Sueños de Libertad - 109

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Sueños de Libertad - 109
00:30No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
01:00A Spanish citizen, Valentín Merino Vazquez, died on March 26th in the city of...
01:05Help me, help me!
01:16Dreams of freedom, living in another way
01:21Wings to fly, wherever the soul wants
01:25Dreams of freedom, the heart awaits
01:29He's asking for another chance
01:33Dreams of freedom
01:35Even if the past hurts
01:38To start again
01:40To love whoever I want
01:42To scream my truth
01:44To live without fear and without looking back
01:59Dreams of freedom
02:29I owe you one
02:34I just hung up on Dr. Urquijo
02:36After half an hour on the phone
02:38It looks like he'll be able to attend to Leonor tomorrow
02:40That's great
02:41Let's see if he manages to diagnose him
02:43Yes, I'm sure he will
02:45By the way, how did it go with Maria?
02:47Well, I wouldn't know how to tell you
02:50Is there a problem with her pregnancy?
02:52It's just that it's hard to know
02:54It's as if I don't want anyone to help her find out
02:57Does it bother you too?
02:59Bother me? That's not the right word
03:01She doesn't even want me to ask her four routine questions
03:04And she's completely defensive
03:07Did she at least tell you who's taking her to Madrid?
03:09Or did she give you her phone number?
03:11No, I asked her, but she got very nervous
03:13That if she wasn't a girl, that if she wasn't a fool
03:16Did she tell you that?
03:18Yes, and then she practically kicked me out of the house
03:23It's not normal for a first lady to have that attitude
03:27It's as if she wasn't excited
03:30Do you think Andrés might have something to do with this?
03:33Andrés? Why?
03:36Well, I didn't tell you anything, but...
03:39A few days ago he told me he was in a bit of a hurry
03:41to have intimate relationships, being in his state
03:44Well, those doubts are completely normal
03:48Yes, but...
03:50As much as to pretend to have a cold so as not to sleep with him
03:53Did he do that?
03:55Well, I don't think Andrés has any problem respecting his time or his wishes
03:59No, I don't either
04:01In fact, it's what I told him, talk to him and stop making things up
04:04And how did he take it?
04:05I'd say he took it well, but...
04:07I think he's still so upset about his pregnancy
04:10I don't think he'll listen to me, I don't know
04:11How strange everything is, anyway, what a woman
04:15Sorry, I was communicating, my mother
04:18What's wrong?
04:19My mother has received bad news and she has fainted
04:22Do you know if she has a pulse?
04:24Yes, but she's not reacting
04:26Is she at home?
04:28I'm going there
04:34Let's go
04:35Jaime, do you mind if I go and see her?
04:38I'm practically her neighbor, she picks me up on the way
04:40Yes, but...
04:42Would you rather she does it?
04:44If you don't mind
04:45I've seen her before, let me
04:48Yes, yes, of course, go ahead
04:50Let's go
04:54Let's go
05:12Thank you very much, Mrs. Fermin
05:14You'll see that with the wonders that the chest brings
05:16you reconquer your husband in a moment
05:18I hope you're right, daughter
05:20I'm sure your husband is one of those who deserves the effort
05:23Because there are every little gem out there
05:26Don't even mention it
05:27Well, goodbye, Carmen
05:28See you later, thank you very much
05:36Can I ask you where that came from?
05:44This is for you
05:46What are you doing with the savings card in your hand?
05:48Did you leave it in the kitchen?
05:50Well, woman, I forgot to put it in the closet
05:52I'm going to tell you what you spent the money on
05:57Look, Carmencita, calm down
05:58because all this has an explanation
05:59Leave Carmencita
06:01and tell me that you went to the entrance of my dream flat
06:03because if you don't, I'll tell you that you're going to need the street to run
06:07Carmen, I'm not a nobody, okay?
06:09But who said that you don't...
06:11Oh my God, this can't be because of the conversation we had the other day, right?
06:14Comparing you to your brothers
06:16It's just that none of them is more than me
06:18Let's see, who am I to get on your nerves?
06:21Carmen, I have the same right as them to want to be ambitious
06:23and buy me new and beautiful things
06:25Beautiful, please
06:26What has Don Damián done to you at this point in your life?
06:28Carmen, at least now I know where I come from and who I am
06:35My dear
06:37That man took you hunting
06:38and shot you four times doesn't make you one of the queens
06:41Well, you'll say that
06:42I say it and you say it, it's two parts of the radio
06:45Look, Carmen, the only reality here
06:46is that the four of us are the children of the same father
06:49My dear, listen to me
06:51You haven't had the same education or the same life as your brothers
06:55And you won't have it no matter how hard I try to spend everything we have on things
07:00You don't see me at their level either, do you?
07:02Don't be silly, I don't need you to do that
07:04I love you as you are
07:05Yes, poor as a rat
07:06Well, you were poor
07:08But you're also good
07:09affectionate, intelligent
07:13and a lot of other things that can't be bought with money
07:17How can I tell you?
07:19We don't need to feel rich because we already are
07:23We love each other
07:25And that's our greatest treasure
07:27Look, Carmen, leave it because you don't understand anything
07:30Well, then explain it to me, my dear, explain it to me
07:31Because no one is going to make me feel like a bastard, no one
07:35And you think that by spending all our savings on I-don't-know-what-you're-going-to-feel-better?
07:39Well, yes
07:40Because I don't think I'm going to be worse than I feel, Carmen
07:44Let's see, what did you spend the money on?
07:47Do you really want to know?
07:57The blood pressure has dropped a bit
07:59Your brother and Gemma have gone to get the medicine, right?
08:02They should be about to arrive
08:04They've gone to two pharmacies just in case
08:06What happened?
08:08It hits us in the heart, my dear
08:10When they come back with the medicine, take two pills and you'll feel that pain in your neck again
08:15I don't like pills
08:17I can take a pill or any other infusion
08:20Ignace, the heart attack is strong, the medicine is better
08:24Then ask the person closest to you for help and lie down in the most comfortable place you can find
08:29I'm telling you this because the worst of these faintings are the falls it causes
08:33We have to avoid, at all costs, that you hit your head
08:36Thank you, doctor
08:38I'll keep that in mind
08:40When I notice a symptom, I'll take the pill
08:43And I'll look for a chair
08:46The best thing is to rest for the next few days to avoid a new episode
08:50I can't
08:52I have a lot to do
08:54There's an important meal at the big house
08:57No, no, not that, mother
08:59Tere and Gemma will take care of everything
09:01And I'm going to call uncle Damián right now to explain the situation
09:04It's the most reasonable thing
09:05I can't
09:07I can't stand still
09:08I have to keep my head busy
09:10I have to forget
09:11Digna, Digna, the most important thing now is to relax
09:14I know it's difficult, but your health is asking for it
09:18You have to get closer to the light
09:21What do you think if I accompany you to the room and you take a break?
09:29Very well
09:31Thank you, doctor
09:32Yes, ma'am
09:34If you need me, you know where I am
09:38Thank you
09:50Andrés, son
09:52Has Mrs. Lambert arrived yet?
09:55Not yet, she was expecting him on Tuesday, Jesus
09:58And how is she?
10:00Do you think she'll let herself be loved?
10:03She seems very intelligent and easy to make contacts
10:05Above all, very productive contacts
10:08That's just what we need
10:10Have you thought about how you're going to approach the negotiation?
10:13Yes, Marta is the one who has contacted her
10:16She should be the one with the singing voice
10:18It seems good
10:19Two women ahead of their time
10:22I guess they'll get along wonderfully
10:24Yes, let's hope the one ahead of us is Jesus
10:27As he always does when he feels he can put a little medal on him
10:30Andrés, let's have the party in peace
10:32I don't want any problems with your brother
10:33Don't worry, father
10:35You don't fight if you don't want to
10:37And I don't look for problems
10:39It doesn't matter to you
10:41Either the three of you go together
10:43Or all the efforts Marta has made to win that woman will have been in vain
10:45And what about you?
10:47Me? I have a little to say
10:49Your time has come
10:51I hope you enjoy it
10:53Patricia, come in
10:55What a wonderful house, so welcoming
10:58Thank you
11:00Do you know my brother Andrés?
11:01Welcome to our humble abode
11:03Thank you for the invitation
11:05And he is my father, Don Damián de la Reina, the architect of all this
11:08It's a pleasure to meet you
11:10The pleasure is mine
11:12Call me Patricia, please
11:14As you wish, Patricia
11:16I have been informed that you have been visiting our facilities
11:18That's right
11:20His children and his nephew have been wonderful hosts
11:23I have to tell you that I am very impressed with everything I have seen
11:26You don't know how much I'm glad
11:28Je suis très heureux
11:29Je suis très heureux
11:31I see you speak French
11:33A little bit, nothing more
11:35When I was young, I read French poetry
11:37Les sanglots longs des violons de l'automne
11:40Blaissent mon coeur d'une langue monotone
11:43Paul Verlaine?
11:45Bravo, très bien
11:47I was a little bit clumsy
11:49But now I hope, if God wants, to visit there
11:52And refresh my knowledge a little
11:55If you do, don't hesitate to pay me a visit
11:57Avec plaisir
11:59Excuse me
12:01I was putting the things in the garage
12:04Well, we are not all there, but those who are missing will come soon
12:08So we can go to the living room
12:10Thank you
12:12Teresa, if you do me a favor, bring us the canapés
12:15Let's go pick some
12:18What a fabulous house you have
12:20It's impressive
12:22Not to mention the garden
12:24It's an absolute delight
12:25It's even more beautiful in the natural
12:28Than the pictures I saw in a report from Spain
12:32I see you've done your homework before coming to visit us
12:35But think that flowers are the raw material of our fragrances
12:39So we take care of them with as much care as our products
12:42I have no doubt
12:45Well, I would like to propose a toast
12:48To the health of our collaboration
13:10Are you sure it's not serious?
13:12No, he just has to pay more attention to make sure he's not high
13:17And control his nerves
13:19That's not going to be easy
13:20I understand it's because of the bad news you've received, isn't it?
13:25We've received a letter with the death certificate of my brother Valentín
13:31Poor woman
13:33I'm very sorry, I'm with you in your feelings
13:37Thank you
13:40We are very shocked
13:43Especially my mother
13:45With what it cost her to cross the page and do this
13:47I'm surprised she got like this
13:51At least I hope all this will help to close this sad story for my family forever
14:04And how are you?
14:06Well, if I tell you the truth, I haven't had time, if you look at it
14:10I'm taking care of my mother, especially because she's the one who suffers the most
14:14But she's not the only one
14:15No, it's going to be hard for me too, Luz
14:18Of course it is
14:20What happens is that I came to fantasize about the possibility of meeting my brother again
14:27And now I have to assume that this will never happen
14:32You don't know how sorry I am
14:45I love you
14:56I have to go back to the pantry, I have patients waiting
15:01Of course
15:24Tere told me you asked for an infusion, are you not going down? We are waiting for you to eat
15:30I'm not hungry, I just came from my mother's sanatorium and I just want to rest
15:36I see
15:38Well, let's do one thing, if you agree, take that pill and as soon as you finish, you go down and join us, okay?
15:46I'm not in the mood, Jesus, I'm not going down
15:54I already told you this morning, I told you it was an important lunch
15:58Besides, we all need it, the whole family
16:01Well, excuse me in front of them, please
16:04And what do you want me to tell them?
16:06Well, I don't know, that I don't want to infect them with the Asian flu, for example
16:09Leave those pamplins now
16:12Those pamplins worried you a lot when I proposed to bring my mother home
16:16Begoña, don't start
16:18You yourself told me this morning that you would take all the possible precautions not to infect yourself
16:22Yes, it is what I have done, Jesus, but I don't want to see anyone, please respect my decision
16:25Are you going to tell me once what is wrong with me?
16:27What happens to me is that since you came in through the door you have only told me about that important meal
16:30And you have been unable to ask me even once about my mother
16:38You are right, forgive me
16:56How is Mercedes?
16:57Bad, bad, she is very bad
17:00Because the fever doesn't stop rising
17:02And I can't help but feel guilty because she is so sick
17:05Well, stop torturing yourself for that
17:07Because you did what you had to do, which was to ensure her well-being
17:11Besides, you don't have a crystal ball to foresee that outbreak, do you?
17:15Maybe you are right, but I still feel so bad, daughter
17:23Don't say that, don't say it as a joke
17:28Come here, come on
17:30Don't thank me too much, Jesus, I have taken precautions, but it is better to avoid risks
17:39Well, don't think about that now, look
17:43You take that pill quietly and then, if you feel better, only if you feel better
17:49Go to the dining room for a moment so that Mrs. Lambert can meet you
17:52My God, Jesus, don't give up
17:53Don't give up
17:55I wouldn't insist so much if it wasn't really important for the business
17:58The business, the business, the business, I'm starting to get tired of that word
18:01I think I've done enough for the damn business, posing as a puppet for that happy report, don't you think?
18:06Yes, so that you don't despise yourself too much, let's say
18:09Well, I'm starting to get tired of you punishing me and punishing me, I think it's okay, right?
18:12Look, Jesus, this, this is my punishment
18:16Having to look at the face of the person who did this to me every morning
18:19The person who would have to love me to death
18:21Do you really think I have to forgive you?
18:23Come in
18:27Thanks, Tere, leave it there, please
18:37Get out if you want to
18:54The famous cuajada of Gaspar
18:56With honey from Toledo, delicious, as you like it
18:59Thank you very much, Gaspar
19:01What? Have you eaten well?
19:03Much better than the omelette from the other day
19:05Mom, please
19:07Thank you for the service, may God reward you
19:10If you don't mind, I'd rather you reward me
19:14It's a joke, woman, it's the joke I always tell you, Mrs. Agustín
19:18I'm starting to laugh
19:19Don Agustín doesn't bother me anymore
19:22Tomorrow is the mass of my Juan Felipe and I want you to embroider the sermon
19:25Mom, leave Gaspar alone, he doesn't have to see it
19:28Besides, I'm sure he knows everything perfectly
19:30I'll believe it when I see it
19:32And over there, I want to see you
19:34I'll try to escape to accompany you, yes
19:36Yes, but it will change you, right? It's going to be a disaster
19:39At least put on the Sunday suit
19:41The only one I have, yes
19:43Look, Gaspar, we'll be delighted to see you over there
19:45Come as you come
19:49Have you already prepared the reading?
19:51Yes, as soon as I finish this, I'm going to the store
19:54No, no, no, wait a moment, I have to tell you something
19:56Hey, what's up now?
19:58Your uncle Pepe, this weekend he has a slaughter
20:01And I want you to accompany me
20:03But what are you saying, mom? I haven't been there in a long time
20:06Besides, I don't like slaughters
20:09I feel very sorry when they kill the poor pig
20:12Well, look the other way
20:13I just want you to accompany me and I'll let you see the town
20:16No, mom
20:19Wait a moment
20:21At uncle Pepe's slaughter, where are Joselito and Joselito's family going?
20:26Come on, look how good, right?
20:29So between Morcon and Morcon, you resume contact
20:32Let's see how I explain it to you, mom
20:34There is nothing to explain
20:36You go there, you see Conan, he makes you laugh
20:39And then on Sunday night he returns to the colony with your mother
20:41And then on Sunday night he returns to the colony with your suitcase
20:44Full of pigs and potatoes for all your companions
20:47No, mom, I'm not going to the slaughter
20:49I don't like so much meat and so much viscera together
20:52Much less in the United States where I am
20:55I'm going to tell you where you are
20:57You are alone, alone, alone like the moon
21:00But from that slaughter you come out with your life arranged like my name is Ramona Romero
21:04Good afternoon
21:06Good afternoon, father
21:08Are you okay?
21:09I'm here, Mrs. Remilco, who organized a great plan for this weekend in Don Benito
21:14And look, with face
21:16Come on, look, I'm looking for you
21:20Yes, because your colleagues have told me to let you know
21:22Because a car has arrived from Madrid and the store is full
21:25Well, you didn't have the day off today
21:27Come on, mom, this is an emergency
21:29Thank you very much for letting me know, Mateo
21:31You're welcome
21:33I'll call your uncle later and tell him we're two
21:36Don't tell him we're three
21:39Joselito doesn't even come close
21:48Thank you
21:50You're welcome
21:52Excuse my father, he's having a call and he's taking up more than expected
21:54Nothing, don't worry
21:56During lunch he made it very clear to me that you are the ones who run the business
22:00And that's why we're here
22:02To enjoy this delicious combination and talk about business
22:06That's what I'm saying
22:08What do you think, Daniel, as a woman?
22:10Do you see any possibilities of selling it in France?
22:13You're one of mine, you go to the point
22:16Can I be honest with you?
22:21This chest seems like a jewel to me
22:23Because of its aesthetics, its concept
22:26And also because of its quality-price relationship
22:29There you have the artifact of that jewel
22:32Congratulations, Marta
22:34Because you've been able to perfectly capture what women want today
22:38It's not a luxury product, but it's a luxury product
22:42I suppose you've spent hours and hours in the store
22:46Trying to figure out what the clients want
22:49Without a doubt, that's the best market study
22:51I'm sorry, Patricia, but you haven't answered me yet
22:54Do you think it would sell in France or not?
22:56You don't have to overwhelm our guest
22:59Don't rush
23:01Don't overwhelm me
23:03Well, I honestly think it fits perfectly with the audience of the Galjimogó
23:09That's good news
23:11In fact, Marta, I'll tell you that your products are so powerful
23:14That with the right focus, they could be sold very quickly in the stores of Pechilo Feb
23:18The one of the Champs Elysees
23:20You trust me
23:24Let me introduce you to Mrs. Lambert
23:27Patricia, Begoña, my wife
23:30Nice to meet you
23:32Likewise, I'm sorry I was absent during lunch
23:34But I went to visit my mother and I was really exhausted
23:37You're more than welcome
23:39How is your cold?
23:42I hope it gets better soon, your husband has already put me in the mood
23:46Yes, I hope so too
23:48I won't bother you anymore, I have to go to work at the dispensary
23:50At the dispensary of the factory?
23:55With Jaime, Marta's husband?
23:57Yes, I'm a nurse
23:59Well, it's impressive, of course, Perfumerías de la Reina is a completely family business
24:05Yes, we just need to put Maria, Andrés' wife, and we'll have the full house
24:10That girl is adorable
24:12But in her condition it's better that she doesn't work too much
24:15Well, I'll let you enjoy the lovely dessert
24:20Thank you, darling
24:24Where were we?
24:26We were talking about the future success of Anelot de Mujer
24:32Thank God you came to save me from the mess where my mother wanted to kill me
24:36And you think that's why?
24:38I don't know, maybe the woman wants you to spend the weekend together
24:42What she wants is to mess with Joselito, if your orchestra has him, Mateo
24:45My God, I wasn't your manipulative mother when you told me about her
24:48Why do you think she's been the best seller of the shop for years?
24:52Well, if my parents are the same
24:55Remember how my parents got on with me when I left the seminary
24:58Others who dance so well
25:00What I don't understand is why they don't let us take the course of our lives
25:07Thank you very much, Mateo
25:09Thank you for what?
25:11For always being by my side, helping me and giving me good advice
25:17Well, I don't know if I'm a good advisor
25:21Why do you say that?
25:23It's just that sometimes I have the feeling that I don't know how to separate the man from the priest
25:29Like when I told you not to move out of the colony
25:34Sorry, did I say something that bothered you?
25:37No, no, no
25:40It's just that...
25:42Well, my mother says that...
25:46That you and I...
25:48That you and I what?
25:50Well, that she doesn't understand that we're such good friends, Mateo
25:53Because I'm a priest?
25:55No, because you're a good man
25:58Well, I don't care what she says, she can say Mass, come on
26:02Well, leave that to me
26:06Mateo, it's true that I really like being with you and talking about a lot of things
26:12Although you can't help me with everything I'd like to, because there are things you have no idea about
26:17What do you mean by that?
26:19Well, feelings, relationships...
26:21Wait, wait, wait
26:23What makes you think I don't know anything about that?
26:26Well, being a priest doesn't mean I'm a weirdo
26:29So, before you became a priest, you were with someone?
26:33Well, there was something
26:36But nothing serious
26:38Nothing serious
26:40And when I got the call from the High Priest, I took the women out of my head and my life
26:48What do you mean?
26:51It wasn't that hard
26:53You're lucky
26:55Lucky for what?
26:58I don't know, Mateo, because I'm very much in love
27:02But lately, I only find toads and not princes
27:06Well, maybe you're looking for the wrong puddle
27:14I don't know, the funny thing is that I'm alone
27:19How difficult is this about love and Mateo
27:29Now, the next step would be to know what percentage you'd charge us for opening the doors to that success
27:35Well, my fees would be 5% of the sales in France
27:445%? That's a crazy number, don't you think?
27:49We thought about a percentage of the company's profits
27:54I see
27:56Listen, I'm risking my reputation by introducing a Spanish product in a very competitive market like the French
28:03I'm sorry, but my percentage is unprofitable
28:07So what's all this about? That it's a magnificent product and that it would work for sure?
28:12Because I really think so
28:14Without a doubt
28:16Otherwise, I wouldn't consider representing you
28:20Well, I'm sure that with a little goodwill, Patricia, that percentage could be improved
28:28I'm sorry, Marta, but this is my fee
28:31Patricia, think about it
28:33We're sure that our products will succeed in France
28:36We can value a sales percentage of, I don't know, 1 or 2, but not 5
28:45I think you should ask yourselves a question
28:48Who needs who more?
28:51Me or you?
28:53Or you or me?
28:55You don't need to answer
28:58And that's why you think you have the right to impose your conditions?
29:01Well, that's how the market works
29:03And we understand that
29:05It's just that right now we can't assume that amount
29:11But if you were willing to make some kind of discount, Patricia, we would all win
29:17I'm sorry, Marta, but 5% is my first and last offer
29:24Well, another option would be to go to a closed commission
29:27But I don't know if that's something you're considering or, I don't know, am I wrong?
29:31You're not wrong
29:33It's neither an option nor 5%
29:37Well, if it's a consolation, Jesus, I'll tell you that even if we don't reach any agreement, this is the best dry martini I've had in a long time
29:49Can you make me another one, please?
29:51Thank you
29:53Can I have the same glass?
29:56Of course
30:02So I don't have it?
30:04No, the test came out negative
30:07It's a good thing that the Asian flu hasn't entered the colony
30:10Anyway, take care of that cold. This recipe is for a syrup
30:14Drink it, it's for the cough. If it doesn't go away in a couple of days, come back here
30:18Thank you very much, Doctor
30:20You're welcome, and take care
30:22How is Digna?
30:24Better. She has suffered a hypertensive crisis that has caused a syncope, but it is already stabilized
30:30Is she hypertensive?
30:32No, she has no antecedents. I think it has been more of a acute crisis of a nervous character
30:40I didn't know she was so distressed
30:42Let's just say she's a little nervous
30:45I don't know, I don't know
30:47I didn't know she was so distressed
30:50Let's just say she's going through a difficult personal moment
30:55I've recommended that she rest to avoid a new episode
31:00Yes, that's the most convenient
31:03Now let's see if she listens to me
31:05Yes, well, I can remind her when I see her at home, and on the way I'll do the follow-up
31:11I'll take care of it, there's no need
31:13Luz, I don't understand why you insist on taking care of her
31:17We're practically neighbors
31:19Jaime, you know it too well
31:21Luis trusts me more, and I don't mind
31:25Luis, and it's a matter of trust, of course
31:29Please, don't ask the cat for three feet
31:33No, all I'm saying is that the patient is Digna, not Luis
31:37Well, it's okay, it's okay
31:41In any case, you know where I am in case you need anything
31:44Thank you very much
31:46That's just what I wanted to hear
31:48Well, maybe you like what you hear now
31:52I have a plan for tonight
31:55Cinema and dinner in the light of the candles
31:58What do you say?
32:00I'm so tired that I could fall asleep in the first scene
32:04Well, we skip the cinema and go straight to the candles
32:07And I promise I'll do everything in my power to prevent you from falling asleep
32:14I'm sorry, but I'd like to go to bed early tonight
32:18Do you mind if we leave it for another day?
32:21No, of course not
32:23Thank you
32:36Good night
32:45I went to read the letter
32:47It seems I've had a strong rise in tension
32:51Thank goodness Gemma and Luis were here
32:55You don't know how sorry I am
32:57Despite what he did, a terrible news
33:01The most terrible thing a mother can receive
33:04I haven't told my children about us yet
33:07Nor about the wedding, you understand, right?
33:10Of course
33:12Now the only important thing is that you recover as soon as possible
33:16And we'll take our plans back as soon as you're better
33:22Your understanding and your love do me a lot of good
33:27For you
33:29For you I would be able to separate the seas from the asphalt
33:33Why don't you come back to my house?
33:36Now it's also yours and I could take better care of you
33:40No, thank you, but I think I should stay here with my children
33:45And go through the pain with them
33:49But what I want most is to live with you
33:52I don't see the time
34:00I didn't expect this blow
34:04And I need time to assimilate it
34:08I'll wait for you all the time it takes
34:11As you have done for so many years
34:21Hi mother
34:23Hi uncle
34:26How is mother doing?
34:30Your uncle has come to keep me company
34:32You shouldn't leave work to come and see me, son
34:36I'll come as often as I need to
34:38Until I make sure he doesn't get any more strokes
34:41I wish that was the problem
34:44Is it better if I keep this where I can't see it?
34:47Leave that where it was
34:49Mother, the sooner we forget about this, the better for you
34:52Leave that where it was, I said
34:58Come in
35:02May I come in?
35:05What do you want?
35:07I haven't had time to talk to you since Mrs Lambert's visit
35:12And I wanted to know how your mother is doing
35:15Bad, Andres, she's bad
35:17The fever doesn't go down
35:19And we can't take her to the hospital you found
35:22You don't know how sorry I am
35:27If you want, I can wait a moment until she gets better
35:29And we can go for a walk together
35:31No, I don't want to
35:37Then I won't bother you anymore
35:47I'm sorry
35:49I have no right to treat you like this
35:52This morning, when I saw how bad my mother was...
35:55Don't worry
35:56You don't have to give me explanations
35:59It's likely that this fever will take her away
36:03And I can't stop thinking that now she would be safe if I hadn't taken her back to the sanatorium
36:08Pecoña, stop thinking about that
36:10Because it's not true
36:12Yes, it is, because Jesus wanted her to leave and I listened to him
36:14So I'm as guilty as he is
36:16Don't be so hard on yourself
36:18Do what you can for her
36:20Even risking your life by going to see her
36:22Please tell me if I can do something for you, I don't know, anything
36:28Yes, there is something you can do
36:32Stay away from me
36:36You don't know how hard it is to have you close to me
36:39Not being able to have us
36:42If we don't want to hurt each other more, it's better if we respect that space you asked me to give you
36:47I don't want to hurt you
36:48If we don't want to hurt each other more, it's better if we respect that space you asked me to give you
36:54If I were the one who proposed it, it wouldn't be you or Begoña
36:58And especially now that I see you suffering this way
37:00You understand, right?
37:03Please leave
37:32I just met Andres
37:42Why does it have to be so hard?
37:43I don't know
37:47Begoña, calm down
37:51This morning when you saw my mother, I realized how fragile and vulnerable we are
37:58She has lived her whole life locked up and alone
38:02And I don't want the same to happen to me
38:04You are not alone, woman
38:06But I do live locked up in a house with a man I fear and who is impossible to love
38:12And on the other side of the corridor I live the person I would like to spend the rest of my life with
38:17Come here
38:27Do you think I can keep my sorrow?
38:31Like you wanted to do with that paper?
38:37But you are listening
38:41Valentín doesn't deserve anyone to feel sorry for him
38:45I'm going to pretend I didn't hear anything
38:47Because I know you don't know what you are saying
38:50I know it perfectly
38:52Joaquín, this is not the time
38:55Son, I love you very much
38:58And Luis too
39:01But no one is going to erase what I wanted, wanted and loved for your brother
39:06Despite what he did
39:08And I hope that one day you will be a father so you can understand me
39:11I just don't understand, mother, how you can love a murderer
39:15Your brother did a lot of crazy things, yes
39:18But he is dead
39:22Son, what sense does it make to keep feeling so much resentment towards him?
39:28But how am I not going to feel resentment towards my brother?
39:32If because of what he did we are the way we are
39:35If because of him we keep dragging the weight of shame
39:38For the whole colony, for all Toledo
39:41In front of our cousins ​​and our uncle
39:44Mother, because of what he did, we continue to live on the charity of those of the queen
39:47I think you're going too far, Joaquín
39:49Am I lying, uncle?
39:51I don't care what you think
39:53I can't allow you to say that in front of your mother
39:55And less in these moments
39:57Don't be fooled, Valentín destroyed both families
40:02And no matter how much Malvas is raising now
40:05I will not forgive him in life
40:06That he buried my mother alive
40:09Well, I do hope you forgive him, son
40:14I hope
40:18I brought him into the world
40:24And I'm going to cry
40:26And I'm going to keep mourning
40:28No matter who I thought
40:33I can do it alone
40:36I can do it
41:09Poor boy and takes money from our savings to spend it on a whim
41:14But without telling you anything
41:16Oh, look, Gaspar, I haven't said anything
41:18These are private things
41:20If private is a milk, Carmen, are you going to leave me now?
41:23Come on, unbutton
41:25Well, nothing, I see the postcard and I see that there is an expense and I tell him what this is
41:29And he tells me that in life you have to move forward and give yourself some luxury
41:33But where did he get that aristocrat vein?
41:37Well, I don't know, but come on, you already know him
41:39When he gets something in his head, he's a hammer
41:42And what milk did he buy this time?
41:44A car, another motorcycle, because we know his tastes and his whims
41:48Because he's like a child, come on
41:50Well, the thing is that the whim is not so much for him as for me
41:54That he bought you a motorcycle?
41:56No, I stay in Bobaíta
41:58Every time we go through the electro-domestic store of Facodobel
42:00Yes, yes, in that store there are very expensive things, Carmen
42:03For a fridge, Gaspar
42:05A fridge, the largest in the store
42:07Can't you imagine?
42:09To climb such a weapon, you go up the stairs to the floor
42:11Well, they've had to put some pulleys
42:13All the neighbors there looking at how the fridge was going up, as if it were that, the BFN
42:16Applause, they missed it
42:18My God, what would I give for having a fridge like that in this canteen?
42:22Come on, I'll hug you with my kisses
42:24No, no, no, no, it cost him a lot
42:26On the contrary, he threw a fit on the 15th
42:28I don't know what he thinks here, the marquis of I am nobody
42:30What are you talking about, couple?
42:32Nothing, about time
42:34Yes, yes, about time
42:36Yes, about the freshness you have to do inside the fridge that you have bought
42:39What has he bought?
42:41What? Have you already filled the fridge with cider and claret?
42:45Well, the truth is yes
42:47So we can invite your friends one day and open the fridge, what do you think?
42:51You're not going to get rid of me so easily
42:53Well, here there is trouble and here the Tate has work
43:00Look, Carmen, you're right
43:02I'll give it back today because we can't spend so much money
43:05Oh no, I've done it, that's it
43:07No, Carmen, I know perfectly well that I'm going to take something fresh out of the fridge
43:12and you're going to be in a daze all day and I just want you to be happy, nothing more
43:15Well, maybe I'm a little more angry about the bill, but it's already happening to me
43:22Carmen, look, I know perfectly well that I should have warned you before buying it
43:27but I just want the best for you
43:30But if I already have the best, a wonderful husband
43:35and a piece of fridge that you're not even going to return
43:44Thank you, Mary Carmen
43:50You're here
43:54You're back
43:56Yes, of course I'm back, I couldn't sleep, do you know if you were better?
44:01Well, we can go now, help me
44:06Where are we going?
44:09To our house
44:14Mom, do you live here?
44:19No, you and I have always been together
44:24No, Mom, I live quite far from here, you came a few days ago
44:30Do you remember?
44:32I want to leave
44:35They want to poison me
44:38Mom, please don't say that, no one wants to poison you
44:41I was fine before, I walked through the garden, I saw the flowers from the window
44:49and now look how they have me, they have me so sick
44:52That's not because they're poisoning you, that's because you have the flu
44:55Yes, and it's affecting you, and there are many people who live here with you
44:58Who told you that?
45:00No, they're cheating on you, take me home
45:03Mom, that can't be, look, if you want I can come see you more often so you don't feel so alone, what do you think?
45:12They want to kill me, and you don't care
45:17Mom, how can you say that? Please, you are what I love the most in this world
45:24If you're not going to help me, get out
45:26Mom, of course I'm going to help you, but you can't go anywhere like this
45:29Get out of here, get out
45:32Mom, please calm down
45:34You don't love me, you've never loved me
45:37Get out of here, bad daughter
45:40Bad daughter, get out of here
45:43I don't want to see you again in my life, get out
45:46Mom, don't say that
45:48I want you to leave, get out of here, bad fetus, bad daughter
45:53Get out, I don't want to see you anymore
46:00Damian de la Reina, tell me
46:06Yes, yes, the death certificate has arrived
46:11Don't worry, you will receive your services generously
46:16And one thing, don't call here in a while, this is a very delicate matter
46:23Yes, well, we'll discuss it at another time, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
46:28Who was it?
46:30Nobody, nobody, how are the negotiations with the French going?
46:34What a jewel the Gavachita, a 5% of the sales in France has asked us, and it doesn't go down from there, he says
46:41And is there nothing we can do to get a more sensible agreement?
46:45Ask Marta, the businesswoman of the year, she's the one who's going to lead the negotiations, right?
46:50Of course
46:53What's wrong?
46:59Dina has suffered a syncope because of me
47:03What are you talking about?
47:06Father, stop being mysterious and explain to me what's going on
47:12Your brother has been asking for a few days about Valentin and his flight to Brazil
47:19There you go again, I got caught up in everything
47:23I suppose he didn't tell you anything, did he?
47:25Of course not
47:27But since he saw that he couldn't get anything out of me, he went to Dina
47:33To see if there was any information
47:37What kind of information?
47:40According to Dina, he wants to find Valentin to ask for explanations for what he has done and give him the opportunity to apologize
47:49And that has sounded like heavenly music to Dina, of course
47:52The prodigal son returns and asks for forgiveness on his knees
47:56I don't think you're the most suitable person to deal with sarcasm in this case
48:00Why didn't he tell me?
48:02Because he knew how to solve the problem
48:05Really? And how did he solve it, if I may ask?
48:10I called Fernando, Fernando Herrera, the notary, my friend
48:16And I asked him to write a fake death certificate for Valentin and to send it supposedly from Brazil
48:23And now that certificate has arrived at the house of the Merinos and hence my aunt Dina's syncope, am I wrong?
48:29You're not wrong, the poor thing is devastated
48:38Well, thank you for helping me again, father, it's all I can tell you right now
48:44But what I don't understand is your disgust, it has been a masterful play
48:48In a few weeks, when Dina assimilates the tragedy, you will be able to give her flowers or whatever
48:55I'm not going to let you talk about your aunt like that, much less get into my life, I warned you
49:06Good night
49:08I asked her to marry me
49:12And she said yes
49:16But how did she do that nonsense?
49:18Do you call nonsense one of the best things that has happened to me in my life?
49:22Even better than meeting my mother?
49:26I confess my pain and the atrocities I am doing for you, and I only receive from you gratitude and contempt
49:34Don't let them seduce you, father, don't do it
49:36I'm not going to let you, Jesus
49:38I don't know why I waste time taking the chestnuts out of the fire, because sometimes you deserve to burn with them
49:45I don't know why I waste time taking the chestnuts out of the fire, because sometimes you deserve to burn with them
49:56Who is who?
49:58Are you Tetra?
50:00It's Dr. González
50:02González, what else?
50:04Well, you are Dr. Berenguer, Luz is Dr. Borrell, you don't give more surnames, do you?
50:09Maria, I'm not attacking you
50:10Come on, and don't be surprised if the wedding invitation arrives in a week
50:14What wedding?
50:16The one of her with Joselito, the golden bull of the town
50:19It's just that the poor baby sees the winds for her
50:21Okay, I'm going there, I'm going there
50:25My mother is worse
50:28Finding an anonymous grave in a country of the extension of Brazil is almost impossible
50:40That's why I beg you discretion, I need time to convince them that this is the best for the company
50:46Discretion is something that I practice both in business and in my private life
50:52Wow, if in the end it will turn out that we understand each other in everything