you know what I'm telling you?
17:48That I think it's exactly what you needed.
17:50Luz, please, don't start. You're getting very rude.
17:54How are you?
17:55How do you feel?
17:58The truth is that with everything about my mother...
18:01I haven't had time to think about it.
18:04You must be thinking about something.
18:09It's been a while since I've been so happy.
18:14I'm glad to hear you.
18:16I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
18:19It's been a while since I've felt so free.
18:21I haven't felt so free.
18:24Without worries that tormented me.
18:27Without anguish.
18:31And I don't know what the future will bring me, Luz.
18:34But no one will be able to take what's mine from that cabin.
18:44Good morning.
18:48Don't be scared, woman.
18:50I'm only here as a client.
18:53I'm sorry, Digna, but since we haven't won for scares lately,
18:55I've seen you and I've thought, that's it.
18:57That's it. We're done with some story.
19:00I suppose you understand me, right?
19:01I understand you, yes.
19:03We know that your father has been very serious.
19:05And that he's still in danger.
19:06And you can't get that out of your head.
19:08But you can't live anguished all day thinking about what could happen.
19:11Because that's not living.
19:12Yeah, yeah, yeah.
19:13I should take it another way.
19:15But hey, he says he's here as a client today, right?
19:18Well, actually, it's nonsense.
19:20Well, tell me. Let's see if I can help you.
19:22The truth is that since the day you put make-up on me with the chest of women's wishes,
19:27I've been thinking that I could change.
19:30Something of a new color, lipstick.
19:36And that interest in the new cosmetics won't have to do with ...
19:40with a man whose last name is of the queen.
19:43Oh, Digna, please.
19:44You're going to take my colors out.
19:47Digna is that sometimes she forgets that I've known her since I'm right-minded.
19:51So what?
19:53Did something happen between you or not?
20:01I've shared so many things with Damián.
20:03We've known each other for so long that ...
20:07He also said that his would have no future, but the other day it seemed like something else.
20:15you know that I've been living in the big house for a few days.
20:20Well, that has deepened the relationship
20:25and we have something more intimate.
20:29And well, that has led to ...
20:33To what?
20:34I don't know why I'm going to tell you, but I'm going to tell you.
20:38That has led to ...
20:41That he asks me to marry him.
20:44But I haven't answered anything yet.
20:45But why? Why, woman?
20:47But if there's nothing else to see than the shine in his eyes to see the excitement that makes him.
20:51Because it's not that easy.
20:52Of course it's easy.
20:53What happens is that we insist on doing the difficult things.
20:56No, it's not that.
20:57The relationship in our family is complicated.
20:59We have to count on our children.
21:01I don't know how they're going to take it.
21:03Well, let them take it as they want.
21:04That the two of them are adults and have their lives.
21:08Fina, he's my brother-in-law.
21:10What are people going to think?
21:12And now he's going to think about what others think.
21:15Really? And you?
21:17What do you feel? What?
21:18It doesn't matter.
21:22Could I try this one?
21:24Well, of course.
21:29Get this out of here, please, and take it to dock 14.
21:32Come on.
21:40What are you doing here? Didn't you have a meeting with Gerifaltes?
21:43Yes, but it's over.
21:45And how are you? How's work?
21:47Well, how will it go?
21:49It's the same as always, having a routine job.
21:52You don't need to think, right?
21:55And that funeral face?
21:58It's for Gema, right?
22:00Any news?
22:02He says he's going back to Benavente.
22:07He's going home? He's going back to his town?
22:10Yes, if things are still like this, that's what he says.
22:15Well, Joaquín, you know what to do. Change them.
22:18No, Luis, I don't have to change anything.
22:20She was the one who went to the party with a stranger.
22:23Let's see, brother, let's see.
22:25You're going to let her go back home, just like that?
22:28Luis, I don't care what she does.
22:32No, you don't care.
22:34Now you don't want to see it, but you want it.
22:36Look, Gema has always made me feel like someone insignificant.
22:41Because she always wants more and more, and I can't give it to her.
22:44So go fry asparagus.
22:47Well, when she leaves, you'll regret it.
22:49No, Luis, when she leaves, I'm going to rest for the last time.
22:53And I'm going to stay longer than ever, without intentions or reproaches.
22:57You're making a mistake.
23:00Look, if you're going to keep talking about my wife, I think I'd better go.
23:05Joaquín, one moment.
23:10I wanted to discuss another topic with you.
23:13What do we do with Mario's letters?
23:15What do you mean, what do we do?
23:17Well, I don't know.
23:19Get rid of them?
23:21I don't even want to think about what would happen if Madre found them.
23:23I don't think it's a good idea.
23:24After all, they're part of his memory.
23:27What do you think if we give them to Mario?
23:30I don't know, Luis. Do whatever you want.
23:33I've had enough with my marriage.
23:36Hello, María.
23:38If you're looking for Andrés, he just left.
23:40No, no, no.
23:42I was looking for Joaquín.
23:44If you're not very busy, can we talk for a moment?
23:49Yes, of course.
23:52Well, I'm going to go get a coffee.
23:55See you later.
23:56See you later.
24:00Well, how can I help you?
24:05No, it has nothing to do with me.
24:07It has to do with Gema.
24:14She's beautiful.
24:16Beautiful, beautiful.
24:18She lights up your eyes.
24:22Rina, look, if you want my opinion,
24:26I think love is a gift that makes your life and that is not easy to find.
24:31That's why when you find it, you can't let it go.
24:34That sounds very nice, but...
24:36Oh, Rina, please.
24:37For once in your life, be selfish and think only about yourself.
24:41You're right.
24:44But I'm not a young girl anymore.
24:46Oh, no, no, no, no.
24:47Don't come to me with things from now on, huh?
24:49If she's full of life, look at her.
24:51Tell me, what do you see?
24:54Do you want me to tell you the truth?
24:56What do I see?
24:58Well, I see an older woman with painted lips,
25:03thinking that makes her special.
25:07With painted lips or without painting,
25:09what I see is a very beautiful woman,
25:12with a lot of charm, with a shine in her eyes,
25:17well, I'm not surprised that Mr. Damián has fallen in love with her.
25:22You are beautiful, inside and out.
25:25Think a little about what I've told you.
25:27Yes, I will, but I have to think about other things too.
25:30Well, I just hope he listens to me, that I'm almost like his daughter.
25:33No, you're not almost.
25:39For now, I'm going to put her, if possible, more beautiful.
25:43For now, I'm going to put her, if possible, more beautiful.
25:49Fina, don't tell your boss about this.
25:56Let's not get her involved.
25:57No, no, no, no.
25:58I'm a tomboy.
26:00I promise.
26:03I like them, okay?
26:04Let's try this one.
26:06Look, Joaquín, I don't want to get into your privacy,
26:10but I know what happened between you two.
26:14I don't know why I imagined it.
26:16And I'm sure you served him well, didn't you?
26:18Your little walks around Madrid.
26:20Gemma is having a very bad time.
26:22And she's very sorry.
26:24What happened with Ernesto didn't mean anything.
26:27That's why I think you should forgive him.
26:31Yes, I was a witness to those encounters and,
26:34really, there was only discomfort.
26:37Well, he saw her many times with that guy to be so uncomfortable.
26:41He asked her to leave him alone.
26:43But he wanted to sink her.
26:47Please, what he told you were lies, exaggerations.
26:50If Gemma loves you madly,
26:52she has had the bad luck of meeting a man without scruples.
26:58What? You're not going to tell me anything?
27:00Look, Maria, the only thing I can tell you,
27:03without offending you, is that you don't meddle in my life.
27:06No, please, don't take this conversation so badly.
27:09I would never have taken this step if it weren't because I don't want Gemma to leave.
27:13And why is that?
27:14Because she's the only one who's helped me since I got to Toledo.
27:17The only one I consider my friend.
27:19Because she's a good person and frank.
27:21She's a bit of a snitch, yes.
27:23But why do you speak without scruples, with that wisdom
27:25that only some people have innately?
27:27Well, very well.
27:29I can see that you really appreciate her.
27:31But here, the only important thing is that my wife has betrayed me.
27:34Please, I ask you to reconsider your attitude.
27:36No, Maria, I don't have to reconsider anything.
27:38This conversation ends here.
27:40It makes no sense to discuss my intimacy with you.
27:43Joaquín, please, listen to me.
27:45I don't have anything to listen to.
27:47I'm not going to forgive my wife because you don't want her to leave.
27:50I'm asking you to think about her.
27:52Did she think of me when she was with that moron?
27:55Besides, how do I know it's not a mess of yours
27:57so that your little friend doesn't leave?
27:59I'm telling you the truth.
28:01I don't care, Maria.
28:03This conversation ends here.
28:07I have a lot of work.
28:09So if you'll excuse me...
28:24What are you doing here?
28:26I finally find you.
28:27I've been looking for you everywhere.
28:29I heard you were here.
28:31Yes, this is the only place where I can think calmly lately.
28:35How are you?
28:37It's not my best day, really.
28:39I keep thinking about my mother.
28:42You can leave it because I have good news for you.
28:45What news?
28:47I've been calling my former colleagues
28:49and I got them to take care of your mother in a military hospital.
28:53Yes, but only until the Asian flu outbreak in Los Terros happens.
28:57Of course, that's enough for me.
28:59I just want to get her out of there as soon as possible.
29:01The hospital is in Madrid
29:03and it has a very good psychiatric unit.
29:08I don't know how you do it, Andres,
29:10but you always show up when I need you the most.
29:13I don't know how to thank you.
29:15You don't have to thank me.
29:17We can't let your model run the risk of getting infected.
29:21And I would never leave you alone with a problem like this.
29:23Thank you.
29:25Thank you.
29:36Wait, wait.
29:40There's something else I wanted to tell you.
29:45What is it?
29:47I already told you that what happened here was very important to me.
29:52I was very sincere when I told you.
29:56And I want you to know that I don't regret anything.
30:03I don't think I like what you're about to say.
30:06I wish it was different.
30:10I wish everything we dreamed of together that day
30:13hadn't happened.
30:20even if it breaks my heart,
30:24I will stay away from you.
30:30I'm going to be a father and it wouldn't be fair.
30:32Andres, you don't have to give me explanations.
30:35I understand you perfectly.
30:40One of us had to put a little...
30:44sensitivity into all this.
30:47And this time it's your turn.
30:52I hear myself saying this and...
30:55even though I think it's the right thing to do,
31:00I can't help feeling what I feel for you.
31:04Me neither.
31:08I love you.
31:12I love you madly.
31:15I love you too.
31:19And this breaks my heart.
31:27I'm sorry.
31:45Is everything ready?
31:48I've also taken the liberty of ordering a flower center
31:51and a large reserve bottle
31:53to receive Mrs. Lamberta in the suite.
31:55If you think it's okay.
31:57Of course.
31:58All this in the Ambassador Hotel?
32:00Yes, where you told me, in the best suite.
32:03And thank you for being attentive to the details.
32:08Man, I was looking for you.
32:10Do you already have the sales report for next quarter?
32:13I'm finishing it, but I've been very busy
32:16with Mrs. Lamberta's visit tomorrow.
32:18She doesn't have it then.
32:20She'll have it soon.
32:22I asked him to give priority to Mrs. Lamberta's visit agenda.
32:26I don't think there's anything more urgent.
32:28Well, I also asked him urgently.
32:31Isabel only followed my orders.
32:33Now she'll take care of your business.
32:38Don't just stand there and do what I've asked you to do.
32:44Right away, Mr. de la Reina.
32:55I think we've done a good job hiring this girl.
32:58Oh, yes. What are you going to tell me?
33:01She doesn't even look at you.
33:03Have you found the shape of your shoe?
33:06Don't fool her.
33:08Yes, you're in charge of that.
33:10She's dedicated to you exclusively.
33:12Taking care of tomorrow's visit is a priority, and you know it.
33:15So I'm not covering for the secretary.
33:18If that's what you mean.
33:20What you're doing is clear.
33:22You're trying to intimidate, sister.
33:24Oh, so you have the exclusivity of ambition.
33:26Well, well, my sister, that stranger.
33:29But the truth is coming to you.
33:31You've been keeping the subject of that French woman a secret
33:34so you can be the first to tell Father
33:36and get your attention. Am I wrong?
33:39Look, I haven't learned that from you.
33:42In fact, I had already told Luis.
33:44And if I didn't tell him anything in advance,
33:46it's because he didn't shoot me.
33:48I see.
33:49It's all against me.
33:51And as an extra, you're looking for a secretary
33:53to the extent of your interests.
33:56And she's got you down.
33:57She's perfect.
34:00Look, if there's someone who's always wanted to appear
34:02and take all the honors,
34:04that's always been you.
34:06I have to remind you of the scandalous report
34:09in which you are the undisputed star.
34:12Let's go.
34:13That report has nothing to do with this.
34:15But I see you've chosen.
34:16Of course.
34:17Because it's another of your machiavellian maneuvers
34:19to be left alone in the middle of the stage.
34:23It's funny that you tell me precisely.
34:26Your role in today's scene has been from Hollywood actress to the top.
34:29Come on, what a way to expose arguments.
34:31My goodness.
34:32You even had the detail of stabbing me.
34:34All thought out.
34:35Yes, ma'am.
34:37Jesus, when I make decisions,
34:38I do it in favor of the company and the family.
34:43You don't know how tired I am of your envies
34:46and your grudges.
34:48And those ways of a half-haired thug
34:50that you spend.
35:06Hello, honey.
35:09Are you coming from another of your walks in the field?
35:14I wanted to talk to you.
35:15Tell me.
35:18Maria, I'm sorry.
35:22I feel like I treated you yesterday.
35:25I'm sorry.
35:27I'm sorry.
35:29I'm sorry.
35:31I'm sorry.
35:33I'm sorry.
35:34I feel like I treated you yesterday.
35:38I was selfish and inconsiderate.
35:41I didn't take your feelings into account.
35:44You were right.
35:45I was thinking about something else.
35:48What are you worried about, Andrés?
35:51I can't always pay for your worries,
35:53especially if you don't share them with me.
35:55You already know.
35:57Work things and the relationship with my brothers.
36:01Anyway, things you don't blame yourself for.
36:04Quite the opposite.
36:06You're always there,
36:07taking care of me.
36:09Of course.
36:11I'm your wife.
36:14We're a family.
36:17And sometimes I forget.
36:21And that's why I want you to forgive me, please.
36:27Andrés, sometimes I feel like I mean nothing to you.
36:31Maria, that's not true.
36:32You're my present and my future.
36:36I promise it won't happen again.
36:39You deserve all my attention.
36:42You've promised me this so many times.
36:45And then, whatever happens, happens.
36:49I always stumble when you ask me for the same thing.
36:51I'm tired of waiting for you, Andrés.
36:54Of chasing you.
36:56Of doing mischief so you can give me some attention.
37:00I don't know, sometimes I think I should be tough on you
37:02and things would be better for me.
37:06You're not wrong.
37:10That's how men work.
37:13I have to get serious.
37:16Because I'm the only one who surrenders here.
37:19And I always get much less than I give.
37:22It's true.
37:25And I don't blame you for distrusting me.
37:30But I promise I won't let you down.
37:34I love you so much, Andrés.
37:38But sometimes you make it very difficult for me.
37:41I've been an idiot.
37:44But I promise I'll make it up to you.
37:52So, will you forgive me?
38:00I'm sorry to interrupt, Torzalitos.
38:02No, no, don't worry. You're just in time.
38:05What's up? Has something happened?
38:08I've been thinking about María's pregnancy for days.
38:11The doctor who treats her is in Madrid
38:13and I'd like someone close to watch her.
38:15And I thought maybe you could take care of it.
38:18Love, I'm very well taken care of, really.
38:22And I'm sure Jaime has a lot of work.
38:24No, no, no, María, don't worry about that, really.
38:26I'd be delighted to keep an eye on you.
38:28Thank you for your trust.
38:30Thank you very much.
38:31You make me feel a lot more at ease.
38:33And you too, right, love?
38:36Of course.
38:38Thank you.
38:49Are you alone?
38:51Yes, of course.
38:52What a surprise you came to see me.
38:54What a surprise you came to see me.
38:57The surprise I've had at work today.
38:59Do you know why?
39:01I imagine María has gone to talk to you.
39:03That's right.
39:04Your dear friend has come to give me emotional advice.
39:08And you felt bad.
39:09I felt bad, Gemma?
39:11But how could you involve the boss's wife
39:13in our marital problems?
39:16Well, Joaquín, I didn't look for it either.
39:18It just happened by accident.
39:19What do you mean it happened by accident?
39:21Gemma, he's my boss.
39:22Don't you see?
39:23But he's also your cousin.
39:24And María and I trust each other.
39:26She was desperate.
39:27Look, what happened between you and me
39:29was between you and me.
39:30It doesn't matter, Tercero.
39:31I'm sorry.
39:33I didn't know what to do.
39:35The only thing you do
39:37is ruin it even more.
39:39And you've involved my brother.
39:40You've involved Gaspar.
39:41Who's going to be the next one, Gemma?
39:42The postman?
39:43I don't know what to do anymore.
39:44I don't know who to ask for help.
39:45No one.
39:46No one, because he's not going to forgive you in life.
39:49So, please, pack your bags
39:50and go to Benavente or Madrid
39:52to take your sewing classes.
39:54Gemma's not going anywhere.
39:58And what are these screams?
40:00What do you want?
40:01For the whole house to find out about your intimacy?
40:06I'm going to see if the gentlemen need anything else.
40:21The truth is that Andrés has sinned of excessive jealousy.
40:24He did it with good intentions,
40:25but I think you have too much work
40:27to bother with this.
40:28No, no, no.
40:29It's not a bother.
40:30Besides, I already told you
40:31that the follow-up of my pregnancy
40:32was carried out by my trusted obstetrician.
40:34And I don't want you to be bothered,
40:35but you're not a specialist.
40:37No, no, I'm not.
40:39I'm not trying to replace your doctor either.
40:41I'm just doing some routine tests
40:43to make sure everything's fine.
40:44I'm very well taken care of, Jaime.
40:46I don't doubt it.
40:47Maria, it's just a check-up.
40:49Your doctor will understand perfectly
40:51that if your brother-in-law is also a doctor,
40:52he wants to do a follow-up.
40:55That's precisely the problem.
40:58No, I'm listening.
41:00Look, Jaime,
41:02you're my brother-in-law
41:04and I don't know if someone in the family
41:06is the right person to do that kind of follow-up.
41:11I see.
41:13Treating a gynecologist
41:14is something very intimate for a woman.
41:17And I don't know if having that kind of relationship
41:20with you, living in the same house...
41:22No, no, I understand perfectly.
41:24I didn't want to say it in front of Andrés
41:25because I was embarrassed.
41:27But I don't think it's necessary to pretend.
41:29And I'm very sorry
41:30to have put you in that position.
41:31It wasn't my intention.
41:32I'm sorry
41:33for not being more honest.
41:36I didn't know how to approach the subject.
41:38Well, it's all clear now.
41:41And in any case,
41:42if you need anything, you know where I am.
41:44Of course.
41:45In the room next door.
41:47And that gives me a lot of peace of mind.
41:48Thank you.
41:49No, you're welcome.
41:51I'll leave you.
42:04María, can I come in?
42:08Gema, what's wrong?
42:10It wasn't a good idea
42:12to ask you to talk to Joaquín.
42:15He doesn't even want to see me now.
42:18What do I do?
42:20What do I do?
42:25What happens between Gema and me, mother,
42:27stays between the two of us.
42:29It's none of your business.
42:30Don't even talk.
42:31If you think I'm going to sit around
42:33watching you ruin your marriage,
42:35you don't know me.
42:36I have a reason.
42:37You have a wounded man.
42:39And that's not a reason or a reason
42:40to throw it all out the window.
42:41Have some head, for God's sake.
42:43She did what she did, Gema.
42:45She learned her lesson.
42:47And now she's desperate
42:48because you forgive her.
42:49Ah, I see that you also went to her
42:51with your lamb face,
42:53to ask her to defend her, right?
42:54You have your resources, she...
42:55Enough, Joaquín.
42:58You're very wrong.
42:59It's quite the opposite.
43:01She asked me not to meddle
43:02so that you wouldn't get angry anymore.
43:04Well, I see that you've listened to her.
43:05Well, of course not.
43:07I can't stand how you're suffering,
43:08knowing, as I know,
43:09that you both love each other.
43:12But how can you say that, mother?
43:14This isn't love.
43:16This is...
43:17It's a daily struggle.
43:18And I make an effort every day.
43:20I've been making an effort for years
43:21and I only get reproaches.
43:23And more reproaches.
43:24And she always wants more.
43:25And at the first exchange,
43:26she went with a guy.
43:27But she doesn't see it,
43:28that I can't take it anymore.
43:30But you love her.
43:34love doesn't always go in a straight path.
43:37But it's still love.
43:39No, I can't do like you and father.
43:41I can't accept that my wife
43:42doesn't love me and I continue with her.
43:50I'm sorry.
43:51I didn't mean to say that.
43:53Forgive me.
43:55I think it's better
43:56that we stop this conversation.
43:57No, mother.
43:58No, mother, I really...
43:59Please leave me alone.
44:29Yes, look, I'm Mercedes' daughter.
44:31Her partner told her
44:32that she wanted to transfer my mother to the center
44:34until the Asian flu outbreak is resolved.
44:37Well, I'd like to do it tomorrow.
44:43But since when?
44:46And how is she?
44:48But you hadn't told me anything...
44:51It's okay.
44:52It's okay.
44:53It's okay.
44:55It's okay.
44:56It's okay.
44:57It's okay.
44:58Thank you.
44:59Thank you.
45:05Is something wrong?
45:07I've just been told
45:08that my mother has contracted the Asian flu.
45:10Don't tell me that.
45:12Just now I had found another center
45:13where to transfer her
45:14and I've just been told that no,
45:15that it's impossible to transfer her right now.
45:18And where were you going to transfer her?
45:19Well, to a military hospital
45:20that Andrés had found for me.
45:23I don't know what to do.
45:31I'm very sorry, darling.
45:33Have they told you how she is?
45:34No, no.
45:35They've just told me
45:36that she's stable, that's all.
45:39But you see how I was right.
45:41It was better not to bring her.
45:43If she's fallen ill now,
45:44she's probably been infected with the virus
45:46for days now.
45:48What does that mean?
45:50Well, it was obviously
45:51a risk for everyone here.
45:52Tomorrow I'll take my car
45:53and I'll go get my mother
45:54and you can get ready.
45:55But Begoña, you can't do that.
45:57Why not?
45:58What do you mean, why not?
45:59Because you could get infected.
46:00I don't care.
46:01My mother needs me, Jesús.
46:02I won't allow it.
46:03You're my wife
46:04and you won't put yourself in danger
46:05by going to see her.
46:06And what are you going to do?
46:08Are you going to lock me up?
46:09You have to be reasonable.
46:10I'm telling you for your own good,
46:11for the good of Julia
46:12and for the good of everyone.
46:16Right now,
46:17all I care about is my mother
46:18and I'm going to do everything I can
46:20to take care of her.
46:21So I'm going to go see her
46:22as soon as possible.
46:23I don't care what you say.
46:25How can you be so stubborn?
46:37I see your reflection in the glass
46:39as an apparition
46:40in an Alan Poe story.
46:43My day has become eternal
46:44waiting for this moment.
46:45How are you?
46:46I'm fine.
46:47I've ordered a couple of new shirts
46:48for the tailor.
46:49I've taken the risk with the colors,
46:50things of love.
46:51And I was about to tell you
46:52that I was going to start
46:53a new suit...
46:55for a boyfriend.
46:57No, but I've stopped
46:58because I still don't have
46:59the boyfriend's shirt.
47:01Have you had time to think about it?
47:04Of course I have.
47:06Of course I've thought about
47:07what you told me.
47:17If something happens to you...
47:18I see you're serious.
47:20Well, yes.
47:22But it has nothing to do with you.
47:25Gemma and Joaquín
47:26are going through
47:27a bad time in their marriage.
47:29And what's wrong with them?
47:30No, I don't want to talk about that now.
47:32I've been thinking about
47:33that problem all morning.
47:36I'm sorry you have
47:37those worries.
47:39I don't have more worries
47:40than many people.
47:43Life is not easy for anyone.
47:46Although today
47:47I've had my sweet moment.
47:50Thanks for the chocolates.
47:53I'm glad you liked them.
47:54I saw them in the pearl case
47:55and I thought
47:56they were made for you.
47:59During the day
48:00we have to find
48:01a moment of peace.
48:04Even something
48:05similar to happiness.
48:07This morning
48:08I've had chocolates.
48:11And tonight
48:13we'll talk here
48:14in the gallery.
48:16For me too
48:17they are wonderful moments.
48:19That's why I want
48:20to have more like these.
48:22I wish you were
48:23always close to me.
48:27Me too.
48:31That's why
48:33I want to marry you.
48:46I think this is
48:47one of the happiest days
48:48of my life.
48:49Well, we'll get married
48:50as soon as possible.
48:52Tomorrow I'll take care
48:53of the suit.
48:54You can take care
48:55of the dress, whoever you want.
48:56I have to talk to Don Agustín.
48:57No, better with Mateo
48:58who is more comfortable
48:59in the family.
49:00He's the boy
49:01and we also have to think
49:02where to make the invitation.
49:04Calm down.
49:06I've said yes
49:08but I want us
49:09to go step by step.
49:10I haven't told my parents yet.
49:12That's why I haven't
49:13put on the ring yet.
49:14I'm sorry.
49:15I've stopped wearing it.
49:17You're right.
49:18I haven't talked
49:19to my parents either
49:20but it won't happen tomorrow.
49:22It won't happen.
49:25I can't wait
49:26another day, Dina.
49:28Me neither.
49:29I'm crazy about you.
49:30I want you.
49:45Thank you.
49:53I have the honor
49:54to introduce you
49:55to Mrs. Patricia Lamberto.
49:57Jesús de la Reina.
49:59Pleased to meet you.
50:00What are you doing
50:01with that kid?
50:02What do you mean?
50:03Claudia, we know each other.
50:05You only laugh
50:06when you don't like a boy.
50:08What are you saying?
50:09Are we done?
50:10No, just a few more questions.
50:12Have you suffered
50:13pelvic pain
50:14or leg swelling?
50:15Look, I'm perfectly fine.
50:16And this is a nightmare.
50:19I won't bother you anymore.
50:21If you want,
50:22you can give me
50:23Sub-Zetra's number
50:24and I'll talk to him.
50:25Here's a direct question.
50:28Would you come with me
50:29to, I don't know, visit something?
50:31And maybe
50:32have dinner later?
50:39I'm here.
50:41Gervasio sold me his share
50:43because he wanted to
50:44and to the full extent
50:45of his abilities.
50:47I still don't understand.
50:50What did you do?
50:52Either you leave right now
50:55or everyone will find out
50:56that you're an imbecile.