Lost in the Mountains and Ended Up Spending the Night with My Scary Boss..

  • 3 months ago
Lost in the Mountains and Ended Up Spending the Night with My Scary Boss..
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00Hey, my bad! I'm late!
00:02Finally, you're here!
00:05I'm Eito Kimura, a 24-year-old businessman.
00:09I switched jobs a year ago, and today was supposed to be our company trip.
00:13But I got caught up in preparations and, well, ended up making her mad again.
00:19You're late, Eito!
00:22That's why you're always late with your work, you know?
00:27She's my boss, Sara Ogawa, a 28-year-old who's a young department head.
00:33She might look gorgeous, but she's known as a tough boss both to herself and everyone else.
00:39As the guy who can't seem to get the job done, I'm a special target.
00:43Wow, you brought a ton of stuff with you.
00:47It's a mountain climb. You never know what you'll need, you know, otaku?
00:51My name's Otaku Da, not Otaku.
00:54Dude, you're overdoing it for just a hike.
00:58Chato, I think it's better to be over-prepared, right, Ron?
01:03Yep! I mean, you sure that gear's gonna help you?
01:07I'm good, no problem.
01:09Speaking of being lightly equipped, Lily's.
01:13Who do you think I am?
01:18I'll be the genie king of the underworld and I'm perfectly fine with this backpack alone.
01:23Plus, I brought some underworld gadgets with me today.
01:27Hey, that's Sir Strumming.
01:31I sealed my familiar inside it.
01:34Well then, I guess it's not Sir Strumming.
01:37That's canned herring.
01:39Nah, that packaging is definitely Sir Stromming.
01:44The magic in my place is so strong, it could destroy my house.
01:49So I have to open it in the mountains.
01:51I bet you just tried to open it there and the landlord got mad at you, right?
01:56Don't try to do it in front of us.
01:58If you hold it, it's dangerous, so we'll have to confiscate it.
02:01Wh-what are you doing?
02:04What? Got a problem?
02:06Ah, if you really must, then I could...
02:10Hand it over...
02:14Enough chit-chat. We're running late, so let's go.
02:18Is it really safe to go mountain climbing with this group?
02:21An hour later...
02:25Are you okay?
02:27Y-yeah... Don't... worry about me...
02:32Go ahead...
02:34H-hey, who's that?
02:36I-it's a bear!
02:40Calm down! Making noise will make it worse!
02:43Y-yeah, we should be careful here.
02:48Yep, this isn't gonna work!
02:51Over here!
02:52Wait, boss?
02:54I won't let my subordinate get hurt! Come on, over here!
02:57Hold on!
02:59A few minutes later...
03:00Right behind us!
03:02Don't worry! In this case...
03:04Take this!
03:08What's that?
03:09It's bear repellent spray. Good thing I brought it just in case.
03:13I guess we're safe now. Okay, let's get back to everyone.
03:24Looks like things are going...
03:27S-sorry! I'll get up right away!
03:30You hurt or anything?
03:32Yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay, Atel?
03:35I'm fine. Seems like the grass and branches acted as cushions.
03:40Alright, then let's quickly get back to the others.
03:43But I'm sure we won't be able to climb this cliff.
03:46Then let's use our phones to text him.
03:49It's not connecting!
03:52Why am I and you alone together if we can't get down the mountain like this?
03:58N-no worries! Panicking won't help. Let's calm down.
04:02Rushing will only cloud our judgment.
04:06A few minutes later...
04:08This is delicious!
04:10She seems to have calmed down. Good thing I brought all those supplies, just in case.
04:15But I'm really sorry for getting you involved.
04:18I can't believe I put my subordinates in danger.
04:21Even though I act all high and mighty at work, I should have been alone.
04:25Wait, so you didn't want to be alone with me earlier, cuz...
04:29I meant it would have been better if I were alone.
04:32Protecting your subordinates is part of being a good boss.
04:36I hope everyone's okay.
04:38So, boss, you're actually pretty nice, huh?
04:44Sorry, I had the wrong idea about you earlier.
04:47You trying to protect everyone back there was pretty cool.
04:51I-it's not a big deal.
04:54Okay, let's start looking for a way down.
04:58No, let's climb this mountain.
05:00Going down could lead us to cliffs and waterfalls, making it impossible to proceed.
05:05Plus, going up might get our phones a signal.
05:08If we have a signal, we can call for help.
05:11You sure know a lot about this stuff.
05:14I grew up in the countryside with my dad and went mountain climbing a lot.
05:18So, if it's about mountains, you can count on me.
05:21A few minutes later.
05:23Watch your step.
05:28I caught her again!
05:30But seriously, she's been tripping a lot.
05:33Are you, like, not good at sports or something?
05:36W-what's that supposed to mean?
05:38I've been focused on studying and sports weren't really my thing.
05:43Oh, that's why you're so good at your job!
05:45That's amazing!
05:47I mean, getting praised like this doesn't help.
05:50I don't want to reveal how useless I am.
05:54No, everybody has stuff they're not good at.
05:56So, if you want, we can hold hands.
05:59It's fine, I can walk alone.
06:03I can't stand bugs!
06:08I-I said calm down!
06:11A few hours later.
06:13We should start preparing for our camp soon.
06:17It's still light out.
06:19If we start preparing in the evening, it'll get dark super fast.
06:22Especially in our situation.
06:24And plus, with no food, we need to prepare for the night.
06:28So, let's collect some dry wood and pine cones for a campfire.
06:33An hour later.
06:37I'm glad we got everything ready before it got dark.
06:40Yeah, but I'm getting hungry.
06:43What do we do?
06:45We have nothing to eat.
06:48By the way, I have Lily's surstromming.
06:53Let's not!
06:54We've got some food and cooking stuff.
06:56I mean, I'm not good at cooking, but...
06:59Aren't you living by yourself?
07:01I've tried cooking before, but my parents were like, never cook again.
07:05And that was that.
07:07Geez, I'll cook then.
07:11Several tens of minutes later.
07:13It's ready!
07:14This is, like, super tasty!
07:18I didn't have any seasoning, so it's nothing special.
07:22Then, when we make it out of here, can you, like, make it again?
07:28What am I even asking my boss for?
07:31Not that I'm forcing you or anything.
07:37I owe you for helping, so I'll cook.
07:40Oh, thank you!
07:42It's so good.
07:43Cooking it properly would be even better, I bet.
07:46Now it's raining.
07:49Whoa, it's pouring!
07:51Let's pack up our stuff and get into the tent, quick!
07:55It looks like just a passing shower.
07:58But I'm drenched!
08:00I only brought one jacket.
08:02I'll have to wear the clothes I plan to sleep in.
08:05I'm gonna use the tent to change, and don't peek, okay?
08:08Why would I?
08:10A few minutes later.
08:12Sorry for the wait.
08:15What are you doing?
08:17The campfire got put out by that rain, so I'm relighting it.
08:21It's a good thing I stored some dry wood in the tent earlier.
08:24It's pretty cold in those light clothes, so warm up by the fire.
08:28There's also a blanket.
08:30Use it.
08:31Uh, thanks.
08:33You're pretty sweet.
08:36But aren't you cold?
08:38I'm totally-
08:43You're cold too, right?
08:45Let's warm up together.
08:49She's so close!
08:51And there are soft things touching me, you know?
08:54Thanks for today.
08:56Honestly, you have a lot of moments when I think you're unreliable.
09:00But today, you were pretty cool.
09:05I never expected to get praised by my boss.
09:09Even I give out praise from time to time.
09:13But why are you so efficient in situations like this yet struggle at work?
09:19At my previous job, I was way more efficient than now.
09:23Then why?
09:24But that made my colleagues jealous.
09:27I didn't want to get dragged into trouble, so I decided to keep a low profile at my current company.
09:33I still put in my best effort, but I'm afraid of standing out.
09:38You'll be alright.
09:40There's no one at our company who talks bad about people who work hard.
09:45Even if there were, I wouldn't let it happen.
09:49So don't worry about shining.
09:51I believe in you, and I know you can do it.
09:54Thank you.
09:55Thanks to that, I'm feeling a bit more confident.
09:58If there's anything I can do to repay you...
10:00How about...
10:02One thing.
10:05Could you...
10:07Sleep with me?
10:10Wait, could she mean...
10:12Well, I'm not really comfortable in the dark.
10:16I always sleep with my teddy bear.
10:18Oh, that's what she meant.
10:20Wait, she sleeps with her teddy bear?
10:23If you don't want to, it's fine.
10:25N-no, it's cool.
10:27Supporting my boss is part of my duty as an employee.
10:31Well then, please.
10:35So, I agreed to this, but...
10:39Can I really sleep in this kind of situation?
10:43Next morning.
10:46Good morning, Eito.
10:48Did you not get any sleep?
10:52Can't really say I couldn't sleep, because she was cuddling me.
10:56Want to rest a bit more?
10:58I can, like, lay down on my lap if you want.
11:01I-I'm good, really.
11:04Thirty minutes later.
11:06Okay then, let's get moving.
11:08Hey, um...
11:10Could we, like...
11:13Hold hands today?
11:16Don't get me wrong, okay?
11:18It's an emergency, and...
11:20I can't afford to inconvenience you like I did yesterday.
11:24Got it.
11:26So, we decided to hold hands as we climbed the mountain.
11:30Along the way, we faced some treacherous paths, but managed to overcome them.
11:35Even though I'm always in trouble at work,
11:38being relied upon feels kinda nice.
11:41A few hours later.
11:47We finally made it to the top!
11:51Now we can call for help!
11:53Let's use our phone right away!
11:57No signal.
12:00We climbed all the way up here and we can't get a signal.
12:03Are we gonna wander in this mountain forever?
12:06N-no, we'll be okay.
12:08I'm sure we'll get back safely.
12:10So if we can't get back, are you down to live together?
12:14That's not funny.
12:16Don't wanna live with me?
12:18It's not that.
12:21Obviously I'm kidding.
12:24Did you seriously take it seriously?
12:27You've got a cute side, you know.
12:29Well, you're pretty cute too, you know that?
12:33That noise!
12:35Wait, it's not a bear, right?
12:39Don't worry, we've got bear spray.
12:41Wait, it's gone?
12:42I had it for emergency, but did I drop it somewhere?
12:47For now, let's get out of here.
12:49Maybe even if it's a bear, it hasn't noticed us yet.
12:56Man, it's still chasing us!
12:58What should we do now?
13:04It caught up!
13:05Well, here goes!
13:07Don't you lay a finger on my boss!
13:09What are you doing?
13:11Never mind me.
13:12I can't just leave you alone!
13:14We're getting out of this together, no matter what!
13:20This is it!
13:22Hey, look over here!
13:27Look over here!
13:30Is everything okay, Eito?
13:33We looked for you two yesterday, but I couldn't find you.
13:37So we called for help and came back.
13:39Looks like you're in another pickle.
13:44It's times like these that I shall release the seal.
13:48You mean...
13:49I'll show you my power!
13:52Take this!
13:54That wasn't your power!
13:57Ugh, this stinks!
14:00But, this might work on the bear for sure!
14:07Dang, it's not working at all!
14:09Why though?
14:11I get it now!
14:12Bears love fish, so what's disgusting for us is a feast for them!
14:16Their sense of smell is super sharp, and it's after this can, you see!
14:21So this might actually be your fault!
14:24It's not my fault!
14:27We don't have time for this!
14:29We need to deal with this bear somehow!
14:31Deal with it?
14:32How the heck?
14:36It's coming!
14:38Ugh, man, this is it!
14:47It ran away?
14:49Are you guys okay?
14:50Y-yeah, who are you?
14:53I'm from the hunting club.
14:54This here is my buddy, Hikachu.
14:57Um, nice name!
15:02Looks like they fled in fear of my power!
15:06Uh, you didn't do anything, did you?
15:10Thanks to this little one we're saved.
15:15Afterward, we head to the hospital for a checkup.
15:18The guy from the hunting club went deeper into the mountains in search of the bear.
15:22Phew, thank god we made it down, huh?
15:25Yeah, but I caused trouble to everyone.
15:29I'm really sorry.
15:31No need to worry about that!
15:33We owe you for saving us, so we wanted to say thank you!
15:38Yeah, how you dealt with that bear was super cool!
15:42We had you all wrong, thinking you were a tough and cold person,
15:46but you're actually a kind and caring boss!
15:48From now on, we're following you forever, boss!
15:54I'll work hard to get closer to all of you, too!
15:57Everyone's so kind!
15:59I can believe in them!
16:00Maybe I can show my abilities properly!
16:03Alright, let's do this!
16:06After that, me and boss went back to the hunting club.
16:10After that, me and boss was examined at the hospital.
16:14We both are pretty much unharmed and can return to work soon.
16:18The boss used to be feared by everyone, but now she's admired.
16:23And then, I started showing my skills without hiding them,
16:27and I began working hard with everyone.
16:29As I started producing results, my boss invited me for a drink.
16:33You've been doing so well lately, haven't you?
16:36Thank you!
16:37Your words helped me believe in everyone!
16:40Is that so?
16:42If I've been able to help you, I'm happy.
16:46What do you mean by that?
16:48I've fallen for you,
16:50cause you've been working so hard.
16:52You were so cool when you protected me.
16:56From now on,
16:58I'll be making moves to make you like me.
17:02Let's start by calling me Sara.
17:04Okay, darling?
17:06Uh, even if you suddenly say that...
17:09Even looking confused is super cute too.
17:13I'll bring the special dish next time that we promised.
17:17I won't give up until you become my boyfriend!
17:20W-wait a sec!
17:21You're too tipsy!
17:34You're too tipsy!
