
  • 3 months ago
what remains season 1 ep 2


00:04What do you want, pig?
00:05Can I trust you to pass this on?
00:09What have you got?
00:11Sorry, are you married?
00:12I live alone.
00:16Yes, Fletcher.
00:19You ever go in the loft, Mr Moss?
00:21I rarely venture beyond the ground floor.
00:26Where the hell are you?
00:27You shouldn't really be here then, you know that, right?
00:31You're retired.
00:58Come in.
01:11Come on, she's out.
01:12She can't be. She never goes out.
01:19Hiya! How are you?
01:22It's Melissa, isn't it?
01:24I'm Peggy, this is Elaine.
01:26How do you do?
01:27OK, can we come in for a sec?
01:33I don't know.
01:34I'm not really very comfortable.
01:37You have the most incredible skin.
01:40People told you that before?
01:42Not really.
01:43So pretty.
01:46Let's open that other bottle.
01:48Where do you keep the corkscrew?
01:50The drawer nearest the fridge.
01:56If you don't want to do it, just say no.
02:02Did I mention this woman is a genius with a lens?
02:05She will make you look better than you have ever looked.
02:09I guarantee it.
02:11No she can't.
02:13Everything we do is airbrushed anyway.
02:17I don't think...
02:18I don't really...
02:19We have a deadline.
02:21And there's literally no one else we can ask.
02:24As a neighbour.
02:26As a friend.
02:56Thank you.
02:59I'm going round to the back.
03:00Thank you.
03:08Thank you so much.
03:09Thank you so much.
03:27Thank you.
03:30Thank you so much.
03:31Thank you.
03:32Thank you.
03:56Thank you.
04:09How did you do it?
04:12Must have blacked out.
04:13I don't remember much.
04:15Banged my head on something.
04:23It was...
04:25Where? In the flat? Upstairs?
04:28No, no. I can't be sure.
04:32Thank you, Miss Cole.
04:33I'm really sorry to keep imposing on you.
04:35Let me call one of your colleagues.
04:36They can drive you back.
04:37No, no.
04:38I'm okay now, really.
04:42What happened to her?
04:43The girl upstairs?
04:45You keep coming back.
04:46You must think she...
04:49Was she killed?
04:53I can't remember.
04:54I can't rule that out.
05:32The policeman.
05:34He came back.
05:36Where were you?
05:38Don't lie to me, Elizabeth.
05:41Number five.
05:44What did we agree about going upstairs?
05:48Something bad always happens when you go upstairs.
05:51I'm sorry.
05:52Did he see you?
05:55The policeman.
05:56Did he see you?
05:57I hit him.
05:58I had to.
05:59I had to get out of there.
06:05One day we're going to have to find a way to give all this back, aren't we?
06:11I'm sorry, Mr Sellers.
06:18Get some rest.
06:22Get some rest.
06:40Peggy, where the hell are you?
06:43Call me back.
06:48The personal design meeting with Elaine Markham and Peggy Scott.
06:51Someone has been delayed.
06:52Oh, OK. That's not a problem.
07:07Jesus Christ.
07:09I almost registered you as a missing person.
07:13I bet you didn't, though.
07:15Well, we didn't get a contract.
07:17Probably not surprising, as half of us didn't even show up.
07:20I don't care about this stupid contract.
07:23Let's get a coffee.
07:25I don't want a coffee.
07:26Well, I do.
07:27So, whatever character assassination you've got lined up for me,
07:30let's at least temper it with caffeine.
07:36Who found him?
07:37Some new lot just above us.
07:38Had reason to pop into the loft when they were all fatty.
07:41Only not so fat any longer.
07:43Don't talk like that.
07:47The gossip on the streets is it was a suicide.
07:51Come on, Peg.
07:53We can't talk here.
07:57Can't go back there.
08:00Can't spend another night in that flat.
08:03Well, then we'll move.
08:05Put it on the market, we'll buy somewhere else.
08:07It's not the flat, Elaine.
08:09It's you.
08:11I can't be you any longer.
08:21Think very carefully about what you say next.
08:24I've hired a van.
08:26I'll be around on Friday to get what's mine.
08:34You don't have to be there.
08:36In fact, it's better if you're not.
09:12I've beaten this the first time.
09:20You're going to be late.
09:50I'm sorry.
10:20Oh, he's already left for work.
10:22I hear him go 7.40 on the dot every morning.
10:26Does he live on his own?
10:27Joe, you bet he does.
10:30Nobody put up with a grumpy old bastard.
10:32I'm Kieran, by the way. We keep missing each other.
10:34Oh, Michael.
10:37Oh, good chemical.
10:38Oh, thanks.
11:19All right if we use these all, you notice?
11:43Miss Carnes, Detective Inspector Harper.
11:53I don't want to scare you, Miss Carnes,
11:55but it's possible anyone could gain access if they wanted.
11:59So there was someone in here?
12:01It's not secure. That's all I'm saying.
12:04The other day you said you thought she might have been killed.
12:07I said I wasn't ruling it out.
12:08Got me thinking, though.
12:10What if it was someone from here?
12:12From one of the flats?
12:15Why would one of her neighbours want to kill her?
13:55Sorry, I...
14:05Wait, please.
14:08I'm Adam.
14:12So you must be his friend.
14:15You must be his son.
14:22Come in, then.
14:39Can I get your opinion on something?
14:41What's wrong with this picture?
14:44You want me to say she looks fat?
14:47Would you say she looks at ease?
14:49Is she smiling?
14:50You think?
14:55I'd say that was a smile.
15:00She's uncomfortable.
15:05Then why did she do it?
15:08I'll call you.
15:34I should be getting back to work.
15:36So what is it that you do, Patricia?
15:41I'm a journalist.
15:43Ah, so you work together.
15:45He really hasn't told you anything about me, has he?
15:48He hasn't talked about me much either,
15:50so we should be equally insulted.
15:52Well, maybe he's being cautious.
15:54We've been seeing each other for over a year now.
15:57Then he has told you something.
15:59The cosmetics in the bathroom covered in electric toothbrush.
16:04The first time those items appeared round here was last January.
16:07We got together at a Christmas do.
16:09I semi-moved in the next month.
16:12So where do you sleep every Tuesday night on alternate weekend?
16:18I kept my place on.
16:22Want to keep my independence.
16:24Really? Is that true?
16:26I'm sorry, I really do need to get back.
16:29Will you tell him that we met?
16:31Will you?
16:32Are you kidding? It'd freak him out.
16:34Best both keep quiet, then.
16:36Pretend like this never happened.
16:42I like that plan.
16:46Oh, do me one favour.
16:50Change those sheets.
16:53What do you think about having them over?
17:03We can make it a thing.
17:05Drinks, nibbles.
17:07Do we have to?
17:12I think we should get to know them better.
17:16I don't know.
17:19I think we should get to know them better.
17:23Find out what they're really like.
17:48Good morning.
18:14Morning, Mr Sellers.
18:15Good morning, Michael.
18:17Everyone over hours Friday evening.
18:19A few glasses of wine.
18:20Lovely to drop by.
18:21That's very kind of you.
18:23Bring guests if you like.
18:24Friend, lover.
18:26Anyone you want.
18:28After you, sir.
18:35Mr Harper.
18:38How can I help you?
18:39There's this brochure of yours.
18:41It was found at a crime scene.
18:43The police?
18:44No, I'm just making inquiries.
18:45It's personal, that.
18:49Yeah, those are our products, but...
18:51This isn't our brochure.
18:53It has your company name.
18:55It's the 2010 line,
18:57but this isn't the promotional material we went with.
19:00I don't follow.
19:02We don't produce our own marketing.
19:04We outsource to graphic designers who put these things together for us.
19:07We award the contracts to whoever produces the best work at the time.
19:10My guess is this is a sample we rejected.
19:13Can you find out who made it?
19:31Officially, we've never done any work for them.
19:33Unofficially, we have wasted numerous man hours
19:36and a good few hundred in printing costs just trying to win their business.
19:40All in vain, I'm afraid.
19:42So, this woman here, you recognise her?
19:46Of course.
19:48She's the girl upstairs, Melissa.
19:52When we met before, I was under the impression you didn't really know each other.
19:56Oh, we didn't.
19:58I don't think she's crossed my mind once in the last couple of years.
20:02One of those invisible people.
20:05Does that sound mean?
20:07It sounds honest.
20:09She's just a neighbour, that's all.
20:12It was a brief moment in time when she did us a favour,
20:15but that's as far as the connection went.
20:18A favour?
20:19Yeah, we knew that the company pride themselves on their range of sizes.
20:24From malnourished to morbidly obese, they'll take your money.
20:28We thought it would help our chances of winning the contract
20:30if we had a larger lady in the mix.
20:33Personally, I think that's what ultimately put them off.
20:37So, you just popped upstairs and convinced her to strip off?
20:42Some people don't take that much convincing.
20:46She's quite a flamboyant soul, if you ask me.
20:51Flamboyant people leave a bigger footprint.
20:54You notice when they've gone missing.
20:56They're certainly not invisible, did you say?
21:02Image is at Peggy's side of the business.
21:04She dealt with all that.
21:06She's the artistic one.
21:08She took these photos?
21:10Of course.
21:12Me, I'm all about the money.
21:14I bring the clients in, she impresses them.
21:17Well, usually.
21:22Quite a team.
21:26Greater than the sum of our parts.
21:28Thought we'd name the company.
21:35I like it.
21:37I'm going to see if I can't slip it into conversation.
21:42When's a good time to speak with Peggy?
21:47Well, she's had to go away for a while,
21:49but I'm expecting her back before the weekend.
21:52If you could have a quick chat with her,
21:54I'd be delighted.
21:56She's had to go away for a while,
21:58but I'm expecting her back before the weekend.
22:01If you could have a call me on my mobile number.
22:04I'm not in the office very much these days.
22:13You have a lot of pictures.
22:15The walls, surfaces.
22:17That's nice.
22:19Makes it home.
22:21Melissa, she had one picture in her flat.
22:24Not in front of a camera.
22:46Can't stop thinking about you.
22:49Find out what the extent of how...
22:52Who is this?
22:54I thought it was him. Admit it.
22:56Sounded like on the phone.
23:00What are you up to right now?
23:04Afterwards, let's meet up.
23:07What's this about?
23:10Something I think we need to discuss.
23:12Tell me now. On the phone.
23:14No, I don't want to. I want to see you.
23:17I don't think that's a good idea, Adam.
23:27I don't know what everyone complains about.
23:29Any catering service that serves a decent macaroon
23:32is all right in my book.
23:39I went back to the flat.
23:42That girl I was telling you about.
23:44The uniform, I'm going to follow it up.
23:46I guarantee you of that.
23:52Just want to take another look around.
23:55See if I've missed anything.
23:57I know I shouldn't, but who's going to know?
24:27You remember that chocolate cake we nicked from the village fair?
24:31We took a beating about that one, didn't we?
24:36Actually, no.
24:39I took a beating.
24:41You ran off and went into hiding.
24:45Slippery little shit that you were.
24:50You'd nick it, we'd eat it, and then I'd get the blame for it.
24:54Not teamwork.
24:56You know what they call that?
25:01We were greater than the sum of our parts.
27:06Hi. It's Peggy.
27:08She's busy. We're entertaining.
27:10What do you want?
27:12The pictures.
27:14You said... I said what?
27:16Peggy, she said,
27:18if I change my mind about them,
27:20if I don't want you to use them...
27:22You said you were OK with it. You said it was fine.
27:24I've been thinking. Had a lot of wine.
27:27Well, that's not our fault.
27:29I'm sorry, but I don't want you to use the pictures.
27:32It's too late now. They're at the printers.
27:35If you had a problem then, you should have said so at the time.
28:44Need a hand, neighbour?
28:46It won't take.
28:48Pop the bonnet up, we'll take a look.
28:58Len, by the way. Frank.
29:00Lived here long?
29:02Nine years.
29:04Listen, I don't want to make you late for work.
29:06No, no problem. I'm recently retired, that's all.
29:36Here's your assignment.
29:38No excuses this time.
29:42Morning, Joe. Morning.
31:22Excuse me. Oi!
32:05You didn't give me a time, so I'm not quite sorted.
32:08Is it just you?
32:12I thought you might have brought someone to help you.
32:14I haven't told anyone.
32:16Well, I help you all I can, but you know how bad my shoulder is.
32:23Maybe ask one of the neighbours.
32:25How is everything?
32:27Yeah, it's OK. Listen, we need to talk...
32:29Just one second.
32:31Hi, this is a message for Detective Inspector Harper.
32:34It's Elaine Markham from Flat 3, 8 Courtard Street.
32:37You asked me to call you when my partner Peggy Scott returned.
32:42Well, she's here.
32:44In the flesh.
32:46I'm not sure how long she'll be hanging about,
32:48so if you want that chat, you might want to come by as soon as you can.
32:55You were saying?
32:57What was that?
32:59Oh, the police want to talk to you.
33:01Our dead neighbour.
33:03Remember her?
33:17If I try it now...
33:32I don't think I've changed a set of spark plugs in 25 years.
33:36I appreciate it, Len.
33:38And what do I owe you?
33:40Oh, no, no, don't even think of insulting me.
33:42Well, I owe you one, then.
33:44You're Whiskey Man Frank.
33:46Who isn't?
33:48I've got an 18-year-old single malt.
33:50Been sitting in my cabinet for longer than I can remember.
33:53Fancy making a dent in it later?
33:56Sure. Sounds good.
33:59Eight o'clock.
34:01I'll be there.
35:44No, no, no!
35:46No, it's OK! It's Michael!
35:48Do you remember me? Look at my face!
35:50Do you remember me? I know you do.
35:52We were school together.
35:54It's Michael.
35:56Michael, Michael, Michael.
36:02It's OK, it's OK.
36:04I'm not going to hurt you.
36:22It's Reza's hen weekend.
36:24Are they still together?
36:26Who cares?
36:36Do you want to get that, or shall I?
36:49You and that man like Gus.
36:53Gus McDermott. You remember Gus?
36:58I don't know if you've heard. Turns out he was a dirty bugger.
37:01Got in trouble with some 15-year-old.
37:03He was 20 at the time.
37:06Anyway, I don't see him any more.
37:09I don't see him after school, really.
37:11I suppose you don't either.
37:13I was always getting in trouble back then.
37:15He's nothing serious. I just weren't cut out for the old school thing.
37:18You know? I work in a shoe shop now.
37:23I got a baby coming.
37:25It's mad, innit?
37:32So this is old Salty's flat, then?
37:35Salty Sellers.
37:37Salty Sellers.
37:39Salty Sellers.
37:41Salty Sellers.
37:44He had it in for me back then, big time.
37:47He used to pull me out of line, send me to bat, no reason.
37:50He hit me once.
37:52Clattered me right round the head.
37:54He got away with it cos there's no-one else in the room.
38:06How mad is this?
38:08The last I heard was your family moved away to Liverpool or something.
38:12What was that? Seven, eight years?
38:14You have to leave.
38:16I live upstairs, number four.
38:19He'll be back soon. He'll find you here.
38:22A couple more hours before the bell?
38:24He mustn't know you were here. He mustn't find out.
38:28Why, Liz? What would he do?
38:32Why are you here?
38:35I'm afraid you've caught me rather on the hop.
38:38I haven't come out with anything official.
38:40It's OK.
38:48She was devastated when I told her the news.
38:51You were quite fond of her, weren't you?
38:56Does she know Melissa well?
38:59Passed on the stairs like everyone does.
39:04And she helped us with the brochure that one time, remember?
39:08I've told the detective everything I know.
39:11I'll leave you two alone to talk.
39:17Everything I've found out about Melissa so far,
39:20which I admit isn't much, is at least consistent.
39:26She lived a quiet life, alone.
39:30Didn't work or seem to socialise very much, if indeed at all.
39:34Sounds like a pretty accurate description.
39:37But this, these pictures,
39:40doesn't feel like something that she'd do,
39:43unless I'm completely wrong about her.
39:46And if I am, maybe I'm looking in the wrong places.
39:49Looking? Looking for what?
39:51Her assailant, who took her life and left her up there to rot.
39:56I thought... I thought it was a suicide.
40:00Maybe it is. But if I don't know anything about Melissa,
40:04then I can't rule out the fact that somebody didn't like her.
40:07I don't know how I'd be able to help you with that.
40:10When you took these pictures, these intimate photographs,
40:14did she know what they were for?
40:17Yeah. I explained everything.
40:19And she was OK with this, being exposed in such a way?
40:23All the flattering shots. You think so? I don't.
40:28She was fine with it.
40:31She was happy to help.
40:33Oh, I believe that part.
40:35I think Melissa was the sort of person who...
40:38would go out of her way to help someone like you.
40:41Someone like me? Successful, attractive.
40:43I think she would have done anything for you,
40:45had you asked in the right way.
40:47I think you knew that full well, and I think you abused it.
40:52And you got all this from where, detective?
40:55A single sad picture in her flat.
40:59The fact is, we all present an image to the world.
41:02Most of us smile and say everything's fine when people ask,
41:05especially if it isn't.
41:08But when we shut the door, and we're all alone,
41:12that's who we really are.
41:14And that's the Melissa neither you nor I
41:17nor anyone else ever got to see.
41:23I'm sorry if we can't help you any further.
41:26I'm sorry if we can't help you any further.
41:56Get out here, bitch!
41:58Get your fucked arse out here!
42:01She traps me with a lawyer.
42:05You know the last of this, Piggy.
42:07Get your fucked arse out here!
42:10She traps me with a lawyer.
42:14You know the last of this, Piggy.
42:27What are you looking at, nerd?
42:37What are you looking at?
43:08I didn't see him walking out with anything,
43:10but he was clearly up to no good.
43:12What's this?
43:13I caught some guy coming out of the staff room this morning.
43:16When I challenged him, he ran off.
43:18In here?
43:20Brazen as anything.
43:22No-one's reported anything missing, thank God.
43:25Did you get a look at him?
43:28Mid-twenties, brown hair, dark jacket.
43:31Didn't see his face.
43:33That's why I make sure I carry everything on me.
43:37What do you think of this?
43:39To be honest, I don't know.
44:24I bumped into one of your new neighbours this morning.
44:27Him or her?
44:30Quite charming, in an unconventional way.
44:34He's having drinks tonight.
44:36I wanted to know if we could make it.
44:43They knew they wanted to introduce themselves.
44:46I think it's nice.
44:48Really? I think it's an effort.
44:50Walking upstairs to meet your new neighbours is an effort.
44:54It's just a whole socialising thing.
44:57I think I'm getting too old for it.
44:59I'm pretty certain I've met all the friends I'm ever likely to make.
45:03From here on in, it's just small talk and manners.
45:05Can't we just close the curtains, pretend to be out?
45:09You miserable old kid.
45:13Just for that, I'm going to make you go.
45:36Everything all right?
45:42Everything's fine, Mr Sellers.
46:09Look at this.
46:11Look at us.
46:14We're grown-ups.
46:19No, it's a man's job, innit?
46:22I think you're thinking of butlers.
46:25But go for it.
46:35Go for it.
47:06The guy who was in here before you, Richard, he was a classic nerd.
47:11He had posters of goblins and stuff all over the walls.
47:15I'm guessing he didn't have a girlfriend then.
47:17He didn't hear any action.
47:19Not that we listen out for that sort of stuff.
47:22I'm sure he's got a girlfriend.
47:24I'm sure he's got a girlfriend.
47:26I'm sure he's got a girlfriend.
47:28I'm sure he's got a girlfriend.
47:30I'm sure he's got a girlfriend.
47:32Not that we listen out for that sort of stuff.
47:35Well, the state she's in, you're not going to be hearing much out of us for a while, are you?
47:43Excuse me.
47:47So, the flat upstairs?
47:49Oh, that was just terrible.
47:51Really sad.
47:53What sort of a neighbour was she?
47:56Melissa, she was quiet.
47:59We hardly knew she was there, did we?
48:01She was coming down the stairs.
48:03The woman had the grace of an elephant.
48:16Hi, Keira.
48:18Come on in.
48:19This is Patricia.
48:20Yeah, we met.
48:21Welcome to the neighbourhood.
48:25Oh, Mr Sellers.
48:26I'm glad you could make it.
48:28Last time you caught me necking a bottle of Malibu behind the stage curtains.
48:31You suspended me for that.
48:34Times have changed, haven't they, sir?
48:56We'll do that later.
48:57What do you make of the lipstick lesbians?
49:00I haven't really got to know them yet.
49:03It's my advice.
49:05The taller one is a horrendous bitch.
49:08Let's go and have another one, shall we?
49:09Beer, yeah?
49:10The other one doesn't speak until she's given permission.
49:17Did you know Melissa?
49:18The dead girl?
49:21It's way within my time.
49:24They're all very cagey about her.
49:27It's understandable, I suppose.
49:29Why do you say that?
49:32Shows them up for what they really are.
49:36I wanted to write a piece about her.
49:38You're a journalist?
49:39Don't worry, it's never going to happen.
49:41There's not enough interest.
49:44Not even the police are bothered about this poor cow.
49:48Detective Harper's been coming round every day.
49:50What, on his own?
49:52They do that for appearances.
49:55To make it look like they're trying.
50:01You know they take it seriously when they move in packs.
50:23Along the road
50:27The air is growing thin
50:32Too many friends will try
50:36Blown off this mountain with the wind
50:42We're on the ledge
50:45We're gonna be on the ledge
50:49When the time is right
50:52We're gonna be on the ledge
50:59Oh, no thanks. I'm fine on the apple juice.
51:03Well, I know you ain't driving.
51:05Yeah, working tomorrow.
51:08All right. Waste not, want not.
51:20He told me all about his school days.
51:22Reckons the system didn't suit him.
51:24I think that's true of a lot of children.
51:27You help them all you can,
51:29then you cross your fingers
51:31and hope they find a safe passage through the world.
51:35He won't admit it, but I think he wishes he'd tried harder.
51:39Given himself more options.
51:43So long ago now, so many kids.
51:46You probably don't remember him half as well as he remembers you.
51:49I remember Michael.
51:51He certainly made his presence known.
51:55You must have some stories.
52:08Nice couple.
52:10Nice couple.
52:24Too young to be having a baby.
52:27How old were you?
52:30Yeah, well, that was different.
52:32Different era, different circumstances.
52:41Do you look up?
52:45Stay, stay here.
53:02Did I wake you?
53:04I wasn't expecting you till tomorrow.
53:11Sorry, I didn't know you had...
53:15I should be just getting out of your way.
53:17Adam, this is Patricia.
53:22Hi, Patricia.
53:24Sorry, did I wake you?
53:26No, we were just turning in.
53:28Oh, I'll just... I'll go.
53:31No, no, no, stay, stay. It's fine.
53:34Are you sure? Yeah.
53:36Is it OK with you, Patricia?
53:38Take care of you, Patricia.
53:40Of course.
54:08I love you.
54:38I love you.
55:02Wait, I'm not here for a fight.
55:05I thought you might want these.
55:07It's all the copies of the catalogue we have printed.
55:10And I've deleted the pictures from my hard drive.
55:13They're all gone, I promise.
55:16Thank you.
55:21I didn't want to threaten anybody.
55:23I just wanted to make it go away.
55:25I never should have forced you into it.
55:27It just... It all got out of hand.
55:31Can we be friends?
55:33You and I.
55:36What about the other one?
55:37She's not always like that.
55:39She gets frustrated when she can't have what she wants.
55:43Sometimes she's really sweet.
55:50What are you doing up here?
55:52Just getting rid of some junk.
55:55Come on, let's go.
56:04Where do you want it?
56:05I can take it from here.
56:13Have you seen all this?
56:16It's the new guys.
56:18Flat two.
56:21You met him?
56:23Yeah. Seems nice.
56:34Don't let them treat you like that.
56:37I was misunderstanding us all.
56:39Whatever it was.
56:41Nobody has a right to say those things to you.
56:43Especially not a pair of fake bitches like that.
57:00It's okay.
57:30It's okay.
58:02Hello, is there anybody there?
58:05She's better off dead.
58:21I don't want to be here alone with him.
58:23Look, I don't want her to fly.
58:25Are you being paranoid?
58:28Someone knows what happened to her.
58:32Did you hurt her?
58:33Did you?
58:34I know how this looks. I didn't do anything to hurt her.
58:37Either you didn't notice that she was gone, or you didn't care.
58:45And What Remains continues next Sunday at 9.
58:49After the 10 o'clock news, all the drama of today's three Premier League showdowns in Match of the Day 2.
58:55And getting started over on BBC3 now, Space Camp is on the cards for Chris.
