• 3 months ago
My Stepsister Hides Under And I Will Go To Sleep
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00I'm Ryu Ikeda, a 17-year-old introverted dude who's all about manga and video games.
00:07Ah, I think it's about time to sleep.
00:11What was that sound just now?
00:14Someone's under my bed?
00:15Could this be a freaking burglar or something?
00:19For now, I gotta be real quiet, real sneaky.
00:23Wait a sec, I caught a glimpse of that hair.
00:27No doubt, it's Hana.
00:29Seriously, why is she under my bed?
00:33Ah, Ryu's bed.
00:36It's got Ryu's smell.
00:39Is this way too much?
00:42She's like, totally tripping.
00:45But seriously, you're so clueless, Ryu.
00:51Seems like you haven't got a clue at all.
00:53My stealth skills are on par with Snake.
00:56Nah, it's all too obvious.
00:58If this was a game, alarms would be blaring by now.
01:02Hmm, let's just like, ignore this for now.
01:07Noticing her would be kinda pitiful.
01:09But seriously, why is Hana doing this weird stuff?
01:14To get a grip on the situation, let's start by recalling what's been going on lately.
01:20A few days ago.
01:21I'm back.
01:23Wait, what are you doing?
01:25Can't you tell?
01:26I'm playing a game.
01:29Not that.
01:30You just got out of the bath, didn't ya?
01:32Your hair is still wet.
01:34So what?
01:35If you're gonna play games, at least dry your hair first.
01:39Don't blame me if you catch a cold.
01:41Geez, you're so annoying.
01:43Stop acting like a big brother.
01:46Hold up, I'm just genuinely worried, alright?
01:49For real?
01:50That's seriously annoying.
01:53Oh look, got a new item.
01:56Seriously, what's up with her?
01:58She used to be so honest and straightforward.
02:01This is Hana Kato.
02:03She's my sister.
02:04Well, not my blood sister or anything.
02:07Five years ago, we became siblings when our parents got remarried.
02:11Hey, how long are you gonna lock yourself in your room?
02:14Mom and dad are seriously worried, you know?
02:18Living with someone you don't know all of a sudden is impossible!
02:22Geez, whatever.
02:24I'll lend you this.
02:26We're gonna play a game.
02:28A multiplayer showdown!
02:30Just so you know, I'm pretty good.
02:32I've even won national tournaments before.
02:34No fair!
02:35I can't win against that!
02:38Winning or losing doesn't even matter, seriously.
02:41C'mon, if we play together, we won't be strangers anymore, right?
02:45You and me, we're friends!
02:47Ugh, y-yeah, that's right.
02:50Back then, she used to be much closer to me.
02:52But now...
02:53You're cramping my gaming style.
02:55Go somewhere else.
02:56Alright, alright.
03:00The next day.
03:01Did you catch yesterday's tokisuku?
03:03It was amazing!
03:05No kidding!
03:06The hero working out and shouting love lines caught me off guard.
03:11This super outgoing girl is Ran Tenshin.
03:14We've been stuck in the same class since middle school, and she's basically a fixture in
03:19my life.
03:20A real blessing for talking manga.
03:23Hey, something up over there?
03:27In the hallway.
03:28Sounds like some commotion.
03:29But now that you mention it...
03:31I've liked you for so long!
03:33Will you go out with me?
03:35Wow, Hana.
03:37How many times is it this month?
03:39Confessing here?
03:40This dude's got guts, huh?
03:42Wait, isn't that Hana?
03:45Still as popular as ever, it seems.
03:48Back at home, she's always gaming like a slob.
03:51But at school, she's a whole different person.
03:53She's a sports and fitness beast, even though she's just a freshman.
03:58And she's the campus Madonna with her own fan club.
04:01That's the other Hana.
04:03Well, at least she's got the looks going for her, even if that's about it.
04:08I have no intention of dating anyone right now.
04:11This stuff's a real pain for me.
04:13Try reconsidering!
04:15I'm serious!
04:16You're annoying!
04:18I'm turning you down, get lost!
04:21C-come on!
04:23Ooh, ouch!
04:25Got rejected, huh?
04:28There's gotta be a better way to turn someone down.
04:32You sure about all this?
04:34Aren't you feeling a bit conflicted as her brother?
04:37Huh? Nah, not at all.
04:39Our parents have different last names.
04:41And not many people know we're siblings.
04:44But Ran, who I've known for a long time, is an exception.
04:48Hana's just my sister, plain and simple.
04:51I've never looked at her like that.
04:55So, it wouldn't bother you if Hana started dating someone else?
05:00Of course not, it's none of my business.
05:03But why do I feel a little uneasy about it?
05:06Ugh! Those two, acting all lovey-dovey in front of me again!
05:11And so, that's what's been going on, but...
05:16No matter how much I think about it, I just don't get it.
05:19What's going on with Hana?
05:28You're sitting on top of me?
05:32It's irresistible!
05:34I guess I'll pretend to be asleep.
05:36If I leave her alone, she'll be satisfied and leave, right?
05:40But ten minutes later...
05:44Are you awake?
05:46If you're awake, please answer!
05:48Ugh, gotta ignore.
05:50I don't wanna deal with this.
05:53He's already asleep.
05:55You're way too lacking in caution.
05:57This big bad wolf might eat you up, you know.
06:01Alrighty then.
06:04Wait, why is she coming in?
06:10Phew, your smell's even stronger now!
06:13Huh? Do I really smell that much?
06:16I'm a bit shocked, but that's not the issue right now!
06:21I love it!
06:23I wanna eat you up.
06:26Your hair's so silky!
06:31Still smells good!
06:33Wait, why is she hugging me?
06:37I should take it easy now.
06:39I need to leave my smell too.
06:41Hey, stop sticking your body to me like that!
06:45And then, after an hour...
06:48Fully satisfied!
06:50Looks like I'll have sweet dreams today!
06:53Ugh, I got completely played with.
06:56I'll never be able to get married now.
07:00What the heck was that with Hana?
07:03And... does she actually like me?
07:06It must be some kind of joke, right?
07:09Maybe she's been teasing me since she knows I'm aware... or something?
07:14The more I think about it, the less I understand.
07:17In the end, I couldn't get a wink of sleep that night.
07:20To make matters worse, the very next day,
07:23Hana sneakily invaded my bed just like before.
07:27Hehe, he's really oblivious.
07:30Ain't got a clue, huh?
07:32Who's oblivious? I'm aware of what you're doing!
07:36Well, if it's come to this...
07:45Wait, could he be waking up?
07:47What should I do?
07:49I guess not.
07:51Geez, don't scare me like that, you little...
07:54Ow! Hey, cut it out!
07:56It kinda hurts, you know?
07:58That was close. Too close.
08:01If I keep messing around, he might actually wake up.
08:04Alrighty then.
08:08This arm pillow thing is the best.
08:11Always wanted to try it out.
08:13She's doing whatever she wants, huh?
08:16My sis, she's something else.
08:20This snug feeling is seriously something.
08:24Might get hooked.
08:26Should I ask for this every day from now on?
08:28Wait, every day?
08:32And then, from that point on,
08:34Hana's been showing up every single night.
08:39Gaming while cuddling is seriously comfortable.
08:42Too bad there's no Coke and chips, though.
08:45Why are you making yourself at home?
08:47Well, I mean, it is your home, but...
08:50On another day...
08:56Your sleeping face is so adorable.
09:00Kinda wanna munch on it.
09:03This girl... saying that stuff again.
09:07She's not waking up at all.
09:09So a little snack won't hurt, right?
09:16This is tougher than I thought.
09:19Is she nibbling on my ear?
09:24Gonna nibble on you plenty.
09:28Whoa, whispering by my ear is a major no-go.
09:31Sends shivers down my spine.
09:34And then, about a week's gone by since that day.
09:37He's serious, he sleeps like a log.
09:40Oh, I totally missed the right time to wake up.
09:43Can't just suddenly act like I'm awake now, can I?
09:46His carefree sleeping face.
09:49Bet he's not even worried about me.
09:53You two are all lovey-dovey again today.
09:56Can't stand it!
09:58Huh? Lovey-dovey?
10:00You've been mine since forever.
10:03I'm not gonna let you go to any other girl.
10:05Hold up, who's she talking about?
10:10Instead of someone else taking you away,
10:13I'd rather...
10:17Wait a minute, something's off.
10:20Oh my god, can't hold back anymore.
10:23Is it okay if I kiss you?
10:29Here I come.
10:32Hold up, I appreciate your feelings,
10:34but you know, we're just siblings.
10:39Wait, so you mean, you were awake?
10:43When did you even-
10:44Um, from the start?
10:48This is about today, right?
10:50Nah, more like a week ago.
10:52You seriously mean from day one?
10:55Sorry, I thought you hadn't figured it out,
10:58so I couldn't bring myself to say it.
11:00I-I can't believe it!
11:02So, you, um, about me...
11:06D-d-don't get me wrong,
11:08I don't really feel anything special about you.
11:10I mean, the whole snuggling thing was
11:12me just being half-asleep and mistaking you for a body pillow.
11:15Forget everything I said!
11:17Whoa, why the sudden change in your attitude?
11:20But, like, maybe once in a while,
11:23we could still do the arm pillow thing?
11:27I'm like, so heading back to my room!
11:29Hey, wait up, Hana!
11:31Oh, she's already gone.
11:34After that, things got super awkward between Hana and me.
11:38Hey, could you pass the soy sauce?
11:42Come on, Hana.
11:44Ignoring me like this is harsh, don't you think?
11:47You can't possibly hate me this much.
11:50Look, just leave it in there, you're in the way!
11:52Uh, alright, thanks.
11:55Huh? I'm just letting you know,
11:58it's not like I'm doing you a favor or anything.
12:00Yeah, yeah, I get it.
12:02Geez, this is how it's gonna be forever, isn't it?
12:06The next day.
12:07Ugh, how am I supposed to handle this with Hana?
12:10It's not cool leaving things like this,
12:12but every time I try to bring it up, she bolts.
12:16What's up? You seem down.
12:19Well, things been going on between me and Hana.
12:22Oh, that means I caused some misunderstandings between you and Hana, huh?
12:28Sorry for the trouble.
12:29Nah, it's all good.
12:31We're just friends, right?
12:32There's no way I'd look at you that way.
12:35It's all in her head.
12:37That's kinda rude, you know.
12:40But seriously, what should I do?
12:43What are you blabbering on about?
12:45Get it together!
12:46Ow! What the?
12:48Hey, what was that for?
12:50You're Hana's brother, ain't you?
12:52So quit moping around here, you got better things to do, right?
12:57Yeah, you're right! I've got it!
13:00I'm her brother, after all.
13:02Just you wait, Hana!
13:04That night, I decided to have a real talk with Hana.
13:07Apparently, our parents won't be back for a while, so it's the perfect situation.
13:12So, what's up?
13:14A talk about something so important?
13:16Yeah, there's something I really need to tell you, Hana.
13:21Uh, okay, I guess.
13:23I can listen for a bit.
13:25We've been pretty awkward lately, and I just can't take it anymore.
13:30Well, I feel the same too.
13:33So, like, I seriously thought about this.
13:36How can we keep it real, you know?
13:38What is this?
13:39Me, and you.
13:41Tell me, your feelings.
13:45Wanna play games with you!
13:47Of course!
13:48Wait, what? Games?
13:52Remember how, back when we used to fight, we settled things with a game?
13:56The loser had to obey one command from the winner.
13:59How about we do that again?
14:01Well, even if you say that, I thought...
14:05Oh, it's nothing, really.
14:08So, what do you say? You're not gonna run away, are you?
14:11Huh, bring it on! I don't care what happens!
14:15That's what I like! And just so you know, it's street lovers for the game!
14:20Of course! Just so you know, I'm strong, okay?
14:22I've trained a lot to be able to beat you.
14:25There's no sister better than one who can beat her big brother.
14:29A few minutes later, the battle began.
14:32Take this! Repuken!
14:35Not so fast! Star Shining Feather!
14:39What? You're using it here?
14:42I've still got plenty of special move gauge left.
14:47Hey, check it out! I nailed it!
14:49Thinking she got all sassy, but some things never change with her.
14:54Man, playing with her might still be fun.
14:57Alrighty then, I'm gonna pull off some sick combos!
15:00Hold up, that's a cheap move!
15:03And as for the outcome of the match...
15:05Ha! I won!
15:07Ugh, didn't expect to get flipped like that.
15:10How's that? Don't underestimate the former champ!
15:13That's ancient history back from elementary school.
15:17Alright, time to lay down some rules.
15:20Hmph! You're gonna tell me not to come into your room, right? I get it.
15:24Huh? I...
15:26No need to hold back.
15:28It's creepy having a little sis lurking under the bed at night.
15:31No, that's not what I...
15:34But couldn't help it, you know?
15:36Ever since we got into high school, you suddenly got all distant.
15:39Hanging out with other girls and stuff.
15:42Whoa, who are you talking about?
15:44Don't play dumb, I know.
15:46You're super tight with that takoyaki girl.
15:49Wait, seriously? You mean Ran? She's just a friend.
15:53This is harsh. I put in so much effort to look fly for you.
15:57Huh? What are you talking...
16:00Come on, you used to hide those magazines under your bed, right?
16:03So I thought maybe you're into that stuff.
16:06Wait, seriously? That was back in middle school?
16:09And you've known about it all along? Even under the bed?
16:12Well, I just wanted to know everything about you.
16:15You know, ever since we became step-siblings, I've always liked you.
16:19As my big brother.
16:21But when you stopped inviting me to hang out, it frustrated me.
16:24And I ended up acting all tough. I'm sorry.
16:28No, it's just... I thought hanging out with other girls might be better for you.
16:33My bad.
16:34Oh, so that's how it was.
16:36But it doesn't matter anymore.
16:38You probably hate me, right?
16:41This not-so-cute girl. You want to make it clear, don't you?
16:45Well, go ahead. Just reject me already.
16:48Seriously, why would I do that?
16:52My order... I mean, my request is this.
16:55I like you, Hana. I want us to be together.
16:58Huh? Seriously?
17:01I've cherished you as my little sister for so long.
17:04But it's not just that. I like you as a girl, too.
17:09I'm so happy. I'm really, really happy.
17:14Come on, there's no need to cry like that. You're overreacting.
17:18But I've liked you for so long.
17:22I love you so much. You... How about a kiss?
17:28I told you that's too soon!
17:32And just like that, we upgraded from step-siblings to lovers.
17:36The whole school found out about it, and not only my sister, but even I became famous.
17:42By the way, the misunderstandings were all cleared up since then, and Hana and Ran became really close.
17:48As a boyfriend, I felt a bit lonely, though.
17:52Hey, hey! Aren't you and Hana step-siblings?
17:56Yeah, but...
17:58Tell us what it's like at home! Hey, let's have lunch together!
18:02Sounds awesome!
18:04What? Hold on, don't just...
18:07You're cozying up to other girls again, Ryu!
18:10Remember, you're my only sweetheart, okay?
18:13Hold on, I get it, so don't stick to me!
18:16It's like an episode of a high school drama!
18:20I was left scratching my head, as if it was like a 2P color change in a game.
18:26Nevertheless, starting a romance that began from under the bed wasn't such a bad thing after all.
18:33Hi! It's me, Mel!
18:36Thanks for watching my channel!
18:39I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos, too!
