My Scary Boss Famous for Hating Guys Tried to Kiss Me While I Was Sick in Bed…

  • 2 months ago
My Scary Boss Famous for Hating Guys Tried to Kiss Me While I Was Sick in Bed…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00My name is Ryu Takano, 24 years old. I'm an earnest office worker with diligence as my only strength.
00:08Every day, I give it my all! That's all I can do!
00:12Phew! How long do you plan to spend on that work? Can't you be a bit more efficient?
00:18I-I'm sorry.
00:20She is my boss, Kanna Miura, a very beautiful woman and quite popular among male colleagues.
00:27However, due to her strict nature, she is known as the demon of work.
00:32You! Your work is meticulous but takes too much time.
00:36If you act like you're taking your work lightly, that's how you'll be perceived.
00:41Think carefully and act properly.
00:46Today, I got scolded again.
00:49She's strict with herself and others, but I get scolded more often than anyone else, and it's harsh.
00:55I wonder if she dislikes me.
00:57I admire her, who works diligently, but with this kind of relationship, it's impossible to become friends.
01:04No, no, instead of getting down, I need to work hard seriously!
01:10After work.
01:11I put in effort at work, and it became this late.
01:15Wait, could it be?
01:20It's quite a coincidence to meet at this hour.
01:24I'm on my way back from shopping, but you?
01:28Still working?
01:29Until this late?
01:33Overworking is not good.
01:35What will you do if you push yourself too hard and ruin your health?
01:38I pointed out efficiency, but I didn't tell you to overexert yourself.
01:43I'm sorry.
01:45Uh, scolded again.
01:47Why am I like this?
01:52And now, silence.
01:56How can I change this atmosphere?
01:59Watch out!
02:06Why is there water?
02:09I'm sorry.
02:10Are you okay?
02:11I didn't expect anyone to be here.
02:14Watering the flowers?
02:17I'm heading there right now.
02:19It's okay.
02:20Please don't worry.
02:23Really, it's fine.
02:26You're quite something.
02:29Are you okay?
02:32That should be my line.
02:34I'm fine.
02:38If you get soaked like that, your body will get cold.
02:41Here, use this.
02:43No way.
02:44I can't use such a beautiful handkerchief.
02:47Things like this are meant to be used.
02:50Anyway, go home quickly.
02:51You'll catch a cold.
02:54Thank you for covering me.
02:56I was able to be of help to her.
02:58At least, that's what I thought, but...
03:01The next day, I caught a cold.
03:06I can't even go out to buy food like this.
03:09I guess I have to call for help.
03:14I'm not an otaku.
03:16I'm Otakuda.
03:17What's the matter?
03:19My fridge is empty, so I want you to buy some food on your way back from work.
03:24Sounds tough.
03:25Of course, I'll do it.
03:27As expected from my colleague and friend, Otakuda Tamotsu.
03:32Sure, sure.
03:33Just food, right?
03:34Also, something that seems nutritious.
03:37I'll leave the door unlocked, so please.
03:40In a feverish haze, I spoke until then and fell asleep.
03:46A few hours later.
03:47Why is his sleeping face so cute?
03:51Oh, he's sleeping so defenselessly.
03:54You can't complain about anything done to you now.
03:59Did Otakuda already come?
04:01Oh, what should I do?
04:04He's just too adorable.
04:06I want to eat him up.
04:11This voice...
04:12Could it be Kanna?
04:14But what does she mean by cute?
04:16And what does she mean by wanting to eat him up?
04:20He's sleeping now, right?
04:22Sound asleep, right?
04:25In that case, a little wouldn't hurt, right?
04:30W-what is she planning to do?
04:33I did it.
04:35I petted him.
04:36I thought I petted it.
04:38He's just too adorable.
04:40At this rate, someone will surely take him away.
04:43To prevent that, I'd like to put a collar on him and keep him at my place.
04:48But that's not allowed, right?
04:51A collar?
04:52Keep me?
04:53What is she saying?
04:55But being kept might be...
04:58No, no!
05:00Is this really Kanna?
05:02Ah, that's right.
05:04What is she planning this time?
05:06While he's still asleep, I need to transfer his warmth to my body.
05:13That's really not good!
05:18Kanna, what are you doing?
05:21I just wanted to warm myself with your body.
05:24It's not like I lost myself to desires, definitely not!
05:28You don't need to explain so passionately.
05:31But why are you here?
05:33Oh, Takura was going to take care of you.
05:36So I came in his place.
05:38Because it's my fault you caught a cold.
05:41That's why I came to take care of you.
05:43I'm grateful that you came to take care of me.
05:46But please, go home.
05:48You might catch a cold.
05:51I absolutely must take care of you.
05:54Don't say that.
05:56Oh no, it's not good.
05:58My head still feels dizzy.
06:00Hey, are you okay?
06:02I'm not okay.
06:04So, um, really, go back home.
06:10I might transmit the cold.
06:14No way!
06:15I can't miss this chance!
06:17I'll do as I please to you.
06:20A few hours later.
06:22I fell asleep, huh?
06:24Wait, where is she?
06:26She's not here?
06:27Maybe that was a hallucination caused by the fever.
06:32What's this?
06:33A note?
06:34To you.
06:35I prepared a meal for you.
06:37It's in the fridge.
06:38Please eat it.
06:39From Kanna.
06:40That wasn't a hallucination.
06:43But why is she being so kind to me?
06:46Even though she should dislike me.
06:48Also, why does my body feel refreshed?
06:51And why are my pajamas brand new?
06:55I want to believe that I changed by myself!
06:59Three days later, after Kanna came,
07:01my health had fully recovered.
07:03However, shortly after returning to the office,
07:06I was called by her.
07:08What's the matter?
07:09Do you need something from me?
07:11We've become a couple.
07:14A couple?
07:15What kind of a joke is this?
07:17It's not a joke.
07:19Listen to this.
07:21You like me, right?
07:23I do.
07:24I really do.
07:29What should I do?
07:30This is too sudden,
07:31and I don't understand what's happening.
07:33But that voice on the recording is definitely mine.
07:37Did I confess in my half-asleep state?
07:41Oh, well.
07:42If I think about it,
07:43it's lucky to be able to date someone I admire.
07:48Do you acknowledge that we're a couple now?
07:52Um, we'll be a couple from now on.
07:55Even though we became a couple,
07:57not much changed.
07:59However, after being told we were a couple,
08:02Kanna's gaze became piercing.
08:04Maybe because of that,
08:06I kept making careless mistakes.
08:09This is bad.
08:11Can I talk to you for a moment?
08:16Do you think your job is a joke?
08:18N-n-no way.
08:21Then why are you making so many mistakes today?
08:24I get nervous when I know you,
08:26whom I deeply respect,
08:28are watching me.
08:29So, um...
08:32Deeply respect, you say?
08:34Even before we started dating?
08:37Yes, that's right.
08:39I've admired you for a long time.
08:41I wanted to become someone like you
08:43who handles work perfectly.
08:48I do recognize your effort.
08:50It's impressive.
08:53But being impressive alone isn't enough.
08:57prioritize and report when you've completed 60%.
09:01There's almost never a one-shot success.
09:03So submitting corrections immediately is more efficient.
09:09I'm happy she acknowledges me
09:11and gives me advice like this.
09:14allow me to watch you.
09:16I watch because I love you.
09:19You shouldn't let anything else into your field of vision
09:22except for me.
09:25It's nothing.
09:28it's bad to take too much time away,
09:30so let's get back to work.
09:32Following her advice,
09:34work went more smoothly than usual.
09:36Knowing I'm being watched out of love is embarrassing,
09:39but the tension is eased.
09:42One day during lunch break.
09:44Hey, Ryu.
09:46Hey, Otome.
09:48She is Otome Yumedokoro,
09:50a reliable colleague and friend from high school.
09:53We used to play at each other's homes a lot
09:55back in our student days.
09:57Now we work in different departments.
10:00Lately, you seem to be doing well.
10:03There are rumors that you become more capable and charming than before.
10:09People who excel at their jobs are charming
10:12regardless of age or gender.
10:16I wonder if Kanna also thinks I'm charming.
10:21A few minutes later.
10:23Charming, huh?
10:25This is also thanks to Kanna's advice.
10:28I'll work even harder to receive more compliments from her.
10:36This feels like deja vu.
10:39Um, what's happening all of a sudden?
10:42What was that just now?
10:43What's the deal?
10:44You seemed awfully close.
10:46I had no idea there was a woman you were so close to in another department.
10:50Maybe I'm not enough for you.
10:52If I'm not enough, I can do something about you.
10:55How about I lock you up?
10:57Yes, that's a good idea.
10:59You aren't enough to support yourself.
11:01It's better to isolate you from the world than to look at anyone else, right?
11:06She's losing it!
11:09Please calm down.
11:10She's just a friend.
11:12Besides, I'm not interested in anyone other than you.
11:15I have zero interest in anyone else.
11:18A friend?
11:19I see.
11:20Then it's fine.
11:22We've been busy lately and haven't been able to do things like a couple, right?
11:26So I thought you might have eyes for someone else.
11:29I was relieved when I realized it wasn't true.
11:32I want to go on a proper date as a couple.
11:36A date?
11:37Yes, if you're okay with it.
11:40Let's have a home date at my place next day off.
11:44I'd love to!
11:46On the day of the date.
11:48Whoa, it looks delicious!
11:51Eat a lot.
11:52If possible, I want you to eat my cooking every day.
11:56I'm so happy to hear you say that!
11:59People are made by what they eat.
12:01The equation of eating my handmade dishes equals you being built by my love.
12:07Her love is incredibly heavy.
12:09Now enjoy it to your heart's content.
12:12Afterwards, I ate the food she served until my stomach felt like bursting.
12:17I succumbed to drowsiness and lost consciousness.
12:23Oops, I really fell asleep.
12:25It's supposed to be our date.
12:27But she even went out of her way to bring me to bed.
12:31I feel sorry for her.
12:37I love you.
12:38I love you even more now that we're a couple.
12:42You're so cute when you sleep so defenselessly.
12:46I've been holding back.
12:48But a little bit should be okay.
12:50Just a little bit.
12:53Just a little.
12:56What are you doing?
12:59You're awake?
13:01I was awake.
13:03So what on earth are you doing?
13:05I wanted to have some physical contact.
13:08Even so, this is going too far.
13:11Okay, fine.
13:13Then at least give me your clothes.
13:15If I wrap myself in your clothes soaked with your scent,
13:18we'll be one in spirit.
13:20Absolutely not!
13:23While somewhat caught up in the slightly unruly affection of Kanna,
13:27I thought that these everyday antics weren't bad.
13:30I believed that happy days would continue.
13:33One day...
13:35What's wrong? You look troubled.
13:37The president of the company I want to make a deal with isn't making things easy.
13:42Which company is that?
13:44Tokisuku Corporation.
13:47This person is the president.
13:49She's a talented and straightforward person with a lot of passion.
13:53I would love to collaborate with her, though.
13:56Wait, I've seen this person somewhere.
13:59A few days later...
14:01Ryu, how about dinner together today?
14:04Sorry, I can't today. I have...
14:07Not today, but again, right?
14:10I wonder what you're doing leaving work so early.
14:14Sorry, I have an unavoidable matter to attend to.
14:18You're not meeting another woman, are you?
14:21It's not like that. There's a misunderstanding.
14:24But anyway, I'm going now.
14:29A few days later...
14:30Thank you for today.
14:32I didn't expect to be courted so fervently.
14:36But, well, I have to agree.
14:39You win.
14:40Well then.
14:41You cheater!
14:43Kanda, why are you here?
14:45You've been acting strange lately, so I've been keeping an eye on you.
14:49So you were cheating after all.
14:51You lied when you said you were only interested in me, right?
14:54Did lies come out of this mouth?
14:56Has this mouth been continuously uttering words of love to someone else besides me?
15:01In that case, this mouth is unnecessary, isn't it?
15:06Should I just sew it shut?
15:10Or maybe cauterize it?
15:12It's fine even if you can't eat.
15:14I'll take care of your nutrition.
15:15You don't need anyone else in the world except me!
15:18Hey, do you understand, Ryu?
15:21Oh no!
15:23She's gone berserk!
15:25Please calm down.
15:26It's not what you think.
15:27It's a misunderstanding.
15:31I've had enough!
15:32I'll lock you away so you never see anyone else besides me again!
15:37It's not that kind of relationship with him.
15:40He was just approaching me regarding work matters.
15:43Approaching her?
15:47This is just how I am.
15:49Dokisuku Corporation's president.
15:54Shiro Yurahime?
15:56But the pictures I know are completely different.
16:00I dress casually because work was over.
16:03But why did you and Ryu meet directly?
16:07She's the older sister of Otome.
16:11The one we talked about the other day?
16:14Yes, Otome and I have been friends since our student days.
16:18When you showed me the photo the other day, I recognized her.
16:22I'm married, so my last name isn't Yume Dokoro though.
16:26So, was I mistaken?
16:29You were mistaken.
16:33I didn't know.
16:34I've been so rude without realizing.
16:37I'll apologize by rubbing my forehead on the ground.
16:42You don't need to do that.
16:45Ryu's been working so hard for your sake.
16:48You have a good partner.
16:50I'll send the details of the deal by email later.
16:53You two should have a proper talk.
16:56Um, I'm sorry for earlier.
16:59I went out of control.
17:01I truly love you.
17:03Kanna, why do you love me?
17:06Because you once saved me when I was about to fall down the stairs at the station.
17:11At that time, you looked like a prince to me.
17:15And that was the starting point.
17:17But you're always scolding me.
17:19Your work is so thorough.
17:21It's just that it's a bit inefficient, that's all.
17:24And I know you have the guts to keep up even when scolded.
17:28I was drawn to your seriousness and straightforwardness.
17:32Since then, I couldn't stop my feelings.
17:35Especially after you confessed to me.
17:38Do you?
17:39I love you, too.
17:41At first, it was just admiration.
17:43But I genuinely fell in love with you.
17:46Although I confessed while half asleep before.
17:49Let me say it properly.
17:51Kanna, no, my only one.
17:54I like you.
17:55No, I love you.
17:57I'm grateful that you accept me to you.
18:00My darling.
18:02Thus, Kanna and I reaffirmed our feelings.
18:06I reported to Otakura and Otome about my relationship with Kanna.
18:11Both of them congratulated us.
18:13Of course, the business deal with Dokisuku Corporation also went smoothly.
18:18Kanna seemed to have hit it off with Shiro.
18:20And she was encouraged to become independent.
18:24Surprisingly, she managed to pull me into independence as well.
18:28Love, love.
18:30I really love you.
18:32I want to eat you, lick you, and inhale you, my dear.
18:36President, this is the workplace.
18:38Please calm down.
18:40Why should I restrain my desires in a place where we are the only two?
18:45It's fine.
18:47Her contrasts are still amazing.
18:50But, well...
18:52I love the side of you two.
18:54I love you too.
18:56Forever and ever.
18:58Forever and ever.
