VeggieTales: The Wonderful Wizard of Ha's (Part One) (Smile) (without intro and silly song)

  • 2 weeks ago
I removed the intro and silly song for copyright reasons


00:00Hi kids, and welcome to VeggieTales. I'm Bob the Tomato.
00:04And I'm Larry the Cucumber.
00:07And we're here to... Is something wrong, Larry?
00:11I'm fine, Bob.
00:13You don't look fine. What's that behind your back?
00:19No, there's something behind your back, Larry. What's going on here?
00:23Oh, Bob, I'm in big trouble.
00:26See this? It's a, uh...
00:29Aardvark. It's an aardvark, Bob. You know my dad?
00:32Uh, the astronaut?
00:34Yeah, the astronaut. He loves aardvarks, Bob. Just loves them.
00:38Have you ever been to Ship Shawana?
00:40Uh, in Indiana? The Amish community?
00:43That's the one. It's full of craft shows. They're crazy about them.
00:47What's that have to do with the aardvark?
00:50My dad went to Ship Shawana, Bob, and he bought this aardvark kit.
00:53Spent three weeks putting it together. He loves this aardvark.
00:56He pulls his tail and his tongue shoots out and picks stuff up.
00:59Because of Velcro, that's why.
01:01And the problem?
01:02I broke it, Bob.
01:04I wanted to see how many times he could shoot his tongue out in a minute.
01:07I was up to 48 when this happened.
01:10Oh, dear. What did your dad say?
01:13He doesn't know, and I can't tell him.
01:15He loves this aardvark, Bob, and I'm afraid he won't love me anymore.
01:19I can't go back home. I just can't go back home.
01:23Phew. Wow.
01:25That reminds me of a letter we just got.
01:28How did I know you were going to say that?
01:30It is our 27th show.
01:32Let's see. It was from Felix Rosenwinkel of Grinnell, Iowa.
01:36Now, Felix says he knows God doesn't want us to steal,
01:40but he's been stealing stuff anyway.
01:42He feels real bad about it now,
01:44but he doesn't think he can ever go back to church.
01:47He doesn't think God likes him anymore.
01:49Oh, Felix, that's even worse than breaking your dad's aardvark.
01:53What's he going to do, Bob? What's he going to do?
01:56He's going to listen to the story of the prodigal son.
02:00Oh, I heard of that.
02:02But that's real short. We've got a whole DVD to fill.
02:05It isn't short if you tell it like this.
02:08Felix, it's time to pay a visit to the Wizard of Haas.
02:13Ooh, can he fix my aardvark?
02:15Roll the film.
02:24Dad! Dad! Hey, Dad!
02:28Come on, Tutu. Hurry up, boy.
02:31Tarnation, Tutu.
02:33You must be the slowest dog in Kansas.
02:36Dad! Dad!
02:39Hey, have you seen my dad?
02:41No, I haven't seen him.
02:43Maybe he's at the zoo.
02:45Maybe he's at the zoo.
02:47Maybe he's at the zoo.
02:49Maybe he's at the zoo.
02:51Hey, have you seen my dad?
02:53Not now, Darby. Miss Poopsie is thirsty.
02:56But I...
02:57Here, Miss Poopsie, drink up.
02:59Don't get jealous, Francine. You're next.
03:02How's the floss?
03:04It's almost ripe.
03:13Hey, have you seen my dad? I want to show him.
03:15Not now, Darby. I got to get old Bessie ready to bring in the floss.
03:19We're going to have a bump of crop, if we can bring it in on time.
03:23And don't forget to check on that roll of bathroom kit.
03:26Dad! Dad!
03:27Oh, Darby. What is it?
03:29Look at this, Dad.
03:31The Land of Haas?
03:33Yeah, it's an amusement park that Bobby Bernard went to
03:36when he visited his cousins last week.
03:38Bobby said that they had this roller coaster that goes upside down.
03:41And even one of those bouncy castles where you jump around
03:44and you knock your heads together until you pass out.
03:47Wow, that sounds like quite a place.
03:50But it's very far away.
03:52I'm afraid we just don't have the money this year to...
03:54Look, I've got it all figured out, Dad.
03:56We've got the piggy bank, right?
03:58You said the money you're putting in it is for me.
04:00Now, son, that's for your college, for your future.
04:04I don't want you throwing it away on...
04:06It's not fair.
04:07Hey, come give me a hand.
04:08You said it was my money.
04:14It's ready. The floss is ready.
04:17We can pick it now, I think.
04:19Fire up old Bessie. The floss is ready.
04:23Oh, right.
04:31Oh, Bessie.
04:33Can you fix it?
04:35I don't even make pots for her anymore.
04:38What about the floss?
04:40We'll have to bring it in by hand.
04:42That'll take too long.
04:4312-hour days.
04:44Every hand we got.
04:46But the land of Oz.
04:51Darby, son, I'm sorry.
04:54Maybe next year.
04:55The bouncy thingy.
04:57I'm sorry, Darby, but we're farmers.
04:59The crops have to come first.
05:01It's not fair.
05:02Why don't I get to do what I want to do?
05:06I'm dying.
05:09I'm done with this lousy farm.
05:14It's been a long day.
05:15Go home to your families.
05:17We've got a lot of work to do tomorrow.
05:23Pick the floss. Pick the floss.
05:27Man, I never get to do anything I want to do.
05:35I know what you're thinking.
05:37You're wishing you could be somewhere else.
05:39Somewhere over the rainbow.
05:43I was just like you once.
05:45I wanted to go...
05:46Over the rainbow?
05:48How would I go over a rainbow?
05:50It's water droplets refracting sunlight.
05:53Well, I just meant to...
05:56No, the place I want to go is beyond the barn.
06:01Come again?
06:02Beyond the barn.
06:03Across Kansas.
06:05And all the way to the land of Haas.
06:11Well, remember how much your dad loves you, Darby.
06:15You really are a lucky kid.
06:21How can I be lucky if I'm missing out on all the fun?
06:28Life should be a party, but the hot dog's fallen from my bun.
06:35Somewhere beyond the barn.
06:40Far from this lousy farm.
06:45I'll find my happiness.
06:49I'll do what I like best.
06:54Somewhere beyond the barn.
07:08Change in the wind.
07:14This isn't London, is it?
07:20What is it, boys?
07:24Tootoo, stop that barking!
07:27Oh, hi, Bobby.
07:30Hey, Darby.
07:32I told you your dad wouldn't let you go.
07:34He will too let me go.
07:36Just not this year.
07:37Because of the floss.
07:39Of course not.
07:40He don't want you to have fun.
07:42That's not true.
07:43He loves me very much.
07:45Listen, kid.
07:46Love has its limit.
07:48Do what you want to do.
07:50Do something he don't like.
07:51Then see how far his love goes.
07:54It's now or never, pipsqueak.
07:56Get wise, get some money, and go have some fun.
08:17Somewhere beyond the barn.
08:22Far from this lousy farm.
08:26I'll find my happiness.
08:29I'll do what I like best with no one as my boss.
08:35No smell of dental floss out from my father's nest.
08:42I'll do what I like best.
08:45I'll go somewhere beyond the barn.
08:56We should have done this a long time ago, Tootoo.
09:10Now we'll do what we want to do.
09:11Some storm!
09:12What is it, boy?
09:16What are you supposed to do if you're caught outside by a tornado?
09:17Tootoo, get out of that ditch and help me remember!
09:30What do you do?
09:37You go inside!
09:41Come on, Tootoo!
09:46We'll be safe in here, Tootoo!
09:48We're inside!
09:56Is it over?
09:58Hey, look!
09:59A telephone pole!
10:00Going down!
10:02Now why would a telephone pole be going down?
10:04Unless we were going up!
10:10Hang on, Tootoo!
10:16This is getting weird, Tootoo!
10:34Tootoo, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.
10:40Oh, my!
10:43What do you suppose that is?
10:57You have freed us!
10:58Um, I what?
11:00You broke the monster with your little hat from the sky!
11:03I don't understand.
11:05If only she were here, she would explain.
11:11It is she!
11:12What is that?
11:14Hi, Mom!
11:15She will explain everything!
11:17Is there a beautiful fairy inside that big round ball?
11:21No, a beautiful fairy is that big round ball.
11:27I am Splendid the Sweet, but non-fattening fairy.
11:30These cute little creatures are the munchies, and you are in Munchyland!
11:37Care for a snack?
11:38No, thank you.
11:39The munchies think you fell from heaven in your shiny hat.
11:43But I know the truth.
11:45It is a starship that brought you across the galaxy
11:48to save these sweet ones from the evil Munchy Muncher.
11:51A star what?
11:53The Munchy who?
11:54But now you and your starship have destroyed it, and you are their hero!
11:59Ma'am, it's not a starship.
12:01It's an old trailer.
12:03Yes, love.
12:05Come out, little munchies, and meet the brave sailor
12:08who sailed across the stars in his rocket-shaped trailer.
12:12It's just a plain old trailer.
12:14He crossed the white sky, passed the moon by the bright sun
12:17to save my friends from that nasty old Muncher.
12:24We thank you, sir.
12:25We thank you, sir.
12:26For saving our good friends,
12:28who would have met the most unpleasant...
12:30Most unpleasant end.
12:32Had you not happened by in your trailer from the sky,
12:36a song about your exploit will be penned.
12:39That means written.
12:42What is your name?
12:45Can you think of anything that rhymes with Darby?
12:48Uh, Ferby?
12:49Got any other names?
12:51Uh, nope.
12:52Just Darby.
12:54We'll make the most of it.
12:57His name is Darby
13:00And he's our hero
13:03I like my Barbie
13:06But I'm no weirdo
13:09Like Dana Calvey
13:12Robert De Niro
13:15His name is Darby
13:17And he's our hero
13:20His name is Darby
13:22And he's our hero
13:24I like my Darby
13:26But I'm no weirdo
13:28Like Dana Calvey
13:29Robert De Niro
13:31His name is Darby
13:33And he's our hero
13:35He swims across the morning sky
13:37And pokes the Muncher in the eye
13:39So lift him up and toss him high
13:41Like a big band
13:43Darby's our band
13:51Who destroyed my Munchy Muncher?
13:55Huh? Who was it?
13:57He swims across the morning sky
13:59And pokes the Muncher in the eye
14:01So lift him up and toss him high
14:03Like a big band
14:05Darby's our band
14:08Oh, it was you, was it?
14:10Do I know you?
14:12You're going to pay for this
14:14And your little dog, too
14:20Enough with the smoke
14:26Oh, you have nothing to worry about
14:28If he shows up again
14:30You can just drop your starship on him
14:34In the meantime, are you hungry?
14:36We've got crisp old cheese meats
14:38Tudor dudes?
14:39Thanks, but I'm not very hungry
14:41I'm trying to get here
14:43The Land of Hog
14:47Do you know how to get there?
14:49Oh, yes. You'll need Yellow
14:53Let's see if he's home
15:01Yes, Yellow McToad
15:03He's very old
15:05But he will lead you to the Land of Hog
15:07So all I have to do is...
15:09Follow old Yellow McToad
15:13Help us!
15:15You guys are kinda freaking me out
15:17Look, there he goes
15:19Follow old Yellow McToad
15:21Happily hopping his way down the road
15:23Follow old Yellow McToad
15:25Down to the Land of Hog
15:27Follow old Yellow McToad
15:29He'll never stop once he leaves his abode
15:31Follow old Yellow McToad
15:33Down to the Land of Hog
15:35Follow old Yellow McToad
15:37Yellow Mictoad, Thor will be blinded and he will be bored.
15:40But oh, Yellow Mictoad, down to the land of Oz.
15:49It's time to see the wizard, the whimsical wizard of Oz.
15:53With food and rides and games galore, you'll have some fun, you'll want some more.
15:57It's time to see the wizard, the whimsical wizard of Oz.
16:02Thank you for your help.
16:04So long.
16:05Au revoir.
16:06Au revoir.
16:19Hey, you.
16:20Huh? Who said that?
16:22Got any comic books?
16:24Who is it?
16:25Game Boy, iPod, Blender, Magnetic Chess, Pocket Scrabble.
16:29Talking Candy Corn?
16:31No, wait. The Scarecrow?
16:34That's me, the Scarecrow.
16:36Any magazines other than Farm Digest or Bird Fancy?
16:40What seems to be the problem?
16:42The problem, as you can see, is that I am stuck on a pole with nothing to do.
16:48Well, you are a Scarecrow.
16:50I'm a bag on a stick.
16:52I keep waiting for a train to come by and grab me with a hook.
16:56So you're a little bored?
16:58I'm bored out of my brains.
17:00I left home to have some fun and somehow I got a little hung up.
17:05I'd rather be anywhere but here.
17:07Oh. Well, I gotta keep going.
17:10We're following a toad and I don't know how to get him to stop.
17:13A toad?
17:14It's a long story.
17:16We're going to the Land of Haas.
17:18The Land of Haas? The funnest place on Earth?
17:21I've always wanted to go there.
17:23They got that ride that spins you around and you stick to the wall and then the bottom drops out.
17:28I love that!
17:29You could come with us.
17:32Yeah, but that place isn't cheap and we Scarecrows don't carry a lot of cash.
17:37I could pay for you. I've got plenty of money.
17:41You are my new best friend.
17:43Can you help me down?
17:46Hold still.
17:54Let's see the wizard follow that toad.
17:57It's time to see the wizard, the whimsical wizard of Haas.
18:01With loops and rides and games to look, you'll have some fun, you'll learn some more.
18:05It's time to see the wizard, the whimsical wizard of Haas.
18:11Scarecrow, are you alright?
18:13I ran into a metal wall.
18:16You ran into a metal man.
18:18Make that tin.
18:20Watch where you're going!
18:22I don't think that he was going anywhere. He's rusted.
18:26Tin man?
18:29Oil can!
18:30What? Boil spam?
18:33He wants us to boil some spam. I've heard about guys like this.
18:37Oil can!
18:39Boil your own spam!
18:41Oil can. He needs his oil can.
18:44Oh, oil can. Right. That makes sense.
18:57Thank you. That's much better.
19:00You were really stuck.
19:02Yeah. What's the scoop, rusty boy?
19:05I'm not a boy anymore. Pa says I'm a man.
19:08That's why I left home. To seek adventure. And roller coasters.
19:13Doesn't look like it's going so good.
19:16Oh, it was going fine, but after a half an hour, the walking part got old.
19:21After an hour, I was bored to tears.
19:24Hence the rusting?
19:26Well, now that you're moving again, I guess you can go back home.
19:29Oh, no. I must seek adventure.
19:31Have you considered a career in telemarketing?
19:34No. It's roller coasters I'm looking for.
19:37We're going someplace with roller coasters. The Land of Oz!
19:42Hope you brought some money, because fun has a price.
19:46The tinsmith forgot to give me pockets.
19:49I have enough money to pay for all three of us.
19:52You mean it?
19:53Sure I do.
19:55Well, what are we waiting for?
19:57It's time to see the wizard, the whimsical wizard of Oz.
20:01When he cries and makes a roar, you'll have some fun, you'll want some more.
20:05It's time to see the wizard, the whimsical wizard of Oz.
20:09La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
20:15God made you special.
20:17And he loves you very, very much.
20:20No matter what.
20:22See you next time.
20:50Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high,
21:02there's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby.
21:13Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue.
21:23Skies are blue.
21:25And the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.
21:33He's right.
21:35Someday I'll wish upon a star and wake up where the clouds are far behind me.
21:43Goodbye, clouds.
21:45Where troubles melt like lemon drops away above the chimney tops,
21:51that's where you'll find me.
22:00Somewhere over the rainbow, bluebirds fly.
22:10There they go now.
22:12Birds fly over the rainbow.
22:18Why, oh, why can't I?
22:37Tell my mom I'll be right here.
22:48I'll be right here.
22:49I'll be right here.
22:50I'll be right here.
22:51I'll be right here.
22:52I'll be right here.
22:53I'll be right here.
22:54I'll be right here.
22:55I'll be right here.
22:56I'll be right here.
22:57I'll be right here.
22:58I'll be right here.
22:59I'll be right here.
23:00I'll be right here.
23:01I'll be right here.
23:02I'll be right here.
23:03I'll be right here.
23:04I'll be right here.
23:05I'll be right here.
23:06I'll be right here.
23:07I'll be right here.
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23:09I'll be right here.
23:10I'll be right here.
23:11I'll be right here.
23:12I'll be right here.
23:13I'll be right here.
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23:40I'll be right here.
23:41I'll be right here.
23:42I'll be right here.
23:43I'll be right here.
23:44I'll be right here.
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23:46I'll be right here.
23:47I'll be right here.
23:48I'll be right here.
23:49I'll be right here.
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23:53I'll be right here.
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23:55I'll be right here.
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23:57I'll be right here.
23:58I'll be right here.
23:59I'll be right here.
24:00I'll be right here.
24:01I'll be right here.
24:02I'll be right here.
24:03I'll be right here.
24:04I'll be right here.
24:05I'll be right here.
24:06I'll be right here.
24:07I'll be right here.
24:08I'll be right here.
