VeggieTales: Veggies in Space The Fennel Frontier (DVD Rip) (without intro)

  • 3 months ago


00:00This is Major Larry to Ground Control.
00:04Three hours since I lost sight of a spaceship.
00:07Energy running low.
00:10Really, really have to go to the bathroom.
00:13Ground Control?
00:17Ground Control, thank goodness.
00:19Larry, what are you doing?
00:21Drifting aimlessly through space.
00:23Uh, you're on the countertop.
00:25That's a relief.
00:26The countertop's a lot closer to the bathroom.
00:28Well, please get down here.
00:29We have to start the show.
00:31Bob, I can't.
00:32I'm stuck.
00:33Hey, Jimmy.
00:34I'm starving.
00:35Can you share some food from your picnic basket with me?
00:38Sorry, Larry.
00:39No can do.
00:40This food is for Jerry and me.
00:42We're having a picnic.
00:44Picnic, Jerry.
00:45I'm really cold.
00:46Can you at least share one of your blankets with me?
00:49Time for the picnic.
00:51Mr. Nezer, can you share your branch trimmer with me and cut the ropes?
00:57Gotta trim some branches.
00:58Oh, Mr. Lent, can you show your stilts?
01:01Land from my act.
01:02Oh, come on.
01:03You know, this reminds me of a message we got from Carly Gordon in Chicago, Illinois.
01:11Dear Bob and Larry, I have two teddy bears, Banjo and Patches.
01:16My little sister always wants to play with Patches.
01:19The thing is, both my bears are really special to me.
01:24What should I do?
01:25Your friend, Carly.
01:27I know what she should do.
01:28Hold on, Larry.
01:29We're getting there.
01:30Carly, we have a story for you today that I think will help answer your question.
01:35Is it a short story?
01:36I'm kind of in a hurry here.
01:37It's regular sized.
01:39Oh, great.
01:40Okay, Carly.
01:41We hope you enjoy...
01:42Veggies in Space, The Fennel Frontier.
01:48Not long ago, in some cabinetry far, far away,
01:54the distant Fennel Quadrant was plagued by a rash of greediness.
02:19Stop here.
02:20I'm getting intense readings.
02:24Everyone out.
02:26Dr. Scallion, what's our status on supplies?
02:2955 hours of oxygen, 400 liters of water, and the egg we got from that space lizard.
02:34And let me say, it was delicious.
02:37Dude, alien egg?
02:39You ate that?
02:40It was for research.
02:41Wow, something's really kicking in there.
02:43I forgot my shovel.
02:45Can I borrow one of yours?
02:46Uh, no.
02:47I need an extra one just in case.
02:49Mr. Scallion, are you sure this is the right spot?
02:52Aye, Captain.
02:53Just as we suspected.
02:54This moon is chock full of the most valuable ore in the galaxy.
03:01Oh, Mewontium.
03:02Everybody wants that.
03:03And I'm sensing a huge chunk of Mewontium right under us.
03:07We're gonna be rich.
03:09Then can you spare a shovel?
03:10No can do, Onion.
03:12Indeed we are.
03:13By the galactic law of finders keepers,
03:16I claim this moon in the name of the HMS Guacamole.
03:23Hold it right there.
03:25The Mewontium is mine.
03:28The moon has me being the perilous.
03:41Sorry, but we already have our flag out.
03:44Oh, yeah?
03:45Me too.
03:46We start first.
03:47I start first.
03:48No fair.
03:51Why don't we wrestle for it?
04:03Holy guacamole.
04:05Maybe we could go 50-50?
04:08Things a perilous does not share.
04:12Save your breath, Gorg.
04:14In space, no one can hear you shout excessively loud.
04:18You know, because sound waves require an atmosphere.
04:21It's physics.
04:22Um, actually, I heard him.
04:24Yeah, me too.
04:33Let's take super mode.
04:35Super mode engaged.
04:40We really want it bad.
04:42We really want it too.
04:44We want the Mewontium a whole lot more than you.
04:48Now leave before the guests are good.
04:51We are planeting two robots in loincloths.
04:54It's already ugly.
04:56We want to have it all,
04:58cause we don't like to share.
05:00We say you can't have it all,
05:02but we don't think that's fair.
05:04I'll robo-block your robo-pop.
05:07Oh, no, you rats, I see it.
05:10One for all and that one me.
05:13It will be mine, I guarantee.
05:17We have to stop, we're getting flashed.
05:21Let's make a deal, we'll all be smashed.
05:25All right, King, how about we go 60-40 on it?
05:29Oh, no.
05:30Clean takes are fine.
05:33Give them all we've got.
05:36It's going from there.
05:38We want to have it all.
05:40We really want it too.
05:42We want the Mewontium a whole lot more than you.
05:54Stand down and behave yourselves
05:56by order of Space Fleet.
06:01Space Fleet? Thank goodness.
06:04This is the USS Apple Pies.
06:06Someone called in an anonymous tip
06:08that there were some robots in loincloths
06:10fighting over here?
06:12Who called this in? Who? Who?
06:15That's Doctor Who to you.
06:17Now, if you'll excuse me,
06:19I'm needed in the 19th century.
06:24Let's teach these bots some manners.
06:26Mr. Spork, ready the electro-pulse ray
06:29and a few of those M&Ms.
06:31With all due respect, Captain,
06:33these are my M&Ms.
06:35With all due respect, I could use a treat.
06:37With yet more due respect, these are my treats.
06:40With another helping of due respect, I'm hungry.
06:42And I'm the boss of you.
06:47Time to serve this Apple Pie.
06:53Thank you. You will be easy as pie.
06:58Ready the electro-pulse ray
07:00and give me those M&Ms.
07:02For Pete's sake.
07:03Electro-pulse ray, fire.
07:05Hey, that's my button.
07:131.21 giggle-watts. Hit him again.
07:16Stop it, giggles.
07:18What? Eject.
07:22Nobody does these two things in parallel.
07:25Stop me, Wattium.
07:34Methinkium, I still want an M&M.
07:36Look, I told you a million times...
07:38Would you two please stop?
07:40It's a wonder we ever get anything done around here.
07:43You never share your candy.
07:44You never share your pudding.
07:50Under the galactic law of to the victor goes the mewuntium,
07:53I hereby claim this moon for Space Fleet.
07:56We claimed it under the law of finders keepers.
07:59Which, if I'm not mistaken, also goes on to state losers weepers.
08:03Look, Captain, this moon is huge.
08:06What about sharing?
08:09Hello? Can you hear me?
08:11Can you hear me now?
08:13Oh, really? With cheese sticks?
08:15And the dipping sauce?
08:17Oh, yeah. Yeah.
08:18No, I want the marinara. Okay.
08:21Sorry. Duty calls.
08:23Gotta go.
08:24Three to beam up.
08:29Beamers in the shop.
08:34Anybody got a Tums?
08:47Captain's Law.
08:48Star date, Wednesday.
08:50We've kept the peace once again,
08:51settling a squabble over a cache of precious mewuntium.
08:54But no time to stand around on the bridge and feed the ducks.
08:57Headquarters has a new mission for us.
08:59Captains log out.
09:02Captain, a transmission arriving.
09:06Admiral Nezer!
09:07How did it go with the mewuntium miners?
09:09Any issues with, say, sharing?
09:12No problema.
09:13We won and the moon belongs to Space Fleet now.
09:17Speaking of sharing, Mr. Spork wouldn't give me any M&N's.
09:20Well, Captain Q wouldn't...
09:22Don't want to hear it. No time for arguing.
09:24I need you in the distant Tutani system.
09:27Tutani? That's in the outer fennel quadrant.
09:31They have beaches and a very nice retirement village there, too.
09:34We've gotten reports that a dark shadow has fallen on that sunny planet.
09:39The shadow of a pillaging pirate we know as Lontar the Looter.
09:45Who are you?
09:46Yes, sir.
09:47Who are you?
09:48I'm who are you?
09:49I'm asking you who are you.
09:50That's who I am. Who are you?
09:52Well, I know who I am. The question is, who are you?
09:55You know perfectly well who I am.
09:57I'm just kidding. I just love that bit.
09:59Pull up everything you have on Lontar the Looter.
10:02All their aliases include Lontar the Terrible and Lontar the Heartless.
10:06Whatever his name, he's been draining the power from every ship that passes by the planet.
10:12We don't know. We think he may have developed a new weapon.
10:15I need you to investigate and bring him to justice.
10:19We're on it, Admiral.
10:20He'll be no match for the apple pies.
10:22We're the fastest ship in the fleet with our twin tunic engines.
10:25Ziggy, engineer's report.
10:27Ah, man, no worries. Easy living down here in the engine room.
10:31What's our power status?
10:32We got the tunic spot.
10:33Twin universal nuclear ignition cores.
10:36Two cores of pure miwotium.
10:38We got power to spare.
10:40He's so much more relaxed than that Scottish guy we used to have.
10:44Godspeed, Captain. Find this Lontar the Lagoobrious and take him down.
10:49So say we all.
10:51Ah, so say you did.
10:54Lieutenant, who are you?
10:55Set a course for the two-tanny system.
10:57Yes, sir.
10:58Ziggy, take us to full warp.
10:59Aye, Captain.
11:00Mr. Spork, look up the word Lagoobrious.
11:11Can I get a straw for that?
11:15Jolly! When did you get in?
11:17Mom says hi.
11:18Ooh, pudding today. You want yours?
11:20I love pudding.
11:21Last one, boys.
11:24Call it!
11:25As captain, you should make sure your crew is well fed.
11:29Nice try.
11:31We could share it.
11:32Sure. You can have the lid. I'll have the cup.
11:36Perhaps a trade?
11:39Perhaps a trade?
11:40Your pudding for a cup of my tasty green and blue jelly meat?
11:45I don't even know what this is.
11:47Hey, you guys have a straw you can spare?
11:49Sorry. This is my drinking straw, my backup straw, and my straw for stirring.
11:54All pretty essential.
11:57I wonder what this Lontar the Diabolical has hidden on Two-Tanny.
12:01We need to be ready for anything.
12:03If he tries to siphon our power, we can lock on the source and calibrate our shields to block it.
12:09Good thinking. I love that smarty brain of yours.
12:12Thanks. And I love pudding.
12:15Sure you can't spare a little?
12:18All right, fine. See you back on the bridge.
12:28This one's full.
12:31Yeah, pal?
12:32Please hurry and change my battery. It's dying. I can feel it.
12:36Sorry, pal. Totally out of batteries.
12:39That's why I carry extra batteries.
12:42Oh, well. Guess you'll just have to wait.
12:47First officer's log. As I observe our dedicated crew, I can't help but wonder if we're a well-oiled machine or perhaps a bit rusty.
12:59If only there was some way to make us better.
13:03I wonder.
13:04I wonder how we all could do a little more each day to help each other out or do a job without delay.
13:15I wonder if the answer is a gadget or a tool. Perhaps it's just a very simple rule.
13:22I can't reach it. Can I borrow your footrest?
13:25My feet are using it.
13:29I wonder if a formula or a brand-new protocol could help this ship and all its crew to walk instead of crawl.
13:39Hey, Tweaky! How's it going?
13:40Not d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-do-good. Could you spa-pa-pa-pa-spare a tire?
13:45I wonder if our rules should change. I wonder if it's time. I wonder if it's all about the stuff that we call mine, mine, mine.
13:58Approaching planet Tutani.
14:00Lieutenant, who are you? Let's see out the windshield.
14:03Hmm, this isn't sunny at all.
14:06No sign of this Luntar the Ripper offer?
14:08I'm not detecting any ships out there in front of us.
14:11Ah, good.
14:12Oh, but there's a big pirate ship closing in behind us.
14:15Ah, that's a good...
14:21The planet of Tutani thanks you for your generous donation.
14:26Donation of what?
14:27All your power.
14:29We could use a juicy space fleet engine core.
14:33Not on my watch.
14:34Mr. Spork, way ahead of you, sir.
14:36Ziggy, report to the bridge.
14:38True that, Mr. Spork.
14:40That was fast.
14:41Adapting shields to block it.
14:43Sit tight. This will all be over soon.
14:46Captain, you got a Phillips head. Forgot me screwdriver, man.
14:49Well, yeah, but this one's mine.
14:51Just need it for a quick twist.
14:53This one's mine. Just need it for a quick twist.
14:55You said you had your own.
15:02He's taking our luggage.
15:04And he froze the NeoGear machine.
15:06Nothing for you.
15:08What's your problem, Luntar the Grabby?
15:10Is that the best space fleet can do?
15:12Make up silly nicknames?
15:14We should call him Luntar the Sarcastic.
15:16Oh, sarcastic.
15:18Like I'm really gonna paint that on the side of my ship.
15:21Starboard engine is breaking loose.
15:23I need options.
15:24Well, Captain, you can either share your screwdriver or retreat.
15:36That's right. Run away, space fleet cowards.
15:39If you ever want to see our luggage again, I'll take that engine core.
15:44The USS Applepies was too fast for us, sir.
15:47They're out of range.
15:48They'll be back.
15:50In the meantime, I guess we all have new luggage, huh?
15:53And six flavors of yogurt.
15:55Should we really be taking on space fleet?
15:57Come on, Luna. Don't be so blue.
16:00With my new super grabber, we can take on whoever we want.
16:04And the energy from just one of their engines could solve all our problems.
16:09Let's head down to the surface.
16:11Alert orbit patrol to watch for intruders.
16:13Yes, sir.
16:21I've never seen anything like that.
16:23I do not like that green bean.
16:25Aw, man.
16:27No, not bean. Beam. Green beam.
16:31That was embarrassing.
16:32He took our luggage.
16:34All my Captain Socks and all my Captain Underpants.
16:37We can't defeat that weapon of his until we know more about it.
16:40Perhaps a covert scouting mission is needed.
16:43Yes. We go down to the planet Underpants.
16:46A covert scouting mission is needed.
16:48Yes. We go down to the planet Unnoticed and poke around.
16:51How are you going to do that?
16:53We need to be invisible to blend into the population.
16:56This will require the most sophisticated undercover work we've ever done.
17:06Are you sure this is going to work?
17:08If Tutani has beaches, it must attract tourists.
17:11So that's what we are. The cover is perfect.
17:14I've prepared this shuttlecraft with an excess of bumper stickers and inflatable pool toy.
17:19Ooh, the wood paneling is a nice touch.
17:21Thank you.
17:22Who are you?
17:23Who are you?
17:25Lieutenant, who...
17:26I'm just messing with you again.
17:27Mr. Spork, do you mind?
17:29I've never driven a space wagon.
17:31Aye, Captain. I'm too cool.
17:38Game over, man. Game over.
17:42And now it's time for Silly Song with Letty.
17:45The part of the show where Letty comes out and sings a silly song.
17:49Asteroid, asteroid, asteroid, asteroid cowboy.
18:02Oh, my little rocky-dovey, your orbit has been stirred.
18:10Don't you dare be sneaking out, gotta get back in the herd.
18:14It's lonely out in outer space, they say it never ends.
18:19I know you'll feel much better back here with all your friends.
18:25Home, home out in space, chicken and asteroids you place.
18:32And here they'll all stay, but if one can stay away,
18:35we'll be in our spurs and give chase.
18:38Let's go get it, boys.
18:40On my trusty rocket horsey, so swiftly do I ride.
18:46I blaze a trail with fiery tail, my posse at my side.
18:50Yeah, we're his asteroid patty, we roam the Milky Way.
18:54We'll hassle all of them asteroids if they go astray.
19:00Didn't see that coming.
19:02Home, home out in space, chicken and asteroids you place.
19:09Oh, we gotta take care, cause without any care,
19:12the vacuum will suck out your face.
19:16Can't do that on Earth.
19:18Actually kind of hurts when I do that.
19:21Come on, boys, that's a big one.
19:23I think it might be a little too big.
19:25Giddy up, posse, just one more today.
19:28Why do I chase these asteroids?
19:31I suppose it's just my thing.
19:33Big or small, I'll rope them all, so yippee-ki-yay, I sing.
19:38Let me tell you about cowboys.
19:40You'd better pull back, dude.
19:42You're having fun, but can't run.
19:44No, you'll bump into Matt.
19:49Sleeping out under the stars.
19:52So much beauty out here to admire.
19:55Oh, the ground's never damp.
19:57But when we set up camp,
19:59it's impossible to light a fire.
20:02I think it might be that no-air thing again.
20:06You know, you can roast marshmallows on Earth.
20:09I want to be a cowboy on Earth.
20:11Me too!
20:13Asteroid cowboys in space.
20:16Chicken and asteroids you place.
20:19This has been Silly Songs with Laddie.
20:22Tune in next time to hear Laddie sing.
20:24Come on, guys. You can't do this on Earth.
20:39Uh-oh. Looks like a security checkpoint ahead.
20:42Security checkpoint?
20:44Act natural. Act natural!
20:50Uh, hi.
20:53We're going on vacation.
20:56Gonna have me some vacation.
20:59Some vacaciones.
21:06Right, vacation buddy?
21:08Uh, that's right.
21:10These are pictures of me as a tourist.
21:13We don't need to see your pictures.
21:15Move along.
21:18Way to be natural there, Captain.
21:28Lots to see and do here, huh?
21:30Great place for spring break if it weren't so cold.
21:32What's up with the sun?
21:34It's awfully dim for a vacation planet.
21:37Oh, look at that. Look out!
21:50What was that?
21:52Popcorn meteorites.
21:55Captain Kuk!
21:56How you been?
21:57Been enjoying my retirement.
21:59So, what's with the popcorn meteorites?
22:01Intense solar storms have disrupted the popcorn belt.
22:06You ate that off the ground?
22:07Five-second rule.
22:08It's the ring of popcorn around Tutani.
22:10You picked a delicious planet.
22:12Since it's your first time here,
22:14these maps will get you to all the hot spots.
22:17Uh, speaking of hot spots...
22:20Oh, look at that.
22:22You can rent a bicycle or a paddle boat over there.
22:25What about a hover car?
22:27Those are solar powered,
22:29so they just don't run like they used to.
22:31What we really need is a guide to show us around.
22:34You can rent a tour guide right over there.
22:41Congratulations on your rental of Solar Powered T-Bot.
22:46Thank you, customers.
22:48I am T-Bot,
22:49your robotic guide to the sights and sounds of Tutani.
22:55Solar powered?
22:56Captain, I don't think the sun is strong enough to power her.
23:00Hang on.
23:01Backup power.
23:05I'm so sorry to fall asleep.
23:07There's so much to see and do here.
23:09Tutani is known as the sunshine planet.
23:11The planetary flower is the sunflower.
23:14The planetary bird is the sun chicken.
23:16T-Bot, perhaps you could help us find a villain.
23:20Sorry, I don't understand.
23:22If you're looking for great food,
23:24why not try McDoodles,
23:25known for their deep fried sun chicken nuggets?
23:28This was a sponsored post.
23:29T-Bot, I'm freezing.
23:31Any place to get a jacket?
23:33Jackets are available to all residents of Tutani
23:36from Lunchar, our leader and protector.
23:38How convenient.
23:48Follow the guards and we find the leader.
23:50Entrance to Lunchar's lair is strictly forbidden to tourists.
23:53I wonder if there's a secret way inside.
23:57You must come with us.
23:59May I suggest a brisk jog
24:01through one of Capital City's mini back alleys?
24:09Mr. Spork, magnetizers.
24:11Aye, Captain.
24:18T-Bot, we need a vehicle.
24:20All hover cars are out of service
24:22due to lack of solar power.
24:23What about other power?
24:25I am equipped to share my generator
24:27for just such an emergency.
24:28Don't be shy. Fire it up.
24:30It would be my pleasure.
24:41Out of juice.
24:43Oh, boy.
24:49Sweet dreams, T-Bot.
24:54Ah, so here are the mysterious visitors.
24:58You may call me Lunchar the Powerful.
25:01Well, you certainly aren't Lunchar the Powerful.
25:04You may call me Lunchar the Powerful.
25:06Well, you certainly aren't Lunchar the Leave-Us-Alone.
25:09Something tells me we've met before.
25:13Good disguises.
25:15Captain Kuk.
25:17It's been a while.
25:18Last blue moon?
25:20A blue-tiful evening on the blue bayou?
25:22Save the witty bloopers, Captain.
25:24I've heard them all.
25:25Should we interrogate these spies, sir?
25:27Or just throw them in a cell?
25:28You can't lock us up.
25:30Like in jail?
25:31Time to start singing the blues.
25:34They're space fleets, sir.
25:35We can use them as hostages for their ship.
25:37The only thing that's keeping you from disappearing in my dungeon forever
25:42is if you give up your ship's engine core.
25:45It's pure me-want-ium and me-want-it.
25:48The engine stays in our ship where it belongs.
25:51And where is your ship right now?
25:53Wouldn't you like to know?
25:54Yes, that's why I asked.
25:56They must be here to sabotage the super-grabber.
25:58Is that the little science project you attacked us with?
26:01It's no little anything.
26:03It is my key to unlimited power.
26:06The super-grabber!
26:11It's pretty.
26:12I'll give you that.
26:14It gets me what I need.
26:15It has the power to get me power.
26:19Anyone can tell you that power is the key.
26:22Anyone that has it makes the rules for you and me.
26:25Now I grab the energy from batteries and wires,
26:28rocket fuel or gamma rays, whatever I desire.
26:31If you're near my super-grabbing ray,
26:33you'll get your power sucked away.
26:36Anything worth having can be good for the grabbing.
26:38Yes, anything with energy I'll grab.
26:41If it runs on any power, then it's something I devour.
26:44I just point and grab.
26:46What's with all this power-grabbing stuff?
26:49I'll keep grabbing, grabbing, grabbing,
26:51till I have enough.
26:54Static, electric, and solar, and gas.
26:57I'll swipe the energy from anything with mass.
26:59Charcoal, briquettes, turbo jets, leftover candle wax.
27:02Chromium, butane, methane, octane, certain spicy snacks.
27:04Electrons, protons, pop, the photons, plus or minus charge.
27:07I'll use its force to spine the stars, minuscule or large.
27:09Anything worth having can be good for the grabbing.
27:11Yes, anything with energy I'll grab.
27:14If it runs on any power, then it's something I devour.
27:17I just point and grab.
27:21Ha ha ha ha!
27:23Well, you can't have my ship.
27:25We'll see about that.
27:27Take them away until they're ready to cooperate.
27:37Phone home.
27:39Phone home.
27:41It's no use.
27:43T-Bot, how can we escape?
27:45The cell walls of Luntar's dungeon.
27:50Three and a half feet thick.
27:52Lined with lead and a mile underground,
27:54this little hideaway is the ultimate in solitude.
27:57I wish I had the brochure.
27:59Uh, thanks?
28:01T-Bot, why don't you spit out some blueprints of this place,
28:03or a list of all the exits?
28:05I'm not programmed for jailbreaks.
28:07I could, however, record your desperate plea for help
28:10as a holographic message.
28:12Hmm. Let's wait until that's our only hope.
28:15I can't live on food like this.
28:18There's not even a pudding cup.
28:20Get used to it. We're stuck here.
28:22I'll share with you.
28:24This is a pretty big sandwich.
28:27I could split it with you if you want.
28:29Luntar's locking up children?
28:31Will his horribleness have no end?
28:34I'm not locked in here, silly.
28:36My name is Oliver. I'm Luntar's nephew.
28:40Uh, thanks.
28:42You realize you have a much smaller sandwich now?
28:44I know.
28:46Like half of it.
28:48You want a drink box? I got two on my lunch today.
28:52So you're just giving one of those away?
28:56To us. Two guys you've never met.
28:58That's what you do.
29:00When you have enough to spare, you have enough to share.
29:03Now there's one box and two of us.
29:06So the two of you can...
29:08Fight each other for it?
29:12Find a way to clone it?
29:14I did.
29:16Give it back to you?
29:18Don't you guys know how to share?
29:20One for me and one for you
29:24To share is not that hard to do
29:27When we can see beyond ourselves
29:30And give to others too
29:34A bite for you, a bite for me
29:38That's how God says it's supposed to be
29:41If we have enough to spare
29:44We also have enough to share
29:50Sharing is a way to save us
29:53Sharing is a feeling
29:55It only takes a moment
29:57It's simple and it's free
30:01A sip for you, a sip for me
30:03That's how God says it's supposed to be
30:06Cause if we have enough to spare
30:08We also have enough to share
30:13Sharing is a way to save us
30:16Sharing is the key
30:18It only takes a moment
30:21I hope you both can see
30:29This concept of sharing is logical.
30:34Hold on a second.
30:36Are you trying to butter us up to get information for your uncle, Luntar the Locker Upper?
30:41No, that's not his name.
30:43We all call him Luntar the Brave.
30:45He's fighting for the whole planet.
30:48The whole planet? I don't understand.
30:51Titani's sun is dying.
30:53If a solution isn't found, it'll explode into a supernova and incinerate the entire planet.
30:58Supernova? Why is this the first time you're telling us this?
31:01It seemed like you were having such a lovely time.
31:04Luntar's been working day and night to gather enough power with the super grabber.
31:08If he has enough, he's hoping he can recharge the sun.
31:12So that's why he's grabbing power from every ship and machine.
31:15Oh, this messes up the whole mission.
31:17What if our mission has changed?
31:20Mr. Spork, we have our orders.
31:22We can't go changing them based on a singing little boy.
31:25No offense.
31:26What about saving our sun?
31:28That's part of your space fleet duty, isn't it?
31:30If there's a solution, I'm sure we'll find it.
31:33But you've got to get us out of here first.
31:35Promise me you'll help us, and I will.
31:38Captain's oath. We'll do everything we can to save your planet.
31:42Do, do, do, do, do.
31:47Musical lock.
31:48You couldn't have figured that out?
31:52Good night, Annie.
31:53Good night, Clarence.
31:54You better take your umbrella. We're supposed to get more meteor showers tonight.
31:58If we can get back to the ship, I can analyze these pictures
32:01and figure out how to shut down that super grabber.
32:04You sure this is the only way out?
32:05Yep. It's okay. Everyone's gone home.
32:08Send another ship out.
32:09Except my Uncle Lentar. He likes to work late.
32:14We have to find the apple pies.
32:16We can't afford the fuel anymore, sir.
32:18Every ounce should be focused on that sun.
32:21What's the use? Our experiments were worthless.
32:24The sun grows darker every day.
32:26We've barely got enough energy to power our heat lamps.
32:30Should I prepare us all for evacuation?
32:32No, not yet. This is our home.
32:35A home that will be consumed in an exploding supernova.
32:39Space fleet is already here. If we talk to them, maybe...
32:42They wouldn't help.
32:43Why would they?
32:44This is our sun and our problem. I'll figure it out.
32:49How will I figure it out? Or don't?
32:54Oh, man. He's turning into Lentar the Sympathetic.
32:57How did that happen?
32:58Uncle Lentar won't ask for help, but he needs it.
33:01We all need it.
33:03Gentlemen, I've located your shuttle.
33:05The bad news is I'm detecting an oncoming storm of popcorn meteorites.
33:09We should wait inside for the storm to pass.
33:11No time. Let's go.
33:14There's the ship.
33:15And there's the popcorn.
33:19Wait. Let me share my umbrella.
33:22It'll protect you in Mr. Sport.
33:24Don't you need it?
33:25Right now, you need it more.
33:27Thank you, Oliver.
33:28You're welcome.
33:30Well, they don't teach this at Space Fleet Academy.
33:33It's a shame.
33:34It's a shame.
33:35It's a shame.
33:36It's a shame.
33:37It's a shame.
33:38It's a shame.
33:39It's a shame.
33:40It's a shame.
33:41It's a shame.
33:42Don't teach this at Space Fleet Academy.
33:44You'll have to go with my usual strategy.
33:46What's that?
33:47Run fast and scream a lot.
33:51Remember your promise.
33:55Now we just have to hit the lock before we get incinerated.
33:58There's got to be a faster way to get in.
34:00Look out!
34:03Okay, that worked.
34:05Prisoner's escaping.
34:07Must sound the alarm and pursue.
34:10Must run and hide.
34:12Captain Kube to Apple Pie.
34:14We read you, Captain.
34:15We're on our way back.
34:16The mission has changed.
34:21Activate the table screen.
34:23Oh, hang on.
34:27We usually play games on this.
34:29Here we go.
34:32Houston, we have a problem.
34:34Well, Houston, give us some ideas.
34:36Don't look at me.
34:37I'm just an intern.
34:39Okay, then I'll have a coffee.
34:40We're out of coffee.
34:42Well, Houston, we have two problems, then, don't we?
34:46Who are you?
34:47Who am I?
34:48I know who you are, who are you?
34:49Then stop asking.
34:50Why don't we just talk to Luntar?
34:52Luntar is still a desperate gourd.
34:54He attacked us once.
34:55He might attack us again, even if we try to help.
35:00We don't have much time.
35:02So what do we do?
35:03Hey, cats and kittens.
35:05Captain Puke's camera captured some sweet pics of the grabber.
35:08I made a 3D scan from them and did a full analysis.
35:11That was fast.
35:12I skipped my Zumba class.
35:13Did you find a weakness?
35:15It's a simple reverse of the polarity mod.
35:17You put this part in backwards, and boom!
35:19This super grabber don't grab no more.
35:22We can render Luntar completely helpless.
35:24I think he's already helpless.
35:28Maybe the kid is right about Luntar.
35:30Isn't Space Fleet all about helping those in trouble?
35:33The moment we show up, he'll come after us.
35:35He can't catch us with our twin angels, man.
35:37Remember, we got power to spare.
35:41Wait a minute.
35:42That's exactly what Oliver said.
35:44If we have power to spare, then we have the power to share.
35:49Now, now, just because it rhymes doesn't mean it's a good idea.
35:52Think about it.
35:53We have two tunics.
35:54We can give Luntar one and still use the other.
35:57What good will that do?
35:59Enough of me watching him fight into a sun would be tragic.
36:02We load the core like a big cannonball here.
36:05With the reverse polarity, this becomes a plenty good super slinger mod.
36:09The super grabber becomes a super shooter.
36:12A super sheriff.
36:14I'm not giving up one of our engines.
36:15That's crazy.
36:16We'll have no way to outrun him.
36:18That's a risk we'll have to take.
36:20I just don't know if I can do it.
36:24A sip for you, a sip for me.
36:26That's how God says it's supposed to be.
36:28Because if we have enough to spare, we also have enough to share.
36:37Remember your promise.
36:40What do you say, Kuk?
36:42Share the power and save a planet?
36:51Luntar, the prisoners have escaped.
36:54Space fleet is back and they're approaching orbit.
36:56Then ready my ship and power up the grabber.
37:06Applepies, straight ahead.
37:08Prepare the grabber.
37:09Sir, their shields are down.
37:11Stay on target, stay on target.
37:14Applepies is opening its bomb bay door.
37:17Still approaching.
37:18Grabber on full power.
37:19Ready, aim.
37:22Look, sir, they've launched a shuttle.
37:26They're hailing us with the truce flag.
37:28It's a trap.
37:38It's one of their engine cores.
37:40I don't get it. We never even asked for it.
37:43We had a spare, so we thought you could use it.
37:46We accept.
37:47Oliver, what are you doing on board?
37:50I wanted to watch the fireworks.
37:52We're going to recharge this gun.
37:54Well, we better do it fast.
37:56I don't even know if it's possible.
37:58My man, don't you sweat the details.
38:00All we need is a little flip-flop on the super grabber and you're good to go.
38:04With power to spare...
38:06...comes the power to share.
38:08The sun is going supernova.
38:10Repeat, the sun is going supernova.
38:17We're good to go, people. Fire that bad boy.
38:45Whoa, weird.
38:52All right!
38:55Now I'm the kind of guy who seldom likes to ask for much.
39:00I never knew there'd be folks like you who'd come through in the clutch.
39:05Our sun was going nova and we thought nobody cared.
39:10Until you, our friends, with extra blessings, opened up and shared.
39:16Oh, I've never liked to share my pudding or my M&Ms.
39:21But sharing's a good way to turn your foes into your friends.
39:25So as we roam the galaxy, we'll happily declare
39:30that when we see a need, we'll try our very best to share.
39:36Sharing is the way to save us. Sharing is the key.
39:41It only takes a moment. It's simple as can be.
39:47There's some for you, there's some for me.
39:50That's how God says it's supposed to be.
39:52Because if we have enough to spare, we also have enough to share.
40:01Captain's Law, star date, a long weekend.
40:05After successfully jump-starting a sun and making peace with a local pirate,
40:09Two-Tanny is once again the best place to get a good tan and do a little surfing.
40:14Good luck.
40:15Captain Kuk, Mr. Spock, good work.
40:18It seems that sharing can happen anywhere.
40:22Maybe even on our own ship.
40:24I sure am proud of you boys.
40:26How long's it going to take you to get back home?
40:29With 21 engine, I'd say twice the usual time.
40:32No worries. You all can share some quality time.
40:36Share, you see what I did there?
40:39Good one, sir.
40:40That's why I'm the admiral.
40:43You one crazy, funny zucchini.
40:45If we have enough to spare, we also have enough to share.
41:01I love that.
41:02Sharing is a wonderful thing.
41:04Yeah, sharing.
41:05If only there was a way we could take what we've learned
41:08and somehow apply it to our everyday lives.
41:11I hear you.
41:12I would love that.
41:13Um, hey guys, I have a thought.
41:15Wait a minute, I know.
41:17Maybe we could share some of our stuff with Larry to help him get down.
41:22Ooh, I like that idea.
41:23I'll go get my pencil and my stiff.
41:26Wow, those guys catch on fast, huh?
41:29I suppose now would be a good time to see if Qwerty has a verse for us.
41:33And so what we have learned applies to our lives today.
41:37God has a lot to say in his book.
41:41I still really have to go to the bathroom.
41:43You see, we know that God's word is for everyone.
41:47Now that our song is done, we take a bow.
41:53Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none,
41:57and whoever has food to do likewise.
42:01That's pretty cool how the Bible talks about starship engines.
42:04Actually, Larry, tunics are shirts.
42:07The Bible tells us that when we have something someone else needs,
42:10like extra food or clothing, that we should share.
42:14Like Captain Kuk and Mr. Spork sharing their extra engine with Luntar
42:18to help him and his planet.
42:21Okay, back to share my food.
42:23My blankets.
42:24My branch trimmer.
42:25My stutes.
42:26Jerry, hand me one of your blankets.
42:30Oh, wow, thanks.
42:32Here, take half my sandwich.
42:35Thanks for sharing, guys.
42:37So, Carly, I think the next time your little sister asks to play with patches...
42:42You should share him with her.
42:47Thanks for sharing.
42:49Sorry to leave you hanging like that.
42:51Well, that's all the time we have for today.
42:53Always remember, kids, God made you special.
42:57He loves you very much.
43:01Houston, I need a bathroom.
43:26Captain, we have an incoming transmission.
43:29Um, I think that was the doorbell.
43:33I've got a large pepperoni with a side of cheese sticks and marinara.
43:37Ooh, that's mine.
43:42I mean, ours, to share.
44:27Sharing, bringing us together, sharing is the key.
44:32It only takes a moment, it's as simple as can be.
44:38A sip for you, a sip for me, that's how God says it's supposed to be.
44:44Cause if we have enough to spare, we also have enough to share.
44:52Now I'm the kind of girl who seldom likes to ask for much.
44:57I never knew there'd be folks like you who'd come through in the clutch.
45:03My world was caving in on me, I thought nobody cared.
45:08Until you, my friend, with extra blessings, opened up and shared.
45:14Now when I get a little extra, gladly will I share.
45:20Sharing, bringing us together, sharing is the key.
45:25It only takes a moment, it's as simple as can be.
45:31A sip for you, a sip for me, that's how God says it's supposed to be.
45:37Cause if we have enough to spare, we also have enough to share.
45:45Well I'm a plateful and I'm grateful.
45:48I got a lot of polyester sweaters cause I hate wool.
45:51There's a front rolling in and a turn in the weather.
45:54And a dude over there who could use one on my sweater.
45:57So I gave it up, I gave that dude a sweater.
46:00Now he's feeling nice and warm and I feel a whole lot better.
46:02By the way, are you hungry?
46:04Pull up a chair and grab a slice of pizza cause I really love to share.
46:08Sharing, bringing us together, sharing is the key.
46:14It only takes a moment, it's as simple as can be.
46:19A sip for you, a sip for me, that's how God says it's supposed to be.
46:25Cause if we have enough to spare, we also have enough to share.
