
  • 3 months ago


00:51Welcome folks to my talk with me Lawrence Brightway the late-night radio show for those of you who live in the twilight hours
01:00the hinterland
01:01When the rest of our beautiful city sleeps
01:04So if you just clocked off you can't sleep. I don't know. You just want to get something off your chest this my friends
01:10Is your safe space get involved get dialing on night talk?
01:30I don't think like what you see in a portal. All right, mate steady on. Let's not get carried away
01:39They don't even try and hide it anymore, they're just telling it in our faces
01:43I wouldn't be able to go in their town anymore London. I'd be scared. I wouldn't come home
01:49Sometimes as many as 20 of them swear and drink and you're a name right outside the front door
01:55It goes on until all hours Doreen. It sounds like you're prisoner in your own home
02:00I tried calling the police the council the house and Association
02:05They just thought me off. It's a dereliction of duty. Our city's ruined. Nobody seems to give a shit anymore
02:10I tell you know, I feel powerless to do anything about it. I feel helpless
02:16Lawrence you're the only person who seems to listen to people like us. Well, you know me Doreen. I turn no one away. I
02:24Always find the time to help people that need it, but
02:27Thank you so much for your call my love and you look after yourself. Okay, wait folks keep those calls coming in
02:37Cross you please please
02:54Sights you see don't know if an address is trying to get out. It's right the dress is trying to get in
03:01So busy nice so so
03:08Tony Conroy
03:15So this is what you're doing now driving a cab, yeah
03:22It wasn't right, you know the way they treated you where they just bombs you out
03:32Yeah, don't play me
03:35Won't want to talk about it
04:32Sometimes it can feel like we're just going through the motions, right eat sleep work repeat a
04:39constant grind
04:41Existing rather than living
04:44And that's for those of us lucky enough to have jobs now, I know how many of you are struggling with one thing or another
04:55Relationships, I know how hard it can be to cope how hard it can be just to keep on going
05:15Kind of intrigued me and I got me thinking how in this day and age someone can lose their job because their face doesn't fit
05:36It makes you think that isn't it folks makes you think you don't know what you got until it's gone
05:48Mean you can find yourself on the edge you can find yourself on the margins
05:56But I am here for you, I understand I get it because you know what I
06:01Have been there
06:03And your instinct may be to tune out close the curtains hide away
06:08But that just makes things worse
06:10That's one of the friends we all need to stick together
06:19We need to listen to each other
06:23And protect the vulnerable
06:26And those who have no one to look out for them, you know, I've been in this business quite some time
06:30So I've been caught many things over the years
06:35He's sad sack
06:42Boring tosser a complete waste of space
06:50Just makes your blood
06:56Good night mates and good riddance
07:16It's what we used to refer to
07:20Study you know soldier on whatever you do
07:24See that's a problem
07:26We've all been told to put a brave face on it
07:30If you can't carry on but sometimes you just have to express yourself
07:34You have to let it out because you know what happens when we keep it all
07:42Just explode
07:51Take a deep breath
07:54Dial back
07:55Let's talk about it
07:57If you're out there call me, I'm always here for you
08:02Ready to listen
08:18Get through there's some kind of bloody robot on the other end of the line
08:22Am I right?
08:23Because essentially they are not interested in us the little people they don't engage or they don't want to hear our woes
08:30They just do
08:34Tony a cab driver and I'm in boot. Okay. I'll put you through now. Make sure you radio stand down, please
08:41Yeah, okay
08:43Hello and welcome back and tonight. We got a first-time caller. We have Tony and he's calling in from Bootle
08:50You're live on air Tony. Welcome to the show
09:01Okay, Tony
09:03You're amongst friends. I
09:11It's okay make it in well you didn't find
09:14Take your time. I was a teacher
09:16Okay, because some of the quarters have been calling in earlier on I've been saying that teachers are actually part of the problem
09:23Yeah, I was
09:24You know, we were all paralyzed with fear
09:30Being told how to teach and what to teach right? So what you're saying is it's the system at fault
09:37Yeah, and when you say that you were paralyzed with fear, it's only
09:42Fair of what? Oh, yeah, you know saying the wrong thing being off message
09:48Wow can't be healthy for the teachers or the kids but when you're not sure of yourself your standards drop and
09:56You know, you let yourself down you late you let other people down the kids, you know, the kids they pick up on them
10:03Well, I may start taking their like that
10:04You know what, you know because I remember when I was at school if you missed around you were out on your ear mate quite literally
10:11Yeah, but I was the one I was out on his ear
10:1427 years loyal service so they could just throw me on the scrappy. So they
10:21Okay, mate just take a minute
10:26It's obviously been a very difficult time for you man
10:30And I'm guessing is still quite raw. Yeah
10:36Probably hasn't been easy to talk about
10:44You know what's only I'm gonna call it in I think maybe we should just leave it
10:52That was that was the thing the fact that that's what frustrated me most the fact that that you couldn't talk to them
10:59Then yeah the leadership team talk about a misnomer. They were so off themselves. They couldn't be bothered to listen
11:07Well, I must have been tough Tony teacher for 27 years
11:11I mean the one thing you're used to the one thing presumably you'd expect is that people would listen
11:20Yeah, would you think so wouldn't you
11:24But when your face doesn't fit
11:27You lost your job because your face didn't fit. I
11:31Think there must mean something more to it than that Tony
11:37I'm really sorry mate. I'm gonna have to leave it there and go straight to the news, but I really hope you're calling again
11:46And listen you rest assured I hear you I really do me
11:55It's been really nice talking to you my friend, yeah, yeah and and and you maze
12:02Take care, Tony
12:04Appreciate you
12:07And you know where we are
12:49You sure yeah, please
12:52Slow night homework. I'm doing a foundation course
12:58I'm a bit of a science nerd
13:01I'm not sure. I'll ever get my head around the properties of matter
13:13A cup of tea when you're ready, please. Oh, yeah. Thanks
13:33Was a girl
13:35It's okay
13:42You know I've I've seen you around and about
13:47How long you been in the job a few months
13:52Five years for me
13:55It feels like 20 years though
14:00Used to think that Hellman was a shit show
14:04yeah, two tours of Afghanistan, so
14:14What about you I was a teacher so we've all been on the front line kind of thing
14:32You know her face lightens up every time you walk in this place, yeah, I get the tease
14:47Thanks, you know it's funny, but you know night workers that remind me of the the fellas in the army
14:56There are those who have troubles and there are those who are
15:02Which are you
15:11Oh, yeah
15:19Or maybe you know, they're not allowed to be imaginative
15:23It's all this negativity and it's easy to forget the impact that a great teacher can actually have
15:31You know, we had a new caller just last night
15:34Tell me he was a teacher for 27 years
15:38And he was telling us how teachers are being told exactly how and what to teach
15:44So, you know, I maybe it's a system. That's a fault
15:48not the teachers
15:55Yeah, great
15:59The good way to start thinking about matter is to think of all the different materials and substances that it can be made into
16:07Well, that's all science you never said
16:16Okay, so how about I pick your brain sometime over a coffee or a beer maybe I
16:25Buy it
16:30Okay, great great mobile I'll give you my number
16:42Thank you
16:50Thanks, thank you
17:06And Roger let's not forget one thing that is also a Christmas Day staple
17:11To great. That's absolutely right my friend, you know, honestly, I can't tell you the amount of times
17:17I've sat fatly on my couch with a cheeky little something in my hand made on this thing
17:23See with Cowboy films and why they were so popular back in the day
17:26You knew who the good guys were and who the bad guys were you to pull for?
17:31Yeah, when did life become so complicated my friend?
17:35Don't get me started. Oh, we're gonna be here all night
17:39So to wrap things up, here's a thought folks
17:43Maybe we should all believe in ourselves a little more a bit more John Wayne
17:48bit more Clint Eastwood and
17:51Maybe just maybe life would be a little less complicated
18:24Love this Tony
18:39You've reached
18:42Hello, it's
18:44It's it's Tony from the cafe
18:47I'm just ringing about that and that coffee
18:52So in if you pick this up then
18:57Yeah, okay
19:15Take me name off your list and don't don't call back
20:26We have a new corner we've got Tony's in Liverpool City Center, so what's on your mind Tony and
20:32We we spoke last night, yes, of course, we did Tony you're the the teacher of 27 years. Am I right? Hey, you remember?
20:41Yeah, of course. I remember. Yeah, because you know you said something Tony that really stuck with me
20:46It was you saying that
20:48That your face didn't fit
20:50Kind of intrigued me, you know
20:53Well, you know, I'm touching 56 top of the pay scale
20:58Not quite sure. I follow me
21:00Well, they can get some kids straight out of teacher training college pay them after money
21:07So it's about the money
21:11Well money is just a stick they beat you with
21:14But they keep beating you and they keep beating you
21:17Until you don't know who you are anymore
21:21You know you
21:23You lose your self-respect
21:26Your self-worth
21:29And everything that goes in everything that goes with it, you know, I'm very sorry to hear that Tony
21:35So this wasn't really about money
21:38It's about your age, right
21:41Yeah, well, that's part of it
21:43Nowadays, you know you have to be you got to be a what? Well, you have to be a certain type of person
21:51What type of person is that
21:53Um, well, how about someone who's the complete opposite of me, okay
22:04I'll have to go
22:09About this show it's completely bonkers, you know, you never know what's coming
22:20Really don't want to know what's going back to the taxi. Tony. Tony. Tony. Listen, mate. You have a good one
22:25Yeah, it's been lovely talking to you. All right, mate
22:55You know by the way Jack do you play a lot of cards me
23:02Well, maybe you should take up
23:59Because you know what happens when you keep it all in there comes a point when you just
24:28There you go
24:40Who is he
24:44Steve my ex. Oh, right. I know
24:54I'm sorry, I didn't call you. Oh, no, that's okay. Let's show my phone off because he was being a dickhead
25:04Where's your meeting
25:08When I first came to Liverpool I was working kind of bar
25:12Know friends. I was lonely
25:15He was nice to me to begin with and then he became this fucking I
25:20Told him it was over
25:23But he won't leave me alone. You could hold the police
25:30It was a fight outside here the other night I
25:33Fell out a knife called the police took him over an hour to come why they'd be interested in me
25:38The police can't help
25:41The different first back home in Wales
25:45Walkers of the local police, I mean I go to the police. I got two brothers to protect me
26:09They're painting friggin rainbows on panda cars instead of taking criminals off the street
26:15Rainbows don't appeal to your sense of aesthetic any and I take it. Oh, there's a pot of gold at the end of them learn
26:22Thanks mate now listen folks here to keep those calls coming in
26:26Oh and welcome back Tony Lawrence. We all know there are good guys and bad guys
26:31Yeah, but it's not as simple as that anymore. Is it's Annie? That's my point
26:35I bet the average Bobby on the beat right just wants to get on with his job and lock up the bad guys
26:41Well, that's my point exactly mate
26:43There are no puppies on the back because the people who make the rules and all the other stuff they rammed down our throats
26:49They've forgotten that the police aren't there to serve them. They're there to serve us the taxpayers
26:57Did you know I work for when I was teaching the kids?
27:00If they thought I was doing a good job, that was good enough for me
27:04And by the way, I was doing a bloody good job. Listen, my friend. Listen, Tony. I don't doubt it at all
27:10You know what? You've absolutely nailed it yet again because at the moment I started this job my job
27:15I've been saying exactly the same thing
27:18You know out there that I work for the listeners of the station
27:22Now the controller or some accountants somewhere that might be paying my checks every month, but it's you lot who pay my wages
27:28Yeah, and we'll be the ones who'll judge if you're doing a good job
27:32And that's exactly how it should be mate and we'll let you know when it's time for you to go by switching off the radio
27:39It's steady on it's happy. Listen, that's not that carried away here
27:44Speaking of jobs telling I mean you've got to have some stories. So go on go on. Don't be shy. Give us your best one
27:50God's mates up. I don't know
27:53Make teaching in a Liverpool secondary school. It must have been a riot. I mean that quite literally
28:02Well, I was I suppose it was a time that the the year 11s locked me in a stalker would put an hour and a
28:09half there we go
28:11Cheeky little scallywags was there a leave-in do present to me before they went off and did the GCSEs
28:16How many years ago is this I was about I know about three years. So
28:22That would make them about what?
28:251920 now
28:26So come on, so give us some name who is the ringleader just in case they're listening
28:37Gonna hear their side of the story give them the right to reply
28:48Interesting chat
28:50If you get the chance mate to call me back
28:54Honestly guys you simply must must must tune in tomorrow night
30:36Welcome back. We're still with World War two vet Albert Collins. So tell me you must have lost so many friends Albert
30:44young men
30:46Gave their lives
30:47The way I saw it Lawrence I was doing my duty
30:52Not just for me country, but also for my pals. I was fighting alongside when you look back me
31:00How does it make you feel
31:03How to have known them I'm proud to call my friends and I like to think
31:10Sorry, give us a sec
31:12Mm-hmm super the cap. Okay, mate. Where my stab you're old
31:27I'm just talking to the cabbie
31:31Yeah, I made a man up a direction
31:37Yes, she has proper domain
31:43Fucking talking back to me like she's someone with a shitty little cafe job
31:52Now she's gonna pay nice and I am gonna enjoy every little fucking minutes
32:03Anyway, I was gonna miss her Adi
32:11Want to curse
32:26Stop there
33:06Shit house
33:34We all need to stick together on this and protect the vulnerable
33:53Hi, you've reached Rosa's phone
33:56Hi Rosa, that's me. I just let stay in the back of the cab. I don't know if he was on something but Tim
34:03Just stay clear. Okay
34:15It's me again
34:17Look I'm just had no one to the cafe. So just sit tight Jen. Oh and
34:23Best not go outside
35:27Hi, you've reached Rosa's phone. These are the message after the beep Rosa Rosa. Yes me and
35:34Look, just give me a call when you get this message. Okay
35:40Learned if we didn't stand up for each other on the battlefield people died our friends died
35:47my friend
35:49died I
35:50Mean you often hear people talk about a matter of life and death
35:53But this truly was a case of exactly that you either do something or someone really will die
36:01Hey, why is the cafe closed I
36:06Don't know where one of the lads said Rosa didn't say no for work. So oh shit
36:12She might be in trouble
36:15What sort of trouble her ex? It's fella called Steve's bad news mate. Do you know where she lives?
36:20No, I'm not sure somewhere up past them and Hope Street
36:24What about a bloke who owns a place? Well, you know, I don't know. It's it's the middle of the night
36:30And I fucking shattered. Okay, so good luck
36:34Is that it you were in the forces
36:41And I thought whoa, whoa, hang on you thought what
36:46That you'd know how to deal with someone like this this Steve fella. I don't I I barely know you
36:54Please mate. Just tell me what to do a hey listen
36:59You know when I close my eyes in the dark
37:03Icy things
37:05That I don't want to see
37:08Right, and I don't want to ever see them ever again. That's why I work nights
37:16But you know those two types of people that I told you about the other night this sort of fella he's trouble
37:23And I I don't know
37:26Whatever trouble you've got. I have no idea but
37:31Do you really want to answer
37:34Do you
37:36You need to turn around get in that cab sit in the back and keep your head down
37:42Do you hear me?
37:46To Amy
37:52We're still being absolutely swamped with texts about the incredible World War two fetch the indomitable
37:59Mr. Albert Collins
38:02Great interview
38:04Workout but still does for charity and his local community is amazing
38:09We've got one here. It is it says Moira from Crosby Albert
38:14What a man an inspiration and proud to be able to call him one of our own here. Yeah
38:22Tell me from Kirby if there were more fellows like Albert the world wouldn't be in the mess
38:26It is in today. I second that made I second that
38:29Now this one this one really this one struck a chord
38:34And a lot of you are saying exactly the same thing if a man in his 90s can still help those in need
38:39And maybe just maybe a few more of us should get off our big fat backsides and followed by his example
38:46And that's the crux of it
38:49What we desperately need is more people like Albert more people to stand up for those in need
38:54People willing to fight for what he's right if you see someone struggling reach out if you see someone in danger
39:01Don't stand idly by do something
39:05So what gives him the right to tell people how to live their lives?
39:09You know, I don't think he was telling anyone actually have to live their lives make me
39:15You know, there is such a thing as giving people the benefit of your experience
39:18You know what? I mean? What could he be forcing some proxy war years ago?
39:23Don't get Hitler right and Nazi Germany for Christ's sakes. He fought for your freedom, son
39:29He fought for your freedom my freedom all of our freedoms
39:32So I've jumped up little twerps like you to go on radio shows and speak their mind without fear of persecution or prosecution
39:38Oh, why don't you piss off?
39:41Seriously, piss off. Anyway, what is he exactly you do?
39:44You're not entity apart from sitting around in your fat ass all day doing absolutely nothing
39:47Cheek to go ahead and judge people
40:45Tony Conroy and DS Marshall. Can we come in? I want you tonight to stay out of it
40:50I know what sort of money is but he doesn't deserve this
40:52Do you know the victim only one of their the only way to deal with rats is to exterminate them and you're saying that makes
40:58In fair game
41:00Need some body work though. Yeah, it was a dog. It's to be a big dog. So what's gonna happen now?
41:05What do you care?
41:05There is a genuine bond between me and my audience I could be that person they could talk to the bliss
41:11I could be that friend in me just think about the person did this room
41:15What do you mean? Well, they need to be found
41:19Before they do the same thing to someone else