
  • 3 months ago


00:00The following programme contains flashing images, drug references
00:04and very strong language from the outset and throughout.
00:18The first time I went to Ibiza was the start of the summer in 1988.
00:23But, yeah, I was a young man in my prime, 21.
00:26Quite slim and good-looking then, not fat and 50-odd.
00:33My friend was working out there and I'd gone down to the airport,
00:37got a cancellation for next to nothing,
00:39and I had 300 of these that I'd made a sausage thing.
00:43Got a freezer bag, rolled up, and then the cling film was wrapped round that,
00:48and between the layers of cling film was just table, you know, pepper.
00:53Just pepper.
00:56Just in case a sniffer dog come near, yeah, the pepper would put the dog off.
01:01Once I was on the plane, I had a lot of apprehension.
01:04A million and one thoughts going through me head.
01:06At one point, I thought to the gunfroze,
01:08down the toilet in the plane.
01:12But, obviously, I was thinking about what could go wrong
01:15when I get off the plane.
01:17I didn't really fancy ending up in a Spanish nick.
01:20But I held it together, fronted it out and walked through,
01:23and it felt like kissing the ground, you know.
01:27Let me take you to a place I know you want to go.
01:30It's a good life.
01:32Hey, hey, hey.
01:34It was a complete culture shock to me,
01:36because I see some things that I'd not seen as a young man
01:39before I went to the island.
01:43The drug scene in Ibiza was still in its infancy,
01:47but you could see by the way the clubs were developing
01:50and the drug scene was growing that it was all going to explode.
02:27Sorry, I can't come to the phone right now.
02:29Just leave me a message after the tone.
02:31Hi, Mum, it's Kelly.
02:34I'm sorry I haven't been in touch for a while.
02:36I meant to call, but I'm doing well.
02:38I'm still in Ibiza.
02:50It's mad out here.
02:52But don't worry, I'm behaving.
02:53I'm not going to be late.
02:56I'm totally skint, though.
02:58Prices here are crazy.
03:04I met someone.
03:06A guy.
03:08How about one of these?
03:13What, is this your place?
03:16Yeah, it is.
03:18I think you'd like him.
03:19He's a bit of a businessman.
03:21Erm, OK.
03:24How about a job?
03:27Yeah, I could work something out for you.
03:31What else can I do for you?
03:35What have you got?
03:37You could say he...
03:39well, gave me a real taste of the island.
04:09Oh, mate!
04:16I first heard about Ibiza in 1988...
04:20..from lots of people that were coming back from having experienced
04:24MDMA, and the club scene over there.
04:27And everybody was talking about it.
04:30If it wasn't for Ibiza, the Acid House scene wouldn't have happened.
04:36Genesis, that was my organisation,
04:38we did some of the biggest illegal parties in the history of Great Britain.
04:44And we were absolutely relentless in our pursuit of the truth.
04:50And we were also in pursuit of a good time.
04:53You know, we did take a lot of drugs.
04:58The rave scene was people who were just trying to escape their lives.
05:04Back then, England was a very violent place,
05:07especially for me, coming from the tough streets of Hackney.
05:11You had to walk around like you owned the place.
05:15You had to have a real strutter about you.
05:17You have to be...
05:21And so, to leave that behind and to come to these warehouses,
05:25that changed our lives.
05:27Get out of the way! Out of the way!
05:30But police were stopping all of the events.
05:33We were getting threatened with six months' mandatory prison sentences,
05:38£20,000 fines.
05:40And so, you can either decide to stop,
05:43or you can decide to carry on.
05:49We decided that we would carry on.
05:52We came to Ibiza,
05:54and we were hopeful that we could actually start something new.
05:58Come on, everybody!
05:59We launched a night at Pasha called Loving.
06:07It was always a banging night. It was always a banging night.
06:12To get the opportunity to leave Britain
06:15and to come to a place like Ibiza,
06:17I mean, all of the kids were leaving Britain to come here.
06:20And who could blame them?
06:30I grew up in a very provincial little village.
06:33Pretty much popless, penniless,
06:35and I just never felt like I was anyone special.
06:39I was bullied and picked on, and it was shit, basically.
06:43I knew there was something else out there for me,
06:46and I started hearing about this Ibiza place.
06:49It was like, there's where I have to go.
06:52Back then, you had to book your holiday on Ceefax and Teletext.
06:56God, this makes it sound ancient.
06:58And I remember booking, like, this £36 flight,
07:01which I couldn't really afford.
07:04I got out the taxi at the bottom of the West End,
07:07and I couldn't believe it.
07:09It was alive.
07:11It was loud.
07:13It was the craziest place to be in the world.
07:17I just threw myself into it.
07:21Oh, it was just the best place in the world.
07:24I've got goosebumps.
07:26But there probably wasn't many people.
07:29I mean, it was just...
07:31But there probably wasn't many people in these clubs
07:34that didn't take something of some kind.
07:43Ibiza was the best place on earth to take party drugs.
07:49After about 20 minutes,
07:51the hairs on your arms would stand up like static.
07:54Warm rushes start from the top of your head,
07:57and it would go to the tip of your toes.
08:01Don't you want my lovin'?
08:05And I've actually been on the dance floor with hundreds of people,
08:09and then suddenly I'm elevated above everybody's heads,
08:13and I'm walking towards these lasers.
08:16It just takes you to another world.
08:19It is completely mind-blowing.
08:24I didn't stop dancing, and I just remember the sun coming up,
08:28and all of these people smiling.
08:30And it was like, what is this?
08:32Because this certainly didn't happen where I grew up, you know?
08:35If you took an ecstasy tablet, you had a bit of escapism for a while,
08:39and you'd be out dancing like a lunatic.
08:41There was actually one part in the night where I could feel my arms moving,
08:45and it was like firing laser beams out of my fingertips.
08:49Everything was amplified,
08:51like that feeling of being able to show love to your mate, you know?
08:56It was very sort of, yeah, all right, love you, brother.
09:02You would just feel this connection.
09:05I mean, I've seen some really hard gangsters,
09:08and even those guys are telling their friends that they love one another.
09:12And I remember thinking, you know, if it can transform you,
09:15it can transform anybody.
09:17It was a life-changing moment.
09:20Where are the drugs coming from?
09:23I don't know.
09:25Do they come from the drugs, or is it there?
09:31I got involved with the E's through stolen cars.
09:36You know, I was known as Chris the Car Thief,
09:38because there was a few Chris's,
09:40and that's how I got identified for a while,
09:42because I was good at it.
09:46A fellow from South London, a well-known villain,
09:49asked me to get him a car,
09:52and when I've delivered it, instead of getting paid in reddies, cash,
09:56he's given me a bag of E's.
09:59I said, what the fuck?
10:01He said, well, you'll go and earn your money with them, Chris.
10:04It equated to £700. There was 100 E's in there.
10:07So I took them, and at the end of the night, the money had more than doubled.
10:11So I thought, well, fuck me, there's money here.
10:14And within the space of a month or so,
10:16I'd gone from 100 E's to buying my own 1,000.
10:20Ecstasy had a big impact on Ibiza.
10:23People was going out there, A, to have a holiday,
10:26and B, knowing they could earn good money
10:29if they took ecstasy tablets out there.
10:32And I was given an opportunity to get involved with that.
10:36There was a lot of money to be on,
10:38and because they was little tablets, I see them as harmless.
10:41I didn't see it as a hard drug.
10:43How many pills did you send to Ibiza?
10:47A lot more than one.
10:49I've got to be careful what I say, yeah.
10:52Erm, to be honest, over the course of time,
10:56I could probably say, if I don't get ten years for it, down the line,
11:01I'd probably say, allegedly, about 100,000 pills.
11:05It was a lot of money, yeah.
11:08The early days were brilliant, but people started to get greedy,
11:12and things started to change.
11:34Hi, Mum, it's me again.
11:36I know you were worried, but I told you I'd find something.
11:47Oh, shit!
11:49So, that guy I met...
11:53You ready? Yeah.
11:55He's got me a job. I'm working at his club.
12:00I've met so many people.
12:02I'm really starting to feel at home out here.
12:04Mum, I've got to go.
12:06I've met so many people.
12:08I'm really starting to feel at home out here.
12:10How many?
12:15I'm actually doing all right.
12:21I might even be able to pay you back soon.
12:26Any trouble tonight? No, it's all right, actually.
12:33Sort it.
12:37Before we all came to the island, there was this beautiful, lovely spot.
12:41We were the ones that brought all of this club life to Ibiza.
12:45And then once that club life came, that drew lots of drugs.
12:49I would definitely take some credit
12:52for actually bringing life to the party scene in Ibiza.
12:56Basically, you've got thousands of people who are bang up for it,
13:00who really are looking for that mad night out.
13:04So there is an opportunity as a party promoter
13:07to stage events for the whole summer.
13:09And so that's what we did.
13:11And that's when Ibiza really started kicking off.
13:21I would literally go from one spot to another,
13:24start popping pills and whatever,
13:27and that would be the beginning of a three-day bender.
13:31You know, no sleep till Wednesday.
13:34And if you wanted madness,
13:36the best place to go was Mike and Claire's Manumission.
13:39You could see all types of things.
13:41Whether that would be, like, a dwarf dance troupe...
13:46..or Mike and Claire on stage having sex.
13:50Remembering, you're high out of your brains.
13:53For us, that was all about living life to the max.
13:57You party as hard as you can party,
14:00and, you know, you abused your body in ways that you shouldn't have.
14:06It was insanity.
14:12There's something about Ibiza that draws people in.
14:16I came over for a holiday,
14:19and when I came to leave, I flew home.
14:23And within 24 hours, I was on a plane straight back here.
14:28I left everything and came back with less than £50 in my pocket.
14:32So the next night, I started working in the bar.
14:36But I got sacked off from the bar,
14:38and I shared a flat with this other girl.
14:41We obviously needed to get some rent together.
14:43She said, well, why don't you come and do what I do?
14:46And I went, well, what do you do?
14:48She explained, she sells a few pills.
14:53And she just kept saying, it's really easy,
14:55and you can make some money.
14:57And I just thought, what the hell?
15:00It felt like you were serving a purpose.
15:04You're surrounded by people that have been doing it for years.
15:08At a bar where the bar owner knows what's going on,
15:13it seemed so normal.
15:15So normal.
15:17Also, it sounds sad, but people started to like me
15:20because I was with this girl that did that.
15:23It was like a mis-popularity all of a sudden.
15:26At the end of the day, people would go off happy.
15:29There'd be some money, and the rent was paid.
15:32It didn't seem like you were doing anything wrong
15:34because everybody was involved.
15:37But obviously, now I realise it was probably very, very stupid.
15:57When I was free, I'd also go to the nightclubs,
16:00the ones that existed at the time.
16:03I'd dance and drink a little.
16:05Nothing else.
16:07Nothing related to drugs.
16:10There was drug use and drug trafficking,
16:13but I was only observing it on a small scale.
16:16I remember it because it was one of my first interventions.
16:20I was a drug addict.
16:22I was a drug addict.
16:24It was one of my first interventions.
16:26We'd stop a boy and give him two pills.
16:30I'd give him two pills.
16:35What we never imagined, and I mean me,
16:38was that drug use was going to be so exaggerated.
16:42And of course, at the time, it was a boom that surprised us all.
16:46You're never prepared.
16:48You don't know how it's going to hit you.
16:50It sets the rhythm, it's always the narco.
16:53And you're going to adapt to that rhythm to try and fight it.
16:57You're never prepared.
16:59You don't know what's going to happen.
17:01You can't be prepared.
17:07Most of the E's that I originally got
17:11were sorted in Holland,
17:13because that's where the best quality pills come from.
17:17And every day, you had lorries coming over from Holland
17:20with flowers on.
17:22The ecstasy tablets would be in amongst the flowers.
17:26Probably had about 30,000 E's in a flower box.
17:31They'd get to the market.
17:33There'd be people called catchers
17:35who used to get paid to look out for the boxes
17:38that'd been marked in a certain way.
17:43My job is I'm good at logistics,
17:45sorting out transport for people.
17:47If someone was moving out to the island
17:50and you knew the removal firm,
17:52you'd see if you could buy a bit of space on the lorry
17:55and do what they call a throw-on,
17:57like throw a bag in there.
17:59Different people had their own techniques, you know.
18:04A friend of mine had a business
18:06where he used to send, of all things,
18:09wool sausages and bacon in a container.
18:12Ecstasy was getting put on the containers
18:15with the bacon and sausages
18:17and being imported into the island.
18:19That was on a big scale.
19:20If there's a plane going to Ibiza,
19:22I guarantee you there was ten people on that plane
19:25taking ecstasy tablets out.
19:285,000 pills per person,
19:30that's 50,000 E's going into the island on one plane.
19:34The way that it helped the island grow,
19:37you know, there's nothing that compares to it.
19:40People could go out dancing longer,
19:43so clubs stayed open longer.
19:45They sold more alcohol, the crowds got bigger,
19:48it's just been an involvement.
19:50A lot of that was down to an ecstasy tablet.
20:01For me, Ibiza is a land of inconsistencies.
20:05As a kid, I loved it.
20:08But I went back as a sort of cub reporter
20:11and it wasn't the laid-back place it had been in my childhood.
20:15It had become a full-on party island.
20:23I was interested in crime
20:25and I'd started to nurture some of the big names
20:29in British crime and in Spanish crime
20:32and they were telling me how things were changing.
20:37As ecstasy took off, and we're talking big scale now,
20:43the bigger criminals heard about it.
20:45They saw these opportunities
20:47and they wanted to grab some of it for themselves.
20:50And the major criminals realised
20:53that mass-producing ecstasy as tablets
20:56was really a licence to print and make millions.
21:08I love drugs. I love them.
21:11But I love them to make money, not to use them.
21:20I came to Ibiza when I was very, very young.
21:23After I had done many operations with Ashish,
21:28I decided to fabricate ecstasy.
21:31I started to make pills when I started to see the market.
21:37And maybe the only person at that time
21:40who produced pills in Spain.
21:43They were selling one million pills every month.
21:46A million pills? One million pills every month.
21:56The reason why I started to make the pills,
21:59first, it's a question of price.
22:02I don't have any intermediary.
22:04I don't want to depend on the supplier in Amsterdam or in Belgium.
22:08It was much cheaper,
22:10and I'd be sure to be supplied at a time when I want.
22:13I don't depend on anybody.
22:15And I know the quality when I make it.
22:20I bring the ingredients from China to Poland completely legally,
22:24with the real name on the bottles.
22:27And from that to Spain.
22:31We process it, then we make ecstasy.
22:35From that, we make the pills.
22:37We don't need a very big laboratory.
22:40I have only two cooks working in the laboratory.
22:43Only two.
22:46I put the pills in the trunk of the car.
22:49I leave the car somewhere in Madrid.
22:53The buyer takes the car, and from there,
22:55you put it in the speedboat, you go to San Antonio.
22:59It's not that complicated.
23:01For this, I don't have that much petrol to follow boat.
23:04You are not in my revise, eh?
23:08The mid-'90s really was the big implosion.
23:11Big-time gangsters had come in.
23:14And as the island itself became overflowing
23:17with people wanting drugs,
23:20as well as the criminals supplying them,
23:22it became a much darker place.
23:25Wait for me here. I just need to speak to somebody, all right?
23:28All right.
23:30Mum, it's me.
23:34Mum, it's me.
23:39It's me, it's me.
23:41It's me, it's me.
23:43Mum, I'm sorry but I don't know how to talk to you.
23:46I can't talk with you.
23:50You're not going to see me, but you're going to hear something.
23:54I know that, but...
23:56I don't know how to tell you this, but things started to happen.
24:04That guy I met...
24:22You shouldn't be here.
24:24He was involved in something.
24:34Over the years, Ibiza changed.
24:38You started to see the darker side.
24:45The island was flooded with people that had come over thinking that they were going to have
24:50this crazy, wild experience.
24:54You'd see a lot of people just drunk out of their minds.
24:59So it became a bit of a cesspit.
25:03We'd sit at a table and people would sit down and go,
25:06oh, here's some money, can I have this?
25:08Just people in the West End that were going out clubbing.
25:12Pills were like sweets.
25:14It was really crazy.
25:15It was everywhere.
25:17It was mental.
25:20Every year, the island celebrates the opening of the tourist season
25:26when the first Englishman dies falling from a balcony in a hotel.
25:31So everyone thinks that we've inaugurated the summer season.
25:36The tourists are already here.
25:44I was born in 1968 on the island of Ibiza.
25:49I didn't get to know an island before tourism, before recreational drugs.
25:57Ibiza has always been a territory with successive invasions
26:02throughout history.
26:04There were the Phoenicians, the Punic, the Arabs, well, the Christians.
26:12What happens is that probably no other island was so dramatic, so drastic,
26:16and with such fulminant consequences as mass tourism.
26:23Getting up in the morning and seeing the rivers of vomit and urine
26:28that are on the streets.
26:30I feel angry, I feel sad, disappointed and hopeless.
26:37I don't think tourists are to blame for bringing the culture of drugs to the island.
26:41More than anything, the culture of drugs has brought tourists to the island.
26:46I remember seeing high-end cars, especially Hummers, all-terrain cars.
26:52You know something is happening when this kind of vehicle is invading the island.
26:59Criminals are all about territory and the Spanish naturally felt Ibiza was their territory
27:06and there were all these foreigners making a lot of money.
27:08How dare they?
27:09That's when a lot of the tension began.
27:12In the 90s, the zone of San Antonio is a zone for English people.
27:17Don't try to penetrate there.
27:19We don't go to sell, you only go to have problems.
27:21Yeah, they are rough, those gypsies from England.
27:26They are not nice.
27:29After that, you have Ibiza town and the clubbing in Ibiza.
27:33This part was territory of Spanish organized crime exclusively.
27:39I put my security people on the door of the nightclubs.
27:44The security on the club have the possibility to let somebody enter or not.
27:51They are the eyes of the disco.
27:53They have the possibility to see who is selling.
27:56If you want to sell something in a place where I am, you have to pay.
28:04Control the clubs, control the nightclubs.
28:07Control the clubs, control the drugs.
28:09That's what they worked on the basis of and it worked very well.
28:15It was a form of protection they were offering,
28:19but in exchange they were being allowed to sell pills.
28:24If I was a rival dealer trying to deal in one of your clubs, what would you do to me?
28:32I explain you nicely.
28:35That is not a good idea.
28:37And what if I keep selling?
28:40You have too long to swim.
28:42We are on an island.
28:51There were three or four or five main groups of guys that people used to get their stuff off
28:59that you were under, under, under, under.
29:02You lived in fear of those guys.
29:05I saw some guy get chased and cracked over the head with a pool cue so many times.
29:10His brain split open, you know.
29:12There was a lot of nasty shit that went on in the West End.
29:18There was a scary moment that made me think, what on earth am I doing?
29:23It was the end of the season.
29:24I did owe a little bit and it was only a little bit.
29:28And I came home and a couple of the men were in the house, which was not nice.
29:35The fear that that set into me was hounding me for a while.
29:49In any scene where there's a lot of money and there's drugs,
29:53you're going to have issues with gangsters.
29:57I just wanted to put the parties on.
29:59But I realised that it's getting dangerous quite quickly.
30:02You know, we'd seen different firms, and when I say firms,
30:06I mean like criminal gangs from England come over
30:09and put it on a few different party promoters.
30:12And what we meant by putting it on is that they were either like robbing them
30:15or something, you know, going to their villa and taking their money,
30:18or they were just essentially just threatening them.
30:22I was scared of getting bashed up.
30:24I was scared of getting disappeared.
30:26I mean, these are things I've actually personally been through.
30:28And if you put a foot wrong, there's a good chance that you might not come home that night.
30:32And that's just a fact.
30:35Fear is a great motivator.
30:40We'd have posters all around the island.
30:42And sometimes what our rival promoters would do is rip down my posters.
30:48And it might seem trivial, but as a promoter, that is a declaration of war.
30:55You do that to the wrong person, you have to be responsible.
30:58You have to be prepared to take the consequences,
31:00because essentially you're damaging our business.
31:04You know, I'm a softie.
31:05I'm one of those guys that was running around the warehouse telling everyone I loved them.
31:10But there are times when you have to shift gears,
31:12and you have to be a little bit stronger.
31:15We needed to make sure that we were strong enough so nobody could do that to us.
31:20And so, you know, I had a strong firm behind me.
31:24People big and strong enough and bad enough to kick the fuck out of you.
31:28I totally got pulled down a path I didn't like.
31:31I'm not an aggressive person.
31:33You know, I'm a fun-loving dude.
31:35So it was totally out of character.
31:39But you couldn't just say things, you had to be prepared to carry it out.
31:48Things started to change.
31:50And there was a little bit of a flip in the 90s.
31:54You get involved to a certain point where there's a lot of money being moved about.
31:59You know, because people's morals seem to fucking go by the wayside.
32:05They become violent, unpredictable and unreliable.
32:10Biggest risk was other firms being robbed or being knocked.
32:15Did you ever get robbed by another firm?
32:19Come through the door.
32:20I got clumped in a basement back round the back of the head first.
32:23Didn't put me down, I stayed on my feet.
32:25And I got stabbed three times.
32:28It was a solid steel carving knife, two millimetres away from my female archery,
32:33then into my stomach.
32:34It was only when my leg give way and I hit the floor
32:36that I thought, hold on a minute, something ain't fucking right here, you know.
32:40And yeah, it was literally like someone had poured a tin of red paint over me.
32:44Did they get away with the ecstasy?
32:46No, they panicked, you know, because they thought they'd killed me.
32:50But yeah, they got away with 300 quid.
32:52So it weren't a good day's work for them, but my neighbour had a commotion
32:56and come running over and probably saved my life that day.
33:21When I think back, every time I was caught in the night,
33:28or most of the times, they were drug related.
33:37I used to see two or three overdoses of drugs every night.
33:43Somebody has taken so many pills, so many tablets, that is the risk of space.
33:48We're told this man has lost his conscience.
33:53Most of the people who are in clubs in Ibiza have this impression of having a good time,
33:58but at the end of the day, every person is different.
34:00Maybe for one person, this drug can do minor effects,
34:04but the same drug for other people can be fatal, a death.
34:10I feel sad for all these people who died.
34:40Did you fear taking on the drug gangs?
35:03They just started to police the streets and police the clubs more,
35:07seeking out people, taking drugs, selling drugs.
35:09And if you got caught, the Guardia Civil were very heavy on people.
35:15You heard of people being kept in cells for days, having their passports revoked,
35:20not being allowed back to the island.
35:22Horrific stories.
35:24So I was set with fear and God into me, but I decided to get some money together.
35:30So I went down to the bus station.
35:34Obviously, people getting on the disco buses, you want to target them,
35:36and you're like, oh, do you want to buy some of this?
35:39Do you want to have some of this?
35:40Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
35:42And I just clocked to Guardia Civil.
35:45And I think he saw me.
35:46And I just never forget running up the West End.
35:52If I was caught as part of that operation, I could have gone to jail.
35:58I know people that did go to jail.
36:01That probably would have ruined the rest of my life, you know.
36:07You're late.
36:31I said midnight.
36:32What's happened?
36:33One of ours got stopped at the airport.
36:35If he's grasped, I think the police are watching me.
36:39I need you to take this for me.
36:40I need you to look after it.
36:42What am I supposed to do with this?
36:44Just look after it.
36:44I'll be in touch.
37:05Mum, I...
37:29I fucked up here and I don't really know what to do.
37:35I got caught with something.
37:38But it wasn't mine.
37:39I promise you, it wasn't mine.
37:42I don't know.
37:43I think the police must have been following.
37:49Um, I'm sorry, mum.
37:52I have to go.
37:53But as soon as they let me back on the phones, I promise I'll call you back, all right?
38:06Were you ever worried about the police finding your lab?
38:31Oh, they find it.
38:32They find my lab.
38:36Not everything work well, huh?
38:38Not any business.
38:40If it was easy, everybody do it.
38:44They put the two cooks who was there in jail for quite a long time.
38:49One was eight years there, huh?
38:51Did the police connect you with the lab?
38:53Oh, they try.
38:54But I was not there.
38:56Me, I was surfing in Brazil.
39:00There was only a shadow.
39:02Nobody can arrest the shadow.
39:06The beef had just got too much.
39:10You know, you can have too much of one thing.
39:14Do you know the whole pressure?
39:16It just gets to you.
39:19I didn't like having to be aggressive with people.
39:23I didn't like that part of it.
39:28It starts to just get you down.
39:30I'd taken more drugs than I'd ever taken in my life.
39:34I'd gone well beyond the limits of what anybody should take.
39:38And it starts to mess with your mind.
39:42I was, you know, breaking out crying for no given reason.
39:48And I was seeing some of the most horrific hallucinations I've ever seen.
39:53So I come to a point where I just couldn't take anymore.
39:57I realised that I was damaging my mind.
40:01So I left my company.
40:03I left my business partner.
40:04I left them with all the money.
40:06And I decided that I was going to get as far away from this as I possibly can.
40:26If I'm honest, consuming that many pills is like playing Russian roulette with your life.
40:33I got friends, you know, some of them were suicidal.
40:35And some of them are suicidal today.
40:37You know, some of them, people got sectioned.
40:40You look back and you wonder if you've done any brain damage or whatever.
40:45But it opened up a whole world for me.
40:48All off of the back of me consuming MDMA.
40:51So I'm not ashamed of that, you know.
40:57So I realised that I didn't want to do it anymore.
41:09And obviously, because I didn't take them myself either.
41:13And I'm selling these things that could potentially be harmful to somebody.
41:17That was probably the worst feeling.
41:22It was a dumb thing to do.
41:24It's not something that I was proud of doing.
41:27And yeah, for the bit, yeah.
41:48Ibiza had become like a conveyor belt for people to make money.
41:51And the residents knew perfectly well that
41:54this mass of people that came to visit were helping the economy of the island incredibly.
41:59There was no way of getting off that conveyor belt.
42:02If you did, suddenly the whole island and a lot of people's incomes would just collapse.
42:07But as we came to the end of the 90s,
42:09the ecstasy bubble had burst to a certain degree.
42:12Because the price of ecstasy had come down.
42:16And the criminals realised we're not making the money like we were.
42:20It's time to bring some cocaine on board.
42:25People that I was doing business with, they started to move cocaine to Ibiza.
42:31It was a good money earner for them out there.
42:34And, you know, they were sending quite big amounts.
42:38One day, my pals phoned me up and said they had a little bit of a problem.
42:42They'd got something at South America and it was stuck.
42:46Could I help them out?
42:48And they needed someone to get it on.
42:51It weren't a massive importation.
42:53It was three kilos.
42:56I've got through the airport at Buenos Aires.
42:59Thought, oh, this is all right.
43:00Get back to England.
43:02Got through customs.
43:03My pal was pulled up in the car.
43:06I've thrown the bag in the boot.
43:07Drove up the road and we got ambushed by the Old Bill, by armed police.
43:11And, yeah, that was that.
43:14Goodbye, Vienna.
43:18The hardest part was finding my family and telling my son that I wasn't going to be home forever.
43:23A while, you know.
43:31Yeah, it still touches me today.
43:34You know, I'd rather have the shit kicked out of me.
43:39Physical pain, I can deal with.
43:40Emotional pain, I don't do.
43:45I broke a little boy's heart, you know, because he was a daddy's boy.
43:51My mates used to call him my shadow.
43:53Like Sam.
43:57Yeah, so, yeah.
44:02My son was only five when I went away.
44:11You know, what I've done is destroyed my life, destroyed my family.
44:15And it boils back down to that fucking age-old problem of greed.
44:20You know, stupidity and greed.
44:23I'd rather be skint than go down that road again.
44:29I'm trying to be a better person than I was and do right by my family now.
44:52I think it wasn't wrong, but I was never home.
44:57I lost my daughters' youth, I lost my birthdays, I lost my baptisms, I lost a lot of things.
45:03We've lost half our lives chasing crime or evil, call it whatever you want.
45:09It's never enough to fight drugs.
45:11It'll never be enough.
45:12It's money for a series of very specific entrepreneurs, and poverty is spreading more and more to more layers of the population.
45:29For example, we've run out of drinking water.
45:31We're getting rid of sea water because there's no drinking water.
45:36You're consuming resources, but you're not doing anything for the island or the population or anything.
45:42The benefits go directly to very specific pockets.
45:48How much money were you making in the 90s through drugs?
45:54Enough to buy some fried chicken.
45:56It was okay.
46:05It was not profitable enough for me, it was too much problem.
46:08We decided to stop.
46:09I invested cocaine to make more money.
46:13People here, they want cocaine because they think it's cool.
46:16They think they go to dance more, fuck more.
46:19But when you take a risk, sometimes you don't know where the risk can bring you.
46:26The more money we were earning, the more cocaine you did.
46:33That was part in Habifa.
46:35If you didn't die, you had a storage till next day.
46:40If you come to steal from me, I'm going to steal from you with interest.
46:44If you fuck me, I'm going to fuck you harder.
46:48Habifa was a very loving place, but I never went nowhere without guns and knives.
46:53That was my point.
46:55Fucking kill me or you're going to die.