The Secret Show 2x09 Rise of the Floaty-Heads

  • 3 months ago


00:00Hello little squidgy scrummy bunny friends, sweet little granny here, welcome to the Fluffy Bunny Show
00:16Shall we sing our song?
00:22Fluffy fluffy bunny is bouncing in the...
00:27What's that noise?
00:31Strike! Strike! Strike!
00:33Run! The secret show!
00:56It's no good professor professor, we've hit the floaty heads with everything we've got!
01:27Don't give up so easily, I have every confidence in you, the floaty heads aren't that scary
01:39Observe great, the sticky heads won't know what's hit them
01:44Activating defense shields, now!
01:47I do that! Sorry
02:03I am a brave princess, I am a brave princess, I am a brave princess
02:11Oh, hail brother stone
02:14Sister ping, I have a surprise for your special day
02:18Brother stone, what is it?
02:24Stone! Oh, it is so sweet, my own little solar system
02:35Hey, where have the floaty heads ships gone?
02:38And what happened to the sky?
02:40What's going on professor professor?
02:42We've got a big problem
02:47So, our entire solar system has been shrunk and turned into a mobile
02:52Hanging in a floaty head princess's bedroom, aboard a mother ship heading to who knows where
02:58Wow, hung up by the floaties
03:00Quite, this is a terrible breach of world security
03:04Now, as you know, I take security so seriously, my name is changed daily
03:10Today, you may call me...
03:15Cha-Cha Mittens
03:20Our lives are literally hanging in the balance
03:24Is there nothing we can do Cha-Cha Mittens?
03:26Fear not, I have created high tech disguises, so you and Victor can spy on the floaty heads completely unnoticed
03:35Completely unnoticed?
03:37Yeah, right
03:38Just how long have you been working on these disguises, professor professor?
03:42Oh, ten or fifteen minutes
03:44Oh, I nearly forgot the planet box
03:47Once you have located the mobile, place the planets into this box
03:51And remember to put the sun in this oven proof compartment here, it's really hot
03:57Sun really hot, I won't forget
04:00But how will we enlarge Victor and Anita so they can retrieve the solar system, professor professor?
04:07Ah, that's the easy part
04:10By reversing the polarity of my shrinky shrinky ray, I can produce a beaky beaky ray, see?
04:25Okay Victor, you get the solar system and I'll find an escape pod with the aid of this
04:30What's that?
04:31Standard issue, as sat nav
04:32At the next junction, straight up
04:37Good luck Victor
04:40How am I going to get up there?
04:45But mother, I don't feel ready
04:47Nonsense my dear, of course you are
04:55Your father and I and your brother Spawn are all very proud of you
05:01But mother
05:03Okay, easy does it
05:05Soon son
05:10This is the most important day of your life, Ping
05:14The entire ship will be present to witness your popping out ceremony
05:19Anita, the floaties will be at some weird popping out ceremony this evening
05:25So escape is going to be easy
05:27Okay Victor, I'll meet you in the room during the ceremony
05:30If I can find an escape pod that is
05:33Oh mother, I don't think I can do it, I'm scared
05:38Of course you can, if you don't our plan is ruined
05:41Victor, do as I say
05:43Professor, professor
05:44Wow, it's like you're right in my head
05:46That's because I'm hiding in your ear
05:50Out, get out, out, out
05:52I was scared too before my head popped out, but floating is your destiny my dear
06:03Who are you?
06:07I am Ping
06:09I am Pong
06:12Yes, yes, my name is Pong
06:15Oh, what are you doing here?
06:18Convince Ping to go through with the ceremony
06:20It's the only chance we have of getting off this ship with the solar system
06:24Ping, you must attend the ceremony
06:27If not for yourself, then for your mom
06:29Just to see the proud look on her... head
06:33As you pop up
06:36Straight on for the next three miles
06:40You're lost, aren't you?
06:42Make a U-turn when it's safe to do so
06:45Admit it, you're lost
06:46Ask directions when it's safe to do so
06:52Yes, you can do that as well
06:55Pong, what if I can't pop out like the other floaties?
07:00Was it hard for you when you did it?
07:03Well, there was a bit of a headwind
07:06Look, Ping, I'm going to stick my neck out for you, okay?
07:10What's a neck?
07:11It's what holds your... your... forget it
07:15I'll take you to the popping out ceremony
07:17What? I didn't say do that!
07:19You'd do that?
07:22No, no! What about the solar system?
07:25You're not like the other floatie boys
07:31The ceremony is about to begin
07:33We must go
07:37An escape pod! Yes!
07:46Happy floating, Ping
07:47Hope your head doesn't stick
07:49It won't
07:50Who is this, Ping?
07:52Mr Pong to you
07:54Have you gone crazy?
07:57Victor? Victor?
08:02Had to take Ping to ceremony
08:04You grab the planets and I'll meet you in the Grand Hall
08:07Victor, now, where's the Grand Hall?
08:10At the next set of traffic lights
08:22I've got the planets, Victor
08:24Let's get out of here
08:25You heard Anita! To the escape pod!
08:28Not yet
08:29Ping's got her popping out ceremony, remember?
08:32Victor, come on!
08:34We'll know what's watching
08:35Look, it's a big deal
08:37I can't just leave her
08:40Attagirl, Ping! Push!
08:42Push, Ping! Push!
08:49Come on, Ping! Breathe!
08:52That's it! You're doing great!
08:53You're doing great! Come on, Ping!
08:59Oh, no!
09:00Oh, no!
09:01Oh, no!
09:02Oh, no!
09:03Oh, no!
09:04Oh, no!
09:05Oh, no!
09:06Oh, no!
09:07Oh, no!
09:09Ping, you're floating!
09:11It's a head!
09:13You did it, Ping!
09:21Now, let's get out of here
09:24Going so soon?
09:25You'll miss the best bit
09:27Now, Princess Ping
09:30You must choose the one to exchange heads with
09:34I choose...
09:39No, we can't exchange
09:42I have a...
09:43I have a head cold
09:44Let the swapping begin
09:50No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
09:57Use us, Babyloons!
10:06No, no, no! Come back!
10:10Oh, no!
10:13Victor, come on!
10:15Sticky Heads, after them!
10:23They mustn't get away!
10:26I nearly swapped with the Sticky Heads
10:29Sticky Heads, get the Sticky Heads!
10:32Get the Sticky Heads!
10:34Get the Sticky Heads, after them!
10:38It's no use, they're everywhere
10:40There must be a way out of here
10:43Victor, what are you doing?
10:45That's the wrong thing! That's the wrong thing!
10:48Just trust me
10:52Ping! Ping!
10:54Oh, Ping, I'm sorry
10:56I was going to tell you I was a Sticky Head after you popped
10:59But there was no time
11:00I lost my head
11:01It got out of hand
11:03You're wrong
11:04You even took my pretty solar system
11:07I know, I know
11:09That's why I'm here
11:11You see, one of those planets is my home
11:15Your home?
11:16Yes, and I need your help, Ping
11:18Right now, our planet should be floating free
11:21Just like your head
11:23But how do you know you can trust me?
11:26Because you're not like the other floaties
11:32Good luck
11:34I'll miss you
11:36Thanks, Ping
11:37Every time I look at a balloon, I'll think of you
11:40Goodbye, Sticky
11:43Here's looking at you, floatie
11:46Sister Ping, have you seen a Sticky Head pass through here?
11:51No, Brother Spong
11:53I have not
11:58Ten seconds until we shrink
12:00Planetary alignment activated
12:02This is going to be tight
12:13And so, our solar system is no longer a mere decoration in a floatie head's bedroom
12:19Victor loves a floatie head, Victor loves a floatie head
12:21Stop that, I so do not, no way
12:23Every time I look at a balloon, I'll think of you
12:27Ha ha, button it, Sticky Head
12:30I mean, order, order
12:33Cha-cha mittens, tell them to...
12:35Tell them to...
12:36They're picking on me
12:38Oh, you lot are a pain in the neck
