La patata bollente (1979) ENG sub

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00:01:55Ciao, Candy.
00:01:57Buongiorno, signor Elvira.
00:01:58Oh, buongiorno, signor Mambelli.
00:01:59S'è posta per me?
00:02:00Adesso guardiamo.
00:02:01Come vanno le cose?
00:02:02Tutto sotto controllo.
00:02:04Marcioli, Perchiazzi e Jovini sono usciti con quasi mezz'ora d'anticipo.
00:02:09La signora Colombo è uscita puntuale, ma con un livido sulla gotta sinistra.
00:02:13Si sospetta l'intrico marito geloso.
00:02:16E grossa novità, la cameriera dei Bonivento è rimasta incinta.
00:02:20Ma da quando?
00:02:21Da venerdì notte.
00:02:23In confronto a lei la Digos è roba da dilettante.
00:02:26Ma cos'è sta Digos?
00:02:28È come una portineria, no?
00:02:30Però in grande, ma segreta.
00:02:32Dove tutti sanno tutto di tutti, ma nessuno lo deve sapere.
00:02:35Così si evita che succeda qualcosa di grave.
00:02:37Arrivederci e mi raccomando.
00:02:39Buona guardia.
00:02:41Certo che faccia la guardia.
00:02:43Ehi Gandhi, che cosa fai?
00:02:54Monta, oggi è il turno mio.
00:02:56Ah già.
00:02:57Senti la novità.
00:02:58Da quando il Cagliari è passato in serial ti sei montato la testa, eh?
00:03:07Sempre la gazzetta leggi, eh?
00:03:11Si vede che c'hai nostalgia della boxe.
00:03:14Eh Gandhi?
00:03:16Stanotte ho sognato che combattevi contro Carlo Smonzo.
00:03:20Dopo un match senza risparmio di colpi tu lo mandavi in K8 con un diretto d'incontro.
00:03:28Esatto, il diretto d'incontro è un colpo omicidiale.
00:03:31E certo.
00:03:32Poi lo scuotevi con una serie di ganci e lui andava giù.
00:03:36Come un birillo.
00:03:39Senti un po', la penultima volta che mi hai sognato chi è che andava giù come un birillo?
00:03:43Leon Spinks.
00:03:44Alla dodicesima ripresa, dopo una serie di ganci al viso con un diretto al fegato, lui andava giù come un birillo.
00:03:53Ma perché la notte non riposi invece di sognare le stronzate?
00:03:57Guarda che lo stronzo sei tu.
00:03:59Potevi essere un grande pugile e invece ti sei messo a fare l'operaio.
00:04:04A quest'ora saresti campione d'Europa, con un sacco di soldi e un sacco di tonne.
00:04:10Ma io non sarei mai diventato un campione, non sono abbastanza cattivo.
00:04:13Io per picchiare uno lo devo odiare, se non l'odio invece di dargliele le prendo.
00:04:20Urca che chiappe, quando vedo questa roba mi si annebbia la vista.
00:04:24Ma dove cazzo guardi, deficiente? Hai visto che mi hai combinato? Porca miseria, porca miseria.
00:04:38Ma guarda che cazzo mi hai combinato.
00:04:41Mi dispiace, mi sono distratto un attimo.
00:04:43Ma a me non dispiace un cazzo, io l'aggetto come te gli sparerei in bocca, capisci?
00:04:49E dai, ha ragione il taxista, no?
00:04:51Anche tu ti devi decidere, o guidi o guardi i culi.
00:04:54Guarda cosa hai combinato, vergogna.
00:04:57Piantalo, sono solo 20.000 lire di danno.
00:04:59Ma io ti do 20.000 a calci in bocca da farti cadere i denti, capisci?
00:05:03Non lo suggeriamo adesso, non t'ho mica sparato col mitra.
00:05:07Ti sparo io col mitra? Baffetto schifoso, non c'ho pietà per quelli che guidano come te.
00:05:12Io ti impiccarei.
00:05:14Scusi, qualcuno deve aver dimenticato questo giornale di estrema destra nel suo taxi.
00:05:18No, questo giornale è mio.
00:05:21Eh, ma allora cambia tutto.
00:05:23Nell'incidente abbiamo ragione noi, perché noi veniamo da sinistra.
00:05:27Sai, è un fatto di precedenza.
00:05:29Non ti impecciare, capito? Se no ti spezzo la schiena.
00:05:32Senti un po', taxi driver.
00:05:34A questo punto mi hai fatto veramente girare le balle, e allora fuori i secondi.
00:05:56E' andato giù come un virillo.
00:05:58Porcaccio la vacanza.
00:06:00Dai, non infiarire ora. Ma che puoi fare?
00:06:14Ho lavorato i fianchi anche al mezzo meccanico.
00:06:44Oe, ragazzi!
00:06:46Vi faccio notare che ieri sono andate a puttane due tonnellate di vernice verde
00:06:50perché è stato sbagliato il dosaggio nel miscelatore numero 35.
00:06:54E' stato messo troppo solvente.
00:06:56Se vogliamo andare su in direzione a rompere i coglioni per difendere i nostri interessi
00:07:01dobbiamo sempre essere dalla parte della ragione.
00:07:04Quindi lavoriamo come si deve.
00:07:06Chiaro? Buon lavoro.
00:07:38Iniziate lo scarico del rosso 312
00:07:41e del blu 417.
00:07:45Controllate lo scarico delle vasche 15, 16 e 121.
00:07:51Di un po', Bodini, ma quello non sarà mica il giallo 211 alle volte.
00:07:55E' giallo Canarino.
00:07:57Si, Canarino. Caduto nella cacca, però.
00:08:25Ciao, bello.
00:08:29Ciao, Maria.
00:08:31Che c'è di buono oggi?
00:08:32Pasta e fagioli o minestra di verdura?
00:08:34Eh? Ah, pasta e fagioli.
00:08:38E' incredibile, sai. Pensi solo a quella roba lì, tu, eh?
00:08:41Eh, certo. Io insisto. Perché così, quando tu cambi idea, mi trovi preparato.
00:08:47Guarda che io non cambio idea. Sono una donna fedele.
00:08:51Ciao, Gandhi.
00:08:53Ciao, Gandhi.
00:09:00Ciao, Gandhi.
00:09:03Ecco pronto il tuo minestrone.
00:09:05Eh no, minestrone no. Lo sai che sono a dieta.
00:09:08E poi da domani basta anche con questo trattamento particolare.
00:09:11Voglio farla a fila, come tutti gli altri.
00:09:13Dai, che c'è l'olio, come piace a te.
00:09:19Qui cosa c'è?
00:09:20Pollo alla cacciatora.
00:09:22Eh no, il pollo no. Posso totalizzare al massimo 500 punti nella dieta scientifica.
00:09:29Una fettina di zuppa inglese, guarda.
00:09:32Eh, ma allora voi volete proprio rovinarmi.
00:09:34Eh vabbè, porto via.
00:09:35No. Ormai queste cose sono qua e le mangio, un minimo di carattere.
00:09:39Maria, il sale.
00:09:40Sì, vengo.
00:09:42Ho notato che mancano la frutta, il formaggio e la grappa, doppia, eh.
00:09:45Va bene.
00:09:46Oh, dico, ma mica ti vorrei mangiare tutta questa roba.
00:09:49Oh, ricordati che hai un soprannome da rispettare, Gandhi.
00:09:52Il campione del mondo, dello shopron dell'affare.
00:09:54A me mi sta sulle valle quel soprannome lì.
00:09:56Non potevate chiamarmi bombolo?
00:09:58Domani è sabato, che facciamo?
00:10:00Andiamo a ballare, eh.
00:10:01Han aperto una nuova discoteca.
00:10:03Mi ci porti a ballare?
00:10:04Va bene.
00:10:05Allora, tu telefoni alla Patrizia, che così siamo in quattro.
00:10:08Allora andiamo?
00:10:09Va bene. Prima però dobbiamo andare al cinema.
00:10:11C'è un film che non posso assolutamente perdere.
00:11:02Gandhi, che ti è successo?
00:11:04Ma perché hai suonato? Cosa fa?
00:11:06Per poco il Fernando non muore soffocato.
00:11:09È un anno che ci hanno promesso i depuratori.
00:11:11E se non li mettono, prima o poi qualcuno di noi ci lascia la pelle.
00:11:14Ha ragione Gandhi. Ci vogliono i depuratori, ci vogliono.
00:11:18Vado io a parlare col direttore, perché qui le cose devono incominciare a cambiare.
00:11:22Ma dove vai Gandhi? Aspetta.
00:11:24Gandhi, non fare pazzie.
00:11:26Lascia che siano interessi meravigli che rappresentante sindacale.
00:11:29Ma sì, ci penso io.
00:11:30Il sindacato siamo noi. Anzi, sono io il sindacato.
00:11:33Gandhi, non fare cose affrettate. Aspetta.
00:11:38Un momento. Aspetta.
00:11:40Guarda Gandhi, che i rapporti con la proprietà sono di competenza delle confederazioni.
00:11:44Gandhi, ci parlo io col direttore.
00:11:47A livello di esecutivo, ogni strategia di lotta è meglio sia filtrata da una mediazione a carattere unitario.
00:11:53Con le vostre mediazioni a carattere unitario ci avete spappolato le palle.
00:12:03Scusi, lei dove va?
00:12:17Dal direttore.
00:12:18Ma ce l'ha l'appuntamento?
00:12:19E certo, mi sono vestito così apposta.
00:12:21Sono Manbelli del reparto Vernici.
00:12:33Siccome per l'ennesima volta il nostro collega si è sentito male,
00:12:36io avrei delle comunicazioni molto urgenti da fare.
00:12:39Beh, visto che sei entrato, sentiamo un po' di che cosa si tratta.
00:12:44Ecco, noi del reparto, che è un ambientino leggermente diverso da questo,
00:12:50facciamo come dire... posso esprimermi con parole mie?
00:12:54Ci siamo rotti il cazzo, perché da un anno ci avete promesso i depuratori e ancora non li avete messi.
00:12:59Ho capito, Manbelli.
00:13:01Qui si tratta di organizzare una consultazione paritaria col consiglio di fabbrica, va bene.
00:13:05No, qui si tratta di mettere le manine nelle tascone e tirar fuori i soldi per i depuratori, chiaro?
00:13:09Eh, Manbelli, non esageriamo. Adesso stai uscendo dal seminato, capito?
00:13:13Oh, Manbelli, che cosa vuoi fare?
00:13:17L'esame finestra.
00:13:19Voglio farle vedere cosa abbiamo noi nei polmoni. Venga, sa' comodi.
00:13:22Sa' comodi.
00:13:32Giallo canarino 417.
00:13:35Impressionante, vero?
00:13:37E adesso credo di avere qua un azzurro cobalto 313.
00:13:45E anche questo non è venuto male.
00:13:48Ma se avessi ancora dei dubbi sull'utilità dei depuratori,
00:13:51potremmo fare una prova su di lei, con un color verde ramarro.
00:14:02No, no, no, no, buono, buono, buono, buono.
00:14:05Ho capito tutto. Buono, buono.
00:14:09Chiaro, chiaro, chiaro, chiaro. Ho capito tutto. È tutto chiaro.
00:14:18Buono, buono.
00:14:49Oh, mica l'ha scritto Marx che il sabato sera bisogna roppersi le scatole in quei cinema de...
00:14:53De sé, una parola francese.
00:14:55Eh, insomma, quella roba lì.
00:14:57Guarda che il sabato sera la classe operaia si vuole divertire
00:15:01e io che lavoro tutta la settimana come una bestia
00:15:04per quelle tre ore che mi restano voglio andare a ballare.
00:15:07E allora fidanzati con Don Lurio.
00:15:09Ah, sempre meglio il Don Lurio di uno come te che pensa soltanto alla politica.
00:15:14Anche quando ti fumi una sigaretta riesci a farne un problema politico.
00:15:17A parte il fatto che non fumo perché sono un ex atletico.
00:15:20Eh, già. Tu non fumi, tu non bevi, tu non balli.
00:15:23Ma sai che ti dico? Che tu non sei nemmeno un comunista, sei un prete.
00:15:28Guarda che se non ritiri immediatamente quello che hai detto io...
00:15:31Cosa fai? Mi rompi la faccia?
00:15:35Tanto lo sanno tutti che c'hai un bel pugno.
00:15:38Vuoi sapere la verità? Io me ne sbatto.
00:15:41Dai, Gandhi, non fare il bambino.
00:15:43Guarda che io non sono un bambino, sono un operaio.
00:15:46E lei invece è una stronza, una grandissima stronza.
00:15:49E con questo concludo la tavola rotonda. Arrivederci.
00:15:55Gandhi, torna!
00:15:56Ma lascialo stare. Tanto è fatto così.
00:16:16Caccia la macaccia, è fascista.
00:17:11Non so come ringraziarti.
00:17:13Adagio, eh?
00:17:14Su, che ti accompagno al pronto soccorso.
00:17:16No. No, al pronto soccorso non ci vengo.
00:17:21Li fanno la denuncia.
00:17:23Hai combinato qualche casino?
00:17:27No, ma non voglio metterci in mezzo alla polizia.
00:17:32Forse hai ragione tu. Tanto quali stanno sempre dalla loro parte.
00:17:35Andiamo a casa mia, non preoccuparti.
00:17:38Sei stato fortunato che io, come tutti gli sportivi,
00:17:41ho in casa l'armadietto dei medicinali.
00:17:44Potevo mica farti uno shampoo, no?
00:17:46Scommetto che il tuo sport è il pugilato.
00:17:48Sei sveglio tu, eh?
00:17:50Di un po', ma perché quei tipi ce l'avevano con te?
00:17:53Sei uno dei nostri, eh?
00:17:54Nostri chi?
00:17:55Eh, un compagno.
00:17:56Veramente no.
00:17:58Beh, un prete non mi sembri.
00:18:00Quello proprio no, ci puoi giurare.
00:18:02Comunque una ragione ci sarà perché quegli schifosi ti stavano pestando.
00:18:06Di un po', ma stai facendo l'infermiero o il poliziotto?
00:18:09Poliziotto io.
00:18:10Guarda che se io potessi il poliziotto li prendere...
00:18:13Ti sei soffigurato, ti sei soffigurato.
00:18:16Comunque se te le davano vuol dire che sei contro di loro.
00:18:20E a me tutti quelli che sono contro di loro mi vanno bene e basta.
00:18:23Certo, se potessi dormire qua.
00:18:26Anche per terra.
00:18:28Ma tu dormi qua e nel mio letto.
00:18:30Ma che cavolata dici?
00:18:32E poi con le costole rotte non ci si può muovere.
00:18:34Su, alzati, adagio.
00:18:37Adagio, adagio.
00:18:42Adagio, adagio.
00:18:44Ecco, ecco fatto.
00:18:46Ma scusa, eh?
00:18:48Scusa, questa vestaglia è della mia fidanzata.
00:18:50Sai, io vivo solo, allora lei ogni tanto viene qui e...
00:18:53Ti assicuro che qualche cosina succede.
00:18:56Beh, io vado a farti una camomilla.
00:18:58Grazie, posso fare una telefonata?
00:19:00Sì, prego, figurati, come se fosse a casa tua.
00:19:27Sì, sono io.
00:19:28Dove sei andato?
00:19:29E dove sono andato?
00:19:31Sono andato perché non ti sopporto più.
00:19:33Sono io che non ti sopporto più quando fai così, hai capito?
00:19:37Non urlare.
00:19:38Dove sei?
00:19:39A casa di un amico.
00:19:41Che amico? Dammi il numero.
00:19:42Dai, piantala, non fare così.
00:19:44Senti, se non mi dai subito il numero di dove sei, mi ammazzo, va bene?
00:19:47Mi ammazzo.
00:19:48Giuro che mi ammazzo.
00:19:49Guarda che lo faccio.
00:19:51Non posso.
00:19:53Non posso dartelo. Dai, Marcello, non fare così.
00:19:55Tu te ne approfitti perché sai che sono innamorato di te.
00:19:57E poi non puoi trattarmi così dopo tanto tempo passato insieme, è chiaro?
00:20:01Se mi lasci non vale.
00:20:03E il coro fatto.
00:20:04Se mi lasci non vale.
00:20:10Grappa, non camomilla.
00:20:15Se mi lasci non vale.
00:20:16E il coro sempre.
00:20:17Se mi lasci non vale.
00:20:25Senti, ti ho portato un grappino perché ho pensato che la camomilla è una roba un po' da culi.
00:20:35Su, bevi.
00:20:38È una bocchino, fa risuscitare i morti queste.
00:20:46E pensa a riposare.
00:20:48Grazie di tutto.
00:20:50Sai, non credo che molti l'avrebbero fatto.
00:20:54Addirittura qui nel tuo letto mi sento imbarazzato.
00:20:59Eh, ma se è per questo non ti devi preoccupare.
00:21:02Uè, ma che cosa hai capito?
00:21:03Io non sono un culatone.
00:21:05Ci mancherebbe altro.
00:21:07Allora sì che sarebbe una bella disgrazia.
00:21:09Non ti pare?
00:21:10Pensa, marxista, caporeparto, potenza fisica non indifferente e culatone.
00:21:18Sarebbe proprio il massimo.
00:21:20Io un culatone.
00:21:27Sai che mi sei simpatico.
00:21:29Pure tu a me, moltissimo.
00:21:32Beh, buonanotte.
00:21:38Scusa, forse è meglio che io vada da un dottore.
00:21:42Sento di star male.
00:21:44Ma dove ti senti male?
00:21:47Beh, adesso ti sparo giù una bella puntura antidolorifica e ti passa tutto.
00:22:02Ma che fai, disgraziato, dormi?
00:22:04C'ho gli occhi aperti, io meglio.
00:22:07Io me lontano un momento per fare i piatti e quello che fa,
00:22:10si addormenta, ma chi sorveglia qui?
00:22:16Calma, calma.
00:22:18Sono quasi pronto, eh?
00:22:20Che cosa, morfina?
00:22:22No, la morfina non l'avevo, ti faccio un ricostituente.
00:22:27Beh, male non ti può fare, al massimo ti tira su.
00:22:30Su, girati, dai.
00:22:32Tanto peggio di così non posso stare.
00:22:36Chi può essere a quest'ora?
00:22:40Pronto, chi parla?
00:22:41Sono il Gandhi.
00:22:42Il Gandhi?
00:22:43Eh, sì.
00:22:45C'è l'Iclaudio?
00:22:47Ti chiami Iclaudio, tu?
00:22:49Sì, è qui, ma in questo momento non può rispondere.
00:22:53Ah, non può rispondere!
00:22:55Allora dica a quella stronza di non trovare scuse!
00:22:59Ha capito?
00:23:04Ma ha capito quello che ho detto?
00:23:07Eh, sì, ho capito, solo che stavo pensando una cosa,
00:23:12che la cosa lì, insomma, è a letto.
00:23:15Ah, bene, non ha perso tempo.
00:23:18Io mi auguro solo che lei non si innamori di quella pazza.
00:23:21A me mi ha rovinato la vita.
00:23:23Tre anni insieme, mica un giorno.
00:23:25Ho perso i migliori anni della mia giovinezza.
00:23:28Deve essere per te.
00:23:30Ma forse è uno scherzo.
00:23:35Che vuoi ancora?
00:23:36Devo vederti subito. Impazzisco, impazzisco!
00:23:39No, lasciami perdere.
00:23:41Mi vuoi lasciare?
00:23:42Sì, tra noi tutto è finito.
00:23:43No! Amore, non farlo! Ti amo!
00:23:46Ti prego, non farlo! Sono il tuo Marcello!
00:23:49Ti amo, Claudio! Pronto?
00:23:52Dai, sbrigati. Non ce la faccio più.
00:23:55Forse è meglio farla per indovena.
00:24:00E poi, senti, ma fatela da solo.
00:24:05Lascia perdere, va.
00:24:07Tanto non è nemmeno morfina.
00:24:10E poi ho capito.
00:24:11Cos'hai capito?
00:24:13Ho capito che tu hai capito cosa sono.
00:24:16No, io non credo di aver capito.
00:24:18Ma sì che l'hai capito.
00:24:20Non fare l'ipocrita.
00:24:21Ma no, dai, tu mi stai prendendo per il cu...
00:24:24In giro.
00:24:26No, guarda, che sono proprio come pensi tu.
00:24:29Avanti, dillo.
00:24:30Tanto non è mica una cosa grave, sai.
00:24:32Va bene, insomma, se è come penso io, un po' grave lo è.
00:24:38E ci sono tanti termini per dirlo.
00:24:40Quale vuoi usare?
00:24:45Oggi si dice diverso.
00:24:47O meglio, culattone.
00:24:50Come dite voi?
00:24:51Eh no, guarda che questa volta l'hai detto tu, eh.
00:24:54Sì, però tu lo pensi? Lo pensi?
00:24:55E va bene, ma se me lo dici tu un po', lo penso, no?
00:24:57Ah, vedi che lo pensi.
00:24:59Va bene, lo penso, mi hai convinto.
00:25:03Vediamo che c'è di nuovo.
00:25:06Ah, la Columbo dorme, eh?
00:25:12Il Macaluso guarda la televisione privata.
00:25:20Allora, cosa devo fare?
00:25:22Me ne vado o mi picchi anche tu come quei fascisti?
00:25:24Ma che cosa c'entrano i fascisti?
00:25:26Non vorrei mica farmi litigare le due di notte, no?
00:25:29E poi, quando ti ho incontrato, io non ho capito che tu eri uno di quelli là.
00:25:32Mica cammini come loro.
00:25:34Perché quelli là come camminano?
00:25:38Eh, camminano così.
00:25:55E non mi dire che non camminano così.
00:25:57Ma quelle che dici tu sono le checche.
00:26:00Non tutti gli omosessuali sono checche.
00:26:02Hai capito?
00:26:03Io no.
00:26:04Comunque dormiamoci sopra.
00:26:13Senti un po'.
00:26:15Secondo te quel mambelli del terzo piano...
00:26:17Chi? Il Gandhi?
00:26:18Gandhi, appunto.
00:26:20È un uomo?
00:26:22È un uomo?
00:26:24Se il Gandhi è un uomo.
00:26:26Non ho capito.
00:26:27Quello si chiama Bernardo.
00:26:28Porti i pandaloni.
00:26:29Dire certi cazzotti che dice nei liberi.
00:26:31Più uomo di così lo vuoi.
00:26:33Ma secondo te, uno che cammina così...
00:26:36È un uomo?
00:26:37Com'è che cammina?
00:26:42E chi è che cammina così?
00:26:45Il Gandhi. L'ho visto io stanotte.
00:26:49Ma cosa guardi?
00:26:53Eh, lo so io cosa guardo. Lo so io.
00:26:57Guarda là piuttosto che...
00:27:05Signor Elvira, signor Pietro, buona domenica.
00:27:09Buona domenica.
00:27:14Ma cosa guardi?
00:27:16Niente, niente. Che guardi? Che guardi?
00:27:18Sto pensando che io scopo il cortile.
00:27:21E quello là, il Gandhi, se scopa quello là, se scopa.
00:27:24E poi tu mi vieni a domandare se quello là è un uomo.
00:27:26Ma lo sai, tu dovrai visti il Gandhi che cammina tutto così?
00:27:29Là l'ho visto.
00:27:30No, mia cara, qua. Ecco qua, vedi, nella bottiglia.
00:27:33Qua, qua c'è il Gandhi che cammina tutto così.
00:27:35E quando bevi, tu vedi il Gandhi che cammina tutto così.
00:27:38Cammina, eccolo là, lo vedi, il Gandhi lo vedi.
00:28:17Chi è?
00:28:18Gandhi, ma che fai lì dentro?
00:28:19Ma Maria!
00:28:22Maria, vengo subito, eh?
00:28:27Aspetta, ti apro.
00:28:36Gandhi, ma cos'è successo? Hai dormito nella vasca?
00:28:40Sì, avevo caldo.
00:28:42E poi dormire sul duro fa bene, è anche comodo per fare la pipì,
00:28:45perché se di notte ti scappa, la fai direttamente.
00:28:47Ma ti sei barricato?
00:28:49Eh, avevo paura dei ladri.
00:28:51Anzi, hai visto nessuno entrando?
00:28:53Ma perché avrei dovuto vedere qualcuno?
00:28:56Cos'è questa paura dei ladri?
00:28:59Non mi starei mica diventando una femminuccia per caso, eh?
00:29:02Io una femminuccia? Allora dormivo di là.
00:29:04E invece hai dormito nella vasca.
00:29:06Eh, sì, eh.
00:29:07Ma ci si sta bene, ti assicuro.
00:29:09E poi, oggi come oggi,
00:29:11il poter risparmiare una camera da letto
00:29:13son 30 o 40 mila lire al mese, fanno comodo.
00:29:16Guarda, volendo ci stai anche tu, guarda.
00:29:19Ti va di scherzare? Vuol dire che non sei più arrabbiata?
00:29:23Scusami per ieri sera, sai?
00:29:25Forse un po' esagerato,
00:29:27ma tu certe volte mi mandi proprio in bestia.
00:29:30Anche a me dispiace, davvero.
00:29:34Ho voglia di fare l'amore.
00:29:48No! No!
00:29:49Ma cosa c'è?
00:29:55L'amore lo facciamo di là, nella vasca da bagno.
00:29:57Nella vasca?
00:29:58Sì, con tutta la schiuma. L'ho visto in un film.
00:30:00Ma quale film?
00:30:01Se tu vedi soltanto i film russi sull'epopea contadina.
00:30:05Era un documentario sulla pesca della trota in Norvegia.
00:30:08C'era il pescatore e la pescatrice in mezzo al mare.
00:30:10Poi lei scivolava e finiva che faceva l'amore nella vasca da bagno.
00:30:13Con i bidili. Bellissimo.
00:30:17Ma scusa, perché parliamo così piano?
00:30:19Per creare l'atmosfera erotica. L'atmosfera.
00:30:22Oh, l'atmosfera.
00:30:28Mi fai male!
00:30:34Porca miseria!
00:30:38A poco!
00:30:39Si scivola.
00:30:44Bisognerebbe attaccarsi al sistema tailandese.
00:31:02Ma non è possibile!
00:31:03Bisognerebbe che tu cercassi di metterti in una posizione in modo che...
00:31:10Fuori dalle balle!
00:31:12Dici a me?
00:31:14È che mi hai dato una girocchiata proprio lì.
00:31:17Scusa, non l'ho fatto apposta.
00:31:20Porcaccia la vacanza, dobbiamo uscire subito.
00:31:22Mi sono ricordato improvvisamente che oggi è l'anniversario della morte del nonno.
00:31:26Ma pensa a questo quando fai l'amore con me.
00:31:28Devo portargli subito dei fiori al cimitero, altrimenti lui di lassù mi maledice.
00:31:32Perché tu ci crede queste cose?
00:31:34Solitamente no.
00:31:37Oggi sì.
00:31:45Ecco, questo è mio nonno.
00:31:46Un uomo all'antica, tutto ad un pezzo.
00:31:48Ha avuto una vita incredibile.
00:31:50A tre anni già lavorava in miniera.
00:31:52A sette scavò il tunnel del Sempione.
00:31:54A dieci passò agli altiforni.
00:31:56E a tredici diventò anarchico perché si era rotto i coglioni.
00:31:59Era il terrore dei padroni.
00:32:01E' stato lui nel 1904 organizzare gli scioperi alle officine Benelli.
00:32:05Ci sono stati degli scontri con la polizia a cavallo e si è beccato una zoccolata in faccia.
00:32:10E' morto all'ospedale.
00:32:12Perché a una costola gli ha perforato un ginocchio.
00:32:16Il nonno aveva due palle così.
00:32:18Senti, sei tu che mi hai fatto due palle così.
00:32:20Sono tre ore che mi stai raccontando la vita di tuo nonno.
00:32:23Io capisco tutto, ma passare la domenica intera al cimitero, proprio non ci sto.
00:32:30Che lavoro faceva tuo nonno?
00:32:32Ma che c'entra?
00:32:33C'entra, c'entra.
00:32:34L'orologiaio, ecco.
00:32:36Hai visto? Scusala, eh.
00:32:38E' strazione Borghese.
00:32:40Borghese sei tu che sei venuto a trovarmi unicamente perché nascondi in casa tua un culatone.
00:32:46Li mortacci tua!
00:32:52E allora?
00:32:53Eh, allora.
00:32:54Volevo prepararti un bel pranzetto.
00:32:58Come marito e moglie, a casa tua.
00:33:00No, a casa mia no.
00:33:01Perché no?
00:33:03Ho pensato di farti una sorpresa.
00:33:05Qui sul lago c'è un ristorantino dove si mangia benissimo.
00:33:08Risotto con i funghi, lucci in carpione.
00:33:11E poi alla fine, come digestivo, una bella camera.
00:33:13Ma io mi vergogno.
00:33:14Ma no, vedrai, è più eccitante che a casa.
00:33:17E poi non c'è il telefono, la portinaia che ti spia.
00:33:19E' analogo ma corrispondente, capisci?
00:33:28Ecco, vediamo un po'.
00:33:30Ah, io ti consiglio il filetto al pepe.
00:33:34Così quando siamo a letto non pensi più a tuo nonno.
00:33:39Poi invece lei si accorta che lui viveva con un uomo.
00:33:42E allora?
00:33:44Prima lei lo ha sputtanato con gli amici e in ufficio.
00:33:46Poi una notte è entrata in casa e li ha ammazzati tutti e due.
00:33:51Cosa un attimo.
00:33:54Le altre genti.
00:34:06Sono il Gandhi.
00:34:08Ah, ciao.
00:34:09Come stai?
00:34:10Come vuoi che sto, male.
00:34:12Cosa succede?
00:34:13Ma che vuoi che succeda? Mi hai pure chiuso dentro.
00:34:15Se mi prendo un colpo, neanche il 113 riesce ad entrare.
00:34:18Ma avanti, devo farla vittima, dai, dai.
00:34:20Can you get in at 113?
00:34:22Come on, I want to be the victim.
00:34:24You're the victim? What victim?
00:34:26What's wrong with you? Are you crying?
00:34:28I want to finish it.
00:34:29Finish it? Don't be stupid.
00:34:31You'll have a good night's sleep and tomorrow you'll forget everything.
00:34:33I can't sleep.
00:34:35If you can't sleep, there are sleepers on my bedside table.
00:34:38I'll be back late. Don't wait for me.
00:34:40Don't let them notice you and don't answer the phone,
00:34:43or you'll get me in trouble.
00:34:45All right, bye.
00:34:59Excuse me.
00:35:00What's wrong? Do you feel sick?
00:35:01No, no, everything's fine.
00:35:04I'm coming, just a moment.
00:35:05Just a moment.
00:35:06Let's go to the movies later.
00:35:08But later.
00:35:09All right.
00:35:10Let's be clear.
00:35:11I'll choose the movie.
00:35:13No Russian movie, no revolution, etc.
00:35:16I want a very funny show.
00:35:19All right, let's see.
00:35:21Drama in the environment of homosexuals.
00:35:23The engineer of Rimini takes his life with the Turkish barbers.
00:35:27The corpse discovered by the doorman.
00:35:29He investigates himself in the environment of private friendships.
00:35:35Excuse me a moment.
00:35:49The murderer of the barbers.
00:35:51The murderer of the barbers.
00:35:53The murderer of the barbers.
00:35:55The murderer of the barbers.
00:35:57The murderer of the barbers.
00:35:59You can see that that idiot is poisoning himself with his nifero.
00:36:02I have to hurry to save him.
00:36:04Maria, I'll find a bullet and take her home.
00:36:16I knew it.
00:36:27He took them all.
00:36:30He's still alive.
00:36:34We need air here.
00:36:58Come here.
00:36:59Something terrible is happening.
00:37:08Are you kissing me?
00:37:10No, I'm giving you artificial respiration.
00:37:13To me?
00:37:16You tried to kill yourself.
00:37:19Yes, you.
00:37:20You swallowed all the pills.
00:37:22There's an empty tube.
00:37:23Of course it's empty.
00:37:24Thank you.
00:37:25There were only two.
00:37:26I took them.
00:37:28They really hurt me.
00:37:29If I hadn't heard you come back...
00:37:34Damn that cow.
00:37:37That whore.
00:37:38That whore.
00:37:40Where is he?
00:37:41Hurry, hurry, hurry.
00:37:42Where are the thieves?
00:37:43There, there, there.
00:37:45Come and look.
00:37:49There, there, there.
00:37:54And you woke me up to show me Gandhi kissing a ball.
00:38:03But before he kissed a man.
00:38:05What did he do before?
00:38:06He kissed a man.
00:38:08I'll show you where you saw him.
00:38:10Gandhi kissing a man.
00:38:12You saw him in here.
00:38:13Gandhi kissing a man.
00:38:14Look, he's still there.
00:38:15Gandhi kissing a man.
00:38:16Look at those beautiful kisses.
00:38:17Excuse me, but when I get pissed, I piss like this.
00:38:19Good night.
00:38:20One moment.
00:38:21I'll sleep over there.
00:38:22Yes, in the tub with all the ribs and the ribs.
00:38:29What a shitty Sunday.
00:38:33It's my fault.
00:38:34I should have told Maria right away.
00:38:36Yes, tell Maria.
00:38:37As if it were easy.
00:38:38Maria, I'll introduce you to a friend who sleeps with me and who's a bit of a snitch.
00:38:42You finally said it.
00:38:44Yes, I said it.
00:38:45I said it myself.
00:38:46Because I've never had anything to do with snitches.
00:38:49Because you see them in factories, the snitches.
00:38:51They're here in the palace.
00:38:52Go on, get a snitch out of the palace.
00:38:54Get him out.
00:38:55You see?
00:38:56You talk about us as if we were cockroaches.
00:39:00Cockroaches, cockroaches, disgusting insects,
00:39:01that you have to crush with the shotgun.
00:39:03Go on, go get the shotgun.
00:39:04I'm here.
00:39:05Enough, you don't want to let everyone know.
00:39:07A little bit of sense of measure, right?
00:39:09And then, what does the shotgun have to do with it?
00:39:11It does!
00:39:13They kicked me out of the house too, my father and my mother.
00:39:15They called them at night, your son is a snitch.
00:39:18Well, what do you want to do, a concentration camp?
00:39:20Do it.
00:39:21And we'll all go to the gas chambers.
00:39:36No, no gas.
00:39:39No, no gas chambers.
00:39:42No gas.
00:39:45No gas.
00:39:55For God's sake!
00:40:41You've finished screwing around.
00:41:07Hey, Gandhi!
00:41:09We did it!
00:41:11Come on, here he is.
00:41:20It's all thanks to you.
00:41:22Thanks to what?
00:41:23We got the deputies.
00:41:25After your shot at the general director,
00:41:27they shat on each other and marched backwards.
00:41:30It's a great union victory.
00:41:33I'm proud of you, my love.
00:41:36Come on, guys, let's toast.
00:41:39Bravo, Gandhi.
00:41:41You know I don't share your way of doing politics,
00:41:44but I have to admit that simplicity and toughness
00:41:47are more effective than mediation and dialectic.
00:41:51In short, Gandhi,
00:41:52the workers and leaders of the provincial federation
00:41:55have decided to nominate you
00:41:57as a candidate for the next elections as a factory delegate.
00:42:00Me, a factory delegate?
00:42:01Of course.
00:42:02Your colleagues love you.
00:42:03They know that with someone like you,
00:42:05they can get many more victories.
00:42:07You have to accept it.
00:42:08When you speak, people are listening to you.
00:42:10And how?
00:42:11And where do we find someone as honest as you?
00:42:13You are a sincere, loyal person,
00:42:15and in your life you have never had anything to hide.
00:42:18Comrade Gandhi, you are the cleanest of all.
00:42:45I'm sorry.
00:43:04He's healed.
00:43:05A few days were enough.
00:43:08Happy, yes.
00:43:10I'm not, for nothing.
00:43:12Because now I have to go.
00:43:14And it was so good, always closed in here.
00:43:16Always warm, always quiet,
00:43:18without ever exchanging a word with anyone,
00:43:20and always with this beautiful smell of closeness.
00:43:22The only vacancy would have been to shoot yourself,
00:43:25but there was too much noise,
00:43:27and everything was discovered.
00:43:30What will it be worth for a normal man
00:43:32who hides a homosexual at home?
00:43:34Look, I did everything I could for you,
00:43:37but I also have my reputation to defend.
00:43:39Ah yes, of course, you're right.
00:43:40You didn't hit me, or spit in my face,
00:43:42or forced me to eat shit.
00:43:44You know where you're going strong?
00:43:46In recognition.
00:43:48You know what I'm telling you?
00:43:50Yours is not a pipe face.
00:43:52Everyone has their weaknesses.
00:43:54For example, I prefer a pipe in my mouth that doesn't...
00:44:00Come on, let me get out of this house safe and sound.
00:44:03I'll get rid of the nuisance.
00:44:06The problem is getting rid of Adigos.
00:44:13Stop! Where are you going?
00:44:15What do you mean, where am I going?
00:44:16I've been bringing bread here for six months.
00:44:18I'm inflexible, I want to see the packages.
00:44:20What do you want there to be?
00:44:21Bread, crisps, toilet paper?
00:44:23Toilet paper for whom?
00:44:24For some asshole.
00:44:25Oh, rude!
00:44:27Then we agree.
00:44:28I go ahead and distract her.
00:44:29When there's free way, I'll give you a sign and you pass.
00:44:33Oh, Mr. Manbelli, good morning.
00:44:35Good morning, Mrs. Elvira.
00:44:37Listen, since a button has come off my pants,
00:44:39back here, see?
00:44:40Could you do me a favor and reattach it?
00:44:42I'll have to go home to get Aguefilo
00:44:44and I'll leave the guard abandoned, I can't.
00:44:46But I thought of everything.
00:44:47Oh well, gladly.
00:44:49You know, these are women's jobs,
00:44:50I'm a man instead.
00:44:51Oh, yeah.
00:44:54I'm a man.
00:44:56I'm a man.
00:44:57I'm a man.
00:44:58I'm a man.
00:44:59I'm a man.
00:45:00I'm a man.
00:45:02You know, Paroli,
00:45:03men make men, women make women.
00:45:06I don't like this modern promiscuity.
00:45:10She's right.
00:45:15Your girlfriend is a beautiful girl.
00:45:17When are you getting married?
00:45:19It depends on many factors, economy, health.
00:45:34I work there.
00:45:42Nearby, instead,
00:45:43there's the bar of those gentlemen
00:45:45who beat me up the other night.
00:45:47Ah, good.
00:45:48You've chosen the right place
00:45:50to set up a bookstore like this.
00:45:53Let's go.
00:46:02Ah, look who's here.
00:46:05The scoundrels are back.
00:46:07Can I know where you've gone?
00:46:09I haven't gone anywhere, dear.
00:46:10I've just taken a few days off.
00:46:11Look, I'm not a zombie.
00:46:13I'm sure you've fought with that crazy Marcello.
00:46:15Don't be a fool.
00:46:16Instead, go and delete those posts
00:46:18I've made here for a long time.
00:46:19If they're in this neighborhood,
00:46:20they'll all be with us.
00:46:22Excuse me, ma'am,
00:46:23but are you sure this is really evil?
00:46:25Of course it is,
00:46:26I'm worse than Gomeini here.
00:46:28Here, Vincenzo is really a nuisance.
00:46:31Excuse me, good morning.
00:46:32Good morning.
00:46:33By any chance,
00:46:34do you have class-conscious pederasty?
00:46:36Well, class-conscious, I could,
00:46:37but pederasty has to do with...
00:46:39The shelf at the end, political department.
00:46:41Here you go.
00:46:42Thank you.
00:46:44Well, what do you think?
00:46:47Do you like it?
00:46:48Yes, well,
00:46:50it's an interesting environment.
00:46:55Yes, different, but...
00:46:58at least from here.
00:46:59Do you own the bookstore?
00:47:00No, I'm just a dealer.
00:47:02The bookstore belongs to the League of Homosexuals.
00:47:04Ah, there's a league too?
00:47:05Of course.
00:47:06And little by little,
00:47:07we'll win big battles,
00:47:08like you did with the trade union.
00:47:09Well, I wouldn't want to compare
00:47:11a trade union with a league of thugs.
00:47:13No, I'm sorry,
00:47:14I didn't mean to offend you,
00:47:15you know,
00:47:16I'm doing a political reasoning.
00:47:18Let's not talk about politics,
00:47:20I have a lot to do.
00:47:21It's better if we say goodbye.
00:47:22What about sleeping?
00:47:24No problem.
00:47:25Here in the back,
00:47:26there's a little shed with a bed.
00:47:28I sleep here.
00:47:30Ah, there's another thing I wanted to tell you.
00:47:33Thank you.
00:47:35I also want to tell you something.
00:47:37You know...
00:47:39Well, because of how you behaved,
00:47:43You never tried to get cured.
00:47:46And you?
00:47:47To be blind and deaf
00:47:48in front of anything else.
00:47:50Isn't that a disease?
00:47:53Well, bye.
00:47:58Look at those cute books.
00:48:00And look at that manifesto.
00:48:05I think I saw Gandhi.
00:48:08Yes, I saw him.
00:48:09What are you talking about?
00:48:10Come on,
00:48:11it's not possible.
00:48:17I wouldn't swear,
00:48:18but I really think it's him.
00:48:19Let's go and see.
00:48:20Come on.
00:48:24Well, what is it?
00:48:25What do you want?
00:48:26Two women here,
00:48:27the end of the world.
00:48:28No, it's just that my friend
00:48:29thought she saw my fiancé come in here.
00:48:32Are you trying to pick a fight with me?
00:48:33No, I'm not.
00:48:34No, no, don't be angry,
00:48:35calm down.
00:48:37maybe I was wrong.
00:48:39Let's go right away,
00:48:40don't worry.
00:48:41I didn't see anything wrong.
00:48:42Well, get well soon, dear.
00:48:44Carrots contain vitamins,
00:48:46excellent for the sight.
00:48:48what's going on?
00:48:50two half-naked hysterics.
00:48:53still here?
00:48:54What are you doing?
00:48:56I'm documenting myself.
00:48:58The great homosexuals of history.
00:49:01You can keep it if you want.
00:49:02Who knows,
00:49:03maybe it won't spoil your ideas.
00:49:05All right, thanks.
00:49:17Listen, cutie,
00:49:18do you want to come and
00:49:19take a ride on the carousel?
00:49:20No, thanks,
00:49:21I'm afraid I'll brush my teeth.
00:49:23But look,
00:49:24the wind in the car is very exciting.
00:49:26All this air in the hair,
00:49:27you don't know how nice it is.
00:49:29Please, don't insist,
00:49:30I'll do it against my interest.
00:49:34Bye, beautiful joy.
00:49:38Alphabet index,
00:49:40Alessandro Magno,
00:49:41Buonarotti Michelangelo,
00:49:43Da Vinci Leonardo,
00:49:47Giulio Cesare.
00:49:49Porcaccio Lavacaccia.
00:50:00Ludwig of Bavaria,
00:50:06No, you're not there.
00:50:12Chapter 1.
00:50:13Probably Adam,
00:50:14when he was still without Eve,
00:50:16one day,
00:50:17all naked,
00:50:18mirroring himself in a pond.
00:50:23Oh, Madonna!
00:50:31It's been ten days
00:50:32since we've made love,
00:50:34but next Sunday
00:50:35we'll get it back.
00:50:37All day in bed.
00:50:39Do you think
00:50:40the Chinese Marxists
00:50:41are revisionists?
00:50:42But, I don't know.
00:50:44Marxism is an idea,
00:50:45a theory.
00:50:46Then there are men
00:50:47making history, right?
00:50:49Yes, men.
00:50:51Why? Isn't that so?
00:50:52Aren't men making history?
00:50:54No, it's just that
00:50:55lately I've heard
00:50:56some good things
00:50:57about some men
00:50:58who made history.
00:50:59That Giulio Cesare,
00:51:00for example.
00:51:01Operator Mambelli
00:51:02is urgently
00:51:03requesting a phone call.
00:51:04Operator Mambelli
00:51:05is urgently
00:51:06requesting a phone call.
00:51:17Yes, it's me.
00:51:20What happened?
00:51:23I can't right now.
00:51:26All right.
00:51:27I'll be right there.
00:51:46Go, go!
00:52:00Come on, don't be like that.
00:52:01Come on.
00:52:02I'm here.
00:52:08Thank you.
00:52:13Here they are.
00:52:15They're coming back.
00:52:20They saw you.
00:52:21They want revenge.
00:52:27Please, be careful.
00:52:46Thank you.
00:53:12So, what happened?
00:53:13They went too far
00:53:14with what happened.
00:53:15You should have seen it.
00:53:16The window.
00:53:17In front of everyone.
00:53:18Even children and old people
00:53:19who saw something.
00:53:20I'm sorry for the police.
00:53:21They have all kinds of
00:53:25Here in the neighborhood
00:53:26we had a lot of fun.
00:53:27They did well.
00:53:28Were you there
00:53:29when they arrived?
00:53:30Of course I was.
00:53:33Come on, move.
00:53:34Take your stuff
00:53:35and let's go.
00:53:36You can't stay here anymore.
00:53:37Where am I going?
00:53:38To your friend's house, Marcello.
00:53:39No, not with him.
00:53:40I'm closed.
00:53:41All right, you'll have
00:53:42relatives, friends.
00:53:44I don't have any.
00:53:45Then let's go back to me.
00:53:46Come on.
00:53:50Come on, come to my house.
00:53:55What time do you think
00:53:56we can put our noses
00:53:57in your courtyard?
00:53:58As soon as it gets dark,
00:53:59the doorman goes to bed.
00:54:00Of course, it's incredible.
00:54:01Aren't you afraid
00:54:02of an entire gang
00:54:03of robbers
00:54:04and you shit yourself
00:54:05for a doorman?
00:54:06What do you want?
00:54:07It's the contradictions
00:54:08of the system.
00:54:09But you can't understand
00:54:10why you're not on
00:54:11the side of the working class.
00:54:12Do you know where I was born?
00:54:14Only when I lived there
00:54:15there were only
00:54:16barracks for southerners
00:54:17and when I was 14
00:54:18I went to the factory
00:54:19like you to work.
00:54:20It seems impossible
00:54:21that someone who was born there
00:54:22can become a...
00:54:23Well, what do you want?
00:54:24It's the contradictions
00:54:25of the system.
00:54:43Amore, I'm worried.
00:54:45I've been waiting for you
00:54:46for more than two hours.
00:54:47Where did you go?
00:54:48What happened?
00:55:07Who's there?
00:55:31It's me, Manbelli.
00:55:32Don't shoot.
00:55:33Manbelli, what are you doing
00:55:34on the floor?
00:55:36I dropped my bag
00:55:37with all my personal belongings.
00:55:40Personal belongings?
00:55:51What do you mean
00:55:52by necklaces?
00:55:55in Tahiti,
00:55:56the company sent me
00:55:57in a van.
00:56:01In a van
00:56:02in Tahiti.
00:56:07Man is beautiful.
00:56:10What's that thing?
00:56:12It's the poster for a movie.
00:56:13The title is provisional.
00:56:15It's the story of two miners
00:56:16who, since they have no parents,
00:56:18decide to cross the Atlantic
00:56:20with a rubber canoe.
00:56:25Feather rubber.
00:56:33Come on, open the door.
00:56:35We're here.
00:56:36Damn it,
00:56:37look inside the suitcase.
00:56:39That's the most curious
00:56:40door in Europe.
00:56:41So maybe it discovered
00:56:42everything about us.
00:56:43It would be shocking.
00:56:45But is it possible
00:56:46that that bitch
00:56:47never sleeps?
00:56:48She's worse than a Doberman.
00:56:49For me, she drugs.
00:56:50She drugs?
00:56:52She bombs herself.
00:56:53Amphetamines, speed.
00:56:54They should apply
00:56:56also to the doormans.
00:57:08In the end,
00:57:09I like this house.
00:57:10I feel
00:57:11at ease.
00:57:14What's going on?
00:57:17Maria, my girlfriend,
00:57:19says that
00:57:20for some time
00:57:21she doesn't understand me anymore.
00:57:24We women
00:57:25are made like this.
00:58:03Hi, Maria.
00:58:08last night I read
00:58:09your note.
00:58:10If you want,
00:58:11I can explain everything to you.
00:58:13You know,
00:58:14a friend of mine
00:58:15that you don't know,
00:58:16an old friend,
00:58:17well, an old friend,
00:58:18I met him a few nights ago.
00:58:19He was in trouble.
00:58:20Some thugs
00:58:21set him on fire
00:58:22and killed him.
00:58:23I don't know
00:58:24what happened to him.
00:58:25I don't know
00:58:26what happened to him.
00:58:27I don't know
00:58:28what happened to him.
00:58:29I don't know
00:58:30what happened to him.
00:58:31Some thugs
00:58:32set him on fire.
00:58:33So I, you know,
00:58:34I couldn't take anything.
00:58:36And that?
00:58:37How do you explain it?
00:58:42It was them,
00:58:43the fascists.
00:58:45it was them.
00:58:46The guard saw them
00:58:47while they were running away.
00:58:49Crazy stuff.
00:58:50The Gandhi is a dick.
00:58:51These assholes
00:58:52have no imagination.
00:58:57Courage, Gandhi.
00:58:58We'll take care of
00:58:59these provocateurs.
00:59:00Don't worry.
00:59:02how do you explain it?
00:59:04They're with you
00:59:05because you're politically involved?
00:59:10are you taking me dancing tonight?
00:59:13I don't know
00:59:14if Gandhi agrees.
00:59:15Gandhi agrees.
00:59:16He's very politically involved,
00:59:18he doesn't have time.
00:59:21you really agree?
00:59:22Is Maria my lady?
00:59:24Then make yourself comfortable.
00:59:25Freedom of movement.
00:59:31Freedom of movement.
00:59:57Going out with Walter.
00:59:58And you know
00:59:59that's the worst humiliation
01:00:00you can give me.
01:00:02I know Walter,
01:00:03he only thinks about that stuff.
01:00:05didn't you say
01:00:06he's your best friend?
01:00:07If he is,
01:00:08he doesn't like us.
01:00:10best friend.
01:00:11You can't understand
01:00:12certain things.
01:00:14when he sees a pair of thighs,
01:00:15he gets scared.
01:00:31I don't want to,
01:00:32do you understand?
01:00:33We also missed
01:00:34that writing on the wall.
01:00:35Who knows what she's going to think now.
01:00:37I don't understand women,
01:00:38they all seem crazy to me,
01:00:39they give me a stomach ache.
01:00:41Do you know what Oscar Wilde said?
01:00:43Oscar Wilde.
01:00:45That it was one of my games,
01:00:46that the world was made for men,
01:00:47not for women.
01:00:48I understand
01:00:49what game
01:00:50that Oscar is.
01:00:52I don't vote for you,
01:00:53is that clear?
01:00:54We know,
01:00:55we know
01:00:56that you're not one of us.
01:00:58it's just you and me.
01:00:59Go explain to the people
01:01:00what I'm telling them.
01:01:01Excuse me,
01:01:02but why are you doing all these mysteries?
01:01:03Do you have something to hide?
01:01:05Me, no.
01:01:07Actually, yes.
01:01:08In short,
01:01:09yes or no?
01:01:10But in what mess
01:01:11did I go hunting?
01:01:12The more you do the mystery,
01:01:13the more it seems that you have
01:01:14a dirty conscience.
01:01:15Why don't you tell her
01:01:16the truth,
01:01:17your girl, huh?
01:01:19But yes,
01:01:20by now,
01:01:23everything has come to light.
01:01:25But I say,
01:01:26but are you sure?
01:01:28I don't know.
01:01:29For now,
01:01:30I only have doubts.
01:01:31But I think
01:01:32he's in a bad mood.
01:01:36a black cock.
01:01:37What did you say?
01:01:38Black cock,
01:01:39black cock,
01:01:40which in Sardinian means
01:01:44Don't say those words.
01:01:45What do you want?
01:01:46You're the one
01:01:47who told me everything,
01:01:48in the smallest details.
01:01:49What do I have to do with it?
01:01:51we have to do something
01:01:52to help him,
01:01:53to save him
01:01:54from this tragedy.
01:01:55Of course
01:01:57he's my best friend.
01:02:03here it is.
01:02:06now I'll put it in place.
01:02:10I say,
01:02:12and she says,
01:02:14Then I say,
01:02:15do you know that
01:02:16someone different lives
01:02:17in my house?
01:02:18And you,
01:02:19different from whom?
01:02:21I say,
01:02:22how dare you think
01:02:23that I'm a black cock?
01:02:26I say,
01:02:27why did you go out
01:02:28with Walter?
01:02:29And she says,
01:02:30they're my cocks
01:02:31and I stay
01:02:32a black cock
01:02:33as usual.
01:02:35I don't say anything
01:02:36so I'm a black cock.
01:02:41What a cock!
01:02:43What do you mean, what a cock?
01:02:44What a cock!
01:02:45What a cock!
01:02:46I can explain everything to you.
01:02:47What did you understand,
01:02:48you idiot?
01:02:49I mean,
01:02:50you're very lucky.
01:02:52you tell him.
01:02:54Reggio Cazzaniga
01:02:55is sick
01:02:56and his place
01:02:57in the prize trip
01:02:58to the Soviet Union
01:02:59the comrades
01:03:00have decided to give it to you.
01:03:01Soviet Union?
01:03:05two days away
01:03:06from Graz.
01:03:09A big round of applause
01:03:10for Ghandi!
01:03:11Soviet Union!
01:03:18you risk being late.
01:03:19Your plane
01:03:20leaves in four hours.
01:03:21Come on,
01:03:22say goodbye.
01:03:31Here you go.
01:03:33Thank you.
01:03:34You don't have to thank me,
01:03:35you have to thank
01:03:37who gave up his trip.
01:03:45It's time to put
01:03:46something in the suitcase
01:03:47and I'll be back.
01:03:48We're coming too.
01:03:54you have to bring
01:03:55something heavy
01:03:56because in Russia
01:03:57it's cold.
01:03:58Yes, but a dry,
01:03:59warm cold,
01:04:00a cold that has
01:04:01its reason.
01:04:03is like a big deer
01:04:04but much better.
01:04:05This is
01:04:06in my humble opinion.
01:04:07Good thing
01:04:08I know
01:04:09some Russian words.
01:04:10For example,
01:04:12it's said there.
01:04:14there's no one over there
01:04:15and there's no one
01:04:16over there either.
01:04:17Let's go.
01:04:23but you,
01:04:24this guy who lives with him,
01:04:25have you ever seen him?
01:04:27Maria told me about him.
01:04:28Is he really one of those?
01:04:31a cacchineri,
01:04:32from head to toe.
01:04:35that he works
01:04:36in a bookstore
01:04:37owned by cacchineris
01:04:38made only for cacchineris.
01:04:40But don't tell me
01:04:41that Gandhi
01:04:42suddenly became...
01:04:43I say
01:04:44that we did well
01:04:45to organize
01:04:46this trip to Russia.
01:04:47The contagion is gone,
01:04:49the evil heals.
01:04:54we're leaving.
01:04:56Hurry up,
01:04:57the bus is leaving.
01:04:58Yes, yes,
01:04:59I'll be right there.
01:05:00Wait a minute.
01:05:02the passport.
01:05:03Without the passport,
01:05:04how do you do it?
01:05:05The toothbrush,
01:05:07a minimum of hygiene.
01:05:10do you know
01:05:11what the big news is?
01:05:12I'm going to Russia.
01:05:13To Russia,
01:05:14do you understand?
01:05:15And I'm leaving right away.
01:05:16What a relief!
01:05:20you're not saying anything.
01:05:21I'm really happy.
01:05:27It seems to me
01:05:28that you've taken everything.
01:05:30I took the newspapers,
01:05:31I took the vocabulary,
01:05:32the photograph of Berlinguer,
01:05:33maybe it doesn't seem to me
01:05:34like a coincidence.
01:05:35Ah, the colliery,
01:05:36sometimes the reverb
01:05:37of the snow.
01:05:38But what are you doing?
01:05:39I'm venting.
01:05:40But you work with the left
01:05:41and you speak with the right,
01:05:43and then what's there
01:05:44to vent?
01:05:45When there's a departure,
01:05:46I'm always nervous.
01:05:47You're telling me?
01:05:48But if I've never been abroad,
01:05:49Massimo Lugano,
01:05:50I've never been on a plane.
01:05:52I can't say no.
01:05:53This is a prize trip.
01:05:54Ah, it's a prize trip.
01:05:55But you know what I heard
01:05:56a little while ago?
01:05:57Ah, the camera!
01:05:59What an idiot.
01:06:02Well, this is important.
01:06:04I have to photograph everything,
01:06:05I have to document myself.
01:06:07I'm bringing this too,
01:06:08it's so red.
01:06:13do you realize
01:06:14I'm going to Russia?
01:06:15It's the dream of my life.
01:06:17I'm finally seeing it.
01:06:21Ah, listen.
01:06:22Of course,
01:06:23if you still want to stop
01:06:24tonight and tomorrow,
01:06:25until you find a solution,
01:06:26you can do it.
01:06:28I'll take care of it,
01:06:29don't worry.
01:06:30But when it's dark,
01:06:31I'll tell her and she'll sleep.
01:06:33I'll do it.
01:06:35All right.
01:06:39Ah, listen, sorry.
01:06:41What were you saying
01:06:42before you heard
01:06:43a little while ago?
01:06:45I felt a great joy
01:06:47to see you.
01:06:48Ah, thank you.
01:06:50You're a good boy.
01:07:19Dear comrades,
01:07:20this is the famous
01:07:21Red Square in Moscow,
01:07:22which for us communists
01:07:23would be like
01:07:24the San Siro stadium
01:07:25for the Milan fans.
01:07:27Russia is a bomb,
01:07:28I'm telling you
01:07:29now that I've seen it.
01:07:31There are the taxis,
01:07:32the cars,
01:07:33the blue jeans,
01:07:34the Russians,
01:07:35in short,
01:07:36there's everything.
01:07:37Even the cold is a bomb.
01:07:39Here the ice creams
01:07:40never melt,
01:07:41you have to keep them
01:07:42in your mouth for hours.
01:07:44I visited the factories,
01:07:45the monuments,
01:07:47the Tsar's palace.
01:07:49Here I met a Russian
01:07:50who is a Juventus fan
01:07:52and at home
01:07:53he has a lot of
01:07:54minorettano records.
01:07:56Everyone asks me
01:07:57about Eurocommunism
01:07:58and I advertise
01:07:59Madonna to them.
01:08:01I went to the theater
01:08:02to see the ballets.
01:08:03Here people prefer
01:08:04ballets to rock music.
01:08:06The Bolshoi dancers
01:08:07are beautiful.
01:08:10In my opinion, it's Guarito.
01:08:11Also in my opinion.
01:08:12I think it's fantastic.
01:08:33Dear Lenin,
01:08:34for someone who's
01:08:35staying in the Kremlin
01:08:36and walks along
01:08:37the waterway,
01:08:38I'm not into him.
01:08:42Miss Elvira!
01:08:44Who is it?
01:08:45No, he's not here. Who is it?
01:08:48Ah, it's you. Good morning.
01:08:50Good morning, Mr. Mambello. Welcome back.
01:08:52Tenga, a friend of yours left you the keys.
01:08:54Ah, thank you.
01:08:55Aren't they already warm?
01:08:56Yes, but in Russia it's very cold.
01:08:58Well, did you have a good trip?
01:09:00I haven't slept in 15 days.
01:09:02I wanted to see everything and I walked a lot.
01:09:04Tenga, this is a bottle of vodka for your wife.
01:09:06Thank you so much for the thought.
01:09:08But my wife doesn't drink anymore.
01:09:10She was also ill with exhaustion.
01:09:11I sent her to the village to rest.
01:09:13She'll be back today.
01:09:14Give me this doll.
01:09:15They call her Matryoshka.
01:09:17I bought it in Moscow,
01:09:18which is a wonderful city, very big.
01:09:20You can imagine that it will be three or four times Krakow.
01:09:24Don't excuse me.
01:09:25Excuse me, Mr. Mambello, but you're wrong, you know.
01:09:28Meanwhile, Moscow is the political, economic and cultural capital
01:09:31of a large confederation
01:09:33that comprises over 234 million inhabitants.
01:09:37Krakow, on the other hand, is only a small art city,
01:09:40the archbishopric,
01:09:41and the richest in Poland in terms of past testimony.
01:09:44But while Moscow has 6,878,000 inhabitants,
01:09:48Krakow only has 498,624.
01:09:53So Moscow is more than 13 times Krakow.
01:09:57At least these are the data up to five days ago.
01:10:15But this is not my house.
01:10:17The doorman gave me the wrong keys.
01:10:20If everything is in Krakow, you can give me the wrong keys.
01:10:23It's just a notionist culture.
01:10:27One moment.
01:10:28Marissa wrote to Mambello, though.
01:10:31Welcome back.
01:10:33What are you doing? Aren't you coming in?
01:10:36But we didn't agree that you would stay...
01:10:40Wait, come in first. Come on.
01:11:05Come in.
01:11:22What do you think?
01:11:25So, you're not going to tell me anything?
01:11:28Do you like it?
01:11:30Yes, I like it, but I'm used to the austere furniture of the dachshunds.
01:11:34And here it seems to be in the house of Lando Seris.
01:11:37So it's fun.
01:11:41And that one?
01:11:42Where did you find it?
01:11:44I found it somewhere.
01:11:46I don't know where.
01:11:48I don't know where.
01:11:50I don't know where.
01:11:53I found it over there, in his kitchen counter.
01:11:56It's something I made ten years ago, in the factory.
01:11:59They're varnishing samples that I put together...
01:12:02just for fun, it's stupidity.
01:12:04No, no.
01:12:05Instead, it's a wonderful sculpture, beautiful.
01:12:08Well done.
01:12:12Isn't this thing ugly?
01:12:17Listen, but all this furniture must have cost you a lot of money.
01:12:20Where did you get it?
01:12:21Well, I had some.
01:12:22A bit of debt.
01:12:23I sold some of your old furniture and my books.
01:12:25That's all.
01:12:26A bit?
01:12:27But you and I didn't agree that after a certain...
01:12:33Sorry, I'm overwhelmed by the trip.
01:12:35I must also have some lines of fever.
01:12:37I was saying, you and I didn't agree that after a certain...
01:12:39No questions now.
01:12:40Everything after lunch.
01:12:42We must celebrate your return.
01:12:50Listen, I thank you for this wonderful welcome.
01:12:53It's just a shame that champagne gives me certain apothecaries...
01:12:55that make me stay dry.
01:12:58Cin cin.
01:13:00But you wouldn't refuse these things I've prepared for you, would you?
01:13:03With my own hands.
01:13:04Ham and melon.
01:13:05Aragosta in fine sight.
01:13:07Spinach flan with potatoes and the Duchess.
01:13:10A great dish of Tyrolean.
01:13:12Vitello salad.
01:13:13And finally, sardines of rice with eggs and peas.
01:13:17All this in your honour.
01:13:19I refuse.
01:13:21But it's been 15 days that I've eaten smoked sardines in Russian salad.
01:14:11What is it?
01:14:13Why are you still here?
01:14:15I found out that...
01:14:17Later, later.
01:14:18the fever. Come on, let's put on the thermometer.
01:14:22That ghost fixed me for the whole lunch.
01:14:25He normalized my body.
01:14:26Well done.
01:14:28Here, come on.
01:14:31Now, let's measure the fever.
01:14:33Let's fix it now.
01:14:40Like this.
01:14:41Make yourself comfortable.
01:14:43Listen, but how come you are...
01:14:46How am I? good at cooking?
01:14:50You know, I've always liked to do the housework.
01:14:53Unfortunately, I've never had a house of my own.
01:14:57Like this one, for example.
01:15:02...a nice cup of tisane with thyme and decongestant...
01:15:07...and then, a good rest.
01:15:10Excuse me, but this time you really have to tell me...
01:15:13...why did you stop here?
01:15:15Do you want to know why I stopped here?
01:15:19I thought about it.
01:15:22And then I decided, for a very simple reason.
01:15:25What is it?
01:15:28That I fell in love with you.
01:15:36And now that I've told you, what do you answer?
01:15:45Hey, Gandhi.
01:16:19Welcome back.
01:16:21Ah, hello.
01:16:23Sorry if I don't get up, but I'm tired.
01:16:26Claudia, Claudio, Claudia, Maria... you know that Maria I've told you so much about?
01:16:31Not much, I imagine.
01:16:32A lot, instead.
01:16:34A pleasure.
01:16:35The pleasure is all mine.
01:16:42Of course, the atmosphere has become more intimate.
01:16:45Much more intimate.
01:16:47It's your song.
01:16:49It's our song?
01:16:51Well, this is an album that I love a lot.
01:16:53In general, I like all the tangos.
01:16:55Maybe it's something that's been with me since I was a kid.
01:16:57When you see it for the first time, it's Gilda.
01:16:59Do you remember her, Rita Ewerth?
01:17:06Strange, but it seems to me that Rita Ewerth is a woman.
01:17:10No, a woman, please.
01:17:12The woman.
01:17:13The woman.
01:17:16Anyway, I'm sorry to have interrupted this dinner among men.
01:17:21It's been a long time since I wanted to tell you.
01:17:23Do you remember that evening when we left the cinema?
01:17:27But how did you dress?
01:17:30Why? Don't you like it?
01:17:33Do you like it?
01:17:35Oh God, you can't say for sure that it came out of a Vogue page.
01:17:40All right.
01:17:42If you don't like it, I can throw it away.
01:17:47So let's see if certain things still work for you.
01:18:10I don't know.
01:18:34It will be nice, but she doesn't have it.
01:18:40I don't know.
01:19:06But no, Maria.
01:19:08Come on, go ahead.
01:19:09But don't you understand that I'm ashamed?
01:19:13I'm just a worker, how can I compete with her?
01:19:18They told me to save Gandhi from her.
01:19:21What? Who?
01:19:24They say it's my fault, that I can't use sex.
01:19:28Even all the newspapers say to do the undressing to keep men close.
01:19:33Even the Christian family says so.
01:19:36Come on, don't cry.
01:19:38Look, there's nothing between me and Gandhi.
01:19:40There's never been anything like what you think.
01:19:43You're so beautiful.
01:19:45You know what I'm telling you?
01:19:46You could even compete with Gilda.
01:19:49What are you saying?
01:19:51And what do you know about women?
01:19:55Behind my back, I'm a coward.
01:19:57A coward.
01:20:03But you, how did you fall in love with Gandhi?
01:20:05Because he's so good.
01:20:07Yes, he's good.
01:20:08And then he's strong.
01:20:10He's honest, you feel at ease with him.
01:20:13It's like you feel protected.
01:20:15And he understands you.
01:20:17Well, at least he tries to.
01:20:19And then, I don't care if he's not handsome.
01:20:23Of course he's ugly, he's strong.
01:20:25But, not so much.
01:20:27It's just that he fades away.
01:20:30What are you doing? Start over now.
01:20:32Come on, go ahead.
01:20:33Go ahead.
01:20:34You'll see, I'll make you more beautiful.
01:20:45What are you doing?
01:20:47I'm just trying to make it better, don't worry.
01:20:54Are you crazy?
01:21:21Who could it be?
01:21:22Let's not open it.
01:21:25What do you say, guys, should we open it right away?
01:21:27No, first the necklace, wait.
01:21:28No, we'll be fine.
01:21:29The doorman said he's back.
01:21:34We have to open it.
01:21:35How do we do it?
01:21:36There's the doorman in that state.
01:21:39They're insisting.
01:21:41You say he'll be healed.
01:21:43Let's hope so.
01:21:45I hear footsteps, they're coming.
01:21:48Turn, turn.
01:21:53Turn, turn.
01:21:58Turn, turn.
01:22:03Turn, turn.
01:22:09Turn, turn.
01:22:12Osti, what a nice surprise.
01:22:13Make yourself at home, I brought a gift for everyone.
01:22:16A lot of things to tell you.
01:22:17It was a wonderful experience.
01:22:19We thought we'd say goodbye, but it's no use.
01:22:23What do you mean, it's no use?
01:22:24Come on, make yourself at home.
01:22:25No, no, it's better not.
01:22:27We're leaving.
01:22:28We're in a hurry.
01:22:30Come on, I'm tired.
01:22:33Don't be so spirited.
01:22:36I don't want to joke.
01:22:38I brought you vodka and some photos of the caviar.
01:22:49Walter, wonderful.
01:22:50What are all these people doing here?
01:22:52Nothing, nothing.
01:22:53Go thank the doll.
01:22:54Come on, don't go, I'm tired.
01:22:56I've had a very long trip.
01:22:59Come here.
01:23:00The other one too.
01:23:01Come here.
01:23:02What's going on?
01:23:03What's going on?
01:23:04What's going on?
01:23:05You're disgusting.
01:23:07That's what's going on.
01:23:09I was drinking and you sent me to the countryside
01:23:12to cure my nervous breakdown.
01:23:14I'm going to kill you.
01:23:15I'm going to kill you.
01:23:17I can't explain why they left.
01:23:20Why did the doorman treat me like that?
01:23:23Maria, everyone who meets me flees.
01:23:27Explain to me why.
01:23:28What have I become? A monster?
01:23:32Why are you looking at me like that?
01:23:34Do I look like a monster to you?
01:23:38Damn it!
01:23:58Finally he's awake.
01:24:05How do you feel?
01:24:09My stomach hurts.
01:24:11Your stomach?
01:24:12But you've hit your head.
01:24:15My head?
01:24:17It hurts like hell.
01:24:19It hurts like hell?
01:24:20It hurts like hell.
01:24:21It hurts like hell.
01:24:22It hurts like hell.
01:24:23It hurts like hell.
01:24:24It hurts like hell.
01:24:25It hurts like hell.
01:24:27Oh, yeah.
01:24:29It was a masked dance.
01:24:33Eliana and Max were there too.
01:24:36And then all three of us fell.
01:24:39Don't worry.
01:24:40It can hurt you.
01:24:41Until recently you were delirious.
01:24:43And in delirium you called Maria, Maria.
01:24:48Yes, but you also called Claudio, Claudio.
01:24:51Is that true?
01:24:52Well, yes.
01:24:53What is true is true.
01:24:54What day is it today?
01:24:55The first of May.
01:24:56But what do you mean the first of May?
01:24:57Damn it!
01:24:58I'm here instead of being at the commission.
01:25:01Single room.
01:25:03Who knows what it costs.
01:25:04Don't worry.
01:25:05Special price with mutual.
01:25:06I know the mayor here.
01:25:07He often comes to the bookstore.
01:25:09To the bookstore?
01:25:11What clinic is it?
01:25:13At the avant-garde.
01:25:14It's better to leave him now.
01:25:15He could get tired.
01:25:16Yes, it's better.
01:25:21See you soon.
01:25:29I want to tell you something.
01:25:32You know, it wouldn't be your fault if you had changed.
01:25:36In short, if you had become...
01:25:39You can see that it can happen.
01:25:42Therefore, I want to tell you that I will respect every decision you make.
01:25:48It's up to you to decide.
01:26:01What's up, son?
01:26:04While I was delirious, you were here.
01:26:07Always, son.
01:26:09And I called you more Claudio, more Maria.
01:26:11Well, you alternated.
01:26:12A little Claudio, a little Maria, a little Maria, a little Claudio.
01:26:17Damn it!
01:26:18Do you want to see that I've really become a...
01:26:20A what, son?
01:26:25I know what.
01:26:27And now, where are you going?
01:26:30Listen, but...
01:26:32How do I walk?
01:26:34I don't know.
01:26:37It's not that I walk...
01:26:42Oh, our young friend is good.
01:26:46I see he's better.
01:26:48I find everything so...
01:27:00But what does this beautiful young sister have?
01:27:02Give me the folder.
01:27:06Now, let's see on the folder.
01:27:11Listen, professor, then for the payment, we think about the fine.
01:27:13I have to escape.
01:27:19I have to go and check if something still works that...
01:27:24One thing.
01:27:59Hi, Maria.
01:28:00But what are you doing here? You should not be in the clinic.
01:28:03Come on, move, you have to do a test.
01:28:06Come on, move, move.
01:28:10What are you doing? Let me go.
01:28:15What are you doing?
01:28:17But what is this test?
01:28:19It's like a test, a test.
01:28:21After all the messes that have happened,
01:28:23it's urgent to understand if I've become a big-ass or not.
01:28:26I'd like to understand that too.
01:28:48This morning's speech in the square was strong.
01:28:51The provincial secretary was very clear.
01:28:53From now on, we'll have to change our entire strategic line of action.
01:28:58It works, it works.
01:29:00It's just a calculator.
01:29:06So, what do we decide for Gandhi?
01:29:09It's very simple, what we have to decide.
01:29:11Someone like him in the list of the union candidates,
01:29:13it can't be.
01:29:15But look, wonderful.
01:29:17Maria told me that story about the lipstick was all a joke.
01:29:20I say, let's think about it.
01:29:22A joke, huh?
01:29:23And that guy who even lives with him, what's a joke?
01:29:25No, look, I've talked to my colleagues,
01:29:27and they agree with me.
01:29:29I'm sorry, but Gandhi and the union are closed.
01:29:31And then, we can't risk getting in trouble with the provincial federation.
01:29:37But where are you going?
01:29:46Oh, hi.
01:29:47Hi, what's up? What's going on?
01:29:50I needed to see you.
01:29:51In fact, you caught me by chance.
01:29:52I was coming down, I heard the phone, and...
01:29:54Hey, wait a minute, shouldn't you be in the clinic?
01:29:56Yes, I'll explain later.
01:29:57Now, I want to dance with you. Come.
01:29:59Dance... with me?
01:30:00Are you crazy?
01:30:01But here are all your colleagues.
01:30:02Precisely for this.
01:30:03But how precisely for this?
01:30:16You know, Claudio, these assholes think that you and I...
01:30:20I'm not in love with you.
01:30:23I've always known that.
01:30:29But we can still be friends.
01:30:31Of course we can still be friends.
01:30:33But I'm not in love with you.
01:30:35I'm not in love with you.
01:30:37I'm not in love with you.
01:30:39I'm not in love with you.
01:30:41I'm not in love with you.
01:30:43But we can still be friends.
01:30:44Of course we can still be friends.
01:30:46You know, for someone like me, it's very nice to have a man as a friend.
01:30:49Friend and that's it.
01:30:51For me, too, it's important to have a friend.
01:30:53Even if he's different.
01:30:54But friend, and that's it.
01:30:59Come on, try to dance with me.
01:31:13Eyes for us.
01:31:16Put a kiss on the eye and then...
01:31:20Pink for you.
01:31:22What's wrong with that?
01:31:24You're different from me.
01:31:34So, do we want to discuss it?
01:31:38But what do you want to discuss?
01:31:40More clearly than that?
01:31:41No, let's discuss it now.
01:31:43But in political office, though.
01:31:49So, we're here in political office.
01:31:52You can talk, we're locked up.
01:31:54Ah, locked up.
01:31:56So it's a trial.
01:31:57And I'm the defendant.
01:31:59No, you're not a defendant.
01:32:01You're a candidate.
01:32:03So it's a political problem.
01:32:05Can a candidate go against popular morality?
01:32:08Certainly not.
01:32:09But if the fascists are against them,
01:32:11and we're against the fascists,
01:32:12can popular morality be against the kulaks?
01:32:16And so I answer you,
01:32:18that in Monte there can also be a convergence.
01:32:20But on the basis of the current platform,
01:32:22our perspectives diverge.
01:32:24You know that at the level of collectivity,
01:32:27the private is never political,
01:32:29and therefore can not find a place
01:32:31in the Marxist historical arc.
01:32:32But what the fuck are you talking about?
01:32:34You talk like the newspaper.
01:32:35Stay calm, Gandhi.
01:32:37It means that one day or another,
01:32:38we will also face that problem there.
01:32:40Ah, one day or another.
01:32:43Do you want to know
01:32:44who are the people that Hitler killed the most?
01:32:48First the Jews,
01:32:49then the communists,
01:32:50and then the homosexuals.
01:32:51And what have we done since then?
01:32:52What did the union do?
01:32:54Listen, I've had enough
01:32:56of feeling my ass with the union.
01:32:58As long as there are unionists like you,
01:33:00who reason with the ass,
01:33:02we'll all break our balls.
01:33:05I propose to postpone this matter
01:33:07to the order of tomorrow.
01:33:08But what is postponing?
01:33:09Nothing is postponed anymore.
01:33:11I retire, I resign.
01:33:12From head of department,
01:33:13from worker,
01:33:14from candidate,
01:33:15from everything.
01:33:21And from tomorrow,
01:33:22I also stop training,
01:33:23so you can no longer count
01:33:24on my physical power,
01:33:25not indifferent.
01:33:26I want to become a friar!
01:33:36What are you doing here?
01:33:37Listen, I absolutely have to tell you something.
01:33:39I have it here on my stomach.
01:33:40What is it?
01:33:41You disgust me.
01:33:42Who are you talking about?
01:33:43You, them, you communists.
01:33:44You are a mass of hypocrites.
01:33:45You disgust me.
01:33:46Stop it, I'll clear it in a moment.
01:33:47The fascists beat, kill,
01:33:48but at least they are sincere, for God's sake.
01:33:50You, instead, are a mass of hypocrites.
01:33:52Stop it, Claudio.
01:33:53You don't scare me, you know?
01:33:54You disgust me.
01:33:55I really want to spit it in your face.
01:33:56You disgust me.
01:33:57You and you.
01:33:58You disgust me.
01:33:59You disgust me.
01:34:00You disgust me.
01:34:01You disgust me.
01:34:02You disgust me.
01:34:03You disgust me.
01:34:04You and your comrades, your communism is shit.
01:34:06Shit, shit.
01:34:07You disgusting bastards, you understand?
01:34:09You are shit.
01:34:10Disgusting bastards.
01:34:26Let me go.
01:34:27Let me go.
01:34:28Let me go.
01:34:34Guys, Gandhi is cured.
01:35:00I want to make a speech.
01:35:02I'd rather read a letter to you from a person you all know very well.
01:35:07My friend Claudio.
01:35:13I received it yesterday.
01:35:18Dear Gandhi.
01:35:19I write to ask your forgiveness.
01:35:21It cost me that day to tell you all those horrible things that I never thought.
01:35:27I managed to insult you, insult your companions, your ideas.
01:35:33Unfortunately, it was the only solution to not ruin your career and your life.
01:35:43Forgive me if you can.
01:35:45As you would have understood from my cards, now I live in Holland, in Amsterdam.
01:35:49And I changed my job.
01:35:51I found out that you are going to marry Maria.
01:35:53I would be really happy if you came to make the wedding trip here, in this city.
01:36:14But how are you dressed?
01:36:17As a cook.
01:36:18Besides, you didn't tell me that I'm good at cooking.
01:36:22Come, come!
01:36:24Oh, Maria!
01:36:26Come here!
01:36:28Oh, how happy I am!
01:36:29I'm very happy to have made this trip.
01:36:31I like Amsterdam very much.
01:36:32It makes me happy.
01:36:33It's like Venice.
01:36:34How many kilometers will there be from here to Padua?
01:36:36Come on!
01:36:37And how do you find yourself here?
01:36:39Well, as a perfect immigrant.
01:36:41I cook, I cheer for the national team when they come to play here,
01:36:44I move at night when I feel the night from Italy,
01:36:46and I got married.
01:36:49Yes, with a Dutchman.
01:36:50How nice!
01:36:51And when did it happen?
01:36:52A month ago, here in Amsterdam.
01:36:53Think that he married us.
01:36:54The mayor in person.
01:36:55It was a beautiful ceremony.
01:36:56Come, let's make the presentations right away.
01:36:58Work here, come!
01:37:12Can I give a kiss to the bride?
01:37:14Of course you can.
01:37:24Two toasts and two beers.
01:37:28Photo memory, photo memory!
01:37:30Close your eyes if you want
01:37:34This is a different kind of tango
01:37:38Dance better than you can
01:37:42It's a little bit perverse
01:37:46Tango languido e sia
01:37:48Contro l'ipocrisia
01:37:50Dare scandalo è l'unica via
01:37:53Rosa e rosa per te