VeggieTales: Abe and the Amazing Promise (DVD, Without intro)

  • 3 months ago


00:00Hi kids, I'm Bob the Tomato.
00:03And I'm Junior Asparagus.
00:05Larry's on assignment.
00:07Well, thanks for joining me today, Junior.
00:09We're here...
00:10We're over here by QWERTY to talk about what we've learned today.
00:13And so what we have learned applies to our lives today.
00:17Junior, what are you doing?
00:19We haven't learned anything yet.
00:21Are you sure? Because I feel smarter already.
00:24Of course I'm sure.
00:26We haven't even started the show.
00:28Well, if we're all done here, may I go?
00:31Junior, what's going on? What's your hurry?
00:35Yes, hurry.
00:37Well, you see, my mom said she was going to make me cookies.
00:41Oh, well that's kind of her.
00:43And she said it would be done after the show today.
00:46So I want to hurry up and be done.
00:48Junior, just because we finish the show sooner won't make cookies bake any quicker.
00:54No, you'll just have to be patient.
00:58Yeah, sometimes we just have to wait, even if the waiting isn't easy.
01:02I don't get ya.
01:04It's just like this letter we got from Samuel Knopfziger from Cairo, Illinois.
01:08Hi, Sammy.
01:10Samuel writes, Dear Bob and Larry,
01:12My dad promised to get me a bicycle when I turn five.
01:16I'm only four and a half, but I can't wait.
01:19I want the bike now. What should I do?
01:22P.S. Please hurry with your answer.
01:25I know just how you feel, Sammy.
01:27It's just like me and the cookies.
01:29I can practically taste those chocolate chips now.
01:33Oh, boy.
01:34Junior, you're not helping.
01:37Sammy, your question reminds me of a man in the Bible named Abraham,
01:41to whom God promised something.
01:43And Abraham had to wait, just like you.
01:46And I bet you have a story already.
01:48Don't ya?
01:49Actually, not yet.
01:51Not yet?
01:52Not yet.
01:53But the kids, Bob, they're waiting.
01:56Patience, Junior.
01:57It'll be done just in time.
01:59You'll see.
02:03Here, hold this.
02:05What are we doing, Bob?
02:07Oh, this is exciting, Junior.
02:09We're going to make a film ourselves.
02:11About what?
02:12We're going to interview Abraham and make a show.
02:16How are you going to do that?
02:18Rise and use your imagination.
02:30Bible times.
02:32You thought of everything.
02:35We have a catering tent.
02:37And a nurse's station.
02:41And a film crew.
02:50What are we waiting for?
02:51Let's go.
02:53We're burning daylight here, people.
02:55Chop, chop.
02:56The daylight is not all that is burning.
02:58It's too hot.
03:00I am melting.
03:02Junior, I'm the director.
03:04No complaining, guys.
03:09Trust me, when we're done with this,
03:11we'll have the best show ever.
03:13I cannot wait.
03:15Just have some patience.
03:18He's fine.
03:20Not really?
03:22Not that kind of patience.
03:27Take one.
03:29Bob the Tomato here,
03:31and right now I'm in the middle of the desert.
03:34Where it is so hot.
03:36And there is so much sand.
03:39Where I'm about to get to the bottom
03:41of the amazing story of one of my personal heroes.
03:45Abraham, a man of incredible patience.
03:48Where's the patience?
03:49No, not that kind of...
03:51Maybe we should skip this part
03:52and hurry up and find this Abraham guy.
03:54I have cookies waiting.
03:58I'm not the patient.
04:00I'm the director.
04:01I'm not...
04:02Take two!
04:05Jean-Claude, move that light over.
04:10Mr. Abraham's nose is shiny.
04:12Mr. Abraham's nose is shiny.
04:14Could I get some makeup here?
04:20God bless you!
04:21And that background,
04:23it looks a little bit too desert-y.
04:25Uh, Philippe?
04:28Oh, beautiful.
04:30Okay, let's do this.
04:33Mr. Abraham,
04:34you are the father of a great nation.
04:37What is the secret to your leadership?
04:40Well, frankly, I'm as...
04:43What happened?
04:44Um, we ran out of tape.
04:46Well, get another.
04:47I brought plenty.
04:48Actually, you're down to one, Bob.
04:52Just have to get through this kind of quickly then, huh?
04:54Hurry, hurry, hurry!
04:56All right, everyone.
04:58Take three.
04:59Take three!
05:00I said, frankly,
05:02I'm as surprised as you.
05:05Take four!
05:07As I said, frankly,
05:09I'm as surprised...
05:11So, these are spitting camels.
05:14Cut, cut, cut!
05:15Very sorry, Mr. Abraham.
05:17I'm so embarrassed.
05:19You are blushing.
05:21I'm red.
05:23That's what I said.
05:25You are definitely a man of great patience.
05:29No, no, no!
05:32Not patience!
05:34Oh, that makes perfect sense.
05:37Look, he's waiting.
05:38Abraham Interview, take five.
05:41Sorry, moving right along.
05:43All right, then.
05:45Back to your story, Abe.
05:48Well, to tell you the truth, Bob,
05:50it's all about hope and trusting
05:52that God is going to do what he says he's going to do,
05:55even if it takes some time.
05:58Waiting is really hard.
06:00Sure it is.
06:02But sometimes you gotta wait,
06:04even when the waiting ain't easy.
06:08You know, my name wasn't always Abraham.
06:11It used to be Abram.
06:13That was back when I was living the high life
06:16with my wife, Sarah, in the town of Ur.
06:24We are Ur, not Ur.
06:29Oh, Ur!
06:43Always something fun to do!
06:45Plenty of refreshments and loads of family.
06:50But when I say family,
06:52well, I mean my brothers and sisters.
06:55You see, Sarah and I had not been able
06:58to have any children of our own,
07:00And that's what we wanted, a child.
07:06Here's your ball.
07:08That's Harold!
07:10Aunt Sarah, that's Tickle!
07:15I think I'd make a good mommy.
07:18Uh, this is Lot, Abraham's favorite nephew.
07:23Oh, yeah.
07:26Hey, you kids!
07:29Oh, sure, I think maybe even Sarah wanted kids.
07:33But sheep are like kids.
07:35Plus, you can set pizzas on their backs like a little table.
07:38So, you know, extra awesome!
07:41We love it in Ur! We love it in Ur!
07:43Hey, it's really, really nice in Ur!
07:49And then one day, God spoke to me.
07:53He told me to leave my country, my land,
07:57He told me to leave my country, my father's home,
08:00for a land that He would show me.
08:03It was very surprising.
08:06This is very surprising.
08:09God said one day my children and my children's children
08:13would become a great nation.
08:15And He was going to bless me.
08:18God bless you!
08:21Finally, a child of our own!
08:25I can't wait!
08:27Right arm, left arm, right foot, left foot,
08:29Chin up, turn around, sit down.
08:33I sat on something sharp.
08:35That's fantastic. Moving right along here.
08:38Yes, let's talk about...
08:47I was still young, 75, practically a seedling.
08:52But I was at peace and ready for the adventure ahead.
08:56Peace? It was a mess.
08:59Packing, change of address forms.
09:03Plus, I have to plan for a baby.
09:06He knew I preferred to live near my mother.
09:11So, Sarah...
09:13Are you Sunburn?
09:14I'm Red.
09:15That's what I said.
09:17You know, I've got an ointment for that.
09:20So, anyway, God said to go, but where?
09:24Abe says He didn't say.
09:26He didn't say?
09:28It's like making my insides all crazy.
09:33Like a smoothie.
09:35You know what I could go for right now?
09:37A smoothie. I love those.
09:40Bob, we're running low on tape.
09:42Sir, could you make your answers a little more short and peppy?
09:45But it didn't happen short and peppy.
09:48Then just skip to the part where we learn about patience.
09:55As you were saying...
09:57So, we obeyed God, leaving our homeland of Ur immediately.
10:03Lot tagged along, too.
10:05We took a lot of sheep.
10:07Lot took a lot of pizza.
10:09A lot.
10:11We finally arrived in Canaan.
10:14Where life was good.
10:16But still no children.
10:18Then famine hit.
10:21Lot ate all the pizza.
10:23Lot, there was cheese in the crust.
10:27Hey, you kids!
10:29So, we decided to move again.
10:32This time to Egypt, to weather it out.
10:35And though we didn't have our own home...
10:38And still did not have a child...
10:40We were patient.
10:42It wasn't easy, but we waited for God's promise.
10:45I spent time thinking about all the things I would do with my baby.
10:50And I started thinking up names for him.
10:53Larry, Moe, Shemp.
10:56God had made us a promise, and we had hope.
11:00When waiting got hard, it helped me to think about how wonderful it would be when we got our promise.
11:07So, that's how patience paid off the end.
11:10Okay, let's go home, Bob. Cookies await.
11:13Junior, what about the child they were waiting for?
11:16The child?
11:18We wanted a child. Haven't you been listening?
11:21Sorry, cookies on the brain.
11:24Anyway, we were at the part when Abe Shepherds and Lot Shepherds started fighting.
11:32You do not want to wear wool in the desert. It makes you grumpy.
11:36You're telling me!
11:40Lot and I love each other like brothers, but our shepherds...
11:44Well, that's another story.
11:56So, I allowed Lot to choose which direction he would go.
12:00And that land would belong to him, east or west.
12:10I think I'm going to go east.
12:13And my dear nephew went his own way.
12:17My last bit of family left.
12:21That was a sad day.
12:24But that's the time when God spoke to him again and reminded him of his promise.
12:31God told me to look around.
12:34God told me to look around. All around, east and west.
12:39He promised me that all the land would be mine.
12:43And that my descendants would outnumber the sand.
12:47But I can't count the sand.
12:50I think that's the idea, honey.
12:53It was a wonderful promise.
12:55And then, right when we thought our answer was about to arrive, war broke out.
13:01You've got to be kidding me. This is never going to end.
13:06You can't rush God's promises.
13:08Would you please hurry up and get to the lesson in patience?
13:11Patience? That's what I'm talking about.
13:14I can't do this anymore, Bob.
13:16Yeah, what he said. I'm burning hot out here.
13:22That helped a little.
13:24Bob, I'm tired of waiting. I want to go home.
13:28I want my cookies. Now!
13:31Junior, come on. This is why we're here.
13:34For what, Bob? So I can miss the cookies my mom promised me?
13:38No, Junior. You're eventually going to get the cookies your mom promised you.
13:43But what can I do in the meantime?
13:45Well, do you trust that your mom's going to do what she said she's going to do?
13:54You're right, Bob. I'll get my cookies eventually.
13:57I shouldn't have gotten so upset. But we're still out of tape.
14:02Oh, no. I got an extra if you want it.
14:05You mean it?
14:06Sure. It's the second season of Dancing with the Stars. You can tape over it.
14:12Ready to roll.
14:14So, Abe, I too know how hard it is to wait calmly for something you really, really want.
14:20Tell us what happened next.
14:22Then I got a new name, Abraham, which means father of many nations.
14:27Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
14:31Then God made good on his promise.
14:34And sure enough, Sarah gave birth to a baby boy.
14:41The baby God promised 15 years earlier.
14:50The boy that would become the father of Israel.
14:53The nation that would bless the whole world.
14:56All the way through King David to Jesus.
15:02Wait. That's the end? You're done with the story?
15:06There's a lot more, actually.
15:08But as far as patience goes, it's a good place to stop.
15:12Dad, dad, dad, dad. Can we shoot a few holes?
15:15You got it, son. Come on.
15:19What a nice story.
15:21Aren't you glad you waited?
15:24So there you have it. Patience.
15:26It's not always easy to wait.
15:28But God always comes through with his promises.
15:32Are you ready for your cookies now, Junior?
15:34What? Already? Oh, boy. Cookies, here I come.
15:38Do you suppose there might be some cookies for us?
15:42Oui, oui. Mon amie. Snickers.
15:50And now it's time for Silly Songs with Larry.
15:53The part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song.
15:57Bob the tomato, unable to sneeze, visits the sneeze doctor.
16:02Please. Can someone help me?
16:06I need to sneeze.
16:09Wait for the sneeze doctor.
16:12Just take a seat.
16:14He'll be right with you.
16:20Sneeze if you have to. Sneeze if you need to.
16:25Don't hold it in.
16:27Just be sure that you cover your mouth with an issue.
16:33I will assist you.
16:35Sneeze all your troubles away.
16:39At up to 150 miles an hour.
16:43Interesting fact.
16:45The average sneeze travels at a rate of 100 miles an hour.
16:49In 2003, Dirk Evert of Grunholz, Germany, clocked in at 150.
16:55Way to go, Dirk. Danke.
16:58I think I have a remedy.
17:01Perhaps in my potpourri.
17:04I bought it from a merchant in Spain.
17:09For ultimate sneeze satisfaction.
17:12Try allergic reactions.
17:15Take a deep breath.
17:17If it helps, you can squint at the sun.
17:22Or hear some pepper.
17:25Let's see. I know.
17:27Try this feather.
17:29Don't be afraid.
17:32Set it free.
17:34Let it go.
17:41Interesting fact.
17:42The photic sneeze reflex, or sneezing when exposed to bright light,
17:45is a genetic trait found in 25% of the population.
17:50Including Dirk.
18:12Which, interestingly, means good health in German.
18:17Sneeze if you have to. Sneeze if you need to.
18:22And apologize if you accidentally sneeze on your neighbor.
18:30Don't lose a neighbor. All of them party and fun.
18:36So maybe at all, have a fresh night.
18:40This has been Silly Songs with Fanny. Tune in next time to hear Dirk say...
18:45Ich bin ein Schniezer!
18:48I need more cardboard, Maurice. Hand me that old shoe box.
19:16Shoe box? Shouldn't you use the plywood, Jacques?
19:19Let's see. Put on goggles. Turn on saw.
19:22Wear safety mask. Ear protection. Cut carefully.
19:25Turn off the saw. Nope. Way too much work.
19:29Cardboard it is.
19:30But Jacques...
19:31No buts, Maurice. I'm following in the footsteps of the great Leon Mourin.
19:36The most beloved inventor in the world.
19:39He was born right here in Boo-Boo-Ville, you know.
19:41My hero.
19:42Yes, I know. But...
19:44Where's the glue, Maurice?
19:48Your glue, Jacques.
19:50What took ya?
19:53Maurice, this stuff needs hours to dry. I don't want to wait.
20:02There. That'll do. Lickety split.
20:05Ah, spit.
20:06Gum instead of glue?
20:08This'll be my greatest invention ever.
20:11The one that would make Mama proud.
20:20No time for pretty. This is the one, Maurice.
20:23The invention that'll set the world on its ear.
20:25Think of all the people I'll help.
20:27I can't wait to show it to the guys at Pi today.
20:29Pi? Today?
20:31The Philanthropic Invention Enthusiast Club.
20:33Inventions for the good of all.
20:35That's Pi. I love Pi.
20:38Jacques, did you forget about our practice today?
20:42Yes, practice.
20:43We need to get ready for the town's annual Boo-Boo Bird Festival.
20:47We signed up as partners in the baguette relay race. Remember?
20:52Oh, don't worry. We're best buddies.
20:54I didn't forget. We're practicing during lunch, right?
20:57Right. Did you make the sandwiches?
21:00They're over on the workbench.
21:03There's only one. Did you forget mine?
21:06I ate mine last night to save time.
21:09And there's no peanut butter. Just bread.
21:12Yeah. I was in a rush, so I skipped that part.
21:15Skipped the... Jacques, really.
21:17You need to try a little patience or everything just leads to disaster.
21:23I don't know what you're talking about.
21:25I'm talking about taking the time to do things right, Jacques.
21:28Like your brilliant idea for a steam-powered washing machine?
21:31You were so impatient to show your friends that you didn't fix the leaks.
21:35I changed it to a steam-powered lawn sprinkler.
21:38It'll help everybody in town during the next drought.
21:41And your automatic knitting machine?
21:43Yeah. Got tired of waiting for the parts to be delivered.
21:46Besides, it makes fine waffles by poking dents in the pancakes.
21:49If you don't mind the diesel flavor.
21:52Jacques, you know, you don't even take time to be friends anymore.
21:58Maurice, you gotta understand.
22:01From Paris to Toledo
22:06Inventions that are neato
22:09Become ideas in which the world believes
22:14Meanwhile I'm impeded
22:17From success that would be sweetened
22:20If my genius wasn't faster than my means
22:25My keys, please
22:30Oh, brother.
22:35Gotta hurry, gotta worry, gotta step on it and scurry
22:38You just skipped a step and short a cut
22:40I get to town by noon, gotta make it fast and cheap
22:42Gotta take a turn and sheep
22:44Gotta venture in the mallies till my pal is turning blue
22:47My brain is so full, it's overflowing
22:50But I'm sweating when I should be naked
22:52Wow. How?
22:53Before my memory, before I just get past all the details
22:56I don't need to get it right unless it's right right now
22:59He won't ever get it right unless it's right right now
23:03Do you think maybe we could slow down?
23:06Of course.
23:12There's that underwear.
23:14We're here. Attention fellow pie lovers.
23:17Please recite the motto stated clearly at the bottom of the pie chart.
23:21We've learned how to measure and invent our every whim and fancy true
23:27So now, allow me to introduce to you
23:31My latest patent-pending new thingy
23:37You first, Alphonse.
23:39I thank my financial backer for this robot arm and stacker
23:43You can't stack eggs.
23:44I can.
23:45You can't.
23:46I can because I swear.
23:47Well, get ready to scream at my fancy telephono.
23:49What are you calling?
23:50Well, I built just one so no one else is there.
23:52I pride myself on the only wall of cube-shaped breakfast in the town.
23:58At least it doesn't smell bad.
24:00It's a better plan than you had.
24:01We don't need to get it right because it's right right now
24:04They don't need to get it right unless it's right right now.
24:07Hey, what do these pinwheels do?
24:10They don't do anything, but they look awesome.
24:14Uh, not ready.
24:16We're still working out the kinks in this one.
24:25Man, I took a whole 20 minutes to build that thing.
24:29Oh, my precious telephono.
24:32Jacques, what are we going to do now?
24:35Oh, great.
24:36He's daydreaming again.
24:40Years ago, I dreamed of old inventions built inside my head.
24:52But time goes slow when patience grows.
24:58It takes less time and turns out fine
25:02to chuck the plan and get it done instead.
25:06We vow to mentor and invent our every whim true.
25:11And vow to introduce what's patent-pending to you.
25:17Before our memory fills, I do skip past all the details.
25:22I don't need to get it right unless it's right right right now.
25:34Right right now.
25:49But where will you find a volunteer foolish enough to try it?
26:01Oh, dear.
26:05Jacques, Jacques.
26:08I think this is high enough, Jacques.
26:11You call that high?
26:12I'll show you high.
26:21Don't fly me over the mad scientist's castle.
26:24Luxembourney Estate?
26:26It's empty.
26:27There's no mad scientist.
26:28He's a myth.
26:30I thought he was a mister.
26:32What does the book say to do next?
26:34Where did I put it?
26:35Are you looking for this?
26:38I need that book.
26:49Don't panic.
26:50I'm in complete control.
26:52Stop this crazy thing.
27:02It's my time to use my gloves.
27:06Yeah, that would have taken too long.
27:12That was a close one.
27:16Oh, no.
27:17This is horrible.
27:19My poor flying machine.
27:21Hey, look.
27:26Oh, good.
27:27Could you fall a little faster?
27:28We need to get back to the lab.
27:33Brush yourself off.
27:34Let's get going over...
27:35That's it.
27:36I quit.
27:37What do you mean you quit?
27:40Taking a permanent hiatus.
27:41I've had enough of your impatience.
27:43It almost killed me.
27:45But I made you that parachute.
27:47You didn't make that.
27:48It was a prize in a cereal box.
27:51Oh, yeah.
27:52Frosted cocoa fluffs.
27:54But you can't quit.
27:55You're my friend.
27:56I can't afford to be friends anymore.
27:58Your impatience is hazardous to my health.
28:02Is this about the relay race?
28:04You don't understand.
28:06And until you do, you can find a new assistant.
28:15You still have my book?
28:17I dropped it.
28:20In there.
28:28Sounds like something important is about to happen.
28:31Our lunch is about to be served.
28:36It's Mayor LeBleu.
28:40My good citizens of Boo-Booville.
28:43As you know, we are approaching the annual Boo-Boo Bird Festival.
28:50But as you also know, there has been no Boo-Boo seen in this area for years and years.
28:59And because the Boo-Boos stay away, the people no longer come to see the Boo-Boos.
29:05Nobody comes anymore.
29:07It is an empty festival.
29:09So it is with a heavy heart that I must announce that we must cancel the Boo-Boo Bird Festival.
29:18So the festival? In the baguette relay with Maurice?
29:21Unless, unless someone, an inventor perhaps, can find a way to make the Boo-Boo reappear.
29:31An inventor? That's me.
29:33If an inventor can invent such a device, I will appoint him the Minister of Inventions.
29:41And he will get to wear this fabulous hat.
29:46Oh, I'll look stunning wearing that, baby.
29:49The Minister of Inventions? Mama would be so proud.
29:53Think of all the things I could do.
29:55Maurice, Maurice, let's get started.
29:58Oh, yeah.
30:05I need my book.
30:07Here, bookie, bookie, bookie, bookie.
30:18Where could it be?
30:20Come on, my little bookie. Where are you?
30:37There you are.
30:51Hello? Anybody here who's not creepy and owns a stepladder?
31:02I'll take that as a no.
31:04Going so soon.
31:10You! You're the mad scientist!
31:18I get a little grumpy, but I'm generally aimable.
31:39Not bad for a mad scientist, eh?
31:41I thought you were a myth.
31:43I'm a mister, actually.
31:45So, are you an inventor?
31:47I used to be. Back when I lived in Boo-Booville.
31:52Hot beverage?
32:00We all have the capacity for great inventions.
32:03Oh, yeah. I'm an inventor, too.
32:05Really? What have you invented?
32:08Tons of stuff. And really fast, too.
32:10Except that, well, they sometimes don't end up working the way I planned.
32:16Yeah. My flying machine crashed with my best friend in it.
32:19He didn't like that so much.
32:21And you came up here looking for answers.
32:23Yeah. My book.
32:25So, why'd you leave Boo-Booville, anyway?
32:27One word.
32:29Leon Morang.
32:31Leon Morang? Wait, that's two words.
32:34Leon became rich and famous when he invented that flying machine.
32:37Oh, yeah. He was the best.
32:39Oh, he wasn't so great. Not an ounce of patience in that man.
32:43He nearly ruined me.
32:45I vowed to make the discovery that it always eluded Leon Morang.
32:50So, I set up shop here.
32:52And after all these years, I finally made that discovery.
33:03What is it?
33:04That's it.
33:06What? The sunflower seed?
33:09That's not a discovery. It's a snack.
33:12Take this home. Plant it. You'll see.
33:15See what? What does this have to do with anything?
33:18I thought we were talking about inventing.
33:20A lot of people put great stock in Leon Morang's book.
33:23But the Bible, a much greater book, if you ask me, holds the answer you seek.
33:30Enthusiasm without knowledge is no good.
33:34Haste makes mistakes. Haste makes mistakes.
33:37Impatience can lead to disaster.
33:40That sounds familiar.
33:42It takes time to get it right.
33:47So be patient day and night.
33:51And eventually you'll see.
33:58I'll make you a deal.
33:59If you plant that seed, care for it, and bring it back to me when it's full grown.
34:04You'll get what you desire most.
34:07Becoming the Minister of Inventions?
34:09It's a fabulous idea.
34:11Deal. Let's shake on it.
34:15This is the best shortcut in the whole world.
34:17If that's the way you want to look at it.
34:19See you later. Minister of Inventions, here I come.
34:23Don't forget your book.
34:30Gizmos and gadgets are music to me
34:33When my ratchets are spinning
34:36I can't help but grinning
34:38My tchotchkes and plotchkes and blue doohickeys
34:42My funnels and droppers and small rubber stoppers
34:47Are closer than brothers can be
34:50See? My gizmos and gadgets are music to me
34:55Are closer than brothers can be
34:57See? My gizmo devices are pleasant surprises
35:02When they all sing humding per wee
35:06What am I doing? I don't have time for this.
35:09I've got a seed to grow.
35:11Clunk and a whir, move it along, humding per woe
35:14Ring on the bob, get on the job, on with the show
35:17I'll ramp up the speed now, I'm watering this seed now
35:21A liter, a gallon, it's ready to go
35:24Hey, enough fertilizing, I'll try magnetizing
35:27This plant's got no get up and grow
35:35I can't help but see now, the problem is me now
35:41So much for the humding per...
35:46Oh, this is taking forever.
35:49Hello and bonjour, frère Jacques.
35:52Look what we're working on.
35:53Really, guys, not now.
35:55You see, I was thinking all we need to get a boo-boo bird
35:58Is a giant trap, you know, a cage or something.
36:02How are you going to get him in there?
36:03Oh, this is where Alphonse comes in.
36:06By building a giant girl boo-boo.
36:10Ha, it's going to be 50 feet tall.
36:13How long is it going to take you to build that?
36:15Oh, I don't know, one, maybe two hours. It's a big job.
36:20So, what are you working on?
36:22Oh, it's a secret.
36:24Yeah, a secret.
36:28We get the message.
36:29You don't want us around, I see.
36:31It's okay, we have better things to do.
36:34Au revoir.
36:36And I thought pie was for sherry.
36:38I guess you thought wrong.
36:40Oh, man, now I don't have any friends.
36:44I've got zilch, nada.
36:46Nothing but a bucket of dirt.
36:50This is useless.
36:54Looks like it's back to the drawing board.
37:34So, you're becoming a farmer now?
37:36Huh? What? Huh? What?
37:38I asked if you were becoming a farmer.
37:40You know, that takes a lot of... patience.
37:45Hey, looky there! It's working!
37:48It's working! It's working! It's working!
37:52Are you still mad at me?
37:54I just came by to pick up my hammer.
37:57Oh, here it is.
38:00Well, keep up the good work.
38:03I gotta go.
38:15My dear son, the road through your life moves slow,
38:19Filled with twists and turns, mysterious.
38:23If you take your time, and you pray this rhyme,
38:27You will take your days more serious.
38:31If you take your time, and you pray this rhyme,
38:36You will take your days more serious.
38:40You will take your days more serious.
38:44If you're willing to wait, your work will be great,
38:48Be patient and do things right.
38:52If you're willing to wait, your work will be great,
38:56Be patient and do things right.
39:05But I forgot this song,
39:07So I rush along through my days,
39:10And plans more hastily.
39:13And I soon lose track of the friends I lack,
39:17And I lose what means the most to me.
39:21So if I'd just slow down,
39:24If I'd look around,
39:26I would see there's more important things
39:30Than what I create.
39:33And I'd learn to wait,
39:35And enjoy the joys that life will bring.
39:39I am willing to wait, my work will be great,
39:44With patience I'll do things right.
39:48I am willing to wait, my work will be great,
39:52With patience I'll do things right.
39:56La-la-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la,
40:02La-la-la, la-la-la-la, la-la-la, la-la-la,
40:09La-la-la, la-la-la.
40:13I am willing to wait, my work will be great,
40:17With patience I'll do things right.
40:24Madame et Monsieur, the time has come.
40:28The unveiling of the inventions to bring back the Boo-Boo.
40:33Behold, the Boo-Boo trap!
40:40Oui, but how does it work?
40:43Simple, really. Once the Boo-Boo lands inside,
40:46It snaps shut, trapping him forever for our enjoyment.
40:51But how do you get the Boo-Boo inside?
40:54That, my purple mayor, is where I come in.
40:58You see, I thought to myself,
41:00What better way to attract a Boo-Boo than with a Boo-Bat?
41:06Just wait till I start her up.
41:09Quick, give her a nudge.
41:11Oui, Monsieur.
41:14Any moment now.
41:19Perfect. Maurice will be so proud that I stuck with it.
41:22Maybe we can still do the baguette relay.
41:24I'll show this to him first, before I take it to the mad scien-
41:27I mean, the scientist.
41:33I'll show this to him first, before I take it to the mad scien-
41:36I mean, the scientist.
41:44This is never gonna work.
41:46That's two hours and a box of rubber bands wasted.
41:58I have no alternative now,
42:01But to cancel the Boo-Boo festival.
42:04Hey, where's Jacques?
42:08Maybe his invention will work.
42:10Maybe his invention will work.
42:13Maurice, I did it.
42:15You did what?
42:16You know how you said I didn't have patience,
42:18And couldn't finish things right?
42:20Well, I did it.
42:35I did it.
42:37All right, everyone. I think I have a plan.
42:40But I'm gonna need your help, a little bit of patience,
42:43And a whole lot of seed.
43:08Would you look at that.
43:10I knew he could do it.
43:16This would be the perfect moment for a high-five.
43:59You did it, Jacques.
44:00No, we did it, Maurice. All of us.
44:03Well done, Jacques.
44:06Congratulations, my boy.
44:08It's Leon Meringue.
44:10What? You're Leon Meringue?
44:12Yes, I was.
44:14I used to be that impatient old inventor,
44:17Until I learned what is truly important.
44:20Well, but you said Leon Meringue almost ruined you.
44:23Yes, Jacques. Being Leon Meringue almost ruined me.
44:26Oh, clever.
44:28And now I'm so happy to see you've truly learned
44:31One of the most important lessons
44:33For becoming a great inventor.
44:36Thank you, Monsieur Meringue. Thank you.
44:39Mind if I take you for a spin?
44:41It would be my honor.
44:46Ready for the race, buddy?
44:48Are you willing to wait?
44:51My work will be great
44:53With patience I'll do things right
44:57Are you willing to wait?
45:00Your work will be great
45:02With patience I'll do things right
45:10Wow, Bob, that was great.
45:12I'm glad you liked it, Junior.
45:14And I hope you liked it, too.
45:16We're over here by QWERTY to talk about what we learned today.
45:19And so what we have learned applies to our lives today
45:24God has a lot to say in his book
45:27Did you bring a cookie for me?
45:29In a sec. Be patient.
45:31You see, we know that
45:33God's word is for everyone
45:36Now that our song is done
45:38We'll take a look
45:40Let's see if QWERTY has a verse for us today.
45:44And so after waiting patiently
45:46Abraham received what was promised
45:49Hebrews 6.15
45:53Wow, bonus verse.
45:55Nice one, QWERTY.
45:57Did you upgrade your RAM? Huh, buddy?
45:59Yep. Thank you, buddy.
46:02Enthusiasm without knowledge is no good
46:05Haste makes mistakes
46:07Proverbs 19.2
46:09In our first story, we learned that
46:11Abraham and Sarah had to wait a long time
46:14to get what God promised them
46:16And even though the waiting wasn't easy
46:18they knew that God would keep his promises
46:21That's right, Junior.
46:22And in the second story
46:24Jacques learned that being impatient leads to mistakes
46:27But when you're patient and take the time to do things right
46:30great things can happen
46:32So, Samuel, I guess the best thing you can do
46:35is to wait patiently for your bike
46:37and trust that God gives us exactly what we need
46:40when we need it
46:41Right again, Junior.
46:43Um, about those cookies...
46:45Oh, yeah. Okay, he's ready.
46:50Ready for what?
46:51These were yummy cookies
46:53They didn't belong to anybody, did they?
46:56So, that's all the time we have for today, kids
47:00Well, remember, God made you special
47:04And he loves you very much
47:08I can make you some more. Can you wait?
