• 2 months ago
Satan Uses Wiles (Accusations Against God, Accusations Against You, and Accusations Against Your Brothers and Sisters) to Sift People - He Wants to Tear You Down and Destroy You. We Alone Are No Match for Satan; It Is Only by the Blood of the Lamb That Satan Can Be Overcome.

00:00All right good if you have any Bibles turn with me this morning because 2nd Timothy chapter number 2 and
00:07verse number 26
00:09The Apostle addresses young Timothy 2nd Timothy chapter number 2 and verse number 26
00:18The divine text says and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil
00:23Who are taken captive by him at his will?
00:27Father bless your holy word now and anointed father and anoint this preacher and your holy name. Amen
00:33Well title the message this morning
00:35Satan hates
00:38He hates
00:40Mankind and I purposely chose the term mankind because it's not woke
00:48Hope y'all got that I
00:51Can imagine now how many of you play chess in this house this morning a lot of you play chess?
00:55I'll try play at it. You sit down to chess table. Now. Think about this. You've got a chessboard in front of you
01:01And Almighty God is on one side and Satan's on the other
01:06And the Lord looks over at the devil and then he says your move
01:14Think about that
01:16To recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will
01:22Now the Old Testament text uses the word Satan Satan's a Hebrew word and it means adversary
01:28The word as we say it in English has simply come over what we call
01:32transliteration not a translation
01:34But a transliteration plain words from the Hebrew text into the English text word or letter for letter
01:40And so we say the word Satan now Satan is a generic noun, which means an adversary someone against one
01:47But it is also the personal name of the devil in Greek
01:52It is Diablos and the word in Greek Diablos is where we get our word devil and it means a slanderer
01:58It's one who brings accusations against another he's good at that been at it a long time
02:03He knows how to pick you asunder and tear you down and work you over real good
02:09And when Satan's finished with someone they're usually a basket case unless they know the wiles of the devil
02:16so this morning
02:18I'm trying to preach to you on some of these wiles and methods that Satan uses and for example
02:23Look a Luke book of Luke chapter number 22 and verse 31. The Bible said the Lord said Simon Simon
02:29Behold Satan hath desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat
02:35Now think about what we're talking about here
02:38Simon Simon who do men say that I the son of man am and he said well some Moses some Elijah some Jeremiah
02:45Some the prophet but who do you say that I am and Simon Peter said thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God
02:53He said Simon Barjona flesh and blood hath not revealed that to you
02:56But my father which is in heaven in plain words you have received a direct revelation from God
03:02Simon Peter was the impetuous one. He was the one who spoke spontaneously
03:07Simon Peter's the one who spoke by what was moving in his heart and in his soul
03:11Probably without giving a whole lot of thought to what he was about to say and that's all right
03:15I've done the same thing. How many of you done the same thing? Sure
03:18We have let's not pick Peter to part this morning
03:21But the bottom line is this Peter had built a reputation
03:24They loved him they followed him and of course
03:27I love him and I follow him and I really I read his book first and second Peter all the time great wisdom
03:32He's an apostle of God
03:34But the Bible says the Lord said Satan
03:37Has desired to have you that he may sift you as sweet now
03:42Hellers how Satan sifts you he will allow you to get the position
03:46You've never been in before somewhere you think theoretically how you're going to react when it happens to you
03:51But the truth is when a theoretical situation is not reality
03:56You really don't know how you are going to react when you're in that situation
04:00But you see God allows us to come to places in his method of teaching us and
04:05Forming Christ in us where he will allow you to come to a place where you really?
04:10Begin to understand what you're made out of and it is there that God begins to form your character my friend
04:16And he it cannot be formed
04:18Theoretically, there is no such thing as a theoretical mountain or a theoretical Valley
04:22You're either in the mountain or you're in the valley and you've got to learn it firsthand
04:26And so Simon Peter learned it that day when they said that you're one of his disciples he cursed and said no
04:33I'm not well that he found out something about himself went off in the Bible said he wept bitterly
04:39Satan was sifting Peter
04:41He wanted to destroy him in the sight of those that were following him
04:46Because they loved Peter and they followed him and Satan goes after the one who has great effect on others make no mistake
04:53He will tear you down in front of people if he possibly can and so he did we know his wiles
04:59We know his methods. We know how he operates. It's the power of the Holy Ghost of God to build us up in the faith
05:06It's the power of the Holy Ghost of God to build us up one to another and not tear us down
05:12We're all sinners dear friend
05:14I was gonna preach a message this morning on what should the attitude of a sinner be toward a sinner?
05:19But God wouldn't let me preach that so I'll have to preach that some other time
05:23I'm going to give you what God gave me today 2nd Corinthians chapter number 2 in verse 11. Notice what it says here
05:30Let Satan should get an advantage of us for we are not ignorant of his devices. Notice the word
05:37Advantage you see this is like playing chess the chessboard the chess is chess is something quite a game
05:43It's so old that they don't even know where it came from
05:46But it's quite a thing if you don't know how to think don't ever bother with chess
05:51Because it will drive you into a place where you've really got to do some thinking
05:56And in the words is Satan working you over today. It's nothing going right
06:00I mean, are you are you how many of you came to the house this morning?
06:04You know, you're saved, you know, you're born again, but you are depressed to death. You have no joy. You got no victory
06:10You don't read your Bible. You don't pray you don't walk with the Lord. How do you think you got like that?
06:15I'll tell you right now. You've got an enemy that's working you over and he's working you over real good
06:20That's what it says in Hebrews 3 but exhort one another daily what it is called today
06:25Lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin sin is a spiritual thing
06:32Sin has an origin and when it has that origin it goes forth and it works and my friend it does what?
06:39Spiritual things do and I'll tell you right now about sin
06:42The Bible says fools make a mock at sin Proverbs chapter 14 verse number 9. I don't mock it
06:49Remember I told you the other day about the man who made fun of the devil said the devil no big deal
06:53I can handle him anytime. Yeah, sure you can
06:56He'll work you over turn you every way but loose and when he's finished with you
07:01You'll be nothing but an empty broken shell of what you used to be
07:05Unless you turn to the one who has defeated him on the cross
07:09That's the point of this message is to show you your utter inability your utter weakness your utter failure
07:16Against Satan, but the power of Christ over him and what he did at the cross at Calvary
07:21Amen, Galatians 6 1 brethren if a man be overtaken a fault ye which are spiritual
07:28Restore such in one of the spirit of meekness
07:30Considering thyself lest thou also be tempted
07:35You'll never get to the point to where you have been sanctified as some try to teach and you are above
07:42Temptation. No, you're not as long as you breathe in this body
07:46You are capable of being tempted and that flesh my friend that started out corrupt and filthy and vile doesn't get better
07:55As you live your Christian life, if you don't bring it into subjection, it continues to worsen it rots
08:02It decays you what are you saying pressure?
08:05I'm saying ten years after you're saved if you don't do something about bringing that flesh into subjection
08:11It will be worse ten years later than it was the day you got saved
08:17Amen, and it is up to you to put on the whole armor of God to put on the new man take off that old man
08:25Renew your mind and by doing so take power and authority over Satan and over the flesh
08:33Proverbs 21 says at last it biteth like a serpent
08:36Stingeth like an adder what it says look not upon the wine when it is red
08:40When it giveth his color in the cup when it moveth itself aright, let's substitute the word wine with the word crack cocaine
08:49Can you imagine what it'll do to you crack cocaine?
08:52Imagine what that'll do to you imagine what fentanyl will do to you
08:56Did you know that there are two types of fentanyl out there?
08:59There's one that is prescription drug that you get in the hospitals, that's controlled substance
09:04They know where it was where it was. It's a it's a synth. It's a synchro
09:08It's a synthetic opioid plain words. It's been put together by different pieces
09:13It is a hundred times more potent than morphine
09:1750 times more potent than heroin as an analgesic an analgesic is something that's given for pain a lot of people start out with from
09:25Rec or surgery or something need something back and they need to be closely watched if you've been given fentanyl
09:31Very careful. Do you know how many mothers and dads in this country had my friend lost their children to one fentanyl pill just one
09:40One fentanyl pill it came through the wrong channels
09:44It came from somewhere besides a prescription through a hospital not a doctor. It was bought on the street
09:50It came the wrong way
09:52Don't ever put anything in your mouth that doesn't come from us up from a source that you can fully and completely trust
09:58Don't do it because you may be putting death in your mouth and you may be dead minutes
10:03From what you've done at last it bites like a serpent my friend. He's out to kill you
10:09He wants to destroy you
10:11He wants to wipe you from the face of the earth. He hates you with a visceral hatred
10:17It's unbelievable that the hatred that Satan has he's the father of lies the father of hatred the father of greed
10:23The father of all these things born and bred and Satan our enemy
10:29Never your friend always against you. So we're not don't let him take advantage of you
10:37Fentanyl and that's just a little research. I did it amazes me at the young people that are dead now
10:43Just one pill watch these mothers get on television watch them break down and cry they've lost their 15 16
10:5117 year old son or daughter. They're gone
10:54And all of a sudden from one pill
10:57Then let me tell you something that crowd you're running with that you think of your friend if they're giving you to offering you drugs
11:03They're offering you death
11:05It lasted bite us like a serpent. Yes, it does James 115
11:11Lust hath conceived it bringeth forth sin sin with his finished bringeth forth death
11:17Notice the progressive thing there it starts and then it finishes
11:21There's a young man on my mind. He's been on my mind all morning long
11:24I loved him and knew him dearly and he was a drug addict
11:29Gifted smart had great ability could do about anything
11:32He wanted to but he was a drug addict and he never could get victory over drugs
11:38And just a few weeks ago he passed away young man
11:43young man at last it biteth like a
11:47Serpent and I cry and my soul is moved because of such that was lost such a sad thing
11:55To see that happen Matthew chapter 13 verse 22
11:58the Bible says he also that receives seed among the thorns he that here at the word and the care of this world and
12:05The deceitfulness of riches choke the word and he becometh unfruitful
12:10These are the weeds that choke out the Word of God. Are you too busy for God? You're too busy
12:16If you're too busy for the Lord, you're too busy
12:19Amen, amen, you live in a culture this materialistic. It's all about what you buy what you have
12:26All the time it's about stuff stuff will make you happy stuff will fulfill your life
12:31Stuff will give you meaning to your life. They say no it won't
12:37Stuff will rob you of your soul
12:40It'll take your life away from you
12:43It'll put you in some situation where all you live for stuff and it'll never satisfy the soul
12:49But these are the weeds that choke out the word you see they choke it out. Then the Bible said in Ephesians 6 11
12:56Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil
13:00For we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities powers the rulers of the darkness this world against spiritual wickedness in high places
13:09We have to deal with his fiery darts. Let me give you three fiery darts of Satan
13:15accusations against God
13:16What kind of preaching you've been listening to what kind of church you going to a lot of people think God's out to get them
13:22All these if I if I if I if I mess up, I'm finished. No, you're not
13:30No, you're not
13:32Sometimes God has to wait for a big mess up before he can pick you up and do something to help you
13:41You got to find yourself in Lodi bar
13:44Yeah, Lodi bar. You remember who was down there?
13:47You remember one in Lodi bar go down to get him bring him back to the king's table
13:51Oh, yeah, bring him to the king's table. The king had a place set at the table. Who was that in Lodi bar?
14:00Dropped when he was a baby. His feet were lame. He couldn't walk
14:04What happens to us we get down to Lodi bar?
14:06Have you ever watched a cat lick its arm its leg you ever watch a dog lick itself?
14:11This is what a lot of Christians are doing
14:14They're down in Lodi bar licking themselves
14:18Man in a shame don't lick yourself. Let God heal you
14:23Amen, amen
14:26Accusations against God. Let me tell you something about the Lord if God before you
14:31Then who can be against you? All right, that's a rhetorical statement. What do you mean by that?
14:35It means it's a statement that makes a statement. It's a question that gives you the answer in the question
14:41There's a saying in that if God before us is he for you
14:45Then who can be against you in other words are making a difference who's against you whose power more power from the Almighty
14:53God's hands have been upon this old boy here ever since he saved me in 1973. Have I messed up?
14:58Yes, have I made wrong decisions? Yes. Have I gotten with the wrong crowd? Yes. Have I gone to the wrong places?
15:05Yes, have I done things out of ignorance? Yes. Have I have I done things out of rebellion?
15:10Yes, have I turned my back on God? Yes. Have I been the wrong place? Yes
15:15But he's never failed me
15:17Hallelujah to God
15:19He's never failed me
15:22Amen, I
15:24Failed him. I don't even count today whether I'll be able to stand true for the rest of my life
15:29But I know the one who's able to keep that which I've committed to him against that day
15:34That's the kind of preaching you need to hear if God before us
15:38Then who can be against us is he for us?
15:42Some of you haven't hit the bottom yet and you're still holding yourself up by your own bootstraps
15:48And you think the life you're living will keep you from having stuff happen to you, but I'm gonna tell you right now
15:55You're gonna fail. You're gonna come up short
15:58You're gonna miss the mark and when you do you're gonna learn something about God. You don't know right now
16:04You're gonna learn how good he is
16:07Another fiery dark the devil is I could get you accusations against you
16:12He's the accuser of the brethren
16:14How many of you prayed and asked God to forgive you for a sin that you turned around went out and did it again?
16:19Ever hand ought to be going up in here just like that
16:24I'm guilty
16:26Yes, sir. You've asked God to forgive you go out and do it again
16:29Well, you see the power to do or not do is not in you the power to do or not do is the power of
16:35The Holy Ghost of God
16:37That is our strength. That is our power
16:40He didn't save you and say all right now here live right and don't bother me anymore a lot of preachings like that
16:48But oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
16:51No, no, no as the hen gather their chicks. I would have gathered you. That's his attitude toward us
16:58He loves us and he wants us to be blessed of God and then accusations against your brothers and sisters
17:04That's a that's a wild the devil. Oh
17:07So and so I heard old so and look at old so-and-so sitting over there good now who old so-and-so old star
17:11Who do you think you are old so-and-so?
17:14Well that dress looks just like the one I've got I
17:18Used to date that guy
17:20And here we go
17:22Well, how somebody told me that old so-and-so said something about me 15 years ago
17:26And I'm gonna tell you something running. I carry a grudge. Oh
17:30Yeah, Oh
17:33Love one another
17:35Isn't it wonderful to love one another?
17:38It really is if you do love one another
17:41That's a wonderful thing. You see that's when you get to the top of the mountain
17:44That's when you love one another
17:47Accusations against your brothers and sister, you know the truth of the matter. Let me say something to you little help
17:53You're really not as important as you think you are
18:00May be thinking about what they're gonna eat this afternoon
18:05You think they got you on their mind
18:09But they're thinking about something more important
18:15Just bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ, but that's a fiery dart notice this one first Peter 5 8
18:22Be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil remember
18:26Satan the word means adversary in Hebrew because your adversary the devil is a roaring lion
18:32Walketh about seeking whom he may devour boy, and that's something I
18:37Got thought now what have I never looked this up before we've heard a lot about lions roar
18:42How many's ever been in a zoo when you heard a lion roar?
18:45You'll never forget it
18:47I've literally felt the ground felt like he was shaking. I'm telling something man
18:52a lion when it roars
18:54And when you hear that you say to yourself, well, that could be the king of the jungle
18:59But you know what I looked up what when do lions roar? I asked the simple question. When do they roar?
19:06Somebody said well, you know if the lion roars
19:09Right before it pounces on its prey. The prey is going to hear the lion roar and it's gonna
19:17So the lion doesn't roar right before it pounces on you
19:21the lion roars when it comes back into the camp and all of these female lions are around and maybe some younger lions and that
19:29Big lion walks in there and he rears back and he shakes the ground because he wants them to know who the boss is
19:36That's what they said
19:39Who am I to say otherwise what does that mean?
19:42That means that if you hear the lion roaring in your life
19:45He's telling you he's the boss and he's got a hold of you
19:48He has your jugular and you're not going to be turned loose and he's your God and there's nowhere for you to go
19:55You're in a pit you can't get out of you're in a ditch
19:58It's in darkness that you occur. There's no light to turn on you're bound up in chains that you can't break you're finished
20:05He's gonna roar and that's all you can hear is Satan roaring
20:09Let me tell you something if all you can hear this morning is the roaring of Satan
20:15Look at Jesus
20:17Look to Jesus
20:19There's something about that name that can break the power of Satan
20:23I'm serious with you this morning serious as I know how to be the Bible said in 2nd Corinthians 11 14
20:30No marvel
20:32For Satan himself has transformed an angel of light
20:36Therefore there's no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness
20:42Whose end shall be according to their works
20:47Now what are we doing here?
20:49He disguises as an angel of light
20:53ministers of righteousness
20:55So, how do you know?
20:57How do you determine how do you discern?
20:59How do you know if the church that you're going to is a true biblical New Testament Church now folks yet?
21:06May not have Baptist on the door
21:09The reason I'm a Baptist is because a bunch I'm with right now as close as I can be with what I believe
21:14I think we're pretty well in agreement with each other, right?
21:18And I mean it even goes further into eschatology pre-millennial or millennial post-millennial and all that
21:24Church polity the way things are run the structure of it the way it's set up the all kinds of stuff involved
21:29But here's the bottom line
21:32When you leave out of that church you feel good about the fact that
21:36The organization the church is so wonderful and so great and that's why God's blessed it
21:40Or when you leave out of that church, do you feel so good about yourself? I mean good night
21:44I didn't realize how great I really was
21:46Will you leave out of that church and you say boy wasn't he?
21:49Magnificent talking about the man up in the pulpit and there's some men in the pulpit want you to know how magnificent they are
21:56Here's the bottom line folks just as simple as I know how to be
22:00Here's how to know if the Spirit of God's in a church or not. If the Lord Jesus Christ is
22:07Preeminent the preaching is about him. The singing is about him. The praying is about him
22:14The lives lived are about him. We are about him. He is everything not something
22:20He's all there is not just part of it. The Lord Jesus Christ is the reason I'm saved. He's the reason I'm here
22:28He's the reason I preach a man. He's the reason I live the Lord
22:33Jesus Christ should be glorified and honored and given praise in other words if the Holy Ghost
22:40The Holy Spirit is in a house in a church. He is going to exalt
22:47Not me
22:50Not you he's going to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ
22:56It's okay to brag on the preacher and the singers and the piano and and all of that's okay to an extent to a degree
23:04But that's not the issue
23:07You can give thanks and you can give honor where honorees do I
23:11Mean we got a fairly good choir. Let me agree with me this morning. I mean we had a bunch of people up here
23:16They're doing some singing
23:18Amen, I'm Marvel and when I leave it out of here, and I think good night
23:22Did you hear that choir and that doesn't just happen?
23:27But you see the reason he's here is because he's there
23:34I've known him for 50 years and
23:37That's what it's about
23:39It's about our Lord Jesus Christ
23:41Not me not me. He can get along without me
23:45So that's how to tell if you're in the right church or not
23:48That these ministers of righteousness angels of light and all of that and here's a couple of more and I'll come to close this morning
23:542nd Timothy 2 26 and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil who are taken captive by him at his will
24:01The devil has snares or what's a snare? What's a trap?
24:05You know, how have you ever watched YouTube? I watched YouTube last night
24:09I watched them as they as they as they turned a bobcat loose a
24:13wolf loose I
24:15Forget what that other one was and they would come up and this animal would be in a snare
24:22Trapped and if you reached out there to try to help that animal it would rip
24:28I mean to do whatever it could tear your arm off, even though you're trying to help it
24:33So what they did they're getting smart
24:35they've got this shield and
24:37It's got a cutout at the bottom and they take the shield and they put it up against the animal
24:43Where the animal can't reach them, but they can get the paw
24:47You know the leg and they can pull it through and they could
24:50take that off and it'll jerk its arm back its leg back and then it'll jump up and realize it's free and
24:5899 times out of a hundred it's gone
25:01Well, they've set it free
25:03You see but it fought them it would have fought them to the death
25:08Would have sometimes he's trying to do that for you
25:12He's trying to set you free
25:14But you're fighting him
25:16You got this little thing built up around you. You got your own little religious bubble that you live in
25:21How many know what a bubble is?
25:23You know, they talk about the Washington bubble up here
25:26Washington DC
25:27You what do you mean by that? Well, go ask a bunch of those senators how much a gallon of milk cost?
25:34Ask him what a loaf of bread cost
25:36Ask him what a gallon of gasoline cost you see a lot of them live in a bubble
25:42They don't have a clue and they're writing their law. They're writing laws that affect your income
25:48They need to know how much a gallon of milk cost
25:51Yes, they do and a gallon of gasoline and loaf of bread and so forth. They need to know that
25:57So the Bible teaches us that we not we're not ignorant of his snares
26:03Here's some
26:04wrong crowd
26:06wrong place
26:08wrong person
26:10wrong church
26:11wrong Bible
26:13That's it. That's some of them. So what can break the power of Satan?
26:18Here's the answer
26:20Revelation 12 verse 10
26:22Yet I heard a loud voice saying in heaven
26:25Now has come salvation and strength and the kingdom of our God and the power of his Christ
26:30For the accuser of our brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night now
26:35What's this and they overcame him?
26:38by the blood of the Lamb
26:40And by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto the death
26:45Yes, they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb
26:49If you go to a church that never preaches a message about the power of the blood of Christ
26:57Let them feel the vacuum as you hit that back door and you're getting out of there
27:02leave I
27:04mean depart from that place
27:07Because if you don't preach the blood of Christ you have no power
27:11There is no salvation without the blood of Christ. There's no redemption without the blood of Christ. There's no forgiveness without the blood of Christ
27:18There's no new covenant without the blood of Christ. The blood of Christ is the only thing that can wash your sins away
27:26Baptismal pools can't do it the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. They said they overcame them by Satan
27:33I'm not ignorant of your devices in your ways, and I'm not gonna make fun of you this morning
27:38No way in this world
27:40Would I ever do that?
27:42But I will do this when I start hurting
27:45And when I feel that evil wicked vile spirit come upon me
27:50You know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna plead the blood
27:54I'm gonna plead the blood. I'm gonna call upon the Lord Jesus. I'm gonna plead the blood
28:00Man told me the other day
28:03He said this spirit came
28:05He said the spirit came. He could feel it come. He said he could feel it as it
28:10Ran his hand or something down the back of his neck
28:14Said he could feel it
28:15Now I know a lot of good independent fundamental Baptists are too slick and too cultured for that kind of stuff
28:21But this one's not
28:24And you know what he did he didn't run from it
28:26No, we're in that Bible. Does it say to run from Satan it says resist him
28:31You know what they you know what he did he pleaded the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ on that thing and it left him
28:40And we need to do the same
28:43He pleaded the blood. I'm under the blood. Are you under the blood?
28:48Hallelujah to God
28:49Now they told me this morning. They had 20 kids to go to camp. Is that right?
28:5420 kids 20
28:56Then they tell me that eight
28:58got saved
29:01Hallelujah folks, that's nearly a third
29:07That shows you how good my math is I swear I can't even add two and two together
29:14That's nearly half
29:17Eight kids
29:19And I'm looking forward to hearing her brother tonight as he gets up and brings the message
29:23Brings us up to date on what on what's happened. I'm tickled to death with it. I am so glad
29:28I want to I want to thank you workers every one of you. God bless every one of you
29:32I prayed all week long for them. I've been praying long before they ever went. I am tickled to death
29:38Have you ever noticed have you noticed what have you noticed?
29:41That everything that we've been trying to do starting all the way back in spring
29:45Gets better and better and better and better and God blesses it more and more and more and more
29:53Hallelujah, thank God for that
29:55Amen, and you eight kids that got saved God bless every one of you
29:59I'm your friend and I'm here to help you any possible way. I can father bless you word time. We've had in your house
30:05Thank you for the love that these young folks
30:09The workers that went to camp father and worked with our young people
30:12Thank you for the love that came forth from them their dedication and consecration to you. Thank you father for the good camp
30:18Thank you that none of the kids got hurt. Thank you. They all had a good time and thank you Lord
30:22They got something good for their soul. Thank you for that this morning Lord. We thank you father. Thank you Lord. Thank you
30:29Because that came from thy hand
30:32Jesus name I pray now and for Jesus sake I ask it. Amen
