Joe Biden Is A Big Boy, And He Had A Press Conference-NOW THE END BEGINS-JULY 12 2024

  • 2 months ago
Two weeks ago, Joe Biden did on television exactly what we’ve we been telling he’s been doing for the past three and a half years, which is to say having a complete cognitive breakdown. His performance at that debate ignited the Freemason ‘signal of distress’ call across the entire Democratic Party. So to try and offset that damage, we are told, the Democrats came up with the brilliant idea of having Biden do an ‘unscripted’ ‘big boy press conference’, their term, last night at the end of the NATO Summit. It was a complete disaster. Are the Democrats really that stupid, or is Joe Biden being hung out to dry by his own party? Let’s ask Uriah about that one. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are witnessing a version of America that heretofore existed only in dystopian novels like ‘The Man In The High Castle’. We are watching a raw display of political sharks circling their victim who has outlived his usefulness to the UniParty, and are now in the process of taking him down. No, I am not saying that something like this is unique to American politics, not at all, it’s gone on behind the scenes for a long time. But to see it playing out it real time with the curtain fully pulled back is quite astonishing. America is a nation teetering on the edge, a luxurious house built on the Malibu coastline whose ground underneath is nearly gone. Who will be selected to take Biden’s spot? Operation: Replace Biden is a go! Today we’ll give you all the updates on that. Also, we have the latest news from Israel and the Middle East, the coming WWIII in Europe, and the lawfare being waged by Macron to neutralize his opposition.
00:00:00Welcome to the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast with your host and
00:00:05Bible teacher, Jeffrey Greider. Rightly divided, dispensationally
00:00:10correct, and standing on the authority of the King James
00:00:13Holy Bible. This program is brought to you by
00:00:19And good afternoon everybody. Happy Friday and welcome to this
00:00:23edition of the Prophecy News Podcast. Today, the Democrats
00:00:28Big Boy press conference was designed to intentionally
00:00:32showcase Joe Biden's cognitive decline. But why? Two weeks ago,
00:00:40Joe Biden did on television exactly what we've been telling
00:00:44you he's been doing for the past three and a half years, which
00:00:47is to say he's been having a complete cognitive breakdown.
00:00:53His performance at that debate ignited the Freemasons' signal
00:00:57of distress call across the entire Democratic Party. So to
00:01:03try and offset that damage, they tell us, the Democrats came up
00:01:08with the brilliant idea of having Biden do a unscripted,
00:01:13air quotes, Big Boy press conference, air quotes again,
00:01:18their term, last night at the end of the NATO summit. It was a
00:01:23complete disaster. Now, are the Democrats really that stupid? Or
00:01:31is Joe Biden being hung out to dry by his own party? Let's ask
00:01:36Uriah the Hittite about that one. 2 Samuel 11, verse 15. And he
00:01:44wrote in the letter saying, set ye Uriah in the forefront of the
00:01:49hottest battle, and retire ye from him, that he may be
00:01:53smitten and die. We are witnessing a version of America
00:01:58that heretofore existed only in dystopian novels like The Man in
00:02:04the High Castle. We are watching a raw display of political
00:02:08sharks circling their victim who has outlived his usefulness to
00:02:13the Uniparty and are right now in the process of taking him
00:02:18down. No, I'm not saying that something like this is unique to
00:02:22American politics. We think of JFK, 1963, being taken out and
00:02:28taken down by your own party. Yes, these things have happened
00:02:32before. It's gone on behind the scenes, perhaps for as long as
00:02:38we've been a country. But to see it playing out in real time with
00:02:43the curtain fully pulled back is quite astonishing. America is a
00:02:49nation that is teetering on the edge, a luxurious house, if you
00:02:54will, built on the Malibu coastline, whose ground
00:02:58underneath is nearly gone. Who will be selected to take Biden's
00:03:03spot? Operation Replace Biden is a go. And today, we give you
00:03:08all the updates on that. Also, we have the latest breaking news
00:03:13from Israel, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Hamas, Rafa, and the Middle
00:03:18East. We have the coming World War III in Europe, and the
00:03:23lawfare being waged by Emmanuel Macron to neutralize his
00:03:28opposition. We have a busy, busy day here on the frontlines of
00:03:34the end times. Heavenly Father, we thank you, Lord, for your
00:03:39mercy. We thank you for your grace. We thank you, God, for
00:03:44waking us up today and putting food on the table, clothes on
00:03:48our back, and a roof over our head. God, we are glad and we
00:03:52are grateful for your goodness towards us. And today, we pray
00:03:58for lost souls. We pray for Sarah and Eric and Becky
00:04:02Jacobs, Greg and Melissa Price, Kimberly McClintock. Please pray
00:04:08in Jesus' holy name for the salvation of my two adult
00:04:12daughters, E and J. Shayla Clark's husband, Glenn, Jeanette's
00:04:18family, Cheyenne, Bridget, Tony, Dion, Matthew, Samuel, and two
00:04:23great grandbabies. Trista, Tara, Ted, Shauna, and George. Trevor,
00:04:29Derek, Adam, and Roland Carrier and their families. My three
00:04:34brothers, John, Jimmy, and David, daughter, Christy, and
00:04:38sister-in-law, Dale. Please pray for Jesse and his mom, Rachel's
00:04:43dad, Ralph, unsaved Catholic family members of the Bolton
00:04:47family, Jordan Shapiro, David Peck. In the Wears Bickey family,
00:04:53daughters, Valerie and Marie, husband, Greg Sr., and son, Greg
00:04:58Jr. In Jeffrey's family, Tyler Tevin, daughter-in-law, Caitlin,
00:05:03and grandsons, Logan, Ronnie, and Russell. Jeanette and Bob
00:05:08have unsaved Catholic family members. Connie has three
00:05:11unsaved kids. Brandy, unsaved family. Rita in Colorado praying
00:05:16for Dan. Ron needs to be saved. Spray of Sunshine sons, Daniel,
00:05:21Patrick, and Brian. And Shannon is praying for Lori W. and Brian
00:05:27M. People who need a healing today. At the top of the list is
00:05:33Lori Ann's Aunt Dorothy. She is in hospice. She has a brain
00:05:38tumor, and the doctors have given her six months to live,
00:05:42and she is not saved. Please pray for Aunt Dorothy for a
00:05:47physical healing, as well as salvation. Lulu, please pray for
00:05:52my sister's friend, Charlene, with liver cancer. Amber asking
00:05:56for prayer for Jamie with stage four brain cancer. Adrienne
00:06:01Brita's father has been diagnosed with stage four
00:06:03melanoma. Please pray for Lori Ann's mom and dad, Joyce and
00:06:09Roland. They are having health issues. Sandy, please pray for
00:06:14problems with blood flow to the shoulders. Laurent has a
00:06:20nicotine addiction and mental health issues. Alicia, mental
00:06:23health. Daniel R., mental health. NC Jen, please pray for
00:06:29God to lift my grief and replace it with his strength. Salvation
00:06:33for my family and reconciliation with my daughter. Gail has an
00:06:42unspoken, the Lord knows the need. Stephanie, please pray for
00:06:46husband Andy's battle with alcohol and for him to get
00:06:49saved. Krista, battling breast cancer, rabid liver cancer,
00:06:54Michelle Christian, bone cancer, Amanda and my mother-in-law,
00:07:00Joyce, with breast cancer. Annetta needs a complete healing
00:07:05after having a stroke. And ladies who are expecting, spray
00:07:13of sunshine, please pray for son and girlfriend expecting twins.
00:07:18Jose and Anna de la Rosa expecting their third. Marilyn
00:07:22granddaughter-in-law, Tori, baby boy in August. Tanya, and it's
00:07:27Tanya's birthday, by the way. We're going to wish her a very
00:07:31happy birthday after we pray. Tanya, my son, Vincent, and
00:07:35fiance, Sarah Wilcox, having twins in August. CJ's daughter
00:07:41-in-law, Emily, in December. Deborah Mack's good friend,
00:07:44Gwen, going through morning sickness. Lauren, expecting a
00:07:48baby in December. And Lindsay White, that is Lola W's
00:07:54granddaughter, is expecting in March of 2025. Let's go to the
00:08:02chat room and see what we have there. Whoa, we have a lot.
00:08:06Brooke, please keep us in your prayers. We are getting sick.
00:08:13Ricky Gouda is asking prayer for her daughter, Nortja. She
00:08:18started taking medication to help balance her thyroid. She is
00:08:21not feeling well and battling fatigue. Veronica Korek, please
00:08:26pray for son David and myself. We've been under a lot of
00:08:29stress. And my chest has been hurting. And my blood pressure
00:08:35has been high. So please pray for Veronica and her son, David
00:08:40Korek. Mia in Texas has a praise report. We were in the eye of
00:08:46Hurricane Beryl. And the only minor thing that happened was
00:08:49two pieces of our metal roof got blown off. Electric was out only
00:08:54for 38 hours. Amen. That is a great praise report. And we were
00:08:58all praying for you guys. Spray of Sunshine, great to see back
00:09:03Shaycaster, praising the Lord. Amen. Praise report, the twins
00:09:07were born yesterday. And thank you everybody for praying. But
00:09:13please keep them in prayer. They are struggling to breathe. They
00:09:16are so beautiful. Praise God. Thank you everybody who prayed
00:09:20for Brian and April. Pregnancy, your prayers are so very
00:09:27appreciated. All right, so we will take them off the list. What
00:09:31a great praise report that is. Thank you for letting us know
00:09:35about that. Dawn, biopsy of tumor on the pancreas is benign.
00:09:42Thank you for your prayers. Amen. Char, please pray for our
00:09:46Little Church VBS today. It is the last day and there are a
00:09:50couple of kids I know that are not saved. M. Campbell, I am
00:09:54requesting prayer that the spirit of fear be broken in my
00:09:58life. Amen. The Bible says that perfect love casteth out fear.
00:10:05Jesus says that no greater love has this than a man that would
00:10:09lay down his life for his friends. Jesus says casting all
00:10:13your cares upon him for he cares for you. That's what Peter says
00:10:17about Jesus. Perfect love is the opposite of fear. Throw yourself
00:10:22at the feet of Jesus and we will pray. Mike Hensel, please pray
00:10:27for my anxiety and that I find a job. I am almost out of money.
00:10:32Amen, brother. Teresa, I wish I had a praise report. I had a
00:10:36positive result with my lung biopsy. Two more tests next week
00:10:41to see if it can be removed. And she says, I truly appreciate
00:10:47your prayers. We will cover you in prayer every step of the way.
00:10:53Rob, health update. So far, all the tests are good. One more
00:10:57test coming up. Heavenly Father, Lord, we're getting ready to
00:11:03talk about the news. We're getting ready to talk about some
00:11:08crazy world events and possible connections with Bible prophecy.
00:11:14Lord, but we don't dare do any of it until we check in with you
00:11:21that we lift up our prayers and our praise and our petitions with
00:11:24thanksgiving. Like your word says in Philippians 4, 6. And Lord,
00:11:30we cast all of this on you. Everything large and small
00:11:34biopsies, tests, results, surgeries, you name it, Father
00:11:41God. Lord, we pray for TJ, the Satanist in Nevada who requested
00:11:46a Bible from Chaplain Julio. We pray for every report of
00:11:52sickness. We pray for every report of need on any level of
00:11:58restoration and reconciliation. And God, we just throw ourselves
00:12:04at your feet and say, you do it, Lord. If you don't give it
00:12:07to us, we're not going to have it. If you don't do it, it won't
00:12:10get done. And we are wholly dependent upon you. And Lord, we
00:12:15commit all these things to you in Jesus precious name. Amen.
00:12:22All right, before we get started today, let's just take a moment
00:12:27and wish our dear sister, Tanya Albanese, a very happy NTEB
00:12:57Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Happy birthday! I'm going to
00:13:04celebrate with you. I'm going to celebrate. Tell everybody. Come
00:13:11on y'all. I'm going to celebrate on your birthday. Come on y'all.
00:13:28All right, today is one of those days where we're going to start
00:13:32with our top story first. Usually, world events present
00:13:37themselves in such a fashion that we need to work our way up
00:13:40to the top story. Today, we're just going to jump right into
00:13:44the top story. And everybody is talking about this. Last night,
00:13:52at the end of the NATO summit, the Democrats thought that it
00:14:01would be a good idea to let Joe Biden go unscripted without a
00:14:09teleprompter and speak and take whatever questions they had for
00:14:16him. But they lied. Joe Biden absolutely did use a
00:14:23teleprompter last night. They said he was not going to. He did
00:14:27use one. There is no question about that. Watch any of the
00:14:31videos, and you'll see that he has a teleprompter on either
00:14:36side of his podium. But that's really peanuts compared to what
00:14:42we're going to talk about today. So let's start with the
00:14:48damage control that was done after he spoke on Face the
00:14:55Nation. Take a listen to this. Democrats defending Biden in
00:15:01what he said or didn't say last night when he supposedly gave
00:15:07what the Democrats call the big boy press conference. You can
00:15:14hardly say that without laughing. A big boy press
00:15:18conference. For those of us who have raised children, you know
00:15:24that when you want to encourage your little child, and they do
00:15:27the least little thing that's good, you say, oh, that's a good
00:15:32boy. That's a good girl. You talk that way to really little
00:15:39children. You talk that way to dogs and cats, whatever your pet
00:15:46happens to be. That's how you talk to tiny little children.
00:15:50That's how you talk to pets. That's how you talk to animals.
00:15:54You talk just like that. And for about a week and a half after
00:16:03his disastrous debate appearance with Donald Trump two weeks ago,
00:16:09they started talking about a big boy press conference. And it is
00:16:15just the most unusual thing. Because it's, it's, if you're
00:16:2381 years old, and you are struggling with cognitive
00:16:29decline, when you talk about a big boy, anything in
00:16:36relationship to an 81 year old man, that's not a compliment.
00:16:42That is mockery. And the Democrats were very, very happy
00:16:47to engage in that mockery in the days leading up to last
00:16:53night's event.
00:16:55After that, the president will hold a press conference, I guess
00:16:58a big boy press conference, we're calling it and take some
00:17:02questions from y'all. This week, President Biden will speak to
00:17:05national labor leaders of AFL-CIO host the NATO summit to
00:17:09show the unprecedented strength of our alliance hold a press
00:17:14conference, a big boy press conference, according to Justin
00:17:16Singh from Bloomberg.
00:17:18Holding a big boy press conference. And in the days
00:17:23after the disastrous debate from two weeks ago, Jill Biden, his
00:17:32wife, excuse me, Dr. Jill Biden, she began to appear with him on
00:17:39campaign stops. And what was she doing? Was she there for moral
00:17:45support? No. She was there to do the bulk of the talking.
00:17:51I saw in him then the same character that I see in him
00:17:55today. And even though he has faced unimaginable tragedies,
00:18:01his optimism is undaunted. His strength is unshakable. His
00:18:07hope is undeterred.
00:18:10What a horrible thing to have your wife say that for you when
00:18:18you're supposed to be the president of the United States.
00:18:22How embarrassing would that be?
00:18:25Joe, you did such a great job. You answered every question.
00:18:28You knew all the facts. And let me ask the crowd, what did
00:18:36Trump do? Why? Yes.
00:18:43You know, when FDR was president, he had polio and he
00:18:49was in a wheelchair. And he couldn't walk hardly at all. He
00:18:54had these leg braces, he had a cane, he had these crutches. And
00:19:00when he had to move, he could move a tiny little bit. But for
00:19:05all intents and purposes, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was a
00:19:11paraplegic. He had very little use of his legs from the waist
00:19:16down. So he asked that he not be photographed or filmed with the
00:19:22crutches or with the wheelchair, because he wanted to convey an
00:19:27image of strength around the world. And it was a very
00:19:31critical time. It was the throes and the grip of the Great
00:19:35Depression. And then as soon as we get out of the Great
00:19:37Depression, America has to face Japan, and Germany, and World
00:19:44War Two, and Pearl Harbor. And FDR very, very much wanted to
00:19:50convey an image of strength. So the vast majority of people
00:19:58didn't even know that he couldn't walk. When he spoke, he
00:20:02spoke eloquently. His brain was super sharp. He was a very smart
00:20:08guy. I don't agree with some of his policies. I'm a Republican,
00:20:14he was a Democrat. But by today's standards, he would be
00:20:18more closer to a conservative than he would be to a liberal.
00:20:24But the point that I'm making is FDR thought it very important to
00:20:30portray an image of strength, even though he was in a
00:20:34wheelchair. They don't care about that with Joe Biden.
00:20:39We've got to do more on Friday's debate. As you know, myself and
00:20:42Kristen Tate were predicting for, of course, these debates
00:20:44were going to be disastrous. So let's let Kristen take it from
00:20:49Yes, I mean, this could have been the most consequential
00:20:52presidential debate in at least modern political history. It's
00:20:57done for Joe Biden. I mean, it could not have been more of a
00:20:59disaster. During and after that debate, Chris, I received so
00:21:03many exasperated and panicked messages from liberals, some of
00:21:07whom I haven't even heard from for a decade, stating that they
00:21:10were in complete shock over Biden's physical and mental
00:21:14state. And every single one of these Democrats told me that
00:21:17they think he needs to step down and be replaced with another
00:21:20candidate. And it's not just voters saying this, Chris, it is
00:21:23the elite of the elite in the Democratic Party. The New York
00:21:28Times itself, the editorial editorial board said that he
00:21:32needs to step down at this point. And it's not just them,
00:21:34the New Yorker, the economist, many other publications have
00:21:37done the same. So the president was at Camp David this weekend,
00:21:40apparently he met with his family to discuss what he will
00:21:44do moving forward. But I've read that his family, especially
00:21:47Hunter Biden, who has been
00:21:49So that's what happened two weeks ago. The debate was an
00:21:54absolute disaster. So the Democrats hatched this plan to
00:21:59have what they called a big boy press conference. Those are the
00:22:05terms that Antony Blinken used, that his press secretary,
00:22:11Corine Jean-Pierre, she used that term over and over. And
00:22:17last night, they had the big boy press conference, it went very
00:22:22badly. And shortly after that, the Democrats went on face the
00:22:28nation. And they said this.
00:22:32How did you gauge what we saw tonight?
00:22:34Well, there was was that stumble out of the gate, which the
00:22:37president just referenced there in terms of Harris and Trump and
00:22:40inverting their names pretty big one, but he then went on and
00:22:43answered for the better part of an hour questions, some of them
00:22:48in detail, particularly as it pertains to Ukraine and Russia
00:22:51down to the 17 point.
00:22:53Now, I want you to listen to what that lady just said. Joe
00:22:58Biden had a stumble, a stumble coming out of the gate, meaning
00:23:04one stumble. And then she says, he went on for the better part
00:23:11of an hour answering questions, even questions of a complex
00:23:15nature. I want you to remember that, because when she's done
00:23:21talking, we're going to play his stumble. But it wasn't just one
00:23:27of them, it was a dozen stumbles. And he did go on
00:23:32talking for the better part of an hour. And minute by minute.
00:23:37Imagine if you were living inside a painting by Salvador
00:23:41Dali, or Picasso. These were abstract artists and they painted
00:23:48things down was up sideways was right ways. Black was white and
00:23:54blue was purple. The sky was on the ground, the ground was in
00:23:58outer space. That's how Salvador Dali and Picasso painted. Well,
00:24:05that's how it went last night for Joe Biden. But let's listen
00:24:09to the rest of this democratic defense, hoping that you didn't
00:24:14actually hear what he said last night.
00:24:17Point 4%, excuse me, 17.3%. He wanted to make sure we knew the
00:24:21exact detail in terms of the amount of land that Russia has
00:24:24grabbed. This, of course, that was what he's been talking
00:24:26about. In these back to back meetings with world leaders of
00:24:29the past three days. He went into the ability to serve in
00:24:34to serve as commander in chief and what could be a very
00:24:37tumultuous next four years saying I can talk to Xi Jinping
00:24:41and Vladimir Putin now and I can talk to him three years from
00:24:44now. I just don't want to talk to Vladimir Putin until he
00:24:46changes his behavior. So he's trying to allay some of these
00:24:50Again, she makes it sound like he had a stumble or two. I
00:24:56stumble you stumble. Don't we all mispronounce words from time
00:25:00to time. That's what she's saying. And the amazing thing
00:25:05is, is everything that she's been telling you did not happen.
00:25:10And we're going to prove it to you.
00:25:12But as you heard throughout that the question of his age and
00:25:16command overshadowed all of this.
00:25:18There is nothing in this press conference that suggests that
00:25:22President Biden is planning to step down anytime soon. He
00:25:25believes he is the most qualified for this job. It was
00:25:29jarring to hear him mix up Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.
00:25:32But we should note that Donald Trump has also confused Nikki
00:25:35Haley and Nancy Pelosi.
00:25:38All right. So now that we've set the table for today's topic, if
00:25:44you're just tuning in, we're talking about what happened last
00:25:48night at the big boy press conference. And you've heard
00:25:54from all sides. Now, let's jump right in to the big boy press
00:26:05Thank you, please. I did. I directed the intelligence
00:26:09community to be declared a significant amount of tells me
00:26:12declassified. Second, our efforts to secure the border
00:26:16southern border is working. With that, I'll take your questions.
00:26:21I've been given a list of people to call on here. I wouldn't have
00:26:25picked Vice President Trump to be vice president. So I think
00:26:29she's not qualified to be president.
00:26:32So Joe Biden says that he wouldn't have picked Donald
00:26:38Trump to be his vice president. If she wasn't qualified. He did
00:26:45not correct himself.
00:26:47We've created over 800,000 manufacturing jobs 1.5 million. I
00:26:51mean, so things are moving. Look, guys. The idea anybody
00:26:56suggests that that look, folks, this is a well, anyway, look,
00:27:08that happened every two to three minutes. He looked into the
00:27:15camera, he looked out at the audience, his eyes weren't
00:27:19connecting with anything that was in front of him. And he's
00:27:24like, well, okay, look. And then he just go on to the next topic.
00:27:35Many of you and many economists thought my initial initial. And
00:27:40so what I do, I was told not to go over to Europe. I mean, to
00:27:45Asia. How can you say you'll be up for that next year, in two
00:27:48years, in four years, given the limits you've acknowledged that
00:27:51you have today?
00:27:55The limits I've acknowledged I have. That's what I'm talking
00:27:59about. I'm not talking about. And if you look at my schedule,
00:28:01since I've since I made that stupid mistake of in the
00:28:06campaign, in the debate, anyway.
00:28:08When he talks about the debate from two weeks ago, he talks
00:28:13about the stupid mistake that he made as if it was one mistake.
00:28:20The mistake that he made was showing up for the debate. That
00:28:24was the mistake.
00:28:33I'm sorry, our military is working. I'm following the
00:28:36advice of my commander in chief, my, my, my chief. Second
00:28:42question related to
00:28:44Joe Biden said last night that he was following the advice of
00:28:49his commander in chief. Now, who might that be? Isn't the
00:28:55President of the United States the commander in chief? That's
00:29:00not what Joe Biden said. Joe Biden said that he is following
00:29:05the commander in chief, Barack Obama.
00:29:09Tell you what, um, um, we got here.
00:29:27That happened at least half a dozen times. He just simply ran
00:29:32out of words in his head, and nothing came out of his mouth.
00:29:39That's what happened last night.
00:29:42I think. And so what I can say is, I think I'm the best
00:29:49qualified person to do the job. The federalization of Ukraine,
00:29:54as you can get the natalization of Finland. And about four
00:29:57weeks later, I got a call. That's not true. And then I got
00:30:02a call from the Swedes.
00:30:09I beg your pardon.
00:30:11If it sounds like there's a lot of dead space in this clip, that
00:30:17is because when you watch the debate last night, and I almost
00:30:21never watch this stuff live. I just wait for the highlights the
00:30:25next day. But last night, we watched it live. And there was
00:30:31if you took all the moments of just silence, you would probably
00:30:36have two and a half to three minutes of nothing, but nothing
00:30:41being said.
00:30:51in terms of accommodating, facilitating them, they're
00:30:55getting access to additional they're not supplying. They're
00:30:57not supplying. But my point is that
00:31:00they're getting access. And so we, for example, because they
00:31:09had access to over a billion people in a market, not a
00:31:15billion, but you have both China, South Korea, North Korea.
00:31:24And I think you'll see that
00:31:26some of our European friends are going to be curtailing their
00:31:32involvement investment in Russia. I mean, in excuse me, in look,
00:31:43Like I said, and anyway, but so I think that Australia, New
00:31:50Zealand, Japan,
00:31:52if you were watching this press conference last night, this big
00:31:57boy press conference designed to alleviate donors fears about the
00:32:04cognitive ability of Joe Biden. The only thing that last night
00:32:09did is it made you realize that not only is Joe Biden in really,
00:32:16really bad mental shape, and not only is everything that everybody
00:32:22has been saying about him true, but it is worse than anybody
00:32:29thought that it actually was. And why haven't we seen this
00:32:35before? Well, if you listen to this podcast, any length of time,
00:32:41we have told you over and over that Joe Biden is a bad guy.
00:32:46Over and over again, that the Democrats and the legacy media,
00:32:52they have been intentionally covering for him the entire time.
00:32:58Two weeks ago, they decided to stop the ruse and stop the sham,
00:33:06and they decided to pull back the curtain and let you see that
00:33:10the Wizard of Oz is just a short little man with a mustache
00:33:14and a bunch of fucking levers. And in a little bit, we're going
00:33:18to talk about the intentionality of what the Democrats and the
00:33:23news media are doing right now.
00:33:33Hayley Bull, Scripps, or no, Josh Weingrove, I'm sorry. But I
00:33:39think it's important that I lay fears. I've seen, let them see
00:33:44me out there. Let me see them out. You know, for the longest
00:33:47time, Biden's not prepared to sit with us unscripted. Biden's
00:33:51not prepared to. And anyway, look, the other thing is, and
00:33:55so here's the other thing. I'd be going down to the Johnson
00:34:01Library on anyway, controlled guns, not girls, the United
00:34:07States of America. What the hell are we doing?
00:34:11Did you hear what he just said? He said, I've been going down to
00:34:17the Johnson Library, controlled guns, not girls. What does that
00:34:25even mean? I've been going down to the Johnson Library,
00:34:30controlled guns, not girls.
00:34:34What are we doing? And by the way, I'll end this. Well, I'm
00:34:38not going to do that. Hayley has to come up too. But the, I
00:34:45remember two things. One, I've taken three significant and
00:34:53intense neurological exams by a neurologist.
00:35:00I've taken three neuros, from a neurologist. This is like a bad
00:35:13Saturday Night Live episode, where people are mocking the
00:35:19president, except that it's real life. And this is the president
00:35:24in what was supposed to be his big boy press conference showing
00:35:30that he is strong. He's at the helm and you have nothing to
00:35:34worry about. Would you let Joe Biden get behind the wheel and
00:35:40drive your children to school? Would you, if you had a
00:35:46prosperous multimillion dollar corporation, would you make Joe
00:35:52Biden the manager of your business? What is he doing with
00:35:58the nuclear codes? Um, I, uh, listen to him. All right. So
00:36:10that was just kind of like a, a random mishmash five minutes of
00:36:18his unscripted big boy press conference. Now let's break it
00:36:24down. Let's see. All right. Take a listen to this. And I may
00:36:32have to play this clip twice just to make sure that you guys
00:36:36really understand what's being said, but take a listen to this
00:36:40clip. It's really bad.
00:36:45You earlier explained confidence in your vice president. If your
00:36:50team came back and showed you data that she would fare better
00:36:54against former president Donald Trump, would you reconsider your
00:36:57decision to stay in the race? No, unless they came back and
00:37:01said, there's no way you can win me. No one's saying that. No
00:37:16Thanks everybody.
00:37:24This concludes respectfully earlier. You misspoke in your
00:37:28opening answer. You referred to vice president Harris as vice
00:37:31president Trump. Right now, Donald Trump is using that to
00:37:35mock your age and your memory. How do you combat that
00:37:39criticism from tonight?
00:37:41Listen to him.
00:37:43This concludes tonight's press conference. Thank you
00:37:45everybody. Thanks everyone.
00:37:48All right. So let's break down what you just heard. In the
00:37:54first part of this clip, Biden is being asked by a reporter,
00:38:00does your age and cognitive ability, whatever that may be,
00:38:06does that play a role in this election? And Joe Biden went on
00:38:11to tell two major whoppers. Let's listen again.
00:38:17You earlier explained confidence in your vice president. If your
00:38:22team came back and showed you data that she would fare better
00:38:26against former president Donald Trump, would you reconsider your
00:38:29decision to stay in the race?
00:38:32No, unless they came back and said, there's no way you can
00:38:35win. Me. No one's saying that. No poll says that.
00:38:43Joe Biden just whispered in that very creepy serial killer
00:38:49whisper that he has. He just whispered that nobody is telling
00:38:55him to drop out. And no poll says that. Have you read the
00:39:01newspapers lately? Have you been to Perhaps the most
00:39:10far left liberal organization out there. It doesn't get any
00:39:19more liberal than And I just went to their website
00:39:31and the headlines about Biden are absolutely terrible.
00:39:38Alarming new poll numbers aren't just bad news for Biden. Where
00:39:45is it here? Joe Scarborough asking one of the president's
00:39:53biggest defenders now saying that he should step down. About
00:40:0060% of every liberal news organization out there is
00:40:05suggesting that it is time for him to step down. He had an
00:40:11interview with George Stephanopoulos from ABC News a
00:40:15couple of days ago. And then about two days after that
00:40:19interview, Stephanopoulos was asked on the street, what does
00:40:26he think of Biden's chances of reelection? And George
00:40:32Stephanopoulos, who is a hardcore liberal, former member
00:40:36of the Clinton regime, he said, I don't think that Joe Biden
00:40:43could do it. I don't think that he can make it. So when Joe
00:40:48Biden said that nobody is asking for him to step down and no poll
00:40:53is saying that they want somebody else, that is
00:40:57absolutely 100% not true. I saw a number of headlines earlier,
00:41:05where they are talking about the Democrats are now prepping
00:41:11Kamala to run in his place. And they're trying to see how
00:41:16popular that may or may not be. But let's listen to the second
00:41:21half of this clip.
00:41:29Thanks, everybody.
00:41:35This concludes
00:41:38respectfully earlier, you misspoke in your opening answer
00:41:41and you referred to Vice President Harris as Vice
00:41:44President Trump. Right now Donald Trump is using that to
00:41:48mock your age and your memory. How do you combat that
00:41:52criticism from tonight?
00:41:54Listen to him.
00:41:58All right. So that last question that was asked of him. They said
00:42:05Donald Trump is mocking your age and mocking your answers and
00:42:12your cognitive ability. What do you say to that? And the last
00:42:19three words that Joe Biden spoke on the stage last night, to end
00:42:24his big boy press conference, he said, listen to him. I'm going
00:42:31to play that clip one more time.
00:42:36Nobody would say what he just said. Do you remember during the
00:42:40debate two weeks ago, when Donald Trump addressed Biden as
00:42:46Brandon? And Joe Biden's eyes didn't even blink. It didn't
00:42:54even register in his mind that his opponent for president on
00:43:00national TV with tens of millions of people watching just
00:43:06called him Brandon. It didn't even flicker in his mind. Last
00:43:14night, he was asked, what do you think about Donald Trump saying
00:43:18these things about you? Biden says, listen to him. And then he
00:43:24walks away.
00:43:25You earlier explained confidence in your vice president. Yes. If
00:43:30your team came back and showed you data that she would fare
00:43:33better against former President Donald Trump, would you
00:43:36reconsider your decision to stay in the race?
00:43:39No, unless they came back and said, there's no way you can
00:43:43win. Me. No one's saying that. No poll says that.
00:43:51Mr. President.
00:43:56Thanks, everybody.
00:44:04This concludes
00:44:05respectfully earlier, you misspoke in your opening answer
00:44:08and you referred to Vice President Harris as Vice
00:44:11President Trump. Right now Donald Trump is using that to
00:44:15mock your age and your memory. How do you combat that criticism
00:44:20from tonight?
00:44:22Listen to him.
00:44:26Listen to him. He says, all right, let's conclude our look
00:44:31at last night's big boy press conference with this.
00:44:38Look, I wouldn't have picked Vice President Trump to be Vice
00:44:41President. I think she's not qualified to be president. So
00:44:45let's start there.
00:44:47And then earlier before the press conference, while the NATO
00:44:50meeting was still going on, Joe Biden introduced the president
00:44:57of Ukraine, like this.
00:45:01And now I want to hand it over to the president of Ukraine, who
00:45:05has as much courage as he has determination. Ladies and
00:45:09gentlemen, President Putin.
00:45:11President Putin. He's going to beat President Putin. President
00:45:14Zelensky. I'm so focused on beating Putin. We got to worry
00:45:18about it. Anyway, Mr. President.
00:45:21I'm so focused on beating Putin. Well, he's not running against
00:45:26Putin. He's running against Trump. The United States is not
00:45:33fighting Russia. We are not in a war unless you count a proxy
00:45:38war. But the United States at the moment is not fighting
00:45:44Russia. So why would Joe Biden say, I misspoke because I'm so
00:45:50focused on beating Putin. You're not running against Putin. And
00:45:56so any angle that you look at this from any angle at all, it
00:46:05is bad. It gets worse. There is no upside to any of this. The
00:46:14last clip that I want to play for you doesn't have anything to
00:46:18do specifically with last night's big boy press
00:46:22conference. But I want you to hear how official Biden
00:46:27spokespeople react when they are directly asked, is Joe Biden
00:46:37reading from a teleprompter when he is supposed to be answering
00:46:42questions off the cuff? That's the question that Brett Baier
00:46:48from Fox News asked a Biden spokesman just the other day.
00:46:54And this was the reply by Biden's spokesman.
00:46:59This has Joe Biden ever used a teleprompter during local
00:47:02interviews or to answer q&a with supporters, Brett, we're not
00:47:06going to engage. This is this is straight from the Trump
00:47:09campaign. Yeah, they're using it. And what it does. And what
00:47:11it does, Brett, is it's trying to distract the American people.
00:47:14I'm just from they're using it. They talk about it every day.
00:47:17Can you say yes or no? That's because they talk about it
00:47:19every day, Brett, because they don't have a coherent. Well, you
00:47:22have to answer yes or no, Brett, they talk about it every
00:47:25day, because they don't have a coherent argument for why Donald
00:47:28Trump deserves reelection deserves four more years. We
00:47:30know that he lied to the American people. We know that he
00:47:33has not shown leadership during this crisis. And they are
00:47:36desperate to throw anything they can against the wall to try to
00:47:39distract from that fact. I understand, but you can't answer
00:47:42the question. But I am not going to allow Trump campaign to funnel
00:47:45their questions through Fox News and get me to respond to that.
00:47:49Well, TJ, we appreciate your time and thank you.
00:47:52Does Joe Biden use a teleprompter to answer what are
00:47:58supposed to look like off the cuff questions? It's a simple
00:48:03question. And Brett Baier wasn't even asking about anything
00:48:07specific. He was just saying in general, does the Biden
00:48:14administration give him a teleprompter to answer most
00:48:19questions? And that man was expressing outrage and how, how
00:48:27could you even ask us such a question? And it's a very, very
00:48:33simple yes or no question. So does Joe Biden use a
00:48:39teleprompter? He absolutely does. Are most of the questions
00:48:45that he's given, have they already been scripted in
00:48:48advance? So that he has an idea of what they're going to say and
00:48:58the people who are asking him the question already know what
00:49:00they're going to ask him. And could it be possible that the
00:49:05answer to that prescripted question is already up on the
00:49:08screen waiting for him to reply to? Well, that's what Brett Baier
00:49:14wanted to know. And you heard the answer. It could not be
00:49:19answered. It would not be answered. All right. Turn to
00:49:242 Samuel chapter 11. And as you're turning there, listen to
00:49:32this. I've said this before. People would ask me, knowing
00:49:40what you know now, do you wish like you had a second, a third
00:49:43term? And I used to say, you know what, if I could make an
00:49:50arrangement where I had a stand in a front man, or front woman
00:49:57and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my
00:50:00sweats, looking through the stuff, and then I could sort of
00:50:04deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking
00:50:09and ceremony, I'd be fine with that. Because I found the work
00:50:13fascinating. I mean, I write about the even in my on my worst
00:50:18days, I found puzzling out, you know, these big, complicated,
00:50:24difficult issues, especially if you're working with some great
00:50:28people to be professionally really satisfying.
00:50:34All right. So this is a theme that we have been discussing for
00:50:40the last three and a half years. Did Joe Biden make a deal with
00:50:47the devil? As the saying goes, in order to end his life as a
00:50:53United States President, which was the dream of his life. And
00:51:01he wanted this so badly that he would do anything and
00:51:09everything in or excuse me in order to finish his life as a
00:51:17United States President. Back when Joe Biden was 29 years old,
00:51:23he was speaking before a Senate committee. And he told how he
00:51:31wanted to have power so badly that he offered himself as a
00:51:38political prostitute to the older, more established
00:51:42senators. Take a listen to what Joe Biden says. I tried to
00:51:48prostitute myself when he was 29 years old.
00:51:54Senator, I'm sure that you would agree that that your service in
00:51:58the Senate up to this point has not reflected any particular
00:52:02concern for the larger contributors.
00:52:04Well, the fortunate thing is I didn't have many larger
00:52:07contributors. And the only reason see, I went to the big
00:52:09guys for the money. I was ready to prostitute myself and the
00:52:12man in the manner in which I talked about it. But what
00:52:15happened was they said, Come back when you're 40, son. And so
00:52:18I had to go out. I had to go to a number of small contributors.
00:52:26Well, I think we all great for Senator, you didn't take no for
00:52:28an answer. But but Senator, aren't you a living example?
00:52:34I am an anachronist. I'm a 29 year old oddball. The only
00:52:38reason I was able to raise the money is I was able to have a
00:52:40national constituency to run for office. Because I was 29. I'm
00:52:44like the token black or the token woman. I was the token
00:52:47young person. We're talking about this national, this
00:52:50national constituency. Some of the money that's not an
00:52:53announcement for office.
00:52:57So that's what Joe Biden said when he was 29. 81 minus 29 is
00:53:06716152. So a half century ago, that's what Joe Biden said, that
00:53:20he offered himself to the big money boys, offering to
00:53:24prostitute himself. Turn to 2 Samuel chapter 11. We all know
00:53:30the story of David and Bathsheba and how David conspired to
00:53:37murder her husband to get rid of them. So Uriah wouldn't find
00:53:43out that he had not only slept with Bathsheba, that she was
00:53:51pregnant with King David's baby. So David hatched a plan to get
00:53:57rid of Uriah the Hittite. 2 Samuel 11 verse 14. And it came
00:54:07to pass in the morning that David wrote a letter to Joab and
00:54:12sent it by the hand of Uriah. And he wrote in the letter
00:54:16saying, set ye Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle
00:54:21and retire ye from him that he may be smitten and die. And it
00:54:27came to pass when Joab observed the city that he assigned Uriah
00:54:31unto a place where he knew that the valiant men were. And the
00:54:37men of the city went out and fought with Joab. And there fell
00:54:41some of the people of the servants of David and Uriah the
00:54:45Hittite died also. So the verse that we're looking at is 2
00:54:51Samuel 11 15. Set ye Uriah in the forefront of the hottest
00:54:57battle and retire ye from him that he may be smitten and die.
00:55:06When Joe Biden started his campaign five years ago, his
00:55:14campaign slogan was no malarkey. And I wrote an article about
00:55:20that. No malarkey. What a ridiculous campaign slogan. But
00:55:26that's exactly what you would expect from the mind of Joe
00:55:29Biden. That sounds exactly like some of the stupid things that
00:55:34he organically has said at any age. No malarkey. That was his
00:55:41campaign slogan. But then a short time later, his campaign
00:55:48slogan suddenly changed. It went from no malarkey to build
00:55:55back better. And I will admit to you when I heard that, two
00:56:02thoughts struck in my little brain. The first one was, why
00:56:09did he switch campaign slogans? And the second one was, what
00:56:15does build back better actually mean? So I decided that I would
00:56:20write an article about what I found when I investigated the
00:56:25term build back better. And what I found, going back many, many
00:56:31years, that the term build back better was a term that
00:56:39originated with the United Nations. It was spoken by the
00:56:44leaders of the UK. It was spoken by the leaders of Spain
00:56:49and Germany and France and England. In fact, the term build
00:56:54back better connected itself to Klaus Schwab and the fourth
00:57:00industrial revolution. And we wrote about that back on October
00:57:049th of 2020. And this is what I wrote. The first time I heard
00:57:11Joe Biden's campaign slogan of build back better, it struck me
00:57:15as strange, because it was just so clunky and meaningless. Build
00:57:21what back? Better than what? It just kind of hovers in the
00:57:27ether. It means nothing and it says nothing. But as it turned
00:57:32out, it said a lot. So much so that it turned out to be the
00:57:38main slogan of the New World Order of the United Nations.
00:57:43What an odd choice for a campaign slogan for a US
00:57:48candidate for president, unless you're talking about Barack
00:57:55Obama behind the scenes, pulling the strings and pulling the
00:58:01levers from the basement as his front man, Joe Biden, whose body
00:58:09they had conscripted to rent for the purposes of pulling off
00:58:15this unbelievably vast and far reaching deception.
00:58:22I've said this before. People would ask me, knowing what you
00:58:28know now, do you wish you had a third term? I used to say, if I
00:58:37could make an arrangement where I had a stand in a front man or
00:58:44front woman and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my
00:58:47basement in my sweats, looking through the stuff and then I
00:58:51could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all
00:58:56the talking.
00:58:58So this is what Barack Obama said four years ago when asked
00:59:03about what he thought about having a third term. And Barack
00:59:08Obama said, well, you know, I can't legally have a third term.
00:59:15So I would have to come up with some sort of a workaround to the
00:59:18Constitution. And when I thought about it, what occurred to me
00:59:25was that a really good workaround just might be, I go
00:59:31into the basement, so to speak, into the White House, not the
00:59:37Oval Office, but places like that fake studio that they made
00:59:43for Joe Biden. We wrote about that. Let me see if I can find
00:59:46that article. It was about three years ago when the White House
00:59:51announced that they were building a replica fake Oval
00:59:56Office so that Joe Biden could be more accurately controlled
01:00:01when he addressed the American people. And remember what an
01:00:04unbelievable storm that that kicked off? For the first time
01:00:12in American history, a fake Oval Office, a digital, I submit to
01:00:19you, a green screen, digital Oval Office was constructed. It
01:00:26was not the real Oval Office. It was the fake one. And we have an
01:00:33article about that. We'll find that in just a second. But
01:00:38that's where Obama was alluding to, that he wanted to go into
01:00:43the basement. He doesn't mean the basement of his house. He
01:00:48means the basement of the White House, the people's house. Yeah,
01:00:55here's that article. Pretend President Joe Biden now
01:01:00broadcasts from a fake White House stage where he faked
01:01:05getting his fake COVID-19 booster shot. And we wrote about
01:01:11that in October of 2021. And you can go to
01:01:19and just type in fake White House and this article will pop
01:01:24right up for you. And I wrote about it, how the Joe Biden
01:01:31presidency had turned into a dystopian version of the Jim
01:01:40Carrey movie, The Truman Show, where everything was supposed to
01:01:44look real to Jim Carrey, but it was fake for everybody else.
01:01:52Well, that's what Barack Obama has been doing for the last
01:01:56three and a half years. What does 2 Samuel 1115 have to do
01:02:01with it? Well, the day came when King David hatched this plan to
01:02:07get rid of Uriah the Hittite. And his plan was to put him into
01:02:13the hottest part of the battle. And when he was fighting
01:02:20valiantly against the enemy, David instructed Joab and his
01:02:26other mighty men to just kind of quietly retire and walk away.
01:02:32Uriah didn't even know he was fighting all by himself. And he
01:02:36was easily and quickly overcome by the enemy. So I submit to
01:02:43you that two weeks ago, at the first and probably the last
01:02:51presidential debate, the people that handle and control Joe
01:02:56Biden, which is Barack Obama and all the rest of that crew,
01:03:01they knew that they could no longer continue to use the body
01:03:07of Joe Biden to run this sham presidency. And they knew that
01:03:12they had to get rid of him. And they had to do it in a way that
01:03:17would not be traced back to them. And it was actually a very
01:03:23simple thing to do. All they had to do was stop covering Joe
01:03:29Biden. All they had to do was stop covering for him. And two
01:03:35weeks ago, I wrote an article asking why would Donald Trump
01:03:40want to participate in a debate that was so heavily slanted in
01:03:46Joe Biden's favor. But guess what? I was wrong about that.
01:03:52The debate was actually heavily slanted in Donald Trump's favor.
01:03:56They intentionally made Joe Biden look bad by boxing him
01:04:03into a position that would reveal the depth of his
01:04:08cognitive decline. They did it to him on purpose. And then the
01:04:15same liberal fake news media that has been protecting Joe
01:04:21Biden for the last four years, one by one, they began to
01:04:26withdraw their coverage of him. There's still a couple of
01:04:32liberal outlets that are trying to cover for him. But the vast
01:04:36majority of these outlets have withdrawn their support for Joe
01:04:42Biden and are now talking about his very scary and obvious
01:04:50cognitive problem. What David did to Uriah the Hittite is what
01:04:56they did to Joe Biden two weeks ago, and what they did to Joe
01:05:01Biden last night with the big boy press conference.
01:05:07After that, the President will hold a press conference, I guess
01:05:10a big boy press conference, we're calling it and take some
01:05:13questions from y'all.
01:05:14This week, President Biden will speak to national labor leaders
01:05:18of AFL-CIO, host the NATO summit to show the unprecedented
01:05:23strength of our alliance, hold a press conference, a big boy
01:05:27press conference, according to Justin Singh from Bloomberg.
01:05:30All of that was done on purpose. All of that was done
01:05:34intentionally. One more thing about the Joe Biden, turn to
01:05:39Second Thessalonians chapter two. Second Thessalonians
01:05:44chapter two. You've heard me say a couple of times now that
01:05:50they made a deal with Joe Biden and Joe Biden made a deal with
01:05:53the devil to become President of the United States. And they
01:05:57allowed him, they put him in office because they needed a
01:06:03body that they could rent that wouldn't talk back, that
01:06:06wouldn't fight, that would do everything that they told him to
01:06:10do. Now, of course, we know in Daniel 221, that it is God that
01:06:16puts up kings and takes down kings. But Daniel also says that
01:06:22God puts it in their hearts to follow what God tells them to
01:06:28do. And so for the last three and a half years, they have been
01:06:34renting Joe Biden's body. And Barack Obama has been the
01:06:39functional President of the United States. Turn to Second
01:06:44Thessalonians chapter two. Look at verse five, Second
01:06:52Thessalonians 2.5. Remember ye not that when I was yet with you,
01:06:57I told you these things, and now ye know what withholdeth that he
01:07:02might be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity
01:07:07doth already work, only he who now let it will let until he be
01:07:12taken out of the way. That is not a reference to the Holy
01:07:19Spirit. How do I know? Because the Holy Spirit is not mentioned
01:07:24anywhere from verse one, to verse eight, to verse nine, to
01:07:29verse 10, to verse 11, to verse 12. The Antichrist is what's
01:07:36being mentioned, and Satan is what's being mentioned. For the
01:07:41mystery of iniquity, verse seven, doth already work, only
01:07:47he who now let it will let until he be taken out of the way. Did
01:07:55you know that your King James Bible comes from England? And
01:08:05did you also know that in England, they talk a little bit
01:08:11differently than we talk here in America. They don't call an
01:08:18apartment an apartment. They call it a flat. And in England,
01:08:26they don't talk about renting an apartment. They talk about
01:08:32having a flat to let. The term to let can mean a variety of
01:08:41things. It can mean something that is preventing you,
01:08:46something that is going before you. It is a tennis term. And it
01:08:51is also a term that has been in use in England for hundreds of
01:08:58years. To let something is to rent it out, is to lease it out.
01:09:06In America, we say apartment to rent. In England, the home of
01:09:13the King James Bible, the King's English, they say that there is
01:09:19a flat to let. So what does the devil do? He rents the body, the
01:09:28body of some human being, a human being like Crown Prince
01:09:33Mohammed bin Salman, a human being like King Charles, a human
01:09:38being like Adolf Hitler, a human being like Emmanuel Macron. And
01:09:45that's exactly what 2 Thessalonians 2.7 is talking
01:09:49about. It is talking about the devil using a human body to
01:09:54house the spirit of Antichrist. Judas Iscariot come back from
01:10:01the dead. That's exactly what Barack Obama and his people have
01:10:09done with Joe Biden. They have rented his body. And they have
01:10:14used it till it can no longer function. It is no longer
01:10:18serviceable. They can no longer cover for the unbelievably
01:10:24crazy, wacky, wild things that come out of his mouth. And so
01:10:30what are they doing? They are pulling the curtain back, and
01:10:34they are letting you see exactly how bad Joe Biden really is. And
01:10:43they're getting rid of him. That's what's happening right
01:10:48now. They have come, Joe Biden has come to the end of his
01:10:56usefulness for the regime. They're going to replace him
01:11:00with Kamala Harris or Gavin Newsom. My hope is that they'll
01:11:06replace him with Michelle Obama. I mean, you want to talk about
01:11:10some fireworks. That'd be some crazy fireworks. But they're
01:11:15going to replace him with somebody. All right, let's
01:11:20switch gears. We got more to talk about. We got to talk about
01:11:24Israel, Hamas, Gaza, Rafah, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Emmanuel
01:11:30Macron, World War III. We still have things that we need to
01:11:34discuss today. But first, I want to give you an update from the
01:11:40Bibles Behind Bars program, an update that we received on
01:11:45Tuesday, and it brought tears to our eyes. We were shopping at
01:11:52the local grocery store when my phone rang. And it was Chaplain
01:11:58Julio Calderon from the High Desert State Prison. You'll
01:12:04remember that a few weeks ago, we sent the High Desert State
01:12:08Prison hundreds of King James Bibles, and in that shipment
01:12:14was 100 Ruckman reference study Bibles for their men's Bible
01:12:19study program at High Desert State Prison. But God had other
01:12:27plans for one of those Bibles. The first Bible to be given out
01:12:32did not go to a men's Bible study. Chaplain Julio called me
01:12:38on Tuesday. He said, first of all, I want to thank you and the
01:12:44entire NTEB family for sending us so many Bibles. We really
01:12:49appreciate it. And then he said, I have a testimony that I want
01:12:56to share with you. He said that there is a prisoner at High
01:13:02Desert State Prison, let's call him TJ, and that TJ is a
01:13:07hardcore Satanist that most of the other inmates walk in fear
01:13:13of most of the time. TJ is a bad apple. TJ is the worst of the
01:13:24worst. TJ got into a fight with somebody about a week and a half
01:13:30ago, just a couple of days after they received the Bibles. And I
01:13:36don't know what caused that fight. Chaplain Julio didn't
01:13:41tell me. But it ended up with TJ getting stabbed over a dozen
01:13:47times. Nobody is really sure how many stab wounds he got. But he
01:13:52was stabbed, he was cut up. And they didn't think that he was
01:13:57going to make it. They got him to the hospital, they got him to
01:14:00surgery. The doctor said, we have no idea if we can save his
01:14:05life. TJ comes out of surgery. Chaplain Julio comes to his
01:14:13side. The first thing that TJ says to Chaplain Julio, can you
01:14:19get me a study Bible? And can you open that book and show me
01:14:25where I can read about the forgiveness of God? When
01:14:32Chaplain Julio was telling me this, as we were shopping in our
01:14:35grocery store, and I'm talking with him on the cell phone, you
01:14:40could hear his voice starting to crack and starting to break up.
01:14:44He said, if you knew what type of man that TJ is, the mere fact
01:14:51that he asked for a Bible and then wanted to know about God's
01:14:56forgiveness, he said that is a miracle all by itself. And then
01:15:02he said that he was so affected by what happened with TJ in the
01:15:09Bible. He's scheduled to retire in a few months. He told me he
01:15:15is now praying about not retiring. Because there's still
01:15:20more work that God's doing at the High Desert State Prison.
01:15:26The Bibles that we have sent them in yet another prison is
01:15:32breaking down walls and breaking down barriers and doing things
01:15:37that have not been done. If those Bibles had not been sent. I
01:15:44thank Chaplain Julio for the update. I had tears in my eyes.
01:15:50Lori had tears in her eyes. And we just stopped there right in
01:15:55the middle of the grocery store, praising the Lord for what he
01:15:59was doing. When you support Bibles Behind Bars, that's where
01:16:05your money goes. It goes to send Bibles, New Testaments,
01:16:10scripture portions, books like What Must I Do To Be Saved, and
01:16:15gospel tracks to the worst of the worst, to the lowest of the
01:16:20low. People like TJ. And in the last three years, over 400
01:16:29hardcore prisoners have prayed to get saved as a direct result
01:16:36of the Bibles Behind Bars program. Chaplain Julio is
01:16:43rethinking his retirement. Because a hardcore Satanist asked
01:16:48him for a study Bible. And we had just happened to send 100 of
01:16:54those Bibles just a few days earlier. You think that's a
01:16:59coincidence? You think that's a stroke of luck? That is the Lord
01:17:05opening doors for us to get Bibles into places that nobody
01:17:10else wants to put them. Please go to
01:17:17Click on the donate link, read about the program, pray for the
01:17:21work that we're doing here. And if God has prospered you, we
01:17:26invite you to click on the donate link, join with us, join
01:17:31up with over 10,000 NTEBers across America and around the
01:17:36world who support this program, so that we can give Bibles to
01:17:42hardcore Satanists like TJ, and hundreds of other men and women
01:17:47who have gotten saved. We're still praying for TJ to get
01:17:51saved. But I believe he will. And he has a Bible in his hand
01:17:59that your prayers and your donations put in his hand.
01:18:05Please go to Click on the
01:18:08donate link and partner with us today. Thank you, as always,
01:18:13very much. All right, we have about 10 minutes left. Let's
01:18:18check in with what's happening with Israel and Hezbollah.
01:18:24I'm Ed Cohen, great to be with you here on CBN News. Head of
01:18:27the Herut Center, a conservative think tank here in
01:18:30Jerusalem. And you wrote an article called The Last Lebanon
01:18:34War in Tablet Magazine. Tell us your main message here that why
01:18:39you wrote it.
01:18:39So Israel has a habit to live in a groundhog day in front of its
01:18:44enemies. We're in Gaza again and again going back and forth and
01:18:47raiding in Gaza in the past 20 years, and having a deep
01:18:50conflict there. And the same thing in Lebanon since the 70s.
01:18:54We're again in a raiding structure against Lebanon with
01:18:57no real end game and outcome. And every time we're getting
01:19:01stronger, Hezbollah is getting stronger. We need to end that
01:19:04groundhog day once and for all. And the only way to do that is
01:19:10by understanding the strategic decisive points that our
01:19:15enemies, how they think about it. And the most important
01:19:18So what this guy is saying, and he's 100% correct, the only way
01:19:25that Israel is going to solve the problem with Hezbollah, they
01:19:33have to neutralize their offensive military capability.
01:19:39Hezbollah has thousands of rockets and missiles. They have
01:19:44over 1000 of what's called a precision guided munitions.
01:19:51Those are the ones that can really do some crazy amounts of
01:19:55damage, and they can do it very strategically. Hezbollah is not
01:20:02like ISIS. ISIS, if you remember, was driving around in
01:20:08all those white Toyota pickup trucks. And yes, they very
01:20:13dramatically executed people. But they were nowhere near as
01:20:20powerful and as well supplied as Hezbollah is in Lebanon. And
01:20:27this guy is saying that if Israel doesn't stop the endless
01:20:32merry-go-round of just doing what they need to do to stop the
01:20:38conflict at the moment. If you remember what happened after
01:20:42World War Two, when World War Two ended, the Allies rightly
01:20:51understood that it was not enough just to beat the Nazis.
01:20:58It was not enough to just defeat the military might of Germany.
01:21:05What they had to do is they had to denazify Europe. And that
01:21:12went on for a number of years after the war was over. They
01:21:17didn't just beat the Nazis. They did everything that they could
01:21:23to root out the Nazis from Europe. And then ironically and
01:21:28paradoxically, America at the same time, they were denazifying
01:21:34Europe. They got the best and the brightest and smartest of
01:21:39the Nazi scientists took them to America and let them start
01:21:45our space program and to advance our nuclear weapons program.
01:21:51Wernher von Braun was a hardcore Nazi scientist who was on board
01:21:59with the Holocaust. He is considered a hero by the people
01:22:05at NASA. They have named an entire building in his honor and
01:22:10given him a statue in America. We did an article a number of
01:22:16years ago called Operation Paperclip. And I think it's going
01:22:21to be time on the podcast to revisit that and talk about how
01:22:26America used guilty Nazi criminals to create our space
01:22:33program and to advance our nuclear weapons program. And
01:22:39then there's this. Well, all right, I'm gonna I only have
01:22:45time for one more clip. Take a listen to Emmanuel Macron breaks
01:22:50his silence after the snap elections.
01:22:55Emmanuel Macron has written a letter to the French people
01:22:59which is being published in the regional press. It is now out
01:23:04there and is very difficult to decipher. Macron often talks
01:23:09about how he doesn't like to simplify things that ideas are
01:23:12very complex. This is really complex, and it's very difficult
01:23:15to decipher. What he appears to be saying is that he seems to be
01:23:22calling for some sort of government of national unity,
01:23:25but is unclear in whether he thinks that the France unbowed
01:23:30on the far left should be part of that or not. Because he talks
01:23:34about rejecting extremes. But he also talks about converting this
01:23:39Republican front into a government of national unity. And
01:23:43that Republican front, of course, did include cooperation
01:23:47from the far left. So that's really unclear. And also, in any
01:23:51case, events are moving so quickly that this is the letter
01:23:55has almost been overtaken. Just minutes before the mainstream
01:24:01conservative right, so that's not the National Rally, but
01:24:04Sarkozy's old party, the mainstream conservative right
01:24:06here in power in France, who have been squabbling all through
01:24:10this have elected a new leader, Laurent Wauquiez. He has spoken
01:24:15out and he has said two very important things. One, the new
01:24:18party will not take part in any coalition government, it will
01:24:23remain in opposition. So that's that national unity idea out the
01:24:27window. Secondly, and crucially, that if any government contains
01:24:34the far left, the France unbowed, then his party will
01:24:38call a vote of no confidence to topple it. So that really
01:24:42doesn't clear up very much.
01:24:45So Emmanuel Macron, you know, he is such a slimy little snake in
01:24:52the grass. He really is. He's a perfect candidate for the man of
01:24:57sin. We wrote an article called the Assyrian. If you haven't
01:25:01read it, please read it. Emmanuel Macron, after the
01:25:07pounding that he took in round one of the snap election, formed
01:25:13a league with the far left, so that the second round of the
01:25:18election would go against the far right, and that Marine Le
01:25:22Pen would lose. And then two things happen. The first thing
01:25:31that happened was Marine Le Pen is suddenly under investigation
01:25:41for campaign election financing fraud. If found guilty, she
01:25:47would go to prison. Now in America, when Joe Biden does
01:25:53something like that to Donald Trump, we call that lawfare. And
01:25:57that's exactly what Emmanuel Macron has done. He is using the
01:26:02remember, he is still the legally elected president for
01:26:07another three years. Where is Emmanuel Macron going? Nowhere.
01:26:13He is going to stay right where he is. And he is going to
01:26:16consolidate his power. And he is going to become more powerful
01:26:22with each passing year, not less powerful. So the first thing
01:26:27that Emmanuel Macron did is he used his lawfare ability,
01:26:33because he's the president, to do what Joe Biden's
01:26:39administration is doing to Donald Trump, accusing him of
01:26:43all these heinous crimes, and now taking him to court. So
01:26:48first thing that Emmanuel Macron did is he's tying up Marine Le
01:26:51Pen, and putting her in a situation that may send her to
01:26:56prison. And the second thing that he did is he formed a league
01:27:01with the far left, in order to take votes away from the far
01:27:05right for round number two. Did that work? That worked amazingly
01:27:11well. And for three days after that, he said nothing. He gave
01:27:18no interviews, no snippets, had nothing to say about anything.
01:27:25And then yesterday, that clip that I just played for you, he
01:27:29decided to talk. And he said, the far left will not be allowed
01:27:34to have a majority of power in France. What did he do? He just
01:27:41stabbed the far left in the back one week after making a league
01:27:47with them to beat the far right. That's exactly what Adolf Hitler
01:27:52did to Russia. In 1938, Nazi Germany signed a mutual defense
01:27:59pact of peace between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. And
01:28:05then in 1942, or 41, Adolf Hitler famously launched
01:28:13Operation Valkyrie, and sent two and a half million Nazi soldiers
01:28:19into Russia, trying to wipe it out. Emmanuel Macron is right on
01:28:27track to do exactly what we give him credit for what he is going
01:28:32to do in the very near future. And we will continue to keep an
01:28:35eye on him. And with that, we've come to the end of our time for
01:28:41today. Thank you so much, as always, for being a part of the
01:28:45NTEB global family of Bible believers across America and
01:28:50around the world. Lord willing, we'll see you back here Sunday.
01:28:577pm Eastern Time for another rightly dividing King James
01:29:03Bible study. Have a great weekend, everybody.
01:29:27me and what his grace can do for you say by his power divine
01:29:41say to new lives of life. Life now is sweet and my joy is
01:29:49complete. For I'm saved, saved, saved. He saves me from every
01:30:02sin and harm, secures my soul each day. I'm leaning strong on
01:30:15his mighty arm. I know he'll guide me all the way. Guide me
01:30:28all the way. When poor and needy and all alone, in love he's sent
01:30:42to me. Come on to me and I'll lead you home to live with me
01:30:57eternally. Saved by his power divine, saved by two new lives
01:31:11of life. Life now is sweet and my joy is complete. For I'm
01:31:19saved, saved, saved.
