VeggieTales: Dave and the Giant Pickle (1998 VHS) (Widescreen) (without intro and silly song)

  • 3 months ago
I removed the intro and silly song for copyright reasons


00:00Danger lurks in the big city.
00:09Disaster waits in every dark alley, peril behind every park bench.
00:14The world needs a hero, but not just an ordinary hero, no, a special hero, a super hero.
00:23I am that hero.
00:25They call me Larry Boy.
00:32Whenever there is trouble, I'll be there.
00:35Whatever a helpless vegetable calls out, I will answer.
00:39Evil doers beware, you are no match for the awesome power of Larry Boy and his super suction
00:49You doubt?
00:50A demonstration.
00:51Um, hi kids, I'm Bob the Tomato, and I think that's Larry the Cucumber.
01:07I'm Larry Boy.
01:08Who are you?
01:09Larry, it's me, Bob.
01:12I don't know Bob.
01:13Hey there citizen, would you give me a hand with my super suction ear?
01:19It seems to have malfunctioned.
01:21Uh, okay.
01:23What do I do?
01:24Well, it's just that I'm afraid it's about to let... go.
01:31Wow, I didn't know being a super hero could be so painful.
01:36Maybe you should just go back to being plain old Larry.
01:40But I don't want to be plain old Larry anymore.
01:42Why not?
01:43Well, there's nothing special about plain old Larry.
01:47He can't do anything neat like fly or save people or anything.
01:52He's just plain old boring.
01:54Oh, not feeling very special, huh?
02:00Hey, I know.
02:02I could...
02:03Larry, you got my...
02:06Pull back, pull back Bob.
02:07Um, well, what I was going to say is that we...
02:18That smarts.
02:19Hey, look.
02:20I'm a Larry-go-round.
02:21As I was saying, we just got a letter from Myra Eggleston of Youngstown, Pennsylvania.
02:30Now Myra has a lot of brothers and sisters, and they're all bigger than she is.
02:35She says that they can do really neat things like play soccer and dance ballet, but Myra's
02:41too little.
02:42So Myra wants to know what's special about her.
02:45Oh, Myra, I know how you feel.
02:49Well, Myra and Larry, I'm going to tell you a story about a boy named Dave.
03:00Now Dave lived in a land called Israel a long, long time ago, so long ago that there weren't
03:07any cars or telephones or vacuum cleaners or anything.
03:11There were mostly just sheep, especially around Dave's house, because Dave was a shepherd.
03:18No, no, that's not him.
03:20That's one of his brothers.
03:22Nope, another brother.
03:24Uh, nope, another brother.
03:27Dave had a lot of brothers.
03:30There he is.
03:31No, not the sheep.
03:33He's behind the sheep.
03:35Shoo there, Fluffy.
03:37Hi, I'm Dave.
03:41I have a lot of brothers.
03:43Yep, seven to be exact.
03:46Now Dave and his brothers spent most of their time in the fields taking care of their sheep,
03:50which could be hard work because their sheep had an unusual problem.
03:55They tip over.
03:56Oh, look, that guy's worn out.
04:00But Dave had an even bigger problem.
04:02You see, of all the brothers, he was the smallest.
04:06That's right, everybody's bigger than I am.
04:10And sometimes his big brothers would pick on him.
04:13Oh, Dave, one of my sheep fell over.
04:17Would you come pick it up for me?
04:19I'm kind of busy right now.
04:21Do you remember the time we dipped you in tar and stuck you to the backside of an angry
04:25water buffalo?
04:26I'll be right there.
04:29Hey, Dave, one of my sheep fell too.
04:33Just a minute.
04:36Oh, look, all of my sheep fell over.
04:42Oh, Dave, after you pick up our sheep, could you run and get me a bite to eat?
04:47I'm famished.
04:49Oh, yeah, me too.
04:50Get me something, too.
04:51You know, sometimes I think I could eat a whole camel.
04:55Oh, yeah?
04:56Well, sometimes I think I could eat a whole spaceship.
04:59Uh, what's a spaceship?
05:01I have no idea.
05:03That's how things had pretty much always been for Dave.
05:06Nothing really exciting happened around there until one day when their dad, Jesse, came
05:11running out with some horrible news.
05:17Uh, Dave, could you pick those up?
05:20Oh, boys!
05:21Oh, boys!
05:22I got horrible news!
05:24The philip, the philip, the philip beans are, uh, they're attacking!
05:31The lima beans are, uh, lacking?
05:35The nectarines are quacking?
05:38One more time, please, and let's work on our enunciation.
05:43The philistines are attacking!
05:54Uh, Bob, what are the Philippines?
05:57The Philippines are a group of islands off the coast of Southeast Asia, but that's not important now.
06:03The philistines were people who hated Israel.
06:07They wanted to take Israel's land and make the Israelites their slaves, so they'd have to do
06:11whatever the philistines told them to do.
06:14Oh, that's bad.
06:15You're right.
06:16So the Israelites needed to protect themselves.
06:19We need to protect ourselves, but how?
06:24King Saul is putting together an army to stop the philistines.
06:29He needs your help!
06:30You must help save Israel!
06:33We must help save Israel!
06:36We must help save Israel!
06:39We must help save Israel!
06:43Hey, hey, hey, hey, Dave!
06:45Where do you think you're going?
06:47I must help save Israel!
06:51It's very nice that you want to help, but saving a country is a big thing.
06:58You're a little guy.
07:00Big people do big things, and little people do little things.
07:05So, stay with the sheep.
07:15They're big.
07:17I'm little.
07:19They go.
07:22I twiddle.
07:24Why can't little guys do big things, too?
07:35By the time Dave's brothers arrived at King Saul's camp,
07:38battle lines had been drawn between the philistines and the Israelites.
07:42And, as was the custom in their day, the armies lined up and yelled at each other.
07:49Hello, Israelites!
07:50You are pigs!
07:51And soon we will put apples in your mouths and stick you in our toaster ovens!
07:57Yes, after we defeat you, you will be our slaves and you will have to fetch us our slippers!
08:02Yes, and iron our trousers!
08:04And wipe our little noses!
08:07And scratch that spot on our backs we cannot reach no matter how hard we try!
08:15Don't you have anything to say?
08:18Um, do you guys have any fried chicken?
08:21I've got a real hankering for fried chicken.
08:24Yeah, me too.
08:26This is going to be easier than we thought.
08:29You know, I think I can save us all a lot of time.
08:32How about if we bring out our strongest man and you bring out your strongest man and have a fight?
08:37If our champion beats your champion, you will be our slaves.
08:41But, if your champion defeats us, we will be your slaves.
08:44What do you think about that?
08:47Well, the Israelites were getting kind of tired of the yelling
08:50and the Philistines did seem a little on the small side.
08:54So, King Saul agreed.
08:56That seems like a reasonable idea.
08:58Alright, we agree. Send out your champion!
09:03Hey Goliath!
09:16Who will I fight?
09:36The Israelites were so terrified of Goliath that they all ran away and hid.
09:41The Israelites were so terrified of Goliath that they all ran away and hid.
09:46Nobody will fight. I'll come back tomorrow.
09:50And that's exactly what he did.
09:52Goliath came back the next day, and the next day, and the next day for 40 days.
10:01But every time he showed up, all the Israelites ran away and hid.
10:05Finally, Jesse started to worry about his boys.
10:08So he sent little Dave to the battlefield with some food.
10:13Now Dave got to King Saul's camp just about the time Goliath was going to come out.
10:18So all the Israelites were hiding.
10:22Hello! Is anybody here?
10:26Shhh! He'll hear you.
10:31Him! That big pickle over there.
10:34Who will fight me?
10:37Well, who's going to fight him?
10:40What are you, nuts? He'd have us for lunch.
10:43Speaking of which, what did you bring us?
10:45Here you go.
10:49Mmm, pizza.
10:51Oh, cheese in the crust. That's tremendous.
10:56Come on, guys. Have you forgotten? We're the children of God.
11:01We're the children of God.
11:03The what?
11:04The children of God.
11:06The Bible says that the Israelites were God's chosen people.
11:10God led them through the desert, he helped them walk across the Red Sea,
11:14and whenever they went into battle, God was there with them.
11:18They had always known that if God was on their side, no one could stand against them.
11:24But King Saul and his men were so scared of big, tall Goliath,
11:29they forgot that God was even bigger.
11:32Oh, dear.
11:33Larry, you've got something on your...
11:38Oh, never mind.
11:40Once again, no one would answer Goliath's challenge.
11:46No one to fight.
11:49They told me that you are the children of God.
11:52You are cowards. I come back tomorrow.
11:57I can't believe you're letting him say that.
12:01Somebody's got to do something.
12:05What are you going to do, Dave?
12:07Remember, you're a little guy.
12:09Leave this big stuff to us big people.
12:15Do you think he saw me?
12:17No, you're okay.
12:20Well, Dave knew exactly what he had to do,
12:23so he went straight to King Saul and announced his plan.
12:27I will fight Goliath!
12:31King Saul took the news rather well.
12:33I'm sorry, my ears must be failing.
12:36I could have sworn I heard you say that you'd fight Goliath,
12:40but you didn't say that, did you?
12:43Yes, I did.
12:45Oh, I say, that's very kind, but let's be reasonable.
12:51You are a tiny little fellow, and, well, Goliath, he's enormous.
12:57No, no, no, no, that's a job for a big person, not a little boy like you.
13:05You're not going to sing, are you?
13:10Couldn't you just play your harp and I'll throw things at you?
13:16You're big, I'm little
13:19Your head only comes to your middle
13:21But I say, little guys can do big things, too
13:25Yes, but Goliath, he's
13:27He's big, but God's bigger
13:30And when I think of him, it's when I figure
13:33With his help, little guys can do big things, too
13:41Oh, I see what you're saying.
13:45All right, I understand. Now let's suppose that this is true.
13:48You look rather whippy, but I know what we can do.
13:50Just step behind this curtain. It will only take a minute.
13:52There's a closet in the corner, and you'll like what I've got in it.
13:55You'll find my royal armor there. Now, Dally, put it on.
13:57Yes, now you'll look much bigger when the battle lines are drawn.
14:00One more thing you'll need, I think. Pick up my royal sword.
14:02It's a big one and a beauty. The best we could afford.
14:05Once you've got it all together, I think you will agree.
14:07You're bound to do much better if you try to look like me.
14:19Oh, dear.
14:21You know, I think maybe I should just be plain old me.
14:25Oh, yes, well, I suppose.
14:28But have you seen Goliath? Why, he's, he's just, he's...
14:33He's big, but God's bigger
14:36And when I think of him, it's when I figure
14:39With his help, little guys can do big things
14:42With his help, I know I can do big things
14:45With his help, little guys can do big things, too
14:55All right, if you're sure you know what you're getting into.
14:59Oh, dear.
15:05Well, Dave wasn't exactly sure what he was getting into,
15:09but he knew God would be there with him.
15:11So he went down to a stream and found five smooth stones.
15:15Then he went back to the camp and waited for Goliath.
15:21Who will fight me?
15:24I will fight you, Goliath.
15:27You know, if I didn't know better, I'd say that sounded like Dave.
15:32Oh, yeah.
15:35You know, if I didn't know better, I'd say that looks like Dave.
15:46Goliath was equally surprised.
15:48Who said that?
15:50I did.
15:55Whoa, am I a dog that you come at me with sticks?
16:01You come at me with sticks?
16:06I don't exactly know what you mean.
16:09But you are not a dog.
16:11You are a really big guy that wants to beat me up.
16:15And I come at you not with sticks,
16:18but in the name of the God of Israel,
16:21who this day shall help me defeat you.
16:26We will see who defeats who.
16:29Now we fight.
16:33It's showtime!
16:59I am Goliath!
17:01I am the God of Israel!
17:03I am the God of Israel!
17:05I am the God of Israel!
17:49The Philistines were so scared of Dave
17:52that they all ran away and hid
17:54and Israel was saved.
17:59And that's the story of Dave, a really little guy who did a really big thing.
18:06Well, what did you think of the story?
18:30Oh my goodness! That was amazing!
18:33Dave was just a teeny little guy, but he beat Goliath who was the biggest, strongest guy they'd ever seen.
18:39Oh my! I laughed, I cried. It moved me, Bob.
18:43Well, good. It's time to talk about...
18:47It's time to talk about what we learned today.
18:51Uh, Bob? Why are you whispering?
18:54Because whenever I say that, that song plays.
18:58What song, Bob?
18:59You know, the What Have We Learned song.
19:02Oh! You mean the song that plays every time you say, and now it's time to talk about what we've learned today?
19:08And so what we have learned applies to our lives today, and God has a lot to say in his book.
19:16Yep, that's the one.
19:18Kinda catchy, isn't it?
19:20You see, we know that God's word is for everyone, and now that our song is done, we'll take a look.
19:30Now in our story, no one thought David could do anything important.
19:35After all, he was just a little guy.
19:37Why, even King Saul tried to change David by putting his own armor on him.
19:42It kinda reminds me of another guy who thought he had to put on a costume to be special.
19:49But David loved God, and he knew that even though he was small, God could help him do big things.
19:55I'll say. He took on that old Goliath when all the other guys were too scared to try.
20:00But that's not all, Larry. David went on to be the king of all Israel.
20:04Wow! That's pretty good for a little guy.
20:07Well, that's pretty good for any guy.
20:10Well, if God can help David do big things even though he was little, then I sure don't need to dress up like a superhero to be special.
20:17Nope. Larry, you're special just the way you are.
20:21Aw, thanks, Bob.
20:23Hey, let's see if Qwerty has a verse for us.
20:28Qwerty, do you have a verse for us?
20:35With God, all things are possible. Matthew 19, 26.
20:40Oh, great, cause I've always wanted to be a chicken. Do you think God would turn me into a chicken?
20:45Nuh-uh, no, no, no, no, no, no. That's not what the verse means.
20:49It's not?
20:50No, it doesn't mean that we can just do whatever we want to do. It means that anything that God wants us to do, we can do.
20:58You see, God wanted the Israelites to win that battle, but that meant that someone had to fight Goliath.
21:04Even though David was just a kid, he knew that if God wanted him to beat Goliath, he could do it.
21:10That showed just how much David trusted God, and that's why he became such a great king for Israel.
21:17Wow, so anything God wants me to do, I can do. That makes me feel pretty special.
21:23And Myra, I hope that makes you feel pretty special, too.
21:27Uh, one more question, Bob.
21:29What's that, Larry?
21:31Um, does this mean that I can't pretend I'm Larry Boy anymore?
21:34Larry, as long as you feel okay about plain old Larry, cause plain old Larry is very special, you can pretend to be whoever you want.
21:43Oh, great.
21:44Well, we're out of time for today. Remember, God made you special, and he loves you very much. Bye!
21:51I'm just gonna hang out here for a while.
21:53Oh, okay.
21:59The world needs a hero. I am that hero. They call me Larry Boy!
22:14Bob? Bob!
22:20Could you, uh, could you give me a hand?
22:25Hey there, citizen!
22:28Hey, hey, you over there!
22:32Look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me!
22:39Oh, dear.
