Drilling Down on Certain Beliefs-CHARLES LAWSON BIBLE SERMON-JULY 3 2024

  • 2 months ago
It Is Important That You Trust Your Bible and That You Understand Why You Can. The Bible Clearly Attests to the Deity of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour. By the Word of God, We Ought to Judge Our Life for Ourselves. More Judgment by Jesus Christ: Our Works and the Nations. Quick Overview of Tribulation and Millennial Timeline and Exhortation to Christian Folk to Handle Interpersonal Offenses in a Godly Way.

00:00Hallelujah. Summer has showed up with a vengeance. I don't know about you, but my
00:06thermometer said 93 degrees on the way over here tonight. Amen. I don't want to live in
00:13Alaska and I don't want to live in Miami, I don't think. Extremes in both directions. But
00:19hallelujah to God. Life is a gift from the Lord, right? All right. Yes, it is. I want to
00:26show you something tonight, we'll get into the lesson. Turn to the book of 1st John,
00:30chapter number 5. 1st John 5. If you'll remember now, 1st John chapter number 5. I give you a
00:43lesson on the things that I believe. I believe them dearly. Now in verse number 7, 1st John
00:51chapter 5 in verse number 7. For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word,
01:00and the Holy Ghost. And these three are one. All right. Bless this book, Lord. You can be seated.
01:08Now, we have no problem locating the Father. Who is that? That's the Almighty, the Father.
01:17Then we have the Holy Ghost. That's as plain as it can be, the Holy Spirit. Then we have the Word.
01:26Who would that be? In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, the Word was God. All right.
01:34Now, this is what's called the Johannan comma. How many has ever heard of that before? Some of you
01:40have, you've heard of it. You remember I told you Sunday night that if you're going to start
01:44changing the Bible and pointing out mistranslations and errors, then you need to be
01:50proficient in two things, Greek and manuscript evidence. Manuscript evidence is a huge study,
01:58it's enormous, because what you're doing is you're studying, you are opening up all of the
02:05available witness necessary to create what's called a Greek text. All right. Once a scholar
02:15gets a hold of a Greek text, then they can take that Greek text and they can translate it into
02:21the language, English, French, Portuguese, Italian, whatever, translate it into that
02:27language from a Greek text. The issue is, what is the authority of the Greek text that you hold in
02:34your hand, because they're not all the same, there's a difference in them. This is the issue
02:39of manuscript evidence. The translation of the King James Bible came from what's called the
02:44majority text, it was five separate Greek texts, Stephanus, Elzevir, Erasmus, and so forth. These
02:51are Greek texts and they take that and you translate it into the language, whatever you're
02:56going to be doing. For example, Martin Luther translated the Greek text into German before the
03:02King James Bible, 1611. Now the Johannine comma, they teach this, and a lot of young men get this
03:10when they go off to a Bible college somewhere, they say that this that you just read is an
03:16interpolation, it's added, see, it was put into the text, it was not in the original manuscripts. All
03:23right. Number one, there's not a soul walking the face of this earth that has ever seen an original
03:29manuscript. Okay, I'm not saying they don't exist and they don't know that either. Remember I use
03:36the word extant, that simply means it's available, it's there like the Constitution of the United
03:41States of America, it is extant, it's available, it's there, it exists, it's a thing that you can
03:46see. But the original manuscripts, it would be a wonderful thing, wouldn't you? I would love to
03:53stand and look at the book of Galatians that the Apostle Paul wrote with his own hand, wouldn't you?
04:00Good night, yes, no question. But we don't know that it exists. So when someone quotes the original
04:06manuscripts, they don't know what they're talking about or they're just playing you to mind or whatever.
04:09But in 1st Timothy 316, you'll notice a pattern begin to develop. Now here in 1st John chapter
04:17number 5 and verse number 7, what's going on here? There are three that bear record in heaven,
04:21the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit. These three are one. What is this? First of all, it
04:26attests to the essence of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. What's that? Trinity, okay. Well,
04:33those who are not Trinitarian, they don't like this. They don't like this, so they say this was
04:37added. Number two, it shows that the Lord Jesus Christ, his earthly identity was the Word and
04:43still the Word. The Word was made flesh, dwelt among us. In other words, the Word refers to
04:48his incarnation, all right, second person of Trinity, he's in heaven. But it fully supports
04:53his deity. 1st John 5, 7, right? There are three that bear record. These three are what? Three or
04:59one? There's one. One God, one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. Now look at
05:071st Timothy 316. I'll point these out to you because these are the things that you're not
05:21going to get. You're not going to get it from the average church because, sad to say, I hate to say
05:27this, but the pastor wants to look like he knows so much more than the rest of the people. That's
05:35the idea. And so he lords it over them. And the apostle says, neither as being lords over God's
05:43heritage, we are in samples or examples to the flock. I'm a bishop. Being a bishop, I'm accountable
05:49according to the book of Hebrews. I watch for your souls. It also tells you to obey them that
05:54have the rule over you. Submit yourselves to those who have the rule over you. And that is the bishop.
05:59So I'm responsible. If you have accountability, if you have responsibility, that gives you
06:04authority. If you refuse responsibility and you like to run, you have no authority. And you follow
06:11me. Now look at 1st Timothy 316 without controversy. Great is the mystery of godliness. God, here's that
06:20one almighty eternal being. God was manifest in the flesh. Well, who is this? This is the Lord
06:29Jesus Christ, right? All right. Most of the new Bibles will say this. He who was manifest in the
06:36flesh. Did they change the meaning? Of course they did. He who could be anything or anybody. See,
06:42that doesn't, what's that? That's, it means nothing. So this is another scripture that says that the
06:51Lord Jesus Christ is God. Well, the new Bibles, the new manuscript from translated from manuscripts
06:59like the Sinaiticus and the Vaticanus and Alexandrinus and all of this other stuff that's
07:03out there where the Greek text was created from that. It is changed from God who was manifest in
07:11the flesh to he who was manifest in the flesh. So I've given you two places. It's very important.
07:18Both of them bear strongly on the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. All right. John chapter number
07:25nine. Do you remember, you remember the man born blind? Do you remember him? The Lord Jesus says,
07:31dost thou believe on the son of God? All right. He called himself, he called himself the son of God.
07:37I've heard them say that there's nowhere in the New Testament that the Lord Jesus ever referred
07:42to himself as the son of God. They don't like John nine because here he's the son of God. And the
07:49Jews said, well, that makes him equal with God. You're right. You're right. But they don't like
07:56that. So we've got a trend going on here. Anywhere in the New Testament, you find a definite statement
08:03as to the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. They mess with it. Okay. And this is what happens
08:09over here in the what's called the Johanan comma. Now I can't, I'm not going to try to force and
08:16persuade you all to believe anything. We present it to you as the New Testament says, he that hath
08:21ears to hear, let him hear, you know, take these things, consider them, pray over them and come to
08:27your own conclusions. But if you leave out of the house tonight and you don't believe that your
08:33Bible, that authorized version you have in your hand is inspired from cover to cover, it's God's
08:39inspired and fallible word. If you don't believe that, then you're left in the void. You don't
08:44really have a foundation because first of all, if you don't have a Bible, you have no foundation.
08:49You have to have a Bible. You have to have a Bible that is, uh, that is, uh, irreproachable,
08:56a Bible that is unassailable, a Bible that is without error, a Bible that you believe from
09:03cover to cover. And that's what I believe folks. That's what I believe about the Bible. So
09:09therefore the Lord Jesus Christ is God almighty. I based my Christian life on that belief. I base
09:17everything that I am on that belief. I believe the Lord Jesus Christ is the very essence of God.
09:23You remember I took you to Hebrews one, you remember that hypostatic, you pastasis, you
09:29remember that Greek word? It's a big Greek word, translated person. King James translators along
09:36with the rest of them said, now, how are we going to translate this word? So you get into these
09:40words that really doesn't have an English counterpart. The word literally means the
09:46very essence of God. And the Lord Jesus Christ is the exact image of that essence. That's what
09:54you get in Hebrews one. There's another strong statement as to his deity. So he's God, he's God.
10:01There's no question. Now, if you're going to live a Christian life, you're going to have to look at
10:05the way you live. You're going to have to examine your life. You know, when I got saved 1973,
10:11there's a few places I quit going to. That's it. They haven't seen me since. Some of those places,
10:19they don't exist anymore, but they didn't see me anymore. It doesn't make me great. I mean,
10:24you know, I don't make me some kind of a saint. No, it simply says something happened inside me
10:30that just absolutely took me away from where I used to be and what I used to do and put me in
10:38a different world. It's not that I did so much choosing as if the choosing was done for me by
10:42the Holy Ghost. So here's what the Bible says in first Corinthians chapter 11 verse 31. If we would
10:51judge ourselves, we should not be judged. How are you going to judge yourself? Well, if you don't
10:57have a Bible that you believe, then what criteria are you going to use? You see, what are you going
11:01to base it on? See how it goes? It's like a domino effect. It's either right or it's not right. And
11:08if you, if one pillar begins to fall, the rest of it's going to fall. That's just the way it's
11:13going to happen. So the Bible is the word of God. I'll judge my life by the scripture with prayer,
11:19seeking the face of the Lord. And it's important that you do judge your life because if you don't,
11:27if you don't judge yourself, then you will be judged and not by men. The apostle Paul said,
11:33it's a small thing to me that you judge me with man's judgment. No, no, that, that, that's
11:37meaningless. You'll never satisfy the world. You'll never make them happy. You never will. So,
11:44you know, just take it and leave it. It's the almighty. It's the fellowship you have with the
11:50father and with the son. First John one, that's what matters. So I pray. And if there's something
11:56that I'm messing around with and I don't have, I don't have peace and freedom about it and it just
12:01keeps bothering me, leave it alone. That's the best. That's the best way to handle something
12:06like that. You got to be careful. You're dealing with Satan and he's the accuser of the brethren.
12:10He'll take a good thing and try to make it bad. If he can't find anything else on you,
12:16he'll take something that he knows you'd like to do. And he'll use that and twist it and try to
12:22tear you down with it. That's the devil. We're not ignorant of his tactics. In the book of John
12:27chapter number 12 and verses 30 through 31, the Lord Jesus Christ was judged. He was judged for
12:38my sins because he became sin for me who knew no sin. Now is the judgment of this world. Now
12:44shall the prince of this world be cast out. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all
12:50men unto me. John 12 31 and 32 and God has really burned that into my soul. If I be lifted up from
12:59the earth, we'll draw all men unto me. We don't preach enough about the Lord Jesus Christ. We
13:06preach too much about ourselves and we preach too much about what we perceive as a good Christian
13:12life. And there's nothing wrong with these things, but they have to take their place. The most
13:17important thing you'll ever hear in the church of God is a good message about the Lord Jesus,
13:23but who he is and what he's accomplished for you. So you have to judge yourself in second
13:30Corinthians chapter five and verse 10 says this, we must all appear before the judgment seat of
13:35Christ that everyone may receive the things done in his body, whether they be according to that he
13:40hath done, whether they be good or bad, the judgment seat of Christ means that, uh, see that
13:46word bad. Uh, this is after you've left this world. Yeah. Uh, you mean to tell me preacher that I
13:53might be judged for something bad? Well, this has nothing to do with your salvation, but it does
13:58have to do with your stewardship and it has to do with your rewards. Yes, sir. He didn't turn you
14:03loose just to go out and say, when I do the best you can. And then when we get to heaven, we'll see
14:08if you're going to make it or not. And we weigh your good works against your bad works. And
14:13hopefully your good works will outweigh your bad works. And if they do, you'll be okay. Now, a lot
14:18of churches don't say it that way, but that's essentially what they're preaching. They're
14:23telling people just be a good person, you know, treat people right. Be a person of faith. You're a
14:30lot of that today. Don't you, you see the Buddhist monks that walked from, uh, uh, where's Miami or
14:36somewhere in Florida. They walked all the way to, uh, I think it was New York or somewhere. And the
14:42purpose was for peace. Well, that's a good thing. Peace is a good thing until one country gets
14:47bigger guns. You got that right. Nation will rise against nation in a heartbeat. Yes, they will. Yes,
14:58sir. Did you know that, that in world war one, some of the, some of our allies, we had to turn
15:04around and fight in world war two chap does things change. Yes, they do. They change. That's the way
15:12it is. They're fighting for the kingdoms of this world. That's right. What's that mean? There'll be
15:18no peace till he brings his kingdom with him. And then he'll sit down and he'll reign in peace. Thy
15:25kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. So, you know, I'm, I'm fine. I won't
15:32peace as much as the next man. Believe me, I do. Have you noticed what's happened in France?
15:37Macron called for quick elections. He had a problem with Le Pen. This woman's been his
15:45nemesis now for at least 20 years and she has a far, they call it far right, depending now who
15:51you're listening to. But what she wants to do is to bring France back to France, French, France back
15:57to the French people. She wants France to return to its, to its roots. Same thing's going on in
16:04Germany. The Germans want to bring the, want to bring Germany back to, to the Germans. They say,
16:11we built this country. The French say, we built our country. And Brexit is when great Britain
16:18exited from the European union. The Eastern European nations fell under the power of Stalin
16:24after World War II. There's that famous picture of the tanks that he sent into Hungary when the
16:29people rose up against him. Stalin was one of the worst butchers that ever walked the face of this
16:34earth, folks. He starved millions of Ukrainians to death during the period of World War II. He and
16:41Hitler made a pact together over Poland. And what was the pact? Well, they separated Poland. Stalin
16:50took part of Poland. Hitler took the other part of Poland. Poland seems to be in the crossroads a
16:54lot of things. The poor Polish people suffered greatly because of it. And then Hitler said,
17:01well, I'll tell you what, I think I want all of Poland. And that's how World War II started because
17:07he rolled his tanks and his, and his airplanes into Poland. Yeah. And did you know that when
17:14they occupied Poland and that the, a lot of young men from Poland fled the country, they were pilots,
17:20they were pilots. They went to great Britain and they flew with the RAF. They flew in combat
17:28missions and became some of the best fighter pilots that great Britain ever had were the
17:33Polish, the Poles. They, they said to, they said to the Brits, we want one thing. We only want one
17:40thing. And the Brits said, what is it? We want to kill Germans. That's it. So they did. And they
17:49kept Goering's Luftwaffe from, from dominating the airspace, air cover, you know, air supremacy.
17:56And so they, so they did. And when the war ended, you would have thought that the great powers that
18:03met at Malta, at Yalta rather, would have recognized the Polish people and their sacrifice
18:10and these fighter pilots. But do you know what they did? They wanted to keep the monster happy.
18:16So they turned Poland over to Stalin. Now you're watching, are you listening to what I'm saying to
18:22you tonight? This is the kind of stuff that goes on all the time. And so the Polish people wound up
18:28under the, under the iron fist of Joseph Stalin. Watch what's going on, folks. There's not,
18:36there's not going to be any peace till the Prince of Peace comes. The church is not going to make
18:41the world a peaceful place. You can fill up Congress with every Republican that ever lived,
18:46and you're still not going to change the direction of this world. And believe me tonight, I am all
18:51for putting the best man you can in the office. I am, but you're not going to change it. It's going
18:56to take the coming of the Son of God. So how many of you praying, even so come Lord Jesus come.
19:02Amen. Pray that. So we must appear before the judgment seat of Christ. He's going to judge me
19:08for what I preach. Now, when I first got saved and started pastoring the church, 1976 here,
19:14came here in 76, I got away with things because of pure ignorance and God let me get away with them.
19:19And I can look back on it and I can say, man, how stupid I was. I mean, here I am up here preaching
19:24this stuff out of the pulpit. I didn't know whether I was coming and going, you know, here's,
19:29here's one of the problems with young preachers. They'll hear a preacher preach. Something sounds
19:32good. Boy, I'm going to preach that good night. That was good. And that doesn't make any difference
19:37if it's homespun theology, you got to get it out of the Bible. Amen. And now, uh, I'm entire,
19:45he holds me to a much higher standard than he did then a much higher standard. I'm accountable folks.
19:52This is why I talked to you about translations of the Bible. I talked to you tonight about your
19:57personal accountability to God. I have to answer for me, not you for me. And I have to answer as
20:03to whether I'm going to preach the truth from this pulpit or not. And when you get to my age,
20:09it's easy. It's easy because I don't have that much time left. And I'll tell you right now,
20:13I'll go out swinging. I'll go out with a sword in my hand and I'll go out preaching the truth.
20:18And that's what I intend to do. Amen. And I don't know if that'll be six months from now,
20:22year from now, I don't know how much longer my poor wife's going to have to suffer with me.
20:26You know, who knows, but I'll be here until God calls me home. And this is what I want to do.
20:32So he'll judge my works. There's a judgment of the nations at the return of Christ,
20:37Matthew chapter 25 before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them one from
20:43another as a shepherd divided his sheep from the ghost. Now, why would he judge nations?
20:48Ask yourself a simple question like that tonight. If you were going to, if you were tonight,
20:53if you were setting the policy of a United States of America, and you were going to determine the
20:59nations that we supported, uh, which ones would you choose? Would you support, uh, Iran over Israel
21:08or would you support Israel? Well, if you've got to keep this in mind, he said, I will make
21:15Jerusalem a what? Burdensome stone. That's right. And has he ever? Yes, he has. So you have to make
21:24a decision about who you're going to support and who you're going to pray for, uh, for their
21:32ultimate victory. I'm going to support Israel folks. I am now Christians today have been
21:40named Zionist. Now, what is a Zionist? People ask me that all the time and say,
21:47preach, what's the difference between a Zionist and a Jew or just a normal Jew?
21:51Well, they're both Jews. So what's a Zionist? Well, Theodore Herzl in the 1800s called what's
21:58called the first Zionist Congress, basal Switzerland. They got together to create a Jewish
22:05state. The whole idea was that we have been gone from our land now for 2000 years. They didn't
22:11choose to leave. They were driven out and, uh, and we're coming back and we're going to, we're
22:17going to establish a Jewish state. So therefore we're going to, we're going to, we're going to
22:21do whatever we need to do in prayer and whatever to get God's blessing for Israel to become a
22:27sovereign state once again. And, uh, it's called Zionism and you can, that's a different study in
22:34itself. It's fascinating study. Uh, when you look at, uh, how God did that and how he blessed them
22:40and then may the 14th, 1948, David Ben-Gurion declared Israel to be a sovereign state. He said
22:48this day Israel exist once again. And it had been 2000 years since it had been a state. And so
22:59God has blessed them because immediately all these Arab countries came against Israel to destroy it.
23:06Yes. It's called the war of independence, but they couldn't do it. And the reason they couldn't do it
23:11was because God's hand was upon them. Yes, it was. Yes, it was. And the war of Yom Kippur, that one
23:19almost, they looked like they had almost lost it. The great day of atonement, Yom Kippur is the day
23:25of atonement. And that's when the Arabs struck because they felt like they were vulnerable.
23:31And at first they did, they overran a lot, but as usual, the almighty intervened and began to
23:37change the tide of the war. But in any event, that is, uh, that's where we stand today. Politically
23:44the book of Ezekiel chapter 20 says this, and I will cause you to pass under the rod.
23:49I will bring you into the bond of the covenant and I will purge out from among you, the rebels
23:53and them that transgress against me. I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn
23:58and they shall not enter into the land of Israel. And ye shall know that I am the Lord. Well, what
24:03is this? The Lord Jesus Christ is coming back for a personal confrontation with Israel. Yes,
24:09he is a personal confrontation. And you can read about in the book of Zechariah. They're going to
24:14ask him, where'd you get these wounds? They're going to see them. They're going to see the wounds.
24:20You see, it tells you in the book of Romans chapter number 11, that Israel right now is the
24:25elect of God, but they're blinded. Next time you run into a Calvinist who talks about election,
24:30election, election, ask him to explain to you how you can be elected and not be part,
24:36be blind to the gospel. How's that figure? He has no answer. Just like it says nowhere in that Bible
24:45that only the elect are going to be saved. I'm still waiting. And I'll wait till the Lord comes
24:49to get me because there is no answer to that. Don't I, in this past week, I've read two or three
24:55places on there where people are commenting. One, one lady, I think it was in particular.
25:00She says, I am literally going, it's unbelievable what my household has turned into because these
25:05Calvinists have gotten ahold of my children and they're messing us up in my home. And that's
25:10pitiful because they can get real bad about it. They really can. But in any event, the Jew
25:19is going to be saved, not by revivals and not by missionary effort. They're going to be saved
25:25when the Lord Jesus Christ appears to them directly. And 144,000 from the 12 tribes of
25:32Israel and revelation seven and 14 are going to be preaching the everlasting gospel during the
25:36tribulation period. And this is going to awaken the Jew. They're going to run from the persecution
25:42of, of the antichrist. They'll go to Sila Petra. I've been to Petra. It's called the rose red city
25:48and they're going to go in there. And here, God is going to purge out. He's going to meet with
25:52them. There's going to be an appearance probably in the middle of the tribulation period. The
25:56Lord's going to appear to these Jews now, how he does this and all the issues involved. Nobody has
26:01a real clear answer, but he's going to appear to them. And then he's going to leave. And then
26:05he'll come back again at the end of the tribulation period. And that's when he comes as the King of
26:09Kings and Lord of Lords. And during this period of time, Matthew chapter number 24 and 25 come in
26:15play where you have five wise and five foolish virgins. And one of them says, my Lord delayeth
26:22his coming. You see, they know he's coming back and yet they turn around and they turn on their
26:27own people. And this is taking place during the tribulation period. Lord's going to come back
26:32though folks. And he's going to come back. And when he appears to the Jew, that's when they're
26:37going to be saved. And Romans 11 is as plain as it can be on that is plain as it can possibly be
26:44at the end of the tribulation. According to the book of Jude verse six, the angels was kept,
26:49not their first estate left their own habitation. He has reserved an everlasting chains under
26:54darkness, the judgment of the great day. Satan is going to be bound for a thousand years,
27:00a thousand years with a chain. He's going to be cast in the bottomless pit. And for a thousand
27:06years, the Lord Jesus is going to reign on this earth. And he said, if you suffer with him,
27:10you'll reign with him. His church, the body of Christ is going to reign with him for a thousand
27:15years. That in itself is a beautiful study, but just to give you a kind of a cursory understanding
27:20tonight, he's going to reign on this earth for a thousand years. Israel becomes the head of
27:24all the nations. There's a light in Jerusalem and all of that land is given back out to each
27:29of the 12 tribes of Israel. And the Lord Jesus sits on the throne of David and there he reigns.
27:35He reigns in glory and he reigns in power and the earth and the earth referred, uh, reverts back to
27:41essentially a garden of Eden. Uh, that's right. It's it'd be a place where the, where the, where
27:46the, where the, where the food and the land, the flowers and all of that, it's going to change.
27:50It's going to be a remarkable thing. But at the end of that thousand year period of time,
27:56when men have had such wondrous blessings from the rule of Christ,
28:00Satan will be loosed for a little season, a little while out of his pit. And when he is,
28:08it's called Gog and Magog. They go up against the holy city and they come against him again.
28:14That shows you something about men. It shows you that the environment does not change men.
28:21This is what the world teaches. If we could just get the people out of the ghetto,
28:25the ghettos, the ghetto, because they made it to ghetto.
28:30The people in South Korea were bombed into the stone age.
28:36You may be driving a car out there that was made in Korea. The Koreans, you better believe it.
28:42They were bombed into the stone age. Look what happened to the Japanese Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
28:48Have you ever seen a modern day picture of Hiroshima? Have you ever seen a modern picture
28:53of Hiroshima? It's not blown up. It's a beautiful city. Why? Because of the people, that's why.
29:02And that's what's happening. God has to change the heart of the individual.
29:09That's where it stands. He changes the heart. Then in the book of Revelation chapter number 20
29:15in verse 12, I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God. This is scary stuff. Now,
29:22if you believe the Bible, you're going to believe what you read. And the books were opened. Another
29:27book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged out of those things which
29:31were written in the books according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead which were
29:36in it. And death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them. And they were judged, every
29:40man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the
29:45second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
29:51That's tough stuff. That's hard. That's hard. And when you think about it, but if you lived long
29:58enough and see what people do, what some people do to other people, see how they murder, they maim,
30:05the godless, wicked, vile character of some of these people out here. They'd kill you in a heartbeat
30:12to take five bucks off of you. They would. Your life means nothing to them. Hell awaits them.
30:21It awaits them. Where is hell? Someone said one time about 40 years ago. And his answer was real
30:28good. He said it's the end of a Christ-rejecting life. That's where it is. That's pretty good.
30:36Yeah, that's where it is. Do you have peace? Do you sleep at night? Are you constantly
30:45bickering with yourself and fighting? You know, the Bible says there is no peace,
30:51saith my God, to the wicked. Are you wicked? Are you godless? Are you a kind of person that
30:58helps people or do you hurt them? I know some people who hurt. They continue to hurt. They
31:06want to hurt you. They want to hurt you. And some of those people, you're going to meet them in a
31:12church house. I hate to tell you that tonight, but some of these people you're going to meet in
31:18a church house, they're going to keep trying to hurt you. You tell me that person's right with God?
31:25That's why the Bible said if you judge yourself, you'll not be judged.
31:29If you can do that and get away with it, then you're a bastard and not a son.
31:35I want to make that as clear as I know how. You don't belong to him.
31:40You don't belong to him. You're a bastard and not a son. No, you just think you do. You'll be
31:46one of those who say, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? You've done many wonderful
31:51works. We've done this. We've done that. He'll look at them and say, depart from me. You that
31:55work iniquity, I never knew you. What a shocking thing for someone to do that. You know, I taught
32:03Sunday school. I preached. I pastored. I was a missionary. I did this. I did that. He said,
32:08I never knew you. I never knew you. Well, I'm going to give you a warning tonight.
32:14You can fall out with people. You can have problems. People do that. Paul and Silas fell out
32:19or who was it? Barnabas, Paul and Barnabas. I think they fell out with each other and Paul
32:25had a temper. He got mad and Moses had a temper and you know, people, Christians fall out with
32:31each other and then they go their separate ways. That's one thing. That's one thing, you know,
32:36but when you go out and you continue to try to hurt, tear down, malign, hurt, I want to warn you.
32:46You need to hear what I'm going to say to you. You're on dangerous ground.
32:54Amen. You're on dangerous ground and it's not my word because I'm here today and I may be
33:01gone tomorrow, but you will give an account and you'll answer. We ought to pray for each other.
33:09If you don't have a prayer life, find out why.
33:13Maybe you're one of these people I'm talking about. Maybe you're out here to hurt people.
33:17If you're hurting people, you're not, you don't have a prayer life.
33:21You may say some prayers from rote memory, but you don't, you don't even think about a prayer life
33:26to intercede and call out to the Lord to try to help somebody. I'm doing that. I want to do that.
33:31Don't you want to do that? Rise above it. Are they clawing at you? Are they trying to tear you down?
33:39Are they trying to use you? Get above it. Rise above them. Amen. Rise above them. That's what
33:47you have to do. Rise above them. Walk in fellowship with the Lord. You'll be surprised at what a
33:55difference it'll make in your life. You'll be able to go out on the back porch, drink your coffee,
34:00listen to your woodpeckers, watch the deer as they roam around in the backyard,
34:05and just have a good old time. I've got two or three preachers that I record on the radio and
34:10I'll record them and then I'll go out like that and I'll play them, play these preachers back and
34:14listen to them. Most of them are gone now, but the message isn't gone. They're good men. I like
34:20to hear good preaching. I don't know about you, but I'm so sorry in low down I need to be preached to.
34:28I just absolutely need to be preached to and I'll never forget Lester Roloff. How many ever
34:33knew Lester Roloff? Lester Roloff was unique. He was one of a kind and there's no, he loved those
34:41kids and he helped a lot of kids, but I remember we were in a church here locally and he was up
34:48there and he was talking and he said, now we've got somebody coming up here to preach. He says,
34:52I'm going down to that front row right there and he said, I'm going to sit down right there on that
34:55front row and he said, I want to be preached to. That's what Lester Roloff said. Amen. He didn't
35:03realize how much I respected him for saying that and of course I do respect him. He's one of the
35:07first I started listening to when I got saved. Lester Roloff, J. Harold Smith, Oliver Greene
35:14and oh, what's his name? I can never think of his name in Greenville. He started White Horse.
35:22That's him, Harold Seidler. His grandson's using his time now. Harold Seidler. I listen to these
35:27men. That's how I cut my teeth. Father, bless your word. Thank you for the time in your house now.
35:33Use your word for the glory of God. In Jesus name. Amen.
