• 2 months ago
The involvement of Krishna Murti in the manipulation of CCTV footage in the Jessica Wongso case is a significant aspect of this highly controversial trial. As the General Crime Director of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Krishna Murti oversaw the investigation and the handling of evidence, including the crucial CCTV footage from Café Olivier. This footage played a pivotal role in the legal proceedings, as it was used to support the prosecution's case against Jessica Wongso, who was accused of poisoning her friend, Mirna Salihin, with cyanide-laced coffee.

Under Krishna Murti's leadership, two digital forensic experts, Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar and Christopher Hariman Rianto, were tasked with analyzing and presenting the CCTV footage. However, these experts manipulated the video by downscaling its resolution from 1920x1080 pixels to 960x576 pixels. This deliberate reduction in resolution obscured important details and compromised the integrity of the evidence. The manipulation was intended to distort reality and strengthen the prosecution's narrative against Jessica Wongso.

Krishna Murti's role in overseeing this manipulated evidence has been a subject of intense scrutiny and criticism. The deliberate tampering with the CCTV footage, under his supervision, has been seen as a flagrant disregard for truth and justice. It has called into question the fairness and transparency of the investigation and the subsequent trial. The exposure of these manipulations has fueled widespread discussions about the reliability of forensic evidence, the role of law enforcement in ensuring justice, and the potential abuse of power by those in authority.

The manipulation of Café Olivier's CCTV footage under the direction of Krishna Murti and executed by Muhammad Nuh Al-Azhar and Christopher Hariman Rianto represents one of the most egregious instances of digital tampering in recent history. This case underscores the critical importance of maintaining the integrity of forensic evidence and the need for rigorous scrutiny in legal proceedings to uphold justice. The actions of these individuals have had far-reaching implications, not only for the Jessica Wongso case but also for the broader perception of the legal and judicial system in Indonesia.

The motive behind these actions seems clear: by degrading the footage quality from 1920x1080 pixels to 960x576 pixels and introducing artificial activities, Krishna Murti aimed to obscure crucial details that might have exonerated Wongso. This manipulation was intended to present her actions as suspicious and potentially incriminating, thus bolstering the prosecution's narrative. The resulting blurry and low-resolution footage made it difficult for judges and legal experts to accurately interpret Wongso's behavior, leading to potential misinterpretations that favored the prosecution's case.

By compromising the integrity of the digital evidence, Krishna Murti and his team introduced biases and distortions that could mislead the


00:00Krishnamurthy is a senior officer in the Indonesian National Police who currently holds the rank
00:05of Police Inspector General, or a two-star general.
00:09Born in Ambon, Maluku, on January 15, 1970, he is an alumnus of the 1991 Police Academy.
00:17He is married to Nani Ariyani Utama, and they have two children.
00:21Krishna's career in the police force has been quite smooth, with him holding strategic
00:26positions such as Deputy Chief of the Lampung Regional Police from July 22, 2016, to September
00:3323, 2016.
00:35Krishna was the senior and former superior of Ferdie Sambo when they served at the Jakarta
00:39Metropolitan Police around 2015.
00:43At that time, Krishnamurthy was the Chief of the Criminal Investigation Directorate
00:47of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, while Sambo was the Deputy Chief.
00:52At that time, Sambo held the rank of Police Adjunct Senior Commissioner, AKBP, while Krishna
00:58was already a commissioner.
01:00Five years later, Sambo surpassed Krishna.
01:04Sambo was promoted to two-star general when former National Police Chief Idham Azus appointed
01:08him as the head of the Professional and Security Division, Kediv Propam, of the Indonesian
01:13National Police.
01:15The position became vacant after Inspector General Ignatius Sijatwidiat Mono passed away
01:20in October 2020.
01:22Krishna then served as the head of the International Mission Bureau in the International Relations
01:26Division of the Indonesian National Police from July 21, 2017, to October 14, 2022.
01:35Since October 14, 2022, Krishna has been the head of the International Relations Division
01:41of the Indonesian National Police.
01:44His rank was elevated to Police Inspector General, or two-star general.
01:48He has handled several high-profile cases during his tenure as the Chief of the Criminal
01:53Investigation Directorate of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police since 2015, two of which were the Sarinah
01:59Famran bombing and the death of Wayan Myrna Salahin, both occurring in 2016.
02:04Recently, Netflix released Ice Cold, Murder, Coffee, and Jessica Wongso.
02:11The documentary explores Jessica's case from various perspectives.
02:15Many in the public have been questioning and even considering the case to have anomalies.
02:20This interest heightened after Jessica Wongso's lawyer, Otto Vesibuan, mentioned that Krishnamurthy
02:25was a key figure in the case.
02:28He made this statement in an interview with Karni Ilias, which aired on YouTube on October
02:326, 2023.
02:35Krishna was involved in handling Jessica's case because he was serving as the Director
02:39of General Criminal Investigation at the Jakarta Metropolitan Police at the time.
02:44Why did this case end up in court when it shouldn't have had to, said Otto.
02:49This is the key to the matter, and everyone in the legal community should know it.
02:54This is the key.
02:56We see in the Netflix documentary, when Myrna was about to be buried, Krishnamurthy came
03:00and told Myrna's father, Eddie, your daughter was poisoned, Otto revealed.
03:05In her defense during the 2016 trial, Jessica accused Krishnamurthy of swearing to stake
03:11his position to designate her as a suspect.
03:15Jessica also revealed that Krishnamurthy visited her in detention.
03:19During this meeting, Krishna confessed that his pride was hurt by having to visit the
03:23detention center to meet Jessica.
03:25I was visited by Mr. Krishnamurthy, in detention.
03:30He said, coming down to the detention center has already hurt my pride, Jessica recounted
03:35to the judges during the trial for the murder of Myrna Wayan Salahin.
03:39Mr. Krishna also said, I signed your detention letter, bismillah, I am staking my position
03:44for the sake of Allah, Jessica continued.
03:47Crying, Jessica Wongso went on with her confession about Krishnamurthy in the trial.
03:53She claimed that Krishnamurthy forced her to confess to murdering Myrna with cyanide.
03:59Jessica also alleged that Krishna offered her a seven-year prison sentence.
04:03The condition was that Jessica had to confess to killing Myrna at Oliver's coffee shop.
04:09Furthermore, Jessica said, Krishnamurthy promised not to impose the maximum penalty on her.
04:15The maximum penalty in question was life imprisonment or the death penalty.
04:20He, Krishnamurthy, also talked to me.
04:23He said, it's better for you to confess to murdering Myrna.
04:28At most, you'll be sentenced to seven years, and with reductions, your prison time will
04:32be short, Jessica revealed.
04:34I also won't let you be sentenced to life imprisonment or the death penalty, Jessica
04:38continued, mimicking Krishnamurthy's words.
04:43Krishnamurthy has strongly denied Jessica's claims in the trial.
04:47Krishna stated that he never made any statements or promises as alleged by Jessica.
04:52On the contrary, Krishna admitted that he only asked Jessica Wongso to speak the truth
04:57based on the facts related to the cyanide coffee case.
05:01If Jessica did not want to provide a factual confession, Krishna said he would not make
05:06an issue out of it.
05:08The involvement of Krishnamurthy in the manipulation of CCTV footage in the Jessica Wongso case
05:13is a significant aspect of this highly controversial trial.
05:17As the General Crime Director of the Jakarta Metropolitan Police, Krishnamurthy oversaw
05:22the investigation and the handling of evidence, including the crucial CCTV footage from Café
05:29This footage played a pivotal role in the legal proceedings, as it was used to support
05:33the prosecution's case against Jessica Wongso, who was accused of poisoning her friend, Myrna
05:39Salihan, with cyanide-laced coffee.
05:42Under Krishnamurthy's leadership, two digital forensic experts, Mohamedna Al-Azhar and Christopher
05:47Harriman Rianto, were tasked with analyzing and presenting the CCTV footage.
05:53However, these experts manipulated the video by downscaling its resolution from 1920x1080
05:59pixels to 960x576 pixels.
06:04This deliberate reduction in resolution obscured important details and compromised the integrity
06:09of the evidence.
06:11The manipulation was intended to distort reality and strengthen the prosecution's narrative
06:15against Jessica Wongso.
06:18The defense team, including forensic expert appointed by Wongso's legal counsel, Rizman
06:23Haseehul and Sianapar, highlighted these manipulations during the trial.
06:28He argued that the downscaled footage made it difficult to discern specific actions or
06:32movements, leading to significant discrepancies and raising doubts about the accuracy and
06:37reliability of the evidence presented.
06:40This revelation of digital tampering became a central point in Wongso's defense strategy,
06:45aiming to undermine the credibility of the prosecution's case and the integrity of the
06:49entire legal process.
06:53Krishnamurthy's role in overseeing this manipulated evidence has been a subject of intense scrutiny
06:57and criticism.
06:59The deliberate tampering with the CCTV footage, under his supervision, has been seen as a
07:04flagrant disregard for truth and justice.
07:08It has called into question the fairness and transparency of the investigation and the
07:12subsequent trial.
07:14The exposure of these manipulations has fueled widespread discussions about the reliability
07:18of forensic evidence, the role of law enforcement in ensuring justice, and the potential abuse
07:24of power by those in authority.
07:27The manipulation of Café Olivier's CCTV footage under the direction of Krishnamurthy and executed
07:32by Mohamed Naa Al-Azhar and Christopher Harriman Rianto represents one of the most egregious
07:37instances of digital tampering in recent history.
07:41This case underscores the critical importance of maintaining the integrity of forensic evidence
07:45and the need for rigorous scrutiny in legal proceedings to uphold justice.
07:50The actions of these individuals have had far-reaching implications, not only for the
07:54Jessica Wongso case, but also for the broader perception of the legal and judicial system
07:59in Indonesia.
08:02Krishnamurthy's involvement in the manipulation of the CCTV7 footage in Jessica Wongso's case
08:07appears to be driven by a motive to reinforce the prosecution's case against her.
08:12It shows how the resolution of the CCTV7 footage was deliberately altered within the same time
08:17interval, specifically between 1557 and 1717 local time, just before Myrna Salihan arrived.
08:25This tampering, carried out by Mohamed Naa Al-Azhar under Krishnamurthy's direction,
08:29blurred all of Jessica Wongso's movements at Table 54 and fabricated artificial movements,
08:35such as looking left and right, moving objects, and taking something from her bag.
08:41The motive behind these actions seems clear – by degrading the footage quality from
08:451920x1080 pixels to 960x576 pixels and introducing artificial activities, Krishnamurthy aimed
08:53to obscure crucial details that might have exonerated Wongso.
08:58This manipulation was intended to present her actions as suspicious and potentially
09:02incriminating, thus bolstering the prosecution's narrative.
09:06The resulting blurry and low-resolution footage made it difficult for judges and legal experts
09:11to accurately interpret Wongso's behavior, leading to potential misinterpretations that
09:16favored the prosecution's case.
09:19By compromising the integrity of the digital evidence, Krishnamurthy and his team introduced
09:24biases and distortions that could mislead the court and undermine the principles of
09:30This unethical manipulation of evidence highlights a significant abuse of power, as it sought
09:34to ensure a conviction by any means necessary, rather than allowing for a fair and objective
09:39legal process.
09:41The deliberate tampering of the CCTV footage ultimately reflects a calculated effort to
09:46influence the trial's outcome, casting serious doubts on the integrity of the entire legal
09:54Krishnamurthy's involvement in the manipulation of the CCTV7 footage in Jessica Wongso's
09:59case aimed to falsely accuse her of placing a stirrer into Myrna Salihan's coffee and
10:03to obscure the movements of Myrna's hand when she picked up the stirrer from the table.
10:08Under Krishnamurthy's direction, Mohamedna Al-Azza and Christopher Harriman-Rianto executed
10:13deliberate alterations to the CCTV7 footage from Café Olivier.
10:18This involved reducing the resolution and frame rate of the footage, which blurred crucial
10:23details and distorted the events.
10:25Christopher Harriman-Rianto split the CCTV7 footage into two segments.
10:30The second segment, which covered the crucial time just before Myrna Salihan arrived at
10:35the café, was intentionally blurred to obscure the specific movements.
10:40This manipulation made it difficult to see Myrna's hand movements clearly, creating ambiguity
10:45around whether Jessica had placed the stirrer into the coffee or if Myrna had picked it
10:49up herself.
10:51By intentionally blurring these details, the manipulation aimed to create a misleading
10:55narrative that Jessica Wongso had tampered with Myrna's coffee.
11:00This strategic move was designed to cast doubt on Jessica and bolster the prosecution's case,
11:05ultimately compromising the integrity of the trial and raising serious ethical and legal
11:09concerns about the fairness of the proceedings.
11:13The manipulation of the CCTV9 footage resulted in a loss of colour detail and clarity in
11:18the first segment, making it challenging to accurately compare the coffee colours.
11:24This deliberate reduction in resolution and frame rate obscured the subtle variations
11:28in hue, saturation, and brightness that are crucial for forensic analysis.
11:34By tampering with the visual evidence, the team under Krishnamoorthy's direction compromised
11:38the integrity of the forensic findings.
11:41This manipulation not only misled the toxicologists, who based their cyanide analysis on this footage,
11:47but also introduced significant doubts about the reliability of the prosecution's evidence.
11:53The inaccurate results from the toxicologists, due to the compromised footage, had far-reaching
11:58implications for the trial.
12:01The judges relied on flawed forensic evidence to convict Jessica Wongso, which undermines
12:06the credibility of the entire judicial process.
12:09The deliberate actions of Krishnamoorthy and his team in manipulating the CCTV9 footage
12:14cast serious doubts on the integrity of the investigation and the fairness of the trial.
12:20This case highlights the critical importance of preserving the accuracy and reliability
12:24of forensic evidence to ensure justice is served.
12:28This three of the 37 scientific pieces of evidence explained revealing the manipulation
12:33of CCTV footage at Café Olivier have been uncovered and exposed.
12:38These pieces of evidence demonstrate deliberate tampering with the footage, particularly concerning
12:43the resolution and frame rate adjustments that obscured crucial details.
12:48This tampering aimed to distort the events and create misleading evidence against Jessica
12:54Specifically, the alterations involved splitting footage into segments with differing resolutions
12:59and frame rates, manipulating the color detail of the coffee, and blurring critical movements
13:04and objects.
13:06The exposure of these manipulations has serious implications for those involved, including
13:11Krishnamoorthy and his subordinates, Mohamedna Al-Azza and Christopher Harriman-Rianto.
13:17The deliberate tampering with evidence not only violates ethical and professional standards
13:21in digital forensics, but also constitutes a criminal act.
13:26If proven guilty, they could face severe legal consequences for their actions.
13:31Such manipulations undermine the integrity of the judicial process and erode public trust
13:36in law enforcement and forensic practices.
13:40Inspector General Krishnamoorthy should face severe punishment for his role in manipulating
13:44CCTV footage in the Jessica Wongso case.
13:49This includes a lengthy prison sentence, potentially over a decade, due to the gravity of tampering
13:53with evidence in a high-profile murder case.
13:57Additionally, he could be subjected to substantial fines and immediate dismissal from his position,
14:02effectively ending his career in law enforcement.
14:05His actions would also lead to professional disqualification, preventing him from holding
14:10any similar roles in the future, and causing significant damage to his reputation, making
14:15it difficult for him to find employment in any trust-based field.
