Will Joe Biden Go Quietly?-NOW THE END BEGINS-JULY 5 2024

  • 2 months ago
On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, The headlines haven’t had a workout like this in quite some time, OK, in about a week or so but you get what I mean. Stuff is happening around the world, and something is getting ready to bust out all over the place. In America, Joe Biden has outlived his usefulness to Barack Obama and the Democrats, and is fading to black in real-time. The only question is, will he step down to enjoy his remaining years with family, or will he have a visit from B613? (IYKYN). Regardless, Sleepy Joe is about to be extracted, one way or the other. Over in Europe, nothing short of a complete political realignment is happening in Germany, France and the United Kingdom. WWIII is coming, the only question is how soon? Over in Israel, war with Hezbollah in Lebanon edges closer on a daily basis, can Iron Dome survive the coming onslaught? All this and much more on this historic very broadcast of the Prophecy News Podcast on the Mudflower Streaming Network.
00:00:00Welcome to the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast with your host and Bible teacher Jeffrey Greider.
00:00:08Rightly divided, dispensationally correct, and standing on the authority of the King James Holy Bible.
00:00:15This program is brought to you by NowTheNBegins.com.
00:00:20Good afternoon, everybody. Happy Friday, and welcome to this very first broadcast of the NTEB Radio Channel
00:00:28coming to you live on the Mudflower Streaming Network.
00:00:32Today, Joe Biden has come to the end.
00:00:36The only question is, will his exit be voluntary or through a B-16, excuse me, or through a B-613 extraction?
00:00:48Today is the inaugural broadcast of the brand new NTEB Radio Channel,
00:00:53and we are coming to you live for the first time ever on our very own Mudflower Streaming Network.
00:01:01For the first time, we now have our very own streaming station.
00:01:05We are starting with audio, we are starting with images, and soon we'll be doing a full 1080p video podcast.
00:01:15This quantum leap forward for us is truly an answer to long-held prayer,
00:01:20and made possible because of the support of all of you who donate to this ministry.
00:01:26Thank you so very much for your support to the fight.
00:01:30Proverbs 29 verse 2,
00:01:33When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice,
00:01:37but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.
00:01:41The headlines haven't had a workout like this in quite some time.
00:01:45Well, okay, in about a week or so, but you get what I mean.
00:01:49Stuff is happening all over the world,
00:01:53and something is getting ready to bust out all over the place.
00:01:59In America, Joe Biden has outlived his usefulness to Barack Obama,
00:02:04his third term, and the Democratic Party, and is now fading to black in real time.
00:02:10The only question is, will he step down to enjoy his remaining years with family,
00:02:15or will he have a visit from B613?
00:02:20If you know, you know.
00:02:22Regardless, Sleepy Joe is about to be extracted one way or the other.
00:02:27Over in Europe, nothing short of a complete political realignment is happening.
00:02:32In Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, World War III is coming.
00:02:36The only question is, how soon?
00:02:39Over in Israel, war with Hezbollah in Lebanon edges closer and closer on a daily basis.
00:02:46Can Iron Dome survive the coming onslaught?
00:02:50We have all this and so much more on this historic first broadcast
00:02:56of the Prophecy News on the Mudflower Streaming Network.
00:03:02Heavenly Father, God, we thank you for your mercy.
00:03:06We thank you, Lord, for every good thing.
00:03:16A little overwhelmed today.
00:03:20Ephesians 3, verse 20.
00:03:25Now unto him that is able to do exceeding, abundantly, above all,
00:03:34that we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us.
00:03:38Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages,
00:03:43world without men, and amen.
00:03:48You have to forgive me if I'm stumbling through my words just a little bit today.
00:03:53Lori and I are truly overwhelmed with joy at the launch,
00:03:59the successful launch of the Mudflower Streaming Network.
00:04:04This is something that has been a dream of mine for 13 years.
00:04:09We started broadcasting on Blog Talk Radio back in July of 2011.
00:04:17We switched in June of 2019 to Spreaker.
00:04:25For the last five years, we have been with Spreaker.
00:04:30As you all know, last month they decided to get rid of their live stream option.
00:04:38For a couple of weeks, we could not do a live program.
00:04:44The Lord worked it out, and this is something that I have been praying about
00:04:48and praying for for years and years and years and years.
00:04:53We have done over 4,000 hours of broadcasting,
00:04:58Bible studies, Sunday services, and podcasts.
00:05:02Over 4,000 hours of broadcasting,
00:05:06and today is the very first broadcast on our own network.
00:05:12They can't turn us off. They can't shut us down.
00:05:15We own the servers. We own the software.
00:05:19We own the hardware.
00:05:21This is truly NTEB radio in the truest sense of the word,
00:05:31and we're excited and just so glad that you're listening here today.
00:05:39Over the next couple of weeks, we're going to be rolling out big, big changes.
00:05:45We're going to be having a full podcast with video,
00:05:49and the Lord has taken us to the next level.
00:05:55This is a dream of mine and of Laurie Anne's,
00:05:59and here we are, Ephesians 3.20.
00:06:02Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think
00:06:07according to the power that worketh in us,
00:06:11unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages,
00:06:16world without end. Amen.
00:06:19So, Heavenly Father, I love this NTEB family that you've given us,
00:06:29and for the last 15 years, we have bonded together and banded together
00:06:34and worked together and done all these things that you've given us to do.
00:06:40We hand out free Bibles. We have a Bibles Behind Bars program.
00:06:44We have a Gospel Witness Billboard ministry.
00:06:47We have a bookstore, and now we have a radio station.
00:06:51And, Father God, we just commit this to you for your glory,
00:06:56for our good, and continue to work in the hearts and minds of every single one of us,
00:07:02the thousands and tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of NTEBers all over the world.
00:07:10And, Father God, use us for your glory,
00:07:13and we just give you all the thanks and the praise for it in Jesus' name.
00:07:20Amen, amen, and amen.
00:07:26If you have any glitches listening to this program,
00:07:30send me an email. Let me know if there's something that we can fix.
00:07:35We will happily address that, but I am pretty sure that it works fairly well.
00:07:43In order to hear the program, you have to click the speaker button,
00:07:48and the speaker button does not become visible until you mouse over the player.
00:07:54And when you do that, you can see a speaker.
00:07:57You can see pause. You can see that we're live. You can make it full screen.
00:08:02But you have to mouse over it in order to see the controls,
00:08:07and we're working on having that fixed.
00:08:09And I'll let you know our progress if we ever do get that fixed.
00:08:14So with that, let's get right into today's podcast.
00:08:22Joe Biden. We're going to go right to our top story.
00:08:26We rarely do that, but today we're going to get right into our top story.
00:08:32Joe Biden has come to the end of his usefulness to Barack Obama,
00:08:40to his usefulness to the Democratic Party.
00:08:44And I mentioned at the start of the broadcast, is he going to step down by himself,
00:08:51or is he going to get a call from the people over at B613?
00:08:57Now, B613 is a reference to a possibly fictitious group of people
00:09:07within the United States government who do whatever's necessary at any level,
00:09:14at any time to maintain the control of power for the people in charge.
00:09:20And it comes from a TV show called Scandal, and you can watch that on Netflix,
00:09:26and you really should watch a couple of episodes of Scandal
00:09:31and see what B613 is all about, and it will shock you.
00:09:37And this program, Scandal, was popular about 10 years ago.
00:09:45But guess what? In 2024, the things that you watched on this supposedly fictitious TV show
00:09:54are really coming true in real life.
00:09:58So is B613 a dark ops group that goes around doing whatever needs to be done to maintain power?
00:10:10Is that a real group of people? You better believe it.
00:10:14And we call that group of people the swamp, the deep state.
00:10:19That's who those people are.
00:10:22And for the last three and a half years, Joe Biden has been the body
00:10:27through which Barack Obama has conducted his third term.
00:10:35I've said this before.
00:10:38People would ask me, knowing what you know now, do you wish you had a third term?
00:10:46And I used to say, you know what?
00:10:49If I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front man or front woman,
00:10:58and they had an earpiece in, and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the stuff,
00:11:03and then I could sort of deliver the lines, but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony,
00:11:10I'd be fine with that because I found the work fascinating.
00:11:14I mean, I write about the...
00:11:17Even on my worst days, I found puzzling out these big, complicated, difficult issues,
00:11:26especially if you were working with some great people.
00:11:29Yeah, yeah, especially if you're working with some great people.
00:11:32Well, all this has to do with this.
00:11:36This is an historic moment.
00:11:39We have in this past year made great progress in ending the long era of conflict and Cold War.
00:11:48We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and for future generations
00:11:54a new world order, a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations.
00:12:03When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this new world order,
00:12:10an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the promise and vision of the UN's founders.
00:12:20And all that brings us to right here.
00:12:24We've been fighting a long time, and we have all lost so very much, so many loved ones gone.
00:12:30You are not alone.
00:12:32There are pockets of resistance all around the planet.
00:12:36We are at the brink.
00:12:38Above all, stay alive.
00:12:40You have no idea how important you are.
00:12:43If you're listening to this, you are the resistance.
00:12:48And in a nutshell, that's where we are right now.
00:12:54So, if you have been anywhere on planet Earth in the last, I don't know, eight days,
00:13:01you know that a virtual firestorm has erupted in Washington, D.C.
00:13:08And they are leaving Joe Biden to swing in the breeze.
00:13:13They have hung him out to dry.
00:13:17MSNBC, one of the greatest evangelists for the Biden administration and for the Democratic Party in general.
00:13:29MSNBC had a video yesterday about, are they hiding Biden's medical records?
00:13:41For MSNBC to even whisper something like that, that's astounding.
00:13:48Take a listen to this.
00:13:50Joining us now, NBC News senior national politics reporter Jonathan Allen,
00:13:53PBS NewsHour co-host and MSNBC contributor Amna Nawaz,
00:13:57and Republican strategist and MSNBC political analyst Susan DelPercio.
00:14:02Jonathan, starting with you on this.
00:14:04Now that we're seeing he's getting back on the road, he is going to be in Wisconsin.
00:14:08Business as usual, certainly this week, has not been business as usual.
00:14:14Yeah, this has been the worst week in a presidential campaign that I can remember in my lifetime.
00:14:20Not only did he have the debate debacle, but the effort to clean it up has been miserable at best.
00:14:26You hear the arguments for why he didn't do well at the debate, that he had a cold, that he was traveling in Europe.
00:14:33He'd been back in the United States for 12 days.
00:14:35I don't think any American thinks that they want a president that is home for 12 days from a foreign trip
00:14:42and still not quite himself from the jet lag.
00:14:45So, you know, the White House messaging has been difficult.
00:14:49And indeed, yesterday, as you pointed out, at one moment,
00:14:53Corrine Jean-Pierre said he hadn't been checked out by a doctor.
00:14:55Then Biden said he had been checked out by a doctor.
00:14:58One of those things is true.
00:14:59One of them is not.
00:15:01Right now, his White House has a credibility problem.
00:15:03He has a credibility problem.
00:15:04And they need to make sure that whatever they're saying is actually true.
00:15:08I just got to stop that clip right there.
00:15:11Do you realize that that's MSNBC?
00:15:15Do you realize that that is the farthest left, far left network in human history?
00:15:24MSNBC is so far to the left.
00:15:26They are past Joseph Goebbels and the Ministry of Propaganda and Enlightenment from Nazi Germany in 1933.
00:15:36MSNBC is as far left as you could ever dream about going.
00:15:43And what are they doing?
00:15:45They are leaving Joe Biden to swing in the wind.
00:15:49True and transparent.
00:15:52He is going to try over the course of the next several days to show a different version of himself than people have been seeing over the last week.
00:15:59But he is in a make no mistake.
00:16:02This is a crisis moment for the president and his party.
00:16:05And his party is reacting.
00:16:07It is a crisis moment for the president and his party.
00:16:13Yeah, well, that would be understatement.
00:16:19But it is absolutely a crisis moment.
00:16:23Now, Jan Lacker has a really good question.
00:16:26Turn to Revelation chapter 17.
00:16:29And here's Jan Lacker's question.
00:16:32Do I think that New York City might be Babylon?
00:16:36She said, I heard somebody making the case as the seat of finance, the seat of the United Nations.
00:16:42They maintain that it will be destroyed in an hour.
00:16:46That is Revelation chapter 18.
00:16:49And it is tempting, I will admit, to want to think of the United States as Babylon.
00:16:59We have a podcast coming up probably sometime next week, Lord willing, where we are going to show you the fascist foundation of the United States of America based on ancient Rome.
00:17:14And we are going to get as close as you possibly can to making the case that America is the revived Roman Empire.
00:17:26I am not making that case.
00:17:28But I'm going to show you some things on that podcast that will absolutely blow your mind about the fascist Roman foundations of the United States of America.
00:17:42Revelation chapter 17.
00:17:47Jan's question.
00:17:49Is it possible that New York City could be Babylon because they are the seat of world finance and they are the home of the United Nations?
00:17:58And those two things are absolutely true.
00:18:02But look in Revelation chapter 17.
00:18:06And I want to show you one of the greatest clues in the Bible as to the identity of Babylon.
00:18:15Revelation 17 verse 4.
00:18:36Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.
00:18:42The United States is typified by the Statue of Liberty in the New York Harbor.
00:18:48We are connected to Lady Liberty.
00:18:51That's a woman.
00:18:53But the colors of the United States are red, white and blue.
00:18:59They are not purple and scarlet.
00:19:05And verse 6 of Revelation 17 says,
00:19:09I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.
00:19:15And when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
00:19:20Now, there are some similarities.
00:19:24I will give you that.
00:19:27There are some shocking things that you could connect to the United States and Revelation chapter 17.
00:19:42But that's where the similarities come to an end.
00:19:47The colors of the Vatican are purple and scarlet.
00:19:53And when you read Revelation 17, you are seeing the Roman Catholic Church.
00:20:02And all their cardinals, they wear purple.
00:20:05They wear scarlet.
00:20:06I just put a picture into the chat room.
00:20:10Look at that.
00:20:11They are typified by purple and scarlet.
00:20:15The Pope has a golden cup.
00:20:18We did this article a couple of years ago about how the papal audience hall in Rome is in the shape of a reptile.
00:20:30And if you haven't read that article, just go to NowTheEndBegins.com and type in the word reptile.
00:20:37And that article will pop right up for you.
00:20:41But everything that we read about in Revelation chapter 17, even though there's a little bit of similarity between that and the United States,
00:20:52there is 100% harmony across the board with the Roman Catholic Church.
00:21:00Charlie on the Highway says that I grew up thinking that there are two Babylons.
00:21:05And there are two Babylons.
00:21:09And we sell a book at the bookstore called The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop.
00:21:17And if that book is not in your library, it needs to be.
00:21:22Go to BibleBeliever.com and get yourself a copy of The Two Babylons by Hislop.
00:21:30And that will absolutely blow your mind about the identity of the woman in Revelation 17 and the entity in Revelation chapter 18.
00:21:46Let's listen to a little bit more from MSNBC throwing Joe Biden all the way under the bus.
00:21:53From your sense of your sources and what you're hearing, we just had Raul Grijalva, the second member of Congress, to come out and say step aside.
00:22:01Are your sources telling you are you hearing that we might get more actually over this weekend?
00:22:08Well, Richard, I think that remains to be seen. One thing is clear.
00:22:11We are now a week out from that debate performance that everyone agrees was not President Joe Biden's best moment by any stretch.
00:22:19And the concern that that kicked off among Democrats has been sustained.
00:22:23And now that we've had a number of now two lawmakers from his own party coming forward, publicly calling for the president to step aside, that is conversation that is trending the wrong direction.
00:22:32And that's something the White House, the campaign clearly see and are taking note of.
00:22:37I will point out I spoke with Congressman Lloyd Doggett last night, who was, as you noted, the first to come forward from within the party and ask Mr. Biden to step aside.
00:22:45And he also underscored this idea that it wasn't just about the 90 minutes on that stage last week for him.
00:22:50He said there's been concern looking at the numbers over the last year.
00:22:54Those are numbers that have not largely budged. We know voters have really been locked in in terms of who they're supporting for almost a year now.
00:23:01It's been a tight race. And Mr. Biden has been slipping in some key battleground states in particular.
00:23:06He wanted to underscore that that was what's feeding his concern.
00:23:09And he said that concern is widespread among other Democrats.
00:23:15So ask yourself this little question.
00:23:18For the last three and a half years, everybody has watched Joe Biden say unbelievably outrageous things.
00:23:26We have watched him fall, going up steps.
00:23:29We have watched him fall, trying to ride a bicycle.
00:23:33And I'm not making fun of the guy.
00:23:35He's very old. He's very infirm.
00:23:38He has early onset dementia.
00:23:41And he is losing control of his body.
00:23:44This man should not be in the White House.
00:23:49He should be under medical care and allowed to live out the rest of his days in relative peace and quiet.
00:23:59And the Democratic Party has used him for the past three and a half years.
00:24:07And don't get me wrong.
00:24:09Joe Biden has been a very willing participant.
00:24:16You know what he said back, oh, I don't know, when he was, could it be 29 years old?
00:24:24Is that when he started?
00:24:26About 50 years ago, about 50 years ago, this is what Joe Biden had to say about prostituting himself to the senior members of the Senate for political favor.
00:24:41Take a listen to this crazy clip.
00:24:45Senator, I'm sure that you would agree that your service in the Senate up to this point has not reflected any particular concern for the larger contributors.
00:24:55Well, the fortunate thing is I didn't have many larger contributors.
00:24:58And the only reason, see, I went to the big guys for the money.
00:25:01I was ready to prostitute myself in the manner in which I talk about it.
00:25:05But what happened was they said, come back when you're 40, son.
00:25:08And so I had to go out.
00:25:15I had to go to a number of small contributors.
00:25:17Well, I think we're all grateful, Senator.
00:25:19You didn't take no for an answer.
00:25:22But Senator, aren't you a living example?
00:25:24I am an anachronist.
00:25:26I am a 29 year old oddball.
00:25:29The only reason I was able to raise the money is I was able to have a national constituency to run for office because I was 29.
00:25:35I'm like the token black or the token woman.
00:25:37I was the token young person.
00:25:38We're talking about this national.
00:25:41Yeah, so there's Joe Biden.
00:25:43There's Joe Biden telling you that he willingly attempted to prostitute himself, not physically, but politically, doing whatever he had to do to go up the rank, to get more and more power.
00:26:02Well, they came to him about four years ago and they said, hey, Joe, you want to be president?
00:26:09You want to end your days as the president of the United States, something that nobody can ever take away from you?
00:26:17And they dangled that in front of his face as the ultimate irresistible carrot.
00:26:26And Joe Biden said, what do I have to do to become president?
00:26:31And Barack Obama said, we just need to use your body.
00:26:37You're going to be the front guy.
00:26:39I'm going to run the show.
00:26:41And I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
00:26:45But every major policy that Barack Obama had when he was president is exactly what happens to be the policies of Joe Biden.
00:26:55Wide open border, promotion of transgenders, promotion of Pride Month, promotion of LGBTQ, all these things that Barack Obama pushed.
00:27:07That's exactly what Joe Biden has been pushing.
00:27:11And why?
00:27:12Because Joe Biden is the front man for Barack Obama's third term.
00:27:18Now, the deal that they made, he could stay as president for as long as his body and mind would hold out.
00:27:28But his body and mind is not holding out.
00:27:31And he's saying crazy things.
00:27:35He's saying gibberish.
00:27:37He's saying nonsense.
00:27:40And the whole world sees it.
00:27:43Now, you might ask yourself, why are the Democrats just admitting this now?
00:27:55Why didn't they keep up the ruse?
00:27:58Well, because Joe Biden is getting very, very close to the wheelchair stage of his presidency.
00:28:09That's what's happening right now.
00:28:11We are getting very, very close to the wheelchair stage of his presidency.
00:28:18And there is no covering that up.
00:28:22And that's where things are right now.
00:28:27And so what they decided to do is last Thursday, they just decided to let the whole world see what's been going on behind closed doors for the last three and a half years.
00:28:40Members of President Biden's family meeting at Camp David this weekend reportedly blaming his top campaign advisers and the CNN moderators for the president's poor debate performance, saying advisers overprepared him and they should be fired or demoted.
00:28:54Reports are also revealing this morning that First Lady Jill Biden and his son Hunter were the loudest voices urging the president to stay in the 2024 race.
00:29:04Time magazine reporting First Lady Jill privately assured donors Joe was, quote, ready to go.
00:29:09Before the debate, billionaire investor and Pershing Square CEO Bill Ackman says he is no longer blaming Biden for refusing to step aside and is now saying it's really Jill Biden's fault.
00:29:21Here's what Ackman wrote on X.
00:29:23Jill Biden becomes irrelevant the moment her husband is no longer president.
00:29:27No more Air Force One. No more glamorous life.
00:29:30No more White House dinners for dignitaries.
00:29:32No more being treated like a queen when traveling the world.
00:29:35I'm sorry to be harsh, but what has become entirely clear is that the first lady values what is best for herself over her husband's health and the safety and security of the country at large.
00:29:46Joining me now is North Carolina congressman and co-chair of the GOP Doctors Caucus, Greg Murphy.
00:29:50He's also a member of the House Veterans Affairs Ways and Means and Administration Committee.
00:29:54All right. Take a look at this. Jill Biden said this just a couple of days ago.
00:29:59And if you were to watch the video and pretty soon we'll be showing you video.
00:30:04But if you were to watch the video, you would have seen a sad Jill Biden just standing there with no clue of what's going on.
00:30:14Joe, you did such a great job. You answered every question.
00:30:23And let me ask the crowd, what did Trump do?
00:30:32What did Trump do? And then she screams lie.
00:30:36You know what the funny thing is? I didn't watch that debate live.
00:30:41I just don't have the stomach for it. But Joe Biden lied his face off.
00:30:47He lied so badly that he said that the Border Patrol endorsed him for president.
00:30:56And while that debate was going live on national television, the Border Patrol went to their X channel and said, we have never endorsed Biden.
00:31:09We will never endorse Biden. I mean, that was probably the biggest lie of the entire night.
00:31:18I saw in him then the same character that I see in him today.
00:31:23And even though he has faced unimaginable tragedies, his optimism is undaunted.
00:31:30His strength is unshakable. His hope is undeterred.
00:31:37You know, those are some really powerful words that Jill Biden just spoke.
00:31:44But those words should have been spoken by Joe Biden, but he was unable to do it.
00:31:50And so the fact that he has his wife and she's the one that does not want to let go of power,
00:31:58the fact that he has his wife doing his talking for him, doing his speaking for him, that's a really, really bad sign.
00:32:09He is unable and incapable of continuing.
00:32:19Let's take a listen to this. The Biden administration will continue using the Department of Justice for lawfare.
00:32:32Well, if you thought lawfare had ended, think again.
00:32:35The Justice Department will press on with its two criminal cases against former President Donald Trump, even if he wins in November.
00:32:43That's according to The Washington Post. The DOJ has a longstanding policy of not criminally charging sitting presidents.
00:32:50But according to the report, they think a president elect is still fair game.
00:32:55Lawyers in the DOJ say that the rules against charging or prosecuting a sitting president would not kick in until Inauguration Day in January.
00:33:04George Washington University law professor, constitutional law expert and Fox News contributor Jonathan Turley joins me.
00:33:10Professor Turley, this is unbelievable. I literally said yesterday lawfare has ended on July 2nd, 2024.
00:33:17I go to sleep and I wake up that they want to continue this until Inauguration Day.
00:33:23Yeah, apparently it can continue to be eleven fifty nine on January 20th.
00:33:28We'll have to see the the this is not too surprising when you look at Jack Smith's approach all along.
00:33:37His overriding priority in his cases has been to try Trump before the election.
00:33:43And he has attempted to short circuit the appellate process and cut corners to make that happen.
00:33:49So one of the things that we've been watching all year long is an unbelievable and egregious display of lawfare.
00:34:00Exactly the same things that they're accusing Donald Trump of.
00:34:05That's what they're doing. With the Biden administration and everything of a dictatorial nature.
00:34:16That they say that Donald Trump wants to do should he get back in power.
00:34:20That's exactly what the Biden administration is doing and has been doing against Donald Trump for the last three and a half years.
00:34:31The Supreme Court rejected that effort and ultimately he lost in spectacular fashion before the court in the recent immunity decision.
00:34:40But that was actually the second blow. He also effectively lost two of his counts in the Fisher decision.
00:34:48So the court rejected the use of obstruction, at least made it very difficult to be used against Trump and others.
00:34:55And then it recognized that he does have immunity in a wide array of communications and actions.
00:35:02And yet it doesn't surprise any of us that Smith is not giving up the ghost.
00:35:07That he is saying that he can try this case all the way through the election.
00:35:11And keep in mind the DOJ has had a long policy not to try cases before elections so that they aren't seen as trying to influence the result.
00:35:20Smith has flipped that on its head in his filings in court.
00:35:24He says that he wants citizens to know the outcome of his case before they vote.
00:35:29Yeah, you're exactly right. And that's a fantastic point.
00:35:32You know, Professor Turley, I yesterday asked Professor John Yoo about the January 6 case.
00:35:38And I played for him some legal analysis from Jeffrey Toobin, not always a friend of the current or former president, I should say.
00:35:44Toobin says the J6 case is gone. He doesn't think it's ever brought because of the rules of evidence put forward in the immunity case.
00:35:51Professor, you agreed. What say you?
00:35:55So that's an important thing to wrap your head around.
00:35:59The foundation of the entire January 6 case against Donald Trump and his administration is basically thrown out the window for lack of evidence.
00:36:13So the question that I have, are they going to let the people out of jail with an apology, the people that they jailed for January 6?
00:36:24When are those people going to be let out of jail?
00:36:29Well, I think it's very, very difficult to do this.
00:36:33I said after the opinion came down that the court had ripped the wings off this case.
00:36:38But Smith is still trying to get it off the ground.
00:36:41Now, he has a very favorable judge. I can't imagine a more favorable judge than Judge Chutkan.
00:36:47And she's very motivated. She was working with Smith to get this trial on a rocket docket before the election.
00:36:55She's likely to continue to try to do that. But that was part of the problem here.
00:37:01She was moving so fast, she never bothered to create a record.
00:37:04There was no record for the court to decide these questions. And so it has to be sent down.
00:37:10Now, if she comes back and says, oh, these are all private actions, they're not protected, that also can be appealed.
00:37:17And I think that the Supreme Court saw this developing and they gave her some very clear navigational beacons to stay within.
00:37:27And they were very clear that when he spoke on the ellipsis, he was doing an act that presidents are expected to do to speak to people.
00:37:38So the fact that the Biden administration is still conducting lawfare against Donald Trump is mind blowing,
00:37:46while at the same time they're accusing him of wanting to get back in power to exact revenge against his enemies.
00:37:54It is unbelievable that these people are doing what they're doing and then telling you that they're not doing it.
00:38:04That's exactly, that's actually a quote from Joseph Mengele.
00:38:10He was called the angel of death of Auschwitz. And his big thing is he loved twins.
00:38:18And he had about nine sets of Jewish twins that he did experiments on.
00:38:25And one day he was talking with one of the girls from his favorite set of twins.
00:38:30And he looked at her for a long moment and he said, you Jews are a funny group of people.
00:38:38And she asked for permission to speak and he said, okay.
00:38:43She said, what do you mean we're a funny group of people?
00:38:47And Joseph Mengele actually said to this little girl, the more we do to you, the less it is that you think we're doing it.
00:38:57That's an actual quote from Joseph Mengele.
00:39:02And here in 2024, the Democrats are conducting lawfare against their enemies
00:39:09and then accusing their enemies of wanting to get power to conduct lawfare against them.
00:39:19If that doesn't blow your mind, I don't know what will blow your mind.
00:39:26But that's the truth. That's the literal, actual truth.
00:39:31And so we're looking at the end of Joe Biden's usefulness to Barack Obama.
00:39:38We're looking at the end of his usefulness to the Democratic Party.
00:39:44And they are just letting you see it in all its ignominious glory.
00:39:52Every single liberal news outlet is showing you a bumbling, mumbling, sleeping, shuffling.
00:40:02Joe Biden, who has no idea what's going on, and they have all conspired together to let you see it.
00:40:11Take a listen to this.
00:40:13Joe Biden is falling apart at the seams.
00:40:17Ever since the president's disastrous train wreck of a debate,
00:40:21Joe Biden's cognitive decline has sped up tenfold.
00:40:25Every speech is littered with gaffes.
00:40:27He can't seem to stay awake and he needs assistance to walk short distances.
00:40:32Sky News all-stars Megyn Kelly, Douglas Murray and James McPherson
00:40:36take a look at Joe Biden's latest humiliations
00:40:40and ask how much longer can the president keep this up?
00:40:47Joe Biden's demise is clear to all and this week's batch of new gaffes only solidified that.
00:41:01The president was wheeled out for a 4th of July event and, true to form,
00:41:05went off track in a rambling, incoherent spiel without the aid of a teleprompter.
00:41:11Which I want to do.
00:41:13There's 7,000 people waiting at the gate to get in.
00:41:17So if I don't finish this, they can't come in.
00:41:20So maybe if you're hanging around, I'm going to sneak back out if that's OK, all right?
00:41:25Thank you, thank you, thank you.
00:41:27Remember that famous expression?
00:41:29Hold on.
00:41:30They also serve who only stand and wait.
00:41:33I remember when our son was deployed, my wife would go to the sink in the morning,
00:41:38drinking her coffee and saying that prayer.
00:41:41Worried, worried, always concerned.
00:41:44And all of you.
00:41:45So we owe you.
00:41:46This could not be done without the family's support.
00:41:48So thank you, thank you, thank you.
00:41:50We love you and I really mean it from the bottom of my heart.
00:41:53Thank you.
00:41:55Thank you.
00:41:58You got me, man.
00:42:01I'm not going anywhere.
00:42:03All right.
00:42:06I'll come back out when they open the gate, OK?
00:42:09Thank you, thank you, thank you.
00:42:11One last thing.
00:42:12You know, I used to think when I was a senator there was always congestion on the highways.
00:42:17There's no congestion anymore.
00:42:20We go out on the highway, there's no congestion.
00:42:22And so the way they get me to stop talking, they'll say,
00:42:25we just shut down all the roads, Mr. President.
00:42:28You're going to lose all the votes if you don't get in.
00:42:30Anyway, I'll be back out.
00:42:32Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
00:42:34I love you.
00:42:35Thank you.
00:42:37And at another 4th of July event, he mistook July 4th with Christmas,
00:42:42greeting the crowd with ho, ho, ho.
00:42:45And we give thanks to our Commander-in-Chief, the President of the United States,
00:42:51the extraordinary President of the United States, Joe Biden.
00:42:57Ho, ho, ho.
00:43:01Happy Independence Day.
00:43:06And his official 4th of July remarks were no more eloquent,
00:43:10despite the use of a teleprompter.
00:43:13And by the way, I've been all over the world with you.
00:43:17I've been in and out of battles anyway.
00:43:21But in perhaps the most concerning gaffe this week,
00:43:25Joe Biden confused his race and gender in a radio interview.
00:43:30And by the way, I'm proud to be, as I said, the first vice president,
00:43:34the first black woman to serve with a black president.
00:43:38I'm proud to be the first black woman in the Supreme Court.
00:43:42There's just so much that we can do.
00:43:45Joe Biden, with his own lips,
00:43:50just told you that he is proud to be a black woman.
00:43:57Now, these are the things that they've been covering up
00:44:02for the last three and a half years.
00:44:04These are the things that they hid from us,
00:44:07even though everybody here at NowTheEnd Begins knew what was going on.
00:44:12I have been playing you these audio clips the entire time.
00:44:16It is no news to us, but it's news to the rest of the world for sure.
00:44:26And now we're seeing it.
00:44:28They're showing it to you because Joe Biden's time has come to an end.
00:44:34You heard him say in that clip that he's not going anywhere.
00:44:37He is going somewhere.
00:44:39The only question is, are they going to let him retire voluntarily,
00:44:45or is he going to be removed via military extraction?
00:44:51And that may sound like hyperbole to you, but not to me.
00:44:56Not to me.
00:44:57There are elements in our government that absolutely do operate like that.
00:45:03There is no question about it.
00:45:06Also, if you're just tuning in,
00:45:09we did not do our prayer time at the start of the podcast.
00:45:15Every once in a great while,
00:45:17there is just something that is just so overwhelmingly breaking news,
00:45:21like there was today, that I forget to do it at the beginning.
00:45:25We do it at the end.
00:45:26So if you have a prayer request or a praise report,
00:45:30please post it into the chat room.
00:45:33Lorianne and Jeanette will grab those requests.
00:45:37And in the last 15 minutes, we will go to our time of prayer and praise.
00:45:45So don't worry about that.
00:45:47We are certainly not forgetting prayer on an enormous episode like today.
00:45:54And if you're just tuning in, today is the first episode,
00:45:58the first broadcast in over 4,000 hours of broadcasting
00:46:03that we are doing it on our very own network.
00:46:07It's called the Mudflowers Streaming Network.
00:46:10And it is just, well, overwhelming in the best possible way.
00:46:22Earlier this week, Joe Biden made a familiar mistake
00:46:25when he was at war with the teleprompter again,
00:46:28reveals Sky News All-Star James McPherson.
00:46:31Before we move on, we've got to show,
00:46:33you referred earlier, Caleb, to Biden and his teleprompter.
00:46:37I was amazed at watching his press conference.
00:46:39He's only talking, from what you can gather, to a handful of people,
00:46:42maybe 20 or 30 people.
00:46:44But in this office situation, they set up a podium and the teleprompter
00:46:49because he can't speak off the cuff.
00:46:51And his team have gone to the effort to make sure on the teleprompter
00:46:55he remembers to say again a particularly important phrase.
00:46:59Here's what happens.
00:47:01More people die from extreme heat than floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes combined.
00:47:07Say that again. Combined.
00:47:09More people die from heat than those three other major issues.
00:47:14And look.
00:47:16It's almost like he realised what he just did and was like,
00:47:19oh, I've done it again.
00:47:22Oh, goodness.
00:47:23Oh, what a disaster.
00:47:24The constant gaffes have commentators slamming the president,
00:47:27with Sky News All-Star Megyn Kelly saying it's over for Joe Biden.
00:47:32I can't believe it, but he looks like he is doubling down
00:47:35and no one's going to be able to force him out.
00:47:38You know, the five stages of grief are said to start with denial.
00:47:43Right? It's not happening. No.
00:47:45It's not the case.
00:47:47And then I think eventually we're going to get to bargaining and anger
00:47:51and finally acceptance.
00:47:53But the odds of a democratic president being able to withstand
00:47:58the kind of media assault that he is under right now
00:48:03are slim and none.
00:48:05I've never seen it done before.
00:48:07I mean, he'd have to pull a Trump.
00:48:09And he's no Trump.
00:48:11The leftists in our country care what the New York Times says.
00:48:16They care what's in Politico and on CNN and MSNBC
00:48:21and mourning Joe.
00:48:23And they're hearing almost universally the same message,
00:48:27which is he's infirm.
00:48:29He is in cognitive decline.
00:48:31They're lying to us about his ability to do it.
00:48:34And, oh, by the way, he can't win.
00:48:37He can't win.
00:48:39And the most devastating thing that's happened to Joe Biden
00:48:42after the Thursday night debate,
00:48:44I remember this time last week we talked and I said,
00:48:46oh, I can't wait to talk to you after the debate.
00:48:48My God, if only we had seen exactly how catastrophic it would be.
00:48:52The only thing that really mattered after that debate
00:48:55was this release by Puck News of the internal Democrat polls.
00:49:00And those are the best reasons I've seen so far
00:49:02to predict it's over for Joe Biden.
00:49:05Sky News.
00:49:06And I think you can safely leave it right there.
00:49:10It is over for Joe Biden.
00:49:14He's either going to step down voluntarily
00:49:17or they are going to extract him B613 style.
00:49:22But one way or the other,
00:49:24Joe Biden's political days have come to a stunning
00:49:29and ignominious end.
00:49:32All right, we have a lot to talk about.
00:49:35A lot happening in Europe
00:49:37and there's a lot happening in Israel.
00:49:39But before we do,
00:49:41just a quick update on the Bibles Behind Bars program.
00:49:46We have started as of about a week and a half ago,
00:49:50two weeks ago,
00:49:51we are sending out thousands of King James Bibles
00:49:57to places like the Fulton County Jail in Atlanta, Georgia,
00:50:01CIC Ministries that works in the Santa Clara Jail
00:50:07in California.
00:50:08I did hear back from Chaplain Gonzalez
00:50:13at the Orange County Jail here in Florida
00:50:16and we're sending him a couple of hundred Bibles
00:50:19for his facility.
00:50:20And so we are shipping them out as fast
00:50:25as we can send them out.
00:50:28If you would like to help us to do that,
00:50:31shipping is expensive.
00:50:33Even when we have them drop shipped,
00:50:35it is expensive.
00:50:38And Bibles of course are very expensive.
00:50:41This is costing us thousands and thousands of dollars
00:50:45to be sending out these Bibles
00:50:50to all these different jails and detention centers
00:50:54and prisons.
00:50:56And the only way we can do it is with your prayer
00:50:59and generous financial support.
00:51:02If you would like to help us to do this
00:51:05and new orders come in every single day,
00:51:09there is not one day that we don't get a request
00:51:12for a Bible from an individual or a jail
00:51:15or a prison or a detention center.
00:51:18Every single day,
00:51:20people are asking for Bibles.
00:51:23For Bibles, New Testaments, Gospel tracts
00:51:26and Scripture portions.
00:51:28And we need your help to do it.
00:51:30So please take a moment,
00:51:33go to BiblesBehindBars.com,
00:51:36read about this part of our ministry.
00:51:39And if God has prospered you,
00:51:42please click on the donate button
00:51:44and help us to continue sending out
00:51:47these thousands of Bibles
00:51:49at this amazing level
00:51:52that God is allowing us to operate on.
00:51:55And the only way that we can do it
00:51:57is with your prayers and your financial support.
00:52:01As always, thank you very much.
00:52:04All right, let's go to the Middle East.
00:52:10President Biden is expected to speak
00:52:11with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
00:52:13by phone today about a potential breakthrough
00:52:16in hostage negotiations.
00:52:18Israeli media is citing a government official
00:52:20who says Hamas has dropped its demand,
00:52:23Israel end the war
00:52:24and withdraw from Gaza in return for hostages.
00:52:27Meanwhile, the fighting on the northern border
00:52:29is intensifying.
00:52:31Israel is responding to the latest Hezbollah barrage.
00:52:34The terror group fired more than 160 rockets
00:52:37into northern Israel today.
00:52:39This comes after an Israeli strike killed
00:52:41a high level Hezbollah commander in Lebanon.
00:52:46CBN's Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell
00:52:48joins us now from...
00:52:49Now, I actually have a friend
00:52:52in Israel
00:52:55who is part of the IDF
00:52:59and that friend keeps me up to date
00:53:02on a regular basis.
00:53:06And according to what I'm hearing from that person,
00:53:10Israel is a kitten's whisker away
00:53:14from initiating the active phase against Hezbollah
00:53:19on their northern border in Lebanon.
00:53:23They are rapidly, rapidly, rapidly
00:53:28winding down their operations in Gaza
00:53:31and they are going from hot operations
00:53:35to low level military operations.
00:53:39Here's a headline from the Times of Israel.
00:53:43Israel sends delegation to renewed hostage truce talks
00:53:47in Doha on Hamas proposal.
00:53:51And so Israel is getting ready to kind of
00:53:56wind down the active phase of their operations
00:54:01in the Gaza Strip with Hamas,
00:54:03but they are getting ready to go into a very active phase
00:54:09with Hamas in Lebanon.
00:54:12Just moments ago,
00:54:13five rockets were launched from Lebanon
00:54:16at the northern city of Kiryat, Shmona.
00:54:20According to police,
00:54:21some of the rockets struck the city causing damage.
00:54:24There was no reports of injuries in the attack.
00:54:28Just now from Jerusalem.
00:54:29So Chris, tell us about the situation
00:54:31on the northern border.
00:54:32How is Israel responding
00:54:33and is it edging closer to an all out war?
00:54:37Well, first of all, Lefram,
00:54:38it seems to be edging to an all out war.
00:54:41If you go a few miles north from Jerusalem here,
00:54:44it looks like a war zone.
00:54:45Those 160 plus missiles and rockets
00:54:48have been hitting places like the Golan Heights.
00:54:51If you're on the Sea of Galilee right now,
00:54:53there'd probably be fires all around there right now.
00:54:55What Israel did was eliminate one of the top commanders,
00:54:59probably the top commander right now
00:55:02since the beginning of the war.
00:55:04His name is Mohammed Nasser.
00:55:06And that means three of the top commanders there
00:55:09in southern Lebanon have been eliminated by Israel.
00:55:14Hezbollah typically,
00:55:15when a senior commander like this is eliminated,
00:55:18fires hundreds of rockets.
00:55:20And whether or not this will die down
00:55:23in about a few days, we'll see.
00:55:26But certainly a prelude to what will possibly be
00:55:29a major conflagration between Israel and Hezbollah
00:55:33perhaps in the next few weeks or months.
00:55:36Let's talk about this proposal from Hamas,
00:55:38the latest one.
00:55:39What's the Israeli government's reaction
00:55:41and what could it mean for the hostages?
00:55:43Well, ideally, Efram,
00:55:45it would mean freedom for these hostages
00:55:47that have been 269 days in captivity,
00:55:49men, women, and children.
00:55:51They say that is a positive document.
00:55:54The security cabinet is going to meet later today
00:55:57to discuss this.
00:55:58But Hamas has a history, Efram,
00:56:01of actually moving the goalpost.
00:56:03They agree to certain conditions,
00:56:05and then as they get closer into the negotiations,
00:56:08they change those conditions.
00:56:10Hamas's demands have been twofold,
00:56:13end the war,
00:56:14and also that all Israeli forces would leave Gaza.
00:56:17And, Efram, as we've been talking for many, many weeks,
00:56:21those are both non-starters for the Jewish state.
00:56:24All right. Thank you so much, Chris.
00:56:26So that's what's happening with Israel
00:56:28in the Middle East and Hezbollah.
00:56:30To the north in Lebanon.
00:56:32War is, by all accounts,
00:56:35getting ready to bust out.
00:56:38It's getting ready to break out.
00:56:40And we will keep you updated as that progresses.
00:56:45And the Bible says this in Psalm 122.
00:56:52Just turn to Psalm 122 for a moment.
00:56:58This is a song of degrees of David.
00:57:00I was glad when they said unto me,
00:57:03Let us go into the house of the Lord.
00:57:05Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem.
00:57:10Jerusalem is builded as a city that is compact together.
00:57:15Whither the tribes go up,
00:57:17the tribes of the Lord unto the testimony of Israel,
00:57:20to give thanks unto the name of the Lord.
00:57:23For there are set thrones of judgment,
00:57:25the thrones of the house of David.
00:57:28Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
00:57:32They shall prosper that love thee.
00:57:37And then Genesis chapter 12.
00:57:41You all know this verse.
00:57:44Genesis chapter 12 verses 1 through 3.
00:57:48Now the Lord had said unto Abram,
00:57:50Get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred
00:57:53and from thy father's house unto a land that I will show thee.
00:57:57And I will make of thee a great nation and I will bless thee
00:58:00and I will make thy name great and thou shalt be a blessing.
00:58:04And I will bless them that bless thee
00:58:07and curse him that curses thee.
00:58:10And in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
00:58:15You want God's blessing?
00:58:17Why don't you bless the Jewish people?
00:58:21You want God's blessing?
00:58:23Why don't you pray for the peace of Jerusalem?
00:58:28God is a Zionist.
00:58:31Just look up that word Zion sometime.
00:58:34You're going to get Old Testament, New Testament.
00:58:36You're going to get the literal, physical, visible Zion.
00:58:41You're going to get the heavenly Mount Zion.
00:58:44Zion and Zionism is all through your Bible from cover to cover.
00:58:50And if you don't know that, then you don't read your Bible.
00:58:55But everybody who comes to these programs on a regular basis
00:59:00knows that because we talk about that all the time
00:59:04and Lord willing always will.
00:59:08All right, let's take a trip to the United Kingdom.
00:59:13If you were watching the news today, man oh man,
00:59:19the great lion of Europe is going under,
00:59:24undergoing radical change and transformation
00:59:29as all of Europe is preparing itself for World War III.
00:59:35It's the Prime Minister's declaration.
00:59:37So we'll keep an eye on Jeremy Hunt.
00:59:38We'll bring you that result as soon as we have it.
00:59:40But there's Rishi Sunak on stage.
00:59:42Now, it would be extraordinary and the first time in history
00:59:46if he were to lose his seat.
00:59:48It's an incredibly safe seat,
00:59:50Richmond in a beautiful part of North Yorkshire.
00:59:53It doesn't seem likely that that will happen
00:59:55and yet he must have on his mind parts of the country
00:59:59well beyond his constituency.
01:00:01Good morning, everybody.
01:00:03Can I get your attention please?
01:00:05I, Murray Carm, being the Deputy Acting Returning Officer
01:00:08for the election of a Member of Parliament
01:00:10for the Richmond and North Allerton constituency
01:00:13held yesterday, Thursday, 4 July 2024,
01:00:17do hereby give notice that the number of valid ballot papers
01:00:21for each candidate was as follows.
01:00:24Jason Barnett, Independent, 27.
01:00:28Daniel George Callaghan, Liberal Democrats, 4,322.
01:00:34Angela Eileen Campion, commonly known as Angie Campion,
01:00:39Independent, 33.
01:00:42Louise Ann Dickens, Workers' Party of Britain, 90.
01:00:47Kevin Foster, the Green Party, 2,058.
01:00:52Rio Sebastian Justin Goldhammer, commonly known as...
01:00:56Let me just cut to the chase.
01:01:01This is from lbc.co.uk,
01:01:05leading Britain's conversation,
01:01:08and they say this.
01:01:10Now we rebuild Britain.
01:01:12Triumphant Keir Starmer delivers first speech
01:01:16as Prime Minister as he vows to deliver change.
01:01:21Sir Keir Starmer has delivered a triumphant speech
01:01:26as Prime Minister of the UK
01:01:28as he vowed to put the country first, party second,
01:01:31under the new Labour law.
01:01:34Arriving hand-in-hand with his wife Victoria,
01:01:37the brand-new Prime Minister of England
01:01:40beamed as he greeted supporters
01:01:42who had been waiting for their arrival at Downing Street.
01:01:47As he took to the stand to address the nation,
01:01:51Sir Keir vowed to put the country first, party second,
01:01:56and start work to deliver change immediately.
01:02:01He said, we need to move forward together.
01:02:06Isn't that what all the communist parties say
01:02:09and the fascist parties say?
01:02:11Isn't that what the name of Emmanuel Macron's party is?
01:02:15En Marche? Forward?
01:02:19We need to move forward together.
01:02:22Now this wound, this lack of trust,
01:02:25can only be healed by actions and not words.
01:02:28I know that.
01:02:29But we can make a start today with the simple acknowledgement
01:02:33that public service is a privilege
01:02:35and that your government should treat
01:02:37every single person in this country with respect.
01:02:41Now, he is replacing Rishi Sunak,
01:02:46the billionaire leader of England
01:02:50who barely lasted for one year.
01:02:54And England did not prosper under the billionaire's leadership.
01:02:59And so they voted today and they voted that guy out
01:03:03and they voted this new guy in.
01:03:07And this guy is not part of the conservative movement.
01:03:12So you have a whole lot of interesting scenarios
01:03:18that are beginning to take place in England right now.
01:03:23And Starmer, who is the new prime minister,
01:03:28he is on the left.
01:03:31How far left that he is going to be remains to be seen.
01:03:35But he is on the left.
01:03:37Whereas you go to Germany, you go to Hungary,
01:03:41and you go to France,
01:03:43and all those people are on the right.
01:03:49As Rio Goldhammer, Yorkshire party, 132.
01:03:55Jonathan David Harvey, commonly known as Count Binface,
01:03:59Count Binface party, 308.
01:04:03Graham Nichols, commonly known as Sir Archibald Stanton,
01:04:07the official monster-raving loony party, 99.
01:04:12Nicholas Omolana, commonly known as Nico Omolana, 160.
01:04:18Brian Neil Richmond, Independent, 222.
01:04:27Rishi Sunak, Conservative party, 23,059.
01:04:35Lee Martin Taylor, Reform UK, 7,142.
01:04:42Thomas James Wilson, commonly known as Tom Wilson, Labour party,
01:04:52I hereby declare that Rishi Sunak is duly elected.
01:04:57So the prime minister for now, Rishi Sunak,
01:04:59holds his seat in North Yorkshire.
01:05:01Quite clearly, what's happened at the same time is...
01:05:06All right.
01:05:07So I'm not really sure what that clip was talking all about.
01:05:10You can strike that from the record.
01:05:13It's been a very busy day over here at the Mudflower studio,
01:05:17and it is quite possible that I played the wrong clip for you.
01:05:23But be that as it may, Sunak is out in England.
01:05:30Starmer is in.
01:05:33The Liberals are now taking control of the United Kingdom.
01:05:39Over in France, the far right is having some trouble.
01:05:46And this is what I told you last week.
01:05:49I told you that Emmanuel Macron is not going anywhere.
01:05:55And you know what he's been doing over the last seven or eight days
01:05:59while the whole world... Seven or eight days, I take that back.
01:06:04It's been barely a week that he lost the election.
01:06:09There is another round coming up, and it's coming up this Sunday, July 7th.
01:06:16And Emmanuel Macron has been working feverishly behind the scenes
01:06:23to make it impossible for Marine Le Pen and her party
01:06:30to take control of France.
01:06:33Take a listen to this.
01:06:39We start here in France, where a record number of candidates
01:06:42have dropped out of the race for Parliament.
01:06:45221 politicians, most of them from the centre and from the left,
01:06:49pulled their names from Sunday's ballot.
01:06:52The aim is to deprive the far right national rally of an absolute majority
01:06:57by not splitting the vote.
01:07:00Oliver Fary has this first report.
01:07:03Will France's so-called Republican front against the far right hold up?
01:07:08Dozens of candidates have stepped aside from Sunday's second round
01:07:12to make it happen.
01:07:14According to Le Monde, the second round will now have 95 three-way races,
01:07:17three times fewer than expected.
01:07:19There will also be only one four-way race instead of five.
01:07:23In all, 221 candidates have withdrawn.
01:07:27132 of them are from the left-wing New Popular Front
01:07:30and 83 from the ruling Ensemble Coalition.
01:07:33The two groups were the only ones to call for candidates to withdraw
01:07:37in the event of possible far-right wins in their races.
01:07:40There have been a few exceptions in the government camp.
01:07:43In three constituencies where the national rally came first,
01:07:46Ensemble candidates who finished third stayed in the race.
01:07:49But will voters heed the endorsements for the second round?
01:07:53While candidates withdrawing could thwart the national rally
01:07:56in its quest to get the required 289 seats,
01:07:59it needs to get an overall majority.
01:08:02A reluctance by some voters to cast a ballot for candidates
01:08:05they disagree with could also benefit Marine Le Pen's party.
01:08:12I'm pleased to welcome to the programme now Rainbow Murray.
01:08:15She's a politics professor at Queen Mary University to you.
01:08:19Hello, thanks for joining us today.
01:08:21Thank you for having me.
01:08:23Now let me just stop that clip for a second.
01:08:25If you didn't understand what that French lady was saying,
01:08:30what Macron is doing is he has formed a coalition
01:08:35with the far left in France,
01:08:40which represents about 200 votes
01:08:46that he didn't get last time.
01:08:50And he is making a deal,
01:08:52I don't know exactly what type of deal that he's making,
01:08:55but the far left in France are the ones that support Palestine,
01:09:00Hamas, they are anti-Israel, they are anti-Semitic.
01:09:05And Macron is making deals with those people
01:09:09and they are giving Macron their votes.
01:09:14If Macron can get enough of those people
01:09:17to band together with him,
01:09:20then Marine Le Pen has no chance to win on Sunday.
01:09:25And that's exactly what he's hoping for.
01:09:29So as we saw in that report,
01:09:31over 200 candidates have stood down ahead of the second round.
01:09:34How likely, in the light of that,
01:09:37do you think it is that the national rally
01:09:39will be able to achieve an absolute majority?
01:09:43Never say never,
01:09:44but I think it has significantly decreased the likelihood
01:09:47that the national rally are going to get the magic number of 289 seats.
01:09:52We already saw that they performed slightly less well on Sunday
01:09:56than some of the polls had suggested they would,
01:09:5833% rather than 37%.
01:10:01If you now add on the efforts that the other parties have made
01:10:04to avoid splitting the vote against them,
01:10:07it looks like they're going to face an uphill challenge now
01:10:10to get an absolute majority.
01:10:12So now the question is,
01:10:13will they be able to govern with a minority
01:10:16or will the other parties be capable of uniting against them
01:10:19to form an alternative government?
01:10:21And I want to look at some of those scenarios with you,
01:10:23but first of all,
01:10:25let's talk about those candidates dropping out in a bit more detail
01:10:28because they have told their supporters, in effect,
01:10:32vote for whichever party.
01:10:35So again, what's going on
01:10:37is Macron is making deals with the far left,
01:10:41getting them to drop out of the race.
01:10:44And those votes are going towards Macron's centrist party.
01:10:51It's a very, very smart move on his part.
01:10:54And I told you last week,
01:10:58I'll say it again, I'll say it a hundred times.
01:11:01Emmanuel Macron is not going anywhere.
01:11:07And that's exactly what we are seeing.
01:11:13Take a listen to this clip from Jason A.
01:11:18Climate chaos around the world.
01:11:22Beryl is an unprecedented storm.
01:11:25None have formed as quickly or have intensified as fast
01:11:28in Atlantic hurricane history.
01:11:30And satellite pictures show it's not done yet.
01:11:33The hurricane has been upgraded to a category five
01:11:36and it is the strongest recorded storm
01:11:38to form this early in the season in the Atlantic.
01:11:41The number of fires in Brazil's Amazon rainforest
01:11:44has gone up by more than 60% in the first six months of the year,
01:11:48reaching its worst level in two decades.
01:11:51Brazil's space agency has reported 13,500 fires.
01:11:55The country's environment minister says most of the fires
01:11:58have been initiated by farmers clearing the land for agriculture.
01:12:02She's also blamed climate change and the El Nino weather phenomenon
01:12:05for the drought that has parched the region.
01:12:07A fearless team of storm-chasing scientists
01:12:10is shedding new light on the power of last month's deadly EF4 twister
01:12:14that leveled parts of Greenfield, Iowa.
01:12:17Wind speeds in this tornado topped 300 miles per hour.
01:12:21Yeah, so with our radar we calculated wind speeds
01:12:24of over 300 miles per hour,
01:12:26which is very fast and very strong wind speeds.
01:12:28300 miles per hour.
01:12:31Only the third tornado ever recorded with winds that strong,
01:12:34and it moved, they say, at up to 55 miles per hour,
01:12:37twice a twister's typical speed.
01:12:40It's very rare.
01:12:42Fire crews on the Greek island of Kos are battling wildfires
01:12:45that force locals and tourists to seek shelter overnight.
01:12:48More than 100 firefighters are still tackling the blaze.
01:12:51Dozens of fires break out across the country over the weekend,
01:12:55and people planning holidays to Greece are warned
01:12:58there could be more to come over the summer
01:13:00as the country's had its warmest winter
01:13:03and earliest heatwave on record already this year.
01:13:06The question now, will it hit us here in the US,
01:13:09where a scorching heatwave has 120 million people
01:13:13under heat alerts tonight, and a massive California wildfire,
01:13:16look at this, has forced tens of thousands to evacuate?
01:13:21Even by hurricane standards,
01:13:24feral is a brute.
01:13:27This was Karayaku, an island of Grenada,
01:13:30when the hurricane was a Category 4.
01:13:34It's now been upgraded to Category 5.
01:13:39160-mile-an-hour winds and savage storm surges
01:13:44have left swathes of the Caribbean flattened and flooded.
01:13:48This is actually the strongest storm that we've had in my lifetime.
01:13:53So many people have lost their boats.
01:13:55There's nothing more we can do but stand and watch total destruction.
01:13:59Our livelihood has gone down the drain.
01:14:02To see storms on this scale is rare.
01:14:05In July, it's almost unheard of.
01:14:09So what that series of clips is telling you,
01:14:15Hurricane Beryl, which is pretty far south
01:14:19of the bottom of the United States
01:14:21and heading for South America, Mexico,
01:14:25but could possibly curve back up and hit Texas or Louisiana.
01:14:31People have been asking,
01:14:34since this is the earliest and strongest hurricane ever recorded,
01:14:41this is not hurricane season,
01:14:45is the government manipulating the weather?
01:14:49And the answer to that question is absolutely yes.
01:14:53And even if they are not manipulating the weather
01:14:57for this particular hurricane,
01:14:59they are manipulating the weather
01:15:03and have been for quite some time.
01:15:08And we told you all about
01:15:12a harp up in Alaska
01:15:16and how the United States Senate...
01:15:22Well, take a listen to this clip.
01:15:25This is the Murkowski Committee Q&A
01:15:29on Harp Future Weather Modification through Chemtrails.
01:15:33And this is from 10 years ago.
01:15:3710 years ago.
01:15:39If you go to Google and type in Chemtrails,
01:15:43if you get any results at all,
01:15:45they are very skewed and very curated
01:15:49and very controlled results.
01:15:52But the United States government has no problem admitting
01:15:57that they are modifying the weather through Chemtrails.
01:16:00Take a listen to this.
01:16:02Mr. Chairman, and thank you to all of you this morning.
01:16:05Very interesting.
01:16:07I wanted to ask a couple of questions here about harp,
01:16:12the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.
01:16:17Several of you at the table have a little bit of a piece here.
01:16:22As you know, this is located up in Alaska.
01:16:24It's currently funded by the Air Force Research Lab.
01:16:27It was formerly funded by the Office of Naval Research.
01:16:31One of the prime customers is DARPA,
01:16:33which is currently running experiments at the facilities here.
01:16:37So questions to several of you this morning.
01:16:41I'm told by the president of the University of Alaska
01:16:44that the Air Force has pulled its support for the facility
01:16:48and they're taking steps to demolish it or take it down this summer.
01:16:53He's making the argument that there is other opportunities for us
01:16:59and is trying to find a path where the university
01:17:02might be able to take title to the facility.
01:17:05I'd like to start with you, Dr. Prabhakar.
01:17:09I understand that a lot of folks here on the committee
01:17:15probably don't understand what harp does.
01:17:19I think most Alaskans don't really know what harp does
01:17:23or why the agency is involved in it.
01:17:26So a very brief explanation and then a more direct question.
01:17:31Would you be disappointed or would you lose something
01:17:35if harp were to go away?
01:17:36Senator Murkowski, as I think you know,
01:17:39one of our programs has been using the harp facility
01:17:43for the research that it's pursuing.
01:17:46And my understanding is that we did get value out of that interaction.
01:17:51The P in DARPA is projects,
01:17:54and we're not in the business of doing the same thing forever.
01:17:57So very naturally, as we conclude that work,
01:18:00we're going to move on to other topics.
01:18:02So it's not an ongoing need for DARPA,
01:18:08despite the fact that we had actually gotten some good value
01:18:12out of that infrastructure in the past.
01:18:15So there's a Senate committee telling you
01:18:19that they successfully modified the weather on an ongoing basis,
01:18:26and they did it through harp in Alaska.
01:18:30And all you have to do is just go to NowTheEndBegins.com
01:18:35and type in H-A-A-R-P,
01:18:38and you'll see a lot of articles on what harp is,
01:18:43and it was created by DARPA.
01:18:45It started out as a super secret project,
01:18:48and now it's just common knowledge.
01:18:53Everybody knows there's not a whole lot of secrets left in Washington, D.C.
01:18:57All right, we have about nine minutes left.
01:19:01Let's go into our time of prayer and praise.
01:19:04Heavenly Father, we come before you,
01:19:07and we thank you, God,
01:19:09for this first-ever broadcast on the Mudflower Networks.
01:19:13And God, you brought in the resources to make this possible.
01:19:20You touched the hearts and minds of people to donate and to pray
01:19:24so we can continue to operate at this level.
01:19:27And you've worked it out that this ministry is 100% supported by God's people.
01:19:34No ads, no advertising,
01:19:37just you, God, touching hearts and bringing people in.
01:19:42And Father God, we just lift up our prayers to you today.
01:19:47We pray for lost souls.
01:19:49Jan Lacker's son, David.
01:19:52Bonnie says,
01:19:58Barbara praying for Robert, Naomi, Blake, Alex, Ethan, Raquel, Janet, and Shandell.
01:20:05Jordan Shapiro needs to get saved.
01:20:08Rita's son, Dan, he needs to get saved.
01:20:12Junie and her dad, Kathy Hughes' son.
01:20:15Lulu has unsaved family members.
01:20:18The Giacomino family has unsaved family members.
01:20:22Ramona Hayes is asking prayer for daughter, Kimberly, to get saved and sober.
01:20:28For grandchildren, William, Jason, David, and Amanda.
01:20:32Lori B. needs to get saved.
01:20:35Ellen praying for Braden and Logan.
01:20:38Todd Broome's brother, Thad.
01:20:41Elga needs to get saved.
01:20:43Samantha praying for Beth.
01:20:44Loretta Oates for sons, Kenny and Matthew.
01:20:49Eric Brian Uwe for parents, Anna and Norillo, members of his family and coworkers.
01:20:57Please pray for the postal people who are now coming into the new bookstore location.
01:21:05And please pray that we will get opportunities to witness to them.
01:21:10Mary Ann Ellie's kids, John, Ann, Marie, and Christine.
01:21:14And grandkids, Sophia, Jacob, David, and Katrina.
01:21:18Mia in Texas for children, Kimberly, Danielle, and AJ.
01:21:23Soda Man, please pray for brother-in-law, Paul.
01:21:28Corrine, please pray for son-in-law, Zach.
01:21:32Rob is asking prayer for Chris and Patty.
01:21:34Deborah Mack for sister-in-law, Lisa.
01:21:38And Lisa's children, Cale and Dane.
01:21:42People who need a healing today.
01:21:45Lulu, please add my friend, Charlene, to the prayer list.
01:21:49She has liver cancer and she's not saved.
01:21:52Adrian Brita, please add my father, who has been diagnosed with stage four melanoma cancer.
01:21:59Laurieann, please pray for my son, Tom.
01:22:02He has liver cancer.
01:22:04Laurieann says, please continue to pray for my mom and my dad who have health issues.
01:22:10Gail has a severe arthritis attack in her knees and it's hard to walk.
01:22:17NC Jen, for God to lift my grief and replace it with his strength.
01:22:25For salvation of my family and reconciliation with my daughter.
01:22:29Shea Caster is going through a rough time and we're praying for him.
01:22:33Berta and Mike Crabb have health issues.
01:22:36Heather has Lyme disease and rheumatoid arthritis.
01:22:41Sadie needs wisdom and guidance.
01:22:44Daniel R. and Alicia, for mental health and emotional support.
01:22:50James Revett, recovering from addiction and mental health issues.
01:22:56Ida Karulik has cancer.
01:22:57Amanda Emaw has breast cancer.
01:23:02Rob Beatty has stage four liver cancer.
01:23:08Michelle Christian has bone cancer.
01:23:12And my friend Krista, the photographer, she has cancer as well.
01:23:19Teresa G. has macular degeneration.
01:23:23Linda Benjamin needs prayer for overall health and memory problems.
01:23:28And Gail has been diagnosed with stage two melanoma.
01:23:34Please pray for much wisdom for the doctors in her treatment
01:23:39and that God would give her a healing.
01:23:42Ladies who are expecting today.
01:23:45Spray of Sunshine says, please pray for son and girlfriend expecting twins.
01:23:49Jose and Anna De La Rosa expecting their third baby.
01:23:54Marilyn Leno's granddaughter-in-law, Tori, expecting a baby boy in August.
01:24:00Tanya, my son, Vincent, and fiance, Sarah, having twins in August.
01:24:06Abigail Wagner gave birth to a healthy six pound, four ounce baby girl.
01:24:15Both mom and baby are doing well.
01:24:17And grandparents, Sandy and Richard, are just smiling from ear to ear.
01:24:25And it was really good to see Sandy in church the other day.
01:24:30We prayed for her hip replacement surgery.
01:24:35It went well, but she has ongoing health issues.
01:24:39So please keep Sandy Sparr in your prayers.
01:24:43And she says, thank you very, very much.
01:24:47Mark Saxa would like prayer for his son, Joseph, to return to the Lord.
01:24:52John Walker and his wife for their gospel track ministry.
01:24:56Deborah Mack for Devin Miller.
01:24:58Lost Lake Lass for son, Tristan.
01:25:01Linda Lapiana for kids, Stephen, Danielle, and Christopher to return to the Lord.
01:25:06And David Corrick, he needs your prayer.
01:25:09The devil's been working him over pretty good.
01:25:13Please pray for David Corrick.
01:25:17He was on our podcast a couple of months ago.
01:25:20And God saved him in jail.
01:25:23We gave him a free Bible.
01:25:26His mom requested it.
01:25:28We did a whole podcast on that.
01:25:30And now he's in the thick of it, battling against the devil.
01:25:34Please keep David Corrick at the top of your prayer list.
01:25:37All right, let's go to the chat room today.
01:25:42Carolyn says, Joy Piper had a cardioversion on Wednesday,
01:25:48but then was quickly back in the ER by 1 a.m. yesterday with a flutter.
01:25:54And her daughter, Carolyn, is giving us that update.
01:25:57Please pray for her heart to return and maintain a normal rhythm.
01:26:05Rob, please pray for health issues.
01:26:09Karen, I have no AC again.
01:26:12Please pray.
01:26:14Lulu, prayer really needed for unspoken.
01:26:18Regina Danner, a lot of unspokens.
01:26:21Jan Lacker, thinking of Shea Castor, need to pray for him.
01:26:25He lost two sisters recently.
01:26:28And yes, he has been very discouraged.
01:26:31And please keep Shea at the top of your prayer list.
01:26:36Mark Sherlock, praise the Lord that we have our new...
01:26:43Oh, his church has a new pastor.
01:26:46And he says, praise the Lord for that.
01:26:49Also, praise that a lady from Ireland listened to a sermon
01:26:54I presented last Sunday from Buffalo, New York.
01:26:57Also, please pray for Stephanie and Savannah.
01:27:02They are going to church.
01:27:04And it's funny.
01:27:06Mark gave us that prayer request for four-year-old Savannah and mother Stephanie.
01:27:15I would bet that Savannah is about six and a half now.
01:27:20That's how long Savannah and Stephanie has been on our prayer list.
01:27:25So please keep them in your prayers to get saved.
01:27:30And then Mark says, my 79-year-old parents just got saved and baptized.
01:27:36Amen. What a blessing that is.
01:27:39Deborah Mack, can we add my cousin Bob Barnes to the list to get saved?
01:27:44He just got out of prison and is in a halfway house.
01:27:48Daniel L., please add Steve, a friend of my son's who was a combat Vietnam veteran.
01:27:55Currently on chemo for an aggressive throat cancer.
01:28:00His doctors are pessimistic.
01:28:02My son thinks that he is saved.
01:28:05So please pray for Steve, a Vietnam combat vet battling throat cancer.
01:28:12And we will add him to the list.
01:28:15Chrissy, please pray for friend Debbie's son, seriously ill for many years,
01:28:20and the other married to a Mormon and has joined the Mormon cult.
01:28:26Kathy Kelly, our son Reagan asked us to pray for him with his endeavors
01:28:32to get off to officer's training school next week.
01:28:36They're supposed to have an airline ticket for him to fly out on Saturday.
01:28:40We're just worried about getting him through the whole process successfully.
01:28:44So he asked me to add him to the prayer list.
01:28:48Please pray for Reagan Kelly going to OTS, that is officers training school.
01:28:56And just please pray that the Lord will lead and guide his steps every step of the way.
01:29:04And with that, we've come to the end of our time for today.
01:29:08I thank you so much for being a part of the NTEB global family of Bible believers
01:29:15across America and around the world.
01:29:19And today, today, today was the launch of the Mudflower Streaming Network.
01:29:25And there were just a couple of minor glitches that people reported.
01:29:31But overall, I would say there was about a 96% satisfaction rate
01:29:38with the quality of the broadcast today.
01:29:42I should be a lot calmer for the next broadcast.
01:29:46I'm very excited today. Laurie's very excited today.
01:29:49It is just an unbelievable blessing to have our own radio station.
01:29:54But God, we commit all these prayers to you
01:29:59and ask you to work and move as only you can.
01:30:03And we just thank you and praise you in Jesus name. Amen.
01:30:08Thank you so very much, everybody.
01:30:11Please keep this ministry in your prayers.
01:30:16We now have our own streaming network. We now have our own radio channel.
01:30:21It's going to cost three times more than the old system.
01:30:26So if you would like to donate to help us to pay for all of this,
01:30:32it's going to cost about $15,000 per year.
01:30:37To run this new system with our own hardware, our own software,
01:30:42our own streaming radio and video,
01:30:46it costs about $15,000 a year.
01:30:50And that's a lot more than what we were paying.
01:30:54If you'd like to help us out with that,
01:30:57just go to NowTheEndBegins.com and click on the donate button.
01:31:01And any amount will help to defray the cost of the new system.
01:31:08But praise the Lord, we are so excited to be up and running
01:31:13and to have this very first broadcast on the Mudflowers streaming network.
01:31:18Lord willing, we're going to see you back here Sunday night, 7 p.m. Eastern Time
01:31:25for another live NTEB Rightly Dividing Radio Bible Study.
01:31:33Have a great weekend, everybody.
01:31:55I will make you a blessing
01:31:59So count the stars if you can
01:32:04You will be a great nation
01:32:08I will give you this land
01:32:14I will bring you back home
01:32:18I'll bring you back home, all my children
01:32:22You will no longer roam
01:32:27Lost and alone in the night
01:32:32There is nothing on earth that could take you away
01:32:38Once I gather you under my wings
01:32:42I will bring you all back home
01:32:50Though you've wandered like strangers
01:32:55To the ends of the earth
01:32:59I will send you a Savior
01:33:04I will finish my work
01:33:08You have no other shepherd
01:33:13You have no other Lord
01:33:17Green pastures are waiting
01:33:22In Zion once more
01:33:27I will bring you back home
01:33:31I'll bring you back home, all my children
01:33:36You will no longer roam
01:33:40Lost and alone in the night
01:33:46There is nothing on earth that could take you away
01:33:51Once I gather you under my wings
01:33:55I will bring you all back home
01:33:59So we pray for the peace
01:34:02But look to the east
01:34:04For the sun rises sudden and fierce
01:34:08Every prophet and priest
01:34:11And king in the city
01:34:12Will look on the one they've pierced
01:34:17We will mourn for the one we've pierced
01:34:23But don't fear, oh my daughters
01:34:28Oh sons of Abraham
01:34:32I will wash you with water
01:34:37I will offer the lamb
01:34:42Though your sins were like scarlet
01:34:47They'll be whiter than snow
01:34:52I've always been with you
01:34:56I will never let go
01:35:02I will bring you back home
01:35:05I'll bring you back home, all my children
01:35:10You will no longer roam
01:35:14Lost and alone in the night
01:35:20There is nothing on earth that could take you away
01:35:25I will gather you under my wings
01:35:29I will bring you all back home
01:35:33I will bring you all back home
01:35:41Adonai Eloheinu
01:35:46Adonai Echad Shema Yisrael
01:35:51Adonai Eloheinu
01:35:55Adonai Echad Shema Yisrael
01:36:00Adonai Eloheinu
01:36:03Adonai Echad
01:36:33Adonai Echad Shema Yisrael
01:36:37Adonai Echad Shema Yisrael
01:36:41Adonai Echad Shema Yisrael
01:36:45Adonai Echad Shema Yisrael
01:36:49Adonai Echad Shema Yisrael
01:36:53Adonai Echad Shema Yisrael
01:36:57Adonai Echad Shema Yisrael
01:37:00Adonai Echad Shema Yisrael
01:37:04Adonai Echad Shema Yisrael
01:37:08Adonai Echad Shema Yisrael
01:37:12Adonai Echad Shema Yisrael
01:37:16Adonai Echad Shema Yisrael
01:37:20Adonai Echad Shema Yisrael
01:37:24Adonai Echad Shema Yisrael
