El Señor De La Querencia Cap 28

  • 2 days ago
00:00But when is he coming?
00:02Mother, I haven't heard from him since the last letter he wrote to me.
00:06But the last time he wrote to you, he said he was coming in a couple of days.
00:10Yes, but well, Juan Cristobal is unpredictable, mother.
00:12Oh, Emilio, what are you saying? When I met him, he seemed like a respectful and responsible child.
00:17Why don't we forget about Juan Cristobal at once?
00:20How can you think of that?
00:22Don't you understand? We have to get Manuel out of his head, his sister.
00:26But I, Teresita, will take care of Juan Cristobal.
00:29Don't worry, I'm going to make sure she gets excited about him.
00:34Why doesn't she want him to be with Manuel?
00:38In a while, it's going to be a very good game because he's going to have money.
00:42And yes, he's going to continue to be a broken man, but the last name doesn't matter.
00:45Money is what moves things.
00:46Don't talk like that about people, I didn't mean it like that, please.
00:50And it's not what I dreamed for Teresita.
00:52I assure you that Juan Cristobal is not what he dreams for Teresita either.
00:56He is a newcomer to medicine, from a good family, young.
00:59Of course that's what I dreamed for my daughter.
01:03Please, insist.
01:08As you wish, mother.
01:10I'm going to write again, so you can tell me when it arrives.
01:15Thank you very much.
01:34And that money?
01:36It's mine.
01:38Yes? And where did you get it from?
01:42It's the result of my work.
01:44Work? What work?
01:46Don't play dumb, Maria.
01:48If you know what I mean.
01:50Don't tell me you're still involved in the same thing, Herminia!
01:52Yes, something to live for.
01:54Besides, I like money.
01:59Who's paying you?
02:02Ignacito and Miss Lucrecia.
02:05My God, Herminia.
02:07But what are you involved in if you know that you can't play with the boss' children?
02:11Oh, come on, calm down.
02:13If I do, I have it in my hands.
02:15But if there is preñá, what is there to do?
02:17It's impossible.
02:19How is it impossible?
02:21Because I can't have children.
02:24I'm sorry.
02:28Serve another glass, Mercedes.
02:30It will do you good.
02:32I feel terrible.
02:34I don't think I've ever felt so...
02:37so alone, so...
02:39so old, so...
02:41ugly, old, ugly.
02:45If you're ugly, I'm Frankenstein.
02:50Hey, Luis Emilio, I'm going to ask you a question and you're going to answer me with the truth.
02:53Oh, sorry, with the truth.
02:55Do you think I'm attractive?
02:59Do you want me to be honest with you?
03:00Yes, I want you to be honest and tell me if you find that I'm a beautiful woman.
03:06Beauty is little, Mercedes.
03:08You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.
03:11And you are the worst actor I've ever met in my life because you're lying.
03:16You're saying it so that I feel good.
03:18It doesn't matter, let's forget about this day, let's keep drinking.
03:24You know, I never imagined that my brother was responsible for this state in you.
03:30Let's see, excuse me, who told you it was your brother, who is also a braggart, who makes me feel like this?
03:34You have to say it.
03:37You can see it in your eyes.
03:39Hey, I can see it in my eyes.
03:41So you don't see my eyes anymore.
03:42They're not in my eyes.
03:43Oh, where am I?
03:44I don't see anything.
03:46Cheers, Luis Emilio, cheers.
03:49To the eyes.
03:50If not...
03:54No, no.
04:02What do you mean you couldn't have children?
04:06It's just that with all the medicine I've taken, even if I wanted to, I could get pregnant.
04:11A midwife I met in Santiago told me.
04:15It's better this way, Maria.
04:18I was born alone and I'm going to die alone.
04:23Every woman wants to be a mother.
04:25I don't.
04:26What for?
04:28What am I going to bring a child into the world for?
04:30So he suffers like we do, Maria?
04:32So the boss can do whatever he wants with him?
04:34No, Gracia.
04:37Well, it doesn't always have to be like that.
04:39Someday things can change too.
04:41It's always going to be the same, Maria.
04:44That's why I like to earn my money.
04:46So I don't have to look at anyone's face.
04:49I don't understand why you don't want to change your life, girl.
04:52Because this is my life, Maria.
04:54And I don't have another one.
04:55Yes, but you shouldn't be accepting money from the bosses.
04:58Ah, if that's what they have left over.
05:00Imagine if Lucrecia, the crazy goat,
05:02paid me to keep waiting for young Ignacio.
05:05What are you saying?
05:07What you heard.
05:08And does the young man know?
05:10No, not at first.
05:12Lucrecia covered him up.
05:14And then I came in.
05:17And then he found out, and Mrs. Mercé.
05:19And pfff.
05:20The cream was left.
05:22But, Virgin Santa Herminia, how dare you be involved in such a matter?
05:26Now that Manuel is making his money for her,
05:29take advantage and go live with him.
05:31No, if I told you that I don't like to lend a hand to anyone.
05:34I got used to grabbing my money.
05:36And it will continue to be like this.
06:05Luis Emilio.
06:08What the fuck is going on here?
06:10Oh, my head.
06:14Look at you.
06:16You have nothing to complain about, brother.
06:19Please, don't scream, don't scream.
06:21My head hurts, no, no.
06:23You'd better go rest in your room, don't you think?
06:32Listen to me.
06:33If there's something I'm not going to stand,
06:35you have to be loyal to me first, did you hear me?
06:37What are you talking about, man?
06:38You're going to be happy.
06:40You're going to see.
06:41What a piece of shit.
06:43I'm coming.
06:45Let me go.
06:46Let me go.
06:52What do you want?
06:54I want to talk to you.
07:02Can you come, please?
07:15I want us to talk about Manuel.
07:21Tell me you're going to support me, mommy.
07:24I beg you.
07:29I need you to understand
07:32why you can't marry him.
07:36Stay here.
07:37No, no, no, no.
07:39You like to see me like this, don't you?
07:42Do you enjoy seeing me suffer?
07:45I want to see you happy, that's all.
07:46Let me go.
07:47Go away.
07:51If you want to see me happy, go away.
08:16Leave me alone, Ignacio, please.
08:19I'm not leaving until you give me an explanation.
08:23I don't have to give you an explanation.
08:25Don't be ridiculous.
08:26I'm not going anywhere until you tell me
08:28what happened to my brother, Mercedes.
08:31You know what?
08:34Your brother is much more manly than you.
08:37He does know how to listen to women.
08:39He does know how to listen to women.
08:42They kissed.
08:45Please, what are you talking about?
08:47The only one who's kissing other women,
08:49with whores, is you, Ignacio.
08:52It's different.
08:53You know how I feel about you.
08:55Go away.
08:56Please, go away.
09:03Why don't you open your heart
09:06and tell me how you feel about me?
09:10Admit it.
09:13Admit that you love me.
09:19Good morning, Teresita.
09:22Good morning, Daddy.
09:23That's good.
09:24Excuse me, José Luis is looking for you.
09:30Excuse me.
09:35What a big surprise.
09:38I'm sorry for coming without telling you,
09:39but I don't think it was necessary to wait any longer.
09:42Well, you tell me.
09:44Mr. José Luis, I came to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage.
09:51Well, what a big surprise.
09:53The truth is that we had already talked about it before,
09:56but I never expected you to come visit us so soon.
10:00Oh, my God.
10:02Congratulations, Manuel.
10:04Enough, Teresita.
10:06Control yourself.
10:07Let's see, Manuel.
10:08I guess you don't understand very well,
10:10but there are many formalities that must happen,
10:13even before talking about marriage.
10:16It's not like going into a house,
10:18asking for a girl's hand.
10:20It's not like that.
10:22Yes, well, after what we talked about,
10:23I thought formalities weren't necessary.
10:25I agree with Manuel, Daddy.
10:27Shut up.
10:28This is my family,
10:29and here things are done as I say.
10:34I'd like to know what the lady thinks.
10:38She's going to be happy.
10:40What else is she going to think?
10:43I'm surprised.
10:45Are you surprised?
10:50José Luis, if you allow me,
10:52I'd rather leave if you talk about this with Manuel.
10:55Stay, Mommy.
10:56You should give your opinion.
10:58Don't you think, Daddy?
11:01Do you know what I could do, Leonor?
11:04Why don't you inform him
11:06and explain to Manuel
11:07what are the formalities
11:08that are so important to our family?
11:11The truth is, I have nothing to say about it.
11:13Why not?
11:15Because you know I don't approve of this relationship.
11:18Let's see.
11:19I'm not asking for your opinion.
11:21I'm just asking you to inform Manuel
11:23the formalities, please.
11:25It's not the time to...
11:26I'd rather withdraw in that case.
11:28Excuse me.
11:36Thank you very much.
11:37Despite my mother's behavior,
11:39I wanted to tell you
11:41that today is the happiest day of my life.
11:55I'm a great woman, Ignacio.
11:57And if I felt anything for you,
11:59I'd tell you.
12:01I know you.
12:02I know you a lot.
12:03I know you're terrified of scandal.
12:05As much as you are.
12:07I'd be willing to face any scandal.
12:09Any, Mercedes.
12:11If you tell me
12:13that you love me.
12:17I would never do that.
12:19And not just because of the scandal,
12:21but because knowing your father's heartbreak
12:23would be...
12:24would be taking a necessary risk, Ignacio.
12:27But I'd face any risk for you.
12:30I'd face my father if necessary,
12:32but tell me.
12:35Tell me, tell me that you love me.
12:36Tell me.
12:38Tell me.
12:41I love you.
12:44But I made a promise to your mother
12:46and we're not going to be together.
12:53Why did you force me to marry Lucrecia?
12:55Because I'm stupid.
12:57I'm to blame for everything that's happening, yes.
13:00No, me too.
13:01My father too.
13:04I should never have allowed something to happen between us.
13:07It's not right.
13:08Don't tell me that.
13:11Don't tell me that. You've made me very happy.
13:19All I've done is make your life complicated.
13:23Look at me.
13:29I beg you.
13:31Leave, please.
13:58Excuse me.
14:00Leave me alone, please.
14:03Is this why I'm going to marry Manuel?
14:07This is not a competition, Teresita.
14:11But if it was, you have to admit that you lost.
14:15What do you want?
14:16I'm not going to let you take me away from the man I love, mother.
14:19You don't love him.
14:21He doesn't love you.
14:23And you know that.
14:24He doesn't love you.
14:26And you know that.
14:28Maybe Manuel doesn't love me yet.
14:31And it's very likely that he's still thinking about you.
14:34I'm not stupid.
14:36But over time, and you can be sure of that,
14:39Manuel is only going to think about me.
14:41And you...
14:43You're going to be a simple memory, mommy.
14:47I leave you alone so that you continue to suffer for having lost Manuel.
14:54I love you.
15:03Well, all I care about is that Teresita respects me when I come to visit her, Manuel.
15:08You don't even have to pressure him, young man.
15:10Forgive me the question, Manuel.
15:12But when did you notice Teresita?
15:14When did you meet her?
15:17Love has such strange stages to explain, Ignacio.
15:19I wouldn't know how to tell you when.
15:20I'm going to talk about it.
15:24The questions you ask, Ignacio.
15:26Anyway, what Luis Emilio was saying seems very important to me.
15:30When you come to visit Teresita, you will never be alone with her.
15:35I understand.
15:37And you, uncle?
15:38Let's see.
15:39What is that way of referring to my guests, Violeta?
15:43Treat them as Mr. Manuel when you are in this house.
15:47My niece.
15:48I already told you how important the formalities of Manuel are to me.
15:53Retire, I told you.
15:56Since I'm going to be part of your family, Mr. José Luis, I would like these things to change.
16:01Oh yeah?
16:02What do you mean?
16:03The treatment you have with my family.
16:06And with the other tenants, the inheritance.
16:09You know perfectly well what I think.
16:10The salaries, for example.
16:12Please, Manuel.
16:13Don't ask my father for such drastic changes in such a short time.
16:17I don't know if I'm young that changes take time.
16:20But it's good to remember, right?
16:21Don't worry.
16:22I'm not going to forget.
16:27I propose that we make a toast, then.
16:30Let's make a toast to Manuel and Teresita.
16:33That they are going to get married.
16:45Holy Virgin.
16:46This can't be.
16:49He's going to marry Miss Teresita.
16:52Manuel is not stupid.
16:53He doesn't give up easily.
16:55He wants to achieve something.
16:56No, Mommy.
16:57Yes, Miss.
16:58Now that he has money, will he want to be flirting with all those people?
17:04If he wants our situation to change, who is the belief?
17:06That's what Mr. José Luis said.
17:08Did you see, Maria?
17:10If Manuel is with the bandits, I'm sure he wants something else.
17:14This gives me a bad feeling.
17:16Here he has the devil in his tail.
17:18And more than someone is going to be harmed.
17:21No one gets that out of my head.
17:32What are you doing?
17:34You and I know you don't love Teresita.
17:38But they say that love comes with time.
17:39Or not?
17:41I'm serious.
17:43Listen to me.
17:44I'm serious too.
17:46You know perfectly well why I'm doing this.
17:49I don't know.
17:51I'm doing it for you.
17:53So that you react once and for all.
17:54How don't you realize?
17:56How curious your way of showing love is.
17:59Well, if I were braver, I wouldn't have to do it.
18:01How many times do I have to explain to you that it's not easy for me?
18:05If you left your egg aside and took my place, would you understand?
18:09What would you do if you had a family, children and a reputation to take care of?
18:13But of course.
18:14You're a man, aren't you?
18:16You can do whatever you want.
18:18I'm a very smart man.
18:20But do you know what I would do?
18:21I would listen to my heart.
18:22And I would leave my shitty life once and for all.
18:25Don't talk about my life like that.
18:27And don't use my daughter.
18:29That's how I talk, Miss Leonor.
18:31And I've talked like that all my life.
18:33Whether you like it or not.
18:42I hope you live in my house.
18:45If you don't, I'll understand the message perfectly.
19:02I guess you already know that Manuel, your brother, will soon be part of my family.
19:07I have formally asked Teresita for help.
19:10And do you think it's right for him to marry your daughter, boss?
19:14I don't have to answer that question.
19:16Well, I don't care.
19:18The point is that Manuel is asking me to set up a salary system here in the agency.
19:24It wouldn't be wrong either.
19:25Shut up, you're stunned.
19:27You're getting the bad vibes from your brother, it seems.
19:31Good adventure. Give him a correction.
19:33Don't worry, boss. We'll talk at home.
19:36Well, the point is that I don't want anything to change here in the agency.
19:40I don't want to fight with Manuel either because I'm working with him.
19:44So it's going to be you who are going to refuse this issue of salaries.
19:53As you wish, boss.
19:55Is it clear then?
19:56Yes, boss.
19:58You will continue to work for my family as you have always done.
20:02As it has to be.
20:05And if you want to leave, you know what's going to happen.
20:13Is that all, boss?
20:15Yes, leave. Good adventure.
20:17Excuse me, boss.
20:25I didn't tell you to leave.
20:26Don't go.
20:35What are you doing standing there?
20:38Am I stupid or am I deaf?
20:54What are you talking about?
20:57Be very careful.
21:04You are mine.
21:12No one else's.
21:27Come in.
21:30Excuse me.
21:35Can I talk to you?
21:37Of course.
21:39Regardless of what has happened between us, you are the only person I can trust.
21:47And I'm glad you still think that way.
21:52What's wrong?
21:56What's wrong, Leonor?
21:57I don't know what else to do to stop this marriage.
22:02I feel pressured by Manuel.
22:05He gave me a deadline until tonight to be able to answer him and I...
22:11Hey, look at me, cousin.
22:16What do you want?
22:18That's all that matters.
22:19What do you want, cousin?
22:23I want to be with him.
22:26But it's not possible.
22:29Do you love him?
22:36Then you can't lead a life that doesn't make you happy, Leonor.
22:45Adriana, when did you explain it to him?
22:46But it's the other way around, brother.
22:49If you tell me that you are going to marry the girl and that the boss is happy with life, explain it to me, please.
22:54Do you want to do business with me?
22:55No, but you.
22:58Why do you want to marry the young lady?
23:03I know that you may not seem childish, but it's the only way I can find so that Leonor recovers.
23:08Do you understand or not?
23:09And do you think that plan will work?
23:12Well, I hope so.
23:16Manuel, let's see.
23:17Look, you changed her life in a blink of an eye.
23:20You have money to save in your pocket.
23:24What's the point of following all those people?
23:29Look for a single woman.
23:33A woman who loves him.
23:40That I fell in love, Maria.
23:46Do you know what happens to me sometimes in my mind?
23:49That you want to take away the woman from José Luis to show him that you are more man than he is.
23:57I don't have to show anyone anything, except him.
24:02If I fell in love, the only culprit is fate.
24:06And I'm going to fight for that woman.
24:08I'm going to do anything to be by her side.
24:11Do you hear me?
24:18I love you.
24:49Where are you going?
24:51I'm going to sleep with my brother.
24:53Because I don't want to share the same room as you.
24:56Oh, Ignacio, please.
24:58Lucrecia, I don't even want to listen to you.
25:00I'm furious with you.
25:01You don't get anything out of getting angry.
25:03We are both doomed to be together for a long time.
25:07From the moment your mother and you set foot in this house, my life went to hell.
25:12Well, but now your life is much more fun.
25:14Stop saying nonsense, Lucrecia.
25:16Oh, please, relax, man.
25:18You don't have to torture yourself with everything that happens to you.
25:21I regret so much.
25:23So much for having married a sick person like you.
25:27Let's see, Ignacio.
25:28Watch what you say.
25:30Remember that I didn't want to marry you either.
25:33May God forgive me for all the things I had to do.
25:36May your father forgive you.
25:38What will he say if he sees you there, in your brother's room?
25:43That I had a fight with my wife.
25:46I'm sorry.
25:55There it is, there it is.
25:56Do you know how to put mounts, cousin?
25:57No, but I can learn.
25:59Pass me the barrel.
26:01This is the barrel?
26:02Take it, see?
26:03There it is.
26:04Which one?
26:05Look, down there.
26:07There it is.
26:10You're welcome.
26:16Knock, knock, knock.
26:24It's you?
26:27Yes, why? Are you waiting for someone?
26:30Why did you come?
26:32I came to make you an invitation, Manuel.
26:34And I'm not going to accept a no for an answer.
26:37What invitation?
26:39We're going to go where Aunt Carmen is.
26:41What do you think?
26:46I think it's wrong.
26:49First, I don't get used to places.
26:52And I just saw your daughter's hand, sir.
26:55Don't confuse things.
26:57One thing has nothing to do with the other.
26:59You have a lot to learn from me, Manuel.
27:02Do like me.
27:04With me, with my family.
27:06And then leave without anyone seeing me.
27:10Obviously, I made a couple of pawns, armed, with the very clear order.
27:14If someone comes, shoot.
27:17And then ask who it is.
27:22So no one can enter or leave my house.
27:27I'll wait for you outside.
27:28I'll wait for you outside.
27:46Who are you?
27:58Who are you?
