I Dream Of Jeannie... Fifteen Years Later (1985)

  • 2 months ago
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00:02:04Don't know whether to mash these potatoes french-fry them lionnaise them or hash brown them try stashing them we are celebrating
00:02:13What are we celebrating?
00:02:15Well my good news. Oh
00:02:18That is very sweet of you master darling, but I already know you are retiring
00:02:28But what you don't know is that
00:02:30What you don't know is that
00:02:32General Hatton has asked me to back up Colonel Clapper as shuttle commander on next one shoot
00:02:38Sweetheart, it's gonna be a very special mission. This is a deep space probe. It's gonna be a very exhilarating flight as
00:02:46exhilarating as this
00:02:53What'd you do this for
00:02:55The celebration is over you promised me that you were getting out of the space program for the love of Haji
00:03:01General Hatton is giving you a retirement party tomorrow. The party is still on. This is just one more mission
00:03:07Oh, they will always be just one more mission. We have been through this before Tony
00:03:11You have paid your dues you have been on more missions than anybody else
00:03:16The other astronauts are beginning to call you pops
00:03:19Those guys who are calling me pops have got a lot less hair than I do
00:03:30Have been stuck down here on earth while you have been soaring through the heavens
00:03:35I have not had a husband and TJ has not had a father
00:03:38Do you know what we have had a visitor from outer space? No, wait a minute. I am just a backup to Colonel Clapper. I
00:03:46Don't even go unless he falls out. You know that never happens. I
00:03:50Still wish you would tell him no
00:03:54If you prefer I will tell him for you no, I don't want you to do that. I'm a do-it-yourself kind of guy
00:04:02Could I have my martini back?
00:04:06Thanks another Alec that I had a light lunch
00:04:10Where was I doing it yourself?
00:04:13right, I
00:04:15Like the fact that we are a normal family and that Tony jr.
00:04:19Is your average red-blooded American kid who who doesn't know that his mother is a genie. So let's leave it that way. Okay Cheers
00:04:27Have you forgotten that your average red-blooded American kid might have some green corpuscles running through his veins
00:04:36TJ a genie gin gin genie, whatever. Look, I know he doesn't have your powers
00:04:41You know when TJ blinks his eyes I think it probably means he's got something in them
00:04:45I mean, he shows absolutely no signs whatsoever
00:04:50Responsibility you left your skateboard out in the driveway. Oh, he did not do that. I did it you what were you doing with TJ skateboard?
00:04:58Well, I have to do something constructive with my day while you were being sweet-talked into just one more mission
00:05:04Hey dad, I thought you were hanging it up, you know turning off the old afterburners. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. I thought so too
00:05:10Well, okay, I mean who wants to be a backup to Colonel Clapper, I'll tell the general he'll have to get somebody else
00:05:19That's great dad means you and I are gonna be spending a lot more time together, right?
00:05:25I'll be right down to her azad. Oh
00:05:32What an animal
00:05:38I'm looking forward to this interview. I've been reading your magazine for years
00:05:44Good girl, but she sure could use a decorator
00:05:48Here are the scrapbooks of my husband's press clippings. There were more but I dropped them
00:05:54A mrs. Nelson, I just love your house
00:05:58You know what? It says to me. It says he lived to happy people. Oh a house never lies
00:06:06Of course, we have had our ups and downs as in any normal marriage a more tea. Did you say gin?
00:06:15Tea, well, all right
00:06:23It's not exactly a normal marriage between a mortal and a genie and that is going to be the theme for my
00:06:31article for genies home journal
00:06:34My memory's failing so I'm gonna have to take notes. I
00:06:40Think my power is failing too. Oh
00:06:44Well at last oh nothing works like it used to
00:06:49Now tell me everything all the juicy details
00:06:55Share azad. Oh, call me. She hair. Oh
00:07:00Sure, I I still cannot believe that you want to do a feature about Tony and me
00:07:04I mean after all we have been married now for 15 years
00:07:09Sweetie, that's what makes you so newsworthy
00:07:12Our genie readers are fed up with the one thousand and one stories on how my power
00:07:18Made me a fortune in the stock market and that same old questionnaire on are you still fit at 400?
00:07:26Oh, but that is not easy. No
00:07:30They want to know what it's like being married to a mortal famous one of that
00:07:36What it is like to be married to Tony
00:07:40Well, you might say it has been one big blast
00:07:43Off we moved from the Cape to Houston and Tony remained an astronaut. Well, I remained at home
00:07:53How does it feel to have your husband orbiting the earth well naturally I would like to be with him
00:07:58But it makes him so nervous when I wave at him from outside the window and you wave at him from outside
00:08:03Well, I would not dream of interfering inside the spacecraft
00:08:07Major Tony Nelson is walking to the space shuttle entering the elevator getting ready for his fourth ride into space
00:08:16With Tony away so much. I was so lonely that I even welcome to visit from my never-loving sister
00:08:27But he sure could provide you with a better bottle this is pretty tiny oh
00:08:31No, it is quite comfortable
00:08:33Oh, don't kid me sis. You must be cramped in there. Oh, no, truly. I will show you
00:08:44See it is most cozy
00:08:46Glad you like it darling because from now on it's home sweet home and then there was good old friendly Roger
00:08:54Maybe a little too friendly
00:08:56You mean the only way I can make him feel comfortable is to make him feel comfortable?
00:09:01You mean the only way I can make him happy is to leave him
00:09:05great, so
00:09:07well, I
00:09:09Do not want to leave him, but if that is the only way I can make him happy. I guess I must
00:09:17But where will I go
00:09:20Well since this is an emergency of why don't I come to the rescue
00:09:25You mean you would be my new master. Well, that's the least I can do for my old friend. Oh, thank
00:09:31You made you here. Of course mission control obviously did without Tony once in a while
00:09:36Oh, we never would have had Tony jr. One more question. Mrs
00:09:39Nelson, how does it feel taking care of a new baby while your husband's up there in space?
00:09:43Ah, well both things keep me up at night
00:09:47Now if you will excuse me, please I have another engagement
00:10:01Mrs. Nelson I
00:10:02How did the baby get dressed like that? Well, there there is this darling little shop down at the mall. Oh, I
00:10:10Don't understand. Goodbye
00:10:12Bye, I could have recommended that that reporter see a psychiatrist friend of ours only. Thanks to me poor. Dr
00:10:19Bellows was having problems of his own
00:10:25I'm not cracking up. I'm not cracking up
00:10:36Growing up
00:10:49And up
00:10:53Mrs. Nelson is not at home
00:11:01Mom! TJ, go to your room. But I didn't do anything. But I owe you one, will you?
00:11:34Down boy
00:11:38There's even a happy ending
00:11:41Tony has put in 20 years as an astronaut and now he's looking forward to retirement and spending more time with Tony jr
00:11:48And me and are you looking forward to it as well?
00:11:52Well, if a genie could grant her own wish that would be mine. Our readers are just gonna eat this up
00:12:08And now he's looking forward to retirement and spending more time with Tony jr. And me
00:12:19Couldn't you just gag
00:12:21And I thought this marriage would be over before the bridal bouquet turned brown. You're not the only one who's underestimated your sister
00:12:29Remember it was I king of all the genies who predicted dire
00:12:34consequences if she married a mortal a lovely home a
00:12:38Darling son a husband who adores her and now this I should suffer such dire
00:12:44Consequences. Well enough already
00:12:47We'll just have to see what we can do to break it up. Oh, do you mean it has of course?
00:12:54Your sister is setting a bad example for the other genies pretty soon
00:12:59They'll all want to marry mortals and have babies
00:13:03I cannot allow this marital bliss to continue it disturbs the natural order of things
00:13:09What shall I do? Shall I put a herd of camels in their garden?
00:13:13Shall I turn Tony into a serpent with two heads?
00:13:17something a little more
00:13:19more worthy of your
00:13:22Inimitable talents, I'm sure a suitable scheme will occur to you. I
00:13:29Don't seem to be getting anywhere
00:13:38I could not be more relieved that he is leaving the space program and entering civilian life
00:13:44Where I will be sure that he is safe
00:14:04Didn't see you come in I know
00:14:07Do try to be more alert. I
00:14:09Just wanted to congratulate the general on his selection of Nellie hunt for the next mission
00:14:14Captain hunt. Hmm. Oh, you must be mistaken. She hasn't been selected for colonel Clapper's team
00:14:22Sure, well, this is captain hunts dossier and she's not due to go up until mission after next I
00:14:32Have the official list right here and no there are no woman astronauts on colonel Clapper's team. Sorry
00:14:39We can't win them all
00:14:41You want a bet?
00:14:51Yes, I'll be right in you have to excuse
00:15:17Sir here are the members you selected for the next mission
00:15:28Captain Nellie hunt. What's her name doing on this list?
00:15:31Hunt, I'm sorry general had not I simply have no explanation. Well, you better have the very notion of
00:15:40Nellie hunt on colonel Clapper's team
00:15:43What a sensational idea
00:15:46I'm glad I thought of it
00:15:48Well, just don't stand there lieutenant carry on
00:16:28Poems are made by fools like me
00:16:31But only Clapper can hit a tree. I beg your pardon. Oh, I was just commenting on your shot colonel Clapper
00:16:38I'll comment on my own shot. Thank you. You are the colonel Clapper, aren't you shuttle commander of the next mission?
00:16:44I would be that Clapper. Yes
00:16:47And who are you anyway? Oh, I'm merely the golf pro at the exclusive Omar Khayyam Country Club. Oh
00:16:54Never heard of it
00:16:56That's how exclusive it is. Well
00:17:00Do you think that you can do anything for me? Colonel Clapper?
00:17:05I'm going to help you out
00:17:08I'm going to help you the way I've helped hundreds of men over the years
00:17:13Who've been eternally grateful, I'm going to straighten out your book
00:17:20Lean over the ball real close bend from the waist
00:17:23That's it. Now put your toes and your knees in close together together to get very good
00:17:28All right
00:17:29Now turn your head so it touches your shoulder hands up to the chest to the chest real high
00:17:34Yeah, very good. Now when you hit the ball, yeah, be sure you stop your swing quickly. We don't want any wasted motion
00:17:43All right, let's try it
00:18:07Oh my back
00:18:25Hey, Jim, how's it going?
00:18:27Hey, you guys look younger. I keep getting older and older. I don't know what it is
00:18:32What do you say? We're a little old champagne still like the old bubbly. Hey, it's just great to be together with the old guys
00:18:37Not to mention. They're pretty wise right? Oh a little bubbly
00:18:41Feel good seeing you again, huh?
00:18:48Roger oh what a surprise. I did not think I would see you here
00:18:52Well, just because I'm rich and retired doesn't mean I don't want to party with my buddies and check out the new groupies
00:18:58Yeah, well that's who that to
00:19:00Have you seen Tony? I got us some order. I think he's already started on dessert. I
00:19:09Have never seen her around before
00:19:12Neither of I if she's with NASA, I bet he regrets retiring. I know I do you are not Tony
00:19:18That's another thing. I regret
00:19:24I'm rich and retired
00:19:27There's a woman with a very determined look coming this way you think she wants her autograph
00:19:31She's already got mine on a marriage certificate. Sorry to have left you so long Anthony
00:19:37But I yeah, I just had to call and see if TJ was all right at home. TJ is our son. I
00:19:42am his wife
00:19:45TJ's mother
00:19:46Jeannie this is Nellie hunt. She's a member of the space shuttle team. Oh, you are an astronaut
00:19:52Well, how exciting for a woman Wow exciting for anyone. Yeah, that's what I've been telling Jeannie
00:19:58He's going to miss it but TJ and I will keep him busy really well general Hatton said that Tony might be our backup CEO
00:20:09Enjoy the party both of you
00:20:16They do not make astronauts the way they used to go. We're making progress. Isn't it? Wonderful. I
00:20:22Mean, I really admire her attributes
00:20:26But Jeannie what I'm trying to say is what man wouldn't appreciate what she's got going for her
00:20:33That's not what I'm trying to say. What I'm trying to say is that she's bright. She's intelligent. She's got a great independent spirit
00:20:40She's really an exceptional woman
00:20:45Your tie is lopsided
00:20:49Have you not yet told the general that you were really and truly retiring? Well, it's been a kind of a hectic day
00:20:54You know, I was busy. I was gonna tell him this afternoon. Good good idea. Let us go do it right now
00:21:00Well, wait, let's get some champagne first
00:21:05Well, thank you major Butler mrs. Butler good of you to come Tony I have been looking for you
00:21:10Yes, sir, sir about your request that I serve as backup commander
00:21:15Even though I know this is a very important mission
00:21:20Even though I would love to train with that crew you can't I can't
00:21:25I can't why not? Oh, that is very thoughtful of you general Hatton. I mean after all it is his retirement party now
00:21:31Wait, wait a minute. Why can't I the reason you can't serve as backup commanding officer?
00:21:36Tony is that I would like you to serve as commander
00:21:39Colonel Clapper is scrubbed. He threw his back out taking golf lessons. You see Tony
00:21:45We need you the mission needs you your country needs you
00:21:53Don't know what to say. Why then take your time think it over and make a decision in the next few minutes
00:21:58Of course, I'll respect your personal wishes, but a newcomer like Nellie hunt needs a seasoned veteran at the helm
00:22:07You should have said no I
00:22:10Wanted to let him down easy. I mean did you hear what he said? He needs me the mission needs me our country needs
00:22:16I need you
00:22:19Here let's not argue in front of the guests
00:22:30Now we can argue well, I don't want to argue are you crazy? I mean, this is a general's party. This is treason
00:22:37How do you do lovely party? Oh, hello George. You're looking very well. I'm sorry. I'm so late
00:22:45Are you going to tell general Hatton that you were definitely retiring? That's blackmail. Are you going to tell him?
00:22:50Well, I guess I was going to but but I don't like to be pushed. Oh
00:22:54Hello, general Hatton. How very nice to see you general
00:22:59Have you noticed anything strange going on here?
00:23:07Better get back on my liver pills
00:23:13Whatever put that back
00:23:17What you do that for I
00:23:20Always eat when I am upset
00:23:22Um, besides what is so terrible about my having a mind of my own?
00:23:27Just a few moments ago. You were praising Nellie hunt for her independent spirit. Well independent spirit is fine, but not in my wife
00:23:34I'm going to go eat some more. There's a chum who looks normal. Hello Roger
00:23:39Well, aren't you going to introduce me to your friend
00:23:44Oh, well, I'm dr. Alfred Bellows
00:23:48How do you do? I used to be the base psychiatrist, but now I'm in private practice. I
00:23:54Know that you don't shake hands a phobia about germs. No doubt. Why don't you come and see me?
00:24:02my car
00:24:04Come and see me anytime
00:24:06Perhaps I should come and see me. Will you stop this, please? This is crazy. It's very embarrassing. They cannot feel anything
00:24:16Why isn't this line moving pardon me, sir
00:24:24God it's mass hysteria. I don't care whether they can feel anything or not. It's embarrassing. It's embarrassing to me. It's embarrassing to me
00:24:30I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna do it
00:24:32I don't care whether they can feel anything or not. It's embarrassing. It's embarrassing to me. It's embarrassing to you
00:24:37Now we're in for it. Here comes bellows
00:24:40Jeannie Tony, there's something very weird going on around here. Oh, really like what? Well, like nobody's talking. Nobody's moving
00:24:48Dr. Alfred bellows, it's wrong guys everywhere. So you've done it to me again, haven't you?
00:25:00Okay, fellas, would you hold in a minute? Hello? Hello? Hello? Is this thing working?
00:25:06Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Dr. Alfred bellows. I'm a psychiatrist. I'm a psychiatrist. I'm a psychiatrist. I'm a psychiatrist
00:25:14Hello, is this thing working
00:25:17Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention? Well, the time has come to say goodbye to Colonel Tony Nelson or should I say pops?
00:25:28But before I give you my hilarious ad-lib speech of farewell, which I have been rehearsing all week
00:25:36Colonel Nelson and I have some unfinished business
00:25:40Yes, sir. Everyone here knows that poor Colonel Clapper is in the hospital and
00:25:45Everyone here wants to know if you'll take his place
00:25:50Not in the hospital on the mission
00:25:55Well, Tony what's the answer we all hope it'll be the right answer the patriotic answer the American answer
00:26:03What do you say Tony one for the road?
00:26:27Thank You Jeannie Jeannie
00:26:32Thank you, sir, thank you very much
00:27:02Sweetheart listen, I've got to get over to the base. I'm late. I've got to be in a briefing
00:27:07You're still angry, huh, I can tell cause ordinarily you don't mug the bed
00:27:17Now that's my genie
00:27:19Sweetheart, you know last night was the first night that we went to sleep without talking and
00:27:25This morning is the first time we ever woke up without talking
00:27:28You are a deceitful deceptive double-crossing unprincipled unscrupulous snake in the grass
00:27:35Human on the other hand, I like silence. Silence is good. You promised me you would not take that mission
00:27:40You promised me you wouldn't interfere with my life
00:27:44Collapsing a tent is not interfering in your life. It is when I'm under it
00:27:57Why are you packing? Oh
00:28:02Come on you're not leaving just because I postponed my retirement for one more mission
00:28:09It is those little things that hurt a lot Oh
00:28:15Listen sweetheart, I promise you this is the last time no
00:28:19You have promised this is the last time for the last time
00:28:23Anthony I have put my life on hold for you
00:28:26But now I am going to get on with it if Nellie Hunt can become an astronaut I can also have an independent spirit and
00:28:34Become an exceptional woman. It's not the same thing. Nellie Hunt has been training for years to be part of the space program. I
00:28:42Can fly rings around her exactly. You're a genie. You're not a mortal woman
00:28:47You can't even lead a normal life without me. You can't even pack a bag without a lot of hocus-pocus
00:28:53Listen give me a hand with this tie. Would you one of the guys is coming by to pick me up?
00:29:01Very funny
00:29:05Genie please. Come on. Listen, you know you used to be so pliable. I missed that
00:29:11You were my master and I wished only to serve you that that is what genies are made for
00:29:16But I have been doing this sort of thing since 64 BC and I think I am fed up
00:29:23Just my luck you get fed up in this century
00:29:34That is one of the guys
00:29:38Don't you do it don't you do it now listen what we need to do is calm down a little bit
00:29:42Don't you do it don't you do it now listen what we need to do is calm down think things over and realize how idiotic
00:29:48You're being you know something genie. You're just not equipped to go it alone in this world. Have you seen my briefcase?
00:29:55You do your thing and I will do mine and we will meet later and find out what this marriage is all about
00:30:00I am going to the base when I get back. I expect you to be here when you get back TJ
00:30:05And I will be gone when I get back. You'll have dinner on the table and we'll discuss it then
00:30:13Guess I left my briefcase downstairs
00:30:21So I cannot even pack a suitcase huh?
00:30:37Old habits die hard
00:30:50What what was that?
00:30:51What was what that?
00:30:52Well your your clothes I I saw them
00:30:56Oh you mean nothing?
00:30:59Oh well that that is the way I always send my clothes out to be cleaned
00:31:03Oh come on mom that was that was like magic
00:31:07Um yeah well it uh it was magic
00:31:12Hey I didn't know you could do tricks like that you're better than Doug Henning
00:31:16Ha that amateur
00:31:20TJ do you remember when you were a little boy that I used to read the Arabian Nights to you?
00:31:25Oh sure all about Alibaba and Sinbad and Aladdin and all those genies
00:31:30They are your relatives
00:31:33TJ I am a genie
00:31:36Oh sure and I'm Michael Jackson
00:31:38It is time you knew the truth
00:31:49But but if you're a genie how'd you get to be my mother?
00:31:52Oh that is a long story and it all started with this bottle
00:31:58I haven't been in it for a long time
00:32:01But at one time I was imprisoned in here by a wicked djinn because I would not marry him
00:32:07I was corked up for ages
00:32:10Oh give or take a century
00:32:12Oh now you're really putting me on
00:32:13Oh no no believe me I missed the entire renaissance
00:32:18Or was it the industrial revolution?
00:32:20Oh we studied them in history either way you didn't miss much
00:32:24But if if you were corked up in that bottle how'd you get to meet dad?
00:32:29Come on I'll show you
00:32:34Take my hand
00:32:35Oh do not be afraid come on
00:32:38I am your mother
00:32:41Where are we?
00:32:42This is a tiny island in the pacific
00:32:54What's that?
00:32:55I don't know
00:32:56I think it's a djinn
00:32:57A djinn?
00:32:58A djinn?
00:32:59A djinn?
00:33:00A djinn?
00:33:01A djinn?
00:33:02A djinn?
00:33:03A djinn?
00:33:04A djinn?
00:33:05A djinn?
00:33:06A djinn?
00:33:07A djinn?
00:33:08A djinn?
00:33:10What's dad doing here?
00:33:12This is a long time ago before you were born
00:33:16He was on a mission
00:33:17And his capsule strayed off course and he ended up on this beach
00:33:21And what happened to him?
00:33:23See for yourself
00:34:39Positively awesome
00:34:41Positively romantic
00:34:45Must have gone further into orbit than I thought
00:34:55Anyway, eventually we got married
00:34:58And you had me and you lived happily ever after
00:35:02Not that you would know it right now
00:35:10Is that how come you were packing?
00:35:13T.J., you and I are going to move out for a while and live by ourselves
00:35:18Don't you love dad anymore?
00:35:19Oh, yes, honey
00:35:20I love him very, very much
00:35:23You know, sometimes two people have to sort of get away from each other for a while
00:35:27So they can come back together and have a better marriage
00:35:30Can you understand that?
00:35:33But then I don't understand a lot of things about grown-ups
00:35:38But just remember, I'm the only kid I know with his original set of parents
00:35:42And I'd sure like to keep it that way
00:35:48If dad's a real person and you're a genie, what does that make me?
00:35:52Well, honey, um, I'm just not sure
00:35:57Haji, the chief of all the djinns, said that a child of mine could go either way
00:36:03Then I might be able to blink like you and do nutty things
00:36:06Well, that is one way of putting it, yes
00:36:10I wish for a motorcycle
00:36:16Where's my chopper?
00:36:17Well, you could still get your powers
00:36:19Maybe next week or next month or next year
00:36:23Or maybe not at all
00:36:26Or maybe not at all
00:36:28You might just remain a wonderful mortal boy
00:36:32Well, that's no fun
00:36:34If I had magical powers, I bet I'd rate with Melissa
00:36:37Who is Melissa?
00:36:38She's got the locker next to me in school and can talk about fine
00:36:42Well, if this Melissa is so, I would like to meet her
00:36:47Well, maybe
00:36:48If you promise not to, you know
00:36:51Do nutty things, I promise
00:36:54Listen, we had better get back home
00:36:55You must go to school and I must go apartment hunting
00:37:04Oh, I'll never get used to this
00:37:12Trouble in paradise, is it dear?
00:37:17How many times have I told you not to do that while I am driving?
00:37:20You call this driving? You're in reverse gear
00:37:24Oh, go away
00:37:26It was just a slight tip
00:37:28Oh, dear
00:37:30A hundred years' war started over something slighter than that
00:37:34I know a major blow-up when I eavesdrop on one
00:37:37Well, Tony's not ever going to change, so it is up to me
00:37:42I am going to earn his respect
00:37:44I'm going to be totally independent
00:37:47I'm even going to look for a job
00:37:49I'm going to get a job
00:37:51I'm going to get a job
00:37:53I'm going to get a job
00:37:54I'm even going to look for a job
00:37:56Oh, Munday
00:37:58Now, why would you want to work when you could conjure up anything you wish?
00:38:03I am not using my powers anymore
00:38:06But it must be your time of the decade
00:38:09I'm trying to be a mortal woman
00:38:11Oh, come on now
00:38:13What's the real trouble between you and our darling master?
00:38:16Sex life on the way?
00:38:18That was never our problem
00:38:21Well, it was worth a shot
00:38:22Besides, he's not our darling master, he's mine
00:38:27At least he was
00:38:30I'm going to get a place of my own
00:38:33I mean, how independent can I be if I'm living in Tony's house, eating Tony's food
00:38:38Sleeping in Tony's bed
00:38:40You are looking at the new me
00:38:43Strong and self-reliant
00:38:46Like Nellie Hunt
00:38:48Nellie Hunt, Nellie Hunt, yes
00:38:50It does ring a bell
00:38:52Does it?
00:39:15TJ, could you help me?
00:39:17Huh? Are you talking to me?
00:39:19I think so
00:39:20I don't see any other TJs around
00:39:22Then I guess you're talking to me
00:39:24I can't seem to get my locker open
00:39:34Hey, please hurry, I'm late for class
00:39:40I'm sorry, I didn't know you were nearsighted
00:39:45Having trouble, Melissa?
00:39:47My locker, we can't get this stupid thing open
00:39:51Alright, thanks Brad
00:39:55Bye TJ
00:40:21Well, how do you like it?
00:40:23It's okay
00:40:26Do you mind if I give Dad our new phone number?
00:40:28Oh, I was hoping that you would
00:40:30I'm going to go check out my new room
00:40:34Well, this is it
00:40:37Where do you want me to put these?
00:40:39Oh, just put them anywhere, right there
00:40:41I'm going to go check out my new room
00:40:43Well, this is it
00:40:45Where do you want me to put these?
00:40:47Oh, just put them anywhere, right there
00:40:48Oh boy, I don't know about you, but I'm bushed
00:40:52Thank you for helping me with the move, Roger
00:40:54Oh, that's right
00:40:56After five divorces, moving is what I do best
00:40:59This is temporary, isn't it?
00:41:01Well, of course
00:41:04I guess so
00:41:06I wish I knew
00:41:08Look, Janie, you know how I always felt about you
00:41:11And I just want you to know that, well,
00:41:13I'm the last guy in the world
00:41:15Who would have put a hit on his best friend's wife
00:41:16Oh, thank you, Roger
00:41:18So I have two chances
00:41:20Either you're not his wife anymore
00:41:22Or Tony's not my best friend
00:41:24Just kidding
00:41:29I'll get it
00:41:32Oh, hi, Janie
00:41:34Hi, Tiger
00:41:36Is she normal?
00:41:40Oh, he knows about us then, oh good
00:41:42Thinking up new lies is always so difficult for me
00:41:45But not impossible
00:41:50A little drab and insipid, wouldn't you say?
00:41:52Not you, Roger, the apartment
00:41:55But has possibilities
00:41:59Ha ha ha ha ha
00:42:01Hey, this is great
00:42:05Aunt Janie, while you're at it,
00:42:07Can I have a VCR, a computer, a stereo?
00:42:09No, you cannot
00:42:11And I am blinking everything right back
00:42:12Mom, I thought you said
00:42:14You weren't going to use your powers anymore
00:42:18I'll get it
00:42:21Oh, hi
00:42:23Hi, is it okay to barge in?
00:42:25My, my, my
00:42:27What you've done to this place in such a short time
00:42:29Oh, thank you, dear
00:42:31Oh, I'm Dari Green, your friendly neighborhood neighbor
00:42:33From right down the hall
00:42:35Hello, I am Jeannie Nelson
00:42:37And that is my son, TJ
00:42:39And this is my sister, Jeannie
00:42:40Ha ha ha
00:42:42Two sisters with the same name
00:42:44Must get awfully confusing
00:42:46No, no
00:42:48She does not intend to stay around a lot
00:42:50Yes, but I do
00:42:52I am Roger Healy, alias Major Healy
00:42:54You're cute
00:42:56And I wasn't even trying
00:42:58Never mind him
00:43:00How are the men around here?
00:43:02Devastating and divorced
00:43:04I'm single
00:43:06Looks like this place definitely
00:43:08Has possibilities after all
00:43:11And this time, be sure and wear
00:43:13Both halves of your bikini
00:43:15Ha ha ha
00:43:20Come on, Uncle Roger
00:43:22I'll show you where the tennis courts are
00:43:24Single Roger, we've got to start meeting like this
00:43:26Boy, is she pushy and aggressive
00:43:29My kind of woman
00:43:31Nice dress
00:43:33Pants, pants dress
00:43:35Ha ha ha
00:43:37This place looks charming
00:43:38This place looks just fabulous
00:43:40Did you have a decorator?
00:43:42No, no, my sister did it
00:43:44You have a very talented sister
00:43:46Yes, yes, you could call it that
00:43:49You haven't mentioned a husband
00:43:51Is there one?
00:43:53Oh, well, uh
00:43:55We are just a little bit separated
00:43:58Well, go slowly
00:44:00Divorce isn't what it's cracked up to be
00:44:02Take it from a girl who's cracked up twice
00:44:05Oh, I see
00:44:06That's okay, I'm only depressed when I'm awake
00:44:08Ha ha
00:44:10Actually, I go to the health club a lot
00:44:12Helps relieve the tensions
00:44:14Maybe you'll want to go sometime
00:44:16Oh, thank you, Noah, I'll be job hunting
00:44:18Well, then you'll really be tense
00:44:20I will
00:44:22Anyway, I'll be in touch
00:44:24Just cannot get over what you've done here
00:44:27Oh, just for the record
00:44:29Which half of the bikini did your sister wear?
00:44:32The left one
00:45:03Hey, everybody
00:45:08Hey, I'm home
00:45:20Bet you're hiding
00:45:24Bet you're in your bottle
00:45:26Bet you're not here
00:45:30I bet you're gone
00:46:08Mrs. Nelson
00:46:10You haven't indicated any recent job experience
00:46:13But you must have some skills
00:46:15Do you type?
00:46:19Do you take dictation?
00:46:23What skills do you have?
00:46:25I take the beans out of the can
00:46:27Before I put them in the microwave
00:46:29Look, Mrs. Nelson
00:46:31I think we're wasting each other's time
00:46:33Why don't you go home?
00:46:35Well, at least give me a chance
00:46:37Test me
00:46:46All right, Mrs. Nelson
00:46:49I'll time you as you type this
00:46:55When I say begin
00:46:57Wait a minute
00:46:59There are no letters on these keys
00:47:01This is a touch typing test, Mrs. Nelson
00:47:08Are you ready?
00:47:10Oh, yes, yes
00:47:12All right, begin
00:47:25Mrs. Nelson
00:47:45Mrs. Nelson, I underestimated you
00:47:48You are one exceptional woman
00:47:53Not really
00:47:55Not really
00:48:25Not really
00:48:55That lion is disconnected
00:49:11But how could it be disconnected?
00:49:13It was just busy a minute ago
00:49:15I'll check on it again, madam
00:49:20That lion is disconnected
00:49:25All right, ladies, this one you do for Hansel, King of Hitmen.
00:49:43Kick it out.
00:49:445, 6, 7, and hit.
00:49:4610, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
00:49:51And again.
00:49:525, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
00:49:58Use your arms.
00:49:595, 2, 3, 4, 5.
00:50:05OK, now just squeeze your thighs together real slow.
00:50:09Good, good.
00:50:10Good, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze.
00:50:12Now push them apart.
00:50:17Why would anybody want strong thighs?
00:50:20It comes in handy in the kitchen.
00:50:23Well, haven't you ever had a ketchup bottle or a jelly jar you couldn't open?
00:50:27Oh, yes, a jelly jar.
00:50:29A jelly jar.
00:50:30Well, with strong thighs, you just put it between your legs and twist the top off.
00:50:35OK, OK, you don't like this one.
00:50:41Come on, come on.
00:50:42Oh, voila, the stomach cruncher.
00:50:45You're going to love this.
00:50:47I thought these things went out with the Inquisition.
00:50:50This is great for the tummy.
00:50:55You do it.
00:50:56I'm going to find something with training wheels.
00:51:04You're slowing down.
00:51:05Come on, keep the energy up.
00:51:17Up, down, up, up.
00:51:34You always were more on the mental than athletic.
00:51:40Hello, Jeannie.
00:51:42Fancy you meeting me here.
00:51:44What are you doing in this place?
00:51:46I own it.
00:51:48There's a fortune to be made in fact.
00:51:51I did not think you would ever leave Baghdad.
00:51:53Baghdad is no longer Fun City, my dear.
00:51:56Can you imagine they've put a tax on Arabs?
00:52:00Then you have given up being chief of all the djinn?
00:52:02On the contrary.
00:52:04I'm merely moonlighting.
00:52:06And very pleasant moonlighting indeed.
00:52:10But enough about me.
00:52:12I hear you're having trouble.
00:52:22I warned you.
00:52:24This is what comes of marrying a mortal.
00:52:27Tony and I have been very happy together.
00:52:29And I want us to be happy again.
00:52:31So you think that by living the life of a mortal woman,
00:52:34everything will be halabah and rosettes?
00:52:37Well, I have to try.
00:52:38Jeannie, I didn't know you knew haji.
00:52:41Oh, yes, yes.
00:52:43I have known him for a very long, long time.
00:52:47Oh, am I interrupting something?
00:52:49Oh, no, no.
00:52:51We are finished.
00:52:53Okay, come on, Jeannie, let's suffer.
00:52:55I think he's cute.
00:52:59On the floor again, on the floor!
00:53:02Stretch it!
00:53:04There you go.
00:53:06Come on.
00:53:08And down, and up, and down, and up, and down.
00:53:12Stretch it!
00:53:13Don't break it!
00:53:16Your efforts have proven fruitless.
00:53:18She is determined to make a go of her marriage.
00:53:22I am equally determined to make a go of it.
00:53:25I am equally determined to make a go of it.
00:53:28A go away.
00:53:30You have something further in mind.
00:53:33Well, I thought perhaps another man.
00:53:38Your deviousness never ceases to delight me.
00:53:55The chief of security, please report to me.
00:54:28Be right there.
00:54:45Oh, thank you for your help.
00:54:47The owner must have spent hours setting up that display.
00:54:54You were the owner?
00:54:57Oh, dear.
00:55:00I was going to apply for the job, but now I suppose it is hopeless.
00:55:04I'm, uh, Wes Morris.
00:55:07Jeannie Nelson.
00:55:11But what job?
00:55:14Oh, the sign says help wanted.
00:55:23Now, this is, this is strange.
00:55:26I mean, I've never seen this sign before.
00:55:29And I don't have any openings.
00:55:31You see, I've had this one woman who's been with me for years.
00:55:34Well, thank you anyway.
00:55:36Wes, do you know where I can find the...
00:55:40Find what?
00:55:42You'll have to look for it yourself, Mr. Morrison.
00:55:44I'm quitting.
00:55:46I just had the sudden urge to go to the Middle East.
00:55:49I don't think that's a very good idea, Mrs. Rosenblum.
00:55:53Well, I guess I do have an opening.
00:55:56I will take it.
00:55:58Not so fast.
00:56:00See, I have to behave like an employer, you know, and give you a job interview.
00:56:03Now, let me see.
00:56:05Do you have any experience?
00:56:07Oh, the sign says no experience necessary.
00:56:10And that is what I have the most of.
00:56:12I didn't realize I was dealing with an expert.
00:56:14You see, this is just one of a chain of shops that I own.
00:56:17So I need someone who can manage it all by herself
00:56:19and give it a lot of tender, loving care.
00:56:21Oh, I am just your woman.
00:56:24I do hope so.
00:56:28Can you believe Miss Reynolds is giving us a pop quiz tomorrow?
00:56:31She probably did it just to drive me crazy.
00:56:34You and the rest of the class.
00:56:36I want you to go to the mall tonight, and I'm barely passing as it is.
00:56:39Who is passing?
00:56:41I guess I could always not go to the mall.
00:56:44Or one of us could try to get a copy of the test.
00:56:48Oh, forget it, Brad.
00:56:50No one could get a copy of that history test.
00:56:52Miss Reynolds always stashes it in a place where no one would look.
00:56:58Boy, where is Indiana Jones when you really need him?
00:57:04Well, if it isn't Nerd Nelson.
00:57:07I see you can open your mouth all by yourself.
00:57:10Come on, guys, let's go.
00:57:15You're lucky, T.J.
00:57:17You're not in Miss Reynolds' class.
00:57:25The job is really fun.
00:57:28And I'm good at it, too.
00:57:30Today I sold a racket, three cans of balls, and two pairs of sneakers.
00:57:33And he only came in to use the phone.
00:57:36And Wes is really nice, too.
00:57:38Or did I tell you that?
00:57:41Yes, dear?
00:57:42If I asked you to do something that would, like, change my whole life, would you do it?
00:57:47What would I have to buy you?
00:57:49Oh, I don't want you to buy me anything.
00:57:51It's just a favor. A tiny little favor.
00:57:54An infinitesimal little favor.
00:57:56The smaller you make it, the larger it seems.
00:57:59All you have to do is get me a copy of Miss Reynolds' history test.
00:58:03All I have to do?
00:58:05It's no problem. You can just use your powers.
00:58:09Even if I were still using my powers, I would never use them for something so dishonest.
00:58:13Oh, it's not for me. I'm not even in her class.
00:58:16It's for Melissa. This is my chance to make points with her.
00:58:19Well, I'm going to make a point with you.
00:58:23It is time the men in this family realized that their wishes are no longer my command.
00:58:27What good is it to be a genie if you're going to be ethical?
00:58:38What's wrong, Tiger?
00:58:40Oh, hi, Aunt Jeanie.
00:58:42Looks like you have a severe case of the droops.
00:58:45How come?
00:58:47Well, I got myself into a dumb mess.
00:58:50See, I was trying to impress this girl, and...
00:58:52And you thought what a hero you'd be if you had a copy of that history test.
00:58:56Only Mrs. Clean in there won't cooperate.
00:58:59If you know so much, why'd you ask?
00:59:01Oh, I like to keep up appearances.
00:59:04Well, anyhow, I'm history with Melissa.
00:59:10Oh, the history test!
00:59:12That's my boy.
00:59:35Sorry. That lion is disconnected.
00:59:39What do you mean it was disconnected? It's a new listing.
00:59:42I'll check on it again, sir.
00:59:45Never mind.
00:59:48Oh, I'm sorry.
00:59:50It was a mistake.
00:59:52You can't be sure?
00:59:54What's the matter?
00:59:56I don't know.
00:59:58I just don't feel right.
01:00:00Well, why don't you tell me?
01:00:03I don't know.
01:00:05I'll tell you later.
01:00:07I'm sorry.
01:00:09I'm sorry I said that.
01:00:11I'm sorry.
01:00:13You can't be sure.
01:00:16Oh, I will be with you in a minute.
01:00:18Oh, I'm just browsing.
01:00:21Thank you very much, and please come in again.
01:00:29Dory, hi!
01:00:32Where is he?
01:00:34The good-looking boss you raved about.
01:00:36I did not rave about him, and he is not here.
01:00:38Oh, and I got all dressed for him.
01:00:41I hope you don't mind.
01:00:44Dory, believe me, there is nothing between us.
01:00:46This is strictly business.
01:00:48Are you trying to convince me or you?
01:00:51Don't tell me he hasn't asked you for dinner or something.
01:00:54How do you know?
01:00:56Terrific! T.J. can stay with me.
01:00:59He asked. I said no.
01:01:02Dory, I am not interested in going out with anyone.
01:01:05Well, do it for me. I'm into vicarious thrills.
01:01:08Bye-bye, Dory.
01:01:15I forgot to show you this.
01:01:18I've never even heard of this paper.
01:01:20I don't know. It just...
01:01:21It just popped into my shopping bag.
01:01:26Then again, what is the harm in a dinner?
01:01:29A person has to eat, don't they?
01:01:31Lord knows I do.
01:01:52Melissa, wait!
01:01:54Melissa, wait!
01:01:56T.J., I'll talk to you later.
01:01:58I've got something for you.
01:02:00What is it?
01:02:01Take a look. It's even got the answers.
01:02:05The history test!
01:02:07How did you get this?
01:02:09I've got my ways.
01:02:12T.J., I always liked you,
01:02:14and I never thought that you would do anything dishonest.
01:02:17I guess you're just like all the other boys.
01:02:20No, you're worse.
01:02:27And so I gave her a copy of the test, and, well, it backfired.
01:02:30Where did you get a copy of the test, T.J.?
01:02:33Mom, if I tell you who gave it to me, it'll be like snitching,
01:02:36only worse, because it's family.
01:02:40Money is not the root of all evil. It is my sister.
01:02:44What really stinks is that the magic didn't work.
01:02:47It got you the test.
01:02:49But it didn't solve my problems. It didn't change my life.
01:02:52Except in the wrong way.
01:02:56Melissa had always liked me for just being me.
01:02:59Congratulations, T.J.
01:03:01You have just learned at a very early age,
01:03:03when it took me over 2,000 years to find out,
01:03:06people magic is much more powerful than genie magic.
01:03:10What's people magic?
01:03:12Well, it's a very, very special relationship
01:03:17that happens between two people who really care about each other.
01:03:21The way I care about you.
01:03:23I'm not even sure I want to have my powers now.
01:03:26You have to control them.
01:03:28You cannot let them control you.
01:03:31Do you think it's too late to try some of that people magic on Melissa?
01:03:34Why don't you call her?
01:03:36I have a feeling that she's going to like you again.
01:03:39Just for you.
01:03:41Thanks, Mom.
01:03:45Oh, and Mom, you don't look just pretty.
01:03:48You look awesome.
01:03:50Well, thank you, sir.
01:04:28What a pleasant surprise.
01:04:30Oh, boy. Listen, isn't Jeanie here?
01:04:32I'm leaving for the Cape. I wanted to say goodbye.
01:04:34Oh, what a shame.
01:04:37She went out to dinner.
01:04:39And T.J.?
01:04:41Out to dinner.
01:04:42Oh, you mean they went together, huh?
01:04:44Oh, don't be silly.
01:04:46Now, why would T.J. go out to dinner with Jeanie's boss?
01:04:48Jeanie went out with her boss?
01:04:50Well, why not? He's young, he's handsome, unmarried.
01:04:53Now, knock it off, will you?
01:04:55I am not jealous. I did not come here to check up on her, okay?
01:04:59Is this the first time she's been out with her boss?
01:05:01Who's counting?
01:05:03You know, if I were married to a man like you,
01:05:05I'd be as faithful as a day is long.
01:05:08But with my sister, sunset comes early.
01:05:12Now, listen to me.
01:05:14I want you to give her this telephone number,
01:05:15because this is where I can be reached.
01:05:17It's very important, all right?
01:05:20And tell her that I miss her very much.
01:05:24Would you like to kiss me goodbye for her?
01:05:53It has been a wonderful evening.
01:05:55Well, didn't you expect to enjoy it?
01:05:58Well, I guess I, uh, I was afraid I would.
01:06:01Jeannie, I know you think this is too soon,
01:06:03and we hardly know each other,
01:06:05but the first minute I saw you,
01:06:07I knew we were meant to fall in love.
01:06:09You are right.
01:06:11It is too soon.
01:06:17But I feel like I've known you for a thousand years.
01:06:20Oh, I think I would have remembered you.
01:06:23I already know what I want.
01:06:28Oh, let us see what is good down here.
01:06:33Hi, Jeannie.
01:06:34I thought that was you.
01:06:35Hello, Roger.
01:06:38Ah, Roger, this is Wes Morrison, my boss.
01:06:41Wes, this is Roger.
01:06:42Hi, Wes, how do you do?
01:06:43Nice meeting you.
01:06:44Mind if I join you guys?
01:06:45My date's in the powder room for some major repairs.
01:06:50Roger is a longtime family friend.
01:06:52And admirer.
01:06:54Tony and I were in the space program together.
01:06:57He's my husband.
01:06:58Yes, I know.
01:06:59How about Tony going to the Cape for the final countdown?
01:07:02He left?
01:07:04Not bad for old pops, huh?
01:07:06He never even said goodbye.
01:07:15Waiter, more wine, please.
01:07:21Service around here is unbelievable.
01:07:24You know what happens to genies when they have just one little sip of red wine.
01:07:29A genie.
01:07:39You ordered wine.
01:07:54I guess the repairs were a little more major than I thought.
01:08:04What do you say we blow this joint, okay?
01:08:07Good idea.
01:08:08Here we go.
01:08:09You two, Wes.
01:08:10Come on, Wes.
01:08:11Good boy, Wes.
01:08:12Why don't you go?
01:08:13Come on, Wes.
01:08:14Here we go.
01:08:17Wait a minute.
01:08:18What the hell is going on in there?
01:08:20Wait a minute.
01:08:21What the hell is going on in there?
01:08:23What is going on in there?
01:08:24Yes, that's right.
01:08:25Well, you're probably having hallucinations.
01:08:26You probably had a bad oyster.
01:08:27I didn't have oysters.
01:08:28I had a salad.
01:08:30Probably had a bad cucumber.
01:08:31I'll get the car.
01:08:32You get the car.
01:08:33Get the car.
01:08:34That's good.
01:08:35That way out of here.
01:08:36That way.
01:08:51When in Rome.
01:09:04I still don't understand what happened in that restaurant.
01:09:07I don't know.
01:09:08I must have blacked out or something.
01:09:10Well, let's just say it was a memorable evening.
01:09:12Well, I know how we could make it even more memorable.
01:09:15You could invite me in for a cup of coffee.
01:09:17Oh, look.
01:09:18I think we should be honest with each other.
01:09:20Oh, no.
01:09:21See, the first thing, we're honest with each other.
01:09:23Then the next thing you know, the love affair is over.
01:09:25Well, this isn't a love affair.
01:09:26Yeah, but it could be if you invited me in for a cup of coffee.
01:09:29Oh, Wes.
01:09:30Wes, you know I like you.
01:09:32But I think of you as a friend who's fun to be with.
01:09:36You're a nice man.
01:09:38You deserve a lot more than I can offer.
01:09:41You're a nice man.
01:09:42You deserve a lot more than I can offer you.
01:09:45So it's true, then.
01:09:46Nice guys do finish last.
01:09:50Look, I am trying to learn how to be independent,
01:09:53how to be a real woman.
01:09:54It's all right. I understand.
01:09:55And how to run the trash compactor.
01:09:57I understand.
01:09:58You don't take yes for an answer, do you?
01:10:06Excuse me.
01:10:15Tony, where are you?
01:10:19And why did you leave without saying goodbye?
01:10:22Didn't you get my message?
01:10:23What message?
01:10:24The one that I left with your sister.
01:10:27I did not get it, but I'm going to give it to her.
01:10:30Now, Jeanie, listen to me.
01:10:32And don't answer now.
01:10:34Don't answer right away, okay?
01:10:36I'm asking you to come back.
01:10:38Not because you have to, but because you want to.
01:10:41Tony, I...
01:10:42Please, don't answer now.
01:10:45If our marriage has a chance,
01:10:50be at home when I come home, please.
01:10:53And if you're not, I'll know it's really over.
01:10:56And whatever you do,
01:11:00I want you to know that
01:11:03I want you to know that
01:11:05loving you is the best thing that ever happened to me.
01:11:20People magic.
01:11:25T-minus 27 seconds and counting.
01:11:28All recorders and oscillographs to fast.
01:11:31Burnier, start.
01:11:33Oxo-tank pressurized.
01:11:35Come on, baby.
01:11:37T-minus 10 seconds.
01:11:399, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
01:12:02And there they go.
01:12:04Colonel Tony Nelson and his courageous crew.
01:12:06Colonel John Ferris, Lieutenant Commander George Franklin,
01:12:09Dr. Thomas Elroy, and Captain Nellie Hunt,
01:12:12making her very first space exploration.
01:12:15Liberty 7 is on its way, soaring majestically into the air,
01:12:18blazing a path to the heavens.
01:12:31It's 8.18 a.m.
01:12:33At Cape Canaveral in the Space Center,
01:12:35it's just announced a perfect liftoff of the space shuttle.
01:12:38It's an exciting mission.
01:12:39Commander Tony Nelson told Mission Control this morning,
01:12:41five days after their spectacular launch,
01:12:44if the weather cooperates,
01:12:45the shuttle will be landing at Edwards Air Force Base in the morning.
01:12:48We continue now with our regular programming.
01:12:55I'm going somewhere, sister dear.
01:13:05You and your messages.
01:13:11I cannot believe that you are dropping everything to run back to Tony.
01:13:15All that talk about independence and wanting to be a mortal woman.
01:13:20I am being a mortal woman, one who wishes to save her marriage.
01:13:24And I was so proud of you.
01:13:27I mean, what happened to your newfound liberation?
01:13:30What about your job, your apartment?
01:13:33What about the furniture I gave you?
01:13:35None of that matters if I can't have Tony.
01:13:38Especially the furniture.
01:13:43Where is my nightgown?
01:13:45Careless of me.
01:13:47I seem to have bottled it up.
01:13:51Now if you think that is going to stop me...
01:14:03I'm counting on it.
01:14:06Oh, how ridiculous. I will be out of here in a blink.
01:14:09Oh, need I remind you that genies can't get out of corked up bottles?
01:14:13Well, someone will come along to let me out.
01:14:15Fat chance.
01:14:17You see, this is a very special cork.
01:14:20Only another genie can pull it out.
01:14:22Well, then I will summon Haji.
01:14:24Who do you think gave me the cork?
01:14:29You let me out.
01:14:31Oh, can you imagine Tony's disappointment when he arrives home and you're not there?
01:14:37Oh, are you sure to think the marriage is over?
01:14:59This is a news net alert.
01:15:01We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you this special bulletin.
01:15:05NASA has confirmed that the space shuttle, Liberty 7, is in an erratic orbit due to a problem with their guidance system.
01:15:12Meanwhile, astronomers are continuing to check the path of a large asteroid still some distance away,
01:15:18but which represents a potential danger.
01:15:21Please stay tuned to this station for further reports.
01:15:29Genie, let me in.
01:15:32Genie, it's Dory. I need to talk to you.
01:15:36Oh, hi, Dory.
01:15:37Roger, am I glad to see you. Genie isn't answering, and I know I heard voices in there a little while ago.
01:15:41Well, I thought I'd come over and see her. I figured she heard about the space shuttle.
01:15:46I called T.J. at Melissa's house. They're sending him home.
01:15:49Maybe she keeps a key around here someplace. You look up there.
01:15:53Oh, I got it.
01:15:56She's all right.
01:16:01Genie? Genie?
01:16:03Genie? I'll go look in T.J.'s room.
01:16:10Thank heavens. Genie, I'm in the bedroom.
01:16:13So am I.
01:16:16In my bottle.
01:16:22Genie, Genie, Genie, Genie.
01:16:25Good, good, good.
01:16:33Look, Genie, I suppose you heard the news about the space shuttle.
01:16:37It does look bad, but hiding inside that bottle isn't going to help.
01:16:40Roger, is something wrong with the space shuttle?
01:16:43Well, why don't you come out and we'll talk, okay?
01:16:45I cannot.
01:16:46All right, hold on, hold on, okay?
01:16:50Be careful.
01:16:54There we are.
01:16:55Roger, she isn't anywhere in the apartment.
01:16:56I'll have you out in a minute.
01:16:57Roger, why are you talking to that bottle?
01:16:59I always talk to bottles when I'm trying to get them open.
01:17:01Well, here, let me try. I've been working on my thighs.
01:17:03No, no, no, no, no.
01:17:06Why don't you go over and check with the neighbors and see if they know where Genie is?
01:17:08Oh, meanwhile, what will you be doing with that bottle?
01:17:11What am I doing with the bottle?
01:17:13Oh, well, I'm just going to sit here until Genie comes out.
01:17:15In, in, in, Genie, come in.
01:17:23Roger, what is happening to the space shuttle?
01:17:27There's a malfunction with the guidance system.
01:17:29They're on a collision course with a huge asteroid.
01:17:32Please don't panic.
01:17:35Oh, Roger.
01:17:36Roger, do something.
01:17:38Roger, get me out.
01:17:41I know.
01:17:43I'll break the bottle open.
01:17:46Hold on.
01:17:50Roger, what's wrong with you?
01:17:52Roger, Roger, Roger!
01:17:54I know you've been under a lot of strain,
01:17:57but banging a bottle on a table isn't going to accomplish anything.
01:18:01You're right.
01:18:04I'm going to get a sledgehammer.
01:18:07A sledgehammer?
01:18:12Here is an update on the emergency in space.
01:18:15The space shuttle is reported headed for a collision with the renegade asteroid at 7.56 this evening.
01:18:20Mission Control is trying desperately to activate the backup guidance system,
01:18:24but less than an hour remains now.
01:18:26Meanwhile, the fate of the astronaut crew hangs in the balance.
01:18:30Mom! Mom!
01:18:32Did you hear the news?
01:18:33Is there anything you can do?
01:18:51I'm in the bottle.
01:18:52Oh! Oh!
01:18:55I'm sorry, Mom.
01:18:57Dad's in trouble.
01:18:58I know.
01:18:59TJ, you must be very, very brave.
01:19:03Aren't you going to do something?
01:19:05I might be able to, but I'm trapped in here.
01:19:08Can't you get out?
01:19:09No, only another genie can set me free.
01:19:12I'll call Aunt Genie.
01:19:14How do I do that?
01:19:15Oh, you cannot.
01:19:18Listen, listen.
01:19:21It will not be so bad.
01:19:23I bet there are a lot of boys who wish they could bottle up their mothers.
01:19:27It is just that now there is no one to save your father.
01:19:32Mom, don't cry.
01:19:34Please don't cry.
01:19:35I'll stay here with you always.
01:19:37Oh, you're a good son.
01:19:47TJ, listen to your mother.
01:19:50I want you to try to remove the cork.
01:20:00I can't.
01:20:01Try again, only this time blink.
01:20:07It won't budge.
01:20:09TJ, concentrate really hard on what you want and blink.
01:20:16I think it moved.
01:20:19I'm sure.
01:20:22Something's happening.
01:20:40Mom, does this mean I have my powers?
01:20:43It is a very good sign.
01:20:46You're not going to let Dad die, are you?
01:20:48No, no, come.
01:20:49We do not have much time.
01:20:56With certain destruction of the space shuttle some 17 minutes away,
01:21:00there is still no indication from mission control
01:21:02that they have been able to get a handle on the problem with the guidance system.
01:21:08Jeannie Sweetums, listen to me.
01:21:09We have a mess on our hands.
01:21:12Our darling master needs our help.
01:21:18Do stop sulking and come out.
01:21:21We have to go talk to Haji.
01:21:24Very well, I'll come in.
01:21:32Jeannie, where are you?
01:21:35Oh, dear.
01:21:36Don't be so boring and come out.
01:21:41This will do it.
01:22:01Knocked the top off.
01:22:02I knocked the top off.
01:22:03Jeannie, you can come out now.
01:22:06Jeannie, she's gone.
01:22:08She's out.
01:22:09She's gone out.
01:22:11Good, good.
01:22:12Jeannie's gone out.
01:22:13Everything's going to be all right.
01:22:15Tony is going to be all right.
01:22:16Right, and so are you.
01:22:17I'm going to make you a cup of tea.
01:22:18Jeannie will fix everything.
01:22:19Jeannie's got everything fixed.
01:22:20Yes, she will.
01:22:22Houston, this is Liberty 7.
01:22:24How are we looking?
01:22:25The situation remains critical.
01:22:27Our apologies for the rough trip.
01:22:35Please, Haji, you must help us.
01:22:38I'm sure you know that Jeannies do not have the power to keep people from dying.
01:22:42Then give me a special dispensation.
01:22:44I do not want my husband master to die.
01:22:47Please, Mr. Haji, there's only about five minutes left.
01:22:50All this begging and pleading, it's interfering with my workout.
01:22:53Who cares about him?
01:22:56Please, Haji, I beg of you.
01:22:59Give me a special dispensation.
01:23:13On one condition.
01:23:14Oh, anything.
01:23:16I will do anything to save him.
01:23:17Even lose him.
01:23:21I will give you permission to alter fate, but there is a price to pay.
01:23:27You and T.J. will be wiped from your husband's memory,
01:23:33and from the memory of every mortal who ever knew you.
01:23:38Is there no other way?
01:23:39I can't go around dispensing dispensations willy-nilly, can I?
01:23:43Otherwise people would go on living forever,
01:23:46and you think highways are crowded now.
01:23:50You'd better hurry and make up your mind.
01:23:52Three minutes more, the sands are running out.
01:23:57Mom, one way or another we lose him, but we can't let him die.
01:24:05Now I know what it means to be a mortal.
01:24:08It means to love someone so much you're willing to risk losing him.
01:24:18Could we have one last night together?
01:24:27By the light of the full moon,
01:24:31you must hold the amulet in your hand
01:24:37and blink three times.
01:24:44Liberty 7, this is Houston. Do you read? Over.
01:24:47Roger, do you receive me?
01:24:48Affirmative. We are working on the problem.
01:24:50Well, work on it a little harder, will you? Traffic's getting heavy up here.
01:24:56This network is patching in to mission control during this...
01:25:00Mom, the moon's not coming out!
01:25:01...process in space.
01:25:03I love you, Tony. I love you. I love you.
01:25:06Liberty 7, this is the mission director.
01:25:08The president has asked us to convey to you and your brave crew
01:25:11the sympathy of the entire nation.
01:25:13Thank you, Forrest Houston, and I'm sorry I didn't vote for you.
01:25:17Affirmative. You're all heroes in our book.
01:25:20Roger. Roger and out.
01:25:33I love you, Jeannie.
01:25:35Can't you make the clouds go any faster?
01:25:42Ten seconds to impact.
01:25:449, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
01:25:57Houston, we're okay. I don't understand it.
01:26:00It's gotta be some kind of a crazy miracle, but we're definitely okay.
01:26:04Thank God.
01:26:05Bring her down soonest, Liberty 7.
01:26:07Bring her down to Edwards.
01:26:17This is Edwards, Liberty 7. You never look better.
01:26:20Same to you, Edwards.
01:26:22The space shuttle is settling down.
01:26:24It'll soon be racing along the runway and will then be breaking to a halt.
01:26:28General Nelson and his astronaut team have brought her home.
01:27:21Welcome back, Dad. We sure are glad to see you.
01:27:24Goes both ways, fella.
01:27:28God, you look good.
01:27:30Goes both ways, fella.
01:27:35Well, I guess you two have a lot of catching up to do, so I'll let you catch up.
01:27:41Okay, son.
01:27:44Good night, Dad.
01:27:45Good night.
01:27:47Listen, tomorrow we'll do something special.
01:27:50Just the two of us, okay?
01:27:55Yeah, tomorrow.
01:28:17Jeannie, did you have anything to do with what happened up there?
01:28:21Let's not talk about that right now.
01:28:22The only thing that's important is that you're safe.
01:28:24Oh, believe me.
01:28:26I'm never going up again.
01:28:27That was my last flight.
01:28:30Oh, my darling.
01:28:32You must do what is right for you.
01:28:34And you must do what is right for you.
01:28:36I promise you I'll never ask you to use your powers again.
01:28:40And I want you to know something.
01:28:42I have always loved you just for yourself.
01:28:50I'll remember that always.
01:28:55There is this one little thing.
01:28:58Yes, Master Darling Husband.
01:29:01You know the Jeannie costume?
01:29:03Just for me.
01:29:04Could you wear it on special occasions?
01:29:07You mean like tonight?
01:29:23Tonight would be good.
01:29:54I love you.
01:30:22I love you, too.
01:30:51Mom, how is he ever going to get along without you?
01:31:05How am I ever going to get along without him?
01:31:36I'm terribly sorry.
01:31:58Haji made me agree to an ending.
01:32:00He never said there couldn't be a new beginning.
01:33:01I love you, too.
01:33:29I love you, too.
01:33:57I love you, too.