Hanging with the Badass Scary Hottie Everyone Fears on the School Trip...

  • 2 months ago
Hanging with the Badass Scary Hottie Everyone Fears on the School Trip...
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00Well then everyone, please form groups of four.
00:04I am Masato Takano, a student at Koiwa High School.
00:08Today, it seems we'll be deciding on the groups for the free activities leading up
00:12to the school trip starting next week.
00:17I wonder if Mei is okay.
00:19She seems to prefer being alone.
00:22She is Mei Suzuki, a delinquent girl who stands out a bit in our class.
00:27At first, some girls tried talking to her, but her responses were so salty that it led
00:33to the situation we have now.
00:36Mei, you can start conversations too.
00:40Just leave me alone, Mr. Otaku.
00:43I'm not otaku, I'm otaku-da.
00:46Teacher, we're short one person over here, so Mei can join us, right?
00:52Oh, is that so?
00:54Then Mei, would you mind being in the same group as Yabasugi and the others?
00:59Whatever, I don't care.
01:02Phew, looks like she's in the group.
01:05Or rather, I should have approached her.
01:08Instead, I just watched.
01:11Let's be in the same group!
01:14Oh, did you want to be in the same group as Mei?
01:19No, it's not like that.
01:23I see.
01:25It's a youth thing, huh?
01:28That's not it.
01:30I ended up forming a group with Ran Tenshin and others.
01:34And before we knew it, time flew by.
01:38On the school trip.
01:40In the afternoon until evening, feel free to explore as you like.
01:45However, make sure to gather at Kyoto Station by 1800.
01:50Got it, mom!
01:52I'm not mom.
01:53I'm Otakuda.
01:55That's not even close.
01:57Don't sweat the small stuff.
01:59Well then, let's get going.
02:03A few hours later.
02:05Phew, that was fun.
02:07I never expected you to be a hardcore history fan.
02:11I especially love the Bakumatsu period, so Kyoto is a must visit.
02:17Oh, by the way, mind if I go to the restroom?
02:21Sure, go ahead. See you later.
02:25Figure out where we should go next.
02:27Now, where should we go next?
02:32That was so much fun!
02:35In Yabasugi's group?
02:37Mei is not here.
02:39What happened?
02:40I'm curious.
02:42But it's not like I'm close to Mei or anything.
02:45But during the group formation, I regretted not talking to her.
02:50Alright, man up, me!
02:53Um, Yabasugi?
02:55Hey, Masato, what's up?
02:58I can't see Mei anywhere.
03:00What happened?
03:02Her mood was low when I tried talking to her, so I left her alone.
03:08Y-you left her alone?
03:10Well, sometimes people want to be alone, you know?
03:14Even so...
03:16I just sensed that.
03:18That's it. See ya.
03:20Why is the girls' restroom as crowded as a popular attraction?
03:26What's going on?
03:28Uh, well...
03:30It seems Yabasugi left Mei alone.
03:33I want to go pick her up.
03:35She's probably nearby.
03:38Alright, let's search for her now.
03:43Found her!
03:44Hurry and invite her!
03:46Hurry, let's go around together with our group!
03:51Mei, I finally found you!
03:54Masato? Why are you here?
03:57Uh, well...
03:59I happened to find you, or how should I put it...
04:03Huh, whatever.
04:05Just don't talk to me, nerd.
04:09Well, whatever.
04:10Hey, if you got separated from your group, wanna explore together?
04:16Come on, let's go!
04:18Actually, we can stay together throughout this school trip if you want.
04:22I told you not to bother me and leave me alone!
04:26Can't do that, I already found you.
04:29My group is over there, let's go!
04:32Wait, wait!
04:33There's no one here.
04:36Strange, where did Ran and the others go?
04:40Waiting here is a waste of time.
04:43I should be able to meet them at the station in the evening.
04:47Mei, it's just the two of us, let's sightsee.
04:52I know Kyoto well, so leave it to me.
04:57This is Nishiki Market.
04:59The charm here is that you can enjoy food while walking.
05:05Oh, is there something you're interested in?
05:07N-no, not really.
05:10If you want, let's share!
05:13Here, try this.
05:17You finally smiled.
05:19Shut up!
05:22Don't stare so much.
05:24Sorry, sorry.
05:27Is there something else tasty around here?
05:31Over there, they have strawberry sweets.
05:34Let's go!
05:35It's crowded here.
05:37There are a lot of people from overseas here too.
05:41It's a bit hard to walk.
05:46Are you okay?
05:48Sorry, and thanks.
05:51By the way, we're, um, close?
05:56Ah, so sorry.
05:58It's fine.
05:59If you hadn't supported me, I would've fallen.
06:05You're welcome.
06:07Um, since it's not good to just keep eating,
06:10how about we go somewhere nice after this?
06:14It's a bit of a walk from here, but there's a special place.
06:20What do you mean?
06:21This way, this way.
06:23Wow, it's beautiful.
06:27This is the Kaleidoscope Museum.
06:30We still have time.
06:32Wanna try a little experience?
06:37It will surely be a nice memory.
06:40I made it!
06:42It's cute, right?
06:44A kaleidoscope keychain!
06:46I never thought I could make something by hand.
06:49It's nice, things like this.
06:52Mei seemed to have enjoyed herself the whole time we were together.
06:56Maybe she doesn't actually prefer being alone?
07:00Mei, if you're okay with it, want to swap yours with mine?
07:05Huh? Swap?
07:07It's also, um, a memory, right?
07:12Yeah, sure. Let's exchange.
07:16From then until the last minute of the gathering time,
07:19Mei and I enjoyed sightseeing in Kyoto together.
07:23That was fun, right?
07:25Yeah, it was nice that you were here.
07:29Um, Mei, if it's okay, would you like to sightsee together again tomorrow?
07:34I'm sure Dan and the others will be okay with it too.
07:39Alright, it's a promise then.
07:42Masato, did you say something smooth to her in private?
07:47Uh, so that's why you weren't around?
07:50Thinking it's youth, huh?
07:53Come on, it's not like that.
07:57Youth, youth.
08:00That night, unable to sleep, I quietly left my room and came to the courtyard.
08:06Huh? Mei, what are you doing?
08:10I couldn't sleep. And you?
08:13Me either. Couldn't sleep for some reason.
08:16I see.
08:18Hey, do you actually like being alone?
08:22What the heck, getting straight to the point?
08:25You're often alone at school, even now.
08:28Whatever. It's not that I like it. People just don't approach me in this state.
08:35But the girls in our class talk to you.
08:38Even if they talk to me, I can't communicate well.
08:41I'm quite shy.
08:44Huh? Shy?
08:46I get nervous, don't know what to say, and panic.
08:50And then, I was misunderstood.
08:54I felt lonely and kept my distance, that's all.
08:57So you want to be with everyone?
09:00Well, yeah.
09:03Then let's try to get along with Lan and the others tomorrow.
09:07I don't have confidence in talking.
09:11It's okay, just give it a shot.
09:14If you say so, fine. I'll give it a try.
09:21Mei! I've heard from Masato!
09:24Let's have a blast together today!
09:28Y-yeah, sure.
09:31Alright, let's head to the Kyoto Aquarium right away.
09:35Initially confused, Mei, influenced by Lan's brightness, started to smile more.
09:41The wall she had built due to her shyness seemed to thin out as we spent time together.
09:48Huh? Where's Mei?
09:50Huh? Where did she go?
09:53With the crowd, she might have gotten separated.
09:56I'll go look for her real quick.
09:59You guys, wait near the entrance.
10:02Got it! If anything happens, let us know.
10:05Afterward, I searched around the facility for a while.
10:11Masato, where were you?
10:13That's my line.
10:15C-could it be… I got lost?
10:20Maybe not just maybe, but you got lost.
10:24I thought everyone got lost.
10:26There's always someone confidently getting lost occasionally.
10:31Hmph, the street should accommodate me.
10:34That's a bit unreasonable.
10:37Well, let's go. Everyone's waiting at the entrance.
10:40But… thanks.
10:42Afterward, we successfully reunited with Lan and the others, toured other attractions, and had an amazing day.
10:49However, that night, an incident occurred.
10:54Tanaka… he had a fever, went to the hospital. I hope he's okay.
11:00Tomorrow, I'll buy him a souvenir or something.
11:03To do that, I should go to sleep now.
11:06Huh? Who could it be?
11:10Mei, what's up?
11:12Hey, do you have time right now? I have something I want to give you.
11:18Something to give?
11:20So, um… can I come in?
11:23Of course, please come in. Take your time.
11:26It's dark. Were you sleeping? Also, where's the guy sharing the room?
11:32Tanaka fell ill and went to the hospital. I was about to sleep.
11:37Um, so, what did you want to give me?
11:40Oh, about that…
11:45Ow! I'm sorry. I tripped.
11:49It's okay. More importantly, are you hurt?
11:53I'm fine. How about you?
11:56I'm okay too. Let's step aside for now.
12:03Why did you approach me, huh?
12:05Well, that's…
12:07You know, I get serious about things. Various things.
12:12You were the one who invited me to stay together. Take responsibility for that.
12:17Huh? Um, that's, well…
12:20You've snatched away my feelings, so…
12:23Wait, this is getting a bit too serious.
12:27Wait, Mei, this is not good. Take better care of yourself.
12:34Is it no good if it's me?
12:36It's not like that, but…
12:39I see. Sorry for barging in.
12:42Tomorrow, I'll go back to my original group, so, see you!
12:50What was that just now?
12:52Should I have just accepted it as it was?
12:55Uh, I don't know.
12:59Oh, the octopus keychain. She bought it for me.
13:03Mei, is it okay to go back to her original group?
13:08Worries, huh?
13:10Next day.
13:12Mei really went back to Yabasugi's group.
13:15On the final day, will she enjoy it? Will she fit in?
13:20Masato, you're too restless!
13:23If you're curious, why not go to Mei's group?
13:29Huh? Something happen?
13:31Actually, yesterday…
13:34I see. That's what happened.
13:38I was worried that since I rejected her, it might be awkward to be together.
13:43No way! If you want to be together, just be together!
13:48Being honest with your feelings is the best!
13:52Look! Yabasugi's group is back! Go quickly!
13:56Thanks, Lan.
13:58Um, Yabasugi, where's Mei?
14:01Oh, if it's her, she might be at Higashi Hongan Temple.
14:05Huh? Why? Aren't you supposed to be together?
14:09Dunno. She said she lost something important and went to look for it.
14:14Uh, I'll be right back.
14:16Huh? Why are you…
14:18Hey, Masato came over here, right? Where did he go?
14:23I-I have no idea.
14:25You seem to know something.
14:28N-n-nothing at all.
14:30Alright, let's have a little chat then.
14:35Heeey, Mei.
14:38Masato, why are you here?
14:41I heard you lost something important.
14:44I don't have it. The kaleidoscope we exchanged is gone. Masato, please help me look for it.
14:50Got it. Afterward, we desperately searched, but…
14:55It's not here.
14:58Should we buy a new one?
15:01No! It has to be that one! It won't work if it's not.
15:06Why not?
15:09It's a gift from someone I like. It's not something you can replace.
15:14Eh? W-wait, someone you like?
15:18That's right. I like you.
15:23Around our third year, I was skipping class on the rooftop and you came to get me.
15:29I thought the teacher had sent you, but you came by yourself.
15:32Because of how I look, everyone kept their distance, and it made me happy that you treated me normally.
15:41Since then, you always treated me normally, right?
15:45Well, treating someone normally is…
15:48I was happy about that, Normal. But even so, I kept acting cold.
15:54I'm… sorry. I'm shy, and I couldn't be honest when facing you, so I put up a tough attitude. I'm sorry.
16:05That's really not a problem.
16:08Thank you, Masato. I… I like you, after all. I realized it again during this trip. I… I really, really like you.
16:19I… still don't understand my own feelings, but I do want to be with you.
16:25I see. So, it's not a complete rejection, huh? In that case, be prepared. I'll make you fall for me by graduation.
16:37Please be gentle with me.
16:40Mei! Masato!
16:42Ran! Yabasugi! You came!
16:47Come on! You must have something to say!
16:51Mei, this.
16:53This is my kaleidoscope! Why?
16:57I wanted to become friends with you.
17:00With me?
17:01Because you always seemed lonely. I invited you to my group, hoping we could become friends through the school trip.
17:08But you seemed uninterested even when I tried talking to you.
17:12I thought maybe you wanted to be alone, and then I saw you getting along with Masato, and I didn't know what to do.
17:19So, in an attempt to somehow become friends, I took that thing you cared about the most, thinking if I returned it later, it could be a chance for us to become close.
17:30Yabasugi… I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was being cold. I get nervous and reserved when approached, you see.
17:40Is that so? I'm the one who should apologize. I shouldn't have done something like that.
17:47It's okay. Let's call it even, okay?
17:50Yeah. Thanks, Mei.
17:53I'm glad, Mei.
17:55Mr. Otakuda.
17:57You always tried to be alone, but everyone was concerned about you. You're not alone.
18:03And so, the commotion during the school trip was successfully resolved.
18:09Afterward, the reconciled groups enjoyed the rest of their Kyoto trip together.
18:14By the time they returned, Mei had successfully bonded with everyone.
18:18Since the end of the school trip, as promised, she continued to approach me with affectionate advances.
18:25The straightforward love calls persisted until graduation.
18:30Hey, Masato, I…
18:32I love you.
18:35If I'm so thoroughly loved in this way, I can't help but fall for you too.
18:42From now on, let me express all the love I have for you.
18:46I love you, Mei.
18:49I love you too.
