VeggieTales: Are you my Neighbor (Classroom Edition) (without intro)

  • 3 months ago


00:00So, is there anyone else you'd like to invite to your birthday party?
00:08Um, let's see. Don't forget Louie. Oh, and Marsha. I think that's it.
00:16Are you forgetting anyone else?
00:19No, I don't think so.
00:22Well, what about Fernando? I bet he'd like to come.
00:25No, not Fernando.
00:28Why not?
00:29Well, he just moved here, so I don't know him very well.
00:33And besides, he talks kind of funny.
00:36Now, Junior, he doesn't talk funny. He just talks different.
00:40His family is from another country.
00:42Yeah, I know. It still sounds funny.
00:46You know, Junior, we should love everybody.
00:49Not just the people that are like us.
00:51So we need to accept others just the way they are.
00:54Besides, we can learn a lot from people who are different than us.
00:58Yeah, I suppose.
01:01I'll tell you what. You think about it, and in the morning we'll talk some more. Okay?
01:08Good night, Junior.
01:09Good night, Dad.
01:29Ah! Who are you?
01:31I'm Bob. I'm a tomato, and I need your help.
01:34Whoa, deja vu.
01:37Um, what's he got on his space helmet?
01:40Huh? What do you mean?
01:44How many times have I told you not to eat while you're wearing your helmet?
01:48Oh, sorry.
01:52Ahem. We need your help, Junior.
01:56Our starship, the USS Applepies, is in grave danger.
02:00Oh, really? Tell me more.
02:03In just eight minutes, the ship and its crew will be smashed to bits by a giant meteor.
02:08Good heavens.
02:10Well, can't you just move the ship out of the way?
02:13That's right.
02:16She's stuck.
02:17Oh, dear.
02:19Well, gee, how can I help?
02:22Didn't you minor in aerospace technology at the Happy Tots preschool?
02:26Why, yes. Yes, I did.
02:29What do you mean, Joran?
02:30That's not important now.
02:33Me, too.
02:34No time for play-doh.
02:36Oh, boy.
02:38Oh, boy.
02:40Oh, boy.
02:42Oh, boy.
02:44No time for chit-chat.
02:46Junior, only you can save the Applepies.
02:49Lieutenant Larry, the Shrieker Beam.
02:51Aye-aye, Captain Bob.
03:00Um, I think my helmet's on backwards.
03:04There it is, the USS Applepies.
03:08When we get on board, you'll be briefed by the ship's engineer, Scooter.
03:12Then you can get to work fixing the power.
03:34Ah, Captain, you've returned.
03:38Hello, Scooter. Any luck?
03:40I'm afraid not, Captain.
03:42The engines have got no power,
03:44and we've only five minutes till that meteor smashes us to bits.
03:48How many people are on the ship?
03:51Three hundred and sixty-four.
03:53And how many escape pods are there?
03:59How much do you know about this meteor?
04:02Funny you should mention it.
04:04Our sensors have just determined that the meteor is made entirely out of...
04:09What? Out of what?
04:13A popcorn ball meteor.
04:17The worst kind.
04:19Um, would that be caramel or cheese?
04:22Because I don't like that cheese stuff very much.
04:24It gets stuck to my tooth.
04:26It makes precious little difference when it hits you at five thousand miles an hour.
04:31Ah, good point.
04:33Meet me in St. Louis, Louis, meet me at the fair.
04:38Hey, who are those guys?
04:40Huh? Oh, never mind them.
04:43They're the new guys.
04:45Coochie, coochie, I will be your tootsie wootsie.
04:49Meet me in St. Louis, I'll be waiting there.
04:55Well, maybe they have some ideas.
04:58What? Not the new guys.
05:01They don't know anything.
05:03All they do is sing and eat, eat and sing.
05:06Between you and me, I think they're crazy.
05:11Coochie, coochie, I will be your tootsie wootsie.
05:15Meet me in St. Louis, I'll be waiting there.
05:22Hi, I'm Junior.
05:24I'm Jimmy Gord.
05:26I'm Jerry Gord.
05:27We're the new guys.
05:29So, why do you sing all the time?
05:32Why don't you?
05:34Because it's weird, I mean different.
05:37You know, sometimes differences can be good if we just take the time to get to know each other.
05:42Yeah, maybe. So, why do you eat so much?
05:46We're hungry, I guess.
05:48It's our metabolism or something.
05:50You know, sometimes I think I could eat a whole bus.
05:54Yeah, well, sometimes I think I could eat a whole spaceship.
05:57Oh, yeah? Well, sometimes I think I could eat a whole planet.
06:01Planet, planet, planet.
06:05Scooby, how many escape pods did you say there were?
06:10Jimmy, did you mean what you said about eating a whole planet?
06:14Well, sure, but...
06:16Would you guys like to help save the ship?
06:18Well, gosh, let me swirl.
06:21Grab the guards!
06:39So, then, we'll just stay here?
06:46Hey, it's kind of like a field trip or something.
06:52Only two minutes left. I hope this works.
06:57Do you know the Muffin Man? The Muffin Man? The Muffin Man?
07:01Do you know the Muffin Man? He lives on Drury Lane.
07:05I bet I could eat all his muffins.
07:07Oh, well, I bet I could eat all his muffins.
07:10In his house, yeah.
07:13Hey, look, some kind of a planet or something.
07:16Hey, maybe that's where the Muffin Man lives.
07:19No, Jerry, he lives on Drury Lane.
07:21Oh, yeah.
07:26Hey, what is this stuff?
07:30It's popcorn!
07:32Let's eat it!
07:38Do you think it's possible?
07:40If anyone can do it, they can.
07:50Only ten seconds left.
07:53I sure hope those guards were hungry.
07:56Five, four, three, two, one...
08:09No more for me, thanks. I'm full.
08:12Excuse me.
08:14No more for me, thanks. I'm full.
08:17Excuse me.
08:19Get him in here!
08:22Yay! Corn! We got it!
08:28You saved the ship!
08:30Oh, it was nothing.
08:32Nothing? You're telling me saving 364 lives
08:37by rapidly consuming 14,000 metric tons of corn is nothing?
08:42Well, I guess maybe it's a little something.
08:45And to think I wouldn't be your friend
08:48just because you guys are different.
08:50Why, if you weren't different,
08:52none of us would be here right now.
08:56Hey, guys, look at this.
08:58Well, I got a little bit hungry,
09:00so I was just snacking on this end table
09:02when I saw this.
09:04It's some kind of electrical plug or something.
09:07Plug it in!
09:14Why didn't I think of that?
09:16You guys are something else.
09:18You know, it kind of reminds me of a song.
09:21Hit it, boys.
09:23Have you ever seen a boy with funny clothes,
09:26a girl with braces on her teeth or freckles on her nose?
09:29Some kids call them oddballs.
09:31Some kids call them weird.
09:33Is it my imagination, or does Aunt Ruth have a beard?
09:36There are lots of people in all colors, shapes and sizes.
09:39All of us are loved, and what we need to realize is
09:42that calling people names because they're different is wrong.
09:45Instead, we need to look on them in love and sing this song.
09:49I can be your friend
09:52I can be your friend
09:55Any day in any weather
09:59We can be friends and play together
10:02Yeah, we're all pretty different.
10:04Some are skinny, some are stout.
10:06The inside is the part that we're supposed to care about.
10:09Aye, that's where we got feelings that are very much the same.
10:13And so instead of weirdo, I think friend's a better name.
10:16I can be your friend
10:19La la la
10:20I can be your friend
10:22La la la
10:23If your hair is red or yellow
10:26We can have lunch
10:28I'll share my denim
10:30I can be your friend
10:32La la la
10:33I can be your friend
10:35La la la
10:36It's okay if we are different
10:39We can still play
10:41Cause I can be your friend
10:52Dad! Dad! Come quick!
10:55What is it? Is something wrong?
10:57I don't know. I just wanted to tell you that I'm going to invite Fernando to my party after all.
11:03Really? That was quick.
11:05What made you change your mind?
11:07Well, you know, being different can be good.
11:10Like maybe if my party is about to be smashed by a giant popcorn bomb in the air,
11:14Fernando could eat it!
11:16Or maybe if the slime monster shows up and tries to squirt slime all over us,
11:20Fernando could maybe blast him with his x-ray eyes.
11:24Well, I don't think Fernando could do those kinds of things.
11:29But I bet he could teach you about his country
11:31and show you the kinds of foods he likes to eat.
11:34Who knows? You might like it.
11:36Yeah, that sounds fun.
11:38I sure am proud of you for making the right decision.
11:41Well, it's time for sleeping.
11:44I love you, little mister.
11:46I love you, big mister.
11:48See you tomorrow.
11:58What? What is it now?
12:01Um, well...
12:03Lieutenant Larry here dropped our map right out of the spaceship.
12:08And we were wondering if you could just give us directions to the freeway.
12:13I think we can make it from there.
12:15Out the window, down the street, left at Mr. Slushy.
12:19Great. Thanks.
12:21That's what I said. I said left at Mr. Slushy.
12:24Oh, no. You said right.
12:26You said right.
12:27I distinctly remember you saying right at Mr. Slushy.
12:30Why would I say that?
12:31That'd be... that'd be crazy.
12:34I'm kind of thirsty.
12:36Can we stop at Mr. Slushy?
12:37No. We need that money for tolls.
12:47And now it's time for Silly Songs with Larry.
12:50The part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song.
12:54Curtain opens as Larry, having just finished his morning bath, is searching for his hairbrush.
12:59Having no success, Larry cries out...
13:01Oh, where is my hairbrush?
13:04Oh, where is my hairbrush?
13:07Oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where, oh, where... my hairbrush?
13:15Having heard his cry, Pa Grape enters the scene.
13:18Shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of Larry in a towel,
13:21Potter gains his composure and reports.
13:24I think I saw a hairbrush back there.
13:29Back there is my hairbrush.
13:32Back there is my hairbrush.
13:35Back there, back there, oh, where, back there, oh, where, oh, where, back there, back there, back there... my hairbrush?
13:43Having heard his joyous proclamation, Junior Asparagus enters the scene.
13:48Shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of Larry in a towel, Junior regains his composure and comments...
13:53Why do you need a hairbrush? You don't have any hair!
13:57Larry has taken aback. The thought never occurred to him.
14:00No hair? What will this mean? What will become of him? What will become of his hairbrush?
14:05Larry wonders...
14:06No hair for my hairbrush.
14:09No hair for my hairbrush.
14:12No hair, no hair, nowhere, no hair, no hair, no hair, nowhere, back there, no hair...
14:19...for my hairbrush.
14:20Having heard his wonderings, Bob the Tornado enters the scene.
14:24Shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of Larry in a towel, Bob regains his composure and confesses...
14:29Larry, that old hairbrush of yours...
14:32Well, you never use it. You don't really need it, so...
14:36Well, I'm sorry. I didn't know.
14:39No, but I gave it to the Peach, because he's got hair.
14:43Feeling a deep sense of loss, Larry stumbles back and laments...
14:47Not fair, oh, my hairbrush.
14:50Not fair, my poor hairbrush.
14:54Not fair, not fair, no hair, not fair, nowhere, no hair, not fair, not fair, not fair... little hairbrush.
15:03Having heard his laments, the Peach enters the scene.
15:06Himself in a towel, both Larry and the Peach are shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of... each other.
15:11But recognizing Larry's generosity, the Peach is thankful.
15:15Thanks for the hairbrush.
15:17Yes, good has been done here.
15:19The Peach exits the scene.
15:21Larry smiles, but still feeling an emotional attachment for the hairbrush, calls out...
15:26Take care of my hairbrush.
15:29Take care, oh, my hairbrush.
15:32Take care, take care, don't dare not care, take care, nice hair, no fair, take care, take care...
15:38...of my hairbrush.
15:40The end.
16:02Thank you for watching.
16:32See you next time.
