Unanswered Questions Surrounding The Shooting Of Donald Trump-NOW THE END BEGINS-JULY 15 2024

  • 2 months ago
On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we just watched a lone gunman with a rifle attempt to assassinate the once and perhaps future president of the United States, shades of Lee Harvey Oswald. And like Oswald, this whole thing is a set-up that stinks, and gets stinkier the longer you look at it. Joe Biden 5 days before the shooting, told his mega-donors in a private call that “it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye”. Politico says they have the recording. There is the local cop who spots erstwhile assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks on the roof, and does nothing to stop him. Then we have the Secret Service agents who have Crooks in their sights, and they wait 42 seconds before taking him out. Why??? They didn’t fire until after Thomas Matthew Crooks got off 8 rounds that wounded one, killed another, and shot out the ear of Donald Trump. And what about that 2023 Black Rock commercial that shows Thomas Matthew Crooks in a Pennsylvania high school classroom? What are the chances of that being made and then having Trump nearly assassinated buy the kid in the Black Rock commercial. Oh, Black Rock removed that video from their site on Sunday. The deeper you go, the deeper it gets. That civil war we talk a lot about just got another giant step closer.
00:00:00Welcome to the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast with your host and
00:00:05Bible teacher, Jeffrey Greider. Rightly divided, dispensationally
00:00:10correct, and standing on the authority of the King James Holy
00:00:14Bible. This program is brought to you by NowTheEndBegins.com.
00:00:19And good afternoon everybody. Happy Monday and welcome to this
00:00:23edition of the Prophecy News Podcast today. The attempted
00:00:28assassination of Donald Trump is looking more and more like an
00:00:32inside job, but who gave the order? Secret Service Director
00:00:37Kimberly Cheadle is a DEI hire, and she has created perhaps the
00:00:43worst version of the U.S. Secret Service that has ever existed.
00:00:48It is so bad that as the bullets were flying, videos show a
00:00:53Secret Service in a vast disarray of hopeless confusion,
00:00:57a literal Keystone Cops production. I have seen Boy
00:01:02Scout troops from my childhood that could have done better,
00:01:05much better than that, but there is more to it than that. We
00:01:11start with incompetence. We move swiftly to corruption. We wind
00:01:16up in abject conspiracy. What happened on Saturday was clearly
00:01:21planned, but by whom and to what end? Habakkuk 1 verse 5,
00:01:29Behold ye among the heathen in regard, and wonder marvelously,
00:01:33for I will work a work in your days which ye will not believe,
00:01:40though it be told you. We just watched a lone gunman with a
00:01:45rifle attempt to assassinate the once and perhaps future president
00:01:50of the United States, Shades of Lee Harvey Oswald. And like
00:01:54Oswald, this whole thing is a setup that stinks, and it gets
00:01:59stinkier the longer that you look at it. Joe Biden, five days
00:02:04before the shooting, told his mega donors in a private phone
00:02:08call that, quote, it's time to put Trump in a bullseye, end
00:02:12quote. Politico says they have the recording. I would like to
00:02:16hear it. There is the local cop who spots the erstwhile assassin
00:02:22Thomas Matthew Crooks on the roof and does nothing to stop
00:02:26him. Then we have the Secret Service agents who have Crooks
00:02:30in their sights, and they wait 42 seconds before taking him out.
00:02:35Why? They didn't fire until after Thomas Matthew Crooks had
00:02:40gotten off eight rounds that wounded one, killed another, and
00:02:44shot out the ear of Donald Trump. And what about that 2023
00:02:49BlackRock commercial that shows Thomas Matthew Crooks in a
00:02:53Pennsylvania high school classroom? What are the chances
00:02:57of that being made and then having Trump nearly assassinated
00:03:02by the kid in the BlackRock commercial? BlackRock removed
00:03:07that video from their site on Saturday. The deeper you go, the
00:03:11deeper it gets. That civil war that we've been talking about
00:03:16just got another giant step closer. Today, on this very
00:03:21special live two-hour Prophecy News podcast, we give you
00:03:26everything that you need to know about Saturday's assassination
00:03:30attempt and about the one that's still to come. Heavenly Father,
00:03:36we thank you, Lord, for your goodness and your mercy. We
00:03:40thank you, God, for waking us up today. We thank you for the
00:03:43food on the table, the clothes on our back, and the roof over
00:03:46our head. We pray for lost souls today. Kenny B., praying for
00:03:52unsaved family. Rachel K., Sandra C., Marky Mark, unsaved
00:03:57family. Regina is praying for Kellyanne, Richard, Wayne, and
00:04:01Sondra. Carol from Georgia for her sister, cousins, and Aunt
00:04:06Joey, who is 102. The Brita family for salvation, Stacey
00:04:11Bunton, praying for her husband, Rachel Adams. Praying for Kim,
00:04:16Jesse, Angelina, Kerry, Mikey, Alyssa, and Stan. Ashley for
00:04:21salvation and to overcome addiction. Mark for his
00:04:24children, Michael, Matthew, Mason, and Michaela. Mitch for
00:04:28his daughters, Rachel and Hannah, and their husbands.
00:04:32Please pray for the delivery workers that serviced the
00:04:35bookstore. Jericho praying for his family. Brenda's husband,
00:04:40Paul, needs to get saved. Amanda praying for Melanie and Payden.
00:04:44The Muto family for salvation. Steph is praying for Michael.
00:04:48Terry for her family. Xavier for mother Reyes, wife Salma,
00:04:52daughters Clara and Lulu. Maria Silva for her Jehovah's Witness
00:04:57family in Venezuela. Donna Lynn's children, Shannon, Todd,
00:05:01Kaitlyn, and Jake. Tiffany Brown for her mother-in-law, and
00:05:06the Lapiana family for extended family members. People who need
00:05:11a healing today. Nihal Pereira. Please include my wife in your
00:05:16prayer list. Her name is Chandikra Pereira, and she is
00:05:20suffering from stage four cancer. Teresa S. I have had a
00:05:25positive result on my lung biopsy. Two more tests are being
00:05:28determined regarding surgery. Please pray. Lulu's sister's
00:05:34friend, Charlene, has liver cancer and is not saved. Laurie
00:05:39Ann's aunt, Dorothy, has a brain tumor, been given six months to
00:05:42live. Amber asking prayer for Jamie with stage four brain
00:05:47cancer. Adrian Brita's dad with stage four melanoma. Please pray
00:05:53for Laurie Ann's mom and dad with various health issues.
00:05:57Sandy, please pray for problems with blood flow to my shoulders.
00:06:02Gail having a severe arthritis attack in her knees. Laurent
00:06:07wants prayer to overcome nicotine addiction and for
00:06:10mental health. Alicia and Daniel are mental health prayer needed
00:06:17also. Jen, for God to lift my grief and replace it with his
00:06:22strength and reconciliation with my daughter. Heather has
00:06:26Lyme disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Amber, complete
00:06:30healing and peace. Angela's sister-in-law, Gail, stage four
00:06:34cancer. I'm sorry, stage four kidney disease on dialysis.
00:06:39Brother Larry for salvation. Linda's sister, Mary Ann, for
00:06:44rheumatoid arthritis. Asher for my mom. Juanita, please pray for
00:06:48daughter Madison battling depression. Stephanie, my
00:06:52husband, Andy, needs to get saved and sober. Please pray for
00:06:57Amanda Emaugh, Joyce, Michelle Christian, Ida Karulik, all
00:07:05battling, and Krista, all battling cancer. Annetta needs a
00:07:10complete healing after having a stroke. Marsha Swanson has
00:07:14myalgic encephalomyelitis. George H. has health issues.
00:07:19Robert Wiley is in end-stage ALS disease. Please pray for him and
00:07:24his wife, Lisa. Dina, running for soil and water conservation
00:07:29supervisor. Please pray. Paul Caulfield has type one sugar
00:07:33diabetes. Jill Puckett, losing her vision. Brooke Ketelkamp,
00:07:37battling autism. Ron Alliston has cancer. Dan Cain, please
00:07:43pray for my wife, Roxy, with MS, and for son Jonathan. Rob, my
00:07:48friend Mike, is struggling and had emergency dental work.
00:07:52Please pray for him. Roz has asthma and scoliosis. Melissa B's
00:07:59husband, Brian, has stage three kidney disease. And Berta and
00:08:03Mike Crabb are battling health issues and need a healing. Ladies
00:08:09who are expecting. Anna De La Rosa and her husband, Jose,
00:08:14expecting their third child. Marilyn Lenore's granddaughter
00:08:17in-law, Tori, baby boy in August. Tanya, my son Vincent,
00:08:22and fiancee, Sarah, twin boys in August. CJ's daughter-in-law,
00:08:27Emily, expecting in December. Debra Mack's good friend, Gwen,
00:08:31pregnant, going through morning sickness. Lauren, expecting a
00:08:35baby in December. Lindsay White, that's Lola W's
00:08:40daughter-in-law, expecting in March of 2025. And Angela, in
00:08:47the chat room today, prayers requested, had major oral
00:08:51surgery on Thursday, need a speedy recovery. Karen says,
00:08:58please pray for my back and sciatic nerve pinched in both my
00:09:02legs. Chrissy, please pray for our friend, Marie, who has
00:09:06kidney disease and does dialysis daily at home, sitting for 11
00:09:11hours. And also please pray for Catherine B. She just wants to
00:09:17be able to get off of dialysis and she had stents put in her
00:09:20legs a few months ago and she is recovering from that. Heavenly
00:09:27Father, we thank you, God, for your goodness and your mercy. We
00:09:31thank you, Lord, for all these that you've gathered here today,
00:09:34Lord. We thank you for a good, uplifting, homegoing service for
00:09:40our brother, Rob Beattie, last night on the Bible study. And
00:09:46Father God, today, as we pray and lift up all these prayers to
00:09:50you, large and small, we ask you, God, to work it out, to
00:09:55order it, reorder it, to get involved in every prayer
00:09:59request, every need, every praise, every supplication,
00:10:03every everything, every aspect of all of it, and answer these
00:10:10prayers in your time, in your way, in your will. And we ask
00:10:14it, Father God, for your glory and for our good. And we ask all
00:10:20of these things in Jesus' name. Amen. Well, good afternoon,
00:10:28everybody. It's 1211 Eastern Standard Time, and we haven't
00:10:34done a two-hour podcast in a little bit, a couple months ago.
00:10:37Can't remember the last one, but it's been a little bit since
00:10:42we've done a two-hour podcast. We usually save the two-hour
00:10:46podcast for something really compelling, really special, and
00:10:53if you were waiting for that, we certainly got it this past
00:10:57weekend. And the world has been going crazy. It's continuing to
00:11:03go crazy. If you're keeping count with us, today is day
00:11:091,582 of 15 days to flatten the curve. And we are in the throes
00:11:21of the end times. And with each passing day, with each passing
00:11:25week, with each passing month, and certainly over the last
00:11:291,582 days, we have seen amazing things and continue to see
00:11:37amazing things unfold in front of us. So, the first question
00:11:43that we have today is, what exactly happened on Saturday
00:11:52early evening in Butler, Pennsylvania? What exactly took
00:11:58place there? Now, we know what the newspapers say. We know what
00:12:04social media says. We know what everybody reported. There was an
00:12:09assassination attempt on the life of former President Donald
00:12:13J. Trump, and it nicked him in the ear another half inch to the
00:12:19right, and it would have got him real, real good, right in the
00:12:24middle of his brain. But it didn't. It wounded two other
00:12:29people, and it killed a man sitting there with his family.
00:12:37And so, this was not a fake gunman. This was not a fake
00:12:42assassination attempt. It actually took place. People
00:12:46died. People got hurt. The president was wounded. Everything
00:12:51that you need for this to be a real thing seems to be there.
00:12:58And yet, as we begin to lift up the cover and look under the
00:13:03rocks and begin to go down the rabbit hole, things are not as
00:13:08they seem. So, let's just start. For those of you still getting
00:13:15up to speed, let's just start with how the liberal media
00:13:20reported this after everybody figured out what was going on.
00:13:26So, here is a overview from the fake news media. Take a listen
00:13:31to this.
00:13:34This Sunday, shots fired.
00:13:41Former President Donald Trump injured and rushed off the
00:13:44stage at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania after an apparent
00:13:48assassination attempt. This evening, we had what we're
00:13:52calling an assassination attempt against our former president,
00:13:55Donald Trump. The man beside me suffered a gunshot wound to the
00:13:59head, was instantly killed. Somebody got shot, like, this
00:14:07close to where we were. The threat of political violence now
00:14:10looming over the election. There's no place in America this
00:14:14kind of violence. I'm sick. I'm sick. Everybody, everybody must
00:14:18condemn it. How will the 2024 political campaign change? My
00:14:22guest this morning, Republican Congressman Dan Muser of
00:14:25Pennsylvania, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South
00:14:29Carolina, Biden Campaign National Co-Chair Senator Chris
00:14:32Koons of Delaware, and Independent Senator Bernie
00:14:36Sanders of Vermont. Joining me for insight and analysis are
00:14:40NBC News, Washington Managing Editor Carol Lee, Charles
00:14:44Benson from our NBC affiliate in the convention city of
00:14:48Milwaukee, former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, and
00:14:52Lonnie Chen, a fellow at the Hoover Institution. Welcome to
00:14:56Sunday. It's Meet the Press.
00:15:00From NBC News in Washington.
00:15:02Now, be honest, after you heard that lineup of characters, was
00:15:11there anything in there that gives you confidence that what
00:15:14you're actually going to hear is going to be the truth of what
00:15:19happened? I don't think so. But we'll take a little bit of a
00:15:23listen anyway, just to see how they labeled everything.
00:15:29In Washington, the longest running show in television
00:15:32history. This is Meet the Press with Kristen Welker.
00:15:37Good Sunday morning. The nation is waking up to a new reality.
00:15:42After former President Donald Trump was injured in an apparent
00:15:45assassination attempt that left one person dead and two others
00:15:49critically injured. The suspected gunman was killed by
00:15:52the Secret Service. Here is the horrifying moment as it
00:15:57And take a look at what happened.
00:16:28Now, the former president posted, quote, I was shot with
00:16:32a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear. I knew
00:16:36immediately that something was wrong and that I heard a whizzing
00:16:39sound shots and immediately felt the bullet ripping through the
00:16:42skin. This video shows the body of the alleged shooter on the
00:16:46roof of a building just 150 yards from where Mr. Trump was
00:16:51We're hearing pop, pop, pop, pop, pop. And then everybody's
00:16:55on the ground. Everybody's on the floor. He had a rifle. We
00:16:59could clearly see him with a rifle. Absolutely. If he had not
00:17:03moved his head at that nick of time, it could have been a lot
00:17:07worse. The man beside me suffered a gunshot wound to the
00:17:11head, was instantly killed. I'm honestly shocked this didn't
00:17:16happen earlier. I was anticipating to be another
00:17:19unbelievable night, but not this way.
00:17:24Well, New York Times photographer Doug Mills captured
00:17:26the moment what appears to be a bullet on the right side of the
00:17:30image passing the former president's ear. A spokesman for
00:17:33the secret service said the suspected shooter fired multiple
00:17:36shots toward the stage from an elevated position outside the
00:17:40rally venue.
00:17:42So that's how the liberal media viewed what took place. And
00:17:47we're not going to listen to a whole lot more of this clip, but
00:17:50I just want to, as we set the table this afternoon, I just
00:17:53want to get everybody up to speed. Jan Lacker just posted, I
00:17:58wonder if he will be poisoned. And we haven't seen a good
00:18:04presidential poisoning in quite some time. I don't think we've
00:18:09ever seen a presidential poisoning. But you know what? In
00:18:14the days and times that we live in, we certainly might see
00:18:17something like that. So today we're going to talk about the
00:18:22shooter. And I don't know if it's just me. I don't know if
00:18:27you guys have stopped to think about it, but who was the last
00:18:33person that they said shot and assassinated a United States
00:18:39president? It was a man by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald. And I
00:18:46watched a video one time, and they said that part of why they
00:18:51used all three of his names when they talked about him is they
00:18:56were trying to put him in a special category in the mind of
00:19:02the readers and the listeners who were watching the events
00:19:05unfold. His friends called him Lee. He almost never used all
00:19:13three names at the same time. He wasn't like Franklin Delano
00:19:17Roosevelt. That's a very famous person with three names. But the
00:19:23media and the press, they made sure that they used all three of
00:19:29Lee Harvey Oswald's names whenever that they spoke about
00:19:33him. And when I was researching this podcast today, it kind of
00:19:39dawned on me. The shooter, in this case from Saturday, July
00:19:4514th, they are calling Thomas Matthew Crooks. Now, I didn't
00:19:52have enough time to investigate to see if Thomas Matthew Crooks
00:19:59referred to himself that way. Did he use all three of his
00:20:04names? Or is this something that the media is trying to get your
00:20:09attention to? Or is this something that the New World
00:20:13Order, in your mind, are they trying to connect Thomas Matthew
00:20:19Crooks with Lee Harvey Oswald? And so we're going to ask a lot
00:20:24of questions today. And hopefully we're going to be able
00:20:28to answer some of those questions. But at this stage, at
00:20:33this stage of the game, 48 hours later, what we are watching is a
00:20:41unbelievable realignment of everything that's going on. And
00:20:48about a half hour before podcast time, we did a story that the
00:20:55judge, Eileen Cannon, in the Trump classified documents case,
00:21:02she suddenly decided to rule in Trump's favor, and she threw the
00:21:08whole thing out. That just happened like an hour ago. And
00:21:14that is a huge step forward for Donald Trump. So keep in mind as
00:21:20we listen to this very special two hour live podcast today, is
00:21:25that we, the main thing that we want to do is we want to raise
00:21:30and ask questions. Some of these things will become obvious over
00:21:34time. Some of these things will take more time to answer. For
00:21:40example, we saw something posted on social media two days ago,
00:21:48that Donald Trump was preparing to declare his son, Barron
00:21:56Trump, to be his VP running mate. And hundreds of people
00:22:02were reposting that, and everybody was getting all
00:22:05excited on how Donald Trump was preparing to make his son,
00:22:10Barron Trump, his VP pick. Now, a couple of days ago, we wrote
00:22:17an article called, Long Forgotten Novels from the 19th
00:22:21Century, author Ingersoll Lockwood, were called The Last
00:22:26President and The Barron Trump. We wrote about that on July 10th.
00:22:34Now, one of the books that he wrote, Ingersoll Lockwood, he
00:22:43wrote a book called The Last President. He also wrote a book
00:22:49called The Barron Trump. And in that book, The Barron Trump, the
00:22:56baron, who's the little kid, is a wealthy, young, upper-class
00:23:02man living in a place called Trump Castle on Fifth Avenue in
00:23:07New York City. Young Barron Trump has a mentor named Don, and
00:23:13the two of them take a trip to Russia, where the course of his
00:23:17life will forever change. Now, we wrote that article two days
00:23:24before—what is today's date? I'm not even keeping track here.
00:23:29We wrote that article three days, on July 10th, three days
00:23:34before the assassination attempt. Now, it is not possible
00:23:40for Donald Trump to declare his son, Barron, his vice
00:23:43president, because anybody who runs for vice president has to
00:23:48be a minimum of 35 years old. So if you see people posting
00:23:54about that, it's not true, and it can't be true. It is
00:23:58impossible. It won't happen. But when you have time, go to
00:24:02NowTheEndBegins.com and read that article that we wrote about
00:24:07that book called The Last President by Ingersoll Lockwood,
00:24:12and it will really, really blow your mind. I mean, it is just,
00:24:17you talk about unbelievably massive, coincidental things
00:24:23taking place. All right, so let's just listen to another
00:24:26minute or two of what Face the Nation has to say about this.
00:24:31Overnight, former President Trump landing in New Jersey
00:24:34walked off his plane. Early this morning, the FBI, which is
00:24:38now leading an investigation involving the Secret Service,
00:24:41ATF, state and local law enforcement, identified the
00:24:45alleged gunman as Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20 years old of
00:24:48Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. This evening, we had what we're
00:24:53calling an assassination attempt against our former President
00:24:57Donald Trump. It's still an active crime scene. As I
00:25:01mentioned, we have a number of agents on scene. We also are
00:25:05working closely with other federal agencies, our state
00:25:09partners, and our local police partners as well. President
00:25:13Biden was briefed on the shooting after leaving church
00:25:16on Saturday and spoke out condemning political violence.
00:25:21There's no place in America for this kind of violence. It's
00:25:24sick. All right, let's just stop right there. Joe Biden has
00:25:30been one of the most outspoken people marginalizing and
00:25:37defaming and besmirching anybody who voted for Donald
00:25:41Trump. And he has said so many nasty things about the Trump
00:25:48people, who he calls the MAGA people. He has said so many
00:25:55nasty things that this man has no right to call for unity when
00:26:02he has been one of the most disunionist presidents in
00:26:07American history. It's sick. It's one of the reasons why we
00:26:11have to unite this country. We cannot allow for this to be
00:26:14happening. We cannot be like this. We cannot condone this.
00:26:19And this morning on the Today Show, Republican House Speaker
00:26:22Mike Johnson also weighed in. We've got to turn the rhetoric
00:26:27down. We've got to turn the temperature down in this
00:26:28country. We need leaders of all parties on both sides to call
00:26:32that out. There's no figure in American history, at least in
00:26:35the modern era, maybe since Lincoln, who has been so
00:26:38vilified and really persecuted by media and Hollywood elites,
00:26:43political figures, even the legal system.
00:26:47Now we are covering all of the angles of this developing
00:26:49story. And we begin with NBC News correspondent Dasha Burns,
00:26:53who was at the rally when the shooting happened.
00:26:56All right, let's just put her on hold. I think we can cover
00:26:59what happened ourselves. We don't need the liberal media
00:27:02to tell us what we watched happen in real time on
00:27:07Saturday. So let's just start. Well, you know what? Before we
00:27:12do that, I just made a claim about President Biden. Pretend
00:27:17President Biden. Take a listen to what Biden said about
00:27:22mega Republicans. My fellow Americans, please, if you have
00:27:28a seat, take it. I speak to you tonight from sacred ground in
00:27:35America. Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
00:27:40This is where America made its declaration of independence to
00:27:44the world more than two centuries ago with an idea
00:27:49unique among nations. That in America, we're all created
00:27:56equal. This is where the United States Constitution was
00:27:59written and debated. This is where we set in motion the most
00:28:06extraordinary experiment of self-government the world has
00:28:10ever known. With three simple words, we the people, we the
00:28:18people. These two documents and the ideas they embody,
00:28:24equality and democracy, are the rock upon which this nation is
00:28:29built. They're how we became the greatest nation on earth.
00:28:36They're why for more than two centuries, America has been a
00:28:41beacon to the world. But as I stand here tonight, equality and
00:28:48democracy are under assault. Now, I just want to give you the
00:28:55context for this clip that you're listening to. This is
00:28:59from an article that we published on September 1st of
00:29:022022. And if you remember, that was when he went to
00:29:07Pennsylvania. And he made this speech that you hear him giving
00:29:13right now. And he appeared on a stage that was red and black.
00:29:19And it was very creepy looking. It was very satanic looking. It
00:29:23looked a lot like a 1935 Nazi rally in Nuremberg. And I made
00:29:30the reference that, well, the headline from the article said,
00:29:35pretend President Joe Biden channels his inner Hitler by
00:29:39making an anti-MAGA speech on a stage set that looked like a
00:29:44Leni Reifenstahl movie. Leni Reifenstahl was the filmmaker
00:29:50who made a groundbreaking black and white documentary in 1935
00:29:56about Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party called Triumph of the Will.
00:30:01And when Joe Biden appeared in Pennsylvania two years ago and
00:30:05gave that speech that you're listening to right now, it
00:30:10looked like Adolf Hitler's people had designed the stage
00:30:16set. It was very, very scary, very end times, very conspiracy
00:30:21theory. So let's listen to what Joe Biden says is the greatest
00:30:28threat to the safety of the United States of America. Is it
00:30:33climate change? Is it Muslim terrorism? Is it nuclear war
00:30:38from Russia? Let's take a listen. We do ourselves no
00:30:44favor to pretend otherwise. So tonight I've come to this place
00:30:49where it all began to speak as plainly as I can to the nation
00:30:56about the threats we face, about the power we have in our own
00:31:01hands to meet these threats, and about the incredible future
00:31:06that lies in front of us if only we choose it. We must never
00:31:12forget, we the people are the true heirs of the American
00:31:17experiment that began more than two centuries ago. We the
00:31:23people have burning inside of each of us the flame of liberty
00:31:29that was lit here at Independence Hall, a flame that lit our way
00:31:36through abolition, the Civil War, suffrage, the Great
00:31:41Depression, world wars, civil rights. That sacred flame still
00:31:48burns. Now in our time, as we build an America that is more
00:31:55prosperous, free and just, that is the work of my presidency, a
00:32:03mission I believe in with my whole soul. But first, we must be
00:32:10honest with each other and with ourselves. Too much of what's
00:32:15happening in our country today is not normal. Donald Trump and
00:32:21the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the
00:32:26very foundations of our Republic. There it is. You sat through
00:32:33three minutes and 13 seconds of that stuff so that you could
00:32:39hear the very same man who today is calling for unity after the
00:32:46attempted assassination of Donald Trump. In 2022, on a stage
00:32:53set that looked like it was designed by the Nazi party, Joe
00:32:57Biden said that Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, now let me
00:33:04just see in the chat room, just raise your hand if you voted for
00:33:10Donald Trump once or twice. I just want to see in the chat room
00:33:15how many MAGA Republicans that we have. I have been a Republican
00:33:21since 1980. I voted for Donald Trump in 2015, 2016, and I voted
00:33:29for Donald Trump in 2020, and Lord willing, I'll be voting for
00:33:34Donald Trump in November. So that makes me one of the MAGA
00:33:41Republicans that Joe Biden is saying is the greatest extremist
00:33:48threat to the United States of America. I want to be very clear,
00:33:55very clear up front. Not every Republican, not even the majority
00:34:00of Republicans are MAGA Republicans. Not every Republican
00:34:05embraces their extreme ideology. I know because I've been able to
00:34:10work with these mainstream Republicans, but there's no
00:34:13question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven,
00:34:17and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that
00:34:23is a threat to this country. These are hard things, but I'm an
00:34:30American president, not a president of red America, blue America,
00:34:36but of all America. Just as a fun fact to what Biden is saying,
00:34:43the amount of votes that they credit Donald Trump with winning
00:34:47in 2020 was 74,222,958. So Joe Biden says that not every Republican
00:35:02is a MAGA Republican, but at a minimum in 2020, you had just under
00:35:1075 million MAGA Republicans. So who exactly is Joe Biden talking
00:35:18about? And I believe it's my duty, my duty to level with you to
00:35:24tell the truth, no matter how difficult, no matter how painful.
00:35:29And here, in my view, is what is true. MAGA Republicans do not
00:35:35respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law.
00:35:39They do not recognize the will of the people. This is the same
00:35:43guy that today is calling for unity. They refuse to accept the
00:35:54results of a free election, and they're working right now to
00:35:59as I speak in state after state to give power to decide elections
00:36:05in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers
00:36:10to undermine democracy itself. Isn't that hilarious that a Democrat,
00:36:17much less the president, would complain about people interfering
00:36:24with elections? Isn't that unbelievable? That is just too
00:36:30funny for words. So that's about all that I'm going to play you
00:36:36that clip. But this is what Joe Biden said over the weekend. Here
00:36:42is his official statement on the Trump assassination.
00:36:46Good afternoon. Last night, I spoke with Donald Trump. I'm
00:36:54sincerely grateful that he's doing well and recovering. We had a
00:36:59short but good conversation. Joe and I are keeping him and his
00:37:03family in our prayers. We also extend our deepest condolences to
00:37:09the family of the victim who was killed. He was a father. He was
00:37:14protecting his family from the bullets that were being fired, and
00:37:17he lost his life. God love him. We're also praying for the full
00:37:21recovery of those who were injured, and we're grateful to the
00:37:24Secret Service agents and other law enforcement agencies and
00:37:28individuals who risked their lives literally for our nation. As I
00:37:33said last night, there is no place in America for this kind of
00:37:37violence or any violence for that matter. An assassination attempt
00:37:42is contrary to everything we stand for as a nation, everything.
00:37:47It's not who we are as a nation. It's not America, and we cannot
00:37:50allow this to happen. Unity is the most elusive goal of all, but
00:37:56nothing is important than that right now. Unity.
00:38:01Unity is the most important goal of all, except for the fact that we
00:38:07have to get rid of the 74 million MAGA Republicans who are the
00:38:13greatest threat to America. So we will just discount everything
00:38:21that Joe Biden is saying right now. He is simply reading a
00:38:25teleprompter. He has no idea what he's saying, but take a listen to
00:38:30what he did say over the weekend when attempting to give another
00:38:36speech about the Trump assassination attempt. Take a
00:38:42listen to Joe Biden's battle box.
00:38:45We stand up for our Constitution, the rule of law, to call for action
00:38:51at the battle box. No violence on our streets. In America, we
00:38:56resolve our differences at the battle box. You know, that's how
00:39:00we do it, at the battle box, not with bullets. Thankfully, former
00:39:04Trump is not seriously injured. I spoke to him last night, and I'm
00:39:08grateful. He's doing well, and Jill and I keep him and his family
00:39:11in our prayers. You know, we're blessed to live in the greatest
00:39:14country on earth, and I believe that with every soul, every power
00:39:17of my being. So tonight, I'm asking every American to recommit,
00:39:22to make America so, make America, think about it. What's made
00:39:26America so special? Here in America, everyone must be treated
00:39:31with dignity and respect.
00:39:32Oh, man.
00:39:33People must have no safe harbor.
00:39:36He can't even get the words of a teleprompter out of his mouth.
00:39:41Instead of ballot box, he was saying battle box. Instead of
00:39:46saying the former President Trump, he said the former Trump.
00:39:52He has about come to the end of his usefulness for the Democratic
00:39:56Party, and they will need to be replacing him sooner rather than
00:40:03later, and there is no question about that. Let's take a listen
00:40:08to this. I believe this clip is from our friend Jason A. on
00:40:13I think they hit him because the guy looks dead.
00:40:29We are following all of these major developments after the
00:40:32shooting at a campaign rally. Former President Trump in Butler,
00:40:35Pennsylvania, was slightly wounded in the right ear, but we're told
00:40:39by his campaign, by his family, that he's doing fine. Authorities
00:40:42say the shots were fired from a rooftop adjacent to the venue,
00:40:46some 200 to 300 yards away. Eight rounds fired from an AR-style
00:40:51rifle. That information just reported.
00:40:53We're going to walk up through the field, stand by the trees out
00:40:57there under the shade, and listen to the rally. We couldn't see
00:41:01him, but we could hear him. So we walked up, and probably five to
00:41:07seven minutes of Trump speaking, I'm estimating here, I have no
00:41:10idea, you know, but we noticed a guy crawling, you know, bear
00:41:18crawling up the roof of the building beside us, 50 feet away
00:41:23from us. So another thing about the events that took place on
00:41:28July 14th that is causing nothing but questions. There were
00:41:34multiple people attending the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania,
00:41:40and it was in a grassy area, like the grassy knoll in Dallas,
00:41:45Texas. Lee Harvey Oswald, Thomas Matthew Crooks, John Wilkes Booth.
00:41:53Why do all the presidential assassins have three names? It's
00:41:57kind of funny how that works out, almost like somebody planned it.
00:42:01But one of the most startling things about what happened on
00:42:10Saturday was that multiple people saw Thomas Matthew Crooks
00:42:18climbing up on the building, climbing up on the roof with a
00:42:23rifle, and they pointed this out to the police, they pointed this
00:42:28out to the Secret Service, and there was at least two or three
00:42:33minutes that had gone by where you have half a dozen people
00:42:37looking at the security and pointing to the roof and telling
00:42:45them there is a man up on the roof with a rifle, and nobody
00:42:52sprang into action. Absolutely nobody.
00:42:56Nobody. The Secret Service, they got him in their gun sight,
00:43:06but they did not fire until after Thomas Matthews Crooks had
00:43:13fired off seven or eight rounds from his gun. And so, this is
00:43:19going to be ultimately the biggest question, even bigger
00:43:25than, did he shoot Donald Trump? The larger question is, what do
00:43:32you do with all these eyewitnesses? It's not like it was
00:43:36in Dallas in 1963, where people have these silent eight
00:43:41millimeter cameras. Now everybody has cell phones,
00:43:45everybody's recording things in real time, everything gets
00:43:48recorded and posted to social media, either while it's
00:43:53happening or in the immediate aftermath of it happening. How
00:43:59are they going to spin and explain the fact that this kid
00:44:05was up on the roof with a gun, he was seen by at least half a
00:44:11dozen people who notified security, the Secret Service and
00:44:17the local police, and nobody did anything until the shots were
00:44:22fired. So, we're standing there, we're pointing at the
00:44:27guy crawling up the roof. And he had a gun, right? He had a
00:44:29rifle. We can clearly see him with a rifle, absolutely. We're
00:44:34pointing at him, the police are down there running around on
00:44:37the ground. We're like, hey man, there's a guy on the roof with
00:44:41a rifle. And the police were like, huh, what? They didn't
00:44:44know what was going on. We're like, hey, right here on the
00:44:47roof, we can see him from right here. We see him, he's
00:44:50crawling. And next thing you know, I'm like, I'm thinking to
00:44:54myself, I'm like, why is Trump still speaking? Why have they
00:44:57not pulled him off the stage? I'm standing there pointing at
00:45:00him. Why is Trump still speaking? Why aren't they doing
00:45:04anything? These are really, really good questions. Somebody
00:45:09else took a video that shows the Secret Service in their
00:45:14position on an opposing roof. And they were up there for 7
00:45:20minutes and 21 seconds with the shooter in their sight. And
00:45:29when they got to the point where they trained their rifles,
00:45:33their sniper rifles on the shooter, 42 seconds went by
00:45:40before they squeezed off the rounds to neutralize the
00:45:44assassin, the would-be assassin. Well, he's not a
00:45:47would-be assassin, because he killed somebody. He killed a
00:45:53man by the name of Corey Comparatory. And he says
00:46:01Comparatory was one of the thousands of people who attended
00:46:05the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, part of Trump's
00:46:082024 reelection effort. He died trying to protect his family,
00:46:12according to Governor Josh Shapiro. Pennsylvania State
00:46:16Police confirmed his identity on Sunday. Authorities have
00:46:21identified the gunman in Saturday's attack as 20-year-
00:46:24old Thomas Matthew Crooks, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Wilkes
00:46:29Booth, who was killed by the Secret Service agents at the
00:46:33scene after the shooting. But you know what the article
00:46:36doesn't talk about? The article does not talk about the fact
00:46:41that the Secret Service agents could have easily taken out the
00:46:47shooter before he shot. Why did that not happen? For, you know,
00:46:55two or three minutes, Secret Service is looking at us from
00:46:58the top of the barn. I'm pointing at that roof, just
00:47:01standing there like this. And next thing you know, five shots
00:47:05rang out. So you're almost certain that the shots came
00:47:08from that corner? 100%. 100%. And he was up there for a
00:47:13couple of minutes. He was up there. Absolutely. So here you
00:47:17have that eyewitness, and we posted that video. And let me
00:47:22just see how many views we got on this clip that you're
00:47:29listening to right now. We posted that the other day, and
00:47:33so far it's been watched 197,000 times. Just under 200,000
00:47:43views. And this guy, and I don't want to say it, but it's
00:47:49almost like you're waiting for this guy, who is this very
00:47:53outspoken, very credible, on the scene eyewitness. You're
00:47:59waiting for him to have a fatal car accident. You're waiting
00:48:03for him to die of a heart attack or a blood clot. You're
00:48:07waiting for him to be kidnapped by Bolivian cocaine runners.
00:48:14They gotta get rid of this guy. He is credible. He was there.
00:48:18He was an eyewitness. He saw it. And a video was taken in the
00:48:23immediate aftermath of the shooting. They're gonna have to
00:48:28take this guy out. Absolutely. At least three to four minutes.
00:48:32And you were telling the police and the Secret Service? We were
00:48:34telling the police. We were pointing at them from the
00:48:36Secret Service, who were looking at us from the top of
00:48:38the barn. They were looking at us the whole time when we were
00:48:41standing by that tree. Could they have seen? Probably not,
00:48:45but I don't know why a guy, who we're standing there pointing
00:48:47out to police and Secret Service, is crawling up the
00:48:51roof. Were you outside the security perimeter? Yes. We're
00:48:54right there by that tree. We were outside the security
00:48:57perimeter. But my question is, there's only a few buildings
00:49:02around here. Why is Secret Service not on every building
00:49:05here? There's a whole bunch of questions, I think, that are
00:49:08gonna come. There's a whole bunch of questions. Yeah. Jake
00:49:11Rosen spoke to an emergency room physician who was there,
00:49:14who says he saw a man who he believes was shot in the head.
00:49:17And, Bob, we have that video. Let's play it right now. To me,
00:49:21as you're trying to figure out if you're okay, what's going on?
00:49:24Was he shot? Was he wounded? Then we heard him on the
00:49:26microphone, Shannon, saying, let me grab my shoes as they
00:49:29tried to take him off. So, we're just trying to figure out
00:49:31what happened.
00:49:34A tragic moment in this country. I mean, not only do we
00:49:38have this act of political violence we have, we have
00:49:40bystanders, people out there just exercising their right to
00:49:44support a candidate potentially shot and killed. What are you
00:49:49feeling at this time? Well, I mean, it's terrible. I mean,
00:49:54first of all, I'm embarrassed for my community that this
00:49:57happened here. I am disgusted and sad that somebody
00:50:03actually lost their life as a result of this. Unfortunately,
00:50:06it appears to be just almost, I don't wanna say a microcosm,
00:50:11but the state of our country where we are right now and how
00:50:17divided we are. In the chat room, Rapture 57 just said,
00:50:21Geez, Jeff, put a target on the guy. Let's not give people
00:50:25ideas. You don't need me two and a half days after this
00:50:30thing took place to put a target on that guy. From the
00:50:36moment that video that we just played the clip of, of him
00:50:40saying that, that target was placed on him 60 seconds after
00:50:46that video appeared on social media. We are, and somebody
00:50:51would resort to something like this to, well, I don't know the
00:50:57motives, but potentially affect a presidential election. And
00:51:01that comes right from the government services, comes
00:51:05right out of Border Patrol. Take a look at that. So that
00:51:09arrow is the lowest amount of illegal immigration ever in
00:51:14recorded history into our country. And then, and then the
00:51:21worst president in the history of our country took over. And
00:51:24look what happened to our country. Probably 20 million
00:51:29people. And you know, that's a little bit old, that chart,
00:51:33that chart's a couple of months old. And if you wanna really
00:51:36see something that's said, take a look at what happened.
00:51:53My topic tonight is a more sober one of concern to
00:51:59publishers as well as editors. I wanna talk about our common
00:52:02responsibilities in the face of a common danger. The events
00:52:07of recent weeks may have helped to illuminate that challenge
00:52:11for some, but the dimensions of its threat have loomed large
00:52:16on the horizon for many years. Whatever our hopes may be for
00:52:20the future, for reducing this threat or living with it, there
00:52:26is no escaping either the gravity or the totality of its
00:52:30challenge to our survival and to our security. A challenge
00:52:35that confronts us in unaccustomed ways in every sphere
00:52:40of human activity. This deadly challenge imposes upon our
00:52:45society two requirements of direct concern, both to the
00:52:50press and to the president. Two requirements that may seem
00:52:54almost contradictory in tone, but which must be reconciled
00:52:58and fulfilled if we are to meet this national peril. I refer
00:53:03first to the need for far greater public information and
00:53:08second to the need for far greater official secrecy. The
00:53:13very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society, and
00:53:18we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to
00:53:23secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings.
00:53:28This amazing speech was given by JFK very shortly before he
00:53:36had the front of his head and the back of his head blown out
00:53:41by various members of the CIA and the Secret Service in
00:53:45November of 1963. And JFK, if he was alive today, if he was a
00:53:52president today, he would be much more like a Republican
00:53:58than he would be like a Democrat. Today's Democrats are
00:54:03functioning socialists slash communists. JFK on many levels
00:54:10was what we would term as a conservative.
00:54:17And shortly before he died, he talked about the need for
00:54:22exposing secret societies. And ironically, it was one of those
00:54:28secret societies, the Skull and Bone Society, that played a
00:54:36large part in his assassination. We decided long
00:54:42ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted
00:54:46concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers
00:54:51which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little
00:54:56value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating
00:55:01its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value
00:55:06in ensuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not
00:55:10survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an
00:55:15announced need for increased security will be seized upon by
00:55:20those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of
00:55:24official censorship and concealment. That I do not
00:55:28intend to permit to the extent that it's in my control. And no
00:55:32official of my administration, whether his rank is high or low,
00:55:36civilian or military, should interpret my words here
00:55:40tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to
00:55:45cover up our mistakes, or to withhold from the press and the
00:55:49public the facts they deserve to know. But I do ask...
00:55:58There was one program in particular that terrified my
00:56:00client the most. A simple three-stage maneuver that could
00:56:04topple a country's government from within. The first stage was
00:56:10isolation. Disable their communication and transportation.
00:56:15Make the target as deaf, dumb, and paralyzed as possible and
00:56:19set them up for the second stage of synchronized chaos.
00:56:24Terrorize them with covert attacks and misinformation
00:56:27without a clear enemy or motive. People would start turning on
00:56:30each other. Done successfully, the third stage would happen on
00:56:35its own. What's the third stage?
00:56:40Coup d'etat.
00:56:43Civil war.
00:56:55This program was considered the most cost-effective way to
00:56:58stabilize a country. Because if the target nation was
00:57:03dysfunctional enough, it would in essence do the work for it.
00:57:08We've been fighting a long time and we have all lost
00:57:11so very much, so many loved ones gone. But you are not alone.
00:57:16There are pockets of resistance all around the planet.
00:57:20We are at the brink. Above all, stay alive. You have no idea how important you are
00:57:27if you're listening to this. You are the resistance.
00:57:33If you're just tuning in, you have reached our special two-hour live
00:57:37podcast on the attempted assassination of former President Donald J.
00:57:42Trump and all the questions and rabbit holes and
00:57:49doors that open into brick walls and stairways that lead to nowhere.
00:57:56Obviously, this thing was orchestrated at a very
00:58:00high level. We have a lot more to talk about, but let's just take a quick break.
00:58:05I want to give you an update on the Bibles Behind Bars program.
00:58:10We sent a hundred Ruckman reference Bibles
00:58:15to the high desert state prison in Indian Springs, Nevada. That's where
00:58:21Chaplain Julio Calderon works. He is the same chaplain
00:58:27that Brother Roy Bell talks about. We sent him a order of 100
00:58:34Ruckman reference study Bibles for their Bible study program
00:58:38at the prison. We told you this story last week.
00:58:42There was one of the inmates, a man by the name of T.J.,
00:58:47hardcore Satanist, really, really bad apple, bad character. He got into a knife
00:58:55fight. He lost. He was stabbed multiple, multiple
00:58:59times. The doctors did not think that they
00:59:02could save him. They did. He made it through,
00:59:07and when he woke up, he called for Chaplain
00:59:10Julio to come talk with him, and the chaplain went
00:59:14immediately over there, and the first thing that this Satanist,
00:59:20this hardcore troublemaker, very violent man,
00:59:25he looks at Chaplain Julio, and he says, could you give me a study Bible,
00:59:32and I want you to show me in that book where it talks about God's forgiveness.
00:59:41Chaplain Julio was so blown away by that request for a Bible,
00:59:45and we had just sent them a hundred study Bibles.
00:59:50Chaplain Julio told me that that affected him
00:59:53so much. He never expected in a million years that T.J. would ever want a Bible,
01:00:02much less want to know about God's forgiveness,
01:00:05for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.
01:00:11That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life,
01:00:17and Chaplain Julio told me with tears in his eyes
01:00:20that he is thinking about postponing his retirement,
01:00:24because it looks like God is still working at the High Desert State Prison,
01:00:30and he asks us, please pray for T.J. Please pray for him to get
01:00:37saved, and what a miracle that is, and how wonderful
01:00:44is it that the Bibles Behind Bars program was there to supply the Bibles,
01:00:51and if you'd like to help us to continue to do this amazing
01:00:57end times work, please go to BiblesBehindBars.com
01:01:03and read about this outreach. Click on the donate button
01:01:07and help us to do it, because we can't do it
01:01:12without your help. That's the only way that that's going to get done.
01:01:17Without that, we can't do it. Take a listen to what brother
01:01:21Roy Bell says about the importance of Bibles Behind Bars.
01:01:28So Dane's coming down. He points him over there,
01:01:31and after all those years, after all of that
01:01:35resurrection Sunday morning, I got to kneel down at an old-fashioned
01:01:41altar and lead my friend to the Lord tearfully
01:01:45with tears running down his face. Oh, and he got it. Now everybody
01:01:48even looks at him now and goes, bro, you look different. You got it.
01:01:51Your whole face is different, and then we went and saw Chap.
01:01:55We went and saw Chaplain Julio, and Chap knows,
01:01:58and Chap says, Dane, I heard something happen,
01:02:02and Dane said, yep. He said, what happened? He said, I sup to the Lord.
01:02:07He said, Chap, my dad died. I got mad. I got mad at God. I
01:02:10got full of hate and everything. He said, Chap, I want you to know Sunday morning
01:02:15I got a new dad, and that's why we
01:02:21don't quit, and that's why when people say, wait,
01:02:24do you see any results? And listen, jail ministry,
01:02:27drug addiction ministry, homeless ministry, look, if you're in it because
01:02:32you want to see results, you're in the wrong business, but listen,
01:02:37when that one comes back, that makes it all worth it,
01:02:41and that was the blessing that I had
01:02:47on resurrection Sunday morning. I got to see
01:02:50him get saved, and 10 years in that chapel,
01:02:55I've lost count of how many men I got saved. We had a big baptismal pool.
01:02:59I lost count of how many men I got to baptize
01:03:02all those years in there, and that's because
01:03:08of this book. This book, look, I know it's because of the Lord. I know it's
01:03:12because of the blood. I know it's because of his spirit,
01:03:14but we don't know anything about that without this book.
01:03:17This is the book right here. You get a man whose whole life has just been
01:03:21destroyed. He's lost everything. You throw him in a little box with
01:03:26nothing but four walls. Please, dear God, give him a Bible.
01:03:31Please, dear God, give him a Bible. That was the closing words of
01:03:38Roy Bell's sermon at our camp meeting back in May,
01:03:43and what wonderful words that they are.
01:03:47Please, dear God, give that man a Bible. Well, we gave TJ, the Satanist, a Bible,
01:03:54and there's 99 more study Bibles waiting to be handed out
01:03:59at the High Desert State Prison, thanks to your prayers
01:04:03and your financial support. Please go to BiblesBehindBars.com
01:04:09if God has prospered you. Make a donation,
01:04:12and help us to continue to do this. Thank you, as always.
01:04:17All right, let's get into the second hour of what we need to talk about.
01:04:23Isn't it funny that every time you have a shooter,
01:04:29he's always been bullied. He's always been a loner. He's always been picked on.
01:04:36Now, I'm not saying that people don't get picked on in high school, because they
01:04:40certainly do. I'm not saying that there's not loners
01:04:44in high school, because they certainly are,
01:04:51to me, it just seems like it's a little too coincidental each and
01:04:58every time that everybody knew he was a moody person.
01:05:03Everybody knew he was dangerous. Everybody knew he had a gun, and yet
01:05:08nobody does anything. Let's take a quick listen to
01:05:14one of the former classmates of Thomas Matthew Crooks talking about him.
01:05:23He was bullied almost every day. In what way? Can you explain?
01:05:27I mean, he would sit alone at lunch. I mean, he was just a outcast, and you
01:05:31know how kids are nowadays, so they're gonna see someone like that,
01:05:35and they're gonna target him because they think it's funny or whatever, so
01:05:38it's the best way I can describe it, and it's honestly kind of sad.
01:05:43I don't want to say this is what provoked it,
01:05:46but you never know. You said he was a loner? Yeah, I want to
01:05:52say he was a loner more because he was just,
01:05:56he was quiet, but he was just bullied. He was bullied so much,
01:06:00so much. This is high school? Yeah. What did they, do you remember at all
01:06:06what they said to him or called him? No, he was just made fun of, I guess, for
01:06:12the way he dressed or his appearance. According to this person who says he
01:06:17was a classmate, he would, the shooter would wear
01:06:19military style clothes or hunting clothes regularly as he was at school, so
01:06:24we're still learning a lot more. Scott and I discussed the fact that he
01:06:27was a registered Republican. You mentioned he doesn't really have a
01:06:30social media presence. In so many ways, this might define the norm. Oh, he was a
01:06:36registered Republican, so that's why
01:06:41he wanted to go out and assassinate the only
01:06:44Republican candidate for president. That makes so much sense.
01:06:50Normal expectations for the profile of the assailant.
01:06:54He was a registered Republican who previously made a small donation to a
01:06:58Democratic-aligned group, $15 donation at that.
01:07:01At this time, there are no links to any foreign terrorism.
01:07:05The shooter is not well known to law enforcement here in this area of
01:07:09Pittsburgh, and so far, no motive released by the FBI.
01:07:13Wall Street Journal says the suspected shooter had
01:07:16explosive devices in his car. That's according to sources in Butler,
01:07:21Pennsylvania. Age 20, Matthew Thomas Crooks
01:07:27is the gunman. He was shot and killed with a sniper's bullet on top of that
01:07:30building about 300 yards from where the president was speaking. You're
01:07:34looking at the road where police had cordoned off this car
01:07:38late last night. I hope there's some real soul searching
01:07:40that's going on, not just there, but at newsrooms across the country.
01:07:45It was just a week or two ago I heard people talking heads on TV
01:07:49stations calling for the assassination of President
01:07:52Trump. It's despicable. The political violence
01:07:55that we experienced yesterday did not start yesterday.
01:07:59There have been concerns going back eight, ten years
01:08:02that the increasing vitriol, the increasing
01:08:05anger, the divisiveness of our political rhetoric
01:08:10has led to a volatility in our threat environment. So
01:08:15where we go from here in large part is going to depend
01:08:19on what we learn about the motive behind this attack.
01:08:22You were there and you're still processing everything.
01:08:25But when you say we're going to come out of this stronger, what do you mean
01:08:29by that? You mean the country? You mean uniting?
01:08:32As one, I feel like people are going to
01:08:37hopefully eventually start joining together
01:08:40and come out as one against the evil coming into the world
01:08:44or into our country. I really want to look at it like that.
01:08:49Stand up, I guess you could say. John Dohanish, we appreciate your time
01:08:53tonight. Isn't it interesting that the parents of
01:08:58Thomas Matthew Crooks are psychologists? You wonder how many
01:09:03drugs were prescribed to him? Could
01:09:09they have been part of an MKUltra program?
01:09:12I don't know. I have no idea. But it just seems to me that every time
01:09:18these shooters pop up, it just seems like they're all coming
01:09:24from the same place.
01:09:29They're not different, is what I'm trying to say.
01:09:33It is almost like somebody is manufacturing
01:09:36these people and sending them out to do their dirty work.
01:09:41Now, speaking of a company that does a lot of dirty work, we need to
01:09:48talk about a company called BlackRock. BlackRock is one of those
01:09:54companies that come from
01:09:59central casting. If you were going to make a Hollywood
01:10:04movie about an evil corporation, that corporation would be
01:10:11BlackRock. They have their fingers
01:10:17in just about every single pie that you could possibly imagine in the
01:10:24end times. They are a very, very
01:10:29wealthy, multi-billion dollar investment management and financial services
01:10:35company. I want to talk for just a moment
01:10:40today about a video commercial
01:10:45that was shot and produced and used to promote BlackRock.
01:10:52I want you to take a listen to this commercial. It was recently taken down
01:10:57off of the BlackRock website.
01:11:02But if you are followers of NowTheEndBegins on
01:11:07then you get all of our breaking news videos
01:11:11as they happen. Alexandra Bohan said the other day, because we were
01:11:16posting so much stuff so quickly, she said,
01:11:20NTEB is my go-to source for breaking news. We very much
01:11:26appreciate that. You know what? We work very hard when there's
01:11:31something happening, when there is some sort of big breaking
01:11:34story. We do our very best to get it to you
01:11:38as quickly as possible. And of course, the first place that you're going to see it
01:11:43is at NowTheEndBegins.com. But we also
01:11:47use our X account very, very heavily. And that's the best place to go for videos.
01:11:54So if you are on X, please go and follow us at NowTheEndBegins on
01:12:01and you would have been one of the very first people
01:12:05to see this commercial on Saturday. My name is Brian DeLallo. I teach AP and
01:12:12honors economics in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
01:12:14Financial well-being to me is knowing that I can be free to do the things that
01:12:18I love to do.
01:12:22I hope when I retire someday, they say, that guy made this place a special place
01:12:27to come to school and gave as much as he could to help the
01:12:37Now that was just a little 27-second snippet. It was produced by BlackRock
01:12:44and they were just kind of telling you that
01:12:47they have all sorts of investment plans for school teachers.
01:12:51And what a wonderful thing that that is. But when you look at the commercial
01:12:58and you look just a little bit deeper into the commercial,
01:13:02you know what you see? You see that teacher teaching a class and at the
01:13:09front row, at the front desk,
01:13:12is Thomas Matthew Crooks,
01:13:17the shooter. The high school is Bethel Park High School in
01:13:24Pennsylvania. And it's just about an hour from
01:13:27Butler, Pennsylvania, where Thomas Matthew Crooks climbed up on
01:13:34a roof in full view of the secret service,
01:13:39in full view of the local police, and was able to calmly and carefully
01:13:46unpack a rifle, point it at Donald Trump,
01:13:52kill one man, wound two others, and blow a hole into Donald Trump's
01:13:58right ear. What are the chances? If you were a betting person,
01:14:04we recommend that you do not gamble. But if you were going to gamble a few
01:14:09dollars on the idea of what would be the
01:14:14statistical probability of a group like BlackRock
01:14:21creating a high school TV commercial that features
01:14:27a student that is going to wind up being an assassin
01:14:33mere minutes from where that commercial was filmed,
01:14:37and he would attempt to take out the President of the United States,
01:14:42what would be the chances that all of those things
01:14:46would come together at the same time, in the same place, and it would be
01:14:53produced by an evil, evil company
01:14:58like BlackRock? Now, if you are intellectually honest, if you are a
01:15:04forward-thinking person, you know that the chances of a statistical
01:15:10probability like that are so infinitesimally
01:15:16small. There's just too much going on, and it all happened at the same time.
01:15:24Why, it's a Christmas miracle! What else would you say about something
01:15:29like that? Well, these are some of the unanswered
01:15:33questions that we are going to attempt to answer.
01:15:37Now, let's talk about the Secret Service for a moment.
01:15:42Dan Bongino, he used to work with these people.
01:15:47This is what Dan Bongino had to say about the
01:15:51U.S. Secret Service the other day on the Jesse Waters
01:15:58primetime program. Take a listen. Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino
01:16:03joins me now. Is this gross incompetence, or is it something
01:16:07even more scary that we can't even think about?
01:16:11No, it's gross incompetence. I mean, how do you let, I mean, think about it, right?
01:16:14The counter-sniper team, they train out, the Secret Service counter-sniper team,
01:16:17obviously, they're to mitigate a sniper threat.
01:16:19They train out to a thousand yards. So, we're talking about, say it was 200 yards.
01:16:23It was actually less than that where this guy,
01:16:26shooter was, right? You're talking about a fraction of what they're trained at.
01:16:30They're also trained to spot guys in ghillie suits,
01:16:33cracked open windows. He's on a white roof in broad daylight. He's on a white
01:16:39roof. Now, again, it'd be easy for me to say,
01:16:42oh, well, let's not get into Monday morning quarterbacking.
01:16:45Bro, it's not a freaking football game. It's the...
01:16:48All right, so, let's see if we can start to begin to
01:16:53answer some of the questions that we have been raising.
01:17:01I think at this point, it is a safe bet to say that all of this
01:17:08was planned. All of this was set up.
01:17:13Now, there are those who believe that even the wound
01:17:19that Donald Trump received in his right ear
01:17:22was fake. I wouldn't go that far. I believe he was actually shot.
01:17:28And let me tell you why I believe that Donald Trump
01:17:33was actually shot. Now, don't get me wrong.
01:17:36You know, I could kind of make half a case
01:17:39for even that being planned. But here's why I don't think
01:17:46that that was fake. I spent six years in the acting business, and I got to
01:17:53work with a lot of different actors. And over that six-year period,
01:18:00I began to be able to see what it looked like
01:18:05when somebody was acting and trying to get something across.
01:18:09They weren't really doing a very good job. And
01:18:13I could see what it looked like on somebody's face
01:18:16when it was real, when it was actually happening, actually taking place. Let me
01:18:23give you an example of what I'm talking about.
01:18:26In the 1975 movie, Jaws, I remember watching that. I was 14 years
01:18:32old. And I remember one of the most
01:18:35terrifying scenes in that movie was when that female swimmer
01:18:40was swimming in the ocean, and you hear that
01:18:44dun-dun, dun-dun, dun-dun, dun-dun, dun-dun.
01:18:48And all of a sudden, that woman gets sucked under the top of the water, and
01:18:54she gets pulled down. She lets out like half a scream, and
01:18:59the look on her face was absolute abject terror. You want to know how they got
01:19:07that shot? They didn't tell her when they were
01:19:11going to pull her under the water. She was attached to a harness.
01:19:17She was thinking that they were going to do that much later.
01:19:21But what they did is they rolled the cameras, and without letting her know,
01:19:26they pulled her under the water when she was not prepared to go.
01:19:32And that look on her face is actual terror, because in her mind, it's
01:19:38actually happening. That was not acting. And there are a number of other cases
01:19:44where actors have done something like that,
01:19:47because they want to give you the real reaction.
01:19:51Well, I watched those videos of Donald Trump
01:19:55after he got up, and I saw that look on his face.
01:20:00There was nothing from his perspective. He was not faking it. I've seen that look.
01:20:07I know that look, and to me, somebody trained in the acting business,
01:20:13that was real. That part was not fake.
01:20:16The President of the United States' life, the Secret Service
01:20:19has one job. Well, outside of counterfeiting and protection is one job.
01:20:24You keep the body alive no matter what. I mean, they came within a millimeter
01:20:30of this guy losing his life. I don't understand
01:20:34some of the commentary that's, you know, oh, you know, they did a great job. Well,
01:20:38the body guys, that response was, I mean, brave.
01:20:42They ran up there. They didn't know there could have been 10 more
01:20:44shooting. No doubt. Know those guys. Pretty heroic what happened there, but
01:20:48the security failure in the perimeter is a complete total debacle. No one
01:20:52should defend this. So, when you have guys, we just played the sound, when you
01:20:56have fans saying, hey, there's a guy with a
01:20:59gun over there, to multiple law enforcement guys, and they
01:21:03still are just looking around like this, and no one,
01:21:05how does that happen? Well, I'll tell you. I'm getting from a number of sources
01:21:09that people are feeding to me. Their information, obviously, because
01:21:12they want to fix it. They're concerned, and I think you're going to see a lot of
01:21:15whistleblowers. I'm hearing there were very, very few. I
01:21:18don't want to give an exact number, but very few actual, I don't think anyone
01:21:21else has reported this, actual Secret Service post standards at
01:21:24that site. That they were temp HSI, Homeland Security folks, which are,
01:21:29they're great folks. I'm not knocking them, but that's not what they do
01:21:32specifically. We do protection, and we're trained for that.
01:21:35So, Dan Bongino, former U.S. Secret Service agent,
01:21:41he says that the majority of the people that were there to keep an eye on
01:21:45Donald Trump on Saturday were not Secret Service agents. They were
01:21:51Homeland Security agents, and they are not trained
01:21:56with anywhere near the same type of training
01:21:59that a Secret Service agent would be trained with.
01:22:04Now, let's talk about the Secret Service for a moment.
01:22:11When I watched that video, and I saw that Donald Trump was
01:22:18surrounded by female Secret Service agents,
01:22:26that when the shooting started, they did not know what to do. They were
01:22:32not strong. They were not prepared. They could not get their
01:22:40guns back in the holster. They bounced around. They
01:22:46flopped. They did all this stuff.
01:22:51Whoever they had watching over Donald Trump, and I'll say this
01:22:56right now, they were the worst possible group of people
01:23:03that you would want protecting anybody, much less a former
01:23:09United States president. It looked like a Saturday Night Live
01:23:15sketch. It was horrible. It was terrible. Now, there are women
01:23:23who are very strong. There are women who are
01:23:27physically fit. There are women who are red belts in taekwondo.
01:23:34There are women who could really get the job done.
01:23:39We just posted a picture in the chat room of two of those women,
01:23:44and it looks like extras from a Melissa McCarthy movie.
01:23:50That's who these women looked like. It's not just that they were women.
01:23:55They were weak. They were not trained. They didn't know what was
01:24:01going on. They bumbled and they fumbled.
01:24:05How on earth could these people ever be assigned
01:24:09to protect a former U.S. president? Well, Annabelle in the chat room just
01:24:17posted the inflammatory remark. She was a
01:24:21DEI hire. Is that true? Is the leader
01:24:27of the Director of the United States Secret Service
01:24:32Kimberly Cheadle? Is she a DEI hire? Let's find out.
01:24:39To expand hiring, they're aiming to have 30 percent
01:24:42women recruits by 2030 and even allowed YouTube
01:24:46influencer Michelle Khare to train with agents.
01:24:50I'm very conscious as I sit in this chair now
01:24:55of making sure that we need to attract diverse
01:24:58candidates and ensure that we are developing and giving opportunities to
01:25:02everybody in our workforce, and particularly
01:25:04women. That workforce will be pivotal for the
01:25:072024 campaign season, which for the first time includes a
01:25:11former president who already has lifetime protection.
01:25:15Agents were there when Donald Trump was arraigned in New York.
01:25:19We were able to work out the details ahead of time of how that
01:25:22particular day was going to go, but we will always ensure the safety of
01:25:26all of our protectees that we have. The service has a zero-fail
01:25:30mission. Mission officers are training to uphold,
01:25:33pretending this field is the most famous address
01:25:37in America.
01:25:40So, Director of the Secret Service, a woman by the name of Kimberly
01:25:46Cheadle, well, she was appointed the head of the agency by President Joe Biden
01:25:53in 2022. She went from working at Pepsi
01:26:01to overseeing the Secret Service Organization
01:26:04of the United States of America, and that clip that I just played for you,
01:26:10that was her talking about the need to make
01:26:14the Secret Service more diverse. Let me tell you something,
01:26:20the Secret Service does not need more diversity. You know what they need?
01:26:27They need more Navy SEALs and U.S. Marines and special ops commandos
01:26:33who have battlefield experience from the Middle East.
01:26:37I'm talking about strong men, 6'2", 6'3", 225 pounds.
01:26:46Those are the people that you want in the Secret Service. You want people that
01:26:52could actually do the job.
01:26:56You don't want transgenders. You don't want weak
01:26:59women. You don't want any of these clowns.
01:27:04We live in a day and age where diversity and equity and inclusion,
01:27:13can you imagine if you need emergency surgery later today
01:27:20and the doctor who's going to open you up is a DEI hire
01:27:25from the hospital, and it's a transgender that they just made the
01:27:31chief of surgery because they need to look good to the
01:27:35LGBTQ movement. How confident would you feel
01:27:41going into surgery if a transgender DEI hire
01:27:46was the one who's going to open you up?
01:27:49Fox News contributor and former FBI special agent Nicole Parker.
01:27:53Nicole, good to see you. Thank you so much for being here. There are many
01:27:56questions this morning as far as how anybody was able to get
01:28:01into a place to get off all of those shots and
01:28:05hit President Trump, potentially take him down. I want to get your take
01:28:09on the security and obviously a failure
01:28:13from security in that regard. First of all, thank you for having me,
01:28:19Maria. It's always a pleasure to join your program.
01:28:21We're all just shaking our heads, especially those in law
01:28:24enforcement. I've worked events with Secret Service in the past and
01:28:28how this ever occurred is mind-boggling and it's actually terrifying for
01:28:32America. If a 20-year-old... Now, just to let you
01:28:37know, if you were actually seeing the video that this audio clip is taken
01:28:41from, this woman is somebody who looks like
01:28:45she could have done the job properly. She's serious. She's no
01:28:50nonsense. She's tall. She's big. Her eyes are clearly focused. She does
01:28:55not look like a diversity hire. She would do a good job.
01:29:01...can disrupt the political process in the United States and ignite this massive
01:29:04firestorm. Look at our adversaries. Can you imagine?
01:29:08They're probably sitting back laughing. This is inexcusable. It is unacceptable
01:29:12and how this occurred. It is a failure. It is a failure.
01:29:16The investigation will come out eventually. Unfortunately, a lot of
01:29:19Americans do not trust the investigation by the FBI that's going to be conducted,
01:29:22but I know that Congress will be involved as well.
01:29:25How did this happen? How did the shooter ever get within that close proximity?
01:29:29130 yards is extremely close. Don't forget that the title of today's
01:29:34podcast is 42 Seconds,
01:29:38and we are saving the best for last.
01:29:43Why was the Secret Service told to stand down?
01:29:47Why did they not take him out when they could have taken him out?
01:29:52Well, as it turns out, Director Kimberly Cheadle did not
01:29:59give the order in time. It's mind-boggling. I think there are
01:30:05some major issues going on behind the scenes that a lot of us
01:30:08may not know or understand. There was an event that Jill Biden was actually
01:30:13attending on July 13th at the exact same time
01:30:16in the Pittsburgh area, the same time, the same location
01:30:19as President Trump. I believe that the U.S. Secret Service is probably
01:30:23understaffed. They are being overworked, understaffed,
01:30:26underpaid, and it's difficult. And so I imagine that maybe
01:30:30they didn't have enough individuals for that event and maybe they
01:30:34were relying more on the locals for the event, maybe delegating
01:30:37responsibilities. It's difficult. You don't want to point the finger.
01:30:40Hollywood actor Jack Black, he was asked to speak
01:30:43a couple of weeks ago at a big fundraiser
01:30:47that was held by Barack Obama in the immediate aftermath of the
01:30:53horrible debate performance that Joe Biden turned in
01:30:57a couple of weeks ago. And we all know Jack Black.
01:31:01He's been around for 20 years. He's a funny guy,
01:31:06very popular actor. I don't think he's going to be very popular
01:31:11after this. Take a listen to what Jack Black said
01:31:16live on stage up in Canada.
01:31:39All right, did you catch that? I'm going to play it again.
01:31:43Jack Black, Hollywood actor, he has that rock band
01:31:48send-up thing that he does called Tenacious D.
01:31:53And they were performing up in Canada and it was his birthday. They wheeled a
01:31:59cake on stage and when he blew out the
01:32:03candles and he made the traditional birthday wish, he said
01:32:08next time don't miss Trump.
01:32:32So there you have Jack Black, Hollywood actor.
01:32:35You know, he made that joke.
01:32:42Somebody was killed at the rally. Two other people were injured and a
01:32:49former U.S. president was shot through the ear.
01:32:54And for him to say don't miss Trump next time.
01:32:59I don't know how you would call for a boycott of a Hollywood actor.
01:33:04I don't think he's made a whole lot of movies recently.
01:33:08But if there was any way to boycott Jack Black,
01:33:13I would do it. I would absolutely do it. That is a horrible, horrible,
01:33:18horrible, terrible thing to say. And he should be ashamed to
01:33:25himself and anybody who would applaud that.
01:33:28I wouldn't say something like that about any Democrat candidate.
01:33:35I wouldn't say that about Joe Biden. I pray for Joe Biden to get saved.
01:33:40He's not saved. I pray for Donald Trump to get saved.
01:33:44He's not saved either.
01:33:48But to say something like that, next time don't miss
01:33:51Trump. That is an evil, evil, horrible, terrible, disgusting,
01:33:57despicable thing to say about any other human being.
01:34:02And if there was a way to boycott Jack Black,
01:34:06well, I would do it. All right, what else do we have to talk about today? We have a
01:34:12number of other things. We are not leaving this topic. We still
01:34:16have more to talk about.
01:34:20Here's a good one. Take a listen to this.
01:34:25Well, look who's here now. Dave Portnoy is with us. Hey, Dave, I'm glad you could
01:34:29come on the show this morning because I want to get your reaction to the
01:34:31the assassination attempt. Where were you and what were you doing when you heard
01:34:36that Trump had been shot? So I was actually
01:34:39flying back from Saratoga to Nantucket. So I was on a plane.
01:34:43So I missed it by about six minutes. I had no Wi-Fi. When I got off the plane,
01:34:48my phone exploded. I saw everything that happened. And
01:34:52so I saw the whole incident after and it was okay. It was shocking. And
01:34:55my initial reaction, like a lot of people I think, you see him pumping his fist, the
01:35:00flag behind. And I was like, the election is
01:35:04over. This is such an iconic moment that this
01:35:08basically, I thought he would win anyways, but
01:35:11this event has propelled him to unbeatable in my mind.
01:35:15You were stunned over the video showing a Secret Service agent struggling to get
01:35:19her gun out of a holster. Former Congressman Jason Chaffetz is
01:35:23blaming the Secret Service's DEI initiatives for
01:35:26why these agents were perhaps unprepared. Did you notice this?
01:35:31Yeah, you couldn't not notice it because it was the
01:35:34female Secret Service agent. She struggled holstering a gun. It just felt
01:35:38like a comedy skit at this point, even though
01:35:42it's so serious. But it really seemed like it was out of
01:35:44like the naked gun or something. I don't know about DEI. I mean, listen,
01:35:49there's gaffes in law enforcement throughout time.
01:35:51This, I don't know that I'd want her protecting me with my life on the line.
01:35:56And they just kept showing it over and
01:35:58over. You couldn't not notice it. I just think of the election going forward
01:36:03when Trump will be characterized as that iconic picture of him raising his fist
01:36:07with the American flag right behind him. What are the Democrats, what's Joe
01:36:10Biden going to put up against that? It's hard to beat that picture. There is no
01:36:14answer. There is no answer. And it's funny
01:36:16because the New York Times, which I hate, they intentionally obviously cropped
01:36:21because that photo is everywhere. They cropped the American flag out of the
01:36:24photo they used because you can't that that is the one of the
01:36:28most American photos of all time. It's going to live on
01:36:31forever. Yeah. Like, you know, people pay any amount
01:36:36of money in a campaign to get that photo that moment. Obviously,
01:36:39it was a near tragedy, but the end, it's going to make them unbeatable.
01:36:44So that was Dave Portnoy from the One Bite pizza reviews,
01:36:51and he was saying that that photo of Donald Trump
01:36:56with blood dripping down his ear, holding his fist up,
01:37:01is one of the most iconic American photos of all time. Now,
01:37:09I will agree with that. I will agree that that
01:37:13is one of the most iconic political photos that will be right up there
01:37:20with any other photo that's ever been taken
01:37:25from a political nature in America in the last 247 years.
01:37:31But I can't help but have numerous reservations
01:37:40about the genuineness of the event that took place.
01:37:47I look at what happened, and I believe that Donald Trump
01:37:57is reacting sincerely and genuinely. But it was too pat. It was too quick.
01:38:04It was too convenient. The whole thing looked
01:38:10not just staged. It looked posed. And again, I am not saying
01:38:19that Donald Trump was in on it. I think what they did
01:38:24is like what they did when they were making the movie Jaws.
01:38:28And the producer and the director and the cameraman,
01:38:32they all knew that they were going to pull that cord early
01:38:37and pull her under the water when she wasn't ready to go.
01:38:42So everybody on that movie set was aware that it was fake,
01:38:48but the woman who was acting was not aware that it was fake.
01:38:54That's what I think happened with Donald Trump.
01:38:57I think that they were looking for a photo intentionally.
01:39:06That's what I think took place. And I think it was staged. I think it
01:39:13was posed. But I think it was staged and posed
01:39:18at a level beyond what Donald Trump knew was going on.
01:39:24But every time I watch that video when he stands back up
01:39:29and those Secret Service agents are wrapped around him,
01:39:34it looks fake. It does not look real. It does not look genuine.
01:39:42It looks fake. And we'll figure this out as we keep going.
01:39:51But there is so much about the events that
01:39:55unfolded and the events that continue to unfold
01:40:01that it really is quite astonishing what's taking place.
01:40:04Now I want to talk for just a minute about something that took place about
01:40:10an hour before the podcast started today.
01:40:14Donald Trump, one of his big big cases, was what they call the classified
01:40:20documents case. And the same thing happened to Joe Biden.
01:40:27And Donald Trump was facing like 40 federal counts
01:40:32of mishandling classified documents.
01:40:39He got shot on Saturday.
01:40:43And this morning, two days later, a day and a half later,
01:40:47the main judge in the case, who was appointed by Trump,
01:40:53suddenly decides that the prosecutor in the case,
01:40:57Jack Smith, was appointed illegally. And then she throws the whole case out
01:41:04the window. So the question that I have about that,
01:41:09if the judge is ruling on a matter of law,
01:41:14why didn't she make this ruling last week?
01:41:18Why did it just occur to her today?
01:41:23It seems a little, a lot, too coincidental that all of a sudden
01:41:30the judge, after they shoot Trump, suddenly decides to throw out one of
01:41:36the biggest cases against him.
01:41:41That doesn't sound legit to me. I'm glad they threw the case out.
01:41:47But why didn't they do it earlier? Why did they wait until after they shot
01:41:54him? And so when you look at all these things,
01:41:58the deeper that you go, I said this at the start of the broadcast,
01:42:02the deeper that you go, the deeper it gets. The more you dig,
01:42:11the more you look for answers to these questions, the more
01:42:14questions start popping up. I don't know if we played this
01:42:22clip. Let's just take a listen. If we did, I'll stop it.
01:42:25But this is a good overview clip of the assassination.
01:42:37Yeah, I played that clip. We talked about that.
01:42:42So let me hear in the chat room what you guys think.
01:42:49What do you think
01:42:53actually happened on Saturday? Was it real? Was it fake? Was it partially
01:42:58rigged? Was it behind the scenes, set up?
01:43:03Did Donald Trump know about it? Did he not know about it?
01:43:09What do you think actually happened on Saturday?
01:43:14Well, what I think happened is
01:43:20the whole thing was set up and I don't think Donald Trump was aware of the
01:43:25setup. And it should be really interesting
01:43:29to see where all this stuff begins to lead us.
01:43:37Turn to Daniel chapter 2.
01:43:43Turn to Daniel chapter 2.
01:43:47And I want to read a verse that we quote a lot about
01:43:52people in power, about presidents. Daniel chapter 2. Let's start reading in
01:43:59verse 20. Daniel 2 20.
01:44:04Daniel answered and said, blessed be the name of God forever and ever
01:44:08for wisdom and might are his and he changes the times and the seasons.
01:44:13He removeth kings, he setteth up kings, he giveth wisdom unto the wise and
01:44:19knowledge to them that know understanding.
01:44:24The Bible says that God puts kings and leaders and prime ministers and
01:44:29presidents in place and God
01:44:34takes them down
01:44:37when it fulfills his will.
01:44:42I want to show you this from the book of Revelation.
01:44:47Talking about the will of God with political rulers.
01:44:54Turn to Revelation 17. Turn to Revelation 17.
01:45:02And let's read verses 14 through 18. Revelation 17
01:45:09verses 14 through 18. These shall make war with the lamb and
01:45:15the lamb shall overcome them for he is the Lord of lords and king of
01:45:20kings and they that are with him are called and
01:45:23chosen and faithful. He saith unto me the
01:45:26waters which thou sawest where the whore sitteth are peoples and
01:45:30multitudes and nations and tongues and the ten horns which thou sawest upon
01:45:35the beast. These shall hate the whore and shall
01:45:38make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her
01:45:42with fire. And this is the verse I want you to
01:45:46focus on. Verse 17. For God hath put in their hearts
01:45:52to fulfill his will and to agree and to give their kingdom unto the
01:45:58beast until the words of God shall be
01:46:02fulfilled. Now when you put Revelation 17 17
01:46:08with Daniel 2 21, you know what that tells me? I don't know what it tells you
01:46:15but I'll tell you what it tells me. It tells me that no matter how crazy
01:46:21these things get and we see the new world order doing
01:46:25all their things and yet another assassin with three
01:46:29names John Wilkes Booth,
01:46:34Lee Harvey Oswald, Thomas Matthew Crooks. Crooks, what are the chances?
01:46:43But what that tells me, these two Bible verses,
01:46:49is that God is moving the pieces around. Everything right now is in a very high
01:46:56state of flux. Joe Biden is about to disappear from off
01:47:00the stage.
01:47:04And it looks like Donald Trump is either being
01:47:07ushered into the White House almost against his will
01:47:17by unseen forces. So while we don't know what direction this
01:47:23thing is going in, we know that right now
01:47:29starting with the assassination attempt on Saturday,
01:47:33we know that everything is in motion. Everything is in play. Prepare yourself
01:47:41for another pandemic. Prepare yourself for disease x.
01:47:47Prepare yourself for a lockdown. Everything is in motion right now.
01:47:54Things are crazy. Things are weird and they're going to continue to stay
01:47:58that way for quite some time. Now,
01:48:03this clip that I want to play for you has nothing to do with Donald Trump,
01:48:07has nothing to do with the presidential race,
01:48:12but we have crossed another threshold with technology.
01:48:19The big technology that's happening is autonomous vehicles,
01:48:26cars and trucks that operate themselves with no human intervention.
01:48:34Now, they've been working on that for quite some time.
01:48:38There is a company in California called Waymo,
01:48:46and it would appear that the age of autonomous vehicles that
01:48:53drive themselves has finally arrived. Take a listen to this wacky,
01:48:59wacky, true clip. How about this? A bizarre sight in Phoenix.
01:49:07All right, everybody. When a police officer pulled over a driverless car.
01:49:10Now, the officer said that the Waymo was driving erratically, including
01:49:15on the wrong side of the road. Waymo is now recalling its entire fleet of
01:49:20driverless vehicles, all 672 of them. Decision comes after one of the
01:49:24vehicles hit a utility pole in Phoenix last month.
01:49:27The crash happened when the car was trying to perform a low speed maneuver.
01:49:31There were no injuries associated with that incident. The
01:49:33company says the recall will include a software update that's aimed at
01:49:36addressing the issue. It's not every day you see a Phoenix
01:49:40police officer pulling over a driverless car.
01:49:44But that's what happened June 19th after the officer observed a Waymo
01:49:49going haywire in traffic. It was eastbound
01:49:54in the westbound lanes, which is real bad.
01:49:57Yeah, and then so I light it up and then it takes off through the intersection.
01:50:02Waymo says the construction signage on the street was inconsistent
01:50:06and because the officer blocked the car, it had to impede oncoming traffic.
01:50:10Police say that they cited Waymo and the company was actually very helpful.
01:50:15Think about what you're listening to. The police just pulled over a driverless
01:50:23vehicle. There are hundreds of Waymo vehicles all across the country.
01:50:31It is no longer
01:50:36a theoretical thing. We have reached the age of vehicles
01:50:43that drive themselves autonomously and
01:50:48it just so happens that we are also in the same
01:50:52age where they are developing the 15-minute city
01:50:57promoted by the World Economic Forum. Throughout the incident so far there
01:51:01have been limited issues with Waymo cars, but at least one person says he was
01:51:06nearly sideswiped by one. While most Waymo cars can be seen
01:51:09throughout the city driving safely and behaving civilly,
01:51:13erratic driving is not completely out of the question for the artificial
01:51:17intelligence. For years autonomous cars have been
01:51:19driving around San Francisco, first with drivers
01:51:23and then without them. And then last summer people were first allowed to get
01:51:26on a waitlist to take a Waymo driverless ride, but starting today
01:51:30the waitlist is no more. Unlock the doors through your phone,
01:51:34hop inside and start your ride.
01:51:39I can see why Paul was a little hesitant because uh
01:51:44yeah that is kind of weird for the first time
01:51:48at least, but I do gotta say so far mostly smooth. Riding in a Waymo can
01:51:54include some sudden braking and during one pickup in the Mission
01:51:58District my Waymo didn't park at the curb but
01:52:02instead stopped in the middle of the single
01:52:05lane street blocking traffic. So there you have a
01:52:09company from Silicon Valley called Waymo and they've
01:52:13spent the last number of years working on
01:52:16autonomous vehicles. They can drive themselves
01:52:21and they are unbelievably accurate and sophisticated. Why would you want to
01:52:28have a self-driving vehicle? Well
01:52:33you wouldn't except for the fact
01:52:39that we live in a day and age where the 15-minute cities and the
01:52:44cricket flowers
01:52:47and the removal of beef and chicken and pork from our diet
01:52:52and the shutting down of farms and the burning down of
01:52:56meat production plants all across America that we've been watching
01:53:00over the last 18 months.
01:53:04Remember that um leave the world behind bridge disaster from a couple of months
01:53:10ago in Baltimore and that huge huge
01:53:17shipping container smashed right into the bridge and
01:53:22tore the entire thing down and um it just happened to tear down the
01:53:29bridge named after the person who wrote the
01:53:31Star Spangled Banner Francis Scott Key and uh I'm sure that has
01:53:37I'm sure that's just a coincidence. I'm sure that that's the fact that
01:53:45an actual scene from the Barack Obama movie Leave the World Behind
01:53:49takes place and it takes out a bridge that was named after the person who
01:53:53wrote the Star Spangled Banner. That has nothing to do with the new
01:53:57world order. It has everything to do with the new
01:54:03world order and so as we wrap things up for today
01:54:10we don't know what the future holds we know who holds the future
01:54:14we don't know what the future holds but we have the
01:54:18the first person testimony of a man who went into the future and he saw the
01:54:25whole thing with his own eyes and he wrote it
01:54:29down it's called the book of revelation
01:54:34at the bookstore we sell bible commentaries by Larkin and Ruckman
01:54:39on the book of revelation if you don't own any of those books you need to
01:54:46you need to go to biblebeliever.com and just type in the word revelation
01:54:52commentary you need to get yourself some end times bible commentary books
01:54:58because the day and the time that those chapters in the book of revelation are
01:55:05talking about it is the day and the age that we live in right here and
01:55:12right now go to biblebeliever.com we sell hundreds of amazing books
01:55:20bibles bible commentaries you can visit our brick and mortar location at 209
01:55:27north 4th street in Palacca Florida and we're open five and a half days a
01:55:32week and just a quick announcement we will be
01:55:36traveling today and tomorrow no bible study tomorrow
01:55:41night we are moving tomorrow night's bible study lord willing
01:55:45to thursday night bible study tomorrow night has been moved
01:55:51to thursday night at the same time and with that we have come to the end
01:55:57of our time for today i thank you so much as always
01:56:03for being a part of the nteb family of bible believers across
01:56:08america and around the world lord willing we'll see you back here
01:56:14today's monday we'll see you back here thursday night 7 p.m. for another nteb
01:56:21rightly dividing king james bible study have a great week everybody
01:56:45he's thunder and lightning in his fist
01:56:51the lord wasn't joking when it kicked him out of eden it wasn't for no reason
01:56:56that he shed his blood his return is very close and so you
01:56:59better be believing that our god is an awesome god
01:57:03our god is an awesome god he reigns from heaven above with grace
01:57:11the power and love our god is an awesome god
01:57:15our god is an awesome god he reigns from heaven above with grace
01:57:23the power and love our god is an awesome god
01:57:32through the sky with starless in the void of the night
01:57:38he spoke into the darkness and created the light
01:57:59god he reigns
01:58:29that was pretty good i think you can sing a little louder than that here we go
01:59:13our god
