What Each Person of the Godhead Does for Our Redemption-CHARLES LAWSON BIBLE SERMON-JULY 18 2024

  • 2 months ago
It Is the Son to Whom We Can Best Relate Because He Took Human Form. But Here We Look at Specific Functions Performed by the Holy Spirit and at Involvement of God the Father - Always Working Altogether in Unison to Effect Redemption for Mankind.

00:001st Timothy, rather, 1st Timothy, verse 15. 1st Timothy chapter number 6 and verse
00:11number 15. 1st Timothy 6 15. Which in his times he shall show who is the blessed
00:26and only potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who only hath
00:32immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach into, whom no man
00:38hath seen nor can see, to whom be honor and power everlasting. Amen.
00:45Father bless this word now. Thy name, Amen. You can be seated. The Apostle Paul only
00:55used a couple of verses here as it's set out in your Bible to say some very
01:00profound things, very profound. He's talking about the nature of God, he's
01:07talking about the essence of God, and he's also talking about that
01:11relationship with his creatures. Have you ever really given much thought when it
01:17comes to redemption or salvation that was wrought through Christ, what each
01:23part of the Trinity had to do with that? What part did the Father play, what part
01:28did the Son play, and what part did the Holy Spirit play? Because it's very
01:33important and that's the kind of thing that opens up the Bible for you when you
01:37begin to think on terms like that. There's some important questions that
01:42you'd have to ask yourself since you begin to look at it from that
01:46perspective. Number one, what part did each member play as I gave you just now?
01:53Number two, it is the Son's place, the Son of God, to reveal the Godhead from
02:05indications of Scripture. No man knows the Father but the Son, no man knows the
02:10Son but the Father, and so the indication is that it will be the Son who took
02:15creature form. Now listen to my words very carefully. He did not become a
02:20creature but he took creature form. In other words, he appeared as a man, a man
02:26as a creature. The Scripture is very clear about this, that the Lord Jesus
02:30Christ, as it says in Philippians 2, was in the form of God, thought it not
02:35robbery to be equal with God, but made himself of no reputation, took upon
02:39himself the what? The form of a man, all right? And then in other places it talks
02:45about how that he had everything that made him a man except the curse, so
02:50therefore there's a limitation as to what you saw when you saw his body, but
02:56when you saw the body of the Lord Jesus Christ, you saw the body of God, and so
03:01therefore you have the incarnation. Without controversy, great is the mystery
03:05of godliness. God was manifest in the flesh. So the idea, and I wrote, I jotted
03:12these down just a little while ago because God gave me this, these questions.
03:16I hadn't had them before, and so it is the Son's place to reveal the Godhead,
03:23and when you think about this, and I want you to think, how would you even know if
03:30God were standing in your midst right now? Say he was walking right down these
03:33aisles. God's a spirit being. Could you see him? Of course not, unless he made
03:40himself visible. You could not see him. There's no way. He's an invisible being,
03:46and here's the third thing I wrote down.
03:52The Son is at present nearest to us. In plain words, God the Father, God the Son,
04:03and God the Holy Spirit make up the Godhead, and folks, I am a Trinitarian to
04:08the bone when it comes to the essence of God. God the Father, God the Son,
04:12and God the Holy Ghost. There is just one God, but he manifests himself in three
04:19distinct persons, and there's no question about that. For when the Lord Jesus Christ
04:24did not say, into my hands I commend my spirit, he said, Father,
04:29into thy hands I commend my spirit, and he gave up the ghost.
04:34His spirit was commended into the hand of the Father. The Lord Jesus is the one
04:38who died on the cross, but God the Father had part in that too,
04:42and God the Holy Spirit also did. So the nearest that we can understand of God at
04:50this moment, right now, is through his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ,
04:53because his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, took creature form as a man,
04:59something that we can relate to, right? You can relate to the Lord Jesus Christ
05:04as a man 2,000 years ago, but could you relate to a invisible spirit being,
05:11number one, we don't know the essence of a spirit, number two, he's invisible,
05:16and number three, he can be everywhere and is everywhere at the same time,
05:20he's omnipresent. How would you know? What would you have to compare that with?
05:26But when you say, oh, I know the Lord Jesus Christ, and I love the Lord Jesus Christ,
05:31and I do. Well, the Lord Jesus Christ, 2,000 years ago, came into this world
05:37and was incarnate in human flesh, and therefore, God became a man and
05:44dwelt among us. In Matthew chapter number 1 and verse 18, it says,
05:48the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise, when as his mother Mary was a spouse
05:52to Joseph, before they came together, Matthew wants you to know,
05:57she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. So the Holy Spirit was directly involved
06:02in the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was born of the Spirit of God.
06:08Now, when I was born again in 1973, I was born of the Spirit of God.
06:14I was born of the flesh, September the 17th, 1946, but in 1973,
06:19I was born of the Spirit. That's the new birth. In Mark chapter number 1, verse 9,
06:25it says, and it came to pass in those days, Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee
06:29and was baptized of John in the Jordan, and straightway coming up out of the water,
06:35he saw the heavens open, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him,
06:39and there came a voice from heaven saying, thou art my beloved son in whom I am
06:44well pleased. So therefore, the Holy Spirit moved over our Lord Jesus Christ
06:50at his baptism, and it was there that he was anointed, and that anointing is what
06:55qualified him and prepared him to do what he did, because being anointed,
06:59he received his power, his instruction, and all from God the Father.
07:05But the anointing is done by the Holy Ghost. See the working of the Trinity.
07:10It issues forth from the Father, and it's actually done by the power of the Holy Spirit of God.
07:19In Luke chapter number 4, verse 14, the scripture says, then he returned in the power
07:23of the Spirit into Galilee, and there went out a fame of him throughout all the region round about.
07:30Our Lord Jesus was anointed with power. Now, power can come in a lot of different ways,
07:36a lot of different ways. Money gives people power. It certainly does.
07:41And when men have bought everything that money can buy, what do they seek?
07:45They seek power. You can believe that.
07:50There are billionaires tonight who would turn loose of a billion dollars
07:54in a heartbeat if they thought it would give them the power
07:57that they'd like to have. Amen. No question.
08:01Anointed with power, he had power to follow the Holy Spirit,
08:05to follow the Holy Ghost, and that's not an easy thing, but it's necessary.
08:09He had power to enter into the wilderness, a wilderness.
08:14Now, his wilderness was the wilderness of Judea.
08:16You're going to enter into wildernesses in your life.
08:19You're going to find a place like that in your life, and you're going to feel like God has forsaken you.
08:25And my life has been changing in the last few weeks. It certainly has.
08:29I've been living this thing since all this stuff started a few months back,
08:32but it's been changing, and I can see God's hand in a way I could not see it before,
08:38and I also see a light at the end of the tunnel.
08:41Amen. Thank God for that.
08:43He had the power to seek the will of God,
08:47and is not the will of God more important than our will?
08:50Yes, it is. The will of God.
08:52A lot of times we get bullheaded, and, you know, I'm guilty of it.
08:56Everything I preach to you about, I'm guilty of it, too.
08:59Just keep that in mind.
09:01And so, have power to seek the will of God.
09:05What is God's will in this thing?
09:07Sometimes the Lord will remind me after I've been stomping around, talking about this and that,
09:12and, have you ever had Him say to you,
09:14you know, you haven't said a word to me about it?
09:17How many of you have ever had Him say that to you?
09:19He did that yesterday.
09:21He said, when are you going to talk to me about this?
09:24I said, oh, me.
09:27And power to commune with God.
09:30To commune with Him.
09:31And this is the communion to His heart that He desires more than anything.
09:35Remember, there's not a word in the Bible that says an angel can commune,
09:39nor a cherubim, nor a seraphim.
09:41I'm not saying they can't,
09:43but I'm simply saying, in studying the scripture,
09:46let the Bible speak for itself.
09:47But a man can.
09:50You can commune with him.
09:51And this is what 1 John chapter 1 is all about.
09:55We have fellowship, communion, that's what the word means, koinonia.
09:59We hold these things in common, we commune with one another.
10:03He had power to discern the scriptures.
10:06Do you remember when Satan quoted Psalm 91 to Him?
10:09The devil can quote the Bible.
10:11I have a confession to make to you tonight.
10:13It may shock some folks,
10:15but I'm going to be as honest as I know how.
10:17The devil knows the Bible better than I do, amen.
10:21How many of you believe that?
10:22You believe he knows it better than you do?
10:24Oh, yeah.
10:26He's been around a whole lot longer than we have.
10:29When Paul wrote those epistles to the church of God,
10:32he was right there watching every word written.
10:37Yeah, no question.
10:38And then he had power to take authority over Satan.
10:42I heard a man a couple of days ago, I was listening to Bible study,
10:45and he was talking about one man that mocked the devil, made fun of him.
10:48He said, ah, he's nothing.
10:50We're born again, he can't touch us.
10:52Don't get arrogant with Satan.
10:54And he started running off at the mouth, you know.
10:57And then the man giving the lesson started quoting the places
11:00and the times and the problems that befell that man.
11:04In other words, the power of Satan as it began to come down upon him.
11:08Don't mess with the devil.
11:10Don't play with him.
11:11Don't play with him.
11:12Michael, the archangel,
11:15went contending with Satan over the body of Moses.
11:18Remember the body of Moses?
11:20We don't know where he's buried.
11:21God buried him.
11:22We have no idea.
11:23But of course, body was there.
11:25Moses showed up on top of that mountain.
11:27He was a prophet of God, didn't he?
11:30So who was it said, the Lord rebuke thee, Satan?
11:34Who was it said that to him?
11:37And who is Michael in the Bible?
11:39An archangel.
11:40That's what's important about that.
11:42Michael, the only named archangel in scripture.
11:48Keep that in mind.
11:49You're talking about some power.
11:50You're talking about power.
11:52So don't, you know, don't pass Satan off as just some,
11:54you can say a word, get so forth and so on.
11:57When Christ dealt with him, he quoted the Bible.
12:00He quoted the scripture.
12:01And he had the ability to discern the scripture
12:05and apply the Bible.
12:06The Bible is never wrong.
12:09I may misunderstand it.
12:11I may lay claim to certain scriptures
12:14and plead the blood and go through the whole thing
12:17at believing that if I do all of this right,
12:20then I have the promise of scripture
12:21and nothing can stop that.
12:24But you've got to be very careful with things
12:26to understand timing with God is everything.
12:29In the fullness of time, God sent forth his son.
12:32The Holy Spirit moved at the cross.
12:34Now look at this.
12:35How much more shall the blood of Christ,
12:37who through the eternal spirit
12:41offered himself without spot to God,
12:43purge your conscience from dead works
12:45to serve the living God.
12:46See the work of the Holy Spirit.
12:47See the presence of the Holy Spirit in salvation.
12:53See that?
12:54He's present.
12:55But notice this is what's important about it.
12:57Christ offered himself through the power
13:00of the Holy Spirit of God.
13:00In plainer words, he didn't offer himself
13:02to simply say, here I am, receive me as I am.
13:05No, he went through the Holy Ghost,
13:09through the power of the Holy Spirit of God.
13:13And so should we.
13:17Pneumatology, pneuma is the Greek word for spirit.
13:20Pneumatology 101 is what a lot of my brethren,
13:24God bless their soul, ever get about the Holy Spirit.
13:28In other words, what they were taught in Bible college,
13:29Bible institute somewhere first year.
13:32You know, they lay out the rudimentary facts and that's it.
13:35Folks, you're just beginning to learn about the Holy Ghost.
13:39He's everything.
13:41If you don't have the Holy Spirit in what you're doing,
13:43your dead works, it may be the best works, good works,
13:46but it's still dead.
13:47And do you know what?
13:48The Holy Spirit's the one who brings you to Christ.
13:52He leads you to the son.
13:54So I can find him.
13:55No, you can't find him.
13:57He'll wait until you are where you can find him.
14:00He'll lead you to find him,
14:03but he knows when you are where you need to be
14:06to know the Lord Jesus Christ.
14:09A lot of times people follow altar calls, get emotional,
14:12come down and pray, that's all fine,
14:13but that doesn't prove anything.
14:16It's when change begins to take place in your life.
14:20That's when you know the Holy Spirit
14:22is at work in your life.
14:23Romans chapter eight, verse 11 said,
14:24with the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead,
14:28dwell in you.
14:29He that raised up Christ from the dead
14:31shall also quicken your mortal bodies
14:34by his spirit that dwelleth in you.
14:36Romans 8, 11.
14:38The Holy Spirit moved over Christ at the tomb, folks.
14:42Not only did he move over him at his birth,
14:46but also at the tomb.
14:47The spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead.
14:50See, that's capital.
14:52If you want to turn in your Bible and look at it,
14:53Romans 8, 11, capital S,
14:56the Holy Spirit raised him from the dead.
15:03The Holy Spirit is in everything Christ did, folks,
15:06the Godhead's present.
15:08Okay, that's what's important.
15:09That's the way to understand it.
15:10Everything, everything, everything
15:13is fully through the power of the Godhead.
15:15The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
15:17He never tried to do anything on his own.
15:20In complete obedience to the Father.
15:22Remember what he said in John 15?
15:26He said, I'm something and you're the vine
15:29and the branches and the vine.
15:30Which one is the vine?
15:32Which one's the branch?
15:35He's the vine, we're at the branch.
15:38So the branch doesn't sustain the vine.
15:41The vine sustains the branch.
15:43How does it sustain it?
15:45Through the nutrients that come into that branch.
15:48That is a picture of the Holy Spirit of God.
15:51Do you know what he said in John 15?
15:53He says, without me, ye can do nothing.
15:59What are we doing?
16:00We can build buildings.
16:01We can start big ministries.
16:02We can have TV ministries, internet ministries,
16:05and we can run buses.
16:06There's nothing wrong with these things.
16:09But folks, if it's not by the power
16:10of the Holy Spirit of God,
16:12yielded in obedience to give glory
16:14to the only one that matters, not me, but him,
16:19it's dead works, dead works.
16:22So he moved over the tomb.
16:25Mark 12, Jesus answered, said,
16:28while he taught in the temple,
16:30how say the scribes that Christ is the son of David?
16:35For David himself said, by the Holy Ghost,
16:39the Lord, Jehovah.
16:42Mark 12, verse 35, you want to go to the text.
16:45For David himself said, by the Holy Ghost,
16:48the Lord said to my Lord,
16:51sit there on my right hand
16:53till I make thine enemies thy footstool.
16:56You see this business of the throne
16:58and the working of the Holy Spirit?
17:01See that?
17:03For David himself said, by the Holy Ghost,
17:08the Lord said to my Lord,
17:10sit there at my right hand
17:12till I make thine enemies thy footstool.
17:15Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
17:19in earth as it is in heaven, all right?
17:23He did not put us here to build the kingdom.
17:26He put us here to preach the gospel.
17:28He said, upon this rock, I will build my kingdom
17:32or I will build my church, all right?
17:35And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
17:37He's the kingdom builder, not me.
17:41We preach Christ and him crucified.
17:44It has an effect on people.
17:47It is the most divisive word,
17:49and yet it is also the greatest joining together word.
17:54It is.
17:55It will separate a man from his sin,
17:57but it'll put a husband and wife back together again.
18:00Same spirit, yes it is.
18:03That's an enigma, and a lot of times,
18:05God is an enigma wrapped in a riddle,
18:08hidden in the dark somewhere.
18:10The only way you'll ever know anything about him
18:13is through scripture, and as I've said before,
18:17the Bible has much to say about the Father,
18:19the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
18:21but it doesn't say everything that can be said
18:23about the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
18:26and the Son is the only one
18:28that can take you to the Father.
18:30Ask yourself a question before you go home tonight.
18:34If the Son takes you to the Father, where will that be?
18:39Where would the Father be?
18:41We don't know.
18:42The Father can be anywhere.
18:44You see, we're talking about the revelation
18:46and manifestation of the very essence of the Godhead,
18:50and there's just one that can take you to that point,
18:54and that's the Lord Jesus Christ,
18:57and there's only one who can bring you to the Son,
19:00and that's the Father by the power
19:02of the Holy Spirit of God, amen.
19:04If you don't have the Holy Spirit present, folks,
19:07there's no conviction.
19:09The Holy Spirit must be there.
19:11When he has come, he will convince the world of sin
19:15because they believe not on me.
19:16He didn't say he's gonna convince the world
19:18of being sinners.
19:21He said he'll convince the world of sin
19:23because they believe not on me,
19:25and that's the work of the Holy Ghost.
19:27Now, in Ephesians 1, verse 20 and 23,
19:30it says,
19:31which he wrought in Christ when he raised him from the dead
19:34and set him at his own right hand, the heavenly places,
19:37far above all principality and power,
19:39might and dominion, every name that is named,
19:42not only in this world, but also in that which is to come,
19:45and hath put all things under his feet
19:47and gave him to be the head over all things,
19:50to the church, which is his body,
19:54the fullness of him that filleth all in all.
19:57Would anybody tonight tell us
20:00how are we the body of Christ?
20:03What is the essence of the body of Christ
20:07in this world today?
20:08Now, if I'm talking to a Baptist brider,
20:10he'll say, well, it's just a bunch of people
20:11that go to church of like faith and order.
20:13They've been baptized by a qualified baptizer,
20:15and they're a member of the Baptist church,
20:19and there's some saved good people.
20:21They love the Lord in that thing,
20:22but nothing could be 10,000 miles away
20:24from the truth and that junk.
20:28You're not baptized by human hands
20:30into the body of Christ,
20:32for by one spirit are we all baptized, right?
20:36Into the body of Christ,
20:38and that takes place at the new birth.
20:41When you're born of the spirit of God,
20:43then you are put into the Lord Jesus.
20:45Aren't you glad that God reserves to himself
20:47things that he will not let men do?
20:50I am.
20:51Aren't you glad that he didn't consult
20:53with some Sanhedrin before he saved you?
20:57They didn't sit around the table
20:58and decide whether or not you were allowed in.
21:03If any man comes unto me, he said, I will what?
21:05No wise cast him out.
21:07I'm glad for that.
21:08I'm glad for that.
21:10The Holy Spirit moves over the center,
21:12and I look at John 16.
21:14Tell you the truth, expedient for you that I go away.
21:18For if I go not away, John 16, verse seven,
21:21the comforter will not come unto you.
21:24But if I depart, I will send him to you,
21:27and when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin,
21:29of righteousness and of judgment.
21:32Of sin, because they believe not on me.
21:35Righteousness, because I go to my father.
21:37See this, how does he go to his father?
21:39By his own righteousness, he ascends into his presence.
21:43And then, because I go, and you see me no more,
21:45and of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.
21:48In other words, the Lord Jesus Christ came,
21:50lived a sinless, perfect life.
21:52Now he's qualified.
21:54The Son of God is qualified to look Satan eyeball to eyeball
21:58and say, now I have the authority to condemn you
22:01into damnation and eternal hell,
22:04because I came to the same place you're the God of,
22:08lived in the same world that you have power over,
22:11and through the weakness of my flesh, I overcame you.
22:15And now he judges him.
22:17The Bible says we will judge angels, too, one day.
22:20So the Bible says he breathed into the nostrils
22:24the breath of life.
22:26Man became a living soul.
22:28The body, as the Bible says,
22:30the body without the soul is dead.
22:34Somebody caught me.
22:37You need to catch me now when I do this.
22:39What does it say, the body without the what is dead?
22:46Because you're not a soul.
22:47You're a spirit that has a soul.
22:50See, that's the difference.
22:52So when the spirit leaves the body,
22:54then the body is lifeless.
22:56Your soul has gone somewhere.
22:59If you're born again,
23:00your soul has gone on into the presence of the Lord.
23:03He breathed on them to receive the Holy Ghost.
23:06Here's that breath again.
23:07Man is connected, all right, with the breath of God.
23:14Isn't that something?
23:15Remember what I told you about God breathing?
23:18How long did that eternal being exist
23:20before he ever breathed?
23:23Does he need air to exist?
23:25Of course not.
23:26He doesn't need what he creates to exist.
23:29See how stupid that is?
23:32An eternal being that needs nothing
23:33has to create something so he can exist.
23:39It doesn't figure, does it?
23:40No, he doesn't need anything.
23:41He doesn't need me.
23:42I need him.
23:44Say, what's the Lord gonna do when so-and-so's gone?
23:47He'd probably do better.
23:50He said, can I not raise up from these rocks?
23:53What he said, they'll cry out and glorify God.
23:56Of course he can.
23:58Of course he can.
23:59And then he breathed that wind at Pentecost.
24:03Pente, 50th day from Passover.
24:05And they begin to speak in other tongues.
24:08This is a preview of men with another tongue.
24:11Joel says, with other tongues.
24:13With tongues.
24:14Men shall speak with tongues and glorify God.
24:18If you remember, I told you from Zephaniah,
24:20chapter number three, a pure language.
24:22God's gonna restore a pure language.
24:25Then I took you back and we looked at Hebrew, okay?
24:31And we looked at some other ancient languages.
24:34And what was that other one the Mandeans spoke?
24:39And where did they pick up that Aramaic?
24:42Where did the Jews pick up Aramaic?
24:44After that 70 years exactly.
24:46Hence, where'd the Talmud come from then?
24:50And what's the major language of the Talmud?
24:54See, what are you learning?
24:55Good night.
24:56Let me tell you something.
24:57You'd be surprised how many churches you go into
24:58and they don't have a clue what you're talking about.
25:00What you just answered here tonight.
25:02You know Aramaic.
25:03You know where the Talmud came from.
25:04You know the language of the Talmud.
25:07Babylon spoke Aramaic.
25:08And we understand when Christ was here,
25:10did he speak Aramaic?
25:11He would speak anything.
25:13But I believe that his daily tongue was Hebrew.
25:16Yes, I do.
25:17I do.
25:17I believe it was Hebrew.
25:18Because it's a pure language.
25:20But anyway, at Pentecost is a preview.
25:23And then Psalm 104 verse three.
25:25The Bible said,
25:26who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters,
25:28who maketh the clouds his chariot,
25:31who walketh upon the wings of the wind.
25:34Isn't that beautiful?
25:36How can you walk on the wings of the wind?
25:39How many's ever looked out of the porthole window
25:43of a craft at 33,000 feet?
25:46You look out there and see those,
25:48top of those clouds,
25:49you think, goodnight.
25:49This looks like marshmallows.
25:51I could just take off and start walking,
25:52plumb wherever I want to go.
25:55It's quite a sight.
25:56It's a beautiful thing.
25:57It really is.
25:5833,000 feet.
26:00Moving along, what, about 450, 500, 550 miles an hour,
26:04somewhere in there.
26:05I'm moving right along.
26:08That's quite an achievement.
26:10When you go back,
26:11brother gave me a book, 1902, the other day.
26:16And they were talking about the advances in science.
26:20And they were really talking, it was all great.
26:23I mean, for 1902,
26:25the Wright brothers hadn't flown at Kitty Hawk yet.
26:28So they had balloons in the sky.
26:31And they were talking about how great that was.
26:33You know, the balloons here and there and so forth.
26:35And all of the,
26:36and they had a picture of Edison.
26:39And you know, Thomas Edison,
26:39he's the one who essentially came out with AC current.
26:43Tesla came out with DC, no.
26:45It's the other way around.
26:46Tesla came out with DC current,
26:49and Edison came out with AC current.
26:51And there was a dogfight between the two of them
26:53as to which one would do.
26:54But they're both good.
26:55And that automobile you're driving out there
26:57has both in it.
26:59But it was an issue back in those days.
27:01And I thought to myself,
27:02man, man, man, think about this now.
27:05What would they say if they had seen the airplane flying
27:11like those Wright brothers did at Kitty Hawk?
27:14And when was that?
27:17When was it, 12, 13, 14?
27:20Somewhere in the early 1900s.
27:23The first flight.
27:25Things have really come a long way since then, haven't they?
27:28Back then, they got all,
27:30and electricity was a big deal back then, too.
27:33Have you ever seen a photograph of Jacob's Building
27:37out here on Chapman Highway?
27:39How many of you know what I'm talking about,
27:40Jacob's Building?
27:42Okay, a few of the home folk.
27:44A lot of you don't know.
27:45Well, the Jacob's Building is where the fair is every year.
27:49And it's been there a long time.
27:52And some of the, there's a restaurant here in town
27:56that has a photograph of that Jacob's Building
27:59that was taken when it was all lit up at night.
28:02And it was a magnificent thing at the time.
28:07I mean, most folks out here had kerosene lanterns.
28:09That's all light they had.
28:11And here's this big building lit up from end to end.
28:14It's quite a thing, see?
28:16Today, what's that?
28:18You know, it's nothing.
28:20Today, we've moved way past it.
28:22This is the way it goes.
28:23This is life.
28:24It's constantly on the move,
28:27changing every day of your life.
28:30It is, isn't it?
28:32Don't put your faith in science and technology.
28:36Put your faith in Christ.
28:40When he has come, he will not speak of himself,
28:43but he'll speak of the Lord Jesus.
28:45We should be in love with him tonight.
28:48He should be the apple of our eye.
28:50He should be the reason we live.
28:52Paul said, for to me, to live is Christ.
28:55And to die is gain.
28:58Father, bless your word.
29:01Time we've had to study it.
29:02In your holy name, amen.
