VeggieTales: Esther the Girl Who Became Queen (TBN UK)

  • 4 months ago


00:00not to be afraid of greatness.
00:03Some are born great,
00:05some achieve greatness,
00:07and some have greatness thrust upon them.
00:15This is the story of a great person.
00:18It's hard to say whether our hero was born that way
00:21or was just placed in the right place at the right time
00:24and decided to do the right thing.
00:26I suppose you can be the judge of that.
00:29Oh, and one more thing.
00:31Our hero isn't a king,
00:33just an ordinary girl.
01:06Make way for Haman,
01:08the king's right-hand man!
01:14Hello, people of Persia!
01:17His Royal Highness, King Xerxes,
01:20finds himself, for reasons that do not concern you,
01:24in need of a new queen.
01:28So, I would like to ask all eligible young ladies
01:33to please come with me.
01:39Young lady, that means you!
01:43If it's all the same to the king,
01:45I think I'd rather stay right here.
01:48I did not ask you if you were interested.
01:52The king needs a queen.
01:55Get in the wagon.
01:58Um, Essie, for your own good,
02:01you should probably go.
02:03What? But I...
02:05Sir, I need to stay here so I can take care of my...
02:09Shh! Did you shush me?
02:11What? No, I was shushing...
02:13Hey, I know you. You're Mordecai.
02:17Hello, Haman.
02:18You can call me sir.
02:20You know, we both work for the king,
02:23but compared to me, you are a gnat.
02:27It's a G. Silent. It's gnat.
02:29Are you calling me a gnat?
02:31No, just correcting your pronunciation.
02:34Are you calling me stupid?
02:36Uh, no.
02:37You, get in the wagon.
02:39You, bow to me.
02:41Uh, no.
02:45I bow to no one except my god and my king.
02:48Get in the wagon.
02:49But I want to stay with my...
02:51Did you shush me again?
02:53Don't worry.
02:54Essie, go.
02:55I'll explain later.
03:02Mark my words, old man.
03:04One of these days.
03:13Essie, are you there?
03:15Cousin Mordecai?
03:17Mordecai, what's...
03:20Okay, okay.
03:22Sorry about all the shushing.
03:24But look, Haman hates us.
03:26Hates our whole family.
03:27If he knew I was your cousin, he'd hate you too.
03:31And then, you could be in grave danger.
03:35Esther, you mustn't let anyone here know
03:38that you're part of our family.
03:41But I don't even want to be here.
03:43Why do I have to be here?
03:45Oh, Essie.
03:47You don't know the future.
03:49But God does.
03:51Maybe there's a reason.
03:54I'll come visit you again.
04:06Tell me why
04:09I don't understand
04:12Tell me why
04:15Give me your hand
04:18Tell me why
04:20Because I can't see my way through
04:28What now should I do?
04:41Puppies are cuddly
04:43Puppies are cute
04:45They're never nasty or mean
04:50I give a hug to all the lost puppies
04:55If ever one day I were queen
05:07Yes, that was contestant number 37.
05:12Miss Akmetha!
05:15What am I going to do with all those dogs?
05:25Ah, yes.
05:27Now, all the way from Babylon,
05:29home of the hanging gardens,
05:32Miss Babylon!
05:43Go ahead.
05:45What am I supposed to do again?
05:47A song. You're supposed to sing a song.
05:50Didn't you prepare anything?
05:53I guess I wasn't expecting to get this far.
05:56Well, please, sing something.
05:59You're making me look bad.
06:02Let's see.
06:05Remember that song your grandmother used to sing?
06:10Okay, I've got something.
06:18The battle is not ours
06:23We look to God above
06:28For he will guide us safely through
06:33And guard us with his love
06:38So do not be afraid
06:43We need not run and hide
06:48For there is nothing we can face
06:53When God is at our side
07:00Oh, yes! We have a new queen!
07:06What's your name, dear?
07:10Ladies and gentlemen,
07:13may I introduce you to Queen Esther!
07:30Essy! Essy! I just heard the news!
07:34You're the queen of all...
07:40Well, you've got to be at least a little excited.
07:45Nobody even asked me if I wanted to be queen.
07:48Oh, Essy.
07:50You always did have a mind of your own.
07:53I always loved you.
07:56Oh, don't worry.
07:58There must be a reason.
08:00But hey, tomorrow you'll be introduced to the court!
08:04That'll be fun!
08:06Get some rest, Queen Essy.
08:09My cousin, Queen of Persia!
08:12Who knew?
08:15Hello, King!
08:17Who are you?
08:19I am Big Fan, your royal chef.
08:22Well, what are you doing here?
08:25I don't remember inviting...
08:27Every newlyweds needs a cake, no?
08:31Oh, no.
08:33I'm sorry, King.
08:35I didn't mean to interrupt.
08:37I was just...
08:39Every newlyweds needs a cake, no?
08:47Oh, my.
08:49Well, that's lovely.
08:51You made that for me?
08:54Oh, you shouldn't have.
08:56It looks delicious.
08:58Why don't you bring me over a piece?
09:00Well, you know, I was thinking... could come over here to eat it.
09:07Well, I always eat right here on my throne.
09:11Why would I need to come over...
09:13Oh, King, it's the light.
09:15The light in this particular spot is just right.
09:19You can only appreciate the full beauty...
09:21...of this confectionary masterpiece... their proper light.
09:26Light, huh?
09:29That makes sense, I guess.
09:31I suppose I could come over there.
09:37Hey, who's this guy?
09:41I am the royal chef.
09:44I've never seen you.
09:46I'm new.
09:49He made me a cake.
09:51Isn't that nice?
09:53Did you invite him?
09:55Well, no.
09:57Did you tell him what can happen... someone who appears before you uninvited?
10:02Well, no.
10:04I was too busy thinking about that cake.
10:07Doesn't it look yummy?
10:10Stop! It's a trap!
10:19Why is there a piano on my cake?
10:28Seize them!
10:37Hey, aren't you the Peony Brothers?
10:40The most wanted peas in Persia?
10:43That's right we are.
10:45And we could have taken over the kingdom...
10:48...if it wasn't for that meddling queen.
10:54You saved my life.
10:57Well, actually, Your Highness, it was the good guard Mordecai.
11:01He alerted me.
11:03It was Mordecai who saved your life.
11:08Oh, well, Mordecai, I...
11:11King, what should the punishment be...
11:14...for these two dangerous criminals?
11:17The most wanted peas in Persia...
11:20...who appeared before you uninvited...
11:23...and tried to drop a piano on your head.
11:27Well, let's see.
11:30I see. It should probably be pretty stiff, huh?
11:34What do you think?
11:36I say the punishment should be...
11:39...banishment to the island of perpetual tickling!
12:04There are two things you don't do in Persia.
12:08One of them is trying to drop a piano on a king's head.
12:12The other is appearing before him uninvited.
12:16The Peony Brothers found these things out the hard way.
12:21Now, it might seem that things are going pretty well...
12:24...for Esther and Mordecai.
12:26After all, they saved the king's life.
12:28But Haman had something else up his sleeve.
12:31Or wherever.
12:32You see, nothing could be worse for Haman...
12:35...than for his enemy Mordecai to be on a king's good side.
12:39If the king liked Mordecai more than him... might jeopardize his position as the second in command.
12:45So Haman came up with his own sneaky little plan.
12:52Your Highness, I believe there is much to fear.
12:56Really? Those peonies are no longer here?
13:00A much greater danger may await you now.
13:05How's that possible?
13:07With permission, Your Highness, I'll tell you how.
13:13Go on.
13:14It's my duty to inform you and if I'm correct... ignore this great emergency would be neglect.
13:21It's the motto of my office, serve and protect.
13:26There are those who walk among us who show no respect.
13:31The law must be adjusted.
13:35There are those who can't be trusted.
13:39Oh my goodness. Tell me about these people.
13:43A sneaky little family who do sneaky little things.
13:46Who stick their sneaky noses into matters of the king.
13:49I fear if they're not dealt with, the prospect makes me weep.
13:54A zucchini-shaped sarcophagus is where you'll sleep.
13:58Really? The nerve! I am disgusted.
14:03There are those who can't be trusted.
14:07That sure doesn't sound like a nice family.
14:11Your Highness, I believe we must act with speed.
14:15Agreed. Say the word, I'll give you what you need.
14:18A simple solution, but you must act now.
14:22How can I help?
14:24With permission, Your Highness, I'll tell you how.
14:29Go on.
14:31After careful calculation, I've got just a ding.
14:34We'll send them to the dreaded Isle of Giggling.
14:37But before I can take action, we have to close that deal.
14:42And it needs a kingly imprint of your royal seal.
14:46I agree.
14:48They must be busted.
14:50There are those who can't be trusted.
14:54The law is now adjusted.
14:58For those who can't be trusted.
15:15Mordecai is busted.
15:18There are those who can't be trusted.
15:30What's this?
15:36Ezi! Ezi! Ezi!
15:38Cousin Mordecai? What is it?
15:41Oh, he's done it. He's finally done it.
15:44Who? Done what?
15:48What's this?
15:49It's an edict. In just a few days, all of us, our whole family,
15:54will be sent to the Island of Perpetual Tickling.
15:59Who? Who did this?
16:01Oh, who do you think? Aemon!
16:03I told you he hates us. Hates our whole family.
16:06And now he's done it. He got the king to sign this.
16:10And we'll all be banished.
16:14What are you going to do?
16:16That's just it. I can't do anything.
16:19I'm just a guard.
16:21But you, you're the queen.
16:24What do you mean?
16:26Go to him. You must go to the king.
16:29What? Don't you know what happens to people who appear before the king uninvited?
16:34Remember the Peony Brothers?
16:36Esther, there is no other way.
16:39You are the only one who can stop this.
16:42No. No, I'm not gonna. I didn't even want to be the queen.
16:46No. You're smart, Mordecai. Think of another way.
16:50Esther, there is no other way.
16:53Why would he listen to me?
16:55Aemon is his right-hand man.
16:58I can't tell you what to do, but I can tell you this.
17:02You wanted to know why you were here.
17:05Why you became queen.
17:07I told you God must have a reason.
17:10Esther, perhaps he put you here for such a time as this.
17:16Perhaps this is the reason.
17:20Esther, you never have to be afraid to do what's right.
17:25I'll pray for you. We'll all pray for you.
17:38Tell me why I don't understand.
17:44Tell me why or show me your hand.
17:51Tell me why because I can't see my way through.
18:02What now should I do?
18:14The battle is not ours. We look to God above.
18:23For he will guide us safely through and guard us with his love.
18:33I will not be afraid.
18:39I will not run and hide.
18:46For there is nothing I can't face when God is at my side.
18:58No, there is nothing I can't face when God is at my side.
19:09The battle is not ours. We look to God above.
19:19For he will guide us safely through and guard us with his love.
19:33So we're all set. I got the big boat reserved for Friday.
19:37Two more days and we'll be rid of that dangerous family forever.
19:42Good work, Heyman. What would I do without you?
19:52Hey, who invited the Queen? Did you invite the Queen?
19:57Queen, did you invite the Queen?
20:00Uh, no, I don't think I did.
20:08But that's okay.
20:12Come on over here, Queenie-poo.
20:20I don't know if anybody told you, but popping up uninvited is generally discouraged around here.
20:26By death or banishment.
20:29But my little Queenie-poo can visit me anytime she wants.
20:34So what is it you want? Just tell me. Whatever you want, it's yours.
20:43Um, if it, uh, if it pleases the King, there's something that I'd like to...
20:48I'd like you and Heyman to come to dinner tonight.
20:54Oh, isn't that nice? She's inviting us over for dinner.
20:59You bet. We'd love to come. What time you want us over?
21:04Uh, say eight?
21:07Eight it is.
21:09See you then. Oh, that's nice.
21:12Yep, she's a keeper.
21:16Now, don't get me wrong.
21:19Showing up uninvited before His Highness is a very brave thing to do.
21:24But telling the King that his right-hand man is a weasel is especially difficult.
21:29What if he doesn't believe her?
21:31If the weasel stays, well, let's just say it wouldn't be so hot for our girl.
21:36No, Esther was looking for just the right moment to spring the news on him.
21:41Um, Your Highness?
21:44The real reason I asked you over tonight was to...
21:49was to...
21:52to see if you would both like to join me for dinner again tomorrow night.
21:59Well, sure! Oh, yeah!
22:01I'd love to come.
22:07Well, hello there.
22:11I guess there's not much to say, eh, Mordecai?
22:15Seeing how in two days you'll be waking up in Chuckle City.
22:19You know, I just came from dinner with the King and Queen.
22:24And they invited me over again tomorrow night.
22:28I guess they must like me.
22:30Why don't you like me, Mordecai?
22:34You know, it wouldn't be too hard to show me that you like me.
22:39Just a little bow, that's all.
22:41Is that so hard?
22:43Who knows? I'm a very influential guy.
22:46I might be able to work something out for you and your family.
22:50Arrogance is not fitting for a fool, Haman.
22:54Much less is lying fitting for a right-hand man.
22:58I'll never bow to you.
23:01Oh, yeah?
23:04Oh, yeah?
23:06Well, maybe this foolish right-hand man can arrange for you to take your trip to Tickletown tonight!
23:179.28 a.m.
23:19King puts on his slippers and brushes his teeth.
23:25King cuts himself shaving.
23:27Ouch, I remember that one.
23:29How about something more recent?
23:31You got anything more recent?
23:34Thanks for doing this.
23:36You know, it really does help me sleep.
23:40King is joined by Haman in the throne room.
23:42I really like it when you read me these records.
23:45I guess you could say it's the story of me.
23:50Haman leaves to get Queen.
23:53Chef arrives with wedding cake.
23:56King stands up to eat cake.
23:58Ooh, this is a good one.
24:00Excitement! Drama!
24:03The King's life is saved by the guard Mordecai.
24:07Wait, wait, wait!
24:08Did you say Mordecai saved my life?
24:11He's that little grape with the mustache, right?
24:14Uh, yep.
24:15Mordecai, huh?
24:17Do we ever do anything to thank him for that?
24:19Uh, nope.
24:21That's a shame.
24:22Maybe I ought to give him a card or something.
24:25You know, to show my appreciation.
24:28I wish I were more creative with things like that.
24:31Uh, come in.
24:33King, I have a most urgent request.
24:37I'm wondering if you can...
24:39Wait a minute there, Haman.
24:41Let me ask you something.
24:43I need a little creative advice.
24:45Ah, okay.
24:47What is it?
24:49Okay, there's this really great guy that I really want to thank.
24:53You know, show him my appreciation for something he did.
24:56You got any ideas?
24:58Oh, well, King, I'm flattered.
25:01I was thinking of a card or something.
25:03Oh, no, no.
25:05Cards are nice, but this sounds like a very special guy.
25:11It sounds like the kind of guy who deserves a parade.
25:17A parade?
25:19Yeah, I think this guy should be dressed in royal robes
25:24and be marched through the whole city on your horse.
25:28And maybe you should even let him wear one of your crowns.
25:33I guess he is pretty special.
25:36And one of your most noble princes should lead this man through the streets
25:43This is a really neat guy.
25:46The king really likes him.
25:49He's brave and has rugged good looks.
25:54You see, Heyman, you're the creative one around here.
25:59What would I do without you?
26:01Oh, well, you know, thank you, your highness.
26:04All those things you mentioned, every last one,
26:07do that for the good god Mordecai, the man who saved my life.
26:14And you be the one to go with him on that parade, okay?
26:20I knew I could count on you.
26:22Lucky thing you dropped by.
26:24Now, what was it you wanted?
26:27You know, maybe you should just ask me tomorrow.
26:30I'm getting kind of sleepy.
26:32Good night.
26:37They say that pride comes before a fall.
26:40Looks like nobody told that to Heyman.
26:43But if Mordecai, Esther, and their whole family are going to be saved,
26:47Esther's got to come through.
26:49And she's only got one more chance.
26:52Hi, sorry I'm late.
26:56The real reason I called both of you here again tonight is to...
27:00is to...
27:04Remember, Esther, you never need to be afraid to do what's right.
27:10Your highness, someone is plotting against my family.
27:15Tomorrow my people and I will be banished to the island of perpetual tickling.
27:19What? Banish my queen?
27:21Who would dare?
27:23It's Heyman.
27:25Is this true?
27:27I don't know what she's talking about.
27:29She's crazy.
27:31It is true.
27:32Can you prove this charge?
27:34I'm telling you, she's making it up.
27:38Wait a minute, that's Mordecai.
27:41Wait a minute, that's Mordecai.
27:43I just gave him a parade.
27:46Mordecai is my cousin.
27:48His family is my family.
27:53You had me banish the man who saved my life and my own queen?
28:00For your punishment, Heyman,
28:02you ought to be sent to the island of perpetual tickling
28:05along with anyone else who dares scheme against my queen and her family.
28:29So Heyman got what was coming to him, and then some.
28:35And Mordecai, this is my favorite part,
28:38he got Heyman's old job,
28:40the number two guy in the whole kingdom.
28:42Not bad.
28:44And Esther, what a gal.
28:47She showed more courage than ten kings
28:49and saved her people.
28:51Now, she wasn't born for greatness.
28:53She didn't go to school for it.
28:55She just learned that sometimes God has plans so big
28:59only he can see them.
29:01All she had to do was believe.
29:05She was just a regular kid.
29:08Just like you.
29:34I can't face when God is at my side.
