The Secret Show 2x04 Ammonites Rule!

  • 2 months ago


00:00I'm sorry, sweet little granny, but this time slot is needed.
00:08She's not here.
00:09Yeah, no bunnies.
00:10Yeah, look, she's left her banjo.
00:12I used to be a damn band with one of these.
00:15La, la, la, la, la.
00:18La, la, la, la, la.
00:21Hey, that's cool.
00:22Keep going, Ray.
00:24Play some more.
00:25Now, where's H?
00:26La, la, la, la, la.
00:29Fluffy, fluffy bunnies.
00:31Bouncing in the woods.
00:33Fluffy, fluffy bunnies.
00:36Bouncing as they should.
00:38They bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce, bounce.
00:40Is that the time?
00:42Pull yourself together.
00:44This time slot is needed urgently.
00:46Move, move, move.
00:48Right away.
00:52Clear when we got here.
00:53I should think so, too.
00:56The secret show.
01:20We are free now.
01:22We are free now.
01:24Da, da, da, da, da, da.
01:26Da, da, da, da, da, da, da.
01:28Da, da, da, da, da, da, da.
01:37Look out.
01:44Tracking trajectory looking good.
01:46No, it's not.
01:47One second blast left side, Victor.
01:51My left or your left, Professor Professor?
01:54Oh, I'll do it.
01:59Nice one, Anita.
02:01It's heading straight for the U.S. base.
02:05Call me when the package arrives.
02:22Whatever this thing is, it sure is important.
02:24Entry angle correct.
02:26Pull away.
02:27Pull away.
02:59Take the crates to the special room.
03:03Yes, sir.
03:04On it.
03:27You may be wondering what the secret crates inside the meteorite contain.
03:32Yeah, of course we are.
03:33Maybe wondering.
03:34Of course we're wondering.
03:35And you may be wondering what Professor Professor is making from the contents of said crates behind that wall.
03:42Well, yes.
03:43Well, where is he?
03:44Come on.
03:45Come on.
03:46Tell us.
03:47Tell us.
03:56Good morning.
03:57Indeed it is.
03:59Now, as you're all aware, for reasons of security, my name is changed daily.
04:05Today, you may call me...
04:10Nibbles McPee.
04:11Nibbles McPee.
04:19Professor Professor, is it finished?
04:21It is.
04:22Nibbles McPee.
04:31What is it?
04:32Shall I turn it on?
04:34Oh, yes.
04:42Oh, the portal to another world.
04:45Victor and Anita, through this portal, you shall travel to the planet Ammonia in the Delta Alpha system.
04:53There, you shall...
04:59I asked you if you wanted any help, but no.
05:03I followed all the instructions.
05:05It's complicated, you know.
05:06What do you think it is, a Swedish wardrobe?
05:08How do we pay the rent now?
05:10That planet's light years away.
05:13We're doomed!
05:16Oh, blame me why don't you.
05:18It's just because I'm shortest.
05:21Some of the pieces were missing.
05:23What's all this about, Nibbles McPee?
05:25Oh, we can't pay the rent, and the Earth is doomed.
05:30I don't know why I bother.
05:32Human beings don't own the Earth.
05:35We rent it from the planet's former occupants, the Ammonites.
05:39We rent the Earth?
05:42From Ammonites?
05:44Yes, and we have to pay the rent once every thousand years, or we have to move out.
05:49And this device would have taken you to the Ammonites' new planet, Ammonia, to deliver the rent.
05:54So now, who knows?
05:58So now, you will have to fly there in my totally untested and highly dangerous spaceship.
06:04What spaceship?
06:10I have named it Professor, Professor, Professor.
06:15After the sun, I never had.
06:18It should get us to Ammonia in under 24 hours.
06:22So, are you traveling with us in the Professor, Professor, Professor, Professor, Professor?
06:27Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
06:30Oh, I almost forgot.
06:32You'll need the rent book.
06:34And the rent?
06:36Oh, the rent is nothing more than this rare slipper orchid from the top of Mount Kinabalu of the South China Sea.
06:43Oh, it's beautiful.
06:45That's the rent?
06:48If that flower still survives on Earth, then the Ammonites know that we are caring for their world.
06:53And all is well.
06:55Oh, what a wonderful, poetic way to...
07:00Hold on.
07:02This flower's plastic.
07:04The real ones died out years ago due to global warming.
07:32What was that?
07:36Someone's firing at the Professor, Professor, Professor, Professor, Professor.
07:40Watch out, something's following you.
07:42You might be attacked.
07:52We've been hit.
07:54One engine down.
07:56Which one?
07:57The only one.
08:02Ha, ha, ha.
08:05I'm going to swing us around the back of that planet, then engage the totally untested and highly dangerous cloaking device.
08:21Huh, Oonga?
08:23Ba-doo, ba-duck.
08:31Ah, our cloaking device was an umbrella?
08:38Mayday, mayday, ship under attack.
08:41Need help.
08:42Whatever happens now, those impostors must not get their hands on the plastic orchid.
08:47They've got the orchid.
08:48Whatever happens now, the impostors must not get their hands on the rent book.
08:52They've got the rent book.
08:54Whatever happens now, the impostors must not leave you stranded in space forever,
08:58take the plastic orchid to Ammonia, pay the rent, and rule the Earth for the next thousand years.
09:07Thing-a-loo! Thing-a-loo!
09:12None of I can help it.
09:14Oh, it's really hot in there. Why is it really hot? I wondered where you were hiding. Thanks
09:31for the help back there. Ray, the impostors knew about the orchid. My guess is they must
09:37have sabotaged the portal somehow. I'll check it out and get back to you. What have you
09:42done, Victor? Me? You don't hitch a ride behind a thermal rocket booster. It's burning up
09:49the professor, professor, professor. Look, the ammonite's home planet, Ammonia.
10:12Oh, no, the plastic orchid. It's melted. Nibbles McPee. Hello. Fix the portal. Ah, the rent
10:34work. Oh, I think this is yours. Eyes by. Pleasure doing business with you.
11:04Quite. So if you'll just sign the rent book. Oh.
11:35And so thanks to the ammonites discovering that I'd paid the rent with a plastic orchid
11:40instead of a real one, the entire human race has been evicted to the moon. Until we correct
11:50everything on their list. Well, if we'd looked after the planet in the first place, none
11:54of this would have happened. Don't look at me. At least I got us there. You know how
11:58I was. At least thanks to the portal, we're not trapped on Ammonia like the imposters.
12:07No, just trapped on the moon. How are you on the team doing, Agent Ray? Is the earth
12:12back in order yet? We're still replanting the rainforest, Nibbles McPee. Could take
12:17till Tuesday. Tuesday? Yeah. And then there's the ozone to sort out. So, uh, well, you're
12:25looking at a couple of weeks. A couple of weeks? When you did the estimate, you said
12:29it'd be ready Thursday. Yeah, but I've got this other job on. And then there's this last
12:33thing on the ammonites list. What is a dodo? And where do I find one? Oh!
