Sueños de libertad - 101

  • 2 months ago
Sueños de libertad - 101
00:00What you've done is your fault, and only yours.
00:10And with that, what do you mean?
00:12You've destroyed our marriage.
00:14Well, we were both on our way out of the winery.
00:19Claudia, what's wrong?
00:20Oh, I don't know, something's not right.
00:22Let's go to the pantry.
00:23Yes, let's go.
00:25It's outrageous to think that this isn't a love letter.
00:29No, Joaquín, no.
00:30My father wasn't one of those men.
00:32He was married, he had three children.
00:34He loved us madly.
00:35It's not about resting just today.
00:38Today and tomorrow.
00:40Until we prove that things are as they should be,
00:43it can be three days or three weeks.
00:47How are you?
00:50Well, look, with a terrible sense of guilt.
00:53Because my mother is in the sanatorium again.
00:56You see, Tasio, I can't publicly acknowledge you as my son,
00:59but I'd like you to give me the chance to treat you as such.
01:03I'm glad you didn't go to the sanatorium.
01:05That you wouldn't listen to me.
01:07And that I paint in the sanatorium,
01:10if what I want most is here.
01:26Dream of freedom
01:28Live another way
01:30Wings to fly
01:32Wherever the soul wants
01:34Dream of freedom
01:36The heart doesn't wait
01:38It's asking for another chance
01:42Dream of freedom
01:45Although the past hurts
01:47To start again
01:49To love whoever I want
01:51Screaming is my truth
01:53To live without fear and without looking back
02:13Dreams of freedom
02:23Dream of freedom
02:33How's the distribution of glasses?
02:34Well, very good.
02:36But I'm not exaggerating when I tell you
02:38that about 20% of the workers needed glasses.
02:42That's a lot of people.
02:44And that you say so.
02:46I imagine that stopping Nevaristo
02:48was not a priority in the ophthalmological examination.
02:50So many of them didn't even know
02:52that they had sight problems.
02:54And how about you?
02:56How are you adapting to the routine?
02:58You don't know how eager I was to go back to the consultation.
03:00I was so eager to go back to work.
03:03You were also missed around here.
03:08Any news?
03:09I've met Jaime at the appointment
03:11and he told me that you were staying at the command.
03:13Yes, no, it's been a pretty quiet morning.
03:15No patient has come.
03:16No one has come?
03:18Well, Andrés has come.
03:20He wanted to talk to me.
03:21Talk to you? About what?
03:25Well, he has come to tell me
03:27that he felt a lot about what had happened to my mother
03:29and that he could count on him
03:31despite everything that had happened between us.
03:33I imagine that you have let your mother
03:35into the sanatorium again, right?
03:37This morning.
03:39I'm very sorry.
03:40It has had to be very hard.
03:44But she will be more watched there.
03:46It will be harder than what happened the other day.
03:48I don't know, Luz.
03:49The poor thing, all she wants is to be with me
03:51and I'm not even able to give her that.
03:53Well, go see her more often.
03:55I can't, I'm going to have to wait.
03:57Her doctor has told us that
03:59visits are currently canceled.
04:00Seriously? But how is that possible?
04:02Well, because she says she has to adapt
04:04to the rhythm of the sanatorium again,
04:05but she won't understand.
04:07I feel like I've failed her.
04:08It's like...
04:09like a fish that bites its tail.
04:13that's why I think it's going to be very good for me to be here.
04:15To think about something else.
04:17I agree.
04:18And I'm very happy with your decision,
04:20but little by little,
04:21what has happened to you is very serious.
04:23Take your rest,
04:25because we need that wound to heal well.
04:28I'll take it into account, doctor.
04:30I mean it.
04:32You know how things work here.
04:34Today we haven't had much tracking,
04:35but at any time four patients come
04:37and we can't take it anymore.
04:38That's true.
04:39By the way, what a good idea.
04:44This arrived the other day.
04:46What is it?
04:47It's an invitation for a nursing congress
04:49to be held in Madrid.
04:51If we want you to leave that house,
04:53you'd better be sitting in an auditorium listening,
04:56instead of going from there to here to see patients.
04:59Is there still room?
05:01Of course.
05:02You'll be with colleagues,
05:03you'll share experiences,
05:05you'll learn new techniques.
05:07It will be very good for you to think about something else.
05:10Not your mother or your family.
05:13What do you say?
05:15I think it's a very good idea,
05:17like all the ones you have.
05:19I'm going to make a call.
05:32This is on point.
05:39Man, you're on time.
05:42It's nothing.
05:43But with the tricks Sara has taught me,
05:45I think I cook better.
05:49What's wrong?
05:51Something I don't know?
05:53Did you check the pipes?
05:54No, no, no, yes, yes, yes.
05:55Everything is fine at home, yes.
05:58Then why do you make that face?
06:03And Gemma is insisting that you don't go.
06:05Has there been another breakdown?
06:07No, no, no, no, no.
06:09There's no other breakdown, no.
06:11Then why do you look like a soul in pain, son?
06:13Well, mother, because I have other problems.
06:16Come on, cheer up.
06:18You have reasons to be happy.
06:20Do you want lemonade?
06:21Your wife made it, it's delicious.
06:26Son, what do you have to complain about?
06:30Life smiles at you.
06:31Yes, a lot.
06:33You can't complain.
06:35Look at Isidro or Mrs. Mercedes.
06:37Well, mother, I'm not on the brink of death,
06:39but I have other problems too.
06:42Let's see, son.
06:44When life seems to be going wrong
06:46and everything is going to go wrong
06:48and things get fixed,
06:50it's a lesson it gives us
06:51so we can trust it.
06:52Yeah, but not always.
06:53In life, everything goes well.
06:55If you scratch a little, there's always something good.
06:58Look, for example,
07:00the inundation of the house
07:02has helped Gema and you live together
07:04alone for a while, and it was necessary.
07:07And living here has made me remember your aunt.
07:11And they are very beautiful memories.
07:13And isn't it a bit naive
07:15to see only the good side of things?
07:17It may be, but it helps to be better.
07:20I've also thought about you.
07:22How are you?
07:23It's true that your brother hasn't found a woman
07:25to start a family yet,
07:27but look at him.
07:29Executive of a company.
07:31What he was looking for and what he deserved.
07:33And you?
07:34You work a lot, a lot, it's true.
07:36And your wife too.
07:38Son, but you are a married couple.
07:40When are you going to give me a grandchild?
07:42Oh, mother, please.
07:43You argue a lot, it's true.
07:45But the loyalty you feel for each other
07:47is very difficult to find.
07:49No, mother, it's not like that.
07:52Today we are in the picture.
07:53Almost no one has come to eat.
07:55Do you want me to serve the first course?
07:57No, no, I'll go.
08:00I'll tell you how I seasoned the stew.
08:03To the style of Sara.
08:05Don't move, huh?
08:06She has to rest.
08:13Were you going to tell your mother everything?
08:15Of course.
08:18So that she is warned when she returns home.
08:21Or what do you think she will think
08:22when she sees that we are not sleeping together?
08:24We can solve it, Joaquín.
08:26Please, let's talk, you and me,
08:28we'll find a way to ...
08:29No, Gemma, no, no, no.
08:31I'm fed up with lies.
08:33And don't even think about warming my mother's head
08:35so that she stays here longer.
08:37I know you.
08:38No, please, Joaquín.
08:40Listen to me, I beg you.
08:41No, Gemma.
08:42For me, the sooner people know what you've done, the better.
08:55Come in.
08:57May I?
09:01How are you? How do you feel?
09:03Better, much better.
09:06Carmen told me you had a heart attack.
09:08Yes, I hope it stays that way.
09:11But ...
09:12Do you feel bad? Does it hurt?
09:15No, no, no.
09:16Dr. Borrell has reassured me, she told me that ...
09:19Well, it's normal to bleed in the first months of pregnancy.
09:23But hey, sit down.
09:27Thank you.
09:35Mateo, if I tell you the truth, I'm scared to death.
09:39I'm terrified.
09:40Well, but Carmen told me you're not in danger.
09:43No, I'm not.
09:45But the baby is not known.
09:48Look, Mateo, if something happens to him, I'll go after him.
09:51No, no, no.
09:52But don't think about that.
09:54Have faith.
09:58This baby is the most important thing I have, you know that.
10:01And I want this to go well.
10:04In all my prayers, I ask for your health and that of the child.
10:09Thank you very much, Mateo.
10:10I don't hate or pray either.
10:11But come on, apart from my prayers ...
10:15You know you have me here for whatever you need.
10:20Thank you, Mateo.
10:21Mateo, since you've been here, I've felt a lot of peace.
10:26I feel the same way.
10:29I don't know, since I met you, I feel the need to protect you.
10:41Much more now, right? You're a priest.
10:46Do you know if you can stay in the colony?
10:48Yes, I can practice with Don Agustín.
10:53I'm convinced.
10:55And what did you tell them?
10:56Because, coming from you, I'm sure there's nothing wrong with Don Agustín.
10:59No, I just told them that I felt very close to the parishioners of the colony.
11:05And that I thought I could do a very nice job.
11:08Well, and you haven't fooled my daughter either.
11:10Because we really need you here, Mateo.
11:16Can I come in?
11:17Come in, yes.
11:18How are you, Claudia?
11:20Better, much better.
11:22I'm glad. Take this, it'll make you feel better.
11:24Carmen, do you mind if I sit at the table, please?
11:27Thank you very much.
11:29How are you, Carmen? How's it going with Tassio?
11:32Well, he's worried about me.
11:34And why?
11:36Because I went to look for him in the warehouse to tell him what happened.
11:41Claudia, my daughter, he's the father of the child. I'm the one who should know.
11:44I know.
11:46But I'm not saying it because of that, I'm saying it because I don't want him to be worried.
11:50Well, the thing is, I went to look for him and he wasn't there.
11:53Paco was there, the skinny one.
11:56And he told me that he took the afternoon off.
11:59Do you think it's normal for him to take the afternoon off to go to Parranda without telling me or Pío?
12:04Please, Carmen, he didn't go to Parranda either. Don't think like that either.
12:08I'm telling you, he didn't take the afternoon off to go pray for his sins.
12:15What a aim you have, huh?
12:18I wouldn't say it's your first time.
12:20I'm sure you're not fooling me if you've been shooting with a shotgun since you were a kid.
12:24Well, the truth is that at some fair I have taken a rifle to throw cans.
12:28And I have won some or the other bottle of anise, Mr. Damián.
12:30But not as much as this.
12:31So, you've come out to me.
12:33Do you think the aim is inherited?
12:35At first glance, it is. You have not only shot a birdie, you have a hunter's breed.
12:39Of course, you still have a lot to learn.
12:42Well, that's life, isn't it? You always learn new things.
12:45Yes, you're right. Although sometimes we forget.
12:48In your case, I have taken a little more caution on your part.
12:51Are you in a hurry?
12:52Yes, I've been in a hurry since I was born, basically.
12:55Well, going out hunting with me is going to be good for you.
12:59You have to know how to wait, observe, to be able to anticipate the movements of your prey.
13:04And then, hit the target.
13:07I understand that you will not learn all this overnight.
13:10Of course not.
13:12But hey, I'll teach you.
13:16So, does that mean you'll let me accompany you to the field more often?
13:20Would you like that?
13:22Of course.
13:24Well, I'll be delighted to repeat. I've enjoyed it a lot, I assure you.
13:27Of course, the rules are the rules. And you're going to have to pay the tribute of the novice hunter.
13:33You stay with the birds, right?
13:35That too. But no, you're going to clean my gun.
13:39I'll leave it as new.
13:40You'd better. If not, there's no deal.
13:43No more lessons, no more time together.
13:46I'll manage.
13:48As soon as we get home, take these beauties to the kitchen,
13:51so that Teresa and Gemma clean them and leave them fresh.
13:55And I'm going to change, to go to the factory.
13:58Okay. Thank you very much, Don Damián.
14:01No, thanks to you, son, for this time.
14:05This is also pending.
14:08How has Mercedes been?
14:11Well, with her doctors, she will be much better treated.
14:20I couldn't have endured another scare like the one she gave us.
14:23It was a disgust, I know.
14:25Well, changing the subject, do we already have a secretary?
14:29I've already called the best secretariat academy in Toledo and other districts
14:34and they are going to do a pre-selection with the best students who have been there.
14:38You could have also done a selection in person, right?
14:40You could have done it too.
14:41Whenever you want.
14:42No, no, no, we know your criteria.
14:43What are you insinuating?
14:45Nothing, that at the end of the day I assure you that you will have someone there in the secretariat sitting.
14:49Let's see if it's true. But have experience, please.
14:51And if possible, references.
14:54We can't waste time choosing them.
14:58Hey, Marta.
15:00And this, this from here, from the newspaper España Hoy, like this with double underline, what is it?
15:05Yes, what he has pointed out to you is that they have called because they want to make a report to the company.
15:10With photographs, interviews and those things.
15:14I see. But that's press at the national level, right?
15:17And when would it be?
15:18Well, we haven't specified dates.
15:21In fact, it has been quite dodgy.
15:23I have told them that I would call them when I clarify, to see if we decide.
15:27And why have you done that?
15:29Because lately our family has been through a lot.
15:32And I don't think it's wise to get a journalist to ask questions that may create bad publicity for us.
15:37But what are you saying, Marta?
15:38Are we going to take advantage of free advertising for all of Spain?
15:42Jesus, they are not only interested in the company.
15:45So what?
15:47They want to make a report about us.
15:49Those of the queen.
15:51You know, a report that is pure gossip to open a section of echoes of society.
16:03Hello, Tassio.
16:04Hello, Mrs. Dina.
16:06What are you doing with those shotguns?
16:08Well, cleaning them.
16:09You will see that I went hunting with Mr. Damián.
16:12And how?
16:14How did you spend it?
16:16Well, look.
16:19I bring him two beautiful perdizas and a faysan.
16:21The faysan is Mr. Damián's work, I don't see what aim he spends.
16:24And how is it that Damián has taken you hunting with him?
16:27Well, I don't know.
16:28I guess he needed someone to take him the rifles and ammunition.
16:31And as you are his driver, I'm sure he would catch his hand.
16:34Well, I think you're going to go out with him more often.
16:38Well, I haven't been bad at all, I tell you the truth.
16:41And have you had a good time?
16:43Very good.
16:46I'm glad for you and for him.
16:47I hadn't seen him so relaxed in a long time.
16:50You think?
16:52He's been very worried for a while.
16:54First, Isidro's illness and then his mother-in-law's.
16:57But this morning, I've seen him especially happy and smiling.
17:02It must be that your company does him good.
17:05So you deserve it, because he likes being with you.
17:08Thank you very much, Mrs. Dina.
17:10The truth is that your words are knowing me to glory.
17:13You're still very, very, very, very exaggerated, Tassio.
17:16I'd better get rid of those perdizas, but I'm sure I'm not going to catch that one.
17:19They'd interview us.
17:22Photographs of us, the house, the alcoves.
17:26Well, but we can control a little what is said and what is not.
17:30I guess.
17:32But it seems to me that that exposure is too much, Jesus.
17:35But you don't see it, Marta.
17:37As you have said, our family has gone through a lot.
17:40And the few times we have been in the press as a family
17:43have been for events that have been about to destroy our lives.
17:46But with this, with this now we can show ourselves as what we are.
17:50As a large family of united businessmen, despite everything we have lived.
17:54I don't know.
17:56Although it may be a way to open a new chapter.
18:01Record it with fire, sister.
18:02We are a united family and that is what we are going to give them.
18:05Well, what about the united family makes me laugh.
18:08Yes, it is true that maybe it would be a way to make good advertising
18:13and gain ground to the competition.
18:16To the competition. Floral has never done anything like that.
18:19We will be the first and those who come after us will laugh.
18:23Let's go.
18:26Let's do it.
18:27Yes, you have convinced me.
18:28That's it.
18:29Who called you? What is the journalist's name?
18:31I don't remember, it's written here.
18:36Oh, it was Rodolfo.
18:39Oh, it was Rodolfo.
18:43Rodolfo Ramírez?
18:45Do you know him?
18:49This is bingo.
18:51We met once in Madrid, in the casino, at an event.
18:54Well, let's leave it there.
18:56Oh my God.
18:57Well, beyond the casino, do you think he is a professional journalist?
19:01Well, yes.
19:02But more than anything, I think he is a guy we can bring to our turf
19:05and get a report that will put us on a pedestal.
19:08You take care of calling him and I'll take care of the secretary.
19:10At your service.
19:12That sounds good.
19:18Your coffee, Luis.
19:20It was a coffee, wasn't it?
19:21Yes, yes, a coffee. Thank you, Gaspar.
19:22It's just that I have my head upside down.
19:24Tonight, everyone comes from Saponificación to listen to the game between Real Madrid and Wiener.
19:29And I can't stand cooking, really.
19:31The truth is that I'm not following the cup.
19:33Are you serious?
19:34Didn't you hear about the three goals that the Turks scored?
19:37Well, goals, goals.
19:38Now, the referee took a penalty.
19:40Excuse me, Gaspar.
19:41The person I was waiting for is arriving.
19:44Who told you to stop me, man?
19:47Mr. Garcés, thank you for coming here.
19:50Don't worry.
19:52Yes, it's me.
19:54Luckily, Toledo was on my roadmap.
19:56This week, I attend a topography seminar in the city.
20:01Is something wrong?
20:02No, I don't know.
20:04It reminds me a lot of a person I met a long time ago.
20:10I think it would be better not to keep hiding it.
20:14I lied about my name.
20:18I'm Luis Merino.
20:19Gervasio Merino's little son.
20:22And why did you give me a fake name?
20:24Because I was afraid that if I told him who I was...
20:27that if I told him who I was...
20:30he wouldn't accept this meeting I wanted to have with you.
20:33Please, have a seat.
20:35Look, if it's not about business, I'd appreciate it if we left it here.
20:41Mr. Garcés, it's just that I want to know things about my father.
20:45And I know you were good friends.
20:47Please, have a seat.
20:48Many years have passed.
20:50I barely saw you a couple of times.
20:52The person I coincided the most with was your brother, Joaquín.
20:57Although it's undeniable that you look a lot like your father.
21:01They usually tell me.
21:03It's only going to be a few minutes.
21:08Thank you.
21:15Tell me.
21:16What do you want?
21:17Well, I already told you that I just want to get to know my father better.
21:21He left too soon.
21:23How did you get to know me?
21:25I haven't stepped foot in this factory for at least 20 years.
21:28Well, it's because of some works we've done at home.
21:31An old archive of my father showed up and...
21:35it turns out he had a double background.
21:39And there I found some letters...
21:42some private letters from you.
21:47Yes, but I haven't read them.
21:49I assure you.
21:51But I was hoping you could clarify...
21:54Well, as you can understand, I don't remember what I put in those letters.
21:59Are you going to give them back?
22:01Is that why you asked me to come?
22:02I already told you I haven't read them.
22:04But I did see a little bit of the headline and...
22:08I'm sorry, but I'm a very reputable professional.
22:11And a married man.
22:13With children and grandchildren.
22:15And the same could be said of my father.
22:18That doesn't mean that, in spite of everything,
22:20you wouldn't have a special friendship.
22:25What are you insinuating?
22:27How dare you?
22:29I don't want to offend you or reproach you for anything.
22:31This isn't easy for me, Mr. Garcés.
22:34But I need to know certain things about my father's true personality.
22:38All of this is absurd.
22:41I don't remember at all having written any letter to Gervasio Merito.
22:45I dealt with professional matters with Mr. Daniel de la Reina.
22:49I have those letters.
22:51Signed by him.
22:53You've read them, haven't you? Stop lying to me.
22:58Here's one of them.
23:10There's his signature.
23:12I recognized it.
23:15This isn't...
23:19I didn't write this.
23:22And I won't allow you to accuse me of anything.
23:25Far from my intention.
23:27I just want to know the truth, Mr. Garcés.
23:30My father was a reference for me.
23:32An example to follow.
23:36And I need to know certain things.
23:38To clarify them.
23:42Only you can help me understand this.
23:45Leave me alone.
23:47You're delirious.
23:50What a waste of time.
23:56Good afternoon, ma'am.
23:58How can I help you?
24:00Vera, I...
24:05I like the perfume you're wearing.
24:07Do you sell it here?
24:09I can find everything I like in this store.
24:12Perfumes, soaps, makeup and everything else.
24:15Whatever I want.
24:17How do I know I can trust you?
24:19Oh, ma'am, you can trust me.
24:22I have very good taste.
24:26Are you alone?
24:28Carmen is in the warehouse.
24:30And Claudia? Is she better?
24:35I've read the doctor's report.
24:37And it says extreme exhaustion.
24:39I didn't even know it was a disease.
24:41Much less that she couldn't ask for a leave.
24:44Well, if Dr. Borrell says so.
24:48This Claudia, when something doesn't happen to her, something else happens to her.
24:51There's a woman who's really sick.
24:53But a while ago I went to her room and she told me she was a little better.
24:56Will she come tomorrow?
24:58No, no. The doctor said she has to rest a few more days.
25:03And you're going to have to take care of her?
25:06Well, Carmen and I have to go on shifts.
25:08To bring her food, to see if she needs anything.
25:11Why do you say that?
25:13Because I want an escape with you.
25:15To Madrid.
25:18I can.
25:19And I want to.
25:21Well, we're going to have to wait a few more days.
25:24Let's see if she recovers little by little.
25:26Not one more, for God's sake.
25:29Come in.
25:33But weren't you in the warehouse?
25:36Yes, but I went to the pier for a moment to see if I could see Tassio.
25:39And nothing. He didn't come by while I wasn't there, did he?
25:43Well, nobody saw him.
25:45He took the afternoon off without telling me or Pío.
25:55Perfumerías de la Reina.
25:57Mrs. Romero?
25:58I'm Marta de la Reina, I don't know if you remember me.
26:02No, Claudia is not in the store because she is sick.
26:09No, no, it's nothing serious.
26:11It's just that the doctor in the neighborhood recommended that she rest for a few days.
26:15No, no, nothing serious.
26:17I'll give you the message to call her as soon as I can.
26:20Thank you.
26:23Claudia's mother, who didn't know she was sick.
26:27I'm sorry.
26:48The torture is finally over.
26:50What's going on?
26:52I've finished the period.
26:54Can I go back to work on that baby search thing?
26:57Well, yes, you can get it this month.
27:00Because a baby of three and a half kilos, a seven-month-old ...
27:03You don't sell that in San Ramón.
27:06No, Natu, come on.
27:07That's for not counting that you can't go to the flu for a month.
27:11Shut up, shut up.
27:13You don't know how bad I had it with Jaime.
27:16He's a better doctor than I thought.
27:18He caught on the fly that they were pretending to have the flu.
27:21Did Andrés tell you anything?
27:23No, no, no.
27:25I went with the Chinese story that I was afraid
27:27that intimate relationships would affect the baby.
27:29Come on, I take it for granted.
27:31My God.
27:32You have resources for everything.
27:34I wish I were the same.
27:37What's wrong with you?
27:40Ernesto fulfilled his threat.
27:44That I call and tell Joaquín everything.
27:47And I have a story at home that I don't even tell you.
27:50My God.
27:52And how did he react?
27:53Bad, very bad.
27:54I've never seen him so hurt.
27:59Excuse me if I interrupt you.
28:00Have you seen my mother?
28:01She's not in the kitchen.
28:02Do you know where she could be?
28:03Yes, she's in the service room.
28:05She's been away for a while.
28:07Is she feeling bad?
28:08No, no, no.
28:09The dream of after eating that doesn't forgive.
28:12You know what?
28:13I'm going to take a break too.
28:16I'll make you something.
28:17Let's go to the kitchen and I'll do something.
28:20No need.
28:21I've already chopped something in the canteen.
28:24Wait, wait.
28:26What do you want, Gemma?
28:28I need to talk to you about Joaquín.
28:33Is Mrs. López Casas' thing ready?
28:36Let's see.
28:37Yes, it's this box.
28:38He asked for four boxes of women's rings for his daughters and daughters-in-law.
28:41It is important that they are in the right place.
28:44Is the package for Mrs. Vera Martínez de Valladolid important?
28:47The one with the baby-suit cases.
28:49I think he must have had triplets because he asked for a lot.
28:53So the package is not closed yet?
28:55No, I was going to close it right now.
28:56Okay, we're going to add some lavender soaps as a gift.
28:59She's an excellent and very loyal client.
29:02And what do you think if instead of that we put a couple of lipsticks?
29:05So that she continues to feel beautiful after the pregnancy.
29:08Like an indirect.
29:09I love that indirect.
29:13Well, I can also be very direct if I propose.
29:25Oh, Marta.
29:27I'm dying to kiss you.
29:31On the neck.
29:33On the cheeks.
29:36On the lips.
29:38Well, I would still be more direct.
29:41Because if a sailor drives me crazy, your mouth.
29:47I need a mother escape now.
29:56Very good.
29:59Mrs. Marta, has she already left the tab?
30:02Thank you for blowing me.
30:04That's it?
30:06What a bad time I've had.
30:08Hello, Tassio.
30:09Hello, hello.
30:10I got the message that Carmen is looking for me and I don't know if you know where she can be.
30:13Ah, well, she will have taken the opportunity to go see Claudia or she will be having a coffee in the canteen.
30:17Okay, thank you.
30:18Well, I'm going to keep looking for her.
30:24This is what it can't be.
30:26We can't lower the guard.
30:27My heart almost comes out.
30:29He's well used to us for trusting us.
30:31Marta, you're right, but I look at you and I can't control myself.
30:35This is what we have to avoid.
30:37We only have one day, this is going to be impossible.
30:39I know, Marta, we'll be careful, I promise you.
30:45Marta, what's going on?
30:46This is not a game.
30:48I know, I know it perfectly well, better than anyone.
30:50And even if the person who comes in and discovers us is a relative or an acquaintance, it could be our end.
30:56But look at my father, he is the closest example and he is capable.
31:00Not only because he changes his opinion about us, but for a much more real consequence.
31:05Like, for example, going to a women's prison.
31:07Marta, please don't think about that now.
31:09But how am I not going to think about it? It's inevitable.
31:12We live in the country we live in.
31:14We can't change that right now.
31:17Marta, I promise you that nothing bad is going to happen to us.
31:21I promise you.
31:23Nor that anyone is going to separate us.
31:26Do you promise me?
31:28I swear.
31:31But we will have to be more careful not to have to put a tab as an excuse.
31:38Even if it's a martyrdom.
31:41For us.
31:43And for Jaime, who has been very generous.
31:49We will get rid of that layer.
32:06How could you cheat on your husband?
32:07I didn't cheat on him, I swear.
32:09I swear nothing happened to that man.
32:11Please, you have to believe me.
32:12It's okay, Gemma, it's okay.
32:13You don't have to swear anything to me.
32:14I promise you that I was wrong.
32:16I was wrong and I feel terrible about it.
32:19But I have not disrespected my husband, much less I have been unfaithful to him.
32:22I swear.
32:23It's your business and I don't want to get involved.
32:25You don't have to help me, Luis.
32:27Please, listen to me.
32:28You have to talk to him.
32:29You have to tell him that I love him.
32:31You have to tell him that I love him as if it were the first day.
32:33Tell him, please.
32:34I beg you.
32:35Help me, Luis, please.
32:38No, Gemma, no.
32:39No, getting involved there would be counterproductive.
32:41Don't put me in that bind.
32:43I can't.
32:45I'm sorry.
32:59You tell Carmen.
33:00Thank you.
33:03Did you bring a lot to the store?
33:05No, the store is fine.
33:07Estasio, have you been here?
33:09What's up?
33:10Have you argued?
33:11Look, speaking of the king of Rome.
33:13At last.
33:14Well, I'm doing meetings through the forum.
33:16Don't splash me.
33:17Besides, I have a huge mess with the game tonight.
33:19How are you?
33:20Nothing, man, nothing.
33:22How are you, Carmen?
33:24I'm fine.
33:26How are you, Carmen?
33:28What's up?
33:29Paco told me you were looking for me.
33:31But where were you?
33:33What is that about taking a free afternoon like this?
33:35Without entrusting yourself to God or the devil?
33:38Well, I hadn't thought about it, woman.
33:40Look, I went to work today and I realized that I wasn't going to perform well.
33:44Well, you can't know why you weren't going to perform well.
33:47Well, because I haven't slept all night.
33:49And well, I saw Joaquin and I asked him to please go to rest.
33:52And I'll get the hours back another day.
33:53Tashi, I'm going to ask you one more time.
33:56Where have you been?
33:59I went to the countryside.
34:01It's beautiful, by the way.
34:03And well, since I was there, I went hunting.
34:07Hunting you?
34:11Well, it was with a Chinese guy, because as far as I know, you don't have a shotgun.
34:15Of course, maybe he has an arsenal of weapons, he has a gun and I haven't found out.
34:19It's just that the shotgun was lent to me by a partner.
34:21A partner? What partner?
34:23A new one that you don't know.
34:25Introduce him to me.
34:27One of these days I'll introduce him to you, yes.
34:29Well, to what I was going to say.
34:32Claudia has a loss.
34:34And what does that mean?
34:36Because she has been bleeding this morning.
34:39What are you saying, Carmen? And how is the child? How is Claudia?
34:43According to the doctor, it doesn't have to mean bad, neither for the baby nor for Claudia.
34:47Carmen, but it won't be good either.
34:49And is Claudia feeling very bad or what?
34:51Well, she's scared.
34:53How is she going to be?
34:55Now she has to rest for a few days.
34:57Oh my God.
34:59We have to prevent it from happening again because it could mean that the baby is not well implanted.
35:04But what is that? What does it mean? That she could lose it or what?
35:09I don't know.
35:11It's just that the doctor has been as mysterious as you.
35:14Would you like it to be a little clearer?
35:16Tell me the story.
35:17I'll tell you.
35:19And pay me, Xo.
35:33Jesus, what a mystery.
35:35Son, tell us that news, you disgust us.
35:38No, let's wait for Marta to come in, she had a call.
35:42And I don't like to repeat things 20 times.
35:44Excuse me, it was Jaime.
35:47He will arrive later, he had to stay in the pantry taking care of an emergency at the last minute.
35:51I'll tell him.
35:53Well, we're all here.
35:55Don't leave us a minute more with the intrigue.
36:01Well, it turns out that the newspaper España Hoy contacted Marta, right?
36:05And this afternoon I spoke with them to close a topic.
36:09Are we going to be in the newspaper?
36:11What do you want exactly?
36:16Well, it seems they are very interested in making an intimate portrait of the queen's family.
36:22And what does that mean?
36:24It means interviews with all of us, photos also with all of us, photos of the house, photos of the company.
36:30Come on, the idea is to transmit an image of a solid and united family.
36:36That is an example for society.
36:38But we are going to leave in the echoes of society.
36:41The truth is that it would give us some visibility for all of Spain.
36:44But as long as it is something serious and nothing frivolous.
36:48Honey, these things have to be frivolous, it's the grace.
36:51People from AP will love to see how we live.
36:54At first I had my reservations.
36:56But it can be a great publicity for the company.
37:01And if the article is made with good taste, even the brand of the queen can acquire some prestige.
37:07Those reports are only made to real families.
37:10It's because of the queen, then.
37:13I admit that you have been funny, brother.
37:16Let's see, they have the idea of ​​opening a new section with us.
37:20And from there they will take out the most influential families in this country every week.
37:25Are you sure about this, son?
37:27Of course, it's a great opportunity for the family.
37:30And you, father, what do you think?
37:32I don't know, advertisements, but ...
37:33Listen to me, father.
37:35It is an opportunity to show ourselves as a great exemplary family in front of all of Spain.
37:40Let's go.
37:46Okay, we'll do it.
37:48But be very careful.
37:51This type of journalist takes out dirty rags under the rocks.
37:55Go ahead with the report.
37:57Yes, they will come tomorrow to do an inspection.
37:59Yes, they will come tomorrow to do an inspection,
38:02but they have not confirmed to me if they will also do the interviews and photos tomorrow.
38:06But well, be prepared for whatever it is.
38:08Tomorrow already? How nervous.
38:14Do you think the report is good or not?
38:17Yes, it is good for the company.
38:19Good for the company and for you.
38:21That you are going to be the star.
38:23Don't worry, I'll tell them not to tire you too much.
38:25Yeah, Jesus, I wanted to tell you something.
38:27Tell me.
38:29I signed up for a nursing congress and it starts tomorrow in Madrid.
38:35But tomorrow is when the reporters come, haven't you heard?
38:38Don't worry, it's in the morning.
38:40In the afternoon I can be back and take the photos without a problem.
38:43They can start with the rest and then leave me for the last one.
38:45But I don't know if they will be here all day either.
38:49Do you really want to go to that congress so much?
38:52Haven't you had enough with going to the dispensary today?
38:54Well, actually, I just have to sit down and take notes.
38:57At the dispensary I get much more tired.
39:00You're right.
39:02And besides, it will be good for me to get rid of this feeling of guilt that I have with my mother.
39:06Begoña, you are not guilty of anything.
39:08But I don't understand you.
39:10The problem is who is going to take you to the congress, I mean,
39:13because I will have to be here for the report.
39:16Don't worry, I have spoken with a nurse from Toledo who is also going.
39:18She picks me up and then brings me back right away.
39:21Perfect, then.
39:23All I want is for you to be happy.
39:27Thank you.
39:41Luz, I'm sorry.
39:43I hope I didn't bother you.
39:46Yes, I intended to see you, but since I knew Begoña would be there, I gave up.
39:51No, I have no news.
39:54But I keep thinking about it.
39:57Do you think we should meet tomorrow?
40:01I appreciate it.
40:04You are the only person I can talk to about it.
40:08Okay, see you tomorrow.
40:14Who were you talking to at this time?
40:19He called me to ask me about some reports to be sent first thing tomorrow.
40:22What a cousin you have.
40:24Look who's calling at bedtime.
40:25Listen, we have the report tomorrow.
40:28We have to be radiant.
40:30And I need to sleep my eight hours.
40:32You are always radiant.
40:34And since you are pregnant, even more.
40:37You don't know how important that report is for the company and for the family.
40:42You are underestimating all those readers.
40:45And on top of that, in a national newspaper.
40:48They will see us everywhere.
40:50Can you imagine what they will say in Huesca when they see me?
40:52What will they say?
40:54That you are wonderful.
40:56I called the hairdresser who did my hair for the wedding.
40:58And Carmen, to do my make-up.
41:00I want to shine, Andrés.
41:02I want to attract everyone's attention.
41:05I want to be a real lady of the kingdom.
41:08Don't look at me like that.
41:10You are starting to be an open book for me.
41:13My skin is trembling.
41:15I understand that you will have a justification for the gesture of fear you had with the article.
41:20You worry too much, father.
41:25Especially considering the recent events.
41:27I don't know what you're thinking.
41:29Father, let the journalist know and say whatever I want him to say.
41:32It's just that he doesn't see it.
41:34It is our opportunity to clean up the past.
41:36So that they forget all that tragedy that marked our family six years ago.
41:41Trust me.
41:43From now on, they will see us as a united family.
41:50What are you doing here? It's too late.
41:53I came to tell you that I'm staying to sleep.
41:55If the press comes, I prefer to be here.
41:57Very good. How glad I am.
41:59Jesus, tomorrow the house will be perfect. Don't worry.
42:02Well, I'll leave you. I don't bother you.
42:05No, no. My son and I had already talked about everything we had to talk about.
42:09Right, Jesus?
42:11Yes, of course.
42:13Good night to both of you.
42:15Good night.
42:21I'll turn off the light.
42:23Wait. Do you know what makes me sad?
42:25That they don't make the report when our son was born.
42:28It would be the best presentation in the world.
42:30It's a very special memory for life.
42:33Yes, I guess.
42:35Did you know that Gracia de Monaco introduced her daughter Carolina like that last year?
42:38No, I didn't know. I'll turn off the light.
42:42I prefer to look at you.
42:51So, you're going to rest tomorrow.
42:54Your kisses make me feel better than anything else.
43:06Are you feeling well?
43:10And I've missed you a lot these days.
43:21I love you.
43:23I love you too.
43:27You were a bit upset when you saw Jesus, weren't you?
43:30A bit, yes.
43:32I came to tell you that I want to stay here for a few more days, if you don't mind.
43:36Until the paint dries.
43:38My son Luis says that the paint has lead.
43:41And I tell him that the lead is him.
43:43Well, bravo for Luis.
43:45And bravo for the lead.
43:48You're so beautiful when you smile.
43:50No, please. Don't worry about me.
43:52It's the truth.
43:54You're so beautiful when you smile.
43:56You're beautiful when you're sad.
43:59You're beautiful even when you're angry.
44:03I'm going to stop behaving like a teenager.
44:06I confess that I'm staying here
44:10also because I'm getting addicted to our night chats.
44:14Even if we go out for a drink sometime.
44:17That sounds like you've forgiven me.
44:18I like the way you're behaving with Tassio.
44:22I talked to him this morning in the kitchen.
44:25We had a great time.
44:27Well, I'm starting to look more like the Damien you used to appreciate so much.
44:33A bit, yes.
44:35You don't know how it comforts me to hear that.
44:38Before you said that you were behaving like a teenager.
44:42Well, there are two of us now.
44:44Two? Why?
44:45Because neither of us wants to openly admit what we feel.
44:51Well, to be fair, it's me more than you.
44:54I have insinuated to you, well, sometimes more than insinuated,
44:58what I feel for you,
45:01what I like about you,
45:03how much I like what you say,
45:05what you think,
45:07how you advise me,
45:09how happy I feel when I'm with you.
45:16I think it would be better if I leave.
45:20Why? Are you afraid?
45:23Yes, I'm afraid, yes.
45:26I'm afraid to admit what you feel for me.
45:29This is crazy.
45:32I don't know what's happening to me.
45:35This is not right, it's not right.
45:38No, don't go.
45:40Let's talk, let's clarify what we feel for each other.
45:42You know I've loved you for a long time.
45:48our families are distant.
45:51There is a lot of resentment.
45:53Your son can't stand mine, and neither can I.
45:57It's not about what we feel,
46:01it just can't be.
46:03Yes, it can be.
46:05Of course it can be,
46:07if it's what you and I want.
46:08Of course it can be,
46:10if it's what you and I want.
46:24By the way, I spoke to the journalist from Spain today
46:27and he says he wants to finish the photos and the interviews tomorrow.
46:32But that's too soon, isn't it? Will you have time?
46:35Yes, I don't know. He says he wants to advance the publication.
46:38Because apparently he has aroused a lot of interest among the press.
46:42Well, in fact, he says they want to finish it in the morning, if possible.
46:45I just don't know.
46:47In the morning?
46:50Well, then I won't be able to be there.
46:53Darling, but you are essential in the family.
46:57How am I going to talk about me if you're not by my side?
47:00Jesus, you know that that congress is very important to me.
47:03Much more than appearing in the news of society, where is it going to stop?
47:05And I understand it. Don't think I don't.
47:07But this report is so important that ...
47:09Well, but all the others are there.
47:11And the important ones are you three, the brothers.
47:15I see.
47:18Look, you know what?
47:20It doesn't matter, nothing happens.
47:22I'll call them and tell them that no,
47:24that if it has to be tomorrow, there is no report.
47:26For me personally it was important because well ...
47:28Yes, yes, because of the promotion of the company, you said it before.
47:31No, Begoña.
47:32Because Julia, you and I were going to show ourselves as the family that we are rebuilding.
47:38I don't know, Julia is very excited.
47:41I've talked to her before.
47:44But of course, if it's not you, I don't even know what I'm going to tell her.
47:47It doesn't matter, we won't talk and that's it.
47:50I don't want the girl, because of me, to stay in the report now.
47:53It's not your fault, it's not your fault.
47:55You see that congress, nothing happens.
47:56Nothing happens.
47:58Besides, I know you're still jealous of me,
48:00and I understand that you take advantage of this occasion to punish me.
48:04I deserve it, yes.
48:06Jesus, I'm not punishing you.
48:08If you had agreed to do the report,
48:10it's bad luck that it coincided with the congress, that's it.
48:13Let's not turn it around, really, that's it.
48:15It bothers me that you think that, because I'm not punishing you.
48:18Well, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that.
48:21It wasn't fair and sometimes I'm better off quiet, yes.
48:31Okay, I won't go to the congress.
48:34I'll do the report.
48:37No, please, I wouldn't want you to...
48:39No, no, no, that's it, that's it.
48:41You don't need to tell Julia or cancel anything.
48:51Thank you, love.
48:53Thank you.
48:54You were...
48:58I'm going to turn on the light.
49:00Very well.
49:24Thank you.
49:32Rodolfo, I'm Jesus de la Reina.
49:35I'm sorry about the time.
49:37Listen, I know you told me that it should be tomorrow,
49:40but no, it has to be tomorrow.
49:44Organize yourself as best you can.
49:47Either it's tomorrow or there's no deal, understood?
49:50Good night.
49:55We get together a bit and...
49:57big smile, yes?
49:59Very good.
50:01Mum, what are you doing here?
50:03But you had to be quiet at home.
50:05But how can I be quiet if you have me without knowing anything about you?
50:08And thanks to you I called and Marta told me what was going on.
50:10Two weeks ago, your letters with a drop account.
50:13Daughter, how can I not be worried?
50:15I'm not going on Tuesday, nor am I going to ask you for anything in return.
50:18But I've done things for you that take away my sleep at night.
50:21So don't get confused.
50:22You have no right to question my relationship with Digna.
50:25We don't hurt anyone.
50:27And she's able to do it all with a splendid look and an enviable style.
50:31It's not always like that.
50:33If I had come a couple of weeks ago, I would have found myself here with a patient
50:36dedicated to...
50:38dedicated to...
50:40a family man.
50:42Oh, but has something happened?
50:44Look, since we read the letters,
50:46the questions are piling up.
50:48I was happy when I met you.
50:49The questions are piling up.
50:51Was she happy with us?
50:53Or her suicide?
50:56Did that double life she led have anything to do with it?