
  • 3 months ago
what remains season 1 ep 4


00:03You were probably the closest thing Melissa had to a friend.
00:05I'm trying to build a new life here.
00:07Sorry, are you married?
00:08I live alone.
00:09He mustn't know you were here.
00:10He mustn't find out.
00:11I just want to know what she was running from.
00:12What sort of trouble she was in.
00:13Get out of my way.
00:14I can't do that.
00:15Get out of my way.
00:16Something happened up there.
00:17Someone did that to her.
00:55I thought you might want to come down with me.
00:58I, uh, sort of landed myself a date.
01:02Why don't we see you in there?
01:58If I hear a mouse squeak past midnight, I'm calling the police.
02:19I'm deadly serious, too.
02:20Happy bloody Christmas, Joe.
02:22Somebody turn the music up!
02:26I'm sorry.
02:27I don't know if there's anyone in here.
02:28Lock's broken.
02:29I finished.
02:30Just stay and lean on the door for me, would you?
02:32I'm sorry.
02:45What are you doing for Christmas?
03:04Nothing special.
03:05I'll be around.
03:06Not going home to family or anything?
03:09I'd like to, but Queen Bee isn't having any of it.
03:14She's insisting we have a quiet one, just the two of us.
03:18I'm dreading it.
03:21If you don't want to, just say.
03:24Wait, one minute.
03:31I just want to get through the holiday without any drama.
03:36Can I trust you with something?
03:38Yeah, of course.
03:41I'm moving out.
03:43I've been looking at flats to rent.
03:44She doesn't know anything about it.
03:48Wish it was the other way around.
03:50Wish she would go and you'd stay.
03:53Convincing her of that might be a bit ambitious.
03:59What's she doing in here?
04:01Locking the door.
04:04Good luck to anyone more qualified.
05:03Back again, Detective?
05:21Life goes on, eh?
05:24The estate must have gone through without a hitch.
05:27New neighbours on the horizon.
05:30Can't be any worse than the current bunch.
05:45They're clearing out her stand.
05:50It's all cheap tat anyway.
05:52I want to go out.
05:54Well, give me ten minutes and we'll go out for breakfast.
05:58I want to go out alone.
06:02We've been over this.
06:04I don't feel I can trust you at the moment.
06:06So I'm a prisoner then?
06:07Would a prisoner be taken out and treated to Eggs Benedict and a double espresso?
06:12I think not.
06:28Did I agree to that colour?
06:30You won't get sorted.
06:32Look, why don't we leave it till the weekend?
06:34I'll have a couple of mates round.
06:35We'll have it done in a few hours.
06:37I want everything ready, just in case.
06:40We might be crammed by the weekend.
06:43I thought we had a couple of weeks left.
06:45It comes when it's ready.
06:47That could be a month from now, or ten minutes from now.
06:53OK, well, just do a little bit.
06:55It's the only thing above shoulder height you'll need from me, OK?
07:25She's pretty.
07:33Your girlfriend.
07:36Too good for me.
07:37Is that what you're saying?
07:38Didn't mean that.
07:43Are you going to marry her?
07:46I don't know.
07:47Have you asked her yet?
07:51That's between me and her, isn't it?
07:55If you won't tell me, she will.
07:57I might pop up later for a coffee.
07:59Girly chat.
08:05I'm just screwing with you.
08:20They had the inquest, didn't they?
08:22Melissa Young.
08:23How do you know about that?
08:24Oh, it's just a hunch.
08:25What was the verdict, out of interest?
08:28Couldn't prove foul play, couldn't prove suicide.
08:31Please tell me you didn't come all this way to ask me that.
08:35You didn't do a bloody thing, did you?
08:37I beg your pardon?
08:40You passed it over to someone else and no-one bothered.
08:44You've been away from this for the past month.
08:46You don't know what we've been doing.
08:48Break it down for me, then.
08:49Tell me exactly what you've been doing to find her killer.
08:51You're the only person who thought she was killed.
08:53Even the coroner agreed.
08:55An open verdict.
08:57Are you proud of that?
09:00Just because no-one's going to kick up a stink, it doesn't excuse us.
09:04We failed that poor girl.
09:06At least I have enough heart to admit it.
09:10Are you okay?
09:14Do you need to talk to someone?
09:16I can get in touch with HR on your behalf.
09:19Shrink? Why? Because I said you're crap at your job?
09:22Someone who can help you move on.
09:24I have moved on. I don't miss the job at all.
09:27Then what are you doing here?
09:47I can't do this, Jeanie.
09:52I can't do this for another 20 years.
09:56It's not fair.
10:16I can't do this.
10:46I can't do this.
11:16I can't do this.
11:46I can't do this.
12:01Evening, Frank.
12:16I can't do this.
12:40I bought you something, Elizabeth.
12:46Very nice.
12:49Do you like it?
12:52Yes, thank you.
12:55I can take it back if it doesn't fit. I have the receipt.
12:58It's a little bit baggy.
13:01I'll get something smaller.
13:04And white. White suits me better.
13:07But thank you.
13:10There's something else.
13:14This belonged to a very dear friend of mine.
13:17I think she'd want you to have it.
13:22It's beautiful.
13:26Here, allow me.
13:34I'm sorry.
13:37Here, allow me.
14:07I'm sorry.
14:25Think of me more as a life coach.
14:28So basically, you could have been my cake.
15:02The door was open.
15:05Hey, haven't seen you in ages.
15:08Booked out on another case.
15:14No, I can't stop. A quick question, though. Joe Sellers, basement flat.
15:17You don't know what school he teaches at, do you?
15:20Same place Michael went. St. John's, maybe?
15:23I know it.
15:26Thank you.
15:36You promised.
15:44Mr. Sellers.
15:47Security guard on the gate said it was all right to come in.
15:50What can I do for you, Inspector?
15:53When did blackboards become white?
15:56I don't know.
15:59What can I do for you, Inspector?
16:02When did blackboards become white?
16:05When we stopped using chalks.
16:08How can I measure it?
16:11Could we make this snappy, Detective? I would like to get home.
16:14Why didn't you like her?
16:17It's about that silly girl again.
16:20Just to satisfy my own curiosity. What did she ever do to you?
16:23She didn't do anything to me.
16:26I hate you.
16:29Call it an instinct.
16:32They all hate me, so I hate them.
16:35Who hates you?
16:38Oh, come on, you've spoken to them.
16:41I'm sure they've all told you about me and my irritating ways,
16:44the bin Nazi or whatever they're calling me now.
16:47To hell with them all. I don't care if they exclude me.
16:50You said you knew Mother's mother, Mary, was it?
16:56She would tolerate anything.
16:59And when she got sick, what happened then? You cared for her?
17:02For a while.
17:05Until Melissa came.
17:08She moved here to look after her mother.
17:11Is that what upset you, that Mary didn't need you any longer?
17:14We were coping just fine without her.
17:17Yes, but she was Mary's daughter.
17:20That's all you can ever hope for.
17:23What happens when I get ill?
17:26Who comes for me?
17:50There he is!
18:20You having a car boot sale?
18:23This is all potential evidence.
18:26Ah, well, it's in a skit.
18:29Don't they make it compromised or something?
18:32You're watching too much television, Michael.
18:38I've got to go.
18:41I've got to go.
18:44I've got to go.
18:50Do us a favour, will you?
18:53She's about to drop any moment. She don't need this dress right now.
18:56None of us do.
18:59You are not going to find out what happened up there.
19:02Do you hear up?
19:48See you next week.
20:02I think we should stay away from one another for a while.
20:06Is that what you really want?
20:09I don't know who you are.
20:12Whose fault is that?
20:15Whose fault is that?
20:18It's mine. It's my fault.
20:21Because I screwed up my marriage. I lost my family.
20:25I wasn't a good enough father.
20:31No, no, no, please, don't stop for me on my account.
20:34I know that.
20:37I know all that and I see it every time you visit.
20:40I look at you.
20:43And I listen to you and...
20:49I don't like the way you've turned out.
20:54I don't like your opinions. I don't like the way you treat other people.
21:01I dread having to introduce you as my son
21:04because I think you reflect badly on me.
21:09I love you because of who you are.
21:15But in any other circumstances,
21:17I wouldn't waste three minutes of my time on someone like you.
21:20Wow, well, just get it all off your chest at once.
21:22If I find out you did anything to hurt that woman,
21:25I will turn you in.
21:28Without hesitation.
21:42Take care of yourself, Abby.
22:09It's just me.
22:11I forgot some books.
22:25I'm sorry.
22:28I'm sorry.
22:31I'm sorry.
22:34I'm sorry.
22:37I'm sorry.
22:58I guess that makes us even, sir.
23:08I'm sorry.
23:31Miss Young?
23:37Miss Young?
23:40Miss Young?
24:10Miss Young?
24:40Miss Young?
25:10Miss Young?
25:44is a 20-minute test.
25:48And like all tests,
25:51it requires absolute...
26:28Melissa Young.
26:30I want you to write it.
26:32Talk to family, friends, neighbours, police,
26:35anyone you can trace.
26:37It could take a while.
26:39There's no hurry.
26:40Just make sure it's accurate, respectful,
26:42and that it has something to say.
26:45You do realise that you might not come out too well in this?
26:50I don't expect you to give me any less than I deserve.
27:08You're being arrested for assault.
27:11At this point, I have to advise you
27:14that you don't have to say anything,
27:16but anything that you want to say.
27:19I'm sorry.
27:22I'm sorry.
27:25I'm sorry.
27:28I'm sorry.
27:31I'm sorry.
27:34I advise you that you don't have to say anything,
27:36but anything that you do say can be taken down and used against you.
27:39I can do it.
27:44look out upstairs.
27:48I can do it.
28:05You okay in there?
28:48Well, get on with it.
28:52You haven't got all day.
29:04As I thought.
29:34What are you up to in there?
29:37I'm in a clear out.
29:45Oh, you're going to love this.
29:48I'm going to have a go at it.
29:51I'm going to have a go at it.
29:54I'm going to have a go at it.
29:57I'm going to have a go at it.
30:01Oh, you're going to love this.
30:04Turns out you were right all along.
30:07Melissa Young wasn't a suicider.
30:11How do you know?
30:13We had a confession.
30:18The original arrest was for attacking a pupil.
30:21He went at him with his bloody walking stick.
30:23A couple of PCs show up.
30:25All he wants to talk about is the Melissa girl.
30:27Just kept saying he killed her.
30:29How? How did he kill her?
30:33His version of events.
30:35He went up to complain about something.
30:37They argued.
30:38He saw the red mist and he choked her.
30:59Oh, hi Liz.
31:24What do you think?
31:26It looks great.
31:28Do you need a hand?
31:48How long are you here for, Liz?
31:50Until Joe gets bored of me.
31:52Where's the rest of your family?
31:54You sound local.
31:55Used to be.
31:57I grew up around here.
31:59We moved to Liverpool about eight years ago.
32:01Why was that?
32:02My mum fell in love with someone.
32:04She wanted to start over.
32:08Didn't work out though.
32:12You know your door's wide open.
32:16Trying to create a draft.
32:17Do you want tea?
32:18As I'm here.
32:24This is Detective Harper.
32:27He's been investigating upstairs.
32:29Did you hear about that?
32:30The dead girl.
32:32Joe mentioned it.
32:33Liz is Joe's niece.
32:36Joe Sellers.
32:37Basement flat.
32:38Yeah, that's right.
32:40Is Joe around now?
32:43He's at work.
32:44Oh, teacher, right.
32:48Liz is from Liverpool.
32:55I have jaffa cakes.
32:56I was saving them, but if you want.
32:59Never say no to a jaffa cake.
33:03How often do you visit, Liz?
33:05Every now and then.
33:07Did you ever meet Melissa?
33:10The girl upstairs?
33:14Not really.
33:16Big girl, could hardly have missed her.
33:18I didn't know her.
33:20Just thought I'd ask you.
33:46Come on.
34:16Come on.
34:47Come on.
34:49Come on.
35:16Come on.
35:17Come on.
35:47How's it going?
35:48Pretty good.
35:49Thought I'd swing by and gloat.
35:50OK, Van, he's out.
35:51Rubbed everyone's nose in it.
35:52Yeah, come on in.
35:53Told me all along it was murder.
35:54Yes, can I help you?
35:55I'd like to speak to the person in charge of the Melissa Young inquiry.
36:07Detective Harper, I think it is.
36:11Excuse me.
36:12Couldn't resist, could you?
36:14Well, I'm right, I'm right, and everybody should know it.
36:17We're interviewing Sellers again this afternoon,
36:19then we'll be formally charging him.
36:21Right, he's still saying he did it.
36:37Stick her in one of the rooms, will you?
36:39We're down in two.
36:41Don't leave without saying goodbye.
36:43No, I won't.
37:20Can I take you up on that offer of a staff discount?
37:29You remember you asked me to find out about Liz Fletcher?
37:33Yeah, my police mate got back to me this morning.
37:36Are you aware that she moved to Liverpool when she was 17?
37:39No, I assume.
37:40Yeah, her mum remarried.
37:42Not the nicest guy in the world, either.
37:45History of drug dealing, sex trafficking.
37:48May 2008, he's discovered at the family home
37:51with a pair of scissors in his esophagus.
37:55His arsehole?
38:01He was dead at the scene.
38:03Your old school mate hasn't been seen since.
38:06Miss Keener?
38:08I'm Detective Sergeant Liz Young.
38:10How can I help you?
38:12I'm writing a piece about Melissa Young.
38:14I was hoping to speak to D.I. Harper.
38:16D.I. Harper retired about a month ago.
38:18I've been running the investigation myself.
38:21Then who's the guy that's been coming to the flats every day?
38:29Do you know where Len is?
38:34Where's he gone?
38:35Len, where is he?
38:37I saw he was with you.
38:57What the hell were you thinking?
38:59I wasn't hurting anyone.
39:00I thought if I could get a decent lead,
39:02at least prove it was a murder.
39:03We got a confession.
39:05There's another neighbour.
39:06Elizabeth Fletcher.
39:07He didn't mention her, did he?
39:08He lives alone.
39:09No, he just makes it look that way.
39:11There's an outstanding warrant for this woman.
39:13Check for yourself if you don't believe me.
39:15She's killed before and he's taking the blame this time.
39:17Well, then we'll send a car and we'll pick her up.
39:19She's there right now.
39:21She's with a neighbour.
39:22I don't trust her.
39:25Please, Alice.
39:41To be honest, I never really noticed him back then.
39:45The boys of that age, they aren't very appealing.
39:48Too immature.
39:51But then he shows up here and I thought, yeah, why not?
39:56I quite fancied him.
39:59You slept together?
40:04He screws me every morning.
40:11When you think he's going to work, he isn't.
40:14He's inside me.
40:16A couple of floors down.
40:18Right under your nose, so to speak.
40:21I want you to leave.
40:22You don't tell me when to leave.
40:25This is my home.
40:27This house.
40:28This whole building.
40:30It's mine.
40:33This is DS Alice Yupp.
40:35I'm responding to an incident at 8 Coulthard Street.
40:38I used to come in this flat all the time.
40:41They all leave a key with Joe.
40:44They think they can trust him.
40:47How long have you been here?
40:49Feels like forever.
40:52She was a problem at first.
41:00Have you got anything in the area that can meet us there?
41:03Joe didn't like her.
41:04He warned me.
41:05He said we couldn't trust her.
41:06She hardly ever went out.
41:08She made it difficult for me to get around.
41:10And then one day she caught me red-handed.
41:13What did you do to her?
41:17Come on.
41:32Go on.
41:49Come on.
41:51Where is she?
41:56It's okay.
41:57Yeah, go on.
42:03Over the next few days,
42:05you're going to hear a few things about me.
42:09There's nothing I can deny.
42:10Nothing I'm ashamed of.
42:14I hope you'll always remember.
42:16I never wanted to deceive you.
42:21I never wanted to deceive you.
42:46I wanted to hurt him.
42:48I wanted to get him back
42:50to me.
42:51It wasn't about her.
42:53I just...
42:55I just saw an opportunity to
42:58take away something that he loved.
43:01You're still that little boy, aren't you?
43:06You're not ready for this.
43:21Not much for a life, is it?
43:25When everything you have can be squeezed
43:27into the proverbial biscuit tin.
43:50I love you.
44:20I love you.
44:53Oh, hey.
44:55I'll just hold your hand.
44:56Thank you.
44:59You guys look nice.
45:00You going out?
45:02Meeting his ex and her new partner.
45:05Sounds terrifying.
45:06I'll report back tomorrow.
45:08I've got a date myself.
45:10If I can get that one to settle.
45:12There's now how it goes.
45:15If I can get that one to settle.
45:17There's now how it goes.
45:45There she is.
45:55Hi, Ellen.
46:00I'll be back by eleven at the latest.
46:03Don't want to see you before one.
46:05I know.
46:06I'm exhausted.
46:10It's her first date.
46:12Can't end her first date at eleven o'clock.
46:14It gives out the wrong message.
46:15What do you know about dating etiquette?
46:17I know enough.
46:19Flirting on the internet does not make you a Casanova.
46:22I'll try and hold out till twelve.
46:24Twelve-thirty, not a minute before.
46:27My cab's here.
46:29Oh, on your way down,
46:30could you slip these through the doors?
46:32Quotes for the roof repairs.
46:33Len, my cab's waiting.
46:35Oh, all right, fine.
46:36I'll do it myself.
46:37Let's go.
47:07Delivery for Markham.
47:09Okay, bring it up.
47:23Door won't open.
47:24It sticks. I'll come down.
47:59You in?
48:06Need a hand getting them upstairs?
48:07It's okay, I can manage.
49:42Is somebody in here?
52:08What's going on?
52:09Fatty came up to me nosy.
52:11Thought I'd give her a fright.
52:13What are you doing up here?
52:15We were just storing some summer clothes.
52:18What, are you going to go squealing to Joe?
52:21I wouldn't do that.
52:22You wouldn't threaten us with a lawyer.
52:25Don't you ever stop and ask yourself why you live alone?
52:32Look at you.
52:34Who'd ever want to spend time with a blimp like this?
52:38Why are you still with her?
52:41What's the matter, Fatty?
52:43You jealous?
52:44She said she's going to leave you.
52:46Shut up.
52:48She's been looking for another flat.
52:51Then who's going to be alone?
52:52Shut up.
52:54You are.
52:55She's making it up.
52:57She's making it up.
52:58Why don't you tell her?
53:01Tell her what you told me.
53:02I said shut up!
53:04Shut up!
53:05Shut up!
53:08Shut up!
53:17Shut up.
53:29Quietly, please.
53:30I'm here.
53:31She was here.
53:32I'm sure of it.
53:34Come on.
53:36I'm going to be okay.
53:37I'm going to be okay.
53:38I'm going to be okay.
53:39I'm going to be okay.
53:40I'm going to be okay.
54:14We can't just leave her here.
54:29Who's going to care?
54:30Who's going to even notice she's gone?
54:33Someone will find her.
54:38We try and get rid of her, we'll get caught.
54:42If we run away, we'll just look guilty.
54:44As long as we stay here, together, then we'll be safe.
58:01I don't want to be alone.
