• 3 months ago
My Sister's Friend, Who Hates Me, Came To My Room After My Sister Fell Asleep
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00I'm Raito Yamada, just your average sophomore in college, but I've got this one problem.
00:06That is...
00:08I'm all...
00:09Let's go!
00:12Yeah, it's about my little sis Ai, who's a senior in high school, and her best friend Haru Suzuki.
00:21Since our parents are overseas for work, it's just me and Ai living together.
00:25I want to be tight with her like when we were kids, but it's not looking good.
00:31And Haru's always giving me the cold shoulder, too.
00:35Well, I guess to teenage girls, a college dude's just an old man.
00:40Can't blame him. But then, one day, everything changed.
00:45Clean room, favorite manga, fancy snacks! This is perfect!
00:50If I can make Haru sleep over the best, I'll totally score some points!
00:55Then maybe, just maybe, I can get close to Ai again.
00:59And if that doesn't work, maybe Haru can help me get closer to her.
01:05But my hopes were quickly crushed.
01:08Raito, don't you dare come into my room!
01:12I-I get it! But hey, can I at least bring some snacks?
01:17You open that door and I'll blind you!
01:23I skipped work to get all this ready, but giving up now means game over.
01:27If that's the case, I'll win him over with some killer food!
01:33Haru, come on, have more meat!
01:35Ai, you too!
01:37Raito, shut up!
01:39Yes, ma'am.
01:43Ugh, this isn't working. Maybe TV will help spark some conversation.
01:49A special TV program on people hating clingy and needy girls?
01:54Immaculate cleaning! Homemade meals filled with love! I think it's great!
02:01It depends on how the other person feels about it.
02:07That's literally everything I did today! I gotta fix this before things get worse!
02:12I-I think it's awesome though! Being extra loving is the best!
02:17Shows how much you care, right? I totally like that!
02:21I mean, I love it when someone shows their love openly.
02:26A few hours later.
02:28Man, we didn't hit it off and my grand hospitality plan failed.
02:34They said they're going shopping tomorrow morning. Guess I should just go to bed.
02:42Can you wait a little longer? Once Ai's asleep, I'll come to your room.
02:48Huh? Was that Haru? When did she get behind me?
02:53Wait, did she just say she's coming to my room?
02:56No way! Stop thinking weird stuff about your sister's friend!
03:01It's about time for Ai to go to bed. She was joking, right? But Haru isn't really the jokey type.
03:08So she means it? But maybe...
03:14Why do you look like it's the end of the world?
03:16It's nothing.
03:18Mom says you gotta pay the rent tomorrow. She texted me cause you never read her messages.
03:24Got it.
03:26Get it together, geez.
03:28It's embarrassing to be pushed around by a high schooler. I should just go to bed.
03:35See you later, Raito.
03:38A few hours later.
03:40Such a cute sleeping face.
03:42Hmm, what? I can't breathe.
03:46Ah, ah, Raito.
03:52Haru, why are you here?
03:55Shh! If you make a noise, I will wake up.
04:00I came here to show you my love, Raito.
04:05What do you want me to do? I'll do anything to make you happy.
04:10For example...
04:13Stop! We barely know each other, I mean.
04:16I'm Haru, Ai's best friend. You're Raito, Ai's brother.
04:22That's not what I meant! Not just that. Plus, I've never done this kind of thing before.
04:29Me neither. If you weren't my first, the world would've ended!
04:35Did you just drop a bombshell?
04:39And besides, we don't have the, you know, the important stuff. That'd be a problem, right?
04:48I'm thirsty.
04:50Huh? Haru?
04:53We'll stop here for tonight. See you, Raito.
04:57What just happened? How am I supposed to face her tomorrow?
05:02That's what I thought, but...
05:07What? Why the same?
05:10I'm going to the bathroom.
05:13Was yesterday just a dream? No way!
05:17Haru, what was that about? Why did you come to my room yesterday?
05:21Because I like you.
05:23Huh? But why?
05:26What's going on?
05:30Did you do something to Haru? I'm fine.
05:34Well, actually, it was her that did something to me. I mean, no way I can say that, but...
05:43I'll be back by evening!
05:45Alright, see you later-
05:47Didn't go well last night, but next time, I'll show you lots of love. Just as you requested.
05:54I don't remember requesting anything, you know?
05:57So the next week when Haru came over, I was on edge.
06:03Why is she acting as usual again? But after that...
06:08Raito, do you have a minute? I've got something for you.
06:12Huh? A diary?
06:15You said we don't know each other well last night, right?
06:18Read this, and you'll get what I usually think about.
06:22It's like you're stalking me. Why do you know my bathroom schedule?
06:27I listened carefully.
06:29Stop that! Huh? There's more at the bottom.
06:34What on earth is this?
06:37That's just some con-
06:39Don't say it! Why'd you give this to me? And in this amount?
06:43You said we couldn't do without it. I thought more would show my love better.
06:49I don't have that much stamina!
06:51No problem! Leave it to me.
06:54That's not the point here!
06:56I better go back before I get suspicious. Later!
07:00What? This girl doesn't listen to people at all.
07:05And then, Haru went back to her room. But I couldn't shake off her unusual behavior.
07:12So I looked up her actions online and found something shocking.
07:17Clingy, possessive girl.
07:19Extreme, obsessive love directed at someone.
07:23Sometimes taking dangerous actions and hurting others to show their love?
07:28If this is true-
07:31A few days later.
07:33Raito! I brought you something.
07:40Why the weird voice? Is everything okay?
07:43How do you know where I work? Were you following me?
07:49Um, did I piss her off? Clingy, possessive girls are dangerous. This is bad.
07:57No, it's not like that.
08:00I asked where you work. I just wanted to make you happy. Did I mess up again?
08:09Wait, what?
08:11I explained the situation to my manager and got a break to calm things down.
08:17Were you scared of me?
08:22I'm really sorry. I know I have an unusual amount of love.
08:27You do?
08:28I noticed in elementary school. I heard the boy I liked loved grasshoppers,
08:33so I caught a bunch for him. He got scared and ran away.
08:38Since then, I tried not to fall in love and kept my distance from people.
08:43So you acted cool and gave people the cold shoulder. But what about Ai?
08:48Ai's special. No matter how much I pushed her away, she stuck around.
08:53Before I knew it, we were always together. And because of that, I met you.
09:00I'm glad someone as kind as you became Ai's friend.
09:03I'm not really that kind.
09:06I can tell you're a good person. You even helped clean up the dishes earlier.
09:10You'd make a great wife someday.
09:15And Ai always talks about you at home. So let's keep getting along.
09:20Okay. No one ever called me kind before.
09:26So you're the only one who accepted me. And you said you'd be with me forever.
09:32I never said that. Is she just really good at twisting things in a positive way?
09:38But I hid my true self. Was worried you'd hate me. I doesn't know either.
09:45So that's why you act the same in front of her. But why did you come to my room?
09:51You said clingy and needy girls are the best. You wanted me to show my love.
09:55That TV show? This is all my fault. Sorry, Haru. It's a misunderstanding.
10:03I started explaining to clear up the misunderstanding.
10:08You just wanted to show your feelings, right? I appreciate that.
10:13Really? So we're in love?
10:17Stop. I didn't say that. Just keep being good friends with Ai. And let's stay close, okay?
10:25Got it. So as a friend, can I have your number?
10:31Sure. That's fine. And so the misunderstanding was cleared up.
10:35Or so I thought.
10:38My phone won't stop buzzing.
10:40What's your favorite food? Are you sleeping well?
10:44Look! There's a cat!
10:46The messages keep pouring in. Did she really get it?
10:51Another day. Want some snacks, Haru?
10:55No, thanks.
10:56She's still being the usual Haru in front of Ai.
10:59I'll make some tea. Haru, wait here.
11:02I'll help. What?
11:09You can't leave me, Raito. You said we'd always be together.
11:13Did she not get the message?
11:16Let's stay super close forever, okay?
11:19But let's keep it a secret from Ai for now. I'm scared she won't accept me like this.
11:25So just for now, let's keep it on the down low, okay?
11:31Ugh. She's so cute when she's like this.
11:35Another day.
11:37I'm walking Haru home.
11:39Already? Alright, careful on the way home.
11:44I'm so happy you're worried about me.
11:47Wait! If Ai sees us like this…
11:50It's fine. By the way, check your pillow later.
11:56Well, it's sad, but I have to go home now.
12:01Later, when I checked my pillow.
12:03Pfft. This is way too suspicious.
12:07She's kinda off, you know? But it feels weird, cause I don't mind.
12:12No, this is bad! Haru's Ai's best friend!
12:15Making a move on her is out of the question!
12:18It would just make things awkward with Ai.
12:20I need to make it clear to Haru that we're just friends.
12:25I'll have to talk to her outside, since Ai's always home.
12:29A few days later.
12:31Haru, can you meet me at the Koiwa Clock Tower this Sunday at 1pm?
12:36I need to talk to you.
12:38You're asking me out?
12:41What should I wear?
12:44Wait, it's not like that.
12:48I gotta go! See you on Sunday!
12:51I feel so guilty, but I have to set things straight.
12:55And that's what I thought, but…
12:57Due to heavy rain, train delays are expected.
13:00I told Haru we need to reschedule because of the rain, but…
13:04She hasn't read my message, and she's not picking up her phone.
13:08Ai's at work, so I can't ask her.
13:11Could Haru be waiting in this rain?
13:14Can't be.
13:15I can't just sit here and do nothing!
13:18I'll just go to the Koiwa Clock Tower!
13:23Please be okay, Haru!
13:27Is that…
13:32Thank god you're okay!
13:33I was worried when I couldn't reach you.
13:35But where's your umbrella?
13:38Sorry, I dropped my phone and someone stepped on it.
13:42It won't turn on now.
13:44And the wind broke my umbrella.
13:46Then you should've waited in a shop or bought a new one in the convenience store!
13:51But then we might've missed each other!
13:55You could've just gone home in this rain!
13:58No way!
13:59Waiting like this is nothing.
14:01I mean, I like you.
14:03I could wait for hours.
14:07I'm just glad you're safe.
14:09She waited for me in this mess and even worried about me.
14:13Haru's not crazy.
14:15She's just pure and straight-up honest with her feelings.
14:19I've been wrong, trying to dodge her love and run away with excuses.
14:24Haru, I'm sorry.
14:27But you'll get soaked!
14:29Oh, sorry!
14:31I just…
14:33What am I doing acting on impulse like that?
14:37So where are we going?
14:39Let's head back to my place.
14:40It's closer and you need to warm up.
14:43So we headed back to my place.
14:48Thanks for the bath.
14:49I hope Ai doesn't get mad I borrowed her clothes.
14:53Don't worry, she's cool with it.
14:57Uh, Haru, I…
14:59I like you.
15:00Does that mean…?
15:02You're Ai's best friend and still in high school, so I tried to ignore my feelings.
15:07But you've always been honest with me and I can't keep running away.
15:11So after you graduate…
15:14I'm so happy!
15:17We're really in love, right?
15:20It's not just in my head?
15:22Y-yeah, but we're not done talking.
15:25Now we can do what you wanted.
15:27Just like that night before.
15:29But you know, there's a lot to prepare.
15:32I've been ready since then.
15:35I mean, emotionally.
15:37Leave it to me.
15:39I'm home!
15:43What are you two doing?
15:45I… I thought you were at work.
15:48Business was slow because of the rain.
15:51So I came home early.
15:53But seriously, what's going on here?
15:57No, it's not what it looks like.
15:58I-I'm sorry, it's all my fault.
16:01No, it's on me!
16:04Then we explained everything to Ai.
16:07I'm sorry, Ai, even though she's your best friend.
16:10But I care about Haru and I want your blessing.
16:14Ai, I'm really sorry for hiding it.
16:17I was scared you'd think I was weird.
16:20I couldn't tell you because I love you.
16:23And I didn't want you to hate me.
16:26Who do you think I am?
16:28Yeah, she's not going to forgive us easily.
16:31But we'll take our time.
16:33I already knew.
16:36I could tell from the way you acted.
16:39Plus, I kind of figured you two were into each other.
16:44If you make Haru cry, I'll never forgive you.
16:47Thanks, Ai.
16:48And maybe ease up on me a bit.
16:51That might be hard since Ai always talks about how much she loves you.
16:58But worshipping and loving my brother at my age is embarrassing.
17:02I didn't know how to act, so I ended up being harsh.
17:07So that's what it was.
17:10Wait, but Ai's been cold since Haru started coming over.
17:13Maybe it's just teenage stuff?
17:16And so, our chaos finally ended.
17:20A few months later, things didn't go back to how they were before.
17:24But Ai's attitude softened a lot.
17:27Haru and I started dating after she graduated.
17:30And we've been having peaceful days together.
17:32You smell different today.
17:35Oh, maybe because someone on the train had strong perfume, I guess.
17:40I don't like it.
17:42I'll cover it with my scent.
17:44Wait, we're outside!
17:50I'm not lying about being obsessed with you.
17:53But I really feel sorry for being tough on you.
17:56Because I didn't want you to get close to Haru.
17:58That was messed up.
18:00But I felt jealous when I realized she was falling for you.
18:04But now, I'll help you guys get married so I can stay close to Haru forever!
18:09It's partly to make up for things.
18:12But also, because if it works out, I can always be with Haru.
18:17Yeah, these are peaceful days.
18:19For now.
