Fort Massacre (1958)

  • 2 months ago
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00:01:50Anna! Anna!
00:02:20On 28 July, 1879,
00:02:24Sea Troop, under command of Captain Cole,
00:02:27was attacked by an Apache war party
00:02:29numbering approximately 70 braves.
00:02:32The enemy was driven off with heavy casualties.
00:02:35Sea Troop also suffered over 50% casualties,
00:02:38including Captain Cole.
00:02:40Of the survivors, two were wounded.
00:02:43Private Pendleton, who had a minor flesh wound to the left arm,
00:02:47and Lieutenant Cameron severely wounded in the body.
00:02:50The only non-commissioned officer left alive
00:02:53was Sergeant Vinson, who took command.
00:02:56After burying Captain Cole and the other dead,
00:02:59we proceeded westward at Sergeant Vinson's orders.
00:03:02To the best of my knowledge, we were at that time
00:03:05in the southwestern portion of the territory of New Mexico,
00:03:09approximately 100 miles from Fort Crane.
00:03:24You know, Collins, I've been thinking.
00:03:26Pretty stupid, all this.
00:03:28Well, you figure it.
00:03:29First we push west, the Apaches nail us,
00:03:32then we head east, they pick us off again.
00:03:36We're digging a groove in this desert six feet deep.
00:03:39They ain't marched us north or south yet.
00:03:41If we make it to Crane, I'm dumping this monkey suit
00:03:44and I ain't just talking.
00:03:45Sure you are.
00:03:46Man don't mind so much as getting it
00:03:48if it's for something worthwhile.
00:03:50Do you think meeting a wagon train
00:03:52and escorting it to California is worthwhile?
00:03:54Not in my book.
00:03:56Think how big it must be,
00:03:58raiding an escort of 300 men.
00:04:00I don't care if it stretches all the way back to St. Joe.
00:04:03It's a wagon train.
00:04:05Who wants to die for a bunch of dirt farmers?
00:04:08Anyway, we ain't hit Crane yet,
00:04:09and by the way everything's going,
00:04:11maybe none of us never will.
00:04:13Be lucky if we can find the main column.
00:04:15You know, Saul Becker, there was a big mess of Apaches
00:04:18we met up with yesterday.
00:04:20So I've been thinking.
00:04:22Wouldn't it be a fine hoopty-do if we was the main column?
00:04:31Well, I'll just be wetting me whistle
00:04:34if you don't mind, Lieutenant.
00:04:47I shouldn't have done that now.
00:04:49Should have more respect for government property.
00:04:52Even when a thing is useless,
00:04:54you pin a medal on it and toot a horn
00:04:56and bury it in a deep hole.
00:04:58Of course, you've got to have proper orders.
00:05:01Yes, orders.
00:05:03The date, the regimental seal,
00:05:05signed by three colonels, two generals,
00:05:08maybe even the Pope himself.
00:05:09Isn't that right, sir?
00:05:11You can't even spit without that.
00:05:15You can't even retreat when the whole sweet platoon
00:05:18is being killed like mayflies.
00:05:20Not without orders.
00:05:22Captain Coombs. Captain Coombs.
00:05:25Captain Coombs, is it?
00:05:27Well, it's no use calling him.
00:05:29He's resigned his commission.
00:05:31Kind of sudden-like.
00:05:33Captain Coombs.
00:05:34Yes, sir.
00:05:36On the double, sir.
00:05:38I'll try to dig him up for you.
00:05:40Of course, I may need a shovel.
00:05:46Sergeant, how about a ten-minute rest?
00:05:50But there are wounded men.
00:05:52You mean you?
00:05:53All right, Vincent.
00:05:55I know in your opinion this is only a scratch,
00:05:57but we've been going for two solid hours.
00:05:59Now, how much longer?
00:06:00We can't stop here. There's no cover.
00:06:02Although maybe you could hide behind us.
00:06:05You, uh, you think they're still following us?
00:06:08I don't think. I'm a sergeant.
00:06:10I do what I'm taught, like a trained dog.
00:06:12That's not funny, Sergeant.
00:06:14With a lieutenant in the condition he's in,
00:06:15you're responsible for us.
00:06:17Well, then get back where you belong and quit whining.
00:06:19A few minutes rest. Is that too much to ask?
00:06:21Look, you want these stripes?
00:06:22You can have them. They weigh a ton.
00:06:25Apache's all around here. I can smell them.
00:06:27They'll come when they're ready and when we least expect it.
00:06:30We don't find that column soon.
00:06:32Well, it'll be at the waterhole, won't it?
00:06:35Travis and Pawnee have been gone six hours.
00:06:37Maybe they never made the waterhole.
00:06:39Maybe when they got there, all they found was trouble.
00:06:42You shouldn't have sent out such a green man.
00:06:44I didn't hear you volunteer.
00:06:46Well, why should I? I was wounded.
00:06:48That bullet only grazed you, Pendleton.
00:06:50It didn't even hurt your feelings.
00:06:53Maybe I should have gone ahead myself.
00:06:56Maybe they found more than a drink at that waterhole.
00:07:15How many you make, Mr. Travis?
00:07:17Too many.
00:07:19I don't mind admitting I'm getting awfully thirsty.
00:07:22After one drink, you must have kidneys the size of these boulders.
00:07:25A man will last longer without water if you do not mention it.
00:07:29Sorry. I guess you're pretty thirsty, too.
00:07:32If you mention again,
00:07:34count Apache.
00:07:36Notice all young.
00:07:38No squaw. No children.
00:07:41See, Sentry?
00:07:43This war party.
00:07:45I don't see many rifles. Only five or six.
00:07:48You will learn what is in man's heart
00:07:51more dangerous than what is in his hand.
00:07:54Come. We tell others.
00:07:56Today we die in this canyon.
00:08:18Come on.
00:08:43Thought I told you to take care of him, McGurney.
00:08:45Well, how do you like that?
00:08:47He could hold his precious hand.
00:08:49Could I have the tobacco?
00:08:51As a keepsake, mind you.
00:08:53Terrible shock, I tell you, him going a jiffy like that.
00:08:56And without even asking permission from Washington.
00:08:59That'll be enough of that.
00:09:01I need a six-foot hole dug. Any volunteers?
00:09:03Don't look at me, Sergeant.
00:09:05I'm too overcome with grief.
00:09:07I certainly can't do it.
00:09:10All right. I'll be the ghost.
00:09:12Half the tobacco.
00:09:18Three feet will be plenty. He was only half a man.
00:09:21Sergeant, look.
00:09:29Travis and Pawnee.
00:09:31It's about time.
00:09:47Patches at the water hole.
00:09:49More than 50 of them.
00:09:51They didn't have many rifles, if that helps any.
00:09:53They only counted half of the...
00:09:55The lieutenant?
00:09:57Collins is burying them. Any sign of the column?
00:10:00No. No tracks. No nothing.
00:10:02Well, what do we do now, Sergeant?
00:10:06I don't know.
00:10:10If only the lieutenant hadn't died.
00:10:12Well, how do you like that, lads?
00:10:14The sergeant's lost without his lieutenant.
00:10:17Can't bypass that canyon.
00:10:19Even if we could make it to the fort without water, the horses can't.
00:10:22We can't just stay here.
00:10:25That's right.
00:10:27So there's nothing else to do but hit them.
00:10:29Hit them, is it?
00:10:31Are you all at home, man? They outnumber us four to one.
00:10:34Must be the heat.
00:10:36Over 50 Apaches, he said.
00:10:38And you want us to take that water hole?
00:10:44Very bad.
00:10:50You haven't said anything.
00:10:52I mean, I haven't anything to say.
00:10:54No opinion?
00:10:56I'm not even here.
00:11:00Look, Vincent.
00:11:02Why don't we wait till we've found the main column?
00:11:04Then we can attack in force.
00:11:06They only have a few guns, and we all know that water hole.
00:11:09If we destroy high on the cliffs, we'll catch them in a pocket.
00:11:13Oh, that suicide.
00:11:15He's crazy.
00:11:17Let's take a vote on him.
00:11:19That's a democratic suggestion.
00:11:21And of the yeas and the nays, you can count one loud and enthusiastic nay.
00:11:25Collins, that's deep enough.
00:11:27Roll him in and cover him up. Let's move.
00:11:30You mean without reading the good book?
00:11:33If he needs our help to make it upstairs, he's in worse shape than he looks.
00:11:40Myself, I've always been one to think well of a man,
00:11:43but a fearful thought just crossed my mind.
00:11:46And I know just what it is.
00:11:48Hey, what's all this?
00:11:50Never your mind.
00:11:52But if it's true, heaven help us all.
00:11:54There is much talk of heaven.
00:11:56Very fine place.
00:11:58But who wants us to go there?
00:12:01Ah, get along with you, you little heathen.
00:12:04Fire! Fire!
00:12:40All right, this is where we leave the horses.
00:12:42It's only a couple of miles up the canyon,
00:12:44and it's important they don't hear us coming.
00:12:46You men that had to walk, stay here with the horses,
00:12:48and see if they get water.
00:12:50Water? What water? Are you crazy?
00:12:52What water are you referring to, Sergeant?
00:12:54What are you going to do, tap a rock with your water?
00:12:57What are you going to do?
00:12:59What are you going to do?
00:13:01What are you going to do?
00:13:03What are you going to do?
00:13:05What are you going to do?
00:13:07What are you going to do?
00:13:09Tap a rock with your wand like Moses?
00:13:11Each man has water.
00:13:13Leave your canteens here.
00:13:15Yeah, and us.
00:13:17What are we supposed to do?
00:13:19Drink all you want at the water hole, after we take it.
00:13:21If we take it.
00:13:23What happens if we don't take it?
00:13:25If we don't, we won't be thirsty.
00:13:27All right, now get this.
00:13:29Nobody fires a shot or makes a sound
00:13:31till each man is in position
00:13:33with every exit to the canyon covered.
00:13:35When I get there, I'll start shooting,
00:13:37and you can think of all that nice water.
00:13:39I'm thinking of it now,
00:13:41and how well it would mix with whiskey.
00:13:43You, uh, you won't change your mind, Vincent?
00:13:45I'm sure the lieutenant...
00:13:47I'm sure the lieutenant's dead. Move out.
00:14:05You're no nervous man, Mr. Travis.
00:14:07You know, shoot me in battle,
00:14:09I'll do my best.
00:14:11But what's all that?
00:14:13Indian believe it is wrong to kill.
00:14:15Pink face.
00:14:17Oh, God.
00:14:21Just like I've always said,
00:14:23you're nothing but a low, savage heathen.
00:14:27Explain to me, Mr. Travis,
00:14:29what you're doing.
00:14:31What I'm doing?
00:14:35Explain to me.
00:14:37You Christian,
00:14:39you carry gun.
00:14:59Get over behind that rock.
00:15:13That's our lookout on the rock up ahead.
00:15:19He's still 100 miles away.
00:15:21That's close enough for me.
00:15:23If we ever make it to Fort Crane,
00:15:25I'm dumping this monkey suit for good.
00:15:27Sure you are.
00:15:29I want a man posted here. Pass the word back.
00:15:59Shawbacker, you stay with me.
00:16:01You and the others take cover over there.
00:16:33You and Pendleton stay here.
00:16:35Don't talk, and for the love of Mike, don't smoke.
00:16:37Those savages have got noses as long as your arm.
00:16:39Look how many there are.
00:16:41Never mind them.
00:16:43Can you handle your rifle with that bad arm?
00:16:45Yeah, I think so.
00:16:47All right. Get going.
00:16:49Stay out of sight.
00:17:01Come on.
00:17:31Come on.
00:18:01Come on.
00:18:31Come on.
00:19:01That was close, man.
00:19:03Be more careful.
00:19:05Do you think I did it on purpose?
00:19:07All right, all right. Don't get yourself in an uproar.
00:19:09Come along, Eden.
00:19:11Not you and me trying to find a rock
00:19:13that don't look like a tombstone.
00:19:23That's where you get off the train, Shawbacker.
00:19:27It's almost wide open between here and the East End,
00:19:29so cover me.
00:19:31Don't worry. They won't see you.
00:19:33You can hide behind your medals.
00:19:59He must think he's made of glass.
00:20:01He's a fool. He's worse than a fool.
00:20:03He's a madman.
00:20:09Well, it gets in my way.
00:20:21it's going to strike.
00:20:23It's going to strike.
00:20:25It's going to strike.
00:20:27Travis, it's going to strike.
00:20:29No, don't move.
00:20:31We can't shoot.
00:20:35I've got to.
00:20:43He fired that shot.
00:20:45He's got to have killed all of us.
00:21:53Who fired that first shot?
00:21:55How do I know? Look at them come.
00:21:57The closer they come, the harder it is to miss.
00:22:07Hold it.
00:22:09Keep shooting. They're coming up.
00:22:25Hold it.
00:22:43They'll be paying us a call next.
00:22:45I'll tell you one thing.
00:22:47If I could remember a prayer, I'd say it.
00:22:49Do not fear, my friend.
00:22:51I have already included you in mine.
00:22:55Come on!
00:23:07Come on!
00:23:09Come on!
00:23:25Come on!
00:23:39I think we got him.
00:23:41Not yet. Keep shooting.
00:23:43Let's go.
00:23:59We'll make that ridge above us.
00:24:01We better pull back.
00:24:03Keep your position.
00:24:05But they'll have us called.
00:24:07Keep shooting.
00:24:13Keep shooting.
00:24:43I told Vincius what happened.
00:24:45I told him!
00:24:47He knows what he's doing.
00:25:13Keep shooting.
00:25:45I didn't know water could taste so good.
00:25:49I should write home about it, but nobody in my clan would believe it.
00:25:53Water rushed sure inside me, Pop used to say.
00:25:55It was the death of your Uncle Tim.
00:25:57What do they call it?
00:25:59Cirrhosis. Cirrhosis of the liver, it causes.
00:26:03You all right, lad?
00:26:07A little green around the gills.
00:26:09I wouldn't be surprised.
00:26:11Feeling shaky, huh?
00:26:13Well, it's no disgrace after combat.
00:26:15What about during combat?
00:26:17I came within a hair of running.
00:26:19Oh, so that's it.
00:26:21I was fighting my legs more than the Indians.
00:26:23Well, never mind. We were all in the same fix.
00:26:25All except our...
00:26:27our rank and member.
00:26:29Sergeant only know how to attack.
00:26:31Him not man, him animal.
00:26:35Four to one against us.
00:26:37We should have waited for the main column.
00:26:41All right.
00:26:43Maybe I shouldn't be saying anything after what I did.
00:26:45Forget it. You couldn't help it.
00:26:47I'm a coward when it comes to snakes.
00:26:49There are no such things as cowards.
00:26:51There's... there's only degrees of fright.
00:26:57Get back to this, Sergeant.
00:26:59I wonder if it's treason to...
00:27:01to hate a butcher.
00:27:03Where is he, anyhow?
00:27:05Counting dead.
00:27:07For report.
00:27:09I can't find somebody I can kill all over again.
00:27:17I'll be back in a minute.
00:27:27You want me?
00:27:29I found a dead snake up on that ridge.
00:27:31I don't think you killed it.
00:27:33Did Pendleton?
00:27:35I don't know. Maybe he committed suicide.
00:27:37No, not speaking of.
00:27:39In combat, one man breaking can mean lights out for everyone.
00:27:43What's that supposed to mean?
00:27:45Look, I'm a new man.
00:27:47I'm green as they come.
00:27:49I don't know. Brass buttons from hot rocks.
00:27:51Put me to work and order me around.
00:27:53Don't ask me questions like that.
00:27:57You never stick your neck out, do you, Travis?
00:27:59I'm just something that comes with the horse.
00:28:01You got brains, you could get somewhere.
00:28:03I like it where I am.
00:28:05Don't you ever have an opinion?
00:28:09I hate earthquakes.
00:28:13Pendleton was a good man when he came with this platoon,
00:28:15but now he's had it.
00:28:17Was that all?
00:28:19He's dangerous, as you can see by what happened today.
00:28:2160% casualties when it should have been a walkover.
00:28:23You blame him?
00:28:25I made the only decision possible.
00:28:27What else could I do?
00:28:29Don't ask me.
00:28:31You must have been listening to McGurney.
00:28:33He thinks I enjoy all this.
00:28:35Do you?
00:28:37Not that it's any of my business.
00:28:39But why did you kill that last Apache?
00:28:41He was ready to surrender.
00:28:43You said it yourself, Travis.
00:28:45You don't know brass buttons from hot rocks.
00:28:47Those Apaches hate us, do you understand?
00:28:49They hate us so much, they quit being human.
00:28:53Hate can do that.
00:28:55It swells up inside you till it pushes out every other feeling.
00:28:57Pain, love, even fear.
00:29:01When a man gets like that, bursting with it,
00:29:03the only way for that hate to come out
00:29:05is through a neat round bullet hole.
00:29:11That's all.
00:29:13You and the rest can take turns
00:29:15watching from that ridge up there.
00:29:27That's all.
00:29:57You and the rest can take turns
00:29:59watching from that ridge up there.
00:30:01That's all.
00:30:27That's a mighty fine tune.
00:30:29That's a mighty fine tune.
00:30:31Almost Irish.
00:30:33Lively, if you know what I mean.
00:30:35Well, I don't feel very lively
00:30:37surrounded by all this cold meat.
00:30:39surrounded by all this cold meat.
00:30:41Well, the dead don't bother me, lad.
00:30:43In fact, being among them
00:30:45and out of doors like this
00:30:47reminds me of a wee sin I committed
00:30:49once in a little park outside Dover.
00:30:51once in a little park outside Dover.
00:30:53That night I learned that it's the living
00:30:55That night I learned that it's the living
00:30:57you've got to fear.
00:30:59The constable interrupted us at what you might call
00:31:01a... well, an awkward moment.
00:31:03a... well, an awkward moment.
00:31:05I'm wondering what happened to main Column.
00:31:07Quiet, Parney.
00:31:09It's bad enough you're a low savage.
00:31:11Must you be a killjoy as well?
00:31:13They have to pass through here, according to Vincent.
00:31:15So I guess sooner or later we'll find out what happened to them.
00:31:17Today we killed 53 men.
00:31:19One whole war party.
00:31:21Maybe Column not so lucky.
00:31:25McGurney, Travis, Ronnie.
00:31:35I heard something. It came from the west end.
00:31:37It sounded like voices.
00:31:39Probably an echo of our own.
00:31:41They're more likely coyotes. They can smell death 40 miles.
00:31:43Hold it a minute.
00:31:45Maybe the Column.
00:31:47We won't take any chances.
00:31:49McGurney, go down. See that everyone takes cover.
00:31:51Men on foot.
00:31:53No horses.
00:31:55You sure? How do you know?
00:31:57I can tell. I'm born of mother who was born of desert.
00:32:01We've got an invited guest.
00:32:03Come with me and look sharp.
00:32:07Just give me my rifle, Swalbecker, and go with the others.
00:32:09No, I might as well stay here.
00:32:11It's as good a place as any.
00:32:13Do you know what comes out of a green tree?
00:32:15Gooey sap.
00:32:17Yeah, it's me, all right.
00:32:19Want to know something else?
00:32:21Do me a favor.
00:32:23Put a lid on that hole.
00:32:25We get back to the fort.
00:32:29Don't you dump that monkey suit.
00:32:31You wear it well.
00:32:49Oh, no!
00:32:51I got stuck.
00:32:53I can't help it.
00:32:57It's okay.
00:32:59Keep going ahead.
00:33:03Come on, Moss.
00:33:05I know this place.
00:33:07Get up. We're almost there, I tell you.
00:33:09I can't.
00:33:11Just a few hundred yards more.
00:33:13I can't make it.
00:33:15All right, then.
00:33:17All right, that's far enough.
00:33:19Hold it.
00:33:21Don't get trigger-happy. We ain't moving.
00:33:23We're 2nd Platoon B Company.
00:33:25Is that you, Tucker?
00:33:29Give me a hand here, McGurney. Moss is about dead.
00:33:33It's all right. It's the column.
00:33:35You mean what's left of it.
00:33:37All right. Get him on his feet.
00:33:41Go on.
00:33:43They came up at us from all sides.
00:33:45Cut us up like 5 cents worth of liver.
00:33:47I've never seen anything like it.
00:33:49You fellows were lucky making it here.
00:33:51I was with the colonel, and even he was sweating green.
00:33:53Must have sent out 10 dispatchers for help.
00:33:55Said he was gonna make it to this here waterhole...
00:33:57and try to hold out till reinforcements came.
00:33:59Any of the dispatch riders get through?
00:34:01Who knows?
00:34:03Me? I was up on that little rise.
00:34:05Let me tell you, I almost got sick.
00:34:07C Company wiped them out down to the very last man.
00:34:09Riley, Wentworth, Big Mac.
00:34:11When the colonel got his, that was about it...
00:34:13as far as I was concerned.
00:34:15There wasn't hardly nobody left.
00:34:17What'd you do, run?
00:34:19That's a stinking dirty word.
00:34:21We withdrew.
00:34:23Not without orders, you didn't.
00:34:25Who said we didn't have orders? We had orders.
00:34:27From who?
00:34:29From me as the rank and private.
00:34:31With everybody dead, I ordered myself and Moss to beat it.
00:34:33Perfectly proper it is, too, Sergeant.
00:34:35Congratulations on your first command, lad.
00:34:37You reached your objective without casualties...
00:34:39which is more than can be said for certain other parties.
00:34:41Tough enough spot.
00:34:43You're right. We'll have to hold this place till help comes.
00:34:45The question is, can we?
00:34:47Even if dispatch go through...
00:34:49takes troops five days' reach here.
00:34:51Long time.
00:34:53Well, we got all the water we need, plenty of provisions and ammunition...
00:34:55and we can build our port out of boulders.
00:34:57That's a good idea.
00:34:59What do you say, Vincent?
00:35:01No. You mean it's not possible?
00:35:03I mean we're not staying.
00:35:05In case it slipped your memory, our orders were to meet some wagons at Fort Crane.
00:35:07Nothing's changed, to my knowledge.
00:35:09Listen, those orders were meant for 300 men.
00:35:11Maybe none of the dispatch riders got through.
00:35:13That'd leave us sitting out here with every Apache in the world looking for us.
00:35:17We'll travel at night and throw them by taking the long way to the south.
00:35:19If we don't pamper ourselves, we should be at the fort day after tomorrow.
00:35:21The south, is it?
00:35:23South of here is plain murder and you know it.
00:35:25What's the matter, Vincent?
00:35:27Haven't you spilled enough blood the last few days?
00:35:29I didn't hear that.
00:35:31Then I'll repeat it for you.
00:35:33The area to the south has been closed to troops for more than a year.
00:35:35Why do you keep looking for trouble?
00:35:37You're a sick man, Vincent, and we all know why.
00:35:39Just because the Indians murdered your wife, you're not going to get us all killed.
00:35:45We leave in 10 minutes.
00:36:07We leave in 10 minutes.
00:36:37Seems Tucker didn't come empty-handed.
00:36:39Like a belt?
00:36:41No, thanks.
00:36:43I hope what Pendleton said doesn't worry you.
00:36:45A lot of things worry me, but not words.
00:36:47It's true, you know.
00:36:49I mean about my wife.
00:36:51But the thing that he and the rest probably don't know
00:36:53is that there were also two kids.
00:36:55They were ambushed on the way to meet me
00:36:57to be five years in June.
00:36:59They were ambushed on the way to meet me
00:37:01to be five years in June.
00:37:03They were ambushed on the way to meet me
00:37:05to be five years in June.
00:37:09I don't think they do know.
00:37:11She was quite a person.
00:37:13She was quite a person.
00:37:15Not much on looks, maybe,
00:37:17but just about the gentlest human being I ever met.
00:37:19but just about the gentlest human being I ever met.
00:37:21Could you believe it?
00:37:23She couldn't even swat a fly.
00:37:25She used to catch them in her hand
00:37:27and put them outside.
00:37:29Funny her being married to somebody like me.
00:37:31Funny her being married to somebody like me.
00:37:33Why not?
00:37:35I've swatted a few flies in my time.
00:37:37I've swatted a few flies in my time.
00:37:39Anyway, I...
00:37:41I loved her.
00:37:43I still do.
00:37:45Her name was Janet.
00:37:47The kids' names were...
00:37:49Carol and John.
00:37:51Sometimes it's not good to remember.
00:37:53Sometimes it's not good to remember.
00:37:55Let's get on something else.
00:37:57All right.
00:37:59Let's talk about you.
00:38:01You know, you're quite a mystery.
00:38:03Oh, me?
00:38:05Nothing seems to really get to you.
00:38:07That's my nature.
00:38:09I guess I'm blank, like those three little monkeys.
00:38:11You know, see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing.
00:38:13You know, see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing.
00:38:15Now, there's a typical Travis answer.
00:38:17You've told me exactly zero.
00:38:19What is there to tell?
00:38:21I'm 30 years old and a recruit.
00:38:23Before that, I was 29 years old and a common tramp.
00:38:25Before that?
00:38:27I was a baby.
00:38:29I mean it.
00:38:31You see, I never could really make up my mind about anything.
00:38:33When I was a kid,
00:38:35my folks asked me what I wanted to be,
00:38:37a doctor or a lawyer.
00:38:39Well, I thought about it,
00:38:41but I just couldn't decide,
00:38:43so I put it off until college.
00:38:45Even then, I couldn't make up my mind.
00:38:47So I graduated cum laude,
00:38:49speaking fluent Greek.
00:38:51I hated leaving school.
00:38:53It seemed to demand
00:38:55some sort of a move on my part.
00:38:57What was it going to be,
00:38:59a doctor or a lawyer
00:39:01or maybe open a bad restaurant?
00:39:03So I took to the road
00:39:05to be alone and figure it out.
00:39:07I'm still on the road.
00:39:09And that, in brief,
00:39:11is the story of my life.
00:39:13Not quite.
00:39:15You joined up.
00:39:17That must have required some kind of a decision.
00:39:19Yes, it did.
00:39:21Something was eating away at me.
00:39:23I wasn't a doctor or a lawyer.
00:39:25Maybe I wasn't even a man.
00:39:29I think I'll find out here.
00:39:33More men find themselves in the wilderness
00:39:35than lose themselves in it.
00:39:37But in your case, I don't see there's much hope.
00:39:39It doesn't take any guts
00:39:41to go out and shoot a lot of Apaches
00:39:43who are trying to kill you.
00:39:45That's just protecting your own skin.
00:39:47Real guts involves the very thing
00:39:49you're afraid of, a decision.
00:39:51Like my wife's.
00:39:55Your wife's?
00:39:57I told you the Apaches murdered her and the kids.
00:39:59That's not exactly true.
00:40:01She shot the children herself
00:40:03rather than have them taken alive.
00:40:08I can't match guts like that.
00:40:11Can you?
00:40:21Come on, let's go.
00:40:51Let's go.
00:41:26Ah, welcome, Pasquale.
00:41:33Ah, two pails.
00:41:35For nine, two.
00:41:41Welcome, Squalo.
00:41:43Anything the matter, Adele?
00:41:45You've got eyes.
00:41:47Captain, what are they doing here?
00:41:49I don't know. Maybe they're lost.
00:41:51Point them in the right direction and keep moving.
00:41:53I'll get rid of his nibs.
00:41:55They've got no right to be here, but they keep coming.
00:41:57And every time they protect us,
00:41:59I get my wagon burned.
00:42:14Who's that up ahead?
00:42:16Just a trader.
00:42:18You run into him once in a while.
00:42:20Way out here?
00:42:22Can't do much of a business.
00:42:24They don't have to.
00:42:26On every swap, they make 10,000%.
00:42:28See it? A wagon.
00:42:30Must be near Crane.
00:42:33Can't see it. Too dizzy.
00:42:35Well, perk up. It's got 11 girls in it,
00:42:37one for each of us.
00:42:39You must be dizzier than me.
00:42:42We don't want no trouble here,
00:42:44so please go before it starts.
00:42:46Did you hear?
00:43:03Hello, Charlie. How's business?
00:43:05Oh, so it's you.
00:43:07Excuse me if I don't jump for joy.
00:43:09Last time we met, they burned me out.
00:43:11That's what you get for selling matches.
00:43:13All right, dismount, water your horses,
00:43:15pitch your shelter halves over there.
00:43:17This is a closed area, Sergeant. You shouldn't be here.
00:43:19Not so? How's Adele?
00:43:21Believe it or not, Charlie's married
00:43:23to the only Apache-speaking white woman in the territory.
00:43:25Now, just a minute.
00:43:27I say something wrong,
00:43:29you get the idea Charlie and Adele are Indian lovers.
00:43:31They're just business people,
00:43:33dealing flour, sugar, rifles, and dead soldiers.
00:43:35Look, Sergeant, I know you don't like us,
00:43:37but look at it from our standpoint.
00:43:39If I had my way,
00:43:41your standpoint would be up against the wall.
00:43:43This is a big country.
00:43:45Now, look, why don't you be a good fellow
00:43:47and camp someplace else?
00:43:49Who's boning?
00:43:51Uh, a customer. He'll be leaving in a minute.
00:43:53Name's Moving Cloud, son of a chief.
00:43:55For my money, they're all sons of chiefs.
00:43:57Hey, where are you going?
00:43:59I might have known it'd be you.
00:44:01Does he understand English?
00:44:03A little. Why not let him go?
00:44:05There's a nest of Apaches in this area, over a thousand.
00:44:07If you start something, you won't have a prayer.
00:44:09Tell him we're staying here till dark
00:44:11and then pushing on to Fort Crane.
00:44:13He's keeping us company until we get there.
00:44:15What are you talking about?
00:44:17You can't do that. He ain't done nothing.
00:44:19That's just the way I want to keep it.
00:44:21Maybe if he's with us,
00:44:23we won't have to crawl over any more of his relatives.
00:44:25Tell him.
00:44:29Now tell him to put that knife down.
00:44:31Oh, you're making it rough.
00:44:33Keep going.
00:44:39You better tell him again.
00:44:41Keep going.
00:44:49All right.
00:44:51Now if you behave, nothing will happen to you.
00:44:55This buck's our prisoner until we hit Fort Crane.
00:44:57Take charge of him.
00:45:49Stay put!
00:46:03Stay put!
00:46:13He's badly hurt.
00:46:15He's dead.
00:46:17Well, you and your sergeant started this.
00:46:21He was only a red heathen,
00:46:23but God alone knows I loved that man.
00:46:29If no one objects, I'll be the one to take his grave.
00:46:33All right.
00:47:03All right.
00:47:33Come on.
00:48:03He brought us here
00:48:05where he knew there were Apaches.
00:48:09Well, could it be that...
00:48:11And I'm asking you plain.
00:48:13Could it be that he was willing
00:48:15to sacrifice himself and all the rest of us
00:48:17for a chance at more killing?
00:48:19Oh, cut it out, McGarney.
00:48:21Yeah, cut it out, will you?
00:48:23This outfit's beginning to scare me.
00:48:25You know what happened?
00:48:27His idea was to take a hostage
00:48:29so he'd get through to Crane without a fight.
00:48:31I... I wish I could believe it.
00:48:33The truth is he needled that buck
00:48:35by putting him in the custody of the Pawnee.
00:48:37He hasn't been the same
00:48:39since the word came about his wife.
00:48:41Lost control of the wagon,
00:48:43and we're riding with him all the way to the bottom of the hill.
00:48:45Am I right, or am I wrong?
00:48:47Don't ask me.
00:48:49I'm lost without my tea leaves.
00:49:01Moving cloud really moved.
00:49:03Never got within a mile of him.
00:49:05Well, don't let it spoil your day.
00:49:07It does, and it spoils yours, too,
00:49:09because now we got to make a run for it
00:49:11before he gets back with his whole tribe.
00:49:13Where's the Pawnee?
00:49:21He's, uh...
00:49:23He's gone.
00:49:25He's, uh...
00:49:27Here's another souvenir for you, Sergeant.
00:49:55Well, this is a nice place
00:49:57Vincent's taking us to.
00:49:59Is this what he calls running for it?
00:50:01We could have been halfway to Crane by now
00:50:03if we'd have stuck to the trail.
00:50:05Five hours, and where are we?
00:50:07I'm beginning to think McGurney is right.
00:50:09Well, if he is,
00:50:11I'm beginning to think
00:50:13he's right.
00:50:15I'm beginning to think
00:50:17he's right.
00:50:19I'm beginning to think
00:50:21he's right.
00:50:23I'm beginning to think
00:50:25McGurney is right.
00:50:27Well, if he is, you're right.
00:50:29It's gonna be real nice.
00:50:31Yeah, we could have saved ourselves that long walk.
00:50:33I stand with the colonel.
00:50:43I'm right here.
00:50:45What happens to a man when he dies?
00:50:47Oh, how do I know?
00:50:49They die, that's all.
00:50:51Oh, I gotta know.
00:50:53Why, nothing like that's gonna happen to you.
00:50:55You're too mean.
00:50:57You know what I think?
00:50:59I think it's like a big room.
00:51:01You just keep walking
00:51:03from one room to the other, and you're all alone.
00:51:05All alone.
00:51:07Do you have to keep yapping
00:51:09about kicking off?
00:51:11Maybe you run for a hundred years
00:51:13or a thousand years,
00:51:15and the walls keep coming down.
00:51:17You just keep running.
00:51:19I've got a good company all right.
00:51:21When we get to Ukraine, the first thing I'm gonna do
00:51:23is lose you.
00:51:25Just run, that's all.
00:51:27Empty rooms.
00:51:29Just keep running.
00:51:43How is he?
00:51:45He's still alive, but it's no thanks to you.
00:51:47There's an abandoned cliff dwelling up ahead.
00:51:49The well's dry and the walls are falling in,
00:51:51but at least we can get him in for a rest.
00:51:53You mean stop?
00:51:55Just for an hour.
00:51:57Well, that's crazy, and I'm against it.
00:51:59We'll never get to the fort at this rate.
00:52:01We'll never get there at that rate either.
00:52:03All right, we'll build our own fort.
00:52:05Fort Massacre.
00:52:07He's coming around now.
00:52:09Get him on his horse.
00:52:11And this time tie him.
00:52:13He's had an hour's rest.
00:52:15He's got stripes, so we're going to do like you say.
00:52:17But I give you fair warning,
00:52:19this Whatchamacallit had better be abandoned.
00:52:45Oh, how long has that been there?
00:53:07Hundreds of years, I guess.
00:53:09Probably nobody there,
00:53:11but no use taking any chances.
00:53:40It's down!
00:53:59I'll get him for this.
00:54:01I swear I'll get him for it.
00:54:31I'll get him for it.
00:54:59Well, what do you know?
00:55:01A menagerie.
00:55:03Yeah, the question is, who does it belong to?
00:55:05Yeah, another question might be,
00:55:07which one of these critters stinks the worst?
00:55:09Hello, Jerry.
00:55:15Happy days.
00:55:17Happy days, is it?
00:55:19And where did a beggar like you come from?
00:55:21Oh, I'm not a beggar.
00:55:24Happy days.
00:55:26Happy days, is it?
00:55:28And where did a beggar like you learn English?
00:55:30Wood crane, bridger, work in oil settlement.
00:55:33Make shoe, fix harness, go to church.
00:55:37You got to be kidding me.
00:55:39I'll give you a whiskey, you old devil, with a flat of me hand.
00:55:42What's she got there?
00:55:44Yeah, darling beast it is.
00:55:46How old?
00:55:47It is not yet a dinner.
00:55:51You remain where you are, do you understand?
00:55:54Sure, why not?
00:55:56You got it all.
00:56:02Stay here and keep your eye on them.
00:56:04This is something I didn't expect.
00:56:05Are they just settlement piutes?
00:56:06There's no harm in them?
00:56:07Do as I say.
00:56:16Look, Sergeant.
00:56:18It must belong to those piutes.
00:56:21What piutes?
00:56:22It's a couple camped here.
00:56:23Anything above?
00:56:24No, not a thing.
00:56:25Tucker, you come with me.
00:56:26We'll hide the horses.
00:56:29So, you know, this is real luck.
00:56:30Looks like we have a little fresh milk.
00:56:33You know, I knew I was saving this bottle for something to smell.
00:56:36You mean you touched that filthy animal?
00:56:37He's crawling with lice.
00:56:40Easy now, dearie.
00:56:41Come on.
00:56:42Come on, let's help bring Collins in.
00:56:55Well, I must have dozed off.
00:56:59It's kind of an eerie place.
00:57:00A lot of empty rooms and a well full of dust.
00:57:03Hey, what's this?
00:57:04Something I threw from Halloween?
00:57:05Just an old piute with a terrible thirst.
00:57:08I seem to recall the Sergeant telling you to stay inside.
00:57:12My granddaughter.
00:57:13She's beautiful and of good age.
00:57:17Do you know her?
00:57:18Yes, I have, you old rascal.
00:57:20Scrape a bit of dirt off her, she'd be a little princess.
00:57:23She will dance for whoever brings us a tin of horseradish.
00:57:28Any particular brand?
00:57:30A donkey with a sword on his back.
00:57:33All right, I'll see what I can dig up.
00:57:35But only if she gets back inside.
00:58:06Put it right there.
00:58:15You can clean the wound, but he's lost a lot of blood.
00:58:19It'll be a lot longer than an hour before he can travel again.
00:58:22You mean we'll have to leave him here?
00:58:24Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you?
00:58:25Easy, Schwalbecker.
00:58:26No, no, I wouldn't.
00:58:27Collins is a good man.
00:58:28He's a good man.
00:58:29He's a good man.
00:58:30He's a good man.
00:58:31He's a good man.
00:58:32That'll be enough of that.
00:58:33Collins is a member of this platoon.
00:58:35As long as I'm in command, no one's running out on him.
00:58:38We'll stay here till tomorrow.
00:58:39He may be a little better by then.
00:58:41A little better or a little worse, that's what you really mean, isn't it?
00:58:44It could go either way.
00:58:45We'll know tonight.
00:58:46Why wait?
00:58:47If we ask him a favor, maybe it'd kick off now.
00:58:49You talk too much.
00:58:50Get some water heated.
00:58:51You're the nurse.
00:58:52As for the rest of you, I want sentries, and I want them awake.
00:58:55I'll take the first tour.
00:58:56No, you turn in.
00:58:57I'm saving you for tonight.
00:58:59Anybody want a shot?
00:59:00What, that sour milk?
00:59:02No, this is good price goat milk.
00:59:04Listen, believe it or not, this has got quite a kick.
00:59:07Yeah, let's see.
00:59:10That's got a kick, all right.
00:59:12You must have milked that donkey.
00:59:13New experiences, you're the best.
00:59:16And I'm not talking about you.
00:59:18You're the one who's got it.
00:59:20You're the one who's got it.
00:59:22You're the one who's got it.
00:59:23You're the one who's got it.
00:59:24You're the one who's got it.
00:59:25You're the one who's got it.
00:59:26You're the one who's got it.
00:59:27I knew a gal once who was a health fiend, drank nothing but goat's milk.
00:59:31Boy, did she stink.
00:59:39Hey, miss, I wouldn't give for a good sleep.
00:59:44I brought the sacks.
00:59:46Oh, fine, fine.
00:59:48That's your granddaughter?
00:59:50Pretty, eh?
00:59:52I'm baptized.
00:59:54You want to see her papers?
00:59:56Well, I'll take your word for it.
01:00:00You get men harness, ride horse, sing hymns, drink whiskey.
01:00:06Tell the girl.
01:00:08Wait, when she's through eating, she will dance, as was agreed.
01:00:13Well, I'll keep.
01:00:18Too thin.
01:00:21I only said she would dance.
01:00:24When you take your first bath, don't skip your mind.
01:00:54Time for me?
01:01:18You've been out cold for ten hours.
01:01:22I took your shift. I couldn't sleep anyhow.
01:01:24But you better get ready now. You'll be here in a few minutes, four o'clock.
01:01:28I'm sorry. You should have dumped me out.
01:01:30Forget it.
01:01:32Wind's gone down. You should have a pretty nice day.
01:01:35How's Collins?
01:01:37Still with us, just.
01:01:39Been chewing away at it most of the night.
01:01:41It's wrong, sentimental, it's bad arithmetic.
01:01:44Nine of us to only one of him.
01:01:47And we wait till sunrise, and then back in the saddle he goes.
01:01:50He dies, he dies.
01:01:52Is it rough going from here?
01:01:54No, there's no wagon trail.
01:01:56I figure about half a day to the fort.
01:01:58I'll sure be glad to see it. I've been wondering if it even exists.
01:02:01It exists.
01:02:04My troubles won't be over when we get there.
01:02:06What do you mean?
01:02:08The charges filed, maybe even a court-martial.
01:02:11I told you I couldn't sleep, you know why?
01:02:14Too much noise.
01:02:16All these watches in my pocket ticking away.
01:02:18You can't be blamed.
01:02:20No? Who ordered the attack at the waterhole?
01:02:22Who refused to wait for reinforcements?
01:02:24Who put a Pawnee scout in charge of a hostile Apache?
01:02:27You think it looks good?
01:02:28You did what seems best.
01:02:30I don't know, did I?
01:02:32I think so.
01:02:34Goddamns, I tried.
01:02:36I didn't want command, but when it was wished on me,
01:02:38I fought every decision through, sticking to the book,
01:02:40trying to keep myself out of it.
01:02:42You know what McBurney thinks and the rest of them.
01:02:44Forget it.
01:02:46They don't figure the orders came from a U.S. Army sergeant.
01:02:49They figure the orders came from a man
01:02:51whose wife was raped and murdered.
01:02:54They're just griping.
01:02:56Don't take them seriously, Vincent.
01:02:58When they get back to the fort,
01:02:59it'll all be forgotten in ten minutes.
01:03:01You think so?
01:03:02I'm certain of it.
01:03:03And as far as I'm concerned, Wyatt,
01:03:06I'm proud to be with you.
01:03:08Thanks for saying that.
01:03:10I need it. I need it bad.
01:03:12You may have made some mistakes,
01:03:14but they were honest mistakes that anyone could have made,
01:03:16like that business of the Pawnee.
01:03:18I put the Pawnee in charge of that prisoner
01:03:20because he knew every single Apache trick.
01:03:22That was no mistake.
01:03:23All right.
01:03:24If you're still mourning that unarmed buck
01:03:26I shot at the waterhole,
01:03:28that was no mistake either.
01:03:30I tell you, they're not to be trusted or shown any mercy.
01:03:33They're insane with hate, bursting with it.
01:03:35Now, look.
01:03:36Look, nothing.
01:03:37You gotta feed them bullets or end up...
01:03:39end up one of these.
01:03:43You're all tied up in knots.
01:03:45Why don't you try to get some sleep?
01:03:48I'm sorry, Travis.
01:03:50And about those watches.
01:03:53Any one of them could have been your own.
01:04:13You almost won yourself a trip to the happy hunting grounds.
01:04:17Now, what are you doing up here sneaking around in the dark?
01:04:20My grandfather wants some whiskey.
01:04:24Who doesn't?
01:04:27He said soldiers always have some.
01:04:31But they don't always have girls to pass the time.
01:04:36Go back and tell her that mostly they don't have either.
01:04:39Now, who let you out of the cave?
01:04:41The sergeant, so we could put some salve on the donkey.
01:04:44Well, why aren't you doing it?
01:04:54There's no whiskey.
01:04:55You're wasting your time.
01:04:57I have a lot of time.
01:04:59I'm only 17.
01:05:03Where are you people headed?
01:05:06You mean you don't know where you're going?
01:05:08Do you?
01:05:10Of course.
01:05:12It must frighten you.
01:05:15What do you mean?
01:05:17To know where you are going is to know where you end.
01:05:22Look, it's too early in the morning.
01:05:25Paiutes say that all journeys are without reason.
01:05:30You move from the place where you were born
01:05:33to where you will die.
01:05:36Don't you agree?
01:05:38Let's forget the whole thing.
01:05:40You go grease your donkey.
01:05:42He isn't mine.
01:05:43It's all right.
01:05:44He belongs to your grandfather.
01:05:46Only in a way.
01:05:47Only in a...
01:05:49Now, what do you mean by that?
01:05:51Here he belongs to my grandfather.
01:05:54At Fort Crane, there would be some question.
01:05:57So there is some reason for this journey.
01:05:59Go grease your donkey.
01:06:30Come on, eat your mush, get your strength up for that nice ride.
01:06:33I pull every stinking detail on this stinking outfit,
01:06:36but this is the limit.
01:06:37When we get to Crane, I'm dumping this monkey suit for good.
01:06:40You've been saying that your last two enlistments.
01:06:42Yeah, but this time I mean it.
01:06:52Soldier! Soldier!
01:06:59Well, Vincent, what's all the excitement?
01:07:01Grandpa here claims a party of horsemen is headed this way,
01:07:03but you can't prove it by me.
01:07:05I can't hear anything.
01:07:07Can you?
01:07:08My grandfather's ears are very sharp.
01:07:11If he says 20 or 30 horsemen will be here in an hour,
01:07:14they will come.
01:07:16I bet you one drink whiskey.
01:07:18Maybe it's the troopers from Crane.
01:07:19On the closed area?
01:07:20We're overdue.
01:07:21Maybe it's patrol out looking for us.
01:07:23They never expect to find us here.
01:07:25Must be an Apache scouting party.
01:07:28One thing for sure, we can't stay here.
01:07:32Well, what are we waiting for, Vincent?
01:07:34In an hour it'll be daylight.
01:07:35There's no wind now, so we'd leave nice fresh tracks.
01:07:38Let's get going.
01:07:39Catch up with us in no time.
01:07:41Have us cold right out in the open.
01:07:43You got us into this, Vincent, so you get us out.
01:07:46Easy, Pendleton. Let the man think.
01:07:48Let him think, is it?
01:07:49That's all he's been doing.
01:07:51Vincent, I tell you one thing.
01:07:53You got us in another scrap,
01:07:55so you better stay out of the sights of my rifle.
01:07:57Listen, they can't know we're here.
01:08:00There's nothing, not a mark to show we came in,
01:08:03so we'll play it looking down their throats.
01:08:05When they get here, all they'll find is those Paiutes.
01:08:08Begging your pardon, Sergeant,
01:08:10but what would you have us do?
01:08:12Disappear in a column of fours?
01:08:14I want everything out of sight.
01:08:15Men, saddles, and equipment.
01:08:16Men, saddles, and equipment, he says.
01:08:17Did you hear that, lads?
01:08:20Where do you think you're going?
01:08:22The wind should have stopped.
01:08:24It's cold, and the donkey wants to work.
01:08:27I can hardly hold him.
01:08:31Nobody's going anywhere.
01:08:33Get back inside.
01:08:34But we already know the many details.
01:08:37The packing.
01:08:38Something wrong?
01:08:39He says for us to stay.
01:08:41We can't let them go.
01:08:42They'll run into those Apaches
01:08:43and tell them we're hiding here.
01:08:45Oh, I don't think they will.
01:08:46After all, we've been pretty busy.
01:08:48Well, after all, we've been pretty good to them.
01:08:50You heard me.
01:08:51Get moving.
01:08:55If they find us here with you, they will kill us.
01:08:58It's trouble.
01:08:59Did we make it?
01:09:01We shoot no guns, blow no bugles.
01:09:04My granddaughter, she is baptized,
01:09:06and she has your papers.
01:09:08Why must we die?
01:09:10An Indian knows when an Indian is hated.
01:09:13A Sergeant's hate is for all to see.
01:09:17The only good Indian is a dead Indian,
01:09:20baptized or not.
01:09:22That is what he thinks.
01:09:25Help us?
01:09:29He makes the decisions.
01:09:31There's nothing I can do.
01:10:48Apple, brush him.
01:10:55Apple, Johnny.
01:11:07That's it, that's it.
01:11:18That's it.
01:11:34What happened?
01:11:36They have taken my granddaughter.
01:11:38I don't like this.
01:11:39If they harm her, I will pull these stones down.
01:11:43Do that and I'll kill you.
01:11:45Yes, you will kill me,
01:11:47but they will kill you, every one of you.
01:11:50Put that stone back.
01:11:55Enjoy your grave, soldier.
01:12:16It's Port Crane.
01:12:30He has a disease.
01:13:43What is this?
01:13:46This man, I tell you.
01:14:04Steal these, that fort.
01:14:13They were here.
01:14:15Were they not?
01:14:16Ah! No!
01:14:18I swear, we have not seen them.
01:14:21All those things I've told you before.
01:14:25Where did they go? When did they go?
01:14:27Tell me, quick.
01:14:30Please, I swear.
01:14:32I have not seen them.
01:14:37Maybe you tell the truth.
01:14:42No tears.
01:15:03Are you crazy? Put those rocks back.
01:15:05You killed my granddaughter.
01:15:07Do something.
01:15:10Give me that rifle or go.
01:15:12You murdered my granddaughter.
01:15:26I'm scared.
01:15:39I'm scared.
01:16:00Get back in there. Are you out of your mind?
01:16:45Are you wounded?
01:16:47Traveser, you hit bad.
01:16:50Well, I've still got my watch.
01:17:10He was a good animal.
01:17:13So was on his back.
01:17:16I almost had him cured.
01:17:18Never mind that.
01:17:19You know the way to Fort Crane?
01:17:21Take an Apache horse and ride there.
01:17:23Tell them we were cornered and attacked.
01:17:24We've got dead and wounded.
01:17:26Yes, and you killed him.
01:17:28They were going to go.
01:17:30My granddaughter told me.
01:17:32Why did you shoot?
01:17:34Are you going?
01:17:37You saw him do it.
01:17:39You saw him kill all these men.
01:17:42Well, Travers...
01:17:48Make up your mind.
01:17:50How do I know it's true?
01:17:53I wasn't even here, just those three little monkeys.
01:17:57All right.
01:17:59Get moving.
01:18:02I will go, but I will tell the truth.
01:18:06I am over 80.
01:18:08But I am at least a man.
01:18:11And I will tell the truth.
01:18:32You heard the sergeant.
01:18:34Get going, Grandpa.
01:18:37You killed him?
01:18:41For an Indian?
01:18:45For a lot of Indians.
01:18:47A lot of soldiers.
01:19:01That's the way he died.
01:19:20Sergeant Vincent was as fine a man as I ever knew.
01:19:24He fought to control the hate which had infested and grown within him... hard as he could.
01:19:30But it finally overcame him.
01:19:32And it resulted in the near annihilation of C Troop.
01:19:36That's the end of this action report.
01:19:39I realize now that's the only way it could have ended.
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