Watch Nanatsu no Taizai Movie- Tenkuu no Torawarebito English Dubbed

  • 2 months ago


00:00:00I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway.
00:00:30I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway,
00:00:52so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway,
00:01:12so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway,
00:01:32so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway,
00:01:52so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway,
00:02:12so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway,
00:02:32so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway,
00:02:52so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway,
00:03:12so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway,
00:03:40so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway,
00:04:08so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway,
00:04:36so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway,
00:05:04so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway,
00:05:32so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway,
00:05:58so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway,
00:06:28so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway,
00:06:56so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway,
00:07:26so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway,
00:07:56so I'm going to do it anyway, so I'm going to do it anyway,
00:08:24I don't believe it it's the surface
00:08:30this is where the great oshiro aha would you come on back already
00:08:40hey where are you going they chased me all the way here why won't they just understand
00:08:45you're such a coward weren't you the one who said you were gonna train captain you said captain
00:08:57but how you're you're flying without any wings huh what whether i have wings or not is none of
00:09:02your business don't talk to me like that he's not after me are you with the demon clan
00:09:18hey what's all the fuss about
00:09:22huh where did you get those clothes from captain they're adorable monster
00:09:33captain when are we resuming your training
00:09:38he's so mean captain just called me a monster don't listen to him dianne
00:09:47you've got some real nerve to come crawling back here on your knees
00:09:51what's with all of this commotion yeah i have no idea
00:09:59who are these guys hair color height and frame all match the captain to a t
00:10:10however his voice muscle mass and running form are remarkably abnormal yeah you got that right
00:10:17normally we wouldn't be able to catch him this easily
00:10:34no way the captain just
00:10:38sprouted wings
00:10:43hey wait up
00:10:52do you think that might have been a little too rough
00:11:01all righty then so where uh are we it's no good we can't go back
00:11:11i could have sworn that we were still in the spring in the forest
00:11:14oh and by the way
00:11:23i'm hungry this way did he really enter the forbidden spring
00:11:30there he is he must have come back some weird creature with him hey who are these guys who knows
00:11:38oh master zoria why did you do this a lot huh so lot detain him
00:11:54here let's go thank you don't even think about coming anywhere near me you pigs
00:12:00pigs master zoria what do you want us to do with this creature just leave that thing alone
00:12:07i'm not a thing you know
00:12:17these are some pretty weird statues and aside from that i wonder where we are
00:12:31what are you doing
00:12:38picture picture
00:12:42now that's what i call a view
00:12:48hey what is that
00:13:01what are those
00:13:35i think they're weird
00:14:22you're finally awake that's good
00:14:27what are you doing here and why are you wearing that outfit
00:14:33all right who are you and what did you do with the captain stop
00:14:38stop listen l you need to run away i'll stay and take care of the demon clan i'm sorry but i think
00:14:48that you might be mistaken everyone here is of a different kind but not a single one of us belongs
00:14:54to the demon clan human former human me well i'm something similar to that doll fairy clan
00:15:04and the giant clan that can't be i thought that the humans fairies and giants on the surface were
00:15:13were all wiped out by the demon clan in the old great war
00:15:18so does that mean the legends they've been telling us were wrong
00:15:23wait then who are you my name is elizabeth i'm a waitress here at this bar
00:15:28hmm oh uh well my name is solad the celestial how do you know my name i took a peek inside
00:15:38your memories while you were sleeping what exactly does time of ruin mean
00:15:50are they preparing a festival or something maybe it's a festival to eat you
00:15:58i guess i can let them have a look at what is he thinking i can't believe that's our next head
00:16:05warrior thanks for the warm welcome what's that it looks like an obese pig oh so then you're
00:16:21basically saying it's your twin what do you mean i'm a lot slimmer than that what are you two
00:16:26rambling on about listen up solad you broke a very important law did that statue just talk
00:16:35look down here you know you have some nerve to be messing around at a time like this
00:16:42she's tiny first and foremost i want you to know that i am well aware you detest training
00:16:48despite being the successor of the winged sword however solad in order to defend our
00:16:55village from the demon clan you must inherit the winged sword and fight for your people
00:17:01that is the law we celestials must always obey celestials hey aren't you mistaking me for
00:17:09somebody else granny how dare you insult mistress vaness solad you bastard what are you thinking
00:17:17i don't know how to answer that has the lord returned
00:17:25oh is it best wait a minute you're wrong that's not her at all really it's not
00:17:34now that you mention it her expression is more fierce than elizabeth
00:17:38she looks so similar though their hair color is the same oh and see that even her back has those
00:17:59why did you have to do this
00:18:07his wings are gone he has no wings
00:18:12unbelievable unbelievable has he truly lost his wings how could you throw away our pride
00:18:24has your mind become that corrupt well the thing is you ran away from your succession ceremony
00:18:30and then you decide to come back here but you show up with your celestial wings missing it's
00:18:35a waste of time to discuss this any further throw him in a cell so he can reflect on his actions
00:18:41until the verdict is decided no please wait i don't really mind it's fine but at least bring
00:18:49some food and sake for me i've lost all hope for you after everything you've done you are no longer
00:18:57my son your son yeah well i'm not your son anyway
00:19:09sorry dude but i'm not gonna let myself get captured too
00:19:13you'll just have to wait in your cell for now eating scraps till i can come back to save you
00:19:18oh huh
00:19:29it's so weird he looks just like the captain but he's a completely different person on the
00:19:33inside that's true but rudeness seems to be a trait they share oh can't you just let it go
00:19:38i'm sorry for what i said it was my first time seeing a giant so i'm well i'm really sorry
00:19:49so the captain passed through that spring in the forest and he somehow ended up in this sky temple
00:19:54of yours which means that he must still be with hawk i'd imagine i'm sure he jumped in without
00:20:00thinking it through that sounds like the captain to me so you said you ran away like a wimp at the
00:20:07thought of the demon clan resurrecting no i didn't just run away it's just that the three thousand
00:20:12year old seal that's been holding the demon clan back is getting close to wearing off
00:20:17at this rate the celestials will be wiped out so that's what the time of ruin is then
00:20:23yes and what i need now is for the great oshiro to reappear no one believes me that it will happen
00:20:30though there has to be something i can do the great oshiro huh and what is that the time of
00:20:37ruin and the great oshiro how terribly interesting could you tell us about it in detail
00:20:47oh i gotta say these scraps aren't half bad
00:20:57what an intriguing animal i've never seen anything like it and it even speaks
00:21:02now where in the world did you wander in from
00:21:08oh my you're so smooth and round
00:21:13would you cut it out granny can't you see i'm trying to eat hey granny what is that
00:21:20you mean that i'll tell you
00:21:27that is the legend of the great oshiro the great oshiro about three thousand years ago at this
00:21:33very sky temple a great war took place involving five of the major clans the evil demon clan the
00:21:42fairy clan the giant clan and the human armies which were led by the goddess clan all engaged
00:21:48in a ferocious battle during this time the goddess clan was on the brink of destruction
00:21:55as they were being surrounded by the demons the one who saved them from their demise was the great
00:22:01oshiro according to the legend it appeared as a glimmering white figure and to look upon it was
00:22:10supposedly breathtaking it's said that the great oshiro sealed the demon clan in craggy peak
00:22:18ever since then the goddess clan has passed down the winged sword through generations
00:22:22defeating the demons the descendants of the goddess clan are us the celestials
00:22:29so what you're saying is that you came all the way here in search of this great oshiro
00:22:34that's right if the legends are true the great oshiro should be somewhere on the surface
00:22:41however no one seems to believe me and anyway going to the surface is completely forbidden
00:22:48the great oshiro gother have you ever heard of it no i haven't
00:22:53hey i have an idea why don't we help you search for it i'd really like to help him but without any
00:22:59leads i don't know what we can do i wonder what captain and hawk are up to right now
00:23:06i am so worried probably enjoying their time away have fun i want to go huh what well if deanne's
00:23:14going i'm going all right let's bring him back so we can finish up his training we can get there
00:23:20we can get there from the spring can't we that's right i want to know more about this sky temple
00:23:26anyway yeah but then what about finding the great oshiro everyone thank you so much but i'll be fine
00:23:40on my own goodbye well then i guess he didn't need our help
00:23:55i can't rely on others i decided i would search for the great oshiro on my own anyway
00:24:02but the surface is huge where do i start with no leads
00:24:11could that be
00:24:23you won't get away so easy
00:24:34every last one of you celestials must become a sacrifice in the end
00:24:39the time of ruin is finally beginning are you a demon get your hands off of him
00:24:48what happened salad are you okay the demon clan is coming through the spring
00:24:53don't worry just leave this to us you're all going to make nice sacrifices as well
00:25:02they're strong you're from the six knights of black you're gara right
00:25:07how do you know who i am who are you people you don't know we're the seven deadly sins
00:25:19i don't care who you are i won't let you get in my way
00:25:23to make sure of that i've got a little surprise for you
00:25:40the spring
00:25:44now none of you will be able to get to the sky temple the six knights of black will soon be
00:25:50annihilating every last one of the celestials i won't let you interfere
00:26:00it appears that was just a dummy the real one is currently somewhere else it can't be
00:26:07why is the demon clan resurrecting so soon hey what was that all about
00:26:13the six knights of black the demons that ran wild in the holy war three thousand years ago
00:26:22their ferocity it was trouble even to the ten commandments
00:26:31it's all over i wasn't even able to find the great oshiro we can't just sit around here and
00:26:39we can't just sit around here and do nothing to help if we can't get there through the spring
00:26:45we're just going to have to go there directly
00:26:54come on king let's go uh wait up diane let's go
00:26:58oh don't think you just get to stay behind no i the demon clan has been resurrected hasn't
00:27:18we're off to the illustrious land of the sky temple
00:27:28hey someone there
00:27:42well guess no one's there
00:27:48now that that's taken care of i guess i'd better find some way to get back to the bar
00:27:54i should probably look for that pig first though
00:27:59oh hey granny i'm from the surface you know isn't there any way to get back
00:28:09well you see unfortunately the demon clan took control of the surface a long time ago
00:28:15i'm telling you lady that's not true you know you really are just the strangest little animal
00:28:20what is it really this again
00:28:28what are you doing sorry sorry
00:28:34what that figure could it be
00:28:38but there's no mistaking it
00:28:56this year is the year of doom we don't know what sort of demons will appear before us
00:29:02as celestials it is our law and our duty to get rid of them
00:29:06remember to never let down your guard yes sir
00:29:18wow it really is a great view
00:29:24i wish i could show elizabeth she would love it
00:29:25if i could show elizabeth she would love it
00:29:42but how are you able to get out of the cell you've been mistaking me for someone else
00:29:51you know you really have no right to slap a stranger
00:29:55sorry to say but i'm not this person named salad you keep talking about
00:30:02what do you mean there he is master zoria
00:30:13you you're not even able to sit quietly in jail to think about the law you broke
00:30:18i won't forgive you and i won't hold back just because i'm your father
00:30:26i will hold back because i'm not your son
00:30:32solan what has happened to you
00:30:39what's going on did you see that over there
00:30:42it'll be disastrous if anything happens to the rocky egg
00:30:46let's go right you and i are going to have a nice long talk later
00:30:56what's going on the rock just crumbled check the surrounding area
00:31:02someone help me i'm going to die hey are you okay what happened i'm so hungry so hungry
00:31:14i'm going to die huh well do we have anything for him to eat hey what is it let me feed
00:31:23honestly who thinks about eating at a time like this
00:31:52the start of the year of doom has arrived
00:32:13we are the guardians of the sky temple i am the head warrior zoria
00:32:18and now that i am here you won't get your way i'll go and get the wings stored for you
00:32:24let's go right
00:32:31i've killed 65 demons in my life so far what's one more you're no match for the
00:32:37life force of a celestial holy lads glory
00:32:51did you like that you're completely helpless just give up it doesn't matter how many you've
00:32:59killed i'm nothing like those weaklings that were so easily destroyed but how
00:33:09would you come back the demon planet here what
00:33:21see you later
00:33:34you think so highly of yourself i'm one of the six knights of black
00:33:39you must be suicidal to fight the hawk of the headless
00:33:47just die then
00:33:57you'd better stop right now that is if you don't want to die
00:34:03you brat did you just say that with a straight face that was funny enough to make me laugh
00:34:11let me reward you with an instant death
00:34:34i'm gonna borrow this
00:34:50mr zoriel
00:34:53i think he's gonna be just fine you do
00:34:59i figured you were gonna be up here
00:35:03what happened to the demon clan huh
00:35:07what what the heck is this over there
00:35:34so this is a grilled skyfish huh so good i'm very happy
00:35:42i never imagined i could have a drink like this with my son
00:35:48huh this ain't half bad yes it's your favorite here why don't you take mine as well thanks
00:35:59what a pleasant surprise you having become a stronger warrior than i
00:36:04be honest you've been training in secret this whole time haven't you
00:36:12listen up everyone in accordance with celestial law
00:36:16my son can now officially undergo the succession ceremony
00:36:24succession ceremony better on a latte go be by your fiancee's side
00:37:01i dare you to say that again piggy
00:37:05so lord what an impressive accomplishment this was this individual that you brought back is in
00:37:11fact the legendary great oshiro the very one that saved us three thousand years ago
00:37:17oh everyone behold his adorable shape a perfect resemblance of the great oshiro
00:37:24depicted in the mural and he's just so smooth and white except that he's not even white
00:37:32he certainly is not are you an imposter
00:37:40you got me no secrets here i'm actually a descendant of the great oshiro
00:37:44i am the great o pink you're really pushing it now
00:37:50everyone welcome the great o pink seriously
00:38:02yahoo this feels nice the land looks so tiny from all the way up here i really like big deanne
00:38:12the little deanne is so cute too for it to come to this returning with nothing to show
00:38:20but i'm worried about everyone too what am i supposed to do
00:38:33the great o pink i gotta say you sure are a smooth talker i have no choice but to say
00:38:45this is a celestial warriors war attire
00:38:55thanks i was starting to get a little cold you're not so odd are you that's what i've
00:39:01been trying to tell you it's really been an inconvenience so then who are you i'm just
00:39:07an ordinary bar owner and i am captain of the order of scraps disposal okay so then what did
00:39:13you come here for i didn't come here because i wanted to i just don't know how to get home
00:39:21well then i until tomorrow until after the succession ceremony i want you to continue
00:39:28being salat to us celestials this is a sacred ritual in order to stand against the demon plan
00:39:36the head warrior son inherits the winged sword at the same time as his wedding ceremony
00:39:41this is a law that the celestials have upheld for thousands of years
00:39:47i get that it's a law you have to follow but the old man was way beyond mad
00:39:54master zoria has his reasons for hating the demon clan he has a right to 100 years ago
00:40:00on the last year of doom master zoria's wife salat's mother perished she was caught in a
00:40:06battle with the demon clan oh so then that's why his son ran away so angry huh he didn't run away
00:40:14he had an idea and pursued it salat is a kind person salat will
00:40:22he will come back i don't understand why someone else can't just do it you know it has to be salat
00:40:28no matter what we already made a promise a promise so it's not a law
00:40:36what are you laughing about listen if he isn't back by noon tomorrow then we'll talk great
00:40:43right just leave it to us
00:40:59the winged sword will inherit this together right salat
00:41:12for so many generations now the winged sword has been passed down
00:41:16our ancestors made sure of it and of course mother and father did as well that's right
00:41:25this year is special it's the year of doom no one believes me but this is the year the
00:41:30great oshiro seal fades again with that i've been researching it for a long time
00:41:38and this mural too however there are still things i don't understand
00:41:45what are you doing in here father listen if we don't do something soon we'll all be destroyed
00:41:53by the demon clan that's the exact reason why we trade it's different than the other years father
00:42:01i can no longer call a law-breaking coward such as you my son he abandoned the village and his
00:42:07people you call yourself the head warrior son what did you even go to the surface for great
00:42:12oshiro was never down he abandoned elate no you're all wrong it's not like that i didn't
00:42:19think it was gonna turn out like this
00:42:32ella elizabeth it's you are you feeling okay right now you look like you had a nightmare
00:42:44i'm sorry
00:42:45i just wanted to understand him i wanted to understand the heart of a celestial
00:42:53so tell me do i really look that much like this elate you do you're much more fair-tempered than
00:43:00she is though hey salad the reason why you came here was in order to save your hometown right
00:43:09in the end all i could do was turn back before accomplishing anything the fact that you set
00:43:15out in the first place has meaning in itself if sir malliotis were here i'm sure that's what he
00:43:20would tell you i set out on a journey of my own too i wanted to find the seven deadly sins and
00:43:30wanted to find the seven deadly sins and save the kingdom of leonis you did
00:43:36it was a reckless journey but when i realized i was powerless sir meliodas was there to save me
00:43:46meliodas told me because i began a journey with the intent to protect others
00:43:52i was able to meet the seven deadly sins if i hadn't done anything nothing would have begun
00:44:00that was what he said to me this meliodas he sounds amazing he is but the truth is
00:44:10i could never be like meliodas of course not you're too much of a sissy what do you mean
00:44:17bon a guy who ran away from home because no one understood him no that's not true the only thing
00:44:24you did was abandon a bunch of idiots who are bound by their laws i came here because i wanted
00:44:29to protect l i did it for her are you really prepared to accomplish that i would do anything
00:44:37for her and i'd do anything to protect my people oh well as the saying goes talk is cheap
00:44:53what's this it appears that a fight is not breaking out the human heart is truly a mystery
00:45:14miss alate you look absolutely lovely today and master salad is as regal as ever
00:45:22it's time to begin the ceremony right let's do this sure
00:45:44all right everyone apple pie is ready
00:45:48wow that looks so good let's all sit and eat while we can
00:45:56it looks perfect on the outside
00:46:04hmm that's actually not bad
00:46:11you're right this is totally delicious would you consider taking our captain's
00:46:15job as the bar owner our sales would increase by 300 if that were to happen
00:46:22all right what was that merlin i know i feel an abnormal magical power on our front right hand
00:46:29side i'm breaking through it our destination is close now everyone prepare for landing
00:47:12here and now i take our sacred treasure which has been able to subdue the demon clan for many years
00:47:18and bestow it upon my son
00:47:28this is hey come on what are you doing
00:47:40what could it be now
00:48:03but help i thought we still had time until resurrection day
00:48:07everyone stay calm there is nothing to fear we have a great old age with us
00:48:15the ceremony will have to wait we have spent a long time preparing for this very day
00:48:20now in accordance with our ancient laws we will defeat the demon clan with our own hands
00:48:46get everyone evacuated you need to evacuate too i'm a celestial warrior as well i understand but
00:48:51you're no match for them it's not about being a match for them it's about protecting our village
00:48:57i will do whatever it takes good grief she's quite the tomboy
00:49:21finally awake oh now where is that impatient comrade of ours that ditched us
00:49:28i'm no longer sensing bahagas energy he must have been erased though their magic is weak
00:49:34there are a lot of them residing on this island you're right however that's not all
00:49:39there's one massive source of magic here too i will be taking that one that's not fair leader
00:49:46you expect us to be satisfied with these weak enemy souls if we are able to gather every last
00:49:53one of the souls resurrection will be fulfilled we must prepare for the resurrection ceremony at once
00:49:59we fight in the name of righteousness okay now let the festivities begin what is that
00:50:11oh wonderful there's at least someone here worth fighting who are you my name is gara
00:50:17from the six knights of black and even though you're just a sacrifice i thought you might
00:50:22want someone to play with no matter how many of you arrive we will bury every last one of you
00:50:29sorry but i hate energetic men like you why don't you play with them instead
00:50:44look at these foolish descendants of the goddess class
00:50:48you're all just appetizers before the feast
00:51:12great beast that has laid sealed alongside us for so long now i offer you the souls of the
00:51:19goddess clan's descendants for you to purify the time has finally come great beast for you to awaken
00:51:35evacuate to the square okay
00:51:49they were weaklings after all and it seems one more is on the way
00:51:56should i kill her right away or should i have some fun with it first
00:52:08oh what's this all about
00:52:21i see you must be belly on target belly on huh get out of here
00:52:36you were having fun huh i would be having fun if you would just let me fight him
00:52:49who was that most would have immediately died from that attack good for you human
00:52:57and you're from the six knights of black belly on you know my name how impressive
00:53:24what is that
00:53:28how annoying this land truly is filled with fools anyone who would worship the statue of
00:53:34such a monster must not be allowed to exist this is blasphemy what have you done to the
00:53:43great oshiro you monster like extinguish this darkness into oblivion
00:53:54what was that did you really name that pitiful skill arc how could my arc be ineffective now
00:54:00it's my turn the goddess clan has fallen quite far in these last three thousand years
00:54:11now meet your end hey hold it you lion face geezer you just went and angered someone you
00:54:18really don't want to mess with this ship i've seen it somewhere before but could it be i've
00:54:26got some tricks up my sleeve too merlin gave me these her special monster box
00:54:43dragon what's wrong with you are your ears clogged or something i'm gonna roast that ugly mane of
00:55:07come on
00:55:40how interesting it looks like i won't be bored while i wait for the souls of all these weaklings
00:55:45to stew you'd better entertain me thoroughly until the preparations for the resurrection
00:55:50ceremony are complete i hate to break it to you but it looks like our preparations
00:55:58are complete already what's that
00:56:10i'm home it's the sky temple demon clan is
00:56:17quit wasting time you said you'd do anything to save them right well then let's go all right
00:56:28we're coming with you magic cancel
00:56:32i'll head for the craggy peak on the summit let's find out if there are any opponents i can enjoy
00:56:45fighting oh a flying scratch disposal you're okay
00:56:52me well done
00:56:59what was that thing
00:57:03i will be the one keeping you busy now
00:57:22who are you seven deadly sins we're also friends of so long
00:57:26does that mean you're from the service we'll discuss that later let's clean these guys up first
00:57:34let me play with you
00:57:38i have to look for an opening and land at least one blow okay i've decided what i'll do
00:57:54what am i doing if i land now
00:57:59i can't move my body i'm trying to move but i have no control get no stinger my needles are
00:58:09able to paralyze the soul of any living being now come here why don't you give me a hug
00:58:17no i can't die in a place like this i don't want to die you have to save me please i got you
00:58:44i promise i'll never leave you again
00:59:03don't you realize this is their long-awaited reunion quit ruining it
00:59:28ah what's wrong you've done already weren't you supposed to be strong don't let your guard down
00:59:38oh come on
00:59:43you see look at that doesn't it just feel wonderful
00:59:48you'll be my friend won't you and you know what friends do
00:59:58hey what's going on your whole body is pierced with needles how are you alive
01:00:09you really don't know when to shut up do you you wanted a hug right
01:00:23for an insignificant brat like you to know my name
01:00:26i must have become quite famous in the three thousand years that i've been gone
01:00:35six knights of black your power is second only to the ten commandments but you were so selfish
01:00:41that the demon king turned his back on you that about right
01:00:51i don't know who you are but you must have a death wish
01:01:08my power has long since surpassed the ten commandments
01:01:23and that man who didn't choose me to be part of the ten commandments
01:01:27meliodas i will never forgive him are you done yet oh
01:01:38is this the demon that's been collecting our souls how dare you do this to our friends
01:01:44ah my body i can't move these vermin who continue to interfere during the ritual
01:01:52will have their nerves severed by my abilities
01:01:57you look like you're plotting something sinister sin of lust joker on the scene
01:02:04gatling jack fight fire with fire that's hopeless
01:02:20go for it
01:02:23ah i can't i can't seem to move my body it's like we're puppets on strings you will both
01:02:34be sacrificed for the resurrection dang it we're gonna be there's nothing we can do
01:02:55what what is this
01:03:09nightmare terror these are illusions why weren't your nerves able to be severed
01:03:15unfortunately i'm a doll so nerve attacks have no effect
01:03:21spirit spirit chastity for third configuration fossilization
01:03:37oh my you were playing with one of my dolls were you i'll have to give you a reward for
01:03:49defeating it and that will be to die while dancing in pain from my whip flash crash
01:03:59impossible it's not affecting this brat at all yeah sorry about that i guess the words
01:04:04is not very compatible don't you apologize to me
01:04:13that's a pretty good look for a big air-headed girl like you
01:04:16what did you just say i won't allow you to talk to the air like that
01:04:38i call it fake bomb a combination made from attack magic and illusion magic
01:04:44i've just been dying to test it out on someone no fire no freeze try to stop me now
01:04:52there's more than just fire and ice you know
01:05:15oh great i hate annoying fights like this you two try and keep her busy for a while
01:05:28you are quite brave coming straight to me to be defeated but that's impossible
01:05:46with these i can
01:05:51there is no need for merlin to raise a hand in this fight my strength alone will be sufficient
01:05:57you puny human who exactly do you think you're talking to don't you know who i am you're all
01:06:03that's for the king of lions the rodeo of the six knights of black for you to utter the name
01:06:09of the king of the jungle before me is quite the joke
01:06:22what's going on they're monsters
01:06:38let's go king ready dianne
01:06:52those are the seven deadly sins that's certainly reassuring who would have imagined the surface had
01:06:58such people perhaps so large story wasn't as wrong as i originally thought master zoria
01:07:06salad is currently in combat with the enemy leader he is so long master zoria
01:07:14are you all okay where's my father master salad i thought you were in combat with the demon clan
01:07:21right now
01:07:29are you that upset about not being chosen for the ten commandments
01:07:33ah you couldn't possibly understand anyone who would become obsessed with something like that
01:07:38would never get chosen in the first place what did you say this is the end
01:07:52and you won't understand even if i tell you you bastard demon
01:08:03no stay back old man i'm not going to let solar die get out of here
01:08:29old man what kind of sword is that this is the winged sword it has been passed down for
01:08:36three thousand years by my people with this sword the demon clan is as good as
01:08:43uh you need to rest so long
01:08:49you get back now
01:09:02what am i i killed my son with my own hands
01:09:25a sword to combat demons i see so it's effective against you too
01:09:33it's rather ironic isn't it you're going to die by the sword of the people you tried to protect
01:09:39get away from him
01:09:52he vanished over there huh father father
01:10:01he can't be a captain can't be captain
01:10:09hey are you guys okay
01:10:16hawk over there sir meliodas
01:10:24sir meliodas i finally found you and know this if you die i won't forgive you
01:10:34if you die who's gonna give me all their scraps i can't believe the captain got taken out
01:10:40that guy shouldn't have been able to beat him merlin he'll be okay won't he the captain
01:10:46doesn't die that easily however this sword well it seems to be one very inconvenient item
01:10:53don't be so quick to assume there is probably power hidden deep within the winged sword
01:11:02unfortunately the only one allowed to wield this sword is the head warrior
01:11:07get zoria over here as soon as his wounds are healed
01:11:11so lord so lord father
01:11:19so lord you're alive i'm sorry i was late in returning home but wait where is your wound
01:11:35what's going on the one who looks like elate is elizabeth and the one who looks like salad is
01:11:41meliodas and the ones around them are meliodas's allies who i met on the surface the seven deadly
01:11:48sins it's hard to understand but it seems i must accept it it's hard to admit as head warrior
01:11:56but they were all a very big help in the battle against the demon clan
01:12:03elate my wounds are much better now please go and save meliodas right so lord you will be the
01:12:11one to remove the sword as of today you are the new successor i understand let me help you with
01:12:21that you must be i'm elate i'm going to remove the sword use your healing on the wounds opening
01:12:28right the village's crisis is being met by salad elate and their look-alikes
01:12:36and the great oshiro's reincarnation is even here this is the point to which the great oshiro has
01:12:42led us
01:12:49it's glowing the sword is glowing white could it be
01:13:06how is it possible that every one of the other knights of black were wiped out so
01:13:11easily it's those insufferable seven deadly sins i intended to offer all the celestial
01:13:17souls at the resurrection ceremony but now i have no choice to haka gara dorokyo pump atra
01:13:27to achieve our goal i will borrow your souls
01:13:34it's time to release the seal on the beastly one
01:13:37dark star sealed inside mother of chaos i offer you the souls of my six knights of black
01:13:44endura throw off your heavy chains and arise
01:13:58such tremendous magical power
01:14:02it's even having an effect on me
01:14:09come endura awaken and slaughter these pesky celestials
01:14:14slaughter the ones that have kept us in prison for so long
01:14:36is that endure of retribution it would seem inhabiting the dark not accompanied by any other
01:14:44and driven only by rage it even uses demons as a food source in terms of raw power it may even
01:14:51surpass the ten commandments
01:15:06but time of ruin so this is what salad was talking about
01:15:11hurry up and bring the captain back so we can stop that monster hey what are you doing you
01:15:17must not remove that sword from him he is a demon
01:15:28this wicked power the mark on his forehead he is certainly a demon and a high-ranked one at that
01:15:36is he actually a demon so a demon disguised itself as solard the winged sword is a sacred item that
01:15:43was granted to us by the great oshiro after he sealed a powerful demon with it long ago
01:15:49through his body's rejection of the sword he has shown his true form everyone even though he may be
01:15:57a demon that doesn't make him a bad person master zoria the truth is the one who saved you from the
01:16:05first demon yesterday wasn't salad it was meliodas and today he ended up saving our lives as well
01:16:11hmm indeed i must show my gratefulness to him as head warrior master soria
01:16:20however the demon clan is a different story for three thousand years we have passed down the
01:16:27winged sword in order to protect the sky temple from the demon clan that is the law we abide by
01:16:34i cannot count the number of people we have lost to that fight we will continue to follow these
01:16:39laws which means that the sword must not be removed granny please you gotta do something
01:16:46why won't you help granny master zoria the monster is approaching
01:16:52those who are able to fight get to it i will follow shortly those guys won't be able to
01:16:58stop that monster the feeling of wanting to protect someone isn't a law after all
01:17:03i'm going to i'm not going to allow any of my other friends to get hurt this battle really
01:17:11has taken quite the turn but fortunately i've still got plenty of strength left
01:17:16let's go go sir i was hoping to examine this exchange a while longer
01:17:22i don't know about any times of ruin or endura but if we lose everyone dies that's all that
01:17:28matters master princess i leave the captain to you yeah we got this yeah
01:17:36fun you think you're tough and prove it
01:17:55with this amount of power i will be able to become the next king of the demon clan
01:18:02this isn't dura there's no way that we can defeat this you can just leave it to us
01:18:08oh the seven deadly sins
01:18:12do you guys need to go and protect the women and children in the square
01:18:16you really are a bothersome lot you'll be killed alongside the celestials
01:18:29no wait it'll hit the square
01:18:45even the perfect cube could only withstand one attack in that case we can't let it get
01:18:50any closer to the square it looks like we're going to have to block its path
01:18:55true fork spirit spirit chastity phone second configuration
01:19:18this thing has some real grip to it i will give it that
01:19:28that was for skewering our captain back there
01:19:34let the bloodbath begin master zoria the seven deadly sins are currently engaging in dura
01:19:40why have you returned our laws clearly say that a celestial must never flee from a demon
01:19:46father you're wrong you as well you went ahead and discarded your celestial pride by running away
01:19:54i won't deny that i'm a coward but unlike you we haven't been fighting this battle to protect some
01:19:59ancient laws
01:20:09i was able to dull its sense of sight that might buy us at least three minutes
01:20:14meliodas fought in my place to protect this village and in doing so he ended up like this
01:20:20like this don't you understand that meliodas is a demon the seven deadly sins came all the
01:20:26way to the sky temple for me a useless coward i believe in them i believe in them because
01:20:34they're risking their lives to protect the village i love most of all i believe in the
01:20:39man they trust more than anything the captain of the seven deadly sins meliodas even if he's
01:20:45of the demon clan even if i have to disobey our laws i don't care because i want to protect the
01:21:12nice to meet you meliodas oh so you must be sawad you seem kind of different from what i've heard
01:21:20uh you look like a pretty happy guy i wanted to thank you for taking care of the village while i
01:21:27was gone yeah sure i'm looking forward to all kinds of things after we bring down that monster of
01:21:33course meliodas you'll fight too won't you with that menacing sword of yours yes sir meliodas
01:21:43huh thank you elizabeth please be careful out there i'm gonna put an end to all this
01:21:59everyone there's something i want you to hear
01:22:05yeah it's over
01:22:18oh you little what are you captain i should be the one asking about you
01:22:23you look pretty gross shut up you took forever i'm having to fight this guy because you lost
01:22:30to him the first time around hmm yeah it would be pretty lame of me to leave it at a loss
01:22:35well time for me to tag in
01:22:43it appears you managed to dodge death without much hassle
01:22:46that monster's still running around so let's finish this pretty quick huh
01:22:56hey would you get it together are you serious this thing has a speed on strength
01:23:03don't forget that we have our limits too what do i do
01:23:18what is that i figured out a way to help you i learned the right way to use the winged sword
01:23:23guide the injured and the children to the square as quickly as you can if you're able to move then
01:23:28go join in salad's arc spell it'll be okay salad and his friends are incredibly strong they'll save
01:23:36us i was able to figure it out when meliodas was impaled this sword is used for sealing
01:23:41extraordinarily powerful demons using it i can seal endura the great oshiro gave us the swing
01:23:49and now i can make it stronger using the power of arc
01:24:30no matter how many of those weaklings you could produce you're still inferior to me
01:24:38this is
01:24:41so i've had enough of this game
01:24:46that's impossible what is this power it's you you're the traitor meliodas
01:25:03he's too strong
01:25:10i'm going to send you to hell
01:25:29my body may die but i will live on as i offer my soul to it
01:25:34ah not good all right this ends now
01:25:56what happened the power of arc wasn't enough
01:26:24there's no way we can survive this
01:27:34all right we only have one chance you've got this no problem everyone this will end it
01:27:48send me your power combine your power make it one
01:27:59he's able to combine everyone's power huh i would like to help you all as well elizabeth
01:28:15all right we can do this this is no doubt the legend of the winged sword
01:28:22the picture of the beginning the legend was true
01:28:30the winged sword granted to us by the great oshiro i'm asking you to please give us the power of
01:28:49there it is before it's completely sealed let's throw in the power of the seven deadly sins let's
01:29:06fourth configuration
01:29:22watch out arrow exterminate
01:29:40sacred treasure release
01:30:02seven deadly sins
01:30:56so long we did it father with the power of our people the celestial survived the time of ruin
01:31:26you did it so what yeah thanks meliodas
01:31:57everyone we will be forever grateful to you for saving the village
01:32:02oh it was nothing if you want to thank someone you should thank solad no way all i really did
01:32:09was go and search for the great oshiro but if you didn't have that courage to begin with none of us
01:32:15would have been able to meet she's right while we were all being held captive by law and fate
01:32:22losing sight of what was important solad was out there searching for ways to save the village
01:32:30thanks to his bravery we were able to meet you seven deadly sins and protect our beloved sky
01:32:36temple i thought you were still just a child but at some point you'd grown far beyond my expectations
01:32:46i know your mother would be proud
01:32:48in the end i'm still shocked that there was a creature who compared to the great oshiro
01:32:54a creature that could stand against a monster like that everyone we're preparing a feast tonight
01:33:01we would be honored if you could stay and join us all right we get to have a feast
01:33:08we don't have time for that captain tomorrow is king barter of leonis's birthday and in case you
01:33:14forgotten you're the head chef of the celebration oh yeah that's right that's why we were looking
01:33:19for sky fish there are plenty of sky fish floating around that were knocked unconscious by the last
01:33:24battle you see there finally got my ingredients let's get to cooking
01:33:31thank you for everything seven deadly sins we'll never forget you
01:34:02hey merlin what's the deal with you and the great oshiro well it was probably a name the
01:34:16celestials came up with and from the origins of the name we can make a hypothesis it seems that
01:34:23at one point a giant shining white creature existed it was the darkness that even the demon clan feared
01:34:31as well as the light that the goddess clan revealed others have referred to the creature as
01:34:39the mother of chaos
01:36:37I don't know why, but I'm sure there's an exit in the blue sky
01:36:46The spiral staircase that leads to the sea
01:36:52So that I can get out of any trouble
01:36:58I'm calling out to the door
01:37:03To the next world
01:37:17Yes, I want you to know that we have more courage than we think
01:37:23If we hold hands gently, we can make it
01:37:29There should be a future in the blue sky
01:37:35Everyone is looking up at the sky
01:37:44There should be a door that we've been waiting for
01:37:50I can see it through the distance
01:37:56I'm looking up at the sky and imagining
01:38:03Shall we open the door someday?
01:38:07To the next world
01:38:20I'm looking up at the sky and imagining
01:38:33Sorry for the wait, Bartra. Here's the main dish, skyfish pie. My specialty.
01:38:38Oh, it looks scrumptious.
01:38:42Father, are you okay? Hang in there, Father.
01:38:52Can't say I'm surprised. This looks like a job for a hot captain at the order of scraps disposal.
01:38:57What the heck is that?
01:39:12I'm looking up at the sky and imagining
01:39:17Shall we open the door someday?
01:39:23To the next world
01:39:30I'm looking up at the sky and imagining
