VeggieTales: The Little Drummer Boy (The Ultimate Christmas Collection) (without intro)

  • 3 months ago
The DVD has the intro but I removed it for copyright reasons


00:00Okay, Pa, we're all set, headed out to do a little shopping.
00:28We thought we'd get Junior a real set of drums for Christmas.
00:32Look for the kind that don't make noise.
00:36Practice makes perfect.
00:37He loves it.
00:38I think he's a natural.
00:39Hey, pal.
00:41Yeah, Dad?
00:42We're headed out.
00:43You have a nice time caroling with your friends.
00:48Grandpa will be here if you need him.
00:50I can't wait.
00:51I've been practicing.
00:52I'm going to take this to drum along.
00:53You're going to take Silent Night off the list.
00:59We'll see you soon.
01:00Listen for the doorbell.
01:01Grandpa, can you listen for the doorbell?
01:02I'm going to keep practicing until Laura gets here.
01:03Sure thing.
01:04Oh, where do they keep the light bulbs?
01:05Probably in the garage.
01:06What's that noise?
01:20Maybe they got a cat.
01:34A really claggy cat.
01:39Bad kitty!
01:46Maybe he went shopping with his parents.
01:48I just saw their car drive by.
01:51That's weird. He said he really wanted to carol with us.
01:54Maybe he forgot.
01:58Come on, guys. Let's go.
02:05Grandpa, did you hear the doorbell ring?
02:08Uh, nope. Not yet.
02:11Ah, that's better.
02:13They should have been here by now.
02:19What? They totally ditched me!
02:23Huh? Oh, I'm sure they didn't ditch you.
02:26Maybe they're just starting and will swing by here on their way.
02:29No, we said we'd all go out together.
02:32Probably just a little mix-up.
02:34There's no mix-up. They ditched me.
02:39Why would they do that?
02:42Well, if they don't want to be with me, then I don't want to be with them.
02:47Well, sometimes people make mistakes.
02:49The best thing you can do is forgive them.
02:53Hey, I know. Maybe you can stay here with me and I can read you a Christmas story.
02:58A book? I don't know if I want to read right now. I'm in kind of a bad mood.
03:04Uh, it's about a drummer.
03:06A drummer?
03:08Oh, yeah. And he was about your age, too.
03:11Did he do awesome drum solos?
03:14Hmph. Better.
03:15Nothing's better than drum solos.
03:18He had dancing animals.
03:20Dancing animals?
03:22Yeah. But you probably don't want to hear it.
03:25I guess you could read a little bit. But don't try to cheer me up.
03:29Oh, I wouldn't think of it.
03:35A long time ago, there lived a little boy named Aaron.
03:40He's the drummer?
03:42He will be. Just like you.
03:48Dad, how's Baba?
03:51He's doing great.
03:53How's Baba?
03:55Baba's going to be just fine.
04:00Oh, Baba! This is the best birthday present ever! You were so sick!
04:06Nothing a little rest and medicine couldn't fix.
04:09If there's anyone who can help when it comes to animals, it's your father.
04:14Thanks, Dad.
04:16You know, that's not your only present.
04:19It's not?
04:24A drum? My very own drum? Thank you so much!
04:28Why don't you try it out?
04:35And perhaps because it was a gift of love,
04:38or maybe because Aaron was unnatural with the drums,
04:41when he played, the animals danced.
04:54Wow, he's great!
05:00Unfortunately, Aaron's happy world was about to come to an end.
05:09Wait, hold on. What do you mean? Isn't this a happy Christmas story?
05:14Every good story has some bumps along the way.
05:17What kind of bumps?
05:19Well, Aaron lived during the time of the Roman Empire,
05:22and usually, whatever the Roman army wanted, the Roman army got.
05:29Unfortunately, Aaron's farm was on land the Romans wanted.
05:35Aaron managed to hide with his animals,
05:40but his mom and dad were gone.
05:44Why do people do such terrible things?
05:49I don't know.
05:52I don't know.
05:55I don't know.
06:00I don't know.
06:03I don't know.
06:06I don't know.
06:09I don't know.
06:11Why do people do such terrible things?
06:20Aaron decided right then that he didn't want anything to do with anyone anymore.
06:28We don't need people. We'll be just fine by ourselves.
06:33Come on, guys. It's just us now.
06:42I'm getting hungry. We got any of that fruitcake left?
06:46What? How can you think of food when Aaron is going off by himself?
06:51I'm always thinking about food.
06:54Besides, I thought you only wanted me to read a little bit.
06:58Well, sure, but then there were, you know, story bumps.
07:03Should I keep reading?
07:08All right.
07:11In those days, Caesar Augustus issued a decree
07:15that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world,
07:19and everyone went to their own town to register.
07:23Caesar Augustus?
07:26Oh, yeah. Caesar Augustus was the ruler of the Roman Empire at the time Jesus was born.
07:31Though the story of the little drummer boy isn't in the Bible,
07:34it's inspired by the story of Jesus' wife.
07:38In those days, the government of Rome made people travel to the place where they were born
07:43so they could be counted and taxed.
07:46What's taxed?
07:48It means they had to pay money to the Romans.
07:51The Romans who ruined Aaron's life?
07:53The same.
07:55These travelers were good people who were just obeying the law
07:59and doing what they were supposed to do.
08:01But there were others who were not so good.
08:05Just look at that, Ollie. Isn't it wonderful?
08:09Oh, yeah, Ben-Haramed. The land is flowing with milk and honey.
08:14Mm-hmm. And the only thing tastier than lots and lots of honey is lots and lots of money.
08:21Ha! Yeah. And the only thing tastier than lots and lots of milk
08:25is lots and lots of chocolate milk.
08:28Uh, what?
08:29Well, you see, I like chocolate milk better than regular milk.
08:34Yeah, but I was making an analogy between honey and money.
08:39And I was making an analogy between milk and chocolate milk.
08:43That's a preference, not an analogy.
08:46I do on occasion buy milk at a discount. Does that count?
08:53With so many people traveling, what better time to cash in on a little rest stop entertainment.
08:59With my impressive juggling.
09:02I'll be impressed with three.
09:04Baby steps. They're on fire.
09:13With the acrobatic stylings of Mae and Wee.
09:17Mae! Wee! Mae! Wee! Mae! Wee!
09:21Mae! Wee!
09:23And the fitting comedy of Bernie.
09:26What do you get when you cross a Roman emperor with a head of lettuce?
09:30A Caesar salad!
09:34Are there crickets in the desert?
09:37Folks, I've been a great crowd. Don't forget to tip Ben Harriman.
09:41I think we're still missing something.
09:44I don't know. Maybe music?
09:46What's a show without song and dance?
09:54A drumming boy and dancing animals. That's exactly what we need.
10:00Everyone will want to see the show. We'll be rich!
10:04Let's get him!
10:17What? Who's there?
10:19Drummer boys and little lambs. Feast your eyes across the sands.
10:24Introducing an oasis of entertainment.
10:31The greatest showman this side of the Jordan.
10:35It's Ben Harriman!
10:40So you say you're in the mood for a diversion.
10:45Just a song, a laugh, amusement for your pain.
10:49Well my caravan it brings a carnival for kings.
10:54Cashing in from all the crowds of Jerusalem.
11:01I've got comics, gymnasts, jugglers and yours truly.
11:07But there's one important something that I lack.
11:10It's the newest little drummer boy sensation.
11:14Yeah, I'll reel them in, you'll keep them coming back.
11:18Kid, you're gold. They'll be sold.
11:22They'll be slinging shiny shekels uncontrolled.
11:26Every Claudius and Claudette with a buck to spare
11:30Will spend it at Amazing Little Drummer Boy.
11:34A treasure to behold.
11:36A treasure to behold.
11:39But all the people.
11:42What about them?
11:44I would rather be just left all alone.
11:48The empty lonely desert is my home.
11:52Drumming just for hoofed mammals, for my donkey, sheep and camel.
11:56And remain the little drummer boy unknown.
12:00Come on kid, let Ben Harriman put you and your friends to work.
12:03I don't want to work.
12:05You gotta have money to eat, to feed your animals.
12:09But I don't want to be around those people.
12:12I don't want to be around anyone.
12:14Of course you don't. You don't have to.
12:19We're gonna make a lot of money, Aaron.
12:21And once you've got money, you won't have to be around anyone you don't want to be around.
12:25I won't have to be around anyone?
12:28I just said that.
12:29Leave it to me, drummer boy.
12:31And you'll never have to deal with people again.
12:38Yes, I understand you'd rather be alone now.
12:42But your preferences must at the moment bend.
12:45Once you wow them on the streets, you'll grab your gold.
12:49And then retreat to the desert with your little animal friends.
12:53Kid, your gold.
12:55They'll be sold.
12:56They'll be sold.
12:58They'll be singing shiny shekels in control.
13:01Every Claudius and Claudette with a buck to spare will spend it.
13:05An amazing little drummer boy.
13:08A treasure to behold.
13:11A treasure to behold.
13:24Alright, we'll go.
13:26Come on, guys.
13:28Maybe we can get something to eat.
13:38So Ben Hammerhead tricked Aaron into joining his group?
13:44And yes, Ben was a shifty one.
13:46He didn't really plan on sharing his riches with Aaron.
13:51That's not fair.
13:52You know, I'm no expert, but you don't sound very bored to me.
13:57Oh, well, you know, there's not really anything else to do.
14:01We could go clean the garage.
14:03No, I mean, we might as well see what happens next.
14:09So off they went toward Jerusalem.
14:16What do you call the person who hangs out with a bunch of musicians?
14:19A drummer!
14:23Oh, I'm just joking.
14:25That's what I do.
14:27I'm a comedian.
14:29I like to make people laugh.
14:31Well, I don't laugh.
14:33Oh, come on.
14:35Everybody likes to laugh.
14:37Not me.
14:39I can never forgive what happened to my parents.
14:41There's nothing you can do about the past.
14:43Can't you just, you know, forgive and forget?
14:46I can't forget.
14:47I can't forget.
14:49Speaking of forgetting, what do you call the guy who forgot to pay his taxes?
14:56That's me, Bernie.
14:58I forgot to pay my taxes.
15:01Do me a favor.
15:03Don't tell that joke to the Romans.
15:05They don't have sense of humor.
15:15Here we are.
15:19Look at all these people, boss.
15:22Most of them traveling for the census and ready for some entertainment.
15:26Let's set up shop, boys.
15:37Oh, for Pete's sake.
15:39Attention weary travelers, fellow taxpayers.
15:42You've come to do a little business.
15:43But let me assure you, there's no business like show business.
15:49From the farthest reaches of the Roman Empire,
15:52to Pete's that have the gall to make a Mesopotamia.
15:57All the way from Gaul, world class acrobats, May and We.
16:15The leading tower of Pisa.
16:18Very easy.
16:23Wonderful. Amazing.
16:26Let's show our appreciation for these talented tumblers.
16:30Those tumblers were lame.
16:33That's it?
16:34Hey, boss. I'm ready.
16:36I give you chuckling Ali and his three flaming torches.
16:42I can only do two.
16:45I can do two.
16:49No way.
16:55Baby steps.
17:02Somebody? Anybody? At least a couple bucks for some ointment?
17:07We got to pick this up.
17:09I can see you're a very sophisticated audience.
17:12Please welcome the witty musings of Caesarea's own, Bernie Gordberg.
17:20I tell you. How do you get a tax collector to smile for the camera?
17:26Just say fees.
17:29I don't get it.
17:31Who would tell a tax joke?
17:32Oh, rough crowd. All right, here's one for you.
17:35What's brown, has a hump, and lives at the North Pole?
17:39A lost camel.
17:42What's a North Pole?
17:44Okay, what's brown and sticky?
17:47A camel.
17:48No, a stick.
17:51You know, you guys are a really forgiving audience.
17:54The last time I told that joke, they threw a stick at me.
17:57You know, you guys are a really forgiving audience.
18:00The last time I told that joke, they threw a slushie at me.
18:04That ain't a bad idea.
18:08Oh, dear. Help me, Ben Harriman. You're my only hope.
18:13Okay, thank you, Bernie. Isn't he funny, folks?
18:17Nothing like a little bubblegum humor.
18:21All right, boy, you're up next. You gotta wow him. Are you ready?
18:25I guess so.
18:27How you gonna make him happy if you don't look happy? Son, you gotta smile.
18:32I don't smile.
18:34What do you mean you don't smile? Everybody smiles. I'm smiling right now.
18:40Well, I don't. Not for people, anyway. I only smile for my friends.
18:46People took all that I had
18:51When they nabbed my mom and dad
18:55I'll spend the rest of my days just feeling sad
18:59With the only friends I'll ever have
19:07I can't smile without you
19:10Without my donkey or camel tooth
19:12Without my donkey or camel tooth
19:15Man, the grinning days, yeah, they all threw
19:17Oh, I can't smile without you
19:22Now Baba's loyalty don't ban
19:25And Samson's with me to the end
19:28I'm Joshua, I can depend
19:30If you ain't got fur, you ain't my friend
19:32Oh, we would rather be left alone
19:35The empty desert is our home
19:37My four-legged friends and I too roam
19:40I can't smile without you
19:43Without my donkey or camel tooth
19:45Man, the grinning days, yeah, they all threw
19:48Oh, I can't smile without you
19:50My four-legged friends and I too roam
19:53Let me hear that bitch abound!
19:59If you're expecting me to smile
20:02You'll be standing here a while
20:05I'm telling you that ain't my style
20:06Cause I can't smile without you
20:08I can't smile without you
20:10Without my donkey or camel tooth
20:12Man, the grinning days, yeah, they all threw
20:14Oh, I can't smile without you
20:16Oh, I can't smile without you
20:18Oh, I can't smile without you
20:20Oh, I can't smile without you
20:22Oh, yeah!
20:32They like it!
20:34They really like it!
20:36Quick, give them more!
20:38And they'll give us more!
20:40That's my best friend!
20:42But as Aaron looked at the faces of the cheering crowd
20:45He couldn't help but wonder
20:47How they could be so happy
20:49While he was still so sad and angry
20:52He wanted nothing to do with them
20:54Or their money
20:56I don't want your money
20:58I don't need anything from anybody
21:00Why can't everyone just leave me alone?
21:02Hey, that kid just hit me
21:04Let's get him out of here
21:06Run for it!
21:16And now it's time for a VeggieTales Christmas Party
21:19The part of the show where we join our veggie friends
21:22At the annual Christmas party
21:25Well into an evening of caroling and singing
21:28And dancing
21:30Well into an evening of caroling and fun
21:33The caterer has yet to arrive
21:35And the guests are quite hungry
21:38Man, I'm starving
21:40I'm so hungry, I can eat a reindeer
21:43Oh yeah, well I could eat twelve reindeer
21:46And a sled
21:48Hey Bob, we got any Ritz-Pitz?
21:51I'm sorry Pa, not yet
21:53The food's not here yet
21:55Hey look everybody
21:57It's Oscar the Polish Caterer
21:59Hello everyone
22:01I hope you're hungry
22:03Thank goodness you're here Oscar
22:05What took you so long?
22:07The Kowalski Wedding
22:09Those people eat like you wouldn't believe
22:11We believe
22:13Well, what'd you bring us?
22:15What'd I bring you?
22:17What'd I bring you?
22:19I'll tell you what I bring you
22:21The first Polish Christmas dish I bring to the party
22:26A boiled potato topped with dill weed
22:30The second Polish Christmas dish I bring to the party
22:35Sweet steamed pierogies
22:37What's a pierogie?
22:39It's a dough wrapped around meat
22:41And a boiled potato topped with dill weed
22:46The third Polish Christmas dish I bring to the party
22:51Three simmered gwonkis
22:53What's a gwonki?
22:55Wrapped around meat
23:00Two steamed pierogies
23:02And a boiled potato topped with dill weed
23:06The fourth Polish Christmas dish I bring to the party
23:11Four baked paprikas
23:13Now what is a paprika?
23:15It's a bell pepper stuffed with meat
23:17I see
23:19Three simmered gwonkis
23:21Two steamed pierogies
23:22And a boiled potato topped with dill weed
23:29The fifth Polish Christmas dish I bring to the party
23:36Five smoked kielbasa
23:42What's a kielbasa?
23:44It's pretty much just meat
23:46Four baked paprikas
23:48Three simmered gwonkis
23:50Four steamed pierogies
23:52And a boiled potato topped with dill weed
23:55The sixth Polish Christmas dish I bring to the party
24:00Six fried chuscikis
24:02Let me guess, something in the meat family?
24:06Actually, it's a delightful pastry with a thin flaky crust
24:11Five smoked kielbasas
24:15Four baked paprikas
24:17Three simmered gwonkis
24:19Two steamed pierogies
24:20And a boiled potato topped with dill weed
24:24Oh, Oscar, I'm getting kind of full
24:26The seventh Polish Christmas dish I bring to the party
24:30Seven pitted prunes
24:32I don't like prunes
24:34But this food, you'll need them, son
24:36Oh, is that right?
24:40Six fried chuscikis
24:42Five smoked kielbasas
24:47Four baked paprikas
24:48Three simmered gwonkis
24:50Two steamed pierogies
24:52And a boiled potato topped with dill weed
24:55I'm gonna bust it
24:57Eight Polish Christmas dish I bring to the party
25:01Eight poppy seed cakes
25:03Poppy, poppy, poppy
25:06There's no place like home
25:11Seven pitted prunes
25:13Six fried chuscikis
25:15Five smoked kielbasas
25:20Four baked paprikas
25:22Three simmered gwonkis
25:24Two steamed pierogies
25:27And a boiled potato topped with dill weed
25:40This has been a VeggieTales Christmas Party
25:43Tune in next time to hear Oscar say
25:46Anybody von a Lichtersporn?
25:59After escaping Jerusalem, Ben Haramid and his troop fled back into the desert
26:16I hope you realize you and your animal friends could have been on your own again by now
26:22We were making a bundle and you had to go throw it all away
26:26What's wrong with you?
26:29Well, you're not leaving until you figure out a way to pay me back
26:35Did I just hear a discouraging word?
26:38That's not what I meant
26:39You're not leaving until you figure out a way to pay me back
26:42Did I just hear a discouraging word?
26:45Hey, are we sleeping here tonight?
26:47Ben Haramid, take a look at this
26:56Holy smokes, we hit the jackpot
27:01Look at that, a king
27:06Another king, two kings
27:09Three kings, I wonder if they have any food
27:13I wonder if they have any chocolate milk
27:16I wonder if they have any gold
27:19Actually, they weren't kings, but magi
27:23What are magi?
27:25They were wise men
27:27The Bible tells us that magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked
27:32Where is the one who's been born king of the Jews?
27:35We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him
27:39The star of Bethlehem?
27:41Yep, they'd come following the star to celebrate a very special event
27:46The birth of Jesus, the very first Christmas
27:50Wow, how did they know Jesus was a king?
27:54Because long ago, prophets had written that when the star appeared in the night
27:59The king was to be born, and they were bringing him presents
28:03But Ben Haramid, whose heart was filled with greed
28:06And Aaron, whose heart was filled with unforgiveness
28:10Didn't even notice the star
28:13Okay, little drummer boy, here's the deal
28:16If you and your animals perform for these guys
28:19I'll give you a share of the profits and you'll be free to go
28:23Fine, one show and I'm out of here
28:26The Bible never mentions the magi by name or even how many there were
28:31But tradition has it that their names were Melchior
28:41Luke Skywalker
28:43Magi, not Jedi
28:46Can I keep my sand speeder?
28:50Probably not
28:52May the fork be with you?
28:54Please stop
28:56And Balthazar, they were on their way to Bethlehem following the star
29:01I bring gold, a gift for a king
29:06I bring frankincense, a gift for a priest
29:10I bring myrrh, a gift for a savior
29:22Whoops, too much myrrh
29:24Too much sand speeder
29:26Now what are we going to do? We've got to get a move on
29:29Why the rush?
29:31Well, we're...
29:32It's the perfect time for an evening show
29:35Perhaps a little dinner theater
29:43Knock, knock
29:46You say, who's there?
29:49Oh, who's there?
29:52What? Oh my
29:53Where is he?
29:54No, you say, Herod who?
29:58Oh, Herod who?
29:59Herod who?
30:00Herod, any good jokes lately?
30:05Evidently not
30:07That was my best one
30:09I've got to find me a better comic
30:12Look, guys, we'd love to stay for the show, but we've got to be on our way
30:17We're following the star
30:20Yeah, well...
30:22Hey, Malkior, I don't think my sand speeder has the energy to go on tonight
30:27How am I going to bring the myrrh?
30:34Oh, you got it, boss
30:37Hey, Aaron, I think we left the campfire going back at our camp
30:42Can you help me put it out?
30:49Gentlemen, I'll make you a deal
30:53Gentlemen, I'll make you a deal
31:08Hey, where's Joshua?
31:11It seems your camel was in the right place at the right time
31:16You sold Joshua?
31:19You owed me, boy, but I'm not too unreasonable
31:24Here's a little something for your trouble
31:28I don't want your gold
31:30I don't want anything to do with you
31:33Come on, guys, we have to find Joshua
31:36Wait a minute, you're not going anywhere
31:39Oh, let him go, we're done with him
31:42Good riddance
31:44Yeah, good riddance
31:45Good riddance
31:47Go back to the sand
32:05Oh, no, where are they?
32:09That's right, Baba, the Magi were following the star
32:13And the star will lead us to Joshua
32:17Come on, guys
32:24The Bible tells us the night Jesus was born
32:27there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby
32:30keeping watch over their flocks by night
32:33An angel of the Lord appeared to them
32:35and the glory of the Lord shone around them
32:38and they were terrified
32:39But the angel said to them
32:41Do not be afraid
32:43I bring you good news that will cause great joy to all people
32:47Today in the town of David
32:49a Savior has been born to you
32:51He is the Messiah, the Lord
33:10He is the Messiah, the Lord
33:18Baba, Samson, look!
33:21The Magi!
33:26They were so happy to have found each other again
33:29that they didn't look where they were going
33:32Suddenly a chariot came thundering down the street
33:36Hey, look out, on its way
33:42No! Baba!
33:47Oh, Baba!
33:49You mustn't die
33:51You mustn't
33:53Who can help me?
34:00Please, somebody help us!
34:04The Magi
34:06They're wise
34:07Are you able to save Baba?
34:09Please, I've got to get inside
34:12You must let me through
34:15And when Aaron came to the entrance of the stable
34:18he could hardly believe what he saw
34:21And she brought forth her firstborn son
34:24and wrapped him in swaddling clothes
34:27and laid him in a manger
34:29because there was no room for them in the inn
34:35Please help me!
34:37Baba has been injured
34:39You must save him
34:41Little boy, we're Magi
34:44We know stars much better than we know sheep
34:48There's nothing I can do
34:50But there is one who can help you
34:54The baby?
34:56I don't understand
34:58It's okay
35:00Go to him
35:02He's your saviour, priest and king
35:07I have no gift to bring
35:10Go, look upon the newborn king
35:22Little baby, pa rum pum pum pum
35:28I am a poor boy too, pa rum pum pum pum
35:35I have no gift to bring, pa rum pum pum pum
35:42That's fit to give a king, pa rum pum pum pum
35:47Shall I play for you, pa rum pum pum pum
35:55On my drum
36:03Then he smiled at me, pa rum pum pum pum
36:10Me and my drum
36:13Me and my drum
36:20Aaron's heart changed that day
36:23At last he was filled with joy and love
36:26and was able to forgive the people who had hurt him
36:30But grandpa, what about Baba?
36:34Along with the shepherds and the Magi and Aaron and his animals
36:38Two others were drawn to the newborn king by the light of the star
36:43And as Aaron finished playing his song for the baby
36:47He heard two voices he was once sure he would never hear again
36:52Aaron, honey?
36:54Mom? Dad? What?
36:59I thought you were gone
37:01We thought you were too
37:03We thought we had lost you
37:08Oh, dad, Baba is hurt
37:11Do you think you can help him?
37:13Sure I can
37:15Don't worry, we'll patch him up
37:17I think with a little time and love he'll be just fine
37:21Thank you, dad
37:23Thank you
37:25Isn't it wonderful?
37:27God has drawn us back together again
37:31It's a miracle
37:34And as Aaron looked at the baby
37:36He thought it was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen
37:42Far more powerful than what any person could take away from him
37:46Was the gift of love and forgiveness given to him
37:50On that first Christmas morning
37:53The end
37:55Isn't it great that because God forgives us
37:58We can forgive others?
38:03I wonder who that could be
38:34In excelsis Deo
38:41I forgive you guys
38:44Forgive us?
38:46For what?
38:48You know, for ditching me and going caroling without me
38:51We didn't ditch you
38:53We rang the doorbell but you didn't answer
38:56You did?
38:58You must have come when I was in the garage getting the light bulb
39:01Junior, you couldn't hear the bell because you had your headphones on
39:06We thought you had ditched us
39:09We forgive you too
39:15But grandpa, will you forgive me for thinking it would be boring to spend time with you and read?
39:22You bet, I forgive you
39:24It wasn't boring at all
39:26I loved it
39:28And I love you, grandpa
39:31I love you too, buddy
39:33Hey, why don't you all come in for some hot chocolate?
39:36It's freezing out here
39:38I love hot chocolate
39:43Are you okay?
39:45Oh, I'm fine
39:47I'm just allergic to your new kitty
39:51Hey guys, I've been practicing my drumming
39:54Check this out
40:31A newborn king to see
40:35Pa rum pum pum pum
40:43Our finest gifts we bring
40:48Pa rum pum pum pum
40:52To lay before the king
40:57Pa rum pum pum pum
41:02Rum pum pum pum
41:06Rum pum pum pum
41:14Soul to honor him
41:18To honor him
41:22Pa rum pum pum pum
41:27When we come
41:36A little baby
41:41Pa rum pum pum pum
41:49I am a poor boy too
41:54Pa rum pum pum pum
41:59Yes, I am
42:02I have no gift to bring
42:07Pa rum pum pum pum
42:12That's fair to give the king
42:18Pa rum pum pum pum
42:23Rum pum pum pum
42:27Rum pum pum pum
42:34Shall I play for you?
42:38Shall I play for you?
42:41Pa rum pum pum pum
42:46On my drum
42:51I'll play my drum for him
42:58I'll play my best for him
43:03Did he smile?
43:05Did he smile at me?
43:09Me and my drum
43:32© transcript Emily Beynon
