Barack Obama Refuse To Endorse Kamala Harris?-NOW THE END BEGINS-JULY 22 2024

  • 2 months ago
Barack Obama has made it clear he wants to see an “open contest” for the Democrat nominee position following President Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the race, and has absolutely not endorsed Kamala Harris. Nancy Pelosi has joined Obama in also calling for an open contest. Seeing as it’s Barack Obama’s third term that’s coming to an end, it only makes sense he will work to choose the nominee to carry him into his fourth term. Who better to do that than Big Mike? On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, it’s only mid-July and we’ve already had not one but two October Surprises, it really makes you wonder how many more are going to transpire before November. A really good third one would be to nominate Michelle Obama for president, because unlike Hillary and Kamala, Michelle Obama could actually beat Donald Trump. You might say that’s a wishful thinking long shot, but a Michelle Obama candidacy is no more far-fetched than a Donald Trump assassination attempt or Joe Biden stepping down on National Ice Cream Day. I mean, people, come on now. Kamala cannot realistically beat Donald Trump, America is beyond burned out on anything to do with the Clintons, but Michelle Obama? You would see the Democrats energized like it was September 1 in 1939, and they were speaking German. It would be off the charts. She would get the black vote, the brown vote, some of the white vote, and nearly all of the LGBTQ+ alphabet letters that swim in their little soup bowl. One thing is for sure, and that’s nothing is for sure, and on this edition of the Prophecy News Podcast, we break it down from every angle.
00:00:00Welcome to the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast with your host and
00:00:05Bible teacher, Jeffrey Greider, rightly divided, dispensationally
00:00:10correct, and standing on the authority of the King James Holy
00:00:14Bible. This program is brought to you by
00:00:19And good afternoon everybody. Happy Monday and welcome to this
00:00:24edition of the Prophecy News Podcast today. Joe Biden endorses
00:00:29Kamala as he steps down, but Barack Obama calls for a open
00:00:34contest to choose the nominee. Who is he thinking of? Hillary?
00:00:40Michelle? Barack Obama has made it clear that he wants to see an
00:00:45open contest for the Democrat nominee position following Joe
00:00:49Biden's decision to drop out of the race and has absolutely not
00:00:55endorsed Kamala Harris. Nancy Pelosi has joined Obama in
00:01:00calling for an open contest. Seeing as it is Barack Obama's
00:01:04third term that is actually coming to an end, it only makes
00:01:08sense that he will work to choose the nominee to carry him
00:01:12into his fourth term. Who better to do that than Big Mike? Isaiah
00:01:1814 verse 5, the Lord hath broken the staff of the wicked and the
00:01:24scepter of the rulers. It's only mid-July and we've already had
00:01:29not one but two October surprises. It really makes you
00:01:33wonder how many more we are going to have before November
00:01:37gets here. A really good third October surprise would be to
00:01:42nominate Michelle Obama for president because unlike Hillary
00:01:47and Kamala, Michelle Obama could actually beat Donald Trump. Now
00:01:52you might say that that is a wishful thinking long shot but a
00:01:58Michelle Obama candidacy is no more far-fetched than a Donald
00:02:03Trump assassination attempt or Joe Biden stepping down on
00:02:08National Ice Cream Day. I mean, people, come on. Kamala cannot
00:02:14realistically beat Donald Trump. America is burned out on
00:02:19anything to do with the Clintons but Michelle Obama? You
00:02:23would see the Democrats energized like it was September
00:02:271st in 1939 and they were all speaking German. It would be off
00:02:33the charts. She would get the black vote, the brown vote, some
00:02:37of the white vote, and nearly all of the LGBTQ plus alphabet
00:02:43letters that swim in their little soup bowl. One thing's
00:02:47for sure and that's nothing is for sure. On this edition of the
00:02:51Prophecy News Podcast, we break it down for you from every
00:02:56conceivable angle. Heavenly Father, we thank you, God, for
00:03:01gathering us here today. We thank you, God, for working out
00:03:05the technical issues and they pop up. Oh man, do they pop up
00:03:11on a regular basis. And Father God, we're so glad that you woke
00:03:16us up this morning. We're thankful for the food on the
00:03:20table, the clothes on our back, the roof over our head. We thank
00:03:24you, God, to be saved and serving and being used of you to
00:03:28get something done, Lord, in these last days that will make
00:03:32it through the judgment seat of Christ. Philippians chapter 4
00:03:36verse 6 says, be careful for nothing but in everything by
00:03:42prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request
00:03:47be made known unto God and the peace of God which passeth all
00:03:51understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ
00:03:56Jesus. And Heavenly Father, today we pray for lost souls. We
00:04:02pray for Sarah and Eric and Becky Jacobs, Greg and Melissa
00:04:05Price. Kimberly McClintock says, please pray for the salvation of
00:04:10my two adult daughters, E and J. Shayla Clark's husband, Glenn.
00:04:16In Jeanette's family, Cheyenne, Bridget, Tony, Dion, Matthew,
00:04:21Samuel, and two great grandbabies. We pray for Trista,
00:04:25Tara, Ted, Shauna, and George. For Trevor, for Derek, Adam, and
00:04:30Roland Carrier and their families. For my three brothers,
00:04:34John, Jimmy, and David, daughter, Christy, niece, Melissa,
00:04:38sister-in-law, Dale, and Jesse and his mom, Rachel's dad,
00:04:43Ralph, unsaved Catholic family members of the Bolton family,
00:04:48Jordan Shapiro, Rita's son, Dan, in Colorado, David Peck. In the
00:04:54Wears-Bickey family, daughters, Valerie and Marie, husband,
00:04:58Greg Sr., and son, Greg Jr., Jeffrey's children, Tyler Tevin,
00:05:04daughter-in-law, Caitlin, and grandsons, Logan, Ronnie, and
00:05:07Russell. Jeanette and Bob's unsaved Catholic family members.
00:05:11Connie has three unsaved kids. Brandy, unsaved family members.
00:05:16Ron needs to get saved. Spray of Sunshine asking prayer for
00:05:20children, Daniel, Patrick, and Brian. And Shannon is praying
00:05:25for Lori W. and Brian M. People who need a healing today,
00:05:33Nihal Pereira. Please pray for my wife, Shandricka, suffering
00:05:40from stage four cancer. Teresa S. has a positive result on her
00:05:46lung biopsy, and we're praying that God would work and move in
00:05:51that situation. Lulu, please add my sister's friend, Charlene,
00:05:56to the list. She has liver cancer, and she does not know
00:06:00how to pray. And I'm praying for my husband, Jesus. Ron is asking
00:06:03prayer for his 96-year-old mom, affectionately called Mama
00:06:08Billy, who is in the hospital right now with a blockage.
00:06:13Kathy is asking for prayer that her job will give her different
00:06:16hours so she can attend church every Wednesday night. Amen.
00:06:22Lori Anne, please pray for my Aunt Dorothy with a brain tumor
00:06:25and for my mom and dad with health issues. Amber asking for
00:06:29prayer for Jamie with stage four brain cancer. Adrian Brita, his
00:06:35father has been diagnosed with stage four melanoma. Sandy has
00:06:40blood flow problems to her shoulders, and we're praying for
00:06:45that. Gail, severe arthritis attack in my knees, difficult to
00:06:51walk. Laurent, please pray for my nicotine addiction and mental
00:06:55health. Alicia, mental health recovery. Daniel R., mental
00:07:00health recovery. Amanda Ward, she's been battling cervical
00:07:05cancer, and we're praying for her and her husband, Jeff, as
00:07:09they go through it. Linda's sister, Mary Ann, with rheumatoid
00:07:12arthritis. Asher, please pray for my mom. Amanda Emaw,
00:07:17battling cancer, chemo, and low blood pressure. Annetta needs a
00:07:22complete healing after having a stroke. Ron Alliston has cancer.
00:07:29Brooke Kettlecamp is battling autism. Lindsey White, that's
00:07:35Lola W.'s daughter-in-law, is expecting in March. Lauren,
00:07:39expecting a baby in December. Deborah Mack's good friend Gwen
00:07:44is pregnant, going through morning sickness. CJ's
00:07:47daughter-in-law, Emily, expecting in December. Tanya's
00:07:51son, Vincent, and fiancé, Sarah, having twin boys in
00:07:55August. Marilyn Lenore's granddaughter-in-law, Tori,
00:07:59expecting in August. And Jose and Anna De La Rosa are
00:08:04expecting their third baby in, it doesn't say, expecting their
00:08:12third baby sometime soon. Let's go to the chat room and see what
00:08:17we have. Sharr, I'm off to youth camp today. Please pray for the
00:08:23campers and the pastors. Amen. Deborah Mack, praise report. The
00:08:28young man, Nathan, who I witnessed to a few months back,
00:08:31has been baptized. He is engaged in getting married. I saw him
00:08:36Saturday at the gym. He told me after I started to witness to
00:08:40him, he started going to church. I see the church report, the
00:08:46baptism report. Is there a testimony of salvation? Because
00:08:53church is good, baptism is good, but you got to be saved. So
00:08:58please let me know what the testimony of salvation is.
00:09:02Laurieann, please pray for me. Talking about me. That all goes
00:09:07well with the podcast equipment today and God's hand over me.
00:09:11Amen. I sure do need that today. A guest in the chat room named
00:09:16Laurie Looks. Please pray for my daughter. She is a drug addict
00:09:22on the street in Olympia, Washington, and we'll be very
00:09:26happy to pray for that. Heath, keep me in your prayers. I go to
00:09:31the doctor for my meds today. The IT outage has put me in not
00:09:36the best situation. Joan, please pray for God to take me to
00:09:41heaven. I have been diagnosed with degenerative spine disease.
00:09:47It is too much. And yes, all of these things are too much for us
00:09:54and in our own strength. We can't do it. We can't handle it.
00:09:58We are easily overwhelmed in our own strength. The Bible says, I
00:10:03can do all things through Christ, Jesus Christ, which
00:10:08strengtheneth me. And it is to him that we pray this morning.
00:10:13It is to him that we lift up our prayers and petitions and
00:10:17praises with thanksgiving. And Heavenly Father, we ask you to
00:10:22work and move as only you can. Get in the middle of all of
00:10:27this. Every prayer request, everyone who is overwhelmed and
00:10:32stressed and broken down and burdened. Lord, we ask you to do
00:10:38for us that what we cannot do for ourselves. If you don't do
00:10:43it, God, it's not going to get done. If you don't give it to
00:10:47us, we're not going to have it. And we put all of this in your
00:10:51hands and say, Lord, answer these prayers for your glory for
00:10:57our good. And we ask all of these things in Jesus name.
00:11:04Amen. Amen. Deborah Mack says, great question. I will ask him
00:11:08to explain that. Hopefully I will see him soon. And look, we
00:11:15are not nitpickers. When somebody says that somebody got
00:11:20baptized, we rejoice when people get baptized, but they
00:11:29got to get saved first. Turn to Acts chapter eight. We'll get to
00:11:34the podcast in just a minute, but I want to address this very
00:11:39important subject. When we hear about people getting baptized,
00:11:45if you remember about a year ago, there was this Jesus
00:11:48revolution movie. And we wrote articles about the Jesus
00:11:53revolution movie and thousands and thousands of people were
00:11:57getting baptized. But where were the testimonies of salvation?
00:12:04And Greg Laurie posted something a couple of months ago, 4,000
00:12:09people got baptized. And there were so many people that they
00:12:15had to get baptized in the ocean. And look, I'm obviously
00:12:21as a Bible believer, a Bible teacher, a Bible preacher, and a
00:12:25pastor, I am not against new Testament adult baptism, but you
00:12:32gotta get saved first. Baptism cannot and will not save your
00:12:40soul. Turn to Acts chapter eight. I want to show you about
00:12:45the salvation and the baptism of the very first Gentile ever to
00:12:51get saved in the church age. Acts chapter eight. And let's
00:12:59start reading in verse, well, let's get the whole thing. Let's
00:13:06start reading in verse 827. Acts 827. And he arose and went
00:13:13and behold, a man of Ethiopia, a eunuch of great authority under
00:13:19Candace, queen of the Ethiopians, who had the charge of
00:13:23all her treasure and had come to Jerusalem for to worship, was
00:13:28returning and sitting in his chariot, read Isaiah, the
00:13:32prophet. Then the spirit said unto Philip, go near and join
00:13:38thyself to this chariot. And Philip ran thither to him and
00:13:43heard him read the prophet Esaias and said, understandest thou
00:13:47what thou readest? And he said, how can I, except some man should
00:13:54guide me. And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit
00:13:58with him. The place of the scripture, which he read was
00:14:01this Isaiah 53. He was led as the sheep to the slaughter and
00:14:07like a lamb dumb before his shearer. So opened he not his
00:14:12mouth in his humiliation, his judgment was taken away and who
00:14:17shall declare his generation for his life is taken from the
00:14:22earth. And the eunuch answered Philip and said, I pray thee of
00:14:27whom speak it, the prophet, this of himself or of some other
00:14:32man. Then Philip opened his mouth and began at the same
00:14:37scripture, Isaiah 53 and preached unto him, Jesus. And as
00:14:44they went on their way, they came unto a certain water and the
00:14:47eunuch said, see here is water. What doth hinder me to be
00:14:52baptized? The Ethiopian eunuch is reading the scripture. He has
00:15:01somebody giving him a little bit of a Bible study and giving the
00:15:05Ethiopian eunuch the gospel. The Ethiopian eunuch, we don't hear
00:15:12what he has to say about it, but it sounds like he's enjoying the
00:15:16Bible study. And so as they're going along in their chariot and
00:15:22Philip is conducting a Bible study, just like we do on Sunday
00:15:26and Tuesday nights, they come across a little bit of a river
00:15:32and the Ethiopian eunuch says, see, here is water. What doth
00:15:40hinder me to be baptized? What's stopping me from getting
00:15:44baptized, Apostle Philip? And look at what Philip says. Acts
00:15:518 37. And Philip said, if thou believest with all thine heart,
00:15:57thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus
00:16:03Christ is the Son of God. And he commanded the chariot to stand
00:16:09still. And they went down both into the water, both Philip and
00:16:13the Ethiopian, both Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him.
00:16:20We are living in the church age. Those verses that I just gave
00:16:25you are church age verses. Baptism is good. It comes after
00:16:32salvation. Baptism cannot and will not save your soul in the
00:16:40church age. It is not connected to your salvation. Rapture 57
00:16:47is says, hey, what happened to the Bible study for last night?
00:16:51Well, we took a night off. Very, very rare that that happens. It
00:16:56only really happens once or twice a year. But Laurie and I
00:17:01have been going at full speed around the clock, seven days a
00:17:06week. And we just the tank ran out of gas about halfway through
00:17:13the afternoon yesterday, the tank ran out of gas. And we were
00:17:18both mentally physically in need of a little bit of a break. So
00:17:25the Lord told me take a break, take a night off. So that's
00:17:30exactly what we did. But we got a chance to post the Sunday
00:17:37service from Bethany Baptist. And you can see that on
00:17:43YouTube, you can see it on rumble, you can listen to it on
00:17:46Spreaker. And yesterday I preached on what are you
00:17:52committed to? And if you haven't listened to that sermon, you
00:17:57need to go listen to that sermon. What is your commitment
00:18:01level to the Lord Jesus Christ. And we're getting very close
00:18:07to rolling out the live stream Sunday morning services at
00:18:12Bethany Baptist. So please keep us in prayer on that. But look,
00:18:19we go around the clock, seven days a week. We very rarely take
00:18:26vacation, we almost never take a night off. Last night, we had
00:18:31to. And I hope that Sunday morning service will be a
00:18:36blessing to you. But look, we live in a day and age of great
00:18:41deception. Baptism cannot save your soul. I do not get excited
00:18:48when I look online, and I see that 900 people got baptized.
00:18:54Yeah, where's the 900 testimonies of salvation? For by
00:19:02grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of
00:19:05yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works. Baptism is
00:19:11not a part of your salvation, not of works, lest any man
00:19:17should boast. So I hope that that answered the baptism
00:19:22question. I don't get excited when I hear about stories of
00:19:27mass baptisms. To me, that is just social media nonsense. Show
00:19:35me 4000 testimonies of new life in Jesus Christ. Show me 4000
00:19:41testimonies of people who believe the gospel and got
00:19:46saved. Show me that. And then we'll talk about 4000, 5000,
00:19:5310,000 people got baptized. First things first. And we got
00:19:59to stick with the book. We got to absolutely stick with the
00:20:05book. And if you don't stick with the book, you're gonna wind
00:20:09up in a ditch. You're gonna wind up in a ditch. Now, speaking of
00:20:16ditches, and we're gonna work our way to the top story
00:20:19tonight, so don't worry about that. Speaking of ditches, we
00:20:26told you last week how country music singer John Rich went on
00:20:31the Tucker program, and the two of them together, John Rich and
00:20:36Tucker Carlson, they absolutely torched dispensational theology.
00:20:43They absolutely burnt to the ground the C.I. Schofield study
00:20:49Bible. They absolutely incinerated the Bible doctrine
00:20:56of the pre-tribulation rapture of the church. And I got mad
00:21:00about that. And I fired back immediately. I fired back on
00:21:06social media. I fired back in an article. I fired back in my
00:21:12Sunday service yesterday. I fired back with every channel
00:21:17that we have. You are not going to steal my blessed hope from
00:21:25me. You're not going to do it. The Bible says in Titus 2.13,
00:21:31looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of
00:21:35the great God and our Savior, Jesus Christ. And I don't care
00:21:40how many country music superstars, how many Hollywood
00:21:45celebrities, or how many talking heads on YouTube attack
00:21:51the Bible doctrine of the pre-tribulation rapture of the
00:21:55church. I am going to stick with it because it's in the book.
00:22:01Take a listen to John Rich and Tucker Carlson trying to steal
00:22:07your blessed hope.
00:22:10You're saying is the Schofield Bible, its theology is
00:22:12deceptive. A very wealthy, very charismatic preacher named John
00:22:16Darby came with this doctrine that's now referred to as the
00:22:19secret rapture or the pre-tribulation rapture. And
00:22:23guess who he was connected to, by the way, the Rothschilds.
00:22:26Interesting. Have you ever heard of a Schofield Bible? Yes, I
00:22:28have. Okay. So C.I. Schofield was a basically a student of John
00:22:32Darby and he adopted that part of the doctrine and he
00:22:34incorporated that into the Bible. It was the first Bible
00:22:37ever made that had study notes with it. It became so popular.
00:22:40Every Christian was reading it. Every minister was reading it,
00:22:43including me, including my own father for a long time. That's
00:22:46what we believe too. But when you start actually going back
00:22:49and reading line by line by line, what is said that will be
00:22:51leading up to Jesus coming back, which is when the rapture
00:22:54happens, it's the inverse of what John Darby put down. My
00:22:57sense was the Schofield stuff, which has had massive
00:23:00implications for our foreign policy, for example, and in our
00:23:03domestic politics was probably a lie. I do know that that
00:23:07translation or that commentary on the Bible has had massive
00:23:12effects on our politics that have been very, very negative
00:23:15and resulted in the deaths of a lot of people.
00:23:20The Bible says in Titus 2.13, looking for that blessed hope
00:23:25and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior
00:23:29Jesus Christ. The Bible talks about the rapture in Genesis
00:23:33chapter five, Song of Solomon chapter two. Paul talks about
00:23:38it in 1 Corinthians 15, 1 Thessalonians chapter four. John
00:23:42mentions it in the first six verses of the gospel of John
00:23:48chapter 14. Don't you try and steal my blessed hope. I'm not
00:23:55going to let you do it. And I'm going to stand for it. And I'm
00:23:58going to stand with it. And I'm going to stand against anybody
00:24:03and everybody that tries to take it from me or tries to take it
00:24:08from any Christian that I know, or who tries to take it from
00:24:12anybody who comes to Now the End Begins on a regular basis. We
00:24:18are going to stick with the book and the book clearly talks about
00:24:23a pre-tribulation rapture of the church. But you can't see it if
00:24:29you don't rightly divide. And if you don't have a King James
00:24:34Bible, you don't have a command to rightly divide the scripture.
00:24:40Well, John Rich, he reached out to me. And he said, quote, post
00:24:49the clip where I said the rapture was fake. I never said
00:24:54that. Don't believe that. And you are now part of the
00:24:57deception. John Rich dared me. He said, go ahead and post it.
00:25:04And I replied to his message. Quote, you said that the
00:25:11pre-tribulation rapture of the church was a deception. You said
00:25:16it multiple times. I said, why don't you stick with music? You
00:25:22don't know anything about the Bible. Deborah Mack is asking
00:25:28if, she says, I wonder if he read your comment. He absolutely
00:25:35did. But he did not have the courage to get back to me. Now,
00:25:40just so you know, I never said that he said that the rapture
00:25:48was a fake. I said that he said the pre-tribulation rapture was
00:25:53a fake. And he absolutely said that. I'm going to play it one
00:25:58more time.
00:25:59You're saying is the Scofield Bible, its theology is
00:26:02A very wealthy, very charismatic preacher named John Darby came
00:26:06with this doctrine that's now referred to as the secret
00:26:09rapture or the pre-tribulation rapture. And guess who he was
00:26:13connected to, by the way, the Rothschilds.
00:26:16Have you ever heard of a Scofield Bible?
00:26:17Yes, I have.
00:26:18Okay. So C.I. Scofield was a basically a student of John
00:26:21Darby and he adopted that part of the doctrine and he
00:26:24incorporated that into the Bible. It was the first Bible ever
00:26:27made that had study notes with it. It became so popular. Every
00:26:30Christian was reading it. Every minister was reading it,
00:26:32including me, including my own father for a long time. That's
00:26:36what we believe too. But when you start actually going back
00:26:38and reading line by line by line, what is said that will be
00:26:41leading up to Jesus coming back, which is when the rapture
00:26:43happens, it's the inverse of what John Darby put down.
00:26:47My sense was the Scofield Bible.
00:26:49John Rich said that the pre-tribulation rapture is not
00:26:55true. It does not exist. And it's not going to happen. John
00:27:00Rich doesn't know anything about the Bible. John Rich does not
00:27:06use the King James Bible. He does not rightly divide. He
00:27:09doesn't understand or see or acknowledge biblical
00:27:14dispensations. Deborah Mack is asking, do we get a crown for
00:27:21loving his appearing? Well, we sure do. Turn to 2 Timothy 4.
00:27:282 Timothy 4, let's look at verses 6 through 8. Paul says to
00:27:34Timothy, for I am now ready to be offered and the time of my
00:27:39departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight. I have
00:27:44finished my course. I have kept the faith. Henceforth, there is
00:27:49laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord,
00:27:53the righteous judge shall give me at that day and not to me
00:27:57only, but onto all them also that love his appearing. You get
00:28:05a crown. You get a crown for looking for the appearing of
00:28:15Jesus Christ at the rapture. Mia in Texas is asking, was there a
00:28:21connection between John Darby C.I. Schofield and the Rothschilds?
00:28:28We, I don't have time to get into that today, but I think
00:28:34that that might make a really good podcast all by itself. So
00:28:42in the next week or two, we are going to address the claims that
00:28:48John Rich and Tucker Carlson make about the connection
00:28:52between Darby, Schofield and Rothschilds. That is going to be
00:28:59the subject of a future podcast, because there is a lot to say,
00:29:03there's a lot to unpack and talk about. And that will be a
00:29:10future podcast, hopefully soon. Flight 777 says that crown is
00:29:20being taken away by those who believe that America will enter
00:29:24into a golden age and save the world. America is not going to
00:29:30save the world. I agree with that statement. If you're
00:29:34looking to make America great again, you are committed to the
00:29:39wrong thing. Go and listen to my sermon from yesterday. What are
00:29:46you committed to? You can watch it on Rumble. You can watch it
00:29:50on YouTube. You can listen to it on Spreaker and Sermon Audio.
00:29:55Please go and listen to that sermon from yesterday. I promise
00:30:01you, it will be a blessing to you. I talk about all these
00:30:06things. All right. Let's get into the podcast today. Don't
00:30:12you love it when the podcast becomes a Bible study? Those are
00:30:18always my favorite podcasts. We start out and we're prepared to
00:30:23talk about the news. But we just got to go to the book
00:30:28first. We just got to talk about Scripture first. We just got to
00:30:32go line by line and talk about salvation and baptism and the
00:30:37church age and the rapture and the pre-trib rapture. Those are
00:30:42my favorite type of podcasts that become Bible studies. But
00:30:49it is time to get into the podcast today. Let's start with
00:31:00But what happened last week, when they took a shot at my
00:31:05hero? And they tried to kill the next president of the United
00:31:13States. Enough was enough. And I said, let Trumpamania run wild,
00:31:22brother. Let Trumpamania rule again. Let Trumpamania make
00:31:28America great again.
00:31:43I was talking with a friend of mine, Pastor Dave. And he said
00:31:55to me the other day, wouldn't it be something if all the people
00:32:01who were shouting USA, USA, and Trump for president got that
00:32:07excited about handing out gospel tracts and preaching the
00:32:12gospel and seeing people get saved? Wouldn't that be a
00:32:18wonderful thing? And I agreed that we would have revival if
00:32:25that were to take place. Well, me and another buddy of mine, we
00:32:31decided that there is so much crazy stuff going on right now
00:32:37that we decided to start something that we're calling the
00:32:41Donald Trump timeline. And I'm just going to put, we've only
00:32:47been doing it for a couple of days. But we've decided that we
00:32:53need to start making a timeline to see if we can see patterns
00:32:58that are developing. And to see if we can see any secondary
00:33:04things that we're not looking at, and watch them come to
00:33:09light. So let me just give you what we have on the Donald
00:33:12Trump timeline so far. July 8, Joe Biden says it's time to put
00:33:19a, to put Trump into a bullseye. On July 13, Donald Trump hit
00:33:25with a warning shot to the right ear. July 14, classified
00:33:30documents case against Donald Trump is dropped. July 14, also
00:33:36NTEB calls for a second shooter to be revealed. July 15, Ben
00:33:43Carson announced as VP pick, then later changed to J.D. Vance
00:33:49with no explanation. July 16, RNC features One World Religion
00:33:56and the New World Order. July 17, evidence begins to emerge of
00:34:02a second shooter. July 17, Tucker and John Rich attack the
00:34:07pre-trib rapture. July 20, Israel launches the first ever
00:34:13airstrike on Yemen. Also July 20, Hillary is floated as a
00:34:20Biden replacement. And then yesterday, Biden drops out of
00:34:27race on National Ice Cream Day. Now you remember all the images
00:34:36over the last three and a half years of Joe Biden lustily
00:34:42biting into his numerous ice cream cones, chocolate, vanilla,
00:34:47strawberry, chocolate chip mint, butter pecan. And it's kind of
00:34:54been a thing with Joe Biden over the last three and a half years
00:34:59that he likes ice cream. And he's been photographed dozens of
00:35:04times eating an ice cream cone. Do you realize that when he
00:35:09dropped out of the race yesterday, it was on National Ice
00:35:14Cream Day? That may make you laugh. That doesn't make me
00:35:20laugh. That makes me understand that this whole thing is fake.
00:35:27It's rigged. It's phony. It's phony on the Democrat side. It's
00:35:33phony on the Republican side. If you believe any bit of what
00:35:38you're watching, you are being deceived. It is all a dog and
00:35:44pony show. It is all fake. It is all scripted. It is all
00:35:49prearranged. There is no way that Joe Biden would just
00:35:55organically drop out with no announcement other than I'm out
00:36:04on National Ice Cream Day. Well, I want to show you two things.
00:36:11If you're in the chat room right now, I want you to see what it
00:36:15looks like when Joe Biden actually signs his own name. And
00:36:22I just posted that into the chat room. That's what Joe Biden's
00:36:26verified actual signature looks like. Then I'm going to post
00:36:31into the chat room, the signature on the bottom of the
00:36:38letter on his own letterhead saying that he was dropping out
00:36:44of the race. The signatures are not the same. They are not even
00:36:49close to being the same. Whoever signed that letter is not the
00:36:56same person that has signed the authentic Joe Biden signature
00:37:05and everything about what's been happening over the last 24
00:37:13hours. I don't think it's been 24 hours. I think it's been
00:37:15like 20 hours. But everything that's been happening over the
00:37:20last day, nobody knows what's going on. There's even a rumour
00:37:27that Joe Biden is dead.
00:37:32We go to Nashville now, where we're joined by former adviser
00:37:36to Presidents Clinton and Bush. We say hello, good morning to
00:37:40friend of the show, Steve Gill. Steve.
00:37:43Hey, good morning. Bizarre times. This is strange on
00:37:49steroids. And to underline it, there are serious rumours of
00:37:54whether Joe Biden is alive today. The way that this
00:37:58statement went out, it doesn't look like his signature. It's
00:38:01underlined. It's not on presidential stationary. His own
00:38:05staff weren't aware until social media told them. And when you
00:38:09look at the decline cognitively and physically, and from a
00:38:13frailness standpoint, since the debate, he's gotten worse day
00:38:17after day after day. And there are literally serious rumours of
00:38:20whether he's even alive right now.
00:38:24So the current rumour...
00:38:25It does suggest, doesn't it, Steve, that this was a very last
00:38:29minute decision by Joe Biden. It's thought that he told his
00:38:33staff at 1.45 that he was quitting the presidential race.
00:38:36And that statement went out at 1.46.
00:38:40And for those that are in the White House, senior staff beyond
00:38:43that tight inner circle, they first learned a bit on social
00:38:47media. And I think the challenge for the Democrats is that nobody
00:38:51sees in Kamala Harris, somebody who has the, to use the word
00:38:55they were using when President Bush was picking his vice
00:38:58president, Dick Cheney, does she have gravitas? Does anybody
00:39:02believe she can go toe to toe with Putin, with Xi, with Kim
00:39:05Jong Un, or really stand side by side at an equal level with
00:39:10our with our allies as well? She is not capable of doing the job.
00:39:14And I think she's been an insider that should have known
00:39:17for a long time that Joe Biden isn't and hasn't been capable of
00:39:21doing the job, which again...
00:39:23All right, everybody knows that Joe Biden has not been the
00:39:29president over the last three and a half years. We have talked
00:39:34about that so often, that there have been times where I felt
00:39:39like I was talking about it too much. But obviously, there's no
00:39:45way that you can talk about it too much. What did Barack Obama
00:39:52say? Let's see if I can find that clip real quickly. Barack
00:39:58Obama, how he would handle his third term. Give me just a
00:40:04second to pull that up. Barack Obama, third term. Yeah, here it
00:40:08is. Here it is. Take a listen to what Barack Obama said four
00:40:14years ago, when he was asked, would he like to have a third
00:40:20term? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
00:40:24I've said this before. People would ask me, knowing what you
00:40:30know now, do you wish you had a third term? And I used to say,
00:40:38you know what, if I could make an arrangement where I had a
00:40:44stand-in, a front man or front woman, and they had an earpiece
00:40:49in, and I was just in my basement in my sweats, looking
00:40:52through the stuff, and then I could sort of deliver the lines,
00:40:56but somebody else was doing all the talking and ceremony, I'd be
00:41:01fine with that. Because I found the work fascinating. I mean, I
00:41:05write about the, even on my worst days, I found puzzling out
00:41:13these big, complicated, difficult issues, especially if
00:41:17you're working with some great people, to be professionally
00:41:23So that's what Barack Obama said four years ago. And if you're a
00:41:28regular listener to this program, we have talked about it
00:41:32time and time and time again. And we'll continue to talk about
00:41:37it because it is the truth. Barack Obama has been the actual
00:41:45and functioning president of the United States of America for the
00:41:50last three and one half years. This is why he does not want
00:41:58Kamala Harris to be the nominee. This is why he did not endorse
00:42:04her yesterday. This is why he is calling for an open contest.
00:42:11Because Barack Obama has been the president of the United
00:42:15States of America for the past three and one half years. And
00:42:24this is why we're seeing all these strange things that we're
00:42:29seeing. And we have talked about Biden's cognitive misadventures.
00:42:37We have talked about his physical frailties. We have
00:42:40talked about all these different things that suddenly, the entire
00:42:47country now knows about. We've been talking about these things
00:42:52from the day he was ushered into office. Nothing that we have
00:42:57heard has been a surprise so far. I say it a lot, and I'll
00:43:03say it again. If you read Now The End Begins and listen to our
00:43:09broadcasts on a regular basis, you are one of the most well
00:43:14informed people on the face of the earth. We tell you the
00:43:18truth. We give you the Bible. And we tell you everything that
00:43:23you need to know. And members of our NTEB family know what's
00:43:31going on months before anybody else is talking about it. And so
00:43:40over the last week and a half, we have seen some strange
00:43:43things. And they're going to get stranger. You know what the
00:43:49Bible says about strange things? Luke chapter five, verse 26. And
00:43:57they were all amazed and they glorified God and were filled
00:44:02with fear saying, we have seen strange things today. Acts 17,
00:44:09verse 20. For thou bringest certain strange things to our
00:44:14ears. We would know therefore what these things mean. Isaiah
00:44:20chapter 28. Isaiah chapter 28. Verse 21. For the Lord shall
00:44:31rise up as in Mount Parazim. He shall be wroth as in the valley
00:44:36of Gibeon, that he may do his work, his strange work, and bring
00:44:41to pass his act, his strange act. Now therefore, be ye not
00:44:47mockers, lest your bands be made strong. For I have heard from
00:44:52the Lord God of hosts a consumption, even determined upon
00:44:56the whole earth. Give ye ear, your right ear. Give ye ear and
00:45:04hear my voice, hearken and hear my speech. You know what Joe
00:45:11Biden said about Kamala Harris four years ago? He said this.
00:45:16Your age makes the choice of your vice president all the more
00:45:21important. Why do you think Senator Harris would be ready to
00:45:24step in and become commander in chief if something were to
00:45:27happen to you? Number one, her values. Number two, she is smart
00:45:30as a devil. Number three, she has a backbone like a ramrod.
00:45:33Number four, she is really principled. And number five, she
00:45:37is has had significant experience in the largest state
00:45:41in the union running the Justice Department is only second in
00:45:44size to the United States Justice Department. And, you
00:45:47know, obviously, I hope that never becomes a question.
00:45:51That was from my 60 Minutes interview with then candidate
00:45:55Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in 2020, laying out why he says
00:45:59Harris was the right choice for VP.
00:46:03So Joe Biden said that Kamala Harris is as smart as the devil.
00:46:10You know what he could have said? He could have said Kamala
00:46:16Harris has the wisdom of Solomon. But he didn't say that,
00:46:22did he? No, Joe Biden said that Kamala Harris is as smart as the
00:46:34devil. Well, you know what, I take him at face value. He, he
00:46:43says that Kamala Harris is as smart as Satan. Well, if he
00:46:49wants to put her in on the same side as the devil himself, who
00:46:54am I to say that she is not as smart as Satan? I don't know if
00:47:01would you want somebody to say that about you? It's funny, the
00:47:06things that lost people say they condemn themselves, and they
00:47:10don't even know it. Here's another thing that's very
00:47:14condemning. Kamala Harris talking about the riots back in
00:47:20Claire that I know that there are protests still happening in
00:47:22major cities across the United States. I just not seeing the
00:47:25reporting on it that I that I that's right for the first few
00:47:27weeks. They're not gonna stop. They're not gonna stop. And
00:47:31that's they're not this is a movement. I'm telling you,
00:47:34they're not going to stop. And everyone beware, because they're
00:47:38not going to stop it is going to they're not going to stop before
00:47:40election day in November, and they're not going to stop after
00:47:43election day. And that should be everyone should take note of
00:47:46that on both levels that this isn't they're not going to let
00:47:49up and they should not. And we should not.
00:47:53So that was Kamala Harris telling you back when the
00:48:00greatest riots in human in American history were taking
00:48:05place. riots that caused $2 billion worth of damage. And she
00:48:14was really happy about that. She thought that that was a great
00:48:19thing. That two dozen people were killed. Couple of women
00:48:29were raped. And business after business owned mostly by
00:48:40minorities were set on fire and were burnt to the ground. The
00:48:49woman who just may be the Democratic nominee for President
00:48:56of the United States loves a good riot. Can you imagine
00:49:03Kamala Harris as the President of the United States? I don't
00:49:07think so. I can't imagine her as the president of the 4-H club,
00:49:14much less the President of the United States. Unbelievably
00:49:20crazy what's going on. Now. I doubt that she is going to be
00:49:28the nominee. I think they got to throw a wild card down on the
00:49:32table. Could it possibly be Hillary? Maybe. But wouldn't you
00:49:40like to see Big Mike step up? Wouldn't you like to see what
00:49:45type of firestorm that that would cause? If Big Mike was
00:49:52going to be the nominee? We did an article a couple of years
00:49:56ago about this book that was written called the Michelle
00:50:06Obama Transgender Guide. This is a real book. And so when I call
00:50:16her Big Mike, there's a reason why I call her Big Mike. But
00:50:23there was a book written a number of years ago called the
00:50:26Michelle Obama Transgender Guide. They named it after her.
00:50:34Of all people to name it after, you're going to name it after
00:50:40somebody who is reputed to be an actual transgender. Now, I'm not
00:50:49spreading rumors. I'm not besmirching somebody else's
00:50:54character. I'm not gossiping. Some of the most highest place
00:51:03people in Hollywood think that Michelle Obama is a transgender.
00:51:11Take a listen to what Joan Rivers said shortly before she
00:51:16died in routine surgery on the operating table.
00:51:26Miss Rivers, how are you? You made you made a ton of news
00:51:29officiating the wedding in New York yesterday. Is this like a
00:51:32new cottage career move for you? I am so excited. And I should do
00:51:36very well because I don't show it. And do you think that the
00:51:38country will see the first, the United States will see the first
00:51:40gay president or the first woman president? We already have it
00:51:42with Obama. So let's just calm down. Got it. You know, Michelle
00:51:49is a trans. I'm sorry, she's a what? A transgender. We all
00:51:55know. Oh my gosh.
00:52:05Do you remember back in 2012 when Andrew Breitbart, when
00:52:15Andrew Breitbart was going to release these, these tapes on
00:52:21Barack Obama that were going to be so explosive that it was
00:52:27going to possibly derail his attempt for a second term? You
00:52:34remember when that happened? I think I wrote about that. Let me
00:52:38take a look. I think I wrote about Andrew Breitbart making the
00:52:44announcement that he had these audio tapes that were going to
00:52:51implicate, yeah, here it is. Here it is. This article goes
00:52:57all the way back to, hold on a second, haven't looked at this
00:53:05article in a long time. Andrew Breitbart, and we reported on
00:53:11this back on March 2nd of 2012. And he said that he had these
00:53:19audio tapes. You know what? Give me just a second. I want to
00:53:28grab this audio clip. I want you to hear it. But in the meantime,
00:53:33listen to this.
00:53:41502 right now just over 100 days until election day. Top
00:53:44Democrats are rallying around the VP after President Biden's
00:53:48historic announcement. Everyone stopped, I think, when this
00:53:50happened, right? Comes after mounting pressure to step down
00:53:54over concerns about his age and his ability to lead effectively.
00:53:57So we have team coverage for you this morning. Everything from
00:53:59what's next for Democrats to new polls and reaction. But right
00:54:02now, we're going to start with NBC 10's Manasquin Gwaior for
00:54:04more details about the decision from Biden to drop out.
00:54:10And this was a historical decision. Joe Biden is the first
00:54:13sitting president since Lyndon B. Johnson to jump out of a
00:54:17presidential race. But Johnson did so in 1968, seven months
00:54:23before that election. Joe Biden made this announcement less than
00:54:26four months before this election. And he did so just one
00:54:31day after Kamala Harris was here in Provincetown actually speaking
00:54:35on his behalf. Biden, who is 81 years old, made this decision
00:54:40isolating at his Delaware Beach house after being diagnosed with
00:54:43COVID-19 last week, marking an end to his 52 years in politics.
00:54:50Now, Trump responded by telling NBC News that Biden, quote, is
00:54:53the worst president in the history of the United States by
00:54:57far, and that Biden should have never been in the race in the
00:55:01first place. Area Democrats, though, with a much different
00:55:05It was the right thing to do. We needed this for the country for
00:55:08the party. And I'm so proud of the president for making this
00:55:11decision. More than half the country did not want either Biden
00:55:15or Trump to be the nominee. One party has said, we hear you,
00:55:18America, and we're making a change. That's the Democratic
00:55:24Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren also chiming in with a
00:55:27statement saying, in part, quote, Joe Biden willingly stepped
00:55:31aside in order to protect our democracy. President Biden's
00:55:35selfless action is a.
00:55:36Now, you know that Joe Biden did not step aside willingly. He was
00:55:4786th out of the way. And unless he gives some sort of a press
00:55:54briefing soon, it's going to start looking more and more
00:55:59likely like he he he's not even alive anymore. What started out
00:56:05as a crazy rumor. The longer that he goes without getting in
00:56:10front of a microphone. The more and more that that starts to
00:56:15sound like something that could actually be true.
00:56:19A profound gift to the people of the United States. And it's on
00:56:23all of us not to waste it. The Democratic National Convention
00:56:27is less than a month away there we should learn who will be
00:56:30replacing President Joe Biden atop the Democratic ticket. But
00:56:34for more on what will happen next, I'm going to toss it back
00:56:37to you guys at the desk right now. We're live here in Boston,
00:56:39Manasseh, MBC 10 Boston.
00:56:41Okay, Manasseh. Thank you. Vice President Kamala Harris is the
00:56:43front runner for the Democratic presidential nomination. And
00:56:46according to a New York Times poll, she trails Donald Trump by
00:56:49two percentage points.
00:56:51All right. So Kamala Harris is the front runner, but she is not
00:56:57the nominee. A lot of people seem to be confused about that.
00:57:02She is not the nominee. All right, a couple of minutes ago,
00:57:06I told you about, I played the clip for you of Joan Rivers,
00:57:13talking about how everybody knows that Barack Obama is gay
00:57:19and that Michelle is a transgender. She said it with a
00:57:24straight face. She didn't smile. She wasn't laughing. She wasn't
00:57:29joking. And then a very, very short time later, she died on
00:57:35the operating table in routine surgery that she should have
00:57:40easily lived through. Well, back in 2012, Andrew Breitbart said
00:57:49that he was going to rock the political landscape and that he
00:57:54had come up with films of Barack Obama from his college days.
00:58:04Take a listen to this and then I'll tell you what happened.
00:58:07And so what do we get now in Barack Obama? Well, I've got
00:58:12videos, by the way, this election, we're going to vet
00:58:14him. I've got videos. This election, we're going to vet him
00:58:19from his college days to show you
00:58:28why, to show you why racial division and class warfare are
00:58:37central to what Hope and Change was sold in 2008. The videos are
00:58:43going to come out. The narrative is going to come out that Barack
00:58:47Obama met a bunch of silver ponytails back in the 1980s, like
00:58:52Bill and Bernadine Dorn, who, equally radical, said one day,
00:58:58we're going to have the presidency and the rest of us
00:59:01slept while they plotted and they plotted and they plotted and
00:59:05they oversaw hundreds of millions of dollars in the
00:59:07Annenberg Challenge. And they had real money from real
00:59:11capitalists who gave it on to their children and their
00:59:15children's children, and then they become communists.
00:59:18So what you're listening to is a clip of Andrew Breitbart from
00:59:2412 years ago. Barack Obama was coming to the end of his first
00:59:32term. And Andrew Breitbart, who founded the news website, which has become a very, very big website with
00:59:44hundreds of millions of visitors every single year. Andrew
00:59:52Breitbart gave this talk that you're listening to. And he said
00:59:59that I have these films of Barack Obama from his college
01:00:02days, and I'm going to release them in the morning. But when
01:00:08the morning time came, Andrew Breitbart was dead, died of
01:00:14a heart attack. The last person to see him alive saw him
01:00:21sitting at a local bar, sipping on a glass of red wine. He paid
01:00:27his tab. He said goodnight. He walked out of the bar and walked
01:00:32on his way home. And he dropped dead of a heart attack. Those
01:00:41tapes did not get released the next day. And I think it was
01:00:46Glenn Beck, who finally months later released those tapes. But
01:00:53there was nothing overly interesting on those tapes. They
01:00:57had been scrubbed clean by unseen forces, and Andrew
01:01:03Breitbart was dead. Joan Rivers told us that Michelle Obama is a
01:01:09transgender, that Barack Obama is a homosexual, and that
01:01:14everybody knows that to be the truth. And then she died in a
01:01:22way that nobody ever expected her to die. So this is the day
01:01:30and age that we're living in. This is the time period that we
01:01:34are up against. And right now, if we could see behind the
01:01:41scenes, the deck chairs on the Titanic are being arranged and
01:01:47rearranged furiously right now. Kamala Harris is not the slam
01:01:54dunk nominee. Barack Obama has called for an open contest. He
01:02:03is not supporting Kamala Harris. He is not endorsing her. So if
01:02:12it wasn't Kamala Harris, who would it be? Would it be Newsom
01:02:20in California? He can't win. Would it be Hillary? She can't
01:02:28win. Kamala can't win. The only person left to win is the
01:02:38subject of the Michelle Obama transgender guide. She could
01:02:43win. Ms. Rivers, how are you? You made a ton of news
01:02:48officiating the wedding in New York yesterday. Is this like a
01:02:51new cottage career move for you? I am so excited. And I should do
01:02:56very well because I don't show it. And do you think that the
01:02:58country will see the first, the United States will see the first
01:03:00gay president or the first woman president? We already have it
01:03:02with Obama. So let's just calm down. Got it. You know,
01:03:07Michelle is a trans... I'm sorry, she's a what? A
01:03:12transgender. We all know. Oh, my gosh. Oh, gosh. It's okay.
01:03:18She just did.
01:03:23Those were some of the last words ever recorded by Joan
01:03:28Rivers, who made her career as a comedian for half a century.
01:03:34But she certainly wasn't cracking jokes when she said
01:03:39that. No way at all. Uh just a quick update from Bibles Behind
01:03:47Bars. I told you last week that we were contacted by a
01:03:53counselor from the Obeon County Jail. And if you've never heard
01:03:59of the Obeon County Jail, it is in Union City, Tennessee, in
01:04:04the great state of Tennessee. It is a facility that has 149
01:04:11inmates. And a counselor from that facility has reached out
01:04:19to us and she wants to know, can we send her Bibles for the
01:04:25Obeon County Jail in Tennessee? And I wrote back and I told her
01:04:31that we absolutely could, we absolutely will. And she is
01:04:36very happy and excited about that. If you would like to help
01:04:41us, Bibles, everything is expensive. Shipping is
01:04:45expensive. Paper is expensive. Everything is expensive these
01:04:50days. If you would like to help us to do that, we get requests
01:04:58just about every single day of the week. If you would like to
01:05:03help us to do that, please go to and
01:05:08click on the donate link. Pray for our efforts. God is opening
01:05:13the door so unbelievably wide for us in these last days to get
01:05:19something done for his name and for his kingdom. Please go to and click on the donate link and help us
01:05:30to not only send Bibles to the Obeon County Jail, but to
01:05:35continue to answer all of the requests that we get every
01:05:39single day of the week for Bibles, New Testaments,
01:05:44Scripture portions, and Gospel tracts. Thank you, as always,
01:05:49very, very much. Dan, is this seriously the woman who
01:05:53could possibly be the next President of the United States?
01:05:58Well, shockingly, it is possible she could be the next
01:06:02President of the United States, Danica, but what we're also
01:06:06understanding here is that there is a massive burden on her
01:06:10shoulders that she is not unburdened by, and that massive
01:06:13burden is named Barack Obama. We are actually still in the
01:06:18beginning of the civil war within the Democrat Party, the
01:06:22Clintons versus the Obamas, and this little civil war has been
01:06:27playing out with the nomination, the presumed
01:06:31nomination of Joe Biden until Barack Obama began to push him
01:06:35out of the way. So do you think then others will put their hand
01:06:38up in the Democrats? I think most Democrats are sitting back
01:06:44trying to figure out if in fact Barack Obama has the clout and
01:06:49the ability to force Kamala Harris out of the way. It's a
01:06:55tricky battle because the Democrat Party here in America,
01:06:59of course, is so wed to the DEI effort that on its face, it
01:07:03looks like pushing her out of the way would anger the Black
01:07:06Democrat caucus here in our Congress. But with Barack Obama
01:07:12trying to undermine her, anything is possible. And with
01:07:15Biden's announcement, it was clearly not a matter of if, but
01:07:19when. Did the Democrats push Biden out only because America
01:07:23found out about his cognitive state, do you think? I mean,
01:07:26they've been covering it up for years, then led a coup in recent
01:07:31weeks to push him out. Right. He's been impaired for a number
01:07:37of years during the 2020 election when we had our COVID
01:07:43election. He was, of course, Biden in the basement,
01:07:46campaigning from the basement. The storyline was that they were
01:07:50letting Donald Trump hang himself. But in fact, anytime we
01:07:53did see Biden speak, we could tell that he was not the same
01:07:58order that he had been before. I would not have ever called him
01:08:02a gifted order, but he certainly had to get to the gap. But in
01:08:062020, he had lost that edge. And throughout his
01:08:09administration, we saw that decline rapidly. Yes, you're
01:08:14right. It has certainly been a long time coming. Look, the
01:08:16Democrats have accused Trump of being a threat to democracy,
01:08:20yet voters won't even be given a chance to elect a nominee in
01:08:24the primaries. It's been a complete waste of time. Is that
01:08:28lack of official process a threat to democracy now with
01:08:31itself? Well, of course, selecting the Democrats next
01:08:36nominee without a single US citizen actually going to the
01:08:40ballot box to vote for him is very undemocratic. I know that
01:08:45many Republicans have tried to call hypocrisy. I doubt that
01:08:49that argument is going to resonate with the American
01:08:52public. They will think that the Democrats ought to be able to
01:08:57have somebody running who can put two brain cells together.
01:09:02But you are right, Danika. This is a very undemocratic process
01:09:06that the Democrats are pursuing right now. It sort of calls a
01:09:10lie to the name of their own party. It's an undemocratic
01:09:13Democrat party. What do the Democrats and media have to do
01:09:17to redeem themselves after years of lying to Americans?
01:09:21Well, Americans have a short memory, Danika.
01:09:24What does the Democratic Party have to do after years of lying
01:09:30to the American people? There is nothing that they can do. Let
01:09:36me tell you something. Over the last four years, I have watched
01:09:43conspiracy after conspiracy proved to be true. Over the last
01:09:50four years, Now the End Begins has been suspended on Twitter
01:09:55and YouTube and Facebook. We had our Facebook page taken down
01:10:02with just under 250,000 members to it.
01:10:06I have watched time and time and time again, getting booted,
01:10:12banned, and suspended for writing about things that three
01:10:17months later, six months later, a year later, turned out to be
01:10:21true. We are living in a time of great and high deception. There
01:10:30is no way around that. There is nothing that the Democratic
01:10:39Party can do to redeem itself with the American people. I am
01:10:44not a member of the Democrat Party. I am a member of the
01:10:47Republican Party. But if you think that I believe anything
01:10:52that the Republican Party says, you are very much mistaken.
01:10:59I don't believe the Democrats. I don't believe the liberals.
01:11:02I don't believe the Republicans and I don't believe the
01:11:06conservatives. I am not going to allow myself to get sucked in
01:11:11to this cult of personality, Christian nationalism.
01:11:17Look, the vast majority of the Christians that are so
01:11:26unbelievably excited about Donald Trump running for
01:11:34president, not all, but a very high percentage of those people
01:11:42belong to something called the New Apostolic Reformation, NAR
01:11:49for short. That is a cult. The New Apostolic Reformation is
01:11:56absolutely a cult. And the majority of the Christians
01:12:03supporting Donald Trump want to bring in the kingdom
01:12:09through America. That will never be done. That can never be
01:12:15done. The only biblical thing about that is if you're looking
01:12:22at scriptures talking about the kingdom of Antichrist, that's
01:12:27how you would have an America bringing in the kingdom. The
01:12:31kingdom doesn't come in through America. The kingdom comes when
01:12:36the king comes back in Revelation chapter 19. Now, you
01:12:44vote for whoever you want to vote for. Makes no difference to
01:12:48me. I'm going to vote. I'm a Republican and I'm going to vote
01:12:55for Donald Trump because he's the nominee. But I'm not looking
01:13:00to make America great again. I'm voting because I have the
01:13:05civil obligation and ability and duty as a citizen of this
01:13:10country to vote. But don't you get swept up in all that
01:13:16nonsense and all that garbage that is being spoon fed to you
01:13:24by the New Apostolic Reformation. Now, I haven't looked
01:13:28into it, but I'll almost bet you that John Rich is a member
01:13:35of the New Apostolic Reformation. That he goes to a
01:13:39church that teaches that garbage. I'm not waiting for
01:13:46Antichrist. I'm waiting for Jesus Christ in the clouds.
01:13:52That's the promise that I have. Jesus Christ coming in the
01:13:58clouds to pull us up. That's what I'm waiting for. And you're
01:14:05not going to fool me with this New Apostolic Reformation, this
01:14:09evangelical garbage. Franklin Graham, you need to take the
01:14:16COVID vaccine. What a bunch of nonsense that that was and I'm
01:14:23not going to get hooked up into any of that stuff. I'm not an
01:14:29evangelical. I'm not part of the New Apostolic Reformation.
01:14:34I'm not part of the Emergent Church. I'm an old school, old
01:14:38path, Bible-believing, born-again-saved Christian
01:14:43Baptist. And you're not going to suck me into that junk and
01:14:50you're not going to steal my blessed hope. You're just not
01:14:53going to do it. Stick with the book. The King James 1611
01:15:00Authorized Version Holy Bible. You stay in that book and
01:15:04believe that book and you'll be okay. You get off of that
01:15:10book. You take your eyes off of Jesus Christ and you're going
01:15:15to have trouble. And with that, with that, we have come to the
01:15:22end of our time for today. I thank you so much as always for
01:15:26being a part of the NTEB Global Family of Bible Believers
01:15:31across America and around the world. Lord willing, we'll see
01:15:35you back here tomorrow night, 7 p.m. Eastern Time for another
01:15:40NTEB Rightly Dividing King James Bible Study. Have a great day,
01:15:46everybody. And do it now, because the rapture will come
01:15:51and Christ will return. It says in the Bible that he will come
01:15:55as a thief in the night.
01:16:25Everyone got trampled on the floor. I wish we'd all been
01:16:34ready. Children died. The days grew cold. A piece of bread
01:16:40could buy a bag of gold. I wish we'd all been ready. There's no
01:16:50time to change your mind. The sun has come and you've been
01:16:55left behind. A man and wife asleep in bed. She hears a
01:17:02noise and turns her head and he's gone. I wish we'd all been
01:17:10ready. Two men walking up a hill. One disappears and one's
01:17:16left standing still. I wish we'd all been ready. There's no
01:17:24time to change your mind. The sun has come and you've been
01:17:29left behind.
01:17:32It's true that you are and everyone got trampled on the
01:17:51floor. I wish we'd all been ready. Children died. The days
01:18:00grew cold. A piece of bread could buy a bag of gold. I wish
01:18:07we'd all been ready. There's no time to change your mind. The
01:18:13sun has come and you've been left behind. A man and wife
01:18:21asleep in bed. She hears a noise and turns her head and he's
01:18:26gone. I wish we'd all been ready. Two men walking up a hill.
01:18:35One disappears and one's left standing still. I wish we'd all
01:18:42been ready. There's no time to change your mind. The sun has
01:18:48come and you've been left behind. There's no time to
01:18:55change your mind. How could you have been so blind? The
01:19:03father spoke. The demons died. The sun has come and you've
01:19:12been left behind.
01:19:25You've been left behind.
01:19:31You've been left behind.
