The Revealing Of The Man Of Sin-NOW THE END BEGINS-JULY 28 2024

  • 2 months ago
The apostle Paul shows us in 2 Thessalonians 2 that there are two things that must take place before the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church can take place. The first thing is that the major part of the professing body of Christ, saved Christians, fall away into error, apostasy and heresy because they refuse Bible doctrine. We see that now all around us, easy to understand. The second thing that must take place is the revealing of the man of sin just prior to him becoming the son of perdition. Ahh, that’s a little tricker than the first one, OK, a lot trickier. My message today is literally “ripped from the headlines’ about the times and seasons we right now find ourselves in. Just as first century Christians were not overly able to read prophecy and apply it to what was then happening, here in the 21st century it is equally daunting as well. The Days of Noah and the Days of Lot are forming and assembling themselves together for their “big moment” on the global stage, and you, Christian, are getting a foretaste of what’s coming for those who will be left behind.


00:00:00One day Jesus is coming. You may be at church. You may be at work. You may be asleep. God
00:00:17grant that you will be ready when he makes his personal appearance. My God, what if his
00:00:28appearance occurs on a Sunday morning? My prophetic word to you this morning is get ready! Get ready!
00:00:58The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you.
00:01:18The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
00:01:29Welcome to church everybody. Open up your Bibles please to 2 Thessalonians
00:01:34chapter 2. And I have a message today. My Bible study on Wednesday night, we said
00:01:42it was ripped from the headlines. Today's message is also going to be ripped from
00:01:48the headlines. And I want to show you something from the Bible today that is a
00:01:52wake-up call for what's going on. 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 and we're going
00:02:00to look at verses 1 through 3. 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 1
00:02:08through 3. These are some of the hardest verses in the Bible for people who are
00:02:15not Bible believers, for people who don't rightly divide and study to show thyself
00:02:19approved. These are verses that will trip you up, that will snare you and put you
00:02:24in a ditch faster than you can blink if you don't look at Scripture in the
00:02:29context of all the Scripture. So we're going to read these first three verses.
00:02:34We're going to pray and then I'm going to ask you a question. 2 Thessalonians
00:02:39chapter 2 verse 1. 2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 1.
00:02:49Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by
00:02:54our gathering together unto him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind or be
00:02:59troubled, neither by spirit nor by word nor by letter as from us, as that the day
00:03:06of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you. Jesus says in Matthew 24 that his
00:03:12apostles come to him and say, Lord, tell us about the end times, tell us when
00:03:16these things shall be. First words out of his mouth, take heed that no man deceive
00:03:21you. The first foundational platform plank of the end times is deception. He
00:03:28says, that ye be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled, neither by spirit nor by
00:03:33word nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man
00:03:38deceive you by any means, for that day, the day of Christ, the rapture of the
00:03:43church, shall not come except there come a falling away first, and that man of
00:03:50sin be revealed, the son of perdition. Heavenly Father, we thank you for all
00:03:56that you have gathered here today. We thank you, Father God, for your preserved
00:04:01word, for your Son, for the shed blood, and we just ask you to meet with us once
00:04:07again, Lord. You gave us a great time in Sunday school this morning, and Lord, we
00:04:12ask you to do it again and open up your word to us that we may understand it and
00:04:16believe it and follow it. In Jesus' name, amen. Amen.
00:04:22Deception is the hallmark of the end times. I have seen a lot of people on
00:04:28social media posting, I'm looking for Jesus Christ, I'm not looking for
00:04:32Antichrist, and that's a true statement. We should be much more focused on the
00:04:38pre-tribulation rapture of the church, which is Old Testament, New Testament,
00:04:42it's Old Testament in mystery form in Song of Solomon chapter 2, it is in New
00:04:48Testament as doctrine from the Apostle Paul, it's in John chapter 10, John
00:04:52chapter 14, it's in Revelation chapter 4, it is all over the place. And Paul says,
00:04:59looking for that blessed hope, Titus 2.13, looking for that blessed hope and the
00:05:05glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ. That is what our
00:05:11hope is, that is what we are looking for, that is where our eyes are focused, comma,
00:05:17not period, comma, Adolf Hitler was so sure that he could defeat Russia, that
00:05:27while fighting England and America, he decides to invade the Soviet Union. Now,
00:05:34looking back in retrospect, can you think of a stupider thing? You're going to
00:05:40invade the world's largest national landmass, and you're going to do it with
00:05:46an army that is a fraction of the size of the Russian army, and you're going to
00:05:50do it while you're fully engaged in the West. You got to be an idiot to do that,
00:05:55right? He couldn't see Adolf Hitler as a type of Antichrist. Deception, that's what
00:06:02he brought, he brought deception. We are looking for Jesus Christ, and Paul says
00:06:07that there are two things that have to take place before the rapture, the day of
00:06:15Christ, can happen. The first thing that has to take place is there has to be a
00:06:20falling away first. Does anybody doubt with the, and I don't need to name any
00:06:26names, but with the unbelievable amount of false teaching that is happening here
00:06:33and now? Well, I will mention one name. There was a St. James River Church, I
00:06:40think it's in the Midwest somewhere. Oh, where is that church? Anyway, about a
00:06:46year and a half ago, they claimed to have a miracle where the toes of a woman that
00:06:53were shot off by her ex-husband miraculously grew back. Now, if you were
00:06:59the woman that was missing the toes, wouldn't it be great if those toes grew
00:07:03back? Wouldn't you want them to grow back? I went up to Brother Wes right
00:07:10before I started playing the piano. I didn't know that he had had tests, and I
00:07:14didn't know that there was a possible problem with his cardiovascular system,
00:07:20but what did I say to him? I said, Brother, we're gonna put you on the prayer
00:07:23list, the NTEB prayer list, starting tonight. Had a praise report last week. A
00:07:30woman that we had been praying for with advanced stage 4 lung cancer, her name is
00:07:36Ida, and it was really, really bad, and we have been praying for her on every
00:07:42broadcast where we do the prayer list, and she had a praise report a couple of
00:07:48days ago. She went in for her checkup to see how bad things were, and the doctor
00:07:53said, I don't know how to... Now, this is somebody that we know. This is not a
00:07:56story on the internet. Doctor said, I don't know how to explain it. It's gone.
00:08:03It's gone. So these are the things that when we pray for somebody, we want to see
00:08:10the miraculous, okay? If you've ever, and this is again a very rhetorical thing to
00:08:15say, but if you've ever had a loved one or a spouse or a child or a brother or a
00:08:21sister or grandparents that's really not doing well, you want to see God step in
00:08:28and do the miraculous, right? Sandy is having problems with her shoulders, blood
00:08:36flow to the shoulders. We put her on the prayer list as soon as she told me. I
00:08:40believe God will do a miraculous work there, and we will continue to pray for
00:08:44that, and whatever God does, that's what He does. And as Christians, as Bible
00:08:50believers, we pray, we ask, He answers, and then that's what we get, right? And
00:08:58that's the way it works. But Paul says in the last days that there is going to be
00:09:05deception. There is going to be a falling away. Lost people can't fall away. Lost
00:09:11people are already fallen. Lost people who don't know Jesus Christ, they're not
00:09:16the ones that are not going to endure sound doctrine. They don't show up to the
00:09:20church in the first place. It is the saved people that will not endure sound
00:09:26doctrine in the last days. It is the saved people who are having a falling
00:09:32away from what the Apostle Paul says. And we were talking about that in Sunday
00:09:37school. We were talking about why most ministers and churches today, they don't
00:09:44spend a whole lot of time preaching from the Apostle Paul, from the Pauline
00:09:48epistles, because Paul calls you to self-sacrifice. He calls you to
00:09:53self-service, to lay it all down for the cause of Christ. That's what Paul calls
00:09:58you to. And then he tells you the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is salvation by
00:10:03grace through faith alone, not of works of righteousness, which we have done, but
00:10:10by his mercy, he saved us. That is, that is a very simple gospel, but that is a
00:10:16very singular gospel. And you can't preach heresy. You can't raise up, you
00:10:23know, a 5,000 person church so that you can live in a 30,000 square foot home and
00:10:29drive a Rolls Royce. Benny Hinn used to like to stay in hotels when he traveled
00:10:34to the foreign countries where they were putting their pennies in, and he would
00:10:38preach to 50,000 people, and they would literally be giving him their last penny.
00:10:42He just came out of a $50,000 a night hotel suite. And you can't have that
00:10:50without, you know, if you don't, if you preach from the Apostle Paul, it's
00:10:56gonna cut all that junk out. Everybody's gonna know the truth. Everybody's gonna
00:11:00know what's going on. And when you try to preach false doctrine, if you follow what
00:11:04Paul says, it is gonna, red flags are gonna pop up right in front of your face.
00:11:09God gives you discernment, and you're gonna say, nope, I'm not following that.
00:11:12That is not the right thing to do. So Paul says that in the last days before
00:11:20the day of Christ, which is not the same as the day of the Lord, Amos 5 8 says,
00:11:26woe unto you that seek the day of the Lord. What good is it unto you? It is a
00:11:31day of darkness and gloominess. Who wants that? I don't want that. You know what, I
00:11:38want, turn to 1st Thessalonians chapter 4. I'll show you what I want, and you tell
00:11:44me if this sounds like something that you would like to have for yourself and
00:11:48your loved ones as well. Verse 13, 1st Thessalonians 4, but I would not have you
00:11:56to be ignorant, brethren, open the Bible, read, believe, learn, but I would not have
00:12:02you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, people who have
00:12:06died, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe
00:12:12that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God
00:12:17bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which
00:12:22are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord, that's 2nd Thessalonians 2 2 3,
00:12:31shall not prevent them which are asleep, for the Lord himself shall descend from
00:12:36heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God,
00:12:40and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall
00:12:47be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and
00:12:50so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore, comfort one another with these
00:12:56words. There is a huge difference between the day of the Lord and the day of
00:13:01Christ. One is the second advent, that's the day of the Lord. One is the removal,
00:13:08the catching up of the body of Christ into the clouds as Paul lays out in 1st
00:13:13Thessalonians chapter 4. So go back to 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2, and
00:13:21evidently somebody had written to the church at Thessalonica claiming to be
00:13:27Paul and told them, hey, you missed the rapture, you got left behind. And this is
00:13:35Paul is now correcting that error. 1st Thessalonians is the very first thing
00:13:40that Paul ever writes. It is the start of his scripture portion of his ministry. So
00:13:47Paul's going to correct that error, and let's just reread those three verses. Now
00:13:52we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and by our
00:13:57gathering together unto him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled,
00:14:03neither by spirit, neither by word, nor by letter as from us, that's
00:14:09that false letter, that the day of Christ is at hand. Okay, Paul's
00:14:15saying, you don't have to worry about missing the rapture, because there's two
00:14:21things that have to take place first. You've got to have the falling away of the
00:14:26church. Now, as Paul is writing this, the church is in a time of red-hot believers,
00:14:34people willing to lay down their life for the sake of the gospel. Turn to Acts
00:14:39chapter 5. You want to see how much things have not fallen away? Look at Acts
00:14:45chapter 5 and ask yourself, when's the last time that you thought like this?
00:14:51Acts chapter 5, Peter, James, and John, and they're brought before the council,
00:14:59they're told to stop preaching and teaching in the name of Jesus, and this
00:15:02whole big thing goes back and forth with Gamaliel, but let's just pick up the
00:15:06action in verse 40. And to him they agreed, and when they had called the
00:15:12apostles and beaten them. Now, I can remember back in the 60s and 70s,
00:15:19everybody started talking about police brutality, and there was a day and age in
00:15:25this country where if you got put in jail, it wasn't a country club. They
00:15:31didn't have cable TV. You got put in jail because you were being punished, okay? But
00:15:38things have drastically changed over the last 50 years since I was a teenager.
00:15:45Wow. Wow. But suffice to say that things have drastically changed. Do you think
00:15:54where it says, and we just kind of go through these verses sometimes, we don't
00:15:59really stop to think about what they're saying sometimes. Let's read that again.
00:16:04And to him they agreed, and when they had called the apostles and beaten them.
00:16:09What do you think a first century beating was like? My brother was in the
00:16:15Marine Corps, and I remember the day with my jaw slacked and hanging open when he
00:16:21told me the very first buzz haircut that I ever had was down in 29 Palms in
00:16:27Southern California, and I was just stopping. He had just been stationed
00:16:33there. I had just moved to California. I drove the five hours down to go have
00:16:37lunch with him, and he said, well I can't go to lunch. I got to get my haircut
00:16:42first, and I saw the haircuts, right? And I said, could I get a haircut too? He's
00:16:50like, dude, they don't take walk-ins off the streets. I said, go ask Gunny if I
00:16:55can get, and so they let me have a buzz haircut, and the very first buzz haircut
00:17:00that I ever had was at Camp Pendleton. Maybe it's not 29 Palms. Camp Pendleton
00:17:06in Southern California, right? And it was a whole different life. It was a
00:17:16whole different way of being. Oh yeah, he was telling me about a blanket party
00:17:25that they had to give somebody the night before, and I thought to myself, blanket
00:17:29party, well that doesn't sound so bad, right? I said, what were you watching TV?
00:17:34Did you have some, you know, hot chocolate? Did you have some, did
00:17:38you make s'mores during the blanket party? And he said, he's like, and I'm like,
00:17:44well what's a blanket party? He said, well a blanket party is when one of our
00:17:49members is not holding up their end of the deal, and they don't do something
00:17:55that they're supposed to do, and we all get in trouble. The blanket party is the
00:17:59correction, and I'm like, well how does it work? Well, we throw a blanket over his
00:18:04head, we take bars of soap, we put them in the sock, we knot them up, and we beat him
00:18:09over the head through the blanket until he changes his mind. Now, that's just the
00:18:15Marine Corps in the 1990s, right? What was it like, and to him they agreed, and when
00:18:23they had called the Apostles and beaten them. What do you think of first century?
00:18:27If in the 1990s, in the Marine Corps, they're beating guys over the head
00:18:34through a blanket with bars of soap, right? I can't even imagine that, but this
00:18:40was a whole lot worse than a blanket party. They would have wished for the
00:18:43blanket party, okay? Whatever this is, Bible doesn't say, but what would a
00:18:47first-century beating in the days of Roman persecution, when the heads of
00:18:52Christians were being cut off, put on wooden poles, and a wick drilled into
00:18:58the top of their skull, and the fat set on fire so that the Caesar could have a
00:19:03illuminated roadway on his way back to the palace, okay? This is that same time
00:19:10period, and to him they agreed, and when they had called the Apostles and beaten
00:19:15them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus and let them
00:19:19go, and they departed from the presence of the council, desperately plotting how
00:19:24to take down the Roman Empire, no, no, and they departed from the presence of the
00:19:31council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for the cause of
00:19:39Christ, for his name, and daily in the temple and in every house they ceased
00:19:44not to preach and teach Jesus Christ. This is first-century Christianity.
00:19:51Everybody says, we got to get back to first-century Christianity. Well, this is first,
00:19:55who wants to come up to the front and sign up for this? Very few people want to
00:20:01sign up, but this is what Paul taught. He said that the Apostles were called and
00:20:06considered as the filth of the world, that they were the off-scouring. That's
00:20:11an old-fashioned word that maybe your grandparents used to say, and used to, you
00:20:20would have a big meal and you would get a brillo pad, and it was called a
00:20:24scouring pad, and you would scour off the fat and all the stuff that had burned to
00:20:29the bottom of the pan and the inside of the pan, and it would be this sloppy, it
00:20:33went from being like the best meal that you had to like, this is disgusting, and
00:20:37then you flush it down the drain. That's a little bit of a tricky illustration to
00:20:43use for the Apostles of Jesus Christ. And then Paul says, after blowing everybody's
00:20:49mind with all that stuff, he said, now, follow me as I follow Christ. This is why
00:20:57Paul's not preached. This is why the Pauline epistles are not held in high
00:21:01regard. Back to 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, and I believe we will have
00:21:07sufficiently set the table. Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of
00:21:12our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, that could
00:21:18certainly be the gathering together of the church in Thessalonica. It could also
00:21:22be the gathering together of the body of Christ at the rapture. Let not your
00:21:28hearts be troubled, John says in chapter 14. You believe in God, believe also in me.
00:21:33In my Father's house, heaven, there are many mansions, New Jerusalem, and I go to
00:21:38prepare a place for you. And if I go, Acts chapter 1, and a cloud took him out of
00:21:45their sight, and if I go, I will come again to receive you unto myself, so that
00:21:52where I am, there ye may be also. Right? This is what we call the
00:21:59pre-tribulation rapture of the church, one of the most non-taught Bible
00:22:05doctrines, okay? This is not an interpretation that I'm giving you, this
00:22:10is Bible doctrine from the Apostle Paul, who was our Apostle as one who was born
00:22:17out of due time. This is doctrine, and you don't hear this stuff, and
00:22:23there's a reason why you don't hear, and I'm going to get to that reason in just a
00:22:27few minutes. Verse 2, that ye be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled, neither by
00:22:34spirit nor by word, neither by letter as from us, is that the day of Christ, the
00:22:38rapture of the church, is at hand. Let no man deceive you, Matthew 24, by any means,
00:22:44for that day, the rapture of the church, shall not come except there come a
00:22:47falling away first. This is the Laodicean lukewarm church, who is rich
00:22:52and increased with goods, and they have need of nothing, and Jesus says, hey man,
00:22:56you are poor and wretched and miserable and naked and blind, I counsel thee to
00:23:01buy of me gold tried in the fire, right? Turn to James chapter 5, you know what
00:23:08he's saying? He says, if you don't get the gold tried in the fire, you're going to
00:23:13get this gold, and this is the gold that you don't want. James 5.1, go to now,
00:23:20ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your
00:23:25riches are corrupted and your garments are moth-eaten, your gold and silver is
00:23:29cankered, and the rust of them shall be a witness against you and shall eat your
00:23:33flesh as it were fire. Revelation says, grievous sores are going to sprout up on
00:23:39the people in this time period who take the mark of the beast. Now, from a
00:23:46doctrinal perspective, I know that we are not going to be here for the time of
00:23:50Jacob's trouble, not one day. From a doctrinal perspective, I know that we are
00:23:56not going to be here for the Great Tribulation, not one day. I know from a
00:24:00doctrinal perspective from the Apostle Paul that we are not going to be faced
00:24:04with the mark of the beast. Now, even if suddenly, if I was wrong about all three
00:24:10of those things, if we get, if there is no pre-trib rapture of the church, it's
00:24:15like, okay, we blew that one, now we know what's coming, and it would be as easy as
00:24:20shooting ducks in a barrel, okay? But the Bible does teach and preach a
00:24:25pre-tribulation rapture of the church, and I understand that we are not going
00:24:32to be faced with these things, but what we are watching... Oh, verse 3, your gold
00:24:39and silver is cankered, and the rust of them shall be a witness against you and
00:24:44shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the
00:24:49last days. We are watching a world right now, it is 1142, today is the 29th of
00:25:03July 2024, we are watching a world that at this very moment does not hold this
00:25:12in any type of regard at all. We are living in a world that at this very
00:25:18moment in the majority of Christian churches across America are not
00:25:22preaching and teaching anything that is remotely like what I am telling you
00:25:26today. Maybe they mention the pre-trib rapture, but do they teach it? Maybe they
00:25:30mention the mark of the beast, but do they teach it? Two weeks ago, God laid on
00:25:36Brother Ed's heart to talk in Sunday school about why do so few churches
00:25:44preach on hell? I don't consult with him before I come up with my message. A lot
00:25:49of the times God gives me my message at nine o'clock Sunday morning, okay? And yet
00:25:54we were providentially late that day because we were doing stuff, getting
00:25:59ready to come here, and after I preached the message he had, he was over there
00:26:04playing the piano, and he had this look on his face, and I'm like, what's going on?
00:26:09And he said, you weren't here for it, but in Sunday school I asked
00:26:17the question, why don't more churches preach on hell? Him not knowing that my
00:26:22entire message that day was on the literal, visible, physical reality of a
00:26:29flame-filled place called hell from which there is no escape if you find
00:26:34yourself there. Isn't that amazing how God works? Well, when you want the truth,
00:26:39God gives you the truth. When you don't want the truth, even if you're a
00:26:44Christian, look, I'm not so heavily focused dispensationally that I can't
00:26:50understand that saved people can reject the gospel, okay? They get saved, they have
00:26:58that pink cloud period, then they run into some sort of problem.
00:27:03Somebody dies. They thought they had some sort of a sin beaten, but it pops back up.
00:27:08Whatever the case is, they lose that big job, they become homeless, they go
00:27:12bankrupt, and they say to themselves, God, if I was really saved, if I was really
00:27:18your child, you wouldn't put me through this stuff. Now, how could a saved person
00:27:23say that? Because they're not reading this book. You read this book, and the
00:27:29Bible calls that God's chastisement, God's correction, God's refining fire.
00:27:35And the Bible says if you don't have that at some point in your life, He said
00:27:40you're all bastards if you don't have the correction of God on your life at
00:27:45some point. And so, can a saved person who would go in the rapture, go into the
00:27:53rapture in a backslidden condition, drinking at the bar? The answer is
00:27:57absolutely yes. There is no question about it. Now, there will be a price to
00:28:02pay for that. That person gets to the judgment seat of Christ and is like, whoa,
00:28:06whoa, whoa, what's this fire thing? What do you mean my works? Turn to 2nd Timothy
00:28:13chapter 4. What do you mean my works? I thought that I was judged at the cross,
00:28:18and Jesus is going to say you absolutely were. But now there's a judgment for
00:28:26Christians, saved Bible-believing Christians. And this is why Paul says in
00:28:322nd Timothy chapter 4, for I am now ready to be offered. Okay, he says I'm ready to
00:28:39go home and be with the Lord. I'm not very jazzed about the way that I'm going
00:28:44to go out. I don't appreciate that very much, but amen, Lord. If that's what you
00:28:48want, okay, let it be. For I am now ready to be offered. If you were to die today,
00:28:55are you ready for the judgment seat of Christ? Think before you answer that
00:29:01question in your mind. No need to raise hands. But this is what we're
00:29:08supposed to be doing with Paul's doctrine, with his epistles. For I am now
00:29:14ready to be offered in the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a
00:29:17good fight, okay? Every time somebody dies of something, they're a Hollywood
00:29:23celebrity. Eight out of ten times, somebody says, well, you know, they gave
00:29:28it a good shot, they fought the good fight. That's not the good fight. Dying of
00:29:33an illness of which, if the Lord tarries, we're all going to die of something. We're
00:29:37all going to die of the illness, the stroke, the heart attack, the blood
00:29:41clots, the cancer, getting hit by a truck and, you know, trying to go shopping at
00:29:46the Publix. If the Lord tarries, we're all going to be taken out by something. But
00:29:52the good fight is against the world, the flesh, and the devil. That is the good
00:29:59fight, okay? The world wants to take your affection. The flesh wants to take your
00:30:06testimony. And the devil wants to take this book out of your hand and replace
00:30:11it with anything else. You know, when I was a kid, and this is one of the signs
00:30:16that you're getting old because you talk about, you know, when I was a kid, but it's
00:30:18true, but it's true. When I was a kid, there was something up in New Jersey
00:30:23called blue laws. And you know what that was? Chick-fil-A didn't invent this. I
00:30:29love Chick-fil-A, but Chick-fil-A did not invent this. People were closed on a
00:30:35Sunday out of respect for God. Not that they were Christian merchants, but they
00:30:41had respect for their Christian customers. And there was a understanding
00:30:50of how things need to be. If you're 30 years old, you think the world that you
00:30:56see is the world that's always been, but it's not. And I'm glad that God has
00:31:02allowed me to get into my 60s and giving me some perspective, because you can see
00:31:07everything Ecclesiastes 1.9 says, and the thing which hath been is that which
00:31:14shall be, and there is nothing new under the sun. And that wheel just comes
00:31:20around, and it comes around, and this book, I've said it many times, we live in
00:31:27the game, and the game is rigged, but it's rigged in our favor, and these are
00:31:32the notes. This is the treasure map, right? Okay. So 2nd Timothy chapter 4,
00:31:39Paul says, "...for I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is
00:31:43at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the
00:31:46faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord
00:31:51the righteous judge shall give me at that day, and not to me only, but unto all
00:31:56them also that love his appearing." Now, turn to Isaiah chapter 9. Turn to Isaiah
00:32:09chapter 9, and I want you to look at verses 6 and 7, and I want you to see the
00:32:22unbelievable clarity that is in here. For those of you that have visited our Bible
00:32:31Believers bookstore in Palatka, we have a authentic King James Bible. Amen, amen.
00:32:40They were here at the bookstore just a couple of days ago, and they said, you
00:32:44know what, why don't you just tell us when your church services, we want to
00:32:48fellowship with you. Very, very glad that you guys are here. At our bookstore in
00:32:54Palatka, we have an authentic King James Bible, 5th printing, 1611, actually
00:33:00printed in 1640, 5th printing but of the same run, and I normally keep it open to
00:33:07either Isaiah chapter 9 or Isaiah chapter 11. And look at what these
00:33:44hosts will perform this. Now, we can read that, right? And that's the, that's Jesus
00:33:51Christ, 1st Advent, 2nd Advent. He came as the Isaiah 53 suffering servant. He comes
00:33:57back as the King of Kings, Lord of Lords. He's the Son, He's the Father, He's the
00:34:02Spirit, and in Him, God is pleased that the fullness of the Godhead should dwell
00:34:06in Jesus Christ. Colossians says that all things were made by Him. Go to Genesis
00:34:121, 1 sometime. In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth. What
00:34:18does Colossians say? All things were made by Jesus Christ, right? So, those two
00:34:25verses that I just read to you from Isaiah chapter 9, they are very, very
00:34:30easy to understand in 2024, right? Turn to Micah chapter 5. Turn to Micah chapter 5,
00:34:45and I think it's verse 2, but we'll go with verse 1. Micah chapter 5,
00:34:54verse 2. But thou Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the
00:35:05thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall come, shall he come forth unto me, that is
00:35:10to be ruler in Israel, whose goings forth have been from of old, from
00:35:16everlasting. Therefore will I give him, will he give them up until the time that
00:35:21she which Traverith had brought forth, then the remnant of his
00:35:27brethren shall return unto the children of Israel. And he shall stand and feed in
00:35:33the strength of the Lord, Zechariah 12, 13, and 14, in the majesty of his name, in
00:35:40the majesty of the name of the Lord his God, and they shall abide. For now shall
00:35:45he be great unto the ends of the earth. We read these passages, and you might say
00:35:52to me, hey brother, we know that. Why are we going back to the birth of Jesus
00:35:58Christ? Because it was prophesied in the Bible, right? Now, you flash forward to
00:36:06when Jesus was born. How many people connected those verses with that birth?
00:36:12Very, very few. Nobody in the temple. None of the wise men. You've got to have wise
00:36:19men come from Iraq and Iran. Took them two years to get there, traveling by
00:36:26camel. What happened to all the Jewish scholars and the scribes? Why didn't... I
00:36:32mean, we look at these verses and they are pathetically easy to connect with
00:36:39Jesus Christ, right? Okay. Turn to John chapter 6. My message today is actually
00:36:48a very short message, and we're almost there. John chapter 6. Let's
00:37:09start in verse 47. John 6 47. This is the promised Messiah from Isaiah chapter 9
00:37:20verse 6. This is the promised Messiah from Micah chapter 5 verse 2. And
00:37:27what is he doing? He is teaching, okay? Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that
00:37:35believeth on me hath everlasting life. I am that bread of life. Your fathers did
00:37:41eat manna in the wilderness and are dead. This is the bread which cometh down from
00:37:45heaven, that a man may eat thereof and not die. I am the living bread which came
00:37:52down from heaven. If any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever. And the
00:37:56bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.
00:38:01Now, you would think, from a logical, rational, intelligent perspective, these
00:38:11are the same people that were raised on Isaiah chapter 9 and Zechariah chapter
00:38:1612, 13, and 14, and Micah chapter 5, if they had chapters back then. But you
00:38:21understand what I'm saying. He is preaching to the very people who were
00:38:26immersed in these Old Testament scriptures from the day that they were
00:38:31born and an offering was made for them at the temple. These are those people. Can
00:38:37you get any closer to the Messiah than that? He says, I am come not but for the
00:38:44lost sheep of the house of Israel. Paul says, yeah, here's the gospel. Jew first,
00:38:49then to the Greek. That's the order. These are the people. Here's their
00:38:55response. 52, the Jews therefore strove among themselves saying, how can this
00:39:03man give us his flesh to eat? Not talking about his flesh. Then Jesus said unto
00:39:09them, when you got put into the body of Christ, when you got saved, do you have
00:39:15different flesh on your body than you had from before you got saved? No. What
00:39:20happens at the rapture? This body gets transformed from a vile body
00:39:25because it gets sick and it dies. Paul says that our vile body shall be
00:39:31transformed into a body like unto his glorious body. He's not talking about
00:39:38eating his flesh and opening up his wrist and drinking his blood. The Jews
00:39:44therefore strove among themselves saying, how can this man give us his flesh to
00:39:48eat? Then Jesus said unto them, verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye eat of
00:39:54the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Who so
00:39:59eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life, and I will raise him
00:40:02up at the last day. Look down to verse 59. These things said he in the synagogue as
00:40:13he taught in Capernaum. Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard this,
00:40:18said, this is an hard saying. Who can hear it? What's hard about that? This is
00:40:24the same guy that the Bible prophesied would be born in a manger, that he would
00:40:31be the begotten son, and that he would be the suffering son. They already have the
00:40:37entire witness of the Old Testament. This is a hard saying. Who can hear it? When
00:40:42Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured in it, he said unto them, doth
00:40:47this offend you? What and if ye shall see the Son of Man ascend up where he was
00:40:52before? It is the Spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profited nothing. The words
00:40:58that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life. But there are some of
00:41:06you that believe not, for Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that
00:41:09believed not, and who should betray him. And he said, therefore said I unto you
00:41:15that no man can come unto me except it were given unto him of my father. From
00:41:20that time many of his disciples went back and walked with him no more. We're
00:41:27not talking about a couple of dozen people, we're talking about thousands of
00:41:30people. We're talking about the people who came for the miracles, for the
00:41:34healings, for the free food. There is a huge section of our country that is
00:41:41focused on government benefits, and give us health care, and give us free food, and
00:41:46pay for this, and pay for that. Well, it was no different 2,000 years ago, okay?
00:41:50Once they got tired of the entertainment of watching the withered arm get
00:41:57restored in the blind man's sea, okay? Somebody once said that if a dog would
00:42:03start talking, it would only stay interesting if he had something
00:42:08interesting to say. Think about that, right? If your dog could suddenly talk,
00:42:15right, you would be blown away. You would get on the phone, you would call
00:42:19everybody up, you got it, Fido was talking, and this is what he's saying, and
00:42:23everybody would crowd around your house until, just like with the telephone, and
00:42:28air travel, and all these other things that were considered impossible at one
00:42:34point, that man could fly. Oh yeah, man can fly. Well, man invents the airplane, and
00:42:40it's stunning, and then you blink your eyes, and just a couple of years later
00:42:45it's being used to kill his fellow man in World War I, okay? These type of
00:42:51things don't stay interesting, and convincing, and vital, and important if
00:42:59your heart is not right with God, and these people's hearts were not right
00:43:03with God. Now, you can say that about lost people, but you can say that about some
00:43:09saved people as well. People say people go through times where their heart is
00:43:14not right with God, and this book becomes like a brick, and these promises seem to
00:43:20get shut up, and as you try praying, and it feels like it's bouncing off the
00:43:24ceiling, and hitting you on the forehead, right? That's what happens when you're
00:43:28not in fellowship with God, but when you're in fellowship with God, you
00:43:33understand, thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path, right?
00:43:40That's what this Bible does. This is our guidebook. This is our rule book. This is
00:43:46the book that shows us things that haven't happened as if they had already
00:43:51taken place. This is that book. All right, go back to 2 Thessalonians chapter 2.
00:43:592 Thessalonians chapter 2. I've given you Old Testament scriptures about the
00:44:12first coming of the Lord. I've given you Old Testament scriptures about the
00:44:15second coming of the Lord. I've given you Old Testament scriptures describing Him
00:44:20and His ministry in detail. I gave you a lot from the Old Testament about the
00:44:27first and second advents of Jesus Christ, okay? I just showed you from John
00:44:33chapter 6 that if a person's heart is not right with the Lord, they turn back,
00:44:39they turn away, and this prophetic word seems to get shut up, and they no longer
00:44:44have access to it. That ye be not soon shaken in mind or be troubled, neither by
00:44:51spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at
00:44:57hand. Let no man deceive you. The number one sign of the end times. By any means,
00:45:06for that day shall come, shall not come, except there come a falling away first,
00:45:11and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. In Isaiah chapter 61
00:45:19verse 2, there is a comma right in the middle of the verse. The verse starts out
00:45:25talking about His first advent. Isaiah 61... well, just turn there. This is the
00:45:34verse that Jesus was quoting in Luke chapter 4 when He started His earthly
00:45:38ministry. Jesus could have picked any book of the Old Testament. He picked this
00:45:45book, this chapter, and this one-and-a-half verses. The Spirit of the
00:45:53Lord, chapter 61 verse 1, is upon me because the Lord hath anointed me to
00:45:58preach good tidings unto the meek. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to
00:46:04proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are
00:46:08bound, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, comma, and the day of
00:46:15vengeance of our God, to comfort all that mourn. Now, when we rightly divide the
00:46:22word of truth that we are called to study by our Apostle Paul, we understand
00:46:27that there is so far a 2,000 year gap between Isaiah 61 2a and Isaiah 61 2b.
00:46:40And just to hammer the point home, turn to Luke chapter 14. I just want you to
00:46:46see it for yourselves. I know you guys know this stuff, but it's always good to
00:46:51be reminded, amen? Luke chapter 4, and I'm looking, here it is, verse 16, and he
00:47:02came to Nazareth where he had been brought up, and as his custom was, he went
00:47:07into the synagogue on the Sabbath day and stood up for to read. He's been doing
00:47:11this since he was about 12 or 13 years old. And there was delivered unto him the
00:47:15book of the prophet Esaias, and when he had opened the book, he found the place
00:47:20where it was written, and in big letters in my margin, Isaiah 61 1. And he found
00:47:29the place where it was written, the Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he
00:47:34has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, and he had sent me to heal the
00:47:39brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to
00:47:43the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable
00:47:47year of the Lord, comma's gone, the period is in its place, and he closed the
00:47:55book. Go back to 2 Thessalonians chapter 2, verse 3, let no man deceive you by any
00:48:06means, for that day the rapture of the church shall not come except there come
00:48:13a falling away first, we covered that, and that man of sin be revealed, comma,
00:48:21the son of perdition. Now, I have proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that there
00:48:26is a minimum of 2,000 years between Isaiah 61 2a and Isaiah 61 2b. That is a
00:48:36we nailed that shut. I'm just gonna ask a question here. Is it possible that there
00:48:44is a similar gap when he says, and that man of sin be revealed, comma, the son of
00:48:50perdition? At the start of this message I told you that according to the Apostle
00:48:55Paul, we have not been appointed unto wrath but to obtain salvation by our
00:49:02Lord Jesus Christ, okay? That time period is not for us. It's not called the time
00:49:09of the Gentiles' trouble or the time of the church's trouble, it's called the
00:49:12time of Jacob's trouble. Now, when Jacob was doing the right thing, the Bible
00:49:19calls him Israel. When Jacob is backslidden, God goes back to calling him
00:49:24Jacob. Somebody said to me one time, well, if Jeremiah had meant in Jeremiah 30
00:49:31verses 5 through 7, why didn't Jeremiah just say it's the time of Israel's
00:49:37trouble? And I'm like, he did. Jacob is Israel. Functionally, the entire nation of
00:49:44Israel comes from the loins of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the twelve tribes, and
00:49:49Jesus comes from the tribe of Judah. Jacob is Israel. The time of Jacob's
00:49:57trouble is for the Jewish people, but it is a time of global trouble for
00:50:02everybody. Now, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be
00:50:09revealed, the son of perdition. Turn to John chapter 13. John chapter 13. I want
00:50:19to show you one of the greatest types of the rapture of the church outside of
00:50:23something that Paul wrote. John chapter 13. And let's look at verse 18. I speak
00:50:38not of you all, of y'all. I know whom I have chosen, but that the
00:50:45scripture may be fulfilled. Psalm 41.9. He that eateth bread with me hath lifted up
00:50:50his heel against me. Now I tell you before it come, that when it come to
00:50:57pass, ye may believe that I am he. So this is the scene at the Last Supper. I'm not
00:51:02going to go through the whole thing. We all understand, we all know what happened
00:51:06at the Last Supper. Judas was revealed as the son of perdition, but how is it
00:51:18possible that at this late date, the very same night that Judas is going to
00:51:23kill himself to mock the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, which takes place 12 hours
00:51:29after he kills himself, that's why Judas did not repent from a perspective that
00:51:35he was sorry. He tried to give the money back, but he was a mocker. He was the man
00:51:40of sin from the very beginning. We don't have time to go there, but do you
00:51:45remember, well actually we do, John chapter 12. It's right here. Look at John
00:51:52chapter 12, verse 3. Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very
00:52:01costly, this is Mary of Bethany, we're at Bethany Baptist Church, and
00:52:07anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair, and the house was
00:52:11filled with the odor of the ointment. Can you imagine? You know how you cry at
00:52:16the Publix Christmas commercial, and it's the wandering children come home, and
00:52:22it's that beautiful tinkling piano music, and it's a beautiful Publix deli
00:52:27spread kind of halfway out of sight, and those commercials just tug at your
00:52:32heartstrings, or you watch a Hallmark movie which they film them in St.
00:52:37Augustine from time to time, and immediately our eyes start to well up
00:52:43with tears, just a little bit, we get moist, it's like that, or you hear a song
00:52:47on the radio, and it touches your heart, right? Don't you think this scene
00:52:54in the house with Mary and Martha and Lazarus, don't you think that all these
00:53:01people, when they watch this, it's like, what is she doing? That box is the most
00:53:07valuable thing that she has. She's breaking it open, she said, what is she
00:53:12doing? You would think that everybody's hearts would be tender and open, but
00:53:17there's one man, the man of sin. Then said one of his disciples, Judas
00:53:26Iscariot, Simon's son, which should betray him, why was not this ointment sold for
00:53:33300 pence and given to the poor? This he said, not that he cared for the poor, but
00:53:38because he was the thief and had the bag, and bare what was put therein. He was
00:53:48always the son, the man of sin. He was never the good guy, not at any point did
00:53:55he do miracles with the eleven, he absolutely did. Jesus says, have I not
00:54:01chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil. Okay, there was no doubt about who
00:54:10he was, it just wasn't revealed to the eleven. So much so, go back to John 13, so
00:54:19much so that Peter says to John, ask the Lord who it is. John chapter 13, verse 22,
00:54:32then the disciples looked one on another, doubting of whom he spake. No, 21, when
00:54:38Jesus had thus said, he was troubled in spirit and testified and said, verily,
00:54:42verily, I say unto you that one of you shall betray me. Then the disciples looked
00:54:48one on another, doubting of whom he spake. Now there was leaning on Jesus'
00:54:52bosom one of his disciples whom Jesus loved, that's John. Simon Peter therefore
00:54:59beckoned unto him that he should ask who it should be of whom he spake. Then Peter
00:55:05doesn't even have the guts, he's had so many misfires at this point, that
00:55:10he doesn't even have the guts to ask him directly. He then lying on Jesus'
00:55:16breasts saith unto him, Lord who is it? Jesus answered, he it is to whom I shall
00:55:21give a sop when I have dipped it, and when he had dipped the sop he gave it to
00:55:25Judas Iscariot, the son of Simon. And after the sop, now your King James Bible
00:55:32is the only Bible that says sop. Who here has Italian friends or is Italian? Raise
00:55:38your hand. All right, all right. I can remember in high school I had a friend,
00:55:46his name was Andy, and he had the Sicilian grandmother. Every Sunday, Sunday
00:55:53started about 7 o'clock Saturday night, and the sausage, the sausage, and the
00:56:00meatballs, and the gravy that would cook for hours and hours and hours, and the
00:56:06ravioli, and the pound cake, and all that stuff. And he was my Italian friend. We
00:56:13had lots of Italians where I'm from, but he was my Italian friend, and they would
00:56:18invite me over on a regular basis to have the Sunday gravy with them, okay? And
00:56:24I loved it. It was, if you like to eat, it was some, it's fantastic food. But my
00:56:31favorite part was when I go into the kitchen, we'd be about 15 minutes away,
00:56:36and his mom would just, nobody cuts the bread, they just ripped off a hunk. She
00:56:41said, here, tell me if the gravy is done yet. And you know what? I sopped it, I put
00:56:47it into the pot, and I waited for it to cool, and I ate that delicious
00:56:54gravy with that fresh-baked bread that she just ripped off a hunk. That's what a
00:56:58sop is, okay? All the other versions don't say sop. That has been removed. If
00:57:07you're in the military, what is the SOP? Standard Operating Procedure. So, John
00:57:16chapter 13, verse 27, and after the sop, Satan entered into him, Ben said, Jesus
00:57:25unto him, that thou doest do quickly. Now, no man at the table knew. How is that
00:57:31possible? How is that possible? But they didn't know. Now, no man at the table knew
00:57:39for what intent he spake this unto him. For some of them thought, because Judas
00:57:43had the bag that Jesus had said unto him, buy those things that we have need of, or
00:57:48against the feast, or that he should give something to the poor. He then, having
00:57:53received the sop, went immediately out, and it was night. Have you ever heard
00:57:59that expression? You hear about somebody from your high school, you went to high
00:58:03school a long time ago, and you're driving past the Circle K, and you see
00:58:09what looks like your old high school classmate in rags, begging for change. I
00:58:15have heard a couple of stories like that in St. Augustine in just the last couple
00:58:20of years. When that happens to somebody, either it's a situation that they have
00:58:28been thrust into, or it's a situation that their bad choices created, doesn't
00:58:33really matter. You are where you are, right? The important thing is getting out
00:58:37of that, right? But we say that that person is down-and-out. Well, the very
00:58:45first down-and-out person was Judas. Where was this meal taking place, the
00:58:51Last Supper? In the upper room. What floor was the upper room on? Right.
00:59:00Judas goes down-and-out after he is revealed to be the son of perdition. The
00:59:07apostles are in the air with Jesus Christ and the type of the rapture. You
00:59:14don't have a better New Testament picture of the rapture of the church, the
00:59:18pre-tribulation rapture of the church, than what I just gave you from John
00:59:21chapter 13. There is, outside of what Paul wrote, there is no better example than
00:59:26that. Judas is revealed. He was always the man of sin. He mocks Mary of Bethany. He
00:59:34does all this wrong stuff, bad stuff, but he's part of the group. Jesus even says
00:59:39publicly, have I not chosen you twelve and one of you is a devil? He was never
00:59:44not the man of sin. And then, in John chapter 13, the sop, Satan enters into him.
00:59:54He goes down-and-out into night, and it is darkness, and the eleven disciples are
00:59:59up in the air with Jesus Christ in a beautiful picture of the pre-tribulation
01:00:04rapture of the church. Now, let me wind up my message with this.
01:00:16Many of you know that we have a website called Now the End Begins, and for 15
01:00:23years we have been monitoring end times Bible prophecy. And sometimes it runs
01:00:31really, really hot. Sometimes it runs rather cool. And every once in a while,
01:00:36you have an extended period of calm where you're waiting for something to happen,
01:00:41and nothing seems to be happening. But on March 16th of 2020, and we all know,
01:00:49we all remember, that was the first day of the lockdown. That was the first day
01:00:56that the world was locked down, that a global pandemic was declared for the
01:01:00first time in over a century. And we entered into a time of chaos, confusion,
01:01:08and a very high level of uncertainty. So much so, and I'm just going to give you a
01:01:16very, very small piece of our timeline, just a couple of quick little things
01:01:22to read. If you remember two weeks ago, Donald Trump got hit in the ear with a
01:01:29bullet. Within an hour, the vast majority of people, they were shocked.
01:01:38How could this happen in America? But the vast majority of people did not believe
01:01:44what they were seeing. I'm not saying that the vast majority of people didn't believe
01:01:48that he got shot in the ear. I think we all believe that, okay? I'm saying that
01:01:53the entire substructure around that story, as it began to be revealed,
01:02:01the vast majority of people did not believe it when it was happening in real time
01:02:07at the time. And then a couple of days later, you find out there was a second
01:02:11shooter up on the water tower, and why didn't they take him out,
01:02:15and all these different things, okay? We are living in unbelievable, chaotic,
01:02:22swirling times. And look, I don't ever stand up in this pulpit. I don't preach politics,
01:02:30like go out and if you want to vote, vote. If you don't want to vote, don't vote.
01:02:33Pass the salt. That's how I think, okay? This pulpit is for this book.
01:02:39I'm preaching and teaching what this book has to say. Now, Jesus said in Acts 9 to Ananias,
01:02:46well, you go to the street which is called Straight, and you lay your hands on that guy.
01:02:50I understand you're afraid of him, but he is a chosen vessel unto me,
01:02:55and he is going to preach before the Jews, before the Gentiles, and before kings.
01:03:02There's your politics. You show me one testament, one prophet in the Old Testament
01:03:08that doesn't wind up preaching before a king. You're going to have a very short list, okay?
01:03:13And from that perspective, the Bible is a very political book, okay?
01:03:18I just want to read to you a couple of these, and I'm almost done.
01:03:22I know that we've gone a couple minutes over, but when I tell you that this may be
01:03:26one of the most important messages that you'll hear in recent times,
01:03:31I am not overstating the case.
01:03:34July 8th, Joe Biden says, time to put Trump into a bullseye.
01:03:38July 13th, Donald Trump hit with a shot to the ear, five days later.
01:03:44One day, two days after he was hit, this massive case against him was dropped with no new evidence.
01:03:53On July 14th, we called for a second shooter to be revealed,
01:03:57and two days later, people started talking about second shooter.
01:04:01The Republican National Convention on July 16th had a whole segment,
01:04:06because they have these digital backdrops, if you watch those things.
01:04:11They have this massive stage front, but it's all these LED screens,
01:04:15and they can put anything that they want up there.
01:04:18On the opening night, you had the back of the $1 bill,
01:04:23which said, Novus Ordo Seclorum, New World Order,
01:04:28and you had the all-seeing eye of the unfinished pyramid,
01:04:32also from the back of the $1 bill,
01:04:34and that was the stage set for the first 20 minutes, 25 minutes,
01:04:39of the Republican, not the Democrat, National Convention.
01:04:43July 17th, evidence begins to emerge of a second shooter.
01:04:46July 17th, Tucker Carlson and John Rich attack the C.I. Schofield Study Bible,
01:04:53dispensationalism, and destroy, they think,
01:04:56the pre-tribulation rapture of the church that I just spent an hour preaching on.
01:05:02July 20th, Israel, for the first time ever,
01:05:05launched an airstrike against a military target in Yemen.
01:05:09They had never done that.
01:05:13July 21st, Joe Biden drops out of the race on National Ice Cream Day.
01:05:22Now, everybody laughed, and everybody should.
01:05:24I laughed, but then I did a double.
01:05:28I'm like, wait a second.
01:05:29The same guy who the fake news media, over a three-and-a-half-year period,
01:05:36went to great pains every time he ate an ice cream cone.
01:05:40That was front-page news that Joe Biden likes ice cream, right?
01:05:45He steps out on National Ice Cream Day.
01:05:48That's funny.
01:05:49It's also a red flag, okay?
01:05:5322nd, Kamala Harris attends rally at Delaware headquarter as Joe Biden phones in.
01:06:03Also the same day, the Pentagon announces a new Antarctica strategy.
01:06:09Who here knows that in 1952,
01:06:12the entire epicenter of Antarctica was sealed off with a five-nation treaty,
01:06:17and it is illegal for you to go there.
01:06:19Raise your hand if you know that.
01:06:22Go Google it.
01:06:24Google it right now.
01:06:25Take out your phone right now.
01:06:26Google it right now.
01:06:29In that same section, as all these wacky things are happening,
01:06:34the Pentagon announces a brand-new Antarctic strategy.
01:06:39Also the same day, several European countries have announced
01:06:43that they are returning to conscription.
01:06:46Conscription is when you just start drafting your citizens.
01:06:50You want to make your army bigger.
01:06:52You don't get enough volunteers.
01:06:54Just like my dad used to say to me and my four brothers
01:06:58when the house was a mess, he would say,
01:07:01now one of you clowns either volunteer to clean that up
01:07:06or I'm going to volunteer you.
01:07:08Well, that's what conscription is.
01:07:12Europe is doing that now.
01:07:15The next day, July 23rd, Palestine terror groups,
01:07:20and I talked about this on the Wednesday Night Bible Study,
01:07:2314 Palestinian terror groups flew to Communist China
01:07:28to sign the Beijing Declaration to create a national unity government
01:07:35when the two-state solution in Israel is pushed through.
01:07:39That happened on the 23rd.
01:07:42And all these things that I'm giving you from the timeline,
01:07:45these are just facts that have happened.
01:07:48The 25th, pro-Palestinian activists, thousands of them,
01:07:53tear down American flags in Washington, D.C.
01:07:56and put up the Palestinian flag.
01:07:59And on various landmarks, like a replica of the Liberty Bell
01:08:03at the train station, Union Station,
01:08:06big red letters, Hamas is coming.
01:08:10This wasn't a dozen people.
01:08:12This wasn't the basement-dwelling, Starbucks-drinking,
01:08:18Dungeons & Dragons-playing people who do those sort of things.
01:08:24These were real, hardcore, highly-funded operatives
01:08:29who were also American citizens.
01:08:32Thousands of them, they tore down a dozen American flags,
01:08:39put up Palestinian flags.
01:08:42July 26th, Emmanuel Macron opens up the 33rd Olympic Games
01:08:54in Paris, France.
01:08:57Study World War I and look at the role that France plays.
01:09:01Study World War II and look at the role that France plays.
01:09:06Does the number 33 have any significance?
01:09:09Well, Jesus is said to have ascended back up to heaven
01:09:12when he was 33 years old.
01:09:14The Freemasons, for whatever reason,
01:09:16because they have a counterfeit, they love the number 33.
01:09:20And if you've ever Googled the number 33,
01:09:23you get a whole lot more scary results
01:09:26than you do positive results.
01:09:30So this was the 33rd Olympics, okay?
01:09:36Did anybody watch that?
01:09:39The opening night of the Olympics?
01:09:43You know what they had?
01:09:45They had a golden calf.
01:09:48A very large, golden calf.
01:09:51You know what the Bible says in Psalm 106.19?
01:09:59They made a calf in Horeb and worshipped the molten image.
01:10:03What does a golden calf have to do with
01:10:06who can run the quarter mile the fastest
01:10:09or who can swim or who can shoot or any of those things?
01:10:12You don't need a golden calf at the Olympics,
01:10:15but that's the least of their problems.
01:10:18Then, right before Emmanuel Macron
01:10:23as the president of France,
01:10:26bellowed into the microphone in French,
01:10:29I declare the 33rd Olympic Games to now be open.
01:10:33You know what happened in the 60 seconds before he said that?
01:10:38They had a boat on the Seine River.
01:10:41And on that boat was a mechanical, pale horse with a rider.
01:10:47And that pale horse, it was a mechanical horse,
01:10:50and it was being pulled.
01:10:52You couldn't see what was pulling it.
01:10:54And the spotlight was on this metallic, pale horse with a rider.
01:11:00And that's, if you ever read Revelation chapter,
01:11:03I'm not saying that Revelation 6 was fulfilled that night,
01:11:06but that is an awful, strange choice.
01:11:10The Olympics is happy, and it's comradeship,
01:11:13and it's sportsmanship.
01:11:15What do you have?
01:11:16The creepy, AI, mechanical, silver horse
01:11:21with a single, solitary rider with a hood
01:11:24that the face is shrouded in darkness?
01:11:28That is how you open the games.
01:11:30But it got worse.
01:11:33Luke chapter 17, verse 29,
01:11:36Likewise also, as it was in the days of Lot,
01:11:39they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold,
01:11:42they planted, they builded.
01:11:43But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom,
01:11:46it rained fire and brimstone from heaven
01:11:48and destroyed them all.
01:11:50Jesus says in Luke 17,
01:11:51you want to know more about the end times?
01:11:53It's going to be like the days of Noah.
01:11:55Go back to Genesis chapter 6.
01:11:57What event kicks off the days of Noah?
01:12:01The one-man rapture of Enoch.
01:12:04He's taken out, and then the days of Noah start.
01:12:08We're taken out, and the time of Jacob's trouble starts.
01:12:13So Jesus says in Luke chapter 17,
01:12:16the end times are going to be like the days of Noah.
01:12:19And we understand that.
01:12:20And He says it's going to be like the days of Lot.
01:12:24Do we understand that?
01:12:27Do we understand that we live in a world
01:12:29that is controlled and dominated by the LGBTQIA2SL++?
01:12:35And I'm not talking anybody down.
01:12:38I would love for people like that to come into this church
01:12:41and to hear the gospel.
01:12:42We'd give it to them straight.
01:12:43We would love on them.
01:12:44We'd tell them how they could get saved
01:12:47and how they could avoid the hell that they're headed for
01:12:51like any other lost person.
01:12:53When it comes to lost people as Christians,
01:12:55we should not discriminate.
01:12:58Somebody who's a drunk who tried to get sober ten times
01:13:01over ten years, come on in.
01:13:03We're going to take a shot at time number 11
01:13:06and we're going to do it together.
01:13:08That's what we are called to do with this book.
01:13:12Go out into the highways and hedges
01:13:14and compel them to come in
01:13:16that his house may be full.
01:13:19That's how Christians should look at the LGBTQ
01:13:23from one perspective.
01:13:25On the other side of the fence,
01:13:27from the prophetic perspective,
01:13:29Jesus said the end times, the time of Jacob's trouble,
01:13:31it's going to be like the days of Noah.
01:13:33It's going to be like the days of Lot.
01:13:35So, there is a man in France,
01:13:38perhaps you heard of him.
01:13:39His name is Emmanuel Macron.
01:13:42He first came on my radar back in 2017
01:13:46when he became the president.
01:13:48Now, just nobody get nervous here.
01:13:52He came on my radar back in 2017.
01:13:55He won the vote.
01:13:57He came out of nowhere.
01:13:58Turns out he didn't come out of nowhere.
01:14:00He was a Rothschild's banker
01:14:02and then in 2014 he was introduced
01:14:04at the Bilderberg secret meetings
01:14:06and then two and a half years later
01:14:08he was the president of France.
01:14:10And when he became the president of France,
01:14:13the French newspapers,
01:14:15graphic after graphic,
01:14:17he beat Marine Le Pen,
01:14:19who is still his enemy.
01:14:21He won 66.6% of the vote.
01:14:25She won 33.3%.
01:14:29That's how he started.
01:14:31And so I started to write about this man,
01:14:33Emmanuel Macron,
01:14:35and he said some wacky things.
01:14:37He said when he was running
01:14:39for president that he had a vision
01:14:42that he was flying in on a white horse
01:14:46and he was going to liberate France
01:14:49and he was going to rule over Europe
01:14:53like the god Jupiter.
01:14:55He said that.
01:14:57That's on record.
01:14:58I'm giving you facts, not my opinion.
01:15:01And so over the years
01:15:03we began to keep tabs on this man.
01:15:05I'm not looking for the Antichrist,
01:15:08but since Paul was so kind
01:15:12as to show us that there's two things
01:15:14that have to take place before the rapture happens,
01:15:17there's got to be a falling away.
01:15:19We all know that. We all see it.
01:15:21And the man of sin has to be revealed.
01:15:23Not the Antichrist, not the son of perdition.
01:15:27Judas was the man of sin
01:15:29and he stayed with them
01:15:32and bred with them for three and a half years.
01:15:36And then the day came
01:15:38where the man of sin was revealed
01:15:40to be the son of perdition
01:15:41and up they went.
01:15:42They were already up in the second floor.
01:15:44It's the type of the rapture.
01:15:46So I would write these stories
01:15:50and people would investigate.
01:15:54When I first started writing about him
01:15:56people said, oh, come on, give it a break.
01:15:59Stop looking for the Antichrist.
01:16:01And I would continue to keep tabs
01:16:03and write stories and write stories
01:16:05and over the years people began
01:16:07to check out the stories that I was writing
01:16:09and I would have a fairly good percentage
01:16:11of people come back to me
01:16:13say, I thought you were crazy
01:16:15when you first said that
01:16:17he could possibly be the man of sin
01:16:19but he's doing these wacky things
01:16:23and he's been doing them for years.
01:16:26He seems to be invulnerable.
01:16:28I think I might get on your side of the fence.
01:16:31And so I would write more stories.
01:16:33Two years ago in Paris
01:16:35do you remember those riots?
01:16:37Remember when Paris was on fire?
01:16:39And at one point there was
01:16:41a million Parisians
01:16:43who had come out to the city of Paris
01:16:45the city of love and lights
01:16:47and all that stuff
01:16:49and they were demanding
01:16:51that he step down.
01:16:53Why were they so mad?
01:16:55Because he wanted to change the age
01:16:57of retirement from 60 to 64
01:16:59or 64 to 68
01:17:01but he wanted to increase
01:17:03the retirement age by four years
01:17:05and he
01:17:07couldn't get his parliament
01:17:09to vote it.
01:17:11So you know what he did?
01:17:13He just did a Joe Biden, he did an executive order
01:17:15he pushed it through
01:17:17the parliament said okay we accept that
01:17:19the thing that a million people
01:17:21were up in arms about
01:17:23and you talk to anybody
01:17:25he is a vile person
01:17:27and nobody respects him
01:17:29nobody wants him gone
01:17:31and yet you can't get rid of him
01:17:35no matter what you do
01:17:37and I thought for sure
01:17:39when I was watching a million people
01:17:41setting the city of Paris on fire
01:17:43I said well okay
01:17:45we had a good run
01:17:47we had about five years
01:17:49and the type held through
01:17:51and in my mind
01:17:53I was just waiting for him to be
01:17:55removed physically
01:17:57or voted out or something
01:17:59and then they had elections
01:18:01and he won
01:18:03in an overwhelming
01:18:05percentage of the votes
01:18:07the same people
01:18:09that were so mad at him
01:18:11and hated him so much
01:18:13now voted him back into office
01:18:15now that's
01:18:17I don't know about you but that's a really really
01:18:19strange thing
01:18:21so a couple of months ago
01:18:23if you were following it
01:18:25there's a far right
01:18:27there's a centrist party
01:18:29there's a far left party
01:18:31the far left are the marxist socialist
01:18:33communists, the far right
01:18:35are kind of what we would consider
01:18:37to a certain degree like our
01:18:39conservative party here in America
01:18:41and then the centrist obviously
01:18:43they try to split the difference in the middle
01:18:45between the two groups
01:18:47and he saw that
01:18:49the far right party and his arch enemy
01:18:51Marine Le Pen
01:18:54was about to win
01:18:56not for the presidency
01:18:58but for the parliament
01:19:00and she could
01:19:02through a hopscotching leapfrogging
01:19:04thing she possibly
01:19:06could have become the prime minister
01:19:08so you know what he does
01:19:10he calls for a snap election
01:19:12and he dissolves
01:19:14the entire, this is just a couple
01:19:16months ago, he dissolves the
01:19:18entire parliament
01:19:20now there's no parliament
01:19:22in France and he says
01:19:24we're going to vote Sunday
01:19:26and then we're going to vote a week after that
01:19:28my inbox
01:19:30blew up
01:19:32you're wrong about Macron
01:19:34he got out of everything else
01:19:36he's not getting out of this
01:19:40you get to the first vote
01:19:42and you know what happened with the far right
01:19:44they walloped him
01:19:46I got more emails
01:19:48you see what I mean
01:19:50he is done, he is finished
01:19:52his time has come to an end
01:19:54and I said publicly
01:19:56no it's not
01:19:58he's not going anywhere
01:20:00and they say how can you say that
01:20:02and so one week later
01:20:04they voted again
01:20:06and you know what he did
01:20:08he formed this alliance
01:20:10like Adolf Hitler
01:20:12with Japan and Italy
01:20:14he formed an alliance with the far left
01:20:16and he's not far left
01:20:18and he got everybody on the far left
01:20:20so excited
01:20:22that they walloped the far right
01:20:24and then after he won
01:20:26he broke his deal with the far left
01:20:28it is over
01:20:30he is more powerful than he was before
01:20:32took place in two weeks
01:20:38and this is the last thing that I have for you today
01:20:40but just as we started
01:20:42this message
01:20:44was something I had never done before
01:20:46to lead the congregation in singing
01:20:48from the piano
01:20:50before giving a message
01:20:52that has never even occurred to me
01:20:56the book was open to revive us again
01:20:58and I knew what my message was
01:21:00and the Lord just said sing it out
01:21:02revive us again
01:21:04get our perspective straight
01:21:06let's kick off the rust
01:21:08you know
01:21:10clean up the boots and get ready for
01:21:12for action okay
01:21:16this same man Emmanuel Macron
01:21:20two nights ago
01:21:22the opening of the 33rd
01:21:26he has
01:21:28unbelievable and scary
01:21:30symbolism from Revelation chapter 6
01:21:32and then
01:21:34he has a
01:21:36mockery of the Last
01:21:38Supper filled with
01:21:40LGBTQ people
01:21:42and he has one of those guys
01:21:44and the Luciferians
01:21:46love to do this stuff
01:21:48they love to have these events where people
01:21:50are on plates like they're the
01:21:52food and they eat the food around them
01:21:54it's not really
01:21:56it's perverted
01:21:58but not in the way that you might think
01:22:00they just do these rituals
01:22:02and that's exactly the Olympics
01:22:04that's how
01:22:06they opened the Olympics
01:22:08and it was the most
01:22:10if you have read any
01:22:12prophecy about the end times
01:22:14for literally more than five
01:22:16minutes it was jumping
01:22:18off the page
01:22:20and it was the most
01:22:24perverted thing that you
01:22:26could ever possibly imagine
01:22:28in the context
01:22:30of sporting games
01:22:32and most people
01:22:34I don't know if it's true now but
01:22:36when I was watching those things back
01:22:38in the 70s and 80s
01:22:40it was teenagers and young people in their
01:22:4220s people who are really strong
01:22:44and really good at those type of things
01:22:48if you were to watch this video
01:22:50which the International
01:22:52Olympic Committee
01:22:54has demanded be removed
01:22:56from all social media I have a copy
01:22:58of it but
01:23:02this opening event
01:23:04was so disgusting
01:23:06so unbelievably perverse
01:23:08there is a man standing
01:23:10in shorts behind children
01:23:12and he is exposed
01:23:14this is the opening
01:23:16of the Olympics and
01:23:18Emmanuel Macron said
01:23:20that this is France's finest
01:23:22moment and we present
01:23:24this to the world
01:23:26now I spent
01:23:28hours and hours
01:23:30on social media
01:23:32the other night
01:23:34the entire world
01:23:36got up to speed with how I view
01:23:38Emmanuel Macron for the last seven years
01:23:42whether or not he is the biblical
01:23:44man of sin time will tell
01:23:46and let time be the judge
01:23:48but I am simply saying to you
01:23:52just as the people that
01:23:54we read about in the Bible
01:23:56you would think
01:23:58they have all these warning signs
01:24:00they could never get caught by surprise
01:24:02and the Bible says
01:24:04you will absolutely get caught by surprise
01:24:06Habakkuk 1 5
01:24:08behold ye among the heathen
01:24:10and regard and wonder marvelously
01:24:12for I will work
01:24:14a work in your day
01:24:16which you will not believe
01:24:18though it be told you
01:24:20and I submit
01:24:22to you in closing
01:24:24it is my personal belief
01:24:26after having
01:24:28followed the career
01:24:31of this man for the past seven years
01:24:35with what he did as a
01:24:37billion people
01:24:39wrap your head around that
01:24:41one eighth of the entire world
01:24:43tuned in to the
01:24:45Olympics the opening ceremonies
01:24:47over one billion
01:24:49people and he presented
01:24:51something that is
01:24:53absolutely from the days of Noah
01:24:55and from the days of Lot
01:24:57Jesus says he who had
01:24:59an ear let him hear what the Spirit
01:25:01saith unto the churches
01:25:03and I am telling you
01:25:05that these events
01:25:07that are taking place
01:25:09we are living in the last days
01:25:13we are worn out
01:25:15we are tired
01:25:17and it's how much more of this
01:25:19one of my
01:25:21closest friends when we were texting back
01:25:23and forth about this he said to me
01:25:25he said I am
01:25:27worn out with all this
01:25:29not my conspiracy theory
01:25:31he's worn out with the
01:25:33actual things that are happening
01:25:35now he believes that these
01:25:37things are happening from a biblical perspective
01:25:39but he said what I was feeling
01:25:41he said how could this
01:25:43be? rhetorical
01:25:45question because we know how it is
01:25:51if you take anything away from this
01:25:55is that we are
01:25:57in the closing
01:25:59moments of the last days
01:26:01from a global perspective
01:26:03the church is
01:26:07sound asleep
01:26:09and we who are saved to believe
01:26:11this book are called
01:26:13to get up and do
01:26:15something about it
01:26:17that's what we are called
01:26:19to do
01:26:21to give Jesus Christ
01:26:23the whole Sunday School this morning
01:26:25was about the
01:26:27parallels between when the Bible
01:26:29talks about the truth
01:26:31and the gospel
01:26:33the truth is the gospel
01:26:35the gospel is the truth
01:26:37the gospel is Jesus Christ
01:26:39and Brother Ed brought a great Sunday School
01:26:41message about that whole thing
01:26:43this morning and I thought to myself
01:26:45God did it again that's a perfect
01:26:47springboard for my message today
01:26:49and we did not consult
01:26:51but what I am telling
01:26:53you that I believe
01:26:55this with 1000%
01:26:57of my heart is that
01:26:59these things are
01:27:01in motion they are active
01:27:03they are going to continue to multiply
01:27:05what form that
01:27:07takes I'm not a prophet
01:27:09I'm not an apostle
01:27:11I'm not psychic I'm not a seer
01:27:13I have a book
01:27:15that has told me the future
01:27:17and I read it I've been reading that book
01:27:19for 33 years but
01:27:21it hasn't been until the last 4
01:27:23years that I'm like okay now I can
01:27:25really see it
01:27:27right in front of my face
01:27:29and what really cracked me up
01:27:31Saturday night
01:27:33today's Sunday sat last night
01:27:35what really cracked me up
01:27:37is on social media
01:27:39right all these
01:27:41people who said I was crazy
01:27:43are now saying that Elon Musk
01:27:45Elon Musk maybe
01:27:47Emmanuel Macron
01:27:49could possibly
01:27:51be the biblical man of sin
01:27:53you judge
01:27:55you look at the verses
01:27:57you pay attention to what's happening
01:27:59but this is what I see
01:28:01and this is what God has put on my heart
01:28:03let's pray
01:28:05Heavenly Father
01:28:07I thank you
01:28:09Lord for this church
01:28:11and these people this place this time
01:28:13and Lord your word does
01:28:15say he who hath an ear
01:28:17let him hear what the
01:28:19spirit sayeth unto the churches
01:28:21and we thank you God for the warning
01:28:23we thank you God for the prophetic word
01:28:25and we thank you God that
01:28:27we can look
01:28:29out around the landscape and we can see
01:28:31these things beginning to
01:28:33come to pass exactly as
01:28:35you said that they would and even
01:28:37as they do
01:28:39the vast majority of us
01:28:41don't know don't
01:28:43care not looking
01:28:45and Father God
01:28:47I just pray that
01:28:49a true spirit of revival
01:28:51would begin to sweep through this land
01:28:53starting right here
01:28:55in this building in this
01:28:57sanctuary with these people
01:28:59in this place in this time
01:29:01and Lord use
01:29:03us for your glory
01:29:05for our good and God
01:29:07I pray that if there's one listening today
01:29:09either here or online
01:29:11who's not saved who doesn't know you
01:29:13maybe you've been calling them
01:29:15for a while and they've been putting it off
01:29:17and putting it off and putting it off
01:29:19Lord I pray that something was said and done
01:29:21that today would be the day of salvation
01:29:23for that person
01:29:25that they would believe
01:29:27the gospel and be saved
01:29:29and for those of us that are saved
01:29:31Father God we just pray
01:29:33that something was said and done in Sunday
01:29:35school and in the message today
01:29:37that would get
01:29:39them and get us back
01:29:41on fire for you the way that
01:29:43we're supposed to be
01:29:45and God we ask all these things
01:29:47with thanks and praise in Jesus name
